IT THE 3I0KMNG OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, DECE3IBER 10, 1903. FOR BENT. IIOQM-O. RENT No. 27.T 22d at.. 14-room tinuwi cor. Overton Bt . large lot. east from, open fireplace, fine furnace, registers earn rom and hallways, electric light and gas; toileta and bath 1st and 2d floors; very desirable location. 1 block to W. or 23d-st. carllne; reasonable rent to desirable ten ant. A. H BIP.I1ELL. 201 McKay bldg.. 3d and Stark ats. FOR RK.NT. Madison st.. 4 rooms, strictly Ill E. modem : lem: sinilnw shades, jrai fixtures; S15 I E. 37th St.. 7 rooms: 112 Spokane ave.. 6 rooms; 112. T-5 E. Yamhlil at.. 8 rooms: 322..VI. 3lst at. and Gladstone ave.. N Tx,-m; l?0. 2.11 Ha'l St.. 3-room fiat: $1T.&K THE DUNN-LAWRENCE CO.. 243 Aider St. WHEN YOU MOVE you always need BOMS furniture. EUV AT NO-RENT prices; the sav ing will exceed cost of movtnr. WE OWN OCR OWN BUILDING; oc cupy one-half; collect rent on balance SlOnOAN-ATCHLEI FURNITURE CO.. Grand ave. and E. Stark, Phone East 2920. 7-ROOM house at McKenna Junction. 4 hlo. its front St. John car; newly papered and painted. $10. 7-riorn. all modern house, almost new. blocks to 2 carlines, choice location. pienaia view, s.'O PINE TREE LAND CO., 509-jin Buchanan bldg. Phone M. S90. .rOK RENT Lately built, modern S-room nouse. nice neighborhood, corner Tibbltt and Brooklyn; stationary wash trays, con crete basement and walks, one block from cars. 123. ..n. Phone Sellwood 1. DESIRABLE home place at Mount Tabor, very signtly location, near cars: large truunu. witn plenty ot irult trees ana man iruits; iwouia consider sellings Ap ply a za at. unfurnished house. !." minutes out on Oregon r.Iectric. 14 cars dallv each wav flne for rulsing chickens; price only $10.00. rnpne neiiwooa A1UV. FOR RENT 5-room modern cottage. 1244 E. Aladison: every convenience; 5-niinute car ervl'-e. Hawthorne avt; rent $13. Inquire t" M st. house of rooms and bath. B 19ta car ivverett. Apply Harris Truck Co., A NEAT, mr.dem -room cottage; electricity, furnace and porcelain bath; large grounds; rent $20. Appiy room 3' '1 . The Dekum. A DESIRABLE 0-room house. 402 San Rafael St., near Union ave.. $2.. Inquire sua Hancock. Phone East lilS.,. C 14MI 6-ROOM bouse, all modern conveniences. one block from Waverly and Woodatoclc canine. two rj. 17th. Kent $17. HOT SB for rent on Morrison street near Bungalow Theater. Phone Main 2705. Furnished Houses. A NICE 6-roora furnished cottage with re ception hall, closets, pantry, bath, hot and cold water, basement, on Killings worth ave., close to 2 carlines. 120 per moma. CHITTENDEN OTTO. 268 Stark St.. Room 17. WELL furnished 5-roonr cottage, gas fix tures, iuii basement, s'jo month, front another cottage. 2 furnished hnusekeep- vng rooms. l..; another 2, $s month. Ap ply 34 North HUM; lrtth-st. cars on Washington to 20th. turn south half block. FOR LEASE Beautiful new and elegantly rurnlshet 7-room residence, with hard woo! finish, flreplaoe. automobile house everything complete. Call at 353 Holla- nay ave. ftnd East 3d at., or Donald U. W oodward. 104 3d Bt. 4 NICE rooms, all furnished with bath. pantry, entrance hall -and basement. 2S Mocks to carllne, on Kant Everett, near 3th; no children. 112.50. Pine Tree I.and 'o.. 50V-51U Buchanan bldg. Phone Main e90. ELEGANT 6-room home, everything new and thoroughly modern, piano, large lawn. nne location, walking distance; adults only. 3411 East Glisan St. 4-RnOM strictly modern, newly furnished: .TO. Phone Woodiawn 1.99. EAST BIDE Completely furnished new 6- room flat, reasonable. Phone heliwood "N:t. lloosee for Rent, Furniture for Sale. 5-ROOM house, nicely furnished: modem: electric likht. gas and wood ranze; dry Winter' wood; finest residence district , In the city: for rent cheap; $4.tO worth of furniture; I'.'VO ts-kes It all: $100 cash. $m per month. Phone B 1414. Tabor 1234. SWELL furniture for sale and flat for rent; 7 riHimi. steam heat, hot and cold water. rooms rented, more than pays the rent; will be sold on easy turms. Call room 301 Macleay bldg. $:!50 Good furniture. 7 rooms complete, desirable brick building, close In. East Side; rent $ld. 410 Dekum bldg. Main r!4d. FOR SALE A 17-rcom furnished flat: fine location; price $700. S2V4 N. 6th . Call oa owner. NEWLY furnished S-room flat, very at tractive, reasonable, call mornings. lS9ij North lcth at. Phone Maip. oli'.l. FLAT for rent, $20: furniture for sale. $7.",; 4 rooms, cosy; walklne. diatance; leaving town. V 47,8, Orcgonlan. MY 12-room house for $iJ00 If - sold this week. IMLI Third St. SNAP Just furnished. 3 rooms. Bennington Court, flat i. 310 Benton, nr. Steel bridge. itofen FOR RFNT A small room, electric power, good for Job printing office or other email factory purposes. Creston, on the Mt. Scolt carllne. Western Oregon Trust Co., 14 t'hamber of Commerce. STORE with living rooms above. 188 Unloa ave. See Hartman & Thompson, C of C. SUITABLE for tailor or cloak bouse. Id floor, Washington st. front. 303 fiwetland. Offices). DESIRABLE OFFICES -.0 $15 $20 In heart of business" district. Well lighted and ventilated; two elevators; all night service; hot and cold water, gas and elec tric lights; excellent janitor service; auto matic fire alarm system; low Insurance; property protected by nlghtwatch. Desk room $5 and up. 303 S WETLAND BLDG.. 5:h and Wash. SOME MODERN OFFICES 3eM location la the city. Apply room 201 Merchants Trust bldg.. 326 Washington St. GROUND FLOOR -desk room; both phones; room for two desks If desired. 4)0 Sth at., near S tark. DESK ROOM in real estate office cheap. 220 Swetland bldg.; both phunes. WANTED Some one to srutre office rooms In central location. K 477, Oregonlan. - FOR RFNT A few offices) la Couch bldg. Apply Room 601. ROO.MlNO-HOC!IS OPPORTUNITIES. M Its. LENT'S . Rooming-House Agency itonmlng-houses all sixes and prices. Phone Main tv.OM. a 3473. 4:10', Washington. Arnold Co.. Main 7311. 3.11 V, Morrison sr. BUSINESS CHANCES. $250 WILL buy an Interest In a business that will pay you $75 to $100 per month: r.o expenenoo required. Call 417 Board of Trade bldg. A CIGAR and confectionery in a down-town location; will be sold below lnice and part on terma to right party. 273 Stark. MANUFACTURING Partner want.-d to tend office, etc.: pay you $150 month salary also prortts. Call 248 S stark St. SALOON 150 secures corner place with $20 to $35 day sales; partners don't agree. Call 24SH Stark st. WKLL-EST A BLISH ED fish, poultry and fruit market, phone Main 1551. WANTED to buy Interest in ft hardware store. Box 1V Albany. Or. BOARDING-HOUSE. 1 rooms. J50: terms; rent $40. Phone forenoon. Main 163$. l-i'HAIR barber shop for sale. Owner, $711, N. 17:h. FOR best printing cheap, see Dixon. J1J Oregonlan bldg. Phone A 3792. FOR SALE 3-chaIr barber shop, good loca tion, long lease. S27 Board of Trade Mdg. ANYONE looking for ft good Investment call 330 Swetland bldg. A GOOD pavinr rooming-house In a rood location; will be sold on terms. ?72 Stark, CIGAR and confectionery store suitable for nua and wile. Call 417 oar.d of Tisxae. BUSINESS CHANCES. EXTRA BARGAIN. 10 rooms, tine corner dwelling, right In Nvrt. close-in West Side district, furnished less than a year sen with Mission and quartered oak furniture and other things to correspond; furnace heat, fine rooms and excellent apartment for the owner. Prirv cut to S25 for Immediate ajle. COME yuICK. (.. C. R. ELLIS CO.. J.'Sti Washington St.. Rooms 201-202. ENTIRELY MODERN. 10 rooms, corner dwelling-, fine, west Side, and close In location, steam heat, running; hot and cpld water In every bed room: furniture, carpets extra good, cost ing double prloe asked; take It for J1000; time on part. You can make $j0 a month clear and use 3 good rooms youreeir. O. C. R. ELLIS A CO.. Washington St.. Rooms 201-102. kwfi.i.rst IV THE CITY. ?7 rooms ekrant corner brick, furnished extra nne. and in choice location, lease 31 vears. cheap rent; ateam heat, every thing good as new, and clean as ft new ribbon; clears iiju ft mourn; fiiw twu, balanco $ months. O. O. R. ELLIS ft CO.. 326 S Washington St.. Rooms 201-202. $500 CASH. BALANCE EASY. 20 rooms, all on one floor, mostly house keeping, well furnished, lease 3 years, very cheap rent, right near business cen ter." rooms always rented: positively cleats $0 a month over all expenses, trice $ltfOU O. R. ELLIS CO.. 326 Uj Washington St.. Rooms 201-903. LEGITIMATE BUSINESS. The Mercantile Agency (established ISM) furnli-he free Information on oppor tunities in mercantile or manufacturing lines, city or country. THE AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY, 403-4-6 Swetland bldg. pon t1, hear h-lns In the Inland Emnlre: on account . of falling health 1 will sell my housefurnishlng and under taking business. Invoice. $15.0"0: good bu.-lr.e--s fine country, city of 33.000: In vestigate thle, it is O. K. Address owner, J. F. Samuel, Dayton. Wun. FOR SALE A stock of general merchandise, .h..t 4knn located in a thriv ing town on new railroad: 30 mile west of Portland: town nas I rural """ running out. A business of $30,000 to 3a. OOn can be done here. Must go at once. Address Box 13. Banks. Or. NEW BRICK hotel or rooming-house, thor oughly modern; preference 35 or u rooms: all large, light, steam heat, hot and cold water. Call and return call system, gaa and electricity; fine appearance and loca tion. Phone Main 7157 or East 430. Rea sonable lease. PRINTING outfit, all complete, little money required: will clear you $100 a month; well located on ground floor; a good, solid, substantia! business: old-established place; no experience necessary; young man who works there will stay if desired. Par ticulars 191 4th st. IF BOLD by Jan. 1. will sell new and up-to-date general merchandise stock ($12 000 to $ located In concrete bh'.g.. 3x0. in Bandon. Or., at 85c on invoice price: am owner of building and will give lease to suit. A. J. Hartman, Bandon. Or. FOR SALE General merchandise store In Eastern Multnomah County, about 1 -mil'-s from Portland, doing a large cash business; will Invoice owt $H50O: cash sale or take farm or acreage as part payment. SIgel 4V Co.. 335 Morrison St. MOVING PICTURES. Start ft moving-picture theater on easy terms: profits $10 to $100 dally; films, machines, supplies rented, sold, bought and exchanged. Newman's Moving-Picture Exchange. 23 Burnslde st. CAPITAL FURNISHED Industrial, manu facturing, mining, oil, gas and railway stock and bond Issues sold direct to in vestors, commission basis. Samuel Gra ham lc Co.. Selling Brokers, 43 Sacra ment at., Montreal, Canada. liooo PROCURES State of Oregon for a newly patemea wi" i". ........ . ever Invented: one agent cleared $rtlO in 3 weeks; state agent for California cleared $.1000 sine July 1. H. C Marx. Portland Hotel. SALOONS. East Side corner, fine location; good business. $2000, or trado for farm. Sa loon and billiard parlors, near Washing ton St., $4700; half cash; terms. $2i Cor bett bldg. FOR SALE $4000 stock of gent's furnish ing goods ana doming, dock duuuiub. .w,n ni it vears' lease, best location. rood reasons for selling. Address Lock Box 36S. Cottage Grove, Oregon. YOU CAN GET action on all mining and i,HiTt-int stock and bonds tnroucn neau- auarters at Catterlln at Co.. aulte 3. Chamber of Commerce. We buy, trade. Call or write. ell RESTAURANT. Ore of the nicest in the city, right down nan- Inni lease, low rent; win sen st eacriflce. J. W. Grussi. 25 Washington, cor. 3d. room 7. RELIABLE real estate man with more work thnn he can do alone wanis aieaoy. bu. partner: pay energetic man i.-u .num... duties easily learneo; nine iuei -quired. Particulars 24$ Vi Stark at. FOR SALE Good hotel with restaurant and bar-room located near auwauRw -)-". Tacoma. Address coiumoia urawio, .a., Taeoma. Was-h. ' FOR SALE All or -any part of $2oO worm of preferred stocK in weu-anuw h v... poratlon; guaranteed 8 per cent cumula tive earnings. L 477, Oregonlan. SAlXiON MEN. attention! For sale, one of the best-locaiei saioons, wnu "i'cp. floors 50x100. bringing good rent, long lease; price for quick sale. $5000. R 481, Orego.nlan. ' u c svsx Tr tract ana on renin a,tla vun one to leu persons i Interest. Act at once. Miller. 430 Wor cester bldg. FOR SALE Small bakery business, mostly store traile; nne opportunity lor oaner. For particulars address James Hunter, box 530. Marshfleld. Coos Co.. Or. x REAL ESTATE OFFICE. Half Interest in fine real state office, $750. or will trade for city property. 27 Corbett bldg. WE can locate yon m paying business. Be fore buying DS sure aua u". b muej tm Btampher. 031-32 Lumber Exchange bids. Main 4430 FURNITURE of 8-room flat, strictly mod ern? house full of aeslraive people,- rea sonable rent, close In. Call 547 W Yam hill St.. or phone A 41S0. ETEAM LAUNDRY Controlling Interest In A-l plant in one of the best towns m the state outiside of Portland. For particulars address R 473, care Oregonlan. WANTED 20 or 23-room rooming-house. must be strictly modern. In good location, not particular about furniture. O 4SS, Ore gonlan. GOOD saloon for sale cheap, rent, or will consider trade. Inquire at BUI Tnurman street. FULL equipped candy factory; good loca tion, low rent, on easy terras. bam Xm Beary, 323 Morrison st. FOR RENT H fine store suttable for jewelry, cutlery, drugstore or other legiti mate business. Inquire $2 3d st. ACCOUNT of sickness must sell my moaey- making restaurant for $4o0, cost $i50. Call R5 5th. near Oak. BY OWNER 8 rooms, well furnished, good location, sacrince aaie. account going .ast. 405 Stark st.. STRICTLY cash store for $1750; guaranteed to pay energetic man 3250 month: stands closest Investigation. Call 248 i Stark st. FOR SALE 3000 shares In Fidelity copper Co., worth Lo cents per share; make cash offer. Address P 478. Oregonlan. TO INVEST $.V0 with services In some es- tanilsnea paying ounineas: must liana in vestigation. B 4S2, Oregonlan. SHOE FACTORY AND REPAIR SHOP. Fine business, central location, $1000. (27 Corbett bldg. $1X5 TAKE-S today well-paying grocery, ci gar, confectionery store; rent $8; Invoice over $350. 324 Front St. HOTEL dining-room for lease; trade from occupants of 100 rooms: modern and pop ular. AD 40S. Oregonlan. WILL sell my equity In rooming-house, cen trally located, very reasonable, call 387 YamhilL MINING AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS. Telephone and other bonds bought and aold. The Fletcher Co.. 125 Ablngton. RESTAURANT Owner cook, wants partner to be cashier: pay $5 day: little money required. Call 348 , Stark St. CIGAR STORE. EAST SIDE. Doing fine business, $1200; $27 Cor bett .bldg. WASHINGTON drug store; nice clean stock, with gr'od trade, making good money; In ducement for quick sale. L 4m. Oregonlan. 1'VU SALE Shooting gallery. 104 N, 3d. BUSINESS CHANCES. HALF Interest In wood business In city; a good opportunity; $1S25 required. Only laundry In town of 1000 In HMsh Ington, 50 miles from Portland; sni 92000; $500 cash, balance to suit. 52-room hotel in business center, every thing up to date; price $13,000; $4500 cash, balance monthly. Easf Side rooming-house, good loca tion. 23 rooms, first-class: price $1900 cash. Half Interest In first-class business in city; $10,500 required. ' SPENCER ft CO.. 102 2d St. MUST HAVE PARTNER. Will Take Your Note. Will sell half interest for $7."0 In ore of the best paying realty and Investment offices in the city; has netted over $:umj0 in 3 months; beat of furniture. Iron safe, etc.; property list alone worth over $10"0: If a property-owner and desirable party will take your note for required amount. Fullest Investigation: too much business to handle alone: here is a rare oppor tunity for some one. L 479, Oregonlan. BAKERS, TAKE NOTICE. A West Side bakery with large shop, nice store, wood and wagon shed, wagon route, also storeroom, counters, ehow csses and National cash reclster. tine stock and doing a business pf $25 per day. Investigate this; price $7oo. 609-10 Buchanan Bldg.. 250 's Wash. St. GREAT PIG BARGAIN. 29 rooms. Washington St.. rent $120 per mo., lease; very nicely furnished and clear ing above all expenses $250 per mo.; this Is an old-establlshtd place and a fine prop osition: about $1000 cah will handle It; prlca I27"). DIETZ-MUELLER CO.. 417 and 418 Corbett bldg. CONFECTIONERY and clfrars. a place that will clear $400 per month tre year around: satisfaction guaranteed; terms given. Call room 815 Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark IJ GOOD furniture 8-room modern flat, rent $W. snap $200; swell furniture 8-roora house, bargain, $5511: 8 rooms well" fur nished all full, '150: H)-room house, close In, only $7H); S-room house, fine furniture. $50O; ltt housekeeping rooms, $f450; good furniture 9 housekeeping rooms. $000, part cash. Mrs. Koontx. 213 Stark st. ' SPECIAL One of the best gentlemen's fur nishing houses on the Coast, paying big money, but owner has other business that takes his entire time and will sacrifice If sold by Jan. 1. If you don't mean busi ness don't investigate this. If you do. It will stand a thorough investigation. Call 417 Board of Trade bldg. I WANT a hustler for a partner; must have $ow cash: I will give Interert In equipped, estahlished. paying businesa: experience not essential, but one willing to learn, looking for the future; only reliable party with references, good connection. considered. Apply 714 Swetland bldg. CASH STORE, centrally located, will clear $5 per day; very little money required, .fall room 315 Lumber Exchange Bldg., 2d and Stark sts. RESTAURANT on' one of the best streets, 9 right down town, owner has other busi ness and will cut the price In two; inves tigate: price $12no. or will exchange for city property. Mrs. Lent, 430V3 Washing ton. CIGAR and . confectionery store, 5 living rooms, partlv furnished, on grouno. iioui, rent only $25, good location, good place for grocery; new peanut and hot-air roaster cost $100: plenty of everything. Pric: $650. Call 191 4th st. VACANT ROOMING-HOUSE. We have for lease a 30-room brick build ing, which will be ready for occupancy January 1, aa a modern rooming-house. Call for particulars. DEVLIN FIREBAUGH. B08- Swetland Bldg.. Cor. 5th and Wash. WEST SIDE GROCERY. A fine stock, large family trade, old established place; owner wants to retire; 3 vears' lease on store and living-rooms upstairs. Price. about $2300. J. W. Grussi. 285 Washington, cor. 3d. Room .. DRUGSTORE for sale; good, clean store. in heart of tho business district, in a goou live town; doing a fine business: have a full line of holiday goods; this Is a good buv If taken at onoe: terms casn. au dress. Peroxide, AD 410, Oregonlan. WORKING MAN'S HOTEL 14 rooms, all completely furnished, close to large fac tory; rent $s per month, with leate; place for man and wife: $350 required. Call room 315 Lumber Exchange bldg.. 2d end Stark ats. TRANSFER, BAGGAGE AND STORAV- One of the best In the city; half in terest: $500 per month profit. Another clearing $200 per month $2200. 627 Cor bett bldg. WILL trade 10-acre tract of choice Mosler apple land, value $KK. for lliw payment on residence property, house ft or 7 rooms; West Side preferred; deal with owner only. A 482. Oregonlan. PARTNER wanted for a store: experience not necessary, and little money required because a man who can be dependod on la wanted more than the money: pay active man $125 month. Call 248 'j Stark. WANTED Partner in launch business; must be able to repair gas engines and new combing; the only repair shop on the bay. Come and see owner at room 301 Macleay bldg., Portland. PARTNER for an established business; will par salary of $200 per month, besides profits on business: will give terms to re sponsible party; $2000 required. Room 315 Lumber Exchange bldg.. 2d and Stark sis. PRICE $ln. only $500 down, sacrifice sale of 24-room. good corner brick room Ing-house. 2 blocks from Washington; death compels owner to leave immedi ately. Mrs. Lent, 430:i Washington. $450. PART cash, buys well-fumished house, 9 rooms, on good street; cheap rent: this la a money-maker. See Royal Realty Co., 85 6th. near Oak. WILL give free 4 Interest In patent for state of Washington to man who can de vote his time and has ability to appoint agents; bond required. X 4S3. Oregonlan. GROCERY STORE Will sell at invoice, about $2000; good location; rent $20; everything fine; new stock. Young, 512 Gerlinger bldg. FOR SALE. Solid mercantile business that is doing business of $6000 monthly. For particulars call room 52S Lumber Exchange bldg. A NICE working man proposition In a good rooming-house; a good woman can get a half Inteix-st for $350, and terms on IVe balance. 272 Stark st. FOR SALE Stock of groceries, corner; re tiring from business; excellent location, cheap rent. West Side. AB 470, Orego nlan. FOR SALE By owner, confectionery and flgar store, 2 living-rooms, furnished. 31 N. 8d st. MOVING-PICTURE business for sale, terms $1100 cash. For particulars address P. O. box 5. Portland, Or. WANT to get lease on 25 to 60-room build ing suitable for office or sleeping rooms; centrally locatod. AB 475. Oregonian. PARTNER WANTED Put tOOO against my experience in profitable business. A 4S4. Oregonlan. PASADENA and San Diego office each needs manager, good pay; $3oo required. X 473. Oregonlan. A LIVE real estate man wants a reliable man as partner; money fully secured. 272 Stark St. TALK QUICK A producing cigar and fruit stand: heart or city; s.w;, taxes it; no agents. A B -470. Oregonlan. FOR ft good location suitable for cigar store, bootbreck stand or . barber shop, Inquire at 92 3d st. ROOMING-HOUSES Come and see us be fore buving. We can please you. Western Land Co.. 417 Board of Trade bldg. FOR SALE Book and stationery business. or will trade lor gooa vacant lots. ts. C. Mathews, 304 Fenton bldg. CIGAR STORE, good location, cheap rent. $250: lomo otners. nigner pneea. young, 512 Gerllnger bldg. $125 BUYS a neat, little well-establis.led business: cause, leaving town; no ageuis. 207A Third st. CASH GROCERY, doing business of $100 dally. Particulars, call room 623 Lumber Exchange. A - HALF Interest In a good paying res taurant for UnO; another one, $800 for the whole thing. 272 Stark st. 2 8-ROOM house: every room occupied: cheap rent: no reasonable oner refused, owner, 209 4th St. Main 2039. MAN wanted with $125 to Join me in good restaurant. sU li, oregonlan. BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE at a bargain: long lease on quarter block in wholesale district; fire restrictions; this can be reached by spur. Call on American Trust Co., room 200 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE One of my fully equipped drugstores on the famous Twin Falls tract. For Information address Box 113, Twin Falls, Idaho. SALOON down town: $1800; good business: - rent $45: also one for $450); thla is a beauty; can't be beat In the city fine loca tion. Young. 512 Gerllnger bldg. PARTNER WANTED In small caen busi ness; will pay $100 monthly to start in with: very little money required. For,par ticuiars call room 523 Lumber Exchange RESTAURANT Will sell or exchange for lots; owner retiring; this is a fine one; price $750. Young, 513 Gerllnger bldg. RESTAURANT, fine business, good location, good lease; bargain. 3S6 Morrison. FINANCIAL. Salary and Chattel Loans. $;$$$$$$ $$$$;$$$$ $m$s $$$$ Open Evenings. CHRISTMAS MONEY For All That Want It. Don't Walt Until We Are Rushed. But Call Today. Loans from $10 to $100. and all we require is that you are working. Our rates are the lowest. Our payments easiest. $ NO MORTGAGE. NO INDORSER. NO PUBLICITT. Call today and be convinced. STATE SECURITY CO., 74 Dekum Bldg. Open Evenings. $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$ SJJ$f$Jt $$$$$$$$$$$ Money to Loan. THE CRESCENT LOAN AGENCY. 402 Rothchlld bldg.. cor. 4th and Waed. Tho recognized bank of the wage-earner. A clerk, bookkeeper, machinist, engineer or employe can obtain money of us on nis note without security. $15 return to us 14 ft Mo. $.10 return to us $8 a Mo. $50 return to us ....$13.35 a Mo. Confidential; no unpleasant Inquiries. Special ratea on pianos, furniture, etc STAR LOAN AGENCY. I Money loaned on salary or chattel mort gage; business confidential. Mo. Seml-Mo. WklT. $75 return to us $20.00 J10.C0 $5.00 $50 return to ue 13.33 6.68 $.23 $30 return to ue 8.00 4.00 SS.00 $15 return to us 4.00 2.00 1.00 2u9 McKAY bldg.. cor. 3d and Stark stsv MONEY sold on installment plan: confiden tial; no security but your salary; best sys tem for railroad, streetcar employes, me chanics and others. F. A. NEWTON, "Buchanan Bldg., 280 Washington St. YOU CAN GET the money you need from us and repay in small weekly or montniy pay ments, arranged to suit you: we loan money at very low rates on household furniture and pianos. Call for confidential taia. Ami- ton Credit Co., 512 Dekum bldg. CHATTEL LOANS. Installment loans on pianos, furniture. warehouee receipts, horses. Insurance poli cies, salaried and all kinds of securities. NEW ERA LOAN & MTG. CO., 4u3 Swetland bldg. MONEY advanced salaried people and others upon their own names without security; cheapest rates, easiest payments; offices in 6B principal cities; save yourself money by getting my terms first. TOLMAN. 317 Lumber Exchange Eidg. HIGHEST cash price paid for Title Guar antee, Oregon Trust accounts and German American certificates bought at the high est cash Drlce: also home lei. Bonus. Colin Bros., 140 1st., cor. YamhilL ON improved city property or for building purposes: 3 to a years time; tiuerai raj ment privileges: money advanced as build ing progresses. The Equitable, 2d and Stark sts. loans made oulckly and privately on salaries, pianos and furniture, warehouse receipts, purcnase contracts, uminouu and jewclery. E. Pierce, 211 Alisky bldg. MONEY to loan In large and small sums at 6 to 8 per cent on Improved real estate. POP.TER & FRENCH. C07 Commercial bldg. WE) loan money on diamonds and jewelry at reasonable interest ior ions or snort time. A. & M. Delovage. Jewelers, 209 Washington st, IMMEDIATE loans from $3 to $5000 on all securities. R. I. Eckerson ft Co.. room S Washington bldg. Phone Main 4658. SEVERAL hundred dollars to loan In small amounts: some chattel security. Smith Wagoner Co., 333 Chamber Commerce. ro von own a lotT Then let us talk to voii about owning ft home; easy terms. . Main 1409. WE buy foreign money, gold dust. Title Guarantee, German-American bank ac counts. Lewis ft Co.. 251 Washington at- LOANS on real estate and all kinds of per sonal security. W. A. Hathaway, room 10 Washington bldg. Main 302. $100,000 to loan in sums of $1000 or more to suit 6 to 7 per cent on Improved realty. M G. Griffin. 266 Stark, opp. Cham, of C. LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collateral security. C. W. Pailett, So4 Fenton bldg. A LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel. The Loan Co., 410 Dekum bldg. MONEY to loan, mortgages purchased. E. ti. Devereaux. 204-5 Fenton bldg. LOW rates; we loan money on diamonds and jewelry. Marx ft Bloch. 74 3d st. State funds loaned, 6 per cent. W. E. Thom as, state agt. Multnomah Co.. 400 C. of C. MONEY loaned on real estate mortgages or contracts. W. H. Nunn, 449 Sherlock bldg. ANY part of $30,000 to loan at 6 to 7 per cent interest. 303 Gerllnger bldg. MONEY to loan on approved security. S. G. Gillespie, 201 Fenton bldg. $1000 ON approved security. J. R. STIPE, 720 Chambei er Commerce. MORTGAGES and other real estate securities bought; also chattel loans. 242 Madison at. BUILDING LOANS A SPECIALTY. Strong ft Co., 605 Concord Building. I.oana Wanted. ANYONE wishing to loan $5000 on or be fore 10 years on good security at 6 per cent Interest, payable monthly, address box No. 344, Albany, Or. WANTED to borrow $7500 for 3 years at 7 on highly-developed farm worth $20,000. Address AH 41 oregonian. WANTED to borrow $1000 for 3 years at 7 per cent; good real estate security. Ad dress AB 182. Oregonlan. WANTED $200, 8 per cent, 1 year, security real estate, $900. B 481, oregonlan. $250 FOR 1 year. 10 per cent; good security. AD 414, Oregonlan. PERSONA! COMMERCIAL Detective Agency; experienced male and female assistants; business strict lv confidential. Phone M. 75U9. Room 13, 303 Ui Wash. St. GERMAN, French. Spanish and other for eign textbooks and literatur ft specialty. A. W. Schmala Co.. 229 1st t. Mme. Courtwright. skin and scalp treat ments facial deformities corrected, plastlo surgery. 225 Fliedaer bldg. M. 6042. A 2080. HAVE your eyes treated and glasses prop erly fitted by specialist. Room 316 Mer chants Trust bldg.. 3264 Washington at LOST powers restored by Dr. Lorens' Nerve Tonic Tablets, 25o box. Eyesell's Phar macy. 289 Morrison St.. bet. 4th and 8th. LADIES Whatever your ailment, call on Dr. Ketchum. graduate; advlos tree. 170H 3d at. Main 877a ilEN No matter what your ailment may be. have it treated by specialist. 326 Vi Washington st. Room 310. MRS SOPHIA B. 8EIP. mental scientist, 302 Alisky bldg., hours 10 to 8. Question night Wednesday, 8 -P. M, Main SS33. 250 PRINTED business cards $1; 100 visit ing cards. 50c. -Schmale. 229 1st, A PERMANENT cure for piles. "Hemlock Salve." Woodard, Clarke ft Co. BALM OF FIGS for all female diseases. 560 Glisan st. Main, 8215. JUST opened, ladles' barber shop. 08 4th st.. bet. Oak and Pine. HIGHEST price paid for combings and cut hair. Portland Bazaar, 409 Hi Morrison. PERSONAL. TO MEN Scientific vacuum home trea rnent is furnished to men on approval and easy terms by Erie Medical Co., Burtaiu, In'. Y.. who made It known throughout the world. Write at once for sealed de . acriptive matter, mentioning this publt cation. Scores of crude ana unsafe Imi tations. FIR GROVE SANITARIUM Strictly ft ma ternity hospital, where ladies can hav the best care at reasonable rates and any Physician they choose. Office SOS Me chants Trust building, 326 M Washington street, ynone Main 7743, A 5735, Sanita rium Tabor SD0-. Dr. Isabella Mackio. DR. WILLIAM S. ARMSTRONG has moved to room 5ob Merchants Trust bldg.. 326Vi naamngton at., from 24ofx Alder St. where he has been engaged by the Impon dero Therapo Co., and will be pleased to see all his) Old patients ae well as new. SWEDISH trained nuree. Helslngfora gradu ate. cures rneumatlsm, stomach troubles and nervous disorders by hand rubbing team sweat and tuD Datns: botn sexes. East 11th St., one door frotn'Edst Ankeny car. rnonea East 20u, Home a ltsua. AZA HOLMES RIBBECKE. reliable ski specialist; blemishes, wrinkles and small pox pits removed; halrdresslng, manicur ing and dermatology taught: largest stocfc of hair goods In the West at cut prices. . Parlors. Grand Leader, 5th ana Aiaer. MADAM A. A. Ll'CKEY'S Electrical Insti tute. We cure rheumatism. - la grippe, stomach, liver and kidney diseases, bpe cial attention to ladies. 401-403 columbt: bldg.. 865 Washington and West Park sis. Main 2011. YOU can't work when you don't sleep well Palma Tablets make vou sleep and Klv you steady nerves; 50c a box, 6 boxes $2.50. All druggists, or address tba 4. A- Clemen son Drug Co.; Portland. LADIES Ask your druggist for Chichester; Diamond Brand Pills. For 23 years known aa the bejM sn.fest. Reliable. Take no other. Chichester Diamond Brand Pills are sold by druggists everywhere. VEDANTA PHILOSOPHY Class now form lna: can vou use this royal road to self understanding? Instructions by member or vedanta society anti r. n. a. a Address secretary, box S 452. Oregonian. BOTH MEN AND WOMEN Treated and cured of all acute and chronlo diseases: lady physician assistant. Colum bia Sanitarium, Raleigh bldg.. cor. 6th and asblngton sts. MEN, whatever your ' disease or Infirmities ' may be, our specialist for men will give you the proper treatment. iiiiiujbuc. Therapy Co.. 008 Merchants Trust blag., 82614 Wash. st. FREE treatment for catarrh, hay fever and catarrhal deafness, oroncnuis. tuueruu losls. Geo. F. Rowan, 520 Swetland bldg. cor. 5th and Wash. Phone Main 29S. DRESS suits for rent, all sixes, $1.50 month keeps your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons sewed on, rips sewed. Prompt calls and de liveries. Unique Tailoring to., av ii- DR. SANDERSON CO. Savin and Cotton .u,r tiii sure remedv for. delayed pe riods. $2 per box or 3 boxes for $5. T. J, Pierce, 211 Alisxy Diug., oj mow DESIRABLE company found for lonely people, either sex; 500 to select from; nhotos on file: register 10c. Porland Introducing Bureau. 211 Alisky bldg. LADIES, no difference what your ailments may be, see our ladv physician specialist for women. Imnondero-Therapy Co., 5o8 Merchants Trust bldg.. 320 Wash, st. LADIES learn the popular art of painting On plush, lessons ou cents, nuutn x 334 Yamnin. FRED M'CARLEY Please call at 816 Ore gonian bldg. alter f. m. wrinkles, sunerfluous hair removed Mrs. M. D. Hill. 330 Fliedner bldg. M. 3473. udq x w TTOT.MirtCj Shampoolng-manl curing; facial massage. 601 Swetland bldg PACIFIC Introducing Club for lonely single people: circular loc. 1st at. arpxr.rx a t. KOTICKS. Proposals Invited. PROPOSAL FOR BONDS. TW TP. PORT PORTLAND Sealed proposals are Invited for the pur chase of $50,000 in bonds of the Port of Portland, of the denomination of $1000 each, dated July 1. l!0t, and payable July 1, 190'J. with Interest thereon 'semi annually at the rate of 6 per cent per annum; principal and interest payable in United States gold coin at the office ot the Port of Portland, in tne city oi rori- lunri Orpeon. Se-iled bids will be received at the office ,e ih. Pnrt of Portland. Portland. Oregon uo to 4 o'clock P. M. ot Thursday, the 14th day of January, 1900, and will then be opened. No bids will he. considered unless ac companied by a certified check in favor of the Port of Portland, drawn upon a reputable banking-house in r-ornanu. Oregon, for 5 per cent of the amount of such hid, the same to be retained by the Port of Portland as liquidated damages should the bonds be awarded and the successful bidder fall to take ana pay for tho bonds so awarded him. The unsuccessful bidder will also be required to pay in addition to the amount of his bid. the accrued Interest from July 1. 19U9, to the date of the delivery of said bonds. The legality of the bonds offered for sale, nas been nnirmeu o.v mo oui,io,, Court of the State of Oregon. The Port of Portland reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Bids should be marked "Proposals for Bonds" on the outside. . JOHN P. DOYLE, Clerk of the Board. Removal Notices. ART NEEDLEWORK. Th original Needlecraft Shoo of Port land, formerly located at 3SS Washington st, now on 6th. near Morrison. Miscellaneous. PUBLIC NOTICE In pursurance of - tno provisions of Section 4 or the Reclamation Act of June 17. 1902 (32 Stat, 3SS), notice was given under date of December 27, 1907. of the furnishing of water from the Umatilla Protect, Oregon, for the follow ing lands: Willamette Meridian. Town shlpa 4 and 5 N, R. 28 E-, and Town ships 4 and N, R. 20 E., and setting forth the conditions and charges govern ing the furnishing of water to irrigable lands contained therein. In paragraph numbered "I" of said notice the number ot installments of the build ing charge is stated at not less than five nor more than ten. This is hereby modified so that payments of the building charge may be made In any number of Installments not exceeding 10, each being not less than $ per acre or some mul tiple thereof; provided, however, that full payment may be made at any time of any balance remaining due. after certifi cation has been made by the Commis sioner of the General Land Office that full and satisfactory compliance has been shown with all the requirements of the law as to residence, cultivation and reclamation. Paragraph numbered "2" of said notice specified the amount of the portion of the annual Installment for op eration and maintenance. The develop ment of the project has shown that the necessary annual charge for operation and maintenance will exceed that assessed for the year 1908. Therefore: KotLce is hereby given that for the irrigation season of 1909 and until further no tice the portion of the installment for operation and maintenance . will be $1.30 per acre of irrigable land, whether water Is used thereon or not, the cnarge ror the season of 1909 being a portion of the Installment due and payable December 1. 1009, and similarly for subsequent years. No water will be furnished in any year unless the portion of the annual Install ment for operation and maintenance then due shall have been paid on or before April 1. Accordingly no water will be furnished for the irrigation season of 1909 for any land unless the portion of the installment for operation and main tenance due and payable on or before December 1, 1908 ($1 per acre) has been paid on or before April 1, 1909, and no water will be furnished in 1910 unless the portion for operation and mainte nance due and payable on or before De cember 1, 1909 4 $1.30 per acre) has been paid on or before April 1, 1910. Charges may be paid to the Special Fiscal Agent of the V. S. Reclamation Service at Hermiston, Oregon, on or be fore the dates apacined for payment at the local land office, but in case this privilege is availed of, the necessary charge for the transportation of the cash, as determined by the Special Fiscal Agent, must accompany the payment of such charges. The public noticw of December 27, 1907, shall remain In force and effect except as herein modified. James Rudolph Garfield, Secretary of the Interior. THE partnership heretofore existing be tween V. J. Nelson and A. W. Grover under firm name "The Portland Elevator Co," has been dissolved by mutual con sent, V. J. Nelson retiring from said busi ness and A. W. Grover continuing and as sumes all obligations of the said firm. KIVERVIEW CEMETERY ASSOCIATION The annual meeting of tho members will be held at the office of the association, 224 W'orcester blork, on Monday, January 11. 1909. at 3:30 P. M. A general attend ance is desired. All owners of family lots In the cemetery are members and entitled to participate. W. R. Mackenzie, clerk. ARCHITECTS, contractors, engineers, get Pacific Builder ft Engineer. 315 Ch. Com, FECIAI, nOTICKsV Miscellaneous. PUBLIC NOTICE In pursuance of the pro visions of Section 4 of the Reclamation Act of June 17, 1902 ( 32 Stat. 88). notice is hereby given as follows: Water will be fur nished from the Umatilla project, Oregon, under the provisions of the reclamation act. In the irrigation season of 1909, for the irrigable land shown on farm unit plats of Willamette Meridian: T. 4 K.. R. 28 E. ; T. 5 N, R. 28 E. : T. 4 N, R. 29 E.; T. 5 N, R. 29 E, approved November 11, 1908. by the Secretary of the Interior, and on file in the local Land Office at La Grande, Or. Homestead entries, accompanied by ap plications for water rights, and the first installment of the building, and operation and maintenance charges may be made under, the provisions of said act for the farm units shown on the eald plats. Water right applications may also be made for lands heretofore entered and for lands in private ownership end the time when pay ments win be due aa hereinafter stated. The limit of area per entry, representing the acreage which, in the opinion of the Secretary of the Interior, may be reason ably required for the support of a family on the lands entered subject to the provi sions of the reclamation act, Is fixed at the amount shown upon the plats for the several farm units. The limit of area for which water right application may be made for lands In private ownership snail be 100 acres of irrigable land for each landowner. The charges which shall be made per acre of Irrigable land In the said entries and for lands heretofore entered or in pri vate ownership which can be irrigated by the waters from the said Irrigation project, are in two parts, as follows: 1. The building of the Irrigation system, $ per acre of irrigable land, payable In not more than ten annual install ments, each payment not less than $6 per acre or some multiple thereof, provided, however, that full payment may be made at any time of any balance remaining due, after certification has been made by the Commissioner of the General Land Office that full and satisfactory compliance has been shown iwlth all the requlremeata of the law as to residence, cultivation and reclamation. 2. For operation end mainten ance, w-hlch will, as soon as the data are available, be fixed In proportion to the amount of water used, with a minimum charge per acre of irrigable land whether water is used thereon or not. The operation and maintenance charge for the Irrigation season of 19o9 and until further notice, will be $1.30 per acre of Irrigable land, whether water is used thereon or not. For lands hereafter entered. the first installment on account of the said charges for the irrigable lands shown on these plats shall be paid for the season of 1909 at the local Land Office at La Grande. Or., at the time of entry and of filing water right application, the total payment be ing not less than $7.30 per acre. The second Installment shall be due and pay able December 1, 1910, at the same place. Subsequent Installments shall be due and payable on December 1 of each year at the same place. For lands in private ownership and for lapds heretofore entered, the first installments ehall be due and payable De cember 1 7909. and the Installments for the year )lv ana biii years shall be due and payable on the nn a.t the same place. The first Installment ot the charges for alt IrrlirahTd areuM fltlOWn OS these platS, whether or not water-right application Is made therefor or water is usea inereon, ... ., k , navaiiA ns therein pro- nil The. regulation is hereby established that no water will be furnished in any year until all operation and maintenance charges then due shall nave Deen paiu. " lngly r.o water will be furnished for the irrigation season ot lmu ior any u.u less the portion of the Installment for op .ratian nnri maintenance due and payab.t on or before December 1, 1909, has been paid on or before April 1, 1910. and In nica manner no water will be furnished In nv suhseouent Irrigation season unless payment has been made on or before April 1 of that year of the portion ot tne m ,iim,nt fnr nnemtlon and malntenanc which was due and payable on December t thA nre.ce.dina year. ror at. gnnllmtlnn, frtP WRtPr rights filed T,a in (n lis or anv sub sequent year one installment of the charge for building! operation and maintenance, $7.30 per acre must be paid at the time of filing, but the portion of the installment for operation and maintenance shall be credited on account of the Installment of said charges for the subsequent year If any Installment of the charges shall not have been paid in full on or before De cember 1 of the year subsequent to that in which It Is due and payable as herein provided, it shall then become delinquent he terms of section o of the reclamation act the entry and water-right application shall be subject to cancellation vith the forfeiture of any moneys paid via,.raa herein nrovided may ,..AtAn, of the aoDltcants. be paid to the .Special Fiscal Agent of the United States Reclamation Service assigned to the Umatilla project, for transmission to the Register and Receiver of the local Land Office on or before the date specified for na.-mAnr at the local LSliO .mice, uu. " ,1.1. .lvllan. Is availed of. the neces for transportation of the i i.(B hir the EDecIal Fiscal Agent, mum accompany the payment of .h wnter-rlaht charges. James nuaoipu Garfield. Secretary of the Interior. LOST AND FOUND. LOST Scotch collie, light brown, white of "tali and white on all four feet; finder return 242 Montgomery st, A-omanu, ur. reward. ' "Tr-'l.iF-1"?, rT?Ji"VW1Klei.eCraen,- Willi UBIUC - - !,.-. graved on back or n. im-"- ;.C reward by returning to owner a . and Everett sts. LOST Ladv' a gold watch, while riding be- tween Hooker si auu mu - .reward: return to 215 14th. or phone Main 50S6. t i . t n.inAia bulldog, vear old. weight about 65 10S.; wnne oiuicii o.. B'" of face and left side of breast. Finder phone M 689 7 or A 2297; reward. irrvfTvn Where hair mattresses are reno- -r .,,. wii Pw.i.t Main' 474 A 1374. Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. Metzger. T oT Small solitaire diamond ring. Find- lenius "The Chetopa," 584 Flanders su Reward. t)ST Tuesday, a black fur glove; nnner will receive rewara ov ri..Ti...s , - tcr & Klelser. 5th and Everett 3ts. FOUND Foxterrier pet; give full descrip tion: tricks: phone number. AD 42 ( , Ore gonian. LOST Collie dog; return rn. -" liberal rewara; no queanuii FOUND Purse, containing money. Call A 5736. betw-en a ano o o i BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accountants. E H COLLIS ft CO, ACCOUNTANTS. " Commercial, County and Municipal. Auditing. Investigating and Systematixlng. 3"4 Worcester Block. Phone Main 6667. Attorneys. E. EBNER, admitted to all courts, over 18 'years active practice. 431-2 Lumber Exchange. Portland, Or. T JEFFREYS, attorney-at-law, 208 Fen tion bldg.; 15 years" practice In Oregon. 8 years' practice In Alaska. CHAS. W. GARLAND, attorney-at-iaw ana notary puonc. joo nucuaju wub. EMMONS ft EMMONS have removed law of fices to wv-liu iioara oi irauo uius. Accordion Plaiting. MISS O. GOULD, 335 Morrison, cor. 7th. Ac cordion ana anno iiicbiius ,iiiivi,s- ArcUitects and Builders. H. C. MORRIS, architect. Plans, specifi cations and guaranieea ewiuua-ies lunniuw. 403 Corbett bldg. Main 8429, A 3429. BEE Johnson about bungalows. 204 Mohawk bldg. A 4.K1. Assayers and Analysts. PAUL BAUMEL, . assayer and analyst. Gold dust bought. 2UI Aioer ax. Wells & Proebatel. mining engineers, cnera- ists ana assayers. v-7 , m MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testing wora. 100 ai. DR. E- O. SMITH, mining engineer, 40 years" experience. 2o stara si. PORTLAND ANALYTICAL. LABORATORY, 622 Worcester oiag., oa uiu vlk. ji. www. Bicycle ftnd Electrical Repairing;. ELAM-SHAW Bicycle, gasoline, engine ftnd electrical repairing. 826 Stark st. Carpet Weaving". RUGS made from old carpet; also colonial rag rugs woven. rtoruisnoi nug rvoras, 153 Union ave. East 3580, B 1280. Commission Merchants. TAYLOR, YOUNG ft CO.. ship brokers, com mission merchants. Sherlock bldg., Portland. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Chiropody. WM, Estelie and Flossie Deveny. the only! scientific chiropodists in the city. Parlor 302 Gerllnger bldg, S. W. cor. 2d aud AW der. Phone. Main 1301. DR. NELSON treats my corns: never hurts reasonable, tip-to-date manicuring. 250Va Alder, cor. 3d. Main 7366. MISS WANDA, 231 8th. treats all foot mala-, dies; bunions a specialty. Chiropody and Pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill,! room 330 Fliedner bldg. Phone Main 3473, CHIROPODY. manicuring. Mrs. Duntsa. Iris Apartments. 802 3d. Main T714. Dancing. DANCING lessons, 25c; Prof. Wal Wilson's; school, 23614 Washington St.: both phones.; Dentists. T. P. WISE, removed to 326V4 WasbJ . cor. 6th. Main 8009. DetectlTe Agencies. THE Thiel Detective Service Co. W arW especially equipped with experienced men.; 200 Chamber of Commerce bldg. M 934. A 2493., D. L. Clouse. manager. WILSON'S DETECTIVE AGENCY, 81 7 th, st. Phones Main 1001, A 4818. Educational. PRIVATE tutoring, either preparatory college work. 2u9 loth st. Main 4614. Feed Store. HAY, grain, feed, cement, shingles and plaster. East 482. 294 Grand ave. Harness and Saddlery. THE George Lawrence Co, wholesale sad die and harness mnfrs. 80-86 1st. Main 226. R. M. PRICE HARNESS CO., St. Phono" Main 2402. 331 Ankeny Tunk. Hides and I'elts. L. SHANK ft CO, purchasers of hides, pelts, wool, furs, tallow, old rubbers, metals ani sacks. 312 Front St. Leather and llndinga. CHAS. L. MASTICK ft CO., 74 Front, leather of every description, taps, mfrs. findings. J. A. 8TROWBRIDGE LEATHER CO. Es. tabllshed 183S. 18U Front st. Musical. ALL this month you will have better prices than ever before; one-third and one-half off on all musical goods; finest assortment of harps In the city. H. Anderson Co, 190 Third st. PAUL F. KIPSNER. violinist and Instructor; music furnished for balls, receptions, etc Suite C, over Eilers Piano House. A GRADUATE in music from Europe wlil give muGlo lessons, residence. 303 North 23d. Phone A 2213r BAND Instruments, room 204 Tourny bldg.. 2d and Taylor. L. Setberltng. Neurologists. DR. FREEZE, second floor Marquam bldg . Portland; specializing in chronic eye and nervous troubles; drtiglessi system of treat-' ment; glasses fitted by best methods known to science. Main 7399. Opticians. GLASSES fitted to your entire satisfaction and guaranteed. Rose City Optical Co., 250 Alder, cor. 3d, upstairs. Osteopathic Physicians. DR. R. B. NORTH RU P. 418-16-17 Dekum bldg.. Third and Washington sts. Phone, office. Main 349. res., E. 1023. Faint. Oils and Glass. RASMUSSEN & CO., Jobbers, paints, oil, glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. Patent and Pension Attorneys. R. C. WRIGHT, domestic ents; Infringement cases. ind foreign pat 004 Dekum. J. J. HIRSHEIMER, pension and patent attorney, rooms 20-21 Labbe bldg. Paving. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO., I Portland, office 402-3-4 Worcester block. WARREN Construction Co.. street paving. -sidewalks and crossings. 314 Lumber Ex. , Public Stenographers. H. C. EDWARDS, 13 Swetland. Main 3733. . Rapid, accurate, legal, medical, mining, en gineering, commercial stenographic work. DOCIA V". WILLITS, 506 Swetland bldg.. Sth and Wash. Phone Main 3148. MISS IDA CON A NT, room 62 Lumber Ex change bldg. Phone Main 4977. Roofing. Cornices and Skylights, WESTERN SHEET METAL WKS., 45 N. 6th. 1 P. J. McMahon, E. M. Sharkey. M. 8243. 1 Rubber Stamps. ALSO trade checks and all office goods. P. : D. C. Co.. 231 Stark St. Both phones 1407. ; Safes. THB MOSLER SAFE CO.. 108 2d st. Safes at factory prices. Second-hand safes. DAVIS SAFE ft LOCK CO., Dlebold cafes. 66 3d st. Bargains in 2d-hand safea. Shovr Case, Bank and Store Fixtures. THE James I. Marshall Mfg. Co.. showcases. cabinets, store and office fixtures. 28 Couch st Main 270.1. STOVES connected and . repaired. Main - 1110. 271 1st. Signs. FOSTER ft KLEISER, SIGNS. The large sign-makers In the North-. west, Sth and Everett sts. Phone Private: Exchange 55. Home A 1153. Storage and Transfer. C. O. PICK Transfer and Storage Co.. office and commodious i.,ur-siory oncK ware house, separate Iron rooms and fireproof vaults for valuables. N. W. cor. 2d and Pine sts. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipping. Main 696, A 1996. OLSEN-ROE TRANSFER CO. General traneferrlng and storage: safes, pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment. 209 Oak St.. bet. Front and 1st. Telephone Main 547 or A 2247. PONY express, alt kinds baggage transferred , to anv part of city; quick service. "none i M. 7614. 4r- C1TY TRANSFER ft STORAGE CO. 1031 Front st. Phone Main 62. A 1I6Z. VAN HORN TRANSFER CO. Furniture and piano moving a specialty. 40-42 2d st. Phone A 1984. Main 1618. ' INDEPENDENT BAGGAGE ft TRANSFER CO., storage. '324 stark. Main ti. Turkish Baths. TURKISH baths. 300 Oregonlan bldg.; ladles! davs. men nights: massages given at your homes. Main 1038, A 1938. Typewriters. THE TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE). 702 Roth chlld biog., state ageuis ior nuysi otanu-' ard Typewriter. 6PECIAAL prices: alt makes rested, sold, re-1 paired. P. D. L.. ISO.. ZJl stara. Main I4ui. i Veterinary College. Bulletin San Francisco Veterinary College now ready; mailed, ur. u. neone, join Aiarxet. Veterinary Surgeon. H. R- THOMPSON. l. v. o.. 4zu Hawthorne.! Phones r-ast aui, a ioo. . Wholesale Jobbers. WADHAMS ft CO., wholesale grocers, nun- ufacturera. commission mercnanta. 4tn j and Oak. BANKS. GERMAN AMERICAN BANK COR. Blrt A.MJ Ai-rlirNUIUN BIS., TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING, BUSINESS; ISSUES DRAFTS AVAIL-, ABLE IN ALL PRINCIPAL CITES Of! THE UNITED STATES AND EUROPE: 4i PER CENT INTEREST PAID ON SAV-I INGS ACCOUNTS; SAFETY DEPOSIT! VAULTS. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Portland, Oregon. CAPrTAI AND SURPLUS 11.800.000. No Interest paid on accounts.