Till: 310KX1M OKE(iOXIAN, THUHSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 10.- 19 ' ' ' ' HOLIDAY SEASON Quiet Period of Year in Most Jobbing Lines. GRAIN AND HOPS SLOW Groc-n IVoduce Moves Off Freely. Front-Street Poultry Trade ' Is Not Wlial It Tsed to lie. With the Christmas l'wn at hand the nw-kaii have ail taken on a holiday ap pearance. Eusln'n has etacked up In most produce and merchandise lines and no Irn pnrtant developments are expected until the holiday are over. Dullness nearly alwaya prevails In the grain trade at tola time of year and the present season 1 no exception. The do mestic Inquiry Is light and there Is natur ally no foreign Interest In the trade. Similar conditions prevail In the hop market. In the wholesale grocery trade, business Is seasonably quiet. The traveling men are all In and stock-taking requires more at tention than anything else. The feature of the produce market up to the close of business yesterday was the poultry trade. So far as Front street is concerned, the Christmas turkey season wss not an entire success. A few of the Sealers did a ii'm business, but the ma jority of them HM little compared with former years. Conditions are rapidly chang ing In the poultry trade and Front street Is becoming less of a factor In this re-H-ect. There was much activity In the fruit and vegetable line and stocks were depleted by the late but heavy city demand for all sea sonable varieties. WHEAT IS STEADY AND Ql IET. foreign Markets Are Dull Oats Firm with Sales at Full Prices. There is very little doing In the wheat market, prices holding steady. Yesterday's rabies were of dull foreign markets, while the Bast was firmer. Barley was steady and oats quite strong In the local market. At the Merchants' KTrhanre. 10') tons of oats were sold at j;!2,Vi trade and there was a sale of a car of cats at the Board of Trade at $.12 trade. Two cars of bran were sold at the Board at (2.-I.S0 and one car at 'J. The fol lowing Mil and asked prices were posted at the Board: WHEAT. Bid Asked. December J. . January fl J . D-cember ?.t.:.... l.jn l-MS January 1.6Js l.Uir BARLEY. rw-ember .:'T'4 i January l '1'- Keceipts in cars were reported by Ine Merchants' Kxrhsnge as follows: Wheat Flour Barley Oats Hay Pec. l!-2. I 2 j Jl Iec. 21 4 a ' 2 1 !,,. ;j r.3 7 1 Totil t week.21U BO 43 14 43 TURKEYS FIRM IF TO NOON. .atrr In the Day Prices Are Phaded ta Clean t'p. Yesterday saw the wlndup of the Christ mas turkey market. Receipts were fairly large and there was active buying In the forenoon at firm prices, most of the busi ness being at ti and iS cents. What was left unsold after noon was harder to move, and late In the day some very good birds were offered as low as 23 cents. Some stock was carried over, but will probably be worked off today. The market for live poultry was quiet, ducks only being In demand. There was no further change in the egg ituatlon. Some dealers felt weak because cf the lighter demand, but this was to be expected, as the retailers supplied their holl dsy wants early In the week and a better Inquiry can be expected In a few days. Butter prices wore unchanged. Supplies are not cleaning up as well as some of the creamerymen would like. HOPS IN HANDS OF FARMERS. Feyeneteea Thousand Bales Are I'nsold la Oregon. The hop deslers of Portland and Salem have complied a list of the hops remaining In growers' hands, which show a total of J7.000 bales. On this basis an stimate of the crop Is msde of from 85.000 to 90.000 bales. The market was quiet yesterday, so far as the local trade was concerned. Reports from Independence were that F. W. Durbin. of Salem, and T. A. Rlggs. of Dallas, were In the market for hops of that section. LARUE BIMNKSS IN ORANC.ES. Fruits and Vegetables of All Kinds Move WelL A large volume of business was done In fruits and vegetables and stocks in some lines were sharply reduced. Oranges en Joyed the best demand fir fruits and sold at firm prices for all sixes. Two cars ar rived during the day. Apples sold very well, the Inquiry for the better grades showing some Improvement. Celery was very active at the recent ad vance and small truck of all kinds, cleaned tip well at firm prices. A car each of celery and sweet potatoes were received. .MOKE INTEREST NOW IN MOHAIR. B4ter Outlook for Business In Finished Mulrrial. After a long wait the mohair market In the East Is showing life and the specula tors who bought up the Oregon clip last Spring will now find a chance to market their holdings. If they have not already done so. The latest Issue of the Boston Commercial Bulletin says of mohair in that market: Interest in domestic mohair slill con tinues moderately, as consumers are stead ily becoming Tnore favorably impressed with the outlook for business in the finished msterial. Domestic carding, of good qual ity Is sorth up to 2i cents, and for comb ing as high as 2S cents rules. Foreign hair remains steady In price, but with only a very moderate call. i Bank Clearings. Clearing of the Northwestern cities yes terday were as follows; Clearings. Balances. Portland MH.577 152.5HS Seattle ..... l.S.'.T.lul ivs.fi:!:. T aroma, M:t.l'7 J.T47 Spokane l.Oitf.IIS 114.1M PORTLAND MARKETS. Grain, Flour. Feed. Etc BAP.I.F.T Producers' prices: ."eed. 27 per ton; brewing. WHKAT Track prices: Bliiestem. P7c; elub. BOurnc; life, ylc; red Russian. S8c; o-fold. nac; Valley. lc. Fl-Ol'R Patents. 43 per barrel; Straights. 14.05; exports. I3.0; Valley. 4 65; i.-urlc graham, 14 40; whole wneat. 14 00; e. 5-SO. OATS Producers' prices: No. I whits, :;! -i .12 per ton. sMI.LSTI'FFS Bras, city. :S 5 per ton; auunu. 1;!5.0; .middlings. 33; shurtaj country, city, 1J0; chop. 20:3; rolled barley. JJS.'. HAT Timothy. Willamette Valley. 14 rer ton: KaVem Oregon timothy. 16.5oJ 17: clover. 11!; alfalfa, 12tfll; grain hay. Groceries. Dried Fruit. Etc DRIED FRUITS Apples. 7c per pound; peaches. Utilise; prunes. Italians. Sisc; prune French. Sooc: currants, unwashed, cases. 8tc; currants, waamed. caees. loc; ng. hite. "Ijncy. 6u-pound boxes, Vc; dates. 7lf 7'c per pound. KJCE Southern Japan. head,' 6Q CAFFEE-Mocha. 24f?Ce: Java, ordinary, 17i20c; Costa Rica, fancy. 18Sac; good. If ordinary. 12Tlic per pound, si i.inv Columbia River. 1-oound tails. 12 psr doxen; Z-pound tails. 12.95; 1-pound f.ats, IZ.lu; Aiasss pm. red. 1-pound tails, 1145; sgekeyes. 1-pound SCGAR Granulated. 3.5; extra C. $5 45 golden C. i.3.": fruit and berry sugar. S3 !o ,-i..n Kn v s.-, 7r: beet eraiiula'.ed, 13.75 K.r-ii. tanf,: nowdered (barrel), 9a Tvrmm: On remittances within 13 days'deduct "o per pound; If later than 13 days and witnin so oays. ncuuci -m pound. Maple sugar. IJtf joc per puuuu. NI TS Walnuts. 14 u lie r pound by sack. Rruil nuts 10c: tllberts. 10c: pecans. 16c: al monds. lSS 14c: chiaitnuts. Italian, 11c; pea nuts, raw. bwoVjC per pouno: roastea, loc liinenuif-, lip'al2c: hickory nuLs. loci cocoa nuts. P"c per cozen. SALT Granulated, $14.60 per ton. $2 per bale: half ground, 100s, S1U per ton; sua, $10.80 rr ton. BEANS Small while. 5.35c; lsrsfs white, 4c; Lima. 6-4c: pink, SVac; bayou. c; Mexican red, 4c Vegetables and Fruit. FRESH FRUITS Anniel. 75ce 12.75 box: pears. $16 1.7. per box; quinces. $191.25 per box; cranberries. Xl.'t'a i. per oant. Spanish Malaga grapes. per oar rel: persimmons. sliil.2n. POTATUES Buying price, 8eiwo per hurtlred; sweet p-tatocs. 2'32o per lb. TROPICAL FRVITS Oranges, navels. $2 0S .er box; Japanese, . ooo per dox, lemons, fancy, $4 .SO' 5 per box; choice. I1.SUH1: standard. $2.75 box; grapefruit. 14 5114 5 per box; bananas. SaiiiC per pound: pomegranates. l."i0ff2 per box; pineapples, $343.5 per doxen; tangerines, l.id per box. OVlliNS Xlftl Tier 10A lbs. ROOT VEGETABLES Turnips. $1.23 per sack; carrots. $1; parsnips. $i.-: Deeis, SI AO- hnr,fradlih. Ifi&lllc DSf DOUlld. VKGETABl.KS Artichokes, $11.23 dox.; beans, 20c per pound: cabnage. l w lc per pound: cauliflower. 75cfi$l per doxen; celery, $4fi4..'H per crate; cucum bers. $202.30 box: eggplant, 11c per pound lettuce, 7Sc$$l per box; rarsiey, 30c per doxen: peas. l."c per pound; peppers, 13 4 20c per pound; pumpkins, lllic per pound: radishes. 30c per doxen; splnacn, per pouna; sprouts, luc vvi v"""", squash, 18-lixC per pound; tomatoes. 60c & 11.75. Hairy and Country Prod oca. BUTTER City creamery, extras. MS7o; fancy outside creamery. 321s3oo I. el pound; store, 1520c. F.il'JS Oregon ranch, 4041c; Easterns sVKq.'IXc per dozen. 1'OCLTRY Hens, 11c per pound: Spring large, lofjfllc; small, l.lli-13 i c; mixe lu'rc: ducks. Hl'ttl7c: geese. 11c; turkey 20r: dressed turkeys. 20230. ..... . -1 . -1 1 Jb'a 'or: dressed turKeys. u'P-oc CHEESE Fancy naim twins, 15i per pound; full creitm triplets. 13 Cull riim V.innir AmarlriL lrlHvlTc. 16c VEAL Extra, Wq loc per pound; ordi nary. 7tf8c; heavy, sc. PORK Fancy, 7'4c per pound; large, 6Vti6 7e. MUTTON-i-58c per pound. Hops. Wooi, Hides. Etc. HOP3 1908. choice, lis'e per pound; good prime, Gjfcc: fair prime, 5'ibc medium, 6o5Vsc; 1907, 2U2nc; 1906, 1j 1 u c. WOOL Eastern Oregon, average best, 10 f714c per pound, accoruing to shrinkage; val ley. lifclSUc. U MOHAIR Choice, 18ft IDC per pound. MIDfc.a Dry hides. .No. 1. lj'gllbc pound; dry kip. No. 1, 13& 14c pound; dry calf skin. 17fl7c pound; salted hides, heavy, 8 is 9c; light and cows, sfrgic; salted calf skin. l'U12ViC pound; green, lc less. FURS No. 1 skins: Angora goat, $1 to $1.23; badger. 23&30C: bear, $5(jj2u; beaver $i.3tr &."; cat, wild. tioct$l; cougar, per fect head and claws. g.'ttU-lO: fisher, dark. $7.30fll; pale. $4.907: fox. cross. $:t to $5; fox, gray, 80c to 'Jc: lox. red. tz.za to $4: fox. silver. .;3 to $10: lynx $10& 13; marten, dark, f.-v!-: mini, ,c a 4..n' ; muakrat. lO'ill.lc: otter. $7: raccoon, 43C tKvc; sea otter, $12.30. as to alxe; skunks, M4i73c; civet cat, 10rl3c; wolf, fZ'aJ; coyote. 70cti 1.1: wolverine, dark, Jo's 3, s-olverlne. pale, $Jti..o. CASCAR A BARK timall lots, 4i4c; car lots, 5sc per pound. Provisions. BACON Fancy. 21ijc per pound;stand ard, lc: choice, I7c; English. K16'iC; atrips. 13c. DRY SALT CURED Regular short clears, dry salt. 12c; smoked. 13c; short clear backs, heavy, dry salted, 12c; smoked. 13c; Oregon exports, dry salt. 13c; smoked. 14c. HAMS lo to 13 lbs., 14c; 14 to 16 lbs., 14"4c; 18 to 20 lbs.,- 14150; hams, skinned, 14Hic; picnics. 10c; cottage roil, 11c; ehoul ders. 11c; boiled bams, 2u20c; 'ibolled picnic. 17c. LARD Kettle-rendered: Tierces. HHc; tubs. 13$c; 30s. 13ttc; 20s, lS'sio; 10s, 14cj 01, 141c; 8s. 14 c Standard pure: Tierces. 12!c; tubs. 1214c; 5us. 1214e: 20a, 12,c; 10s. 13c; 6s 13ic; 3s. lS'ic Com pound: Tierces. 8c; tubs. S,c; 50s, Si4c; Ztls. Sic; lua. Bc; bs. 8c SMOKED BEEF Beef tongues. each. 70c; dried beet seta. 16c: diied beef out sldes, 15c; dried beef Iniidei, 18c; dried beef knuckles. l!c. PICKLED GOODS Barrels: Pigs' feet. $13; regular tripe. $10; honeycomb tripe, $12: pigs' tongues, $19 50 MESS MEATS Beet, specials. $11 per barrel; plate, $14 per barrel; family, $14 per barrel: pork. $21 per barrel; brisket. $23 per barrel; S. P. beef tongues. $20; pig snouts. $12.50; pig ears. $12.30. Fresh Fish trd shell Fish. FISH Halibut, 7c lb.; black cod. 7?-8c; black bass, 20c; striped bass, ISc; herring. 6Uc; flounders. 6c: catAscli. tw shrimp, 12Uc; perch, 6c; sturgeon, 124c: sea trout, lc"; torn cod, Sc: salmon, 85c: smelt, 6c. OYSTERS Shoaiwater Bay, per gallon, $:.:5; per sack, 14.&0: Toke Point, $1.60 per 100; Olympla (120 lbs.), $6; Olympla, per gallon, yj.ts. CLAMS Little neck, per box, $2.50; razor clams, $2 per box. Lumber. ROUGH Dimensions, 2x4 to 14x14 to $1 feet, $10; $4 to 40, $11; 42 to 60, $13; 62 to 60. $17; 1x8 to 1x12 rough. $11; 1x4 com. sis.. $10; 1x8 com. sis.. $11; cull. lxS and wider, sis.. $7; cull, lxt. sis., $6; cull, 2x4 to ?xl2 slaed. $7; ship lap, com., $12; cedar, com., $13. FLOORING 1x4 No. 1 V. G., $30. No. 2 V. G., $23. No. .1. $15. No. 2 slash, $1N; lx slash, $18; m-inch flooring, $4 extra. RUSTIC 1x6 and 1x8 No. 1, $5; No. $ V or chan., $18; No. 2 special pattern, $20; No. 3. all patoerns, $14. CEILING 1x4 and 1x6 No. 1, $25: No. t. $2S; No. 3. $15. LATH 1H-Inch. $!: l4-lnch, $1.7S. 3IOULDINGS 2 inches wide and under, per linear foot, c: over 2 inches in width, per linear foot, each inch in width, tc DOOR JAMBS Up' to 12-Inch. No. J, $32: A'o. 2. $20; No. 1, $14. STEPPING Up to 12-inch. No. 1. $32; No. 2. $18; No: 3. $12; 1x3, No. 2, $16; No. J. $12; S-inch. $3 less. Eastern Mining; Storks. BOSTON, Dec. 23. Closing quot .tlons: Adventure ... 9.00 Mont. C. & C Ailouex .10. 1K1 I Nevada Amalgamated M.30 (Old Uom'a.. Arlx. Com. ... :is.-30 iOsceola ..... Atlantic lti.73 Tarrot ..... Butte Coallrn 27.123 Quiney Cal. Arix. .117-iHi shannon .... Cal. & HecIa.6iHi.no iTamarack .. Centennial ... 31.00 Trinity Copper Range. SO. 23 United Cop'r Daly West ... 10.00 j- p. Mining Franklin Iti.ftO U. s. Oil Granby In3.no utah Greene Can.... 11 .023 Victoria .... Isle Koyale .. 22. 373 Winona .... Mass. Mining. 5. KT3. Wolverine ... Michigan . . . ., 1.1 .410 No. Butte ... 40.00 llt.no 37.23 12s. no . 2S.73 S3.no . I7.nu , 74.30 , iH.no 12..10 42.73 20.50 . 44.73 . 3 . 23 6.00 .1311.00 83.23 Mohawk MS. 30; NEW YORK. Deo. 23 Closing quotations: Alice 200.00 Leadvllle con. 33.00 Brunswick Con 3.110 'Little Chief . 7.00 Com. T. Stock22.1.00 Mexican .....' S3. OO Com. T. Bonds 13.no Ontario .... ..'125.00 Con. Cal.-Va.. 71. no 'Ophir 13.",. no Horn Silver... 73.00 'Standard ... .173.410 Iron Sliver 13.00 Yel. Jacket... 65.00 Dairy Produce in the East. CHICAGO. Dec. 23. On the ProJuce Fx cnan:e today the butter market wrts steady. Creamr:. 2211310; dairies. 31 14 023c. KggJ" Firm: at mark, cases Included, 263 29c: firsts. SOc: prime firsts. 31c. Chtese Strong at 14J?15c. NEW YORK. Dec. 2-1 Bu-.ter. firm, creamery. 32ijc: extras. 31fi32c: thirds to firsts. 2T.rt:t"c: held creamery, common to special. 22itic Cheese Firm, unchanged. EggsFirmer; Western firsts, 33c; seconds, SI 4 32c. l'lax Seed at Minneapolis. MINNEAPOLIS, Dec. 23. Flaxseed closed steady, $143!. BONO SALES HEAVY New Issues Absorbed as Fast as Offered. SHOWS CONFIDENT FEELING Ptirtliasc or Colorado Southern by Bnrlington Has Good. Effect on Speculative Sentiment Iess i Demand for Time Loans. NEW YORK. Dec. 23. The speculative community remained convinced today that important alignments are In progress or in contemplation In railroad relations. The first effect of the - announced purchase of eontrolof the Colorado Southern by the Chicago Burlington & Quincy had a mix ture of misgiving as a possible prelude to a renewed outbreak of the.antagonlsms In the Northern Securities settlement. This has come to be accented as an unmixed en couragement to speculative activity. The demand for first -class bonds contin ues and the ready absorption of new bond issues as fast as they are offered const 1 tules one of the strong underlying condi tions of the present financial situation. Today's subtreasury operations disclosed a withdrawal of $3,833,000 from the bana. This brings the loss to the banks on this account for .the present banking week up to $0.2.-3.000. There is a falling off In demand for time loans and an unwffclngness to pay the cur rent asking rates. Bonds were Irregular. Total sales. $10. .1C3.0IM). United States bonds were un changed on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. CloKlne Sales High. Low. Fid 1 m,l Cnnrr 4D?iH 81 7V4 "I's Am Car & Fouo. 2.40O 47 47 10S 108 do preterred ... "o irw Am Cotton Oil.. Am H.l A Lt pf. Am Ice Pecnrl.. Am Linseed OIL. Am locomotive.. ,1 nMfAn-Aa HTI) 43!i 1 4.3 1,800 3i 14 14 50 ti 364 .... 14 24 14 RBlt HO 81 li 1.2u0 Am Smelt ft . Ref . 75.ROO 83 80 do nrererren . . . Am StiA-ar Ref.. r.,o lot I. imlU. IOOU unit j-'Va J-rs ,-Tt Am Tobacco nf.. 100 93 93 02 U Am Woolen ..... Anaconda. Min Co.' 2.000 48T, Atchison 6.1'm OT-ls do preferred ... 400 lii' All Coast Line... 1.3n0 108 Bait & Ohio 8.000 100 281 i 48i 97l, 102 107 infi MV4 7 1761,4 31 100 i 228 57 13t. 178 '4 102 107 109 Brook Rap Tran. 74. loo 63 t ananian racinc. Central leather, do preferred . . 2.R0O 17fll4 l. 31 i 175i 4TK) 10H 101 22714 57 4 11 BOO 22I tTics & tinio i.o'wt o4 Chicago Gt West. lO.ftnO 13S Chicago N .. i1" iii'-n C. M & St Paul. 19.no. 148' 14(1', 148 C. '-.. C ft St L. 3O0 B74 7Vi .H 170 Colo Fuel ft Iron. . 9,.W 394 Colo & Southern.. 8.000 57 do 1st preferred. 2.000 "SLJ 3814 39', 57 77 H7 76J 4-4 74 M, do o nreierrea. o. i Consolidated Gas 5.fM i2S lfil vo 1714 17A 179 37 4 S2 31! '4 BS-Ts 4S54 179 Vi r R Grande?.. 10,2no ZH An preferred . .'. TitUlers' Secuti.. 1.10 Erie 24.BOO do 1st preferred. xl,7iV 1714 4fl4 3'4 3.T4 49 39 38 i VArtfirn nf... 18.4W HSh 144 14.'as 73 lit isorinem vre. . ..-" - iTlinoii? Central .. 147 14 19U 411 4 11 H 5rtV4 32 Si.i 3R'4 14fli 19's Int-rborotgh Met. S0.0 19i: do prererrea ... -.a"u 47 W Tnl P,M, 12 33 3"Ti 39 1 H4 do preferred Int Pump Iowa Central . K C Southern 2fiO 33 4 29 10.2OO 39 f.9 do preferred ' 69 H Loull Nashville l.oon 122 121 122 49 1311 en M. SIP4SS M. 6oi 132 MissouH Parlflc. 17.7'K) ftrtli Mo. Kan Texas 36.200 4jll do preferred ... S.oiM 'li'-s Vatlnr.al Lead ... 4.2H i 13 42 S 73 77 119' 4.-.; 84 42 N Y Centra! 21.N 12fi 120 4S ' 821 V T (nt & West. N'orfolk ft West North American. Northern Pacific. Pacific Mall . . . Pennsylvania .... 1.700 8S 2.2. 731 a'ni,i Ul U 140U. 141 t'o.o 5 as asi 510 1304 129t4 13014 TWtnle n (,af ... 15.100 loais ioz irs V C C Ar St L... . Prewd Steel car 81X1 4214 4t4 42 42 1(W 4S 48 134 1411 24 n. 2.1; Pullman Pal nr...... KeadliiK " T.n.,KHi, Stoel 4o rt nroferrpd ... 3" Bock Island Co.. J' nrafarred ... 1S.4HO 2414 61 ?4 40 23 C4 23A4 24 S9 f.l H 39 . 4 23 22H A3 R3l Pt I & S F 2 pf. St Li Southwestern do preferred ... 4.4x clu-RherTield 3"0 i 7i U "1 n.Mts 4S,mn 119"4 11 ll"4 1i 122 Rfflithrrn Railway. 13.iVN 2.'T 2r.4 .WW 44 '4 3314 42Vi 69 1791-1 94 74 32 11-5 V'3-i 2i.', S9'4 44 4 S314 41 V, ' 6914 1814 94 3214 lo.'.i, M14 112 4Bt-i Hr. nrefrred . l.f,N Tenn Copper .... 2.RO( Tewm PaciHc. 4,h" Tol. St 1j & West. f 45 3414 42 70 "l49.i0 1M I'nlnn Pacific do preferred O n.ihhl 2.2'0 RoO do 1st preferred 4flO 16 U Meej ,,,,7 ,11vi Va.Caro Chemical. 4."0 4:: 4314 44 V- 3ii 113U 11314 II314 do preferrea . . A Son 20-. jia HUtWl ........ - - M 9 67 13 49 49 S 67 ' 12 4 an Jiricu., ..- - -n-.iB-houRe Elec l.lo" a MV.l" 85 14 67 12 Western I'n Ion ... JJ Wheel ft L Erie.. 3 W 33 31 3 Wisconsin lemrai. -. 12-,- 1nSi- Am Tel ft leif.; . ...'i,.. Total sales for the ay. . BONDS. NEW YORK. Dec. 23. Closlnr quotations: f ret 2 reg.103 'N. Y. C. . SHs.129 do coupon 121 .,";""- i. .? Atchison adj. 4s 92 Jap. 4s . S2V4 ). & K. G. 4S.. , Stocks at london. LONDON. Dec. 23. Consols for 3. do for account. 83 13-10. . . o CT'.IVbv Vorlc P money, 124.00 t.Hison 99.625 -Norfolk ft W . 87. 00 87.00 47.00 66.i0 T-.873 71 .25 76. 123 60.73 120.373 184.623 99.00 34.73 114.50 20.30 52.00 44.373 do pM "H-i Ld p,rd . W- I & Ohio. ...112.00 Ontario ft W . in Pacific... 1 81. 2 IPennsy Che's, ft Ohio.. 60.25 IRand Mtnes.. h Ira so G. v. D Beers 11.123 o. Kanwaj . Denver K. u .".;' ""'" do Dfd Erl,, 34.75 union r-acinc do 1st pra.. L. "." do 2d pfd... 49.00 h.S. Steel... Orand Trunk.. 20.87 ao pia .... Illinois Cent. ..14.nu vy. ..... Iiuis. ft Sn.ia.w i '' M. Kan. i. "'.ii yoney Exchange. Kte. NEW YORK. Dec. 23. Money on call. 2 fti'i per cent: ruling rate. 3 per cent: win. hid 3U per cent, and offered at 3 per cent. Time loans, dull and easier: 60 days1 and w aayy, oum- i -i bix months. 3S4 per cent. Prime mercantile paper. ti4i per cent. Sterling exchange, sieaay. wun lauw out ness In banners oms at v i.n.n i AO-day bills and at $4.8705 for demand. Commercial bills. 14.84 e.8a. Far silver. 48 c. Mexican dollars. 45c. Government bonds, steady; railroad bond. Irregular. LONDON. Dec. 23. Bar sliver steady at u.d per ounce. Money, 24 per cent. . The rate of discount in the open Kismet hor hills Is 24 per. cent: for tnree months- bills, t 6-18 per cent. Treasury Buy Silver. "vVAfr KINGTON. Dec. 23. The Treasury today purchased 100.000 ounces of silver for delivery fcl New York. iS.'.'OO CL'nces for de livery e.t New Orleans and ftO.OiiO ounces for delivery at Denver, at 48.118c pir flno i.mce. PORTLAND IJVKSTOt'K MARKET. prices Current Locally on Cattle), Sheep and Hogs. The livestock marker was quiet yester day and Is likely to continue dull unlll the h"!ldHvs are over. Receipts were nominal and prices were steadv and unirnaliRed throughout the list. lt is probable that prices will be more or less stationary until after New Years. I Icsl prices current yesterday were as follows: - CATTLE Best steers. $44.25; medium, 3.754; common, t3.253.50; cows, oes $33.25: medium, $2.754i3; common. $2.25 ti2.50; calves, $3.504f4.60. . SHEEP Best wethers, $4.26f4.60: mixed, sheep and lambs. $4.23g4 50; ewes. $3.754; iambs, best trimmed. $4.004.75; untrlm med. $4j 4 25. Jt HOGS Best. $6.2S: medium. $3,259 6.75; feeders not wanted. Eastern Livestock Markets. KANSAS CITY, "Mo.. Dec. 23. Cattle Receipts. 40O0: market, steady. Ptockers and feeders. $3.23 a. 3: bulls. $2.73SM.75: Western steers, $3.73 6; Western cows. $2.5ii 4 23. . Hogs Receipts. 10.000; market, steady to 5c higher. Bulk of sales, 3.10e..j; heavy. $3. 60193.75; packers and butchers, $;.scw3.h.-.: light. $5W3.50: pigs. ties. Pneep Receipts. 40O0; . market, steady. Muttons. $4.255: lambs, $3 'fi 5.40 ; range wethers, $466; fed ewes, $2.754 50. CHICAGO. Dec. 23. Cattle Receipts. 2I,0U; market. steady. Heeves. .i..ioto 7 -fr,- Texans. $3.5064. 35; Westerns $3.50i 550- stockers and feeders. $202..: cow ,i,H 'heifers'. 3.3005.73: calves. li 23. u p.Aint, ejtttmated. 35.000: mar tel. slrona: to 5c higher. Good to choice i. -.. -. i-,n-. sr.: lieht. f4.S5O3.60: mixed $.-..2n5 85: heavy. $5,336 5.S5; routrh. $3 23 a voo to choice heavy. $4.80Sr4.So Digs. $3.t)05; hulk of sales. $3.73 3.50. ! u..lm, estimated. 18.0O0: mar .toH. Natives. $2.6033: yearlings. l.-.623: lambs. $4.007.70; Western, $4.50 7.60. OMAHA. Dec. 23 Cattle Receipts. 1000 1. . v. 1 . r- Vntlve steers. 4 ''; 1 Western steers. $3.B0 6. Texas steers. $39 B; cows and heifers. ji.it.; $22.75: stockers and ieeaers, , Hogs Receipts. 5800; market, strong to 5c higher. Heavy. $5.40fi3.65: mixed, $5.-o 5.35; light. $55.40: pigs. $3 30(95 Sheet Receipts. 800; market. 1525c higher. Yearlings. $4.735.85; lambs, fii'ut 7.23. 1 BUTTER WEAK AT SEATTLE CARLOAD FROM CALIFORX1: DEPRESSES MARKET. Fancy Spltzenberg Apples Advanced to $2.56, the Highest Price of the Season. SEATTLE. Wanh.. Pec. 23. (Special.) Fancy fipitzenbery apples were put up 25 rents on Western avenue today, dealers tiaving little difficulty in securing $'2.o0 for the best stock. Thla Is nhe highest price f asked this season for apples, pineapples offering in this market are very poor. They are g-reen and hard to sell at prices as low as 75 cents, which means & consld erable loss to dealers. Turkeys were no higher today. The tone was Inclined to be bearish. Dealers did not attempt to force prices up and, in fact, were inclined to clean up. at even slight reductions. Eggs held firm at 45 and 46 cents. But ter was dull and weak. Shipments of Cali fornia butter to this market are having a weakening effect. About . carload has been received here this week. QUOTATIONS AT SAN FRANCISCO. Prices Paid for Produce) in the Bay City Markets. SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 23. The follow ing prices were .quoted In the produce mar ket Usiay: a MIlW-LUffs Bran, 29.5Crg31; middlings. S3.1.SO35.60. - Vegetables Garlic, 79c; green pea, 10 15c; string beans. 1317c; tomatoe, 6oo $1. Butter Franoy creamery. 35c: creamery seconds). 30c; fancy dairy, 25c; dairy seconds, 20c; pickled. 23!4c. Cheese New, 14&iHc; Young America, IflfilftUc: Eastern. 17c. Bggs Store, 48c; fancy Tanch. 49c; East ern, :toe. Poultry Roosters, old. 44.50; younjr, 16(08: broilers, ssnall. t.l.oOiH.SO: broilers. large, $4.00ft6: fryers. hens, 4itf; ducks, old. 4sro; young, sows. Wool Spring. Humboldt and Men.lo-lno. 16fl9c; Mountain. S8Hc; South Plains and San Joaquin. 7V49V4c; Nevada, 9 a 14c Hay Wheat, il8'ft22.50; wheat and oats. $17(&21; alfalfa, J12..016; stock, sisailo; straw, per ha4. wjiqwk. Potatoes Early Rose, $1.251.35; Sa linas Burbanks. Jl.25Jil.50; Oregon Bur banks. Il.13ai.26; sweets, (1.2591.30. Fruits Apples, choice, SI. 25; common, 40..! bananas. (13: limes. $4.5i5: lemons. choice, $3.25; common. II: oranges, navels. 1. 603; pineapples. S2f4. Receipts Flour, 636 quarter sacks; barley. 850 centals: beans, 424 sacks; potatoes, 409 sacks; bran, 16 sacks; hay, 210 tons; wool. 63 bales; hides, 3UK Dally Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON. Dec. t!3. Today's threas- ury statement shows: Available cash balance, $156,844,580. Gold coin and bullion. (28.333.607. Gold certificates. (59,579,01H. Sugar Declines In the nst. NEW YORK. Dec. 23. All grades of re fined sugar were reduced 10 cents a hun dred today. WRANGLE ON TRAFFIC COST Evidence In Missouri Hale Case Is Contradictory. KANSAS CITY, Dec. 23. The direct ex amination of the state's first witness in the Missouri rate case continued this morning:, ivhen A. P. Taliaferro, an expert accountant, resumed the stand. A long array of facts and ligures, equaled only by the evidence adduced by the railroads, was given today by the witness to prove the state's contention that state passen ger and freight traffic is handled at a smaller cost than interstate traffic. The Atchison, Topeka & Santa F"e Rail way experts declare a test. on their road showed the cost of carry state passen gers on local trains was 3.75 cents a mile, and for carrying through passengers on through trains was 1.56 cents a. mile.. Mr. Taliaferro's testimony Is expected to prove these figures are incorrect. Marriage Licenses. M' HOLLAND-MORGAN I. Arthur Me Holland, of Multnomah County, aged 24, and Clara Morgan, aged 20. KNIGHT-LORNEY Henry E. Knight, of Multnomah 4ounty, aged 34, and Ada J. Lorney. aed 25. M 4.TTHEWS-POWERS Richard M. Mat thews, of Spokane County, Wash., aged 25, and Hattle Belle Powers, aged 22. WALKER-JENSEN William Walker, of Multnomah County, aged 39, and Laura Jensen, aged 27. HITCH MAN-CLOW Arthur C. Hitchman. of Clackamas County, and Myrtle Irene C'aV ERY-CAMPBELL D. L. Avery. of Multnomah County, aged 23. and Blanche J Campbell, aged 2i- LAKE-LEEDS J. R. Lake, of Multno mah County, and Florence Leeds. VOS WINCKLER-CAMPBELL J. M. Von Wlnckler. of Multnomah County, aged 25. and Grace E. Campbell, aged 22. FtSTEK-LE.SSER Charles Foster, of Multnomah County, aged 28. and Lydia B. Leader, aged 23. PEA-JENSEN Isaac O. Pea. of Multno mah County, aged 27. and Anna Jensen, aged 25. H ARNETT-SHORE-4-John - Harnett, 'of Mutlnomah County, aged 24. and EuU Shore, aged 20. VlNioN-VAi;GHN Charles Vinson, of Multnomah County, aged 24, and Maud Vaughn, aged 21. Wedding and visiting cards. W. G Smith ft Co., Washington bldg., 4th and Wash. Max M. Smith, florist. 150 Fifth St., opp. Meier ft Frank. M. 7215. Mrs. Tucker Still Angry. . CHICAGO, Dec. 23. According to ad vices received here no orders have been issued by the War Department recalling Colonel Fred "V. Tucker from Hot Springs. Ark. Mrs. Dolly Logan Tucker, wife of the Colonel, says, however, that if such orders of recall were Issued she prompt ly would resume her prosecution. Her attorney says that when the w ar De partment does order Colonel Tucker back to his post IIrs. Tucker will be notified at once. i QUIET BUT STRONG Offerings in Chicago Wheat Pit Are Light. DEMAND IS FOR DECEMBER Strength Due to Shorts Krening I'p for ChrlMmns Holidays. Corn and Oats- Close . Very Firm. CHICAGO, Dec. 23. Trade in the wheat pit was quiet, but the market was strong all day with the exception of a short period at the start. The strength was mainly due to the desire o? shorts to "even up" for the Christmas holidays. Demand was chiefly for the December delivery and offerings during the greater part of the day were rather meager. News was scanty and principally of a bearish character. The market closed firm at almost the top notch with May. (1.06 H: July WRiic. Cash corn was up 4 to lc at the sample tables. The markets closed firm with prices up H to c with May and July at Ulc. Oats were firm with prices showing gains of SSHt to c. May closing at 51S4c and July at 4fi?i T4c. Trade in provisions was active and the market was strong the greater part . of the day. The close was strong with gains of 12V4 to 30c. WHEAT. Onen High. (1.02 U Low. (l.oi H l.OR'4 .97 Close. (1.02 1.06 14 .9Si. Dee (1.01 a May.., July l.o 1.0BI4 97 T4 .9SH CORN. 57 1; .5S tiOi .61 604 .6H4 OATS. Dec. May. July. .MH .60 .0 .57 l-i .61 .61 Dec. . May. . July.. '.49 M .51 S .46 .50 14 .61 '4 -46!4 .49H .51 fa) .464 .50 .61 '4 .46 TS MESS PORK. Jan. . . May.. 15.9714 16.22W, 16.25 -16.55 15.97 16.25 1S.2214 16.55 LARD. S.32',4 9.55 9.55 9.75 SHORT RIBS. Jan. . . May. . 9. 85 9.55 9.55 9.75 .Tan 8.37 hi May 8.57 Vi 8.40 8.2714 8.57 V 8.40 8.724 8.7214 Cash quotations were as follows: r lour steady. Wheat No. 2 Spring. (1.06(g;1.08 Xo. 2 reu. i.u; ' iff i.wi . Corn .No. -J, 5858 54 c; No. 2 yellow. 58 14 584. Oats No. 2 white, 5154c; No. 3 white, 48 Igr.lc. Rye No. 2, 73 54 S 74c. Barley Good feeding, 58 54 59 54c; fair to choice malting. 61&'64c. Flax Seed No. 1 Northwestern, (1.46. Timothy Prime seed. 13.80. Clover Contract grades. $9.10. Short rlhs Sides (loose), (7.87 ? 8.3754. Pork Mess, per barrel, $1 4.75 & 14.87 54. I.ard Per 100 pounds. $9.5::. Sides Short clear (boxed). (S.3 7 54 8.6214. Receipts. Shipments Flour, barrels 45.300 24,800 Wheat, bushels 312,000 32.600 Corn, bushels .546,700 256.100 Oats, bushels 296,000 251,400 Rye. bushels 11.000 6,000 Barley, bushels 105.500 20,600 Grain and Produce at New Turk. NEW YORK. Dec. 23. Flour Receipts 37.313 barrels; exports 9CU3 barrels. Market dull and about tseady. Wheat Receipts 4,000 bushels; exports 83.572 bushels; spot Arm; No. 2 red. 1.07i rl.054 ; elevators. f.(t0i f.o.b. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth. $1.17 f.o.b. afloat: No. 2 hard Winter. $1.14 "4 f.o.b. afloat. After opening weak, wheat was well sustained today. Prices were 54 net higher. . Decem ber closed $1.0054, May closed $1.11; July closed $1.04. Hops. hideB. wool quiet. Petroleum steady. . Grain at San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 23. Spot quota tions: Wheat Shipping. $1.6254'1.6754 per cental; milling, $l.t"541.72'54 per cental. Barley Feed. $1.4Ckfi 1.4254 per cental; brewing, $1.47541.5254 per cental. Oats Red, $1.57542.10 per cental; white. $1.65'g1.80 per cental; black. $2.256 2 60 per cental. Call boarrt sales: Barley May. $1'. Wg 1.4354 per cental. Corn Large yellow. $1.751.85 per cental. European Grain Markets. LONDON, Dec. 23. Cargoes, dull an. In active; market nominal; no buyers. Wella Walla, prompt shipment, at 36s 9d; Califor nia, prompt shipment, at 37s 9d. Knglish country markets, Mull; P"rei cb country markets, quiet, but stea-ly. LiVERPOOL, Dec. 23. Wheat I"embr. 7s lG?id; March, 7s 6541; May 7s Osd. Weather, cold. Wheat at Tacona. TACOMA. WaBh.. Dec. 33. Wheat Market qulH ard unchanged. Mimng. bluestem. $1; export, bluestsm, 94c; club, 80:; re.!, E8c. Metal Markets. KCW YORK. Dec. 23. The London tin wn. unchanged at fl.'12 12p. Bd for spot and il34. OS lor lutures. ine local market was dull but a shade higher at 28.('5to2!.S0c. Copper wTis nrm and' nigner in ine Lon don market with spot closing at to-. is. jci. nd futures at 3, ls. a. ine local mar ket was dull with Lake quoted at 14.2; 14.3714c: electrolytic. 1414. 1254c. and cast ing at 13.87 54 SH iiw. Lead was lower In London at 13 and the local market was weak at 4.1254 4.15c. Soelter unchanged at 20. 10s in London and the local market remained quiet at 5.10 5.15c. Dried Fruit at w York. NEW YORK. Dec. 23. No change is re ported In evaporated apples; farcy, 8 54 914c: prime. 4 7c. Prunes are in better demand. Quotations range from 4 to 714 c for California and from 654 99c for Orogons. Raisins unehangea. loose stuscatei. ou f?nuc: choice fancy seeded. 6ftic: seedless. 454 ⪼ London layers. $ 1.50W i.ttO. Apricots are hlgner on me coast, nut me local market la sustained by light supplies. Choice. 8V44c: extra choice. 10 54c; fancy, 1154 6 13 14c. Peaches are steaay. ..noice. i'ys4c; ao extra choice, 7Sc; fancy, 8 54 11. . Coffee anil Sugar. NEW YORK. Dec. 23. The coffee market opened steady at unchanged prices to a decline of 5 points, closing . steady net un changed to 6 rjoints lower. Sugar Raw steady: fair refining. 3.17 3.20c: centrifugal 'KB test. 3.B7S3.70C-. mo lasses sugar. 3.02c; rertned steady; No. 6. 4 2.1c; No. 7, ' 4.20c; No. 8. 4.1.c; No. !. 4,0c;. No. 10. 4.00c; No. 11. S.H.Ic; No. 12. 3 90c; X. 13. 3.8oc; No. 14. 3.80c; confec tioner's A. 3.90c; Mould A. 5 00c; cut loaf. 5.45c; crushed, 5.35c; powdered, 4.75c; gran ulated, 4.6c; cubes. 4. hoc. w York Cotton Market. NF.W YORK. Dec. 23. Cstton futures cloKd steady. December, 8.02c; January, 8.61c; February. 8.62c; Marcn, 8.73c; April S.7e. May, 8.81c; June, S.7c; July. 8..J0c: 1.11,-ift, 8. 72c; September. . 8.58c; O-vo'jer, 8.5li.-. Wool at St. T.ouis. ST LOT" IS. Dec. 23. Wool Firm. Terri tory and Western mediums. 3 7821c; fine me- di'.!m.. IMS "7c; line. 12IB14C. Women a Specialty The wen-known S. K. Chan Chinese Medical Company, with wonderful herbs and roots, has cured many suffer ers when all other remedies have failed. Sure cure female, chronic, private diseases, nerv- M0P 0 If PUAU ousness, blood poison, rneuma f0.0.R.bnHn tlsm, asthma, throat, lung, troubles, consumption, stomach, bladder, kidney and diseases of all kinds. Remedies harmless. No operation. Honest treatment. Examination for lames ny .Tin, o. iv. tnao, Til K IIIVFSK MEDTCINK CO.. 226! Morrison St.. bet. first and fcecond. Ladd & Tilton Bank PORTLAND, OREGON Established 1859. Oldest Bank on Capital fully paid - - - $1,000,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits $ 500,000.00 0FFICEES Y. Ar. Ladd, President. Edward Cookiiifrliani, Yiee-Pres.' V. II. Duuckley, Cashier. 1JIRKCTORS. EDWARD rOOKIXGHAM J. WESLET T.ADD HI'XRY L.CORBKTT S. K. IJXTHICfM WIUJAM JI.1.APD , FREDERICK B. PRATT CHARL.ES E. LADD THEODORE B. WILCOX HERB Corner Second and CAPITAL, G. K. WENT WORTH, President. JOHN A. KEATING, Vice-President. F. A. FKEEJIAN, Transacts a General Banking Business. Foreign Exchange. I offer for sale, in lots to suit purchas er, high-class bonds at a price to net the investor 7 Per Cent T. S. McGRATH Lumber Exchange PORTLAND, OR. Diseases of Men 1T..I .la U..nnaU Nervous Debility, moot Folson. Strlctura. Olsst, Trostatlc troubl. and .11 otrber prlvsta dls ssses are successfully treated and cured b me. Call and see me about your case If jou want reliable treatment with prompt Consultation fro. and Invited. All transac tions satlsfactorr and confidential. paioa hours a. M. tn 8 P. M- Sundaya 10 ta 11 Call on or address DR. WALKER 181 First St. Cor. Yamhill, Portland, Or FOR WOMEN ONLY Dr. Sanderson's Compound Sav in and Cotton Root Fills, the best and only reliable remedy fnr FEMALK TROUBLES AND IRRKtiULAKITIKS. Cure the In Q tfl 1(1 days. Trice $2 per box, or 3 boxes 5. sold by druggists everywhere. Address T. J. PIERCE. 211 AllMcy Bide., 2B5 Morrison St.. Portland. Oregon TRAVELERS' (il'IBE. NEW SERVICE TO NEW ZEALAND AND Al'STRAI.IA. Ielleh(ful South Sra Tours for Rest and Pleasure Kew Zealand, the world's wonderland, i now at Its best. Geysers, Hot Lakes and other thermal wonders, surpassing tn Yellowstone. The favorite S. 3. Mariposa Eails from San Francisco for Tahiti Decem ber 2S February i, March 10. connecting with Union Lino for Wellington, New Zealand. , , ,. . . , . . The Only Passenger Line r mm Lnited " States to New Zealund. Only $200 llrst-ciass to WellinKton and back To Tahiti and return, first-class. Jlza. i-day trip For Itineraries, write Oceanic Line 67.1 Market street. San Francisco. famburg-ttmerican. London Parix Hamburg Pretorfa Dec. 2U Batavia Jan. 9 Amerika (new) Jan 5 Rhaltia Jan 16 iiibraltar Naples 4ienoa S Hamburs-.. . Jan. 3. Feb. 10. March 23 S S Moltke Jan 2S (Maderia, Spain. Crul3e) S S Deutsehland (to Italy in 7 days) Feb. u HAMUl KU-A.MERICAN LINE, 1(10 Powell St.. Near O'Farrell St., San Francisco and Local R. R. Offices in Fort land. BAN FRANCISCO ft PORTLAND 8.8. CO. Only direct steamer and daylitfat sailings From Ainsworth Dock. Portland. P. M. S. ti. Senator, Dec. 25, Jan. 8. ei. a. Hour City, Jan. 1, IS. etc. From Lombard St., San Francisco. 11 A. 1L S. S. Rose City, Dec. 26, Jan 9. S. S. Senator. Jan. i, 1ft, etc J. w. Ransom. Dock Agent. Main 268 Ainsworth Dock. U. I. ROCHE, City Ticket Agent. H2 3d 8t Phone. Main 4-02. A 1402. the Pacific Coast. R. S. Howard. Jr., Asst. Cashier. J. W. Ladd, Assistant Cashier. Walter M. Cook, Asst. Cashier. NATIONAL BANK Stark Sts., Portland, Or. $250,000 GEO. L. M'PHERSOS. Vice-President. H. D. STORY, Cashier. Assistant Cashier. TRAVELERS- GC1DK. CUMARD f CHUISHN 1 I Via AZORES, HABE1SA, G1B8ALTAR, to TALVi Urn and Egypt Offer tbe unsurpsued in Luxurious nd Comf ortabie Ocean Travel by iu Grral M,M ton Steamers "Caronia," Jan. 7. Feb. 18 I " Carmanla," Jan. 21, Mar Lmo trsja.-sJi.si tatbise m tbe werM Fr gwryBIW Matter mmd X4ttt 9mUna mfflyf THE CUNAU STEAMSHIP CO., Ltd. New York. Boats., Cbiossa, Minsesselis. Phiisdelpbts. Ht. Losis. bu Fnctaco. Toronto, sad MonUeal, or 1ooal Aceats TWO CRUISES TO THE WEST ' INDIES s Panama inal TTIN-SCREW CRUISING STEAMSHIP ' OCEANA Leaves New York January 23d February 27th Twenty vesrl' expertraes In sr. ranting and conducting cruises ensures efficient msnifesscat. SO Days Cost, $150 and op j Send for ntw llkiatrsted book de scribing these sad other orslsos to tbe Orient, Mediterranean, etc. ; Hamburg-American Line 10 Powell St., neMr O'Farrell St., San FranHwo. rOUILAM) BY., UbHT rOWJt CO. CARS LCAV& Ticket Office and Waiting-! First aad Aider BtrcaU FOR Oresron CltT 4. 0:8d A. M.. and srerj tO minutes to and Including P. H.. then 10. 11 P M ; last car 12 mldnlgat. Grestaam. Boring, Eagle Creek, Esta eada. Caxadero, 1 alrvipw and Troat dale 7:15. 8:15. 11:1s A. 1L. 1:1a. 1:4 BUS. 1:26 p M. FOR VANCOUVER. Ticket office and waiting-room Second and Washington atresia, A. M- 6:lo. :60. T:25. 8:00. t:tl 9'10. 9:60. 10:30. 11:10. 11 60. p M 12:30. 1:10. 1:60. 2:80. S:l. S.SO. 4 80, 6:10, 6:60, 0-0, 7:04, 7:44. :1S. 9:25. 10:35. 11:45. On Third Monday In Every Month tbe Last Car Leaves at 7:06 P. M. Dally except Sunday, Dally except Monday. COOS BAY LINE The steamer BREAKWATER leaves Port land every Wednesday at 8 P. M. from Ainsworth dock, for North Bend, Mariu fleld and Coos Bay points. Freight received till 4 P. M. on day of Baillnc. Passenger fare, first-class, $10; second-class, $7, In cluding berth and meals. Inquire city ticket office. Third and Washington streets, or Ainsworth dock. Phone Mam 2US. North Pacific S.S. Ci'i. Steamship Roanoke and Geo. W. Elder Sail for Eureka, San Francisco and Los Angeles direct every Thursday at 8 P. M. Ticket office 132 Third St., near Alder. Both phones, M. 1314. fl. Young, Agent REGULATOR LINE to The Dalles dalls except Sunday. "Bailey Oatsert" leares Portland Monday, 'Wednesday and Friday at 7 A. M , stopping at the principal landings. "Dallea City" leaves Portland Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday at 7 A. M., making all landings. Returning, both steamers leavs The Dalles on alternate days at 7 A- If. Phone Mala 14. or A 811 Alder-st, dock.