TIIE MORMXG OREGOXIAX, MONDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1903. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF OREGONIAX TELEPHONES. Cnntlnit-Rnem . City Cirrulatmn MansKlnfr Editor Sunday Editor .. ( 'omjinlng-Room liy Editor Supt, Buildings Pac. State. . Mln 7070 Main "('70 Main 7O70 Main 7070 MaJD 7O70 Main 7O70 Main 707J Home. a ei'i5 A '5 A "J A 6ti5 A A ?5 a aovi AMl'SEMEJiTS. HKIl.rr, THKATER Fourteenth and Wash ington) -The Devil." Tonight at 8.15. BUNGALOW THEATER TweIftI and Morrison Baker Slock Companv In The Knas ot the RtD'.-co." Tjnight at fc:IS o'clock. BAKElt THEATER (Third. near Yara hilli Murray and Mack In "The Sunny -f Broadway." Tonight at :15 o'rlork. OBPHEUM THEATER (Morrison. be tween sixth and S-venth Advanced vaudeville. Tlila afternoon at 3:13 and tonight at 8:15. , TANTAGKS THKATER (Fourth and b:rk Continuous vaudeville. 2:30. 7.0 ana v.vj l'. 31 CHAXD THEATER (Washington, between no i'ark vaudeville da luxe. i .u and I P II. STAR THBATKR (WashlnKton and Park) mMoorama. in 'A Jininx." 1o- night at S:l.-. Teichkr Saves Child's Ijfb. Prompt action and presence of mind on tho part of Mrs. Mary Wallace, teacher In the Section Line school, probably saved the life of little Jennie Hendrickson. a pupil, Friday. The child was throwing waste paper In the stove when a tongue of Are suddenly shot from the stove and Ignited her clothlnir. She was almost immediate ly enveloped in flames and Mrs. Wallace rushed to her rescue. " The teacher suc ceeded In removing a portion of the child's garments and in extinguishing the flames. The child escaped injury, but serious rsults would likely have followed but for the quick action of Mrs. Wallace. Ministers to Meet. The regular Methodist preachers' meeting will be held this morning, at Taylor-Street Methodist Church, at 10:30 o'clock. A discussion will be held on the best way to Improve the present system of making appoint ments. Rev. Mr. Douglas and Rev. Mr. Abbott will speak and Bishop i?mlth will make his first appearance at the sessions of the organization at today's meeting. Hor Brau Cafe. Reservations for New Year's eve. Apply to the manager. HassaIO LoncE's AxxrtL Reunion. rlasali ImIkt. No. 15. 1. o. O F lild its annual reunion for the members nri Uieir families, in tlie Oddfellows' Temple, last Friday night. By 8 o'clock a large, enthusiastic audience had as-K-mblcd In the main lodgeroom. After tiie programme was rendered the mem bers and guests repaired to the banquet lii'll. A number of toasts were proposed and responded to by some of the promi nent oddfellows of the slate. Tie fol lowing programme wag rendered: Piano "io, Miss Kva Vore. pupil of Mrs. Grace Wilton; address of welcome. Henry S. Westbrook; vocal solo. Alvin Rosa, ac companiment by Mr. Kadel: recitation II. J. Bennett, of Buffalo. X. Y. ; vocal solo. Miss Ljly Im. Morgan, accompani ment oy jams tiertle Kdwards: reading. -Mrs. Martin, pupil of Mrs. Galispic; vocal aolu. Fred P. Holm; recitation. H. J. i.'nnclt; vocal solo. Mrs. Walker; duet, Mrs. ualker and Fred P. Holm. The following toasts were proposed and re sponded to: -The Indies." Fred Cozens, Phm grand: "Our Sister Lodges." W. A Carter, grand representative: "Our Degree Kam. I". A. Siewart, past grand; "The ratthful Few." Dr. Stanton W. Stryker. past grand; ,-Our Home." Judge Thomas Ryan, grand warden: "Noble Grand j.lert, Henry S. Westbrook. Mass Meetino at Mount Tabor. A mass meeting of the people of Mount Tabor. South and North Mount Tabor and Onler Addition will be held tomor row night In Woodmen hall, on West avenue, to protest against the elimination nf the (ire engine-house and fire engine company that had been proposed for that district. Chief Campbell recom-. mended that the city acquire a lot on Francis avenue as a site for a fire house, but the total of the appropriations asked for was so great that the City Council rut out the Mount Tabor project. This meeting will be held under the auspices of the Mount Tabor Push Club and S. It N. Gilman will preside. Fi-nfrai. of Civrl. War Veteran. The funeral of Ia?onard Becker, a veteran of tlie Civil War. aged 12 years, who died t his home In South Mount Tabor. De cember 11. was held yesterday 'afternoon, tat Holmsn's undertaking chapel. In 'terment was In Riverview Cemetery. Mr. .' llecker was a number of Samaritan t lyvige. No. i I. O. O. F., and members of that lodge attcndeil the funeral. He is 1 Mitvived by his widow. Mrs. Barbara Berker, and four children. Mrs. A. G. Stark. Leonard Becker. Jr.. Mrs. C. J. Ilerrlmanii and Albert P. Recker. Rose Cn.Tt-RE C'i.ib to Meet. The Rose Culture 1u!) of North Albina will meet tonight at the fire hall, on Albina nvehne. to elect officers and otherwise (Oinplete organ'xation. The objects of the club are to Intrrrst the women on the Peninsula in the cultivation of roses and s tire their assistance In tlie Rose Festi val of ri!. The North Albina Push Club will hold a short session before the Rose Tub convenes. It is desired that there should he a large attendance of women of the neighborhood. Pomona to Meet. Wednesday. Multno mah' Pomona Grange will meet next Wednesday, in Rock wood Grange Hall. on the Base Line road. It will be the most Important meeting of the past two years. Officers for two years will be elected. Mrs. K. I Thorpe, lecturer, lias pr. pared a programme. Besides general business there will he a large class for Initiation in the evening. The hall i; reached by the Trotitdale line which con ne ts with the Grcsliam railway at C.dar- villc. Coi.fMntA Grange Ki.EcrioN.--d!umbia Grange No. 3B7 elected Saturday the fol lowinsl nfheers for. one yeat: Master, Roy Mershon; overseer. Mrs. Anna Anderson; lecturer, Mrs. Clara Sniith; steward. George Dressell: assistant steward. Ray Woodward; chaplain. Mrs. F. Ougb; treasurer. F. Bentield; secre tary. R. p. Rasmussen; gatekeeper. A. Dodson; Ceres. Agnes Fvans; Pomona, Jj-ssie Emily; Flora. Helen Deaver; lady assistant steward. Lilly Rassmussen. Lived in Portland for 13 Years. R. M. Montross. the aged timber man wbo died on the train in Nebraska Fri day while en route East to visit his daughter, had been engaged In bus! ness in Portland and vicinity for 15 years. Three weeks ago he sustained paralytic stroke which weakened him considerably, and he decided to go to his daughter In Michigan as soon as he was able to travel. While on the train he probably suffered a second attack. to wnicn tie succumbed. Takjs Up Civic Problems. F. J. Per kins. Charles Stout. M. C. Van Tvne. F. P. Shaughnessey and A. G. Rushlight. committee of the East Side clubs on re peal of the direct tax for laying water mams, and Lr. M. G. McCorkle. C. 1 Daggett. T. J. Wilson, M. B. McFa'ul and t . A. Figclow. committee on garbage plant, will meet tonignt In Ringler's hall on East Morrison street and Grand ave nue. Mutual Bexiftt Life Insurance- Com fast's calendars for 1S0S, suitable for the office can be had for the asking de livered at your office. Arnold S. Roth- wei. general agent. Phone Main 3022. Failing building. Entire Stock of Chinese and Japanese goons or estern importing Company, No. -&2 Washington street, sold at auc tion. Sale commencing Saturday, Decem ber II. ISfOS. at 2 and 7:30 P. 41. daily. For Christmas presents nothing can equal Riser's Art Photos of Pacific Coast scenery; hundreds of subjects to choose from. 3(S Alder street. All Suits and Overcoats. Values to Ho. Now J1S.75. Hsweit Bradley & Co.. 044 Washington. Dr. George F. Koehler has returned. Practice limited to diseases of the stomach and Intestines. Swetland bldg. Cut Hoat. Mistletoe and Christmas trees; order now. Portland Seed Com pany. Front and Yamhill streets. Lack's Preparatory School of Phar macy. No. 148 Second street, is daily re ceiving new pharmacy students. Jolly Fellows Club Dance at 8:J. Tuesdat Evening. Rikoler'8 Hall. For Rbnt. A few nice offices in The Oregonian building. See Superintendent, room an. Dr. J. D. Sternberg has moved to the Ctorbett bldg.. Fifth and Morrison ats. Our Hack meets all trains, railroad station Ash. Shipherd's Springs. Diamonds, mounted and unmounted, at cost. Phone East 1643. Dr. E. C. Brown, Eis, Ear: Marquajtv Cut holly wanted. Tabor 1701. B 1475. Renew magazine subscriptions, atom . OREGON ROBBERS TAKEN IIOLUIP -MEX WHO OPERATED HEfJE A HE CAICHT. Two Arrested In Cincinnati Believed to Have Turned Tricks About Portland. Local officers and detectives have been reminded of the big Ijebanon ban's rob bery and the holdup of the O. R. & N. train In Sullivan's Gulch by the recent arrest t Cincinnati of George Carroll and Matthew Wlilard and the recent re lease from the Oregon Penitentiary of Ell Dunn and J. A. Crossley. It was these four men. according to the officers, who committed the sensa tional bank robbery at Lebanon and the still more sensational holdup of the O. R. & N. train. And they are said to be the most expert and successful safe crackers In America. Willard. said to be the leader of the gang. has. among other aliases, that of "Toronto Jimmy, by wnicn ne is Known to everv detective in the I nited States With Carroll he was picked up on the streets of Cincinnati. October 14, by four detectives who recognized them from their nhotogranhs. It was while operating In the Pacific Northwest that "Toronto Jimmy" broke into the most exclusive society of Port land. None of the gang's safeblowlng Jobs were pulled off in Portland, but In the neighboring towns, including Leo- anon. Hood River. Trotitdale and other places. Large sums in plunder were se cured, and the robbers made their home in Portland. During that period, accord ing to O. R. & N. detectives and others. "Toronto Jimmy' under another name played golf and cricket with some of the most prominent men of Portland. Soon after the train holdup the offl cers succeeded In gaining a good clew which pointed to the four men as respon sible for the numerous crimes. Willard and Carroll learned of what the officers had found out. and with the aid of a woman escaped from the city In an au tomobile, driving to Linnton. where they boarded the train and escaped. Dunn and Crossley were captured, tried and sentenced to the Penitentiary. They were released last month, having served the period of time to which they were sentenced. AT THE THEATERS "THE DEVIL" AT THE HEILIG. Karl Mahler James Rennle Heinrich Harry W. Baob Mlml .' Callle Gates Herman Hofmann. .. Richard Hayden Olga Hofmann Elizabeth Murray Elsa Berg Elizabeth Wilkes Man Servant ...Franklin Crosby The Devil Ramsey Wallace Half-Hidden Roll ol Paper Scares 'em Myatery Partry Miovvfng In Broken Mdrwalk Causes Many to Lie Awake Nights aad Shiver. NOT so many miles to the east ot the center of Portland's heart is a board sidewalk; and In this sidewalk there Is missing one plank, about six inches wide and set crosswise. In the cavity thus presented to view there has appeared for the past many days a big roll of wrapping paper, such as is frequently used In butcher shops to wrap meat. The paper had greasy stains on it. and so far as could be seen gave the suggestion of containing something about the size of a human leg. Passersby saw the thing repeatedly, and shuddered. It somehow suggested mystery and crime; mayhap It con tained a part of a dismembered body, a grewsome relic of the latest and unheard-of as yet homicide. But no body cared to touch it. The police man on the beat was told of it, and he left it alone. Various local scribes who live to the eastward of It were told of It. and they left It alone. Strange, but nobody wanted to be the first to solve the mystery; and as each day went on the thing became a haunt ing fear of those who knew it. Peo ple, wise in what they felt was a half-guilty knowledge, went blocks out of their way each day to see If the thing was still there; and seeing it, passed on. Finally a woman solved the mystery. She was the mother of one of the scribes, and gingerly she poked the package out with her umbrella, when It became an incubUB no longer to be borne. She prodded It until it was unrolled, looked long and earnestly. and then rolled it up again and put it back. And the others, unknowing. still passed and shuddered. What was in the package? Absolutely nothing! And so did a baseless fear upset many people for many days and nights. BY ARTHUR A. GREENE. S a result of litigation Detween Harrison Gray Fiske and Henry W. Savage regarding the rights of production for Franz Molner's unusual play, "The Devil." It became anyDOdy s property and the country has had a veritable deluge of ' well-groomed down-to-the-minute satans. and this Immaculately-tailored importation from Hunsrarv has become almost as famil iar as "the gentleman in red tights which a generation has associated wun the name of Louis Morrison. A con siderable while ago the Baker Com pany presented one version, which was reviewed at length In these columns. Ijist niirht the first traveling pro duction of the piece reached here and was under inspection at the hieing. Save for a different . naming of the cast, the later version is almost iden tical with that presented at the Bun galow. It is the same story of a sue cessful young artist being thrown into th'e society of a boyhood sweetheart after years of separation, she having married an elderly millionaire, and tne devil getting in his work as he has been doing in such cases made nnd provided since men and women were first weak enough to fall In love. In this case there rs, however, the added fascination of a corporeal, flesh-and- "olood devil who is vastly more eon vincina- than the evil spirit we all know too well, or the gentleman who wee.rs r.d Romeos through the five acts of "Faust." 1 ne one important difrorerce be tween the text of this version and that used by the Baker players is that the present one calls upon the Bad Man to deliver a lengthy harangue in the first act on the Joys of the fleshpots This is done on a semi-dark stage with a red spot-light on uie satanic face. This adds nothing to the play, except sheer melodrama, and should be elim inated altogether. The title part Is played by Ramsey Wallace, who was favorably received. There are times when he makes the part so ostensible that the real pur pose of the play Is lost, but for the greater part he assays an intricate and trying role excellently well. The woman In the case, Mme. Hoff man. Is capably portrayed by Elizabeth Murray, who deserves an additional meed of gratitude for her splendid dressing. Her gowns are what the feminine contingent call "dreams," and are calculated to make a mere man wonder how much they cost. Richard Hayden gives a creditable account of himself as Hoffman, the banker, and Callie Gates is passable as Miml, tlie model. "The Devil" in his own im proper person will be with us again tonight and tomorrow night. "In Wyoming" at the Star r HARTMANN DECEMBER 17 Change In Tour of Great Violinist Brings Him Here Thursday. Arthur Hartmann and his pianist, Calzin, will come to the Heilig Theater on Thursday evening, December 17, under the management of Lois Steers-Wynn Coman for one of their subscription con certs. Hartmann was not to play here until later in the season, but h'.s pro nounced Eastern successes have obliged him to make his Coast tour earlier than at first planned and he hurries back to the East to fill ome very Important en gagements with the big orchestra there. Hartmann made a most favorable im pression when he was here some time ago. and there Is great delight over the announcement of his concert on Thurs day next, at the Heilig Theater. Hart mann has a fine, big. virile lone, and shows exquisite mastery of his instru ment. His notices for his Eastern ap pearances have been splendid, and those who heard him here before were entirely right in prophesying a tremendous future for the young artist. He brings with him a fine pianist in Alfred Calzin. and the programme for Thursday evening will be a beautiful one. MINSTREL SHOW TICKETS The seat sale for the Spanish War Veterans" Minstrel Show, which will appear at the Heilig Friday and Sat urday, will open this morning at Pow ers & Estes drug store. Telephone Tacoma H min. 30c The Facific Telephone & Telegraph Co. Plant Slbson rosea. Pbooa Sell wood 960. T Is said by those who frequently attend the Star, that yesterday's performance of "In Wyoming" was the best In the history of that favorite popular-priced theater. To one who is an infrequent visitor it appealed ae an exceptional offering for a play house which is almost exclusively de voted to melodrama at a very mod erate price of admission. It Is unnecessary to explain that the play Is Western and deals with cattle ranching on the frontier. The name is sufficient Identification to enlighten everybody to the effect that It Is a drama of the nature of "The Virgin- Ian." and "Arizona." An Interesting and probable play it is, too, in spite of the fact that its author was palpa bly Influenced by some of the big suc cesses in the Western drama line. For that matter, one cannot reasonably complain because they all bear a de gree of similarity. It was written by Willard Mack, the splendid actor who gave us a surprise party with "On Parole" nt the Heilig some weeks ago. Its locale is Wryomlng, in the region that the railroad and barbed-wire fence has not yet Invaded. The Jtnes and situations show high-class ability In the play-construction line, the stage settings are in the $1.50 class and tiie company one that needs no whitewashing. Four very capable actors lift the cast far above the medi ocre. These particular four are Nel son Leavltt, who plays the "bad man," and has taken the trouble to master the intricate art of rolling cigarettes as the genuine "puncher" rolls them; Frank Patton, a. capital comedian, who plays the diverting character of Hank Jones; Marie Donsall, as the old cattle man's wife, and Cecil Kirke. as the in teresting cowboy-hero. The latter sometimes indulges in mock heroics, mildly, but for all that he plays the part satisfactorily. These four stand out conspicuously and are given indi vidual mention because they must do unusually well to outplay a company. none of whom are positively unworthy the parts intrusted to them. In fact. Dean Selah, who has but a bit. is a most natural and genuine actor. One almost unheard-of Innovation in pieces of this character is that not . a shot Is fired and the cheap blood and thunder tactics have wisely been elim inated. While there Is no lack of en thusiasm anions the patrons who desire action for their money, it also appeals to the more critical who demand pithy, bright lines and a semblance of real Ism. Both play, and performance are genuinely worthy of patronage and" should be greeted by big audiences during the week "In Wyoming" will run at the Star. "Rose of Rancho" Begins Second Week 0 BT JOHN JAT HARRISON". NEJ week ao today it was printed in this newspaper that the Baker stock company at the Bungalow had mastered one of the most difficult dramatic works ever undertaken by that talented com pany. After a week's experience before tho Portland public it is now to be re corded that Belasco's great play, "Tlie Rose of the Rancho," is receiving about as finished a presentation as is possible to accord it. In its second week's run there Is every reason for asserting that a third week, or even longer, would bring out crowded houses. The beautiful first scene, the interior garden of an early California mission, with its wealth of bloom; the cooling plash of the fountain; the dozing padre in the porch and. slumbering don in the arbor: the soft chime of bells calling to vespers; indolent servants shuffling lag ard feet to and fro; orange trees laden with their yellow yield: picturesque, cos tuming and an atmosphere of deep after noon peace tlie combination Is restful and at the same time inspiring. The other two sets are no less care fully worked out, and the patio of an old time Spanish rancho house, and the azetea or roof with battlements intended to give vantage agaiVU attack, are made In the first instance the scene of a gay, early-Spanish dancing party and in the other all-night vigil and final rescue of tlie imprisoned women, the ranch house being surrounded by land-grabbers. Miss Jewel's Juanita last week was de lightful; this week it is even something more than that it is perfect. And what is done by Mr. Ayres, Miss Kent, James Gleason, William Gleason, Mrs. Gleason, Donald Bowles, "William Dills, Maribel Seymour. Mamie Haslam, Ltioile Web ster and all the balance of the Baker onlans, combines to make "The Rose'" to most minds the very best work the com pany has done. SYSTEM HELP TO GRANGE State Lecturer Reports, on Benefit of Educational Work. According to reports by State Lecturer J. J. Johnson, all Granges of Multnomah County have adopted and are using the educational programme to good advan tage. Portland Library, through Miss Nel lie Fox, is supplying the reference lit erature on all the subjects that are. under study. The essays which have special merit are being collected at the office of the state lecturer in Portland to be used in other portions of the state. Mr. Johnson has on hand essays by E. L. Thorpe. "The Farmer Feeding the World," "Rotation of Crops," by James Kelly, and others, which may be had by applying to him. The Intention is to secure all the essays so that they may be nassed on to other Granges for study During December and January "Good Roads" will be discussed. Some useful suggestions are expected from the con sideration of this topic. In other coun ties than Multnomah the state lecturer reports good results are also coming out of the educational system, but he says that it will probably take a full year before the best results will be securecr. DON'T JVHSS IT. The great sale of Sample Suits today at McAUcn & McDonnell's. Slightly dam aged bv water. Prices average about half regular wholesale cost. ' Oregon People in Chicngo. CHICAGO, Doc. IX. (Special.) Oregon people registered at Chicago hotels today as follows: Portland C. P. Maginnls. T. Bluman. wife and daughter; Mr. and Mrs. Stock den, at the Auditorium Annex; J. P. Finley, at the Grand Pacific; E. 9. Streeter, at the Stratford. Astoria Mr. and Mrs. George W. Sanborn, at the Auditorium Annex. Secure 130 Additions to Church. MEBFORD, Or., Dec. 13. (Special.) Evangelists Whifson and Fregman have closed a series of revivals in the Christian Church here, and report 130 additions to the church. During the re vival a tabernacle with a seating ca pacity of 700 was constructed. One thousand dollars was raised to defray HARTMAN & THOMPSON BANKERS CHAMBER OP COMMERCE solicit small check accounts and offer every convenience to depositors, re gardless of the amount deposited VtiHmittd Penonal Liabilitg An Ideal Gift for Christmas There Ls do better or more ap propriate present than a Sav ings bank-book showing a de posit with The Oldest Trust Company in Oregon WE PAY 2 on check accounts. 2 fZ on ten days' call. 3 on savings accounts and on six months' certificates. 3 i on thirty days' call. 4 on ninety days' call, on twelve months' certificates and on coupon certificates. Call for our statement and book of "ILLUSTRATIONS." Portland Trust Company . of Oregon S. L CORKER THIRD AND OAK STREETS REXJ. I. rOHE Tresldent It. t. PITTOCK Vice-President US. A. 8. JiIOHCMLS..Sd Vlce-Pres't. B. I,EE PAGET Secretary Y. J. ;II.I. Assistant Secretary V. W. ViiGKAI'F Caehie I the expenses of the revival and to pay for the tabernacle. Telephone to Seattle min. 40c The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. LARGEST RETAIL STOCK OF UMBRELLAS IN AMERICA CALL. AD SEE THEM. Chiistmaa ls coming. We have the best line of Holiday Umbrellas in the city at very reasonable prices. Don't fail to see our line before you buy. We are making; a discount of 10 per cent on all our Colored Umbrellas. SPECIAL Indies Union Silk Umbrellas, with taps cdKe and full length Bold and pearl and stiver and pearl handles, 0 7GZ J5 values, now Jsfii v CALL AND SEE THEM. RUSTPROOF UMBRELLAS. REPAIRING AND RE-COVERING. We have the only complete electri cally operated umbrella shop in Port land. Best work at lowest prices. Per sonal attention. MEREDITH'S Umbrellas Exclusively, 813 Wssblngtoa St.. Bet. 5tb and 6th. 34lWstfN Cor 7m. Quick Service. Experienced Clerks. SPECIAL. TODAY CHRISTMAS UMBRELLAS Best Guaranteed Silk. i t 3.03 ladles' size 2.25 -4.50 ladies' size 9 3.48 $ 5 00 ladies' size 3.98 x t 6.00 ladies' size $ 4.48 $ 7.a0 ladies' size 4J8 8.50 ladles' size $ e.48 , $16.00 ladies' size $ 7.4s 12.00 ladies' size 8.0O Jli.00 ladies' size 912.00 J17.50 ladles' size C 13.30 TODAY A 2776 Phones Main 2778. Vulcan Coal Co. 829 Bnrnalde St. VVE HAVE Rock Springs Coal All Other Higrh-Orade House Coals. A 1837 TELEPHONES M 6137 The Coleman Hardware Co. 100 THIItD STREET. A full line of Holiday Goods, Toys, Games, Electrical Goods and Fine Cut lery, Scissors and Ladies' Sets. FrcdPrehn.D.DJL f U.00 Foil Set . TMth, fS.00. Crofrns and Bride. work. CS.00. Rc.m 405, Pckan. Oven iLTcalns XUI 7. chwab Printing, Co. best fro6K. KnjsorrjtBLE trices 2 4-7' ST.A.R.K STREET! Warts, Moles Removed From Hands or Face. No Pnln, No Scar. Full Directions. 50C PACIFIC REMEDY CO, 109 Montgomery St., San Krancisco.Cal. GREAT SACRIFICE SALE OF CARLO OF HIGH-GRA oI PIANOS H. ' SINSHEIMER, 72 Third Street. Si SolorAiJL IS79 351 WttSLHamgloia Sireel ' ONDAY SALE L&dlites9 amd Misses9 SUITS Regular Price $35 Jo AT$16 - Nome ftl&eredL Nona dfifirged. Store Operas 9 Evwry Coaft 13 iff prHl PORTLAND OREGON "Hllln An Evidence of Esteem The liberal patronage enjoj'ed by this bank for more than twn-ty-five years not only accounts for its substantial growth, but it is an evidence of "Unexcelled service and the absolute safety which it affords depositors. New accounts cordially invited. 2 'Pimni piiiini pith ni - f' UVILUI UVILUI UVlLVi Ai We have several plans of bun galows. Call and see them if you contemplate building a home of your own. Vv e can finance it for you. Plans and specifications at 1 per cent. Building Department. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY : .'--LaSg' - . "1 I si Ml III -i'l 714 COUCH BUILDING 109 FOURTH STREET Steamship "Breakwater" Sails From AINSWORTH DOCK FOR COOS BAY POINTS EVERY WEDNESDAY AT 8-P. M. PaccAnrfpr Farpe FIRST CABIN $10.00 rdweugci raiGA second cabin $7.00 Including Berth and Meals. Ticket Offices at Third and Washington Streets and Ainsworth Dock. ALWAYS UNIFORM A. Santaella & Co., Makers, Tampa The Hart Cigar Co., Distributors Home Office: CORBETT BtniTMUO. Corner Fifth and Morrison Streetsw PORTLAND. OREOON. A. I.. MII.I-S President SAMUEL General Manage; CLARENCE 8. SAMUEL. Asst. 14r. The Policyholders Company Is Best for Oregonians Damaged by Smoke SALE OPENS TOMORROW AT 9:00 A. M. The FRAKES MILLINERY GO'S. $20,000 Stock of High-Class Millinery and Hair Goods 4Q9 Washington Street 20 Salesladies Wanted Apply Today 1 5 J 1