THE MORNING OREGONIAN; SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1908. PILLAGERS RULE CITY FOR .HOURS Troops Disperse Haytian Mob With. Volleys, Killing Twelve.' ALEXIS' HEART IS BROKEN Over 90 Year Old. Vcpor1 Trcsi drnl .lounll at Sudtlcn . Outbreak or Hostility Mob to Blame for Massacres. PORT AIT PRINCE. Dec. 4 For many hour during the night following the flight of Xord Alexia riot and pillage pre vailed In Port au Prince. The populace, maddened by the spirit of revolt, turned from the skiff that carried the deposed President to the, French training ship. Duguay Trouin. and gave full vent to Iti passions. It looted stores and residences, fought over the booty and was held in check only by an armed force hastily gathered together by General Poidevln. whicii fired a volley into the mob and drov thf rioters from street to street and finally into seclusion. Twelve) per sotim were killed and muny wounded be fore arder ! restored. Coir.initlee or Safety Acts. Pa serious did ri situation become that a committee of public safety, composed of the most prominent military lenders, was organized. Scores of citizens wore placed under arms to assist the loyal troops in patrolling the city and comparative tran quillity now reigns. The American. French and German min isters decided early in the morning that they could trust In the arrangements made by the committee to maintain order, but they jointly gave notice that, if trouble occurred again, they would land forces from the warships. Those already here were re-enforced at daybreak by the American gunboat Eagle and a British gunboat. Gld Alexis Broken-Hearted. Xord Alexis, who spent a restless light-, has been the obioct of much ron.-Mcieration on the part of the com mander of the French ship. Past 90 years. -Xord Alexis faced his foes with the. strength and determination of a man in the very prime of life. Not until he saw his people, those he had fought for and ruled, in front of tho palace crying for his life, did he realise that they had turned against him. Only then did he accept the protection of the French flag. . The President is broken-hearted over the attitude of his people In the cap ital, of whose hostility, he declared, he had been entirely ignorant. "They always cheered me when I ap peared in th streets," he said mourn fully. " "And I have always labored for their good." Kept Ignorant or Massacre. -, For the first time Xord Alexis expressed today his views with regard to the sum Jnary executions which took' place on March 15 last, when many men were shot to deaih by order of General Le--onte. Tie -had always been convinced, he said, that these men . had been killed iluring an attack on the palace; his of ficials and those on whom he depended had kept back the truth from him. But he had learned the truth later and con sidered this act a very unfortunate one. AVill Elect Simon President. The sentiment of the people Is strongly In favor of General Simon, and he prob ably will be elected President if the cham bers be assembled without delay. Simon has arrived at Greasier, which Is only about 12 milt distant. He will enter the x'lty Friday morning with a strong army AMERICA NOT TO MEDDLE "Stale Department Denies Rumor of Intervention. WASHINGTON.". Dc. 4. It was stated positively at the State Department this afternoon that none of the foreign gov ernments whose citizens have interests in Haytf' had asked the American Gov ernment to intervene In the affairs of the island and in response to a specified question whether the United States con templated Intervening on itr own ac count, the reply was an emphatic "No." Minister Furniss, in a dispatch, says that, rome of the residents of Port au I'rince fear a conflict between the north ern and southern factions. : Captain Shipley, commanding the cruiser Des Moines, today cabled the Navy De partment that Po: au Prince was quiet and t':at he has received assurances from the committee on safety that Amer ican lives and property were secure. LET GERMANY INTERVENE Her Business Interests In Ilayti Out weigh All Others. WASHINGTON. Dec. 4. The sugges tion. that the United States Government should Intervene jn Haytl because of the American business Interests af fected by the revolution, does not call for any responsive sympathy at the Slate Dvpartmc nt. If business Inter ests are the ground for Intervention, it Is said .that Germany would be the one to stepv in. as German Interests there far outwr-igH all others. The fact tht Haylians have not re quested intervention is regarded as a most important reason against it. If necessary. American bluejackets will be landed tu piotect American Interests or American citizens.- REPEAL TIMBER LAND LAW AELSON VOICES DEMAND IN CONSERVATION MEETING. IIaoc Wrought in Western Forests by Speculators Who Buy Cheap and Sell Dear. WASHINGTON. Deo 4. The necessity for repeal of the timber and stone act. under which, it was asserted, millions of acres of public land had been taken up by land speculators at low figures and sold later at phenomenal advances, was emphasized at the night session of the National Conservation Commission by Senator Knute Nelson, of Minnesota. Mr. Nelson's declaration that he want ed to see that law off the statute books tlrred up" a hve'y discussion. Among Uiose lio took fart were Senators Flint. Smofet and Dixon, Representative Snir ley and ex-Governors Blanchard and Fardee. Commissioner Fred Dennett. ' of the General Land Office, was the principal speaker and his remarks, dwelling upon th havoc wrought in the forests of the West by land speculators under the ex isting act. sounded the keynote for the views which were voiced later and which. It is declared, probably will have weight In the recommendations the Com mission will make to President Koose velt. Mr. Dennett poke of the wide latitude given the speculators under the timber and stone act, hy which loO acres may be bought at 12.50 per acre and sold probably as high as 50. The Govern ment, he said, was powerless at this time to prevent this traffic during the operation of the act. Mr. Dennett staled that during the past year nearly acres of land had been taken up. according to entries on record. HELPS FL lMXE BLUFF' PEOPLE CAUSE WRECK OF HOUSE. In Defiance or Government, Pykes Are Blown Up ajid Buildings Crumble Away. PIXE BLUFF. Ark.. Dec. 4. UnaMe to stand the continued pressure of tho water hurled against It through tho diverting; of the current of the river by the dynamiting operations of last night, the Government dyke at the foot of Alabama street, several blocks south of the former zone, was washed away tonight for a distance of 200 yards and the steep bank at this point, with the entire force of the swollen stream I striking against It. is fast crumbling i Into the river. Great portions are tumbling at rapid intervals, and the roar of the river and the caving banks is heard for a great distance. An entire block of business houses has been abandoned and smaller build ings are being rolled away. Several structures already overhanging the brink doubtless will collapse before to morrow. East Barraquc street, front ing on the river for several blocks. Is a scene of desolation and efforts are being made to remove the stocks of the business houses and household goods to a place of safety. Dynamiters resiuncd late tonight their work of blowing away the north bank, opposite Pine Bluff, in an effort further to divert the current. Xews of the plan 'lo use dynamite had been sent to Cnptaln Ficuene, United States Engineers, at Little .Rock, and he sent .word to stop it at ail hazards. The Government boats were out of commission and could not get to the scene In the darkness. A strong sentiment prevailed here that drastic as was the action in defying the Government, the end ha Justified the action. The effects of tlie dynamiting be gan to be noticed shortly after midnight. MAKES SORROWFUL APPEAL t Widow Jilted in Correspondence Flirtation. The police of this city are investigat ing an appeal made by Mra. Belle Jen kins, of Valley. Neb., to bring to light the character of W. II. Hudnut. of 1814 Dwight street, Portsmouth. Yesterday morning they received a missive from Mrs. Jenkins, who. It appears, is a mat rimonial Iv-inclined widow of tender sus ceptibilities. In which she set forth, in quaint but feeling phrases that a man giving Hudnut's name and address had been corresponding with her for two months or more and that the courtship carried on between them through the mall had abruptly ended because of the receipt by "her of a letter from a man signing the name of John Vinton, who warned her against Hudnut and told her that her intended husband had beer, forced to leave the city under a cloud. Having formed an attachment for Mr. Hudnut which she was loathe to shatter, she therefore sent to the Chief of Police a personal and confidential appeal to render her this sen-Ice. in a matter so important to her future happiness. . Patrolman "Wellbrook was delegated yesterday afternoon to look up the man. He did so and. sad to relate, brought hack a report -which benrs a knock-out tilow to the aspirations of the waiting widow in Valley. Neb. Mr. Hudnut acknowledged his identity, and told the policeman that he had be come acquainted with Mrs. Jenkins through a matrimonial bureau. After corresponding for two months he became tired of the "fun" and decided to break it off. He then sent a fictitious letter to his victim, giving himself as black a character as he could paint, and then waited for an answer. It came I&. the form of the blue-conted policeman, who requested an explanation. Now the delicate part of the romance presents itself. -The Chief of Police of Portland, having lent himself to thn ends strlved for by matrimonial bureaus, finds himself placed in the disagreeable position of informing the palpitating widow that her lover Is fickle and that the only consolation he can send her for a broken heart is the explanation that it wan ail done as a joke. PUPILS PLAY CRUEL JOKE Teacher. Called to Examine Charged Fence, Gets Electric Sjiark. BKL.UXOHAU. Wash., Dec. 4. (Spe cial.) A stolen current of electricity, a charged school building fence, a principal shocked in all senses of the word and a dire threat of wholesale expulsions, are the leading features in a farce comedy enacted at the North Bellingham High School today. Some ingenious students, by means of a coil of barb wire, stole a strong current of electricity from the First Christian Church and ran- it to the wire fence, which encloses the school grounds. Then some one told Principal Twltmeyer that there was something wrong with the fence. That august personage "bit," and went out to examine the fence. The consequent shock knocked him off his feet. Ttie janitor, coming to his res cue, was similarly affected, and then a crowd collected anil several of the stu dents received severe shocks from jhe innocent appearing fence. SCAN SITUATION IN OHIO Fresidcnr-Elect and Vorys Discuss Senatorial Fight. HOT SPRINGS. Va.. Dec. 4 A thor ough canvass of the Ohio political sit uation was made today by President elect Taft and Arthur I. Vorys. who stopped here on his way to Cincinnati from Washington. Mr. Taft is taking no part In the Sen atorial affair. He was told by his former chief of staff that Charles P. Taft control of the situation was at this, time most satisfactory. Mr. Vorys will take an artlve part In the campaign In behalf of the Cincinnati capitalist. Senator Foraker and Representative Burton also are candidates CAUSES SHDWN OE MINE EXPLOSIONS Mining Congress Sees Demon strations of Powder's Effects. TAX TO RELIEVE VICTIMS Mitchell Proposes Levy on Coal to Compensate Widows of Victims. Oxygen Apparatus Makes the Gas Harmless. ' PITTSBURG, Dec. 4. Coal operators, mineowners. engineers, practical miners, scientists and national and state officials, all here for the meeting of the American Mining Congress, participated yesterday afternoon In the formal dedication of the Government's laboratory and testing sta tion established recently In this city. A series of tests in an artificial mine, in which conditions of real mines are repro duced as far as possible, showing, the re sults from various explosives- and from so-called safety agencies, was the most Interesting feature of the ceremony. The first test was a safety powder, dry fireclay and bituminous coal dust, the last placed on shelves representing ledges in real mines. The powder was ignited for the blast and did not explode the dust. Black Powder Deadly. There was a terrific explosion dur ing the fourth test when 1.1 pounds of black powder and 20 pounds of road dust (actual mine dust) were" used. The recoil was strong, and the flames covered the full length of the arti ficial mine. The test proved the com bination to be exceedingly dangerous. At this point experts appeared wear ing the Draeger oxygen apparatus, in cluding metal and glass hoods, chem ical chamber and alrbag, designed to render breathing normal or nearly so. while the operator Is surrounded by the most deadly gases and vapors. The men hurried into the gallery still filled with fumes of the explosion and 'ap parently were not affected by any of the gases. This device is designed es pecially for rescue work and was used with good results at Marianna. Tax Coal to Compensate Victims. The American Mining Congress has recalled that in all the recent mine ex plosions the mines were the best ven tilated In the world. One of the most important actions waa the Introduction of a resolution provid ing for a tax of" one-half a cent a ton on all coal mined to provide for pensions and other relief In mine accidents. John Mitchell, ex-president of the United Mineworkers of America, spoke on conditions In the mines here and abroad. Mr. Mitchell said that provision should be made to pay every' widow of a miner who was killed In a mine $1000 and an injured miner $500. This money, he said, could be secured through a small tax on coal mined, and the tax would not bear heavily on any coal operator. He said experienced miners were for merly employed, whereas the present miners were mostly foreigners- and wholly inexperienced. Conservation Is Keynote. A plea for the conservation of the Na tion's natural resources was the key note of the annual address of President J. H. Richards last night at the Hotel Schenley. where a regular session was held and a dinner given for the dele gates. Secretary Garfield told of the efforts of the Interior Department for the conser vation of resources and preservation of the live? of those, engaged tn mining. The burden, however, he said, was upon the several states rather than upon the Federal Government, each state to enact legislation according to its needs. Dr. J. A. Holme, head of the Geo logical Survey for this district, said the big question of the hour is how to use the wasto from mines the refuse coal and other mine products- that are not now marketed. The testing station, he said. Is making experiments with this waste and has developed great energy. PRESIDENT JN DIRE PERIL Carriage Narrowly Escapes Collision With Hurrying Hosecnrt. WASHINGTON, Dec. 4. President Rooeevelt had a narrow escape from seri ous Injury while driving Wednesday after noon. The prompt action of Lieutenant J. B. Lyons, of the local fire department, who was driving a heavy fire hosecart. prevented a bad acchlcnt. The fire horses were traveling at great sueed in response to an alarm, when the driver, realizing that he would dash into the President's carriage but for some des perate action. Jerked the animals back and threw them on their haunches. Their hoofs, it Is said, almost struck the ve hicle in front of them as they fell. The hose wagon was slightly damaged. SEVENTEEN DIE IN STORM Ten Fishing Vessels Wrecked on New Foundland Coast. ST. JOHN9. X. F.. Dec. 4. Sevent?en persons have perished in a storm which has lashed the New Foundland coast for 48 hours. In all 10 fishing vessels have gone ashore, most of them break ing Into fragments on the rocks. The storm caused much damage to wharves and boats In the numerous harbors. BRITISH SECURE ISLAND Take Over French Strategic Point. Negotiations Will Follow. PARIS. Dec. 4. Minister of Colonies Millies La Croix confirmed yesterday the report that Oeno Island had been taken over by the British consular agent at Tahiti. The island, which is located in the Pacific. 90 miles north of Pltcairn. of the Tuamotu group, is considered a French strategic point on the Panama Tahiti route. It is announced that the matter will be made the subject of diplo matic negotiations between France and England. FIGHT OVER GIFT OF PIG Greased Pole Incident Leads to Probable Fatal Shooting, LONDON, Dec. 4. (Special.) A dis pute at a pleasure fair about a paltry prize offered to the successful competi tor In a greasy-pole climbing contest led to the scenes of violence and bloodshed at Coed Poeth. a few miles from Wrex ham. tl appears that a family of gypsies, named Cook four men and a woman recently arrived at Coed Poeth with their vans, shooting galleries, stalls and the like. They offered as an attraction a pig to anyone who could successfully climb a greasy pole. After the contest there was a dispute. The pig waa not forthcoming and some thing like a riot ensued among the crowd. The gypsies were attacked and some of their property was set on fire. So threatening became the conduct of the Infuriated people that the Cooks, it is alleged, resorted to the extreme step of firing at them with the ritles used In connection with their shooting galleries. Between 12 and 20 persons were struck hy bullets and one man named Jones waa wounded so seriously In the abdomen that he Is not expected to live. He now lies at the Wrexham Infirmary- Four others had bullets extracted and their wounds were dressed at the same insti tution. Nearly the whole of the stalls and other property belonging to the Cooks were destroyed. The five gypsies' were apprehended and Hlso a man In their employ. who. gives his name as Frank Hewitt, and says he Is a native of Cefu. near Ruabon. They will be brought before the magistrates today. GIRL GETS BIG ESTATE Colonel Tncker Wills All to Former Portland Xursc. HOT SPRINGS. Ark.. Dec. 4. The real state of Colonel William F. Tucker's feelings for his wife, who is the daughter of General John A. Logan, has become known at last. Oolonel Tucker, who was relieved of his duties as paymaster of the Department of the Lakes, when his health necessitated his removal to a Federal hospital, issued an order today providing that in the event of his death all of his property, real and personal, shall go to Mrs. Myrtle Piatt, the young woman by whom he was accompanied when he left Chicago, says a special to the Record-Herald. Mrs. Piatt is with him now in the capacity of nurse, it is said. At Colonel Tucker's express wish the officials of the Army and Navy Hospital here have forwarded the order to his su perior officers at Washington. When Colonel Tucker left Chicago for the South it was believed by his friendo that lie would never live to resume his duties In the Army. Reports from the hospital shortly after his arrival strengthened this Impression, and, indeed, his death was looked for almost hourly. His powers gradually rallied, however, and It was confidently announced by phy sicians at the hospital that his partial recovery might be looked for. From the fact that it was deemed wiser to forward the order to Washington Im mediately, the belief has grown that Col onel Tucker has suffered a relapse. The Imbroglio in which he became in volved after Mrs. Tucker had Inspired an Investigation of his relations with Mrs. Piatt are probably still vividly recalled. Mrs. Tucker charged that her husband showed the young woman altogether too much attention while he was stationed In the Philippines, and brought about an In vestigation by his superiors In the Service. Nothing came of the investigation at the time, the Colonel affirming that his In terest in Mrs. Piatt was only such as an older man and a relative might feel for a young woman in strange surroundings. The , scene of action was later trans ferred to Chicago when Mrs. Tucker filed a suit against her husband in the Mu nicipal Court there. She caused his ar rest while he was speeding southward on the same train with Mrs. Piatt, who de clared that she had been detained In the capacity of nurse. His physical condi tion wrts such, however, that It was found Impossible to take him back to Chicago to face the charges against him. Mrs. Tucker retained counsel to defend her interests. After word of her hus band's condition was sent back North she caused the case In the Municipal Court to be dismissed. but asserted, through her attorney, that an indictment would later be sought from the grand Jury. State's Attorney Healy. in Chi cago, was consulted, "but declined to take any action until Colonel Tucker's condi tion should have Improved. Colonel Tucker refrained from giving out any statements touching his attitude to his wife, but his action of today leaves little ground for doubt as to his real feelings. , "Colonel Tucker executed a will last Summer, but he may have changed it," commented Mrs. John A. I.oga.n. "Mrs. Tucker is Colonel Tucker's law ful wife." said Mrs. Logan, "and the state of Illinois has laws protecting law ful wives. The case Is pretty well ad vertised by Colonel Tucker himself. Whatever Colonel Tucker does will make nb difference so far as Mrs. Tucker Is concerned. So far as his estate is con cerned, he has nothing to will. Pecu niary considerations have had no Influ ence in the matter and will have none. "It was never a question what Colonel Tucker had, but it was a question what he did. It was the disgrace he has brought upon his family that Mrs. Tuck er has fought. It has been almost more than we could endure. It has been the disgrace that we have felt and feel now. It is sad that affairs have transpired as thev have, but we have been helpless. "it is sad to hear that Colonel Tucker Is approaching his end under the Influ ence of the woman who has ruined his life. We have done all we could to pre vent it.' BURGLARS LEAVE LETTER Take Owners to Task for Using De ceptive Looking Safe. LONDON, Dec. 4. (Special.) "Dear Sir: We do not understand why you should have a safe like this to keep an empty cash-box In. We find your mag azine interesting." Such was the sub stance of a note which burglars attached to the wall of a room at the office of the English Illustrated Magazine in the Strand. Entrance had been obtained to the premises during Friday night by picking the lock of an outside door. The safe, which contained only ledgers and an empty box. was about four feet high and was on the first floor. The steel back of the safe was cut out with a saw. a work which must have taken several hours. Apparently the burglars were tired after their task, for they made no attempt upon a smaller safe which contained money. Beneath the office of the magazine Is a confectioner's depot, which the thieves also entered. They took away a quan tity of chocolates. A safe hidden be neath a pile of sweetmeat boxes escaped their attention. STEVENS GETSTEN YEARS Negro Wln Robbed Train or $50, 000 Sent to Federal Prison. KAXSAS CITY. Dec. 4. Charles Stev ens, the negro accused of stealing a registered mail pouch containing $50,000 from a train here, July 6. was sentenced to ten years in the Federal Prison at Fort , Leavenworth, Kan., by Judge Pol lock today. A Jury found Stevens guilty on six counts, but the court ruled he could be sentenced only on two of them. None of the money has been recovered , The British Colonial Office recently 8.-. hut an expert to report on the Kent fore; In the Kant Africa protectorate. He foui: the forest So be ml ten lonp by eih brond. and to comprise 1 .OOo.oyo acres o. timber, valued at 91 1 fr.OOo.ono for the wuott alone. SELLS TO MORGAN THROUGH DUMMY Anthracite Coal Operator Tells How Trust Got Mo nopoly. BAER AS PHILANTHROPIST Objeccd to Raising: Price After Strike to Protect Poor, After Buy ing $150,000,000 Mine for $1,000,000, but Gave In. NEW YORK, Dec. 4. In the Govern ment's suit against the anthracite coal combination aid coal-carrying railroads for violation of the fcherman anti-trust law, C. D. Simpson, of Scranton, Pa., told yesterday of a deal for the collieries of his firm, Simpson & Watklns, with Robert Bacon, representing J. P. Morgan & Co. "How did you come to sell your col lieries to the Temple Iron Company?" "I met Robert Bacon of the firm of J. P. Morgan & Co. in H. McK. Twombley's office. He asked me how much I would take for the collieries and I told him." "He said it was too much. I said they could accept our figures or not." "When did you see Bacon again?" "1 never saw him again. We got a certified check from the Guarantee Trust Company. I did not then know we '.lad sold out to the Temple Iron Cpmpa'-y." Got Mine for Less Than Value. According to Mr. Simpson, the sek-en collieries for which he and his associates got S5.000.000 in cash and stock, have since been shown to contain about 40.000.000 tons of coal. They had to return $1,000,000 of the stock as their contribution of working capital, so that their total for the sale of the mines, worth $150,000,000 to $200, 000,000. was $4,000,000. Questioned about a contract with the Philadelphia & Reading Railroad after the strike of 1902, by which the road was to take all his coal at the tidewater price of 65 per cent of the selling price, Mr. Simpson said: uaer Protector of Poor. "After the strike we could get almost any price for the coal, $10 to $3) a ton. but President George F. Baer of the Philadelphia & Reading Road wanted to keep the price down: lie wanted the tide water price kept at about $5 per ton. 1 protested and he said we were getting our 65 per cent. I know that, but we could get $10 or more a ton then. " 'Who'll protect the poor if the price of coal is put up now?' asked President Baer. "I replied. 'You protect the poor if you want to. and I'll protect the rich." " Mr. Simpson said he and his associates were finally released from their contra" and thereafter sold their coal at the highest price they could obtain. PUTS HEAD FURNACE Rejected Swain in Paris Chooses Awful Metlwd of Suicide. PARIS, Dec. 4. (Special.) Disap pointed in love, for- the girl he had been courting cave him up for another, and tired of life, though he was only 24. a young mason named Legrand resolved to commit suicide, but as he had not suf ficient money to buy a revolver to blow out his brains, he decided to burn off his head. An opportunity for doing so was soon offered. . Seeing in the street a rolling stetm en gine and boiler, under which a good fire had Just been made, he stuck his head through the door into the blazing fur nace. He was pulled out immediately by the workmen, but during the few sec onds that he had held his head over the fire he was scorched enough to obtain the effect desired. He was taken to the hos pital dying. BANKER COMMITS SUICIDE Had $50 in Pocket lo Pay Liabilities Amounting to $150,000. BERLIN, Dec. 4. Sp?ciaD The list of suicides among German bankers In the past few months has been lengthened by the death of Herr Ottmar Mueller, owner of a large private banking establishment at Freislng. Ileur Mueller drowned him self in. the River Isar in consequence of business losses. His liabilities are esti mated at $450,000 and his assets of $50 found on his person. A Worthy Desire. Lippincott's. An ambitious young Chicagoan recently called upon a publisher of novels in that city, to whom he imparted confidentially The Best Cough Cure A half-ounce of Virgin oil of Pine, two o'.mees 3f ;lycerlnc and a half-pint of Whisky, mixed, will cure any cough that Is curable and break a cold In It hours. Tako a leaspoontul every four hours. Ak your druKKist for the genuine Leach's Virgin Oil of Pine compound pure, prepared and guar anteed by the Leach Chemical Co., Cincin nati. O. DR. W.A.WISE We can supply you with bridges without plates that will be perfectly firm, look as wH as the natural teeth sod cbew your food perfectly. THE DR. WISE SYSTEM, fierfected during 21 years' active practics n Portland, guarantees you unrivaled re sults in all branches of the dental pro fession. Plates that lit perfectly and that won't come loose, absolutely painless ertrac Mnn. scientific porcelain snd inlt y work, all , i- ....inE. r ,amilntf In the profession. Tour work dons in a -lay If desired. WISE DENTAL CO., INC. Dr. W. A. Wise, Mgr.. 21 years In Port land. Second floor, Failing bldg.. Third and Washington streets. Office hours. 8 A. M. to I F. H. Sundays. 9 to 1 P. M. Painloso extracting. 60c; plates, $5 up- Phones A snd Main 2020. fy?f j 5 M i " W : . " - IK 7 . ; firi-v" v-"- : -"-- mr rrinr SCRIBNER'S HOLIDAY BOOKS IlluMtrated Books. 1IKVHV VAX DYKE'S Out of Doers in the Holy Land With 112 illus. In color. 1.50 met; postpaid S.I.UO. The best of his out-of-door books.. The deeply interesting account of a trip bv caravan through Palestine to many out-of-the-way places, and with many out-of-door adventures. A Chronicle of Friendships BV WILL, H. LOW. ' Illustrated by the Author. ' P pnld 3.,10. Delightful reminiscences of the life of the artists and art students in Paris and Harbi son and in this country, but especially telling of Robert Louis Stevenson, his cousin. R. A. M. Stevenson, St. Gaudens, Millet, and others. Chateau and Country Life in France BY MARY KIMi AVADIHXiTOX. Finely illustrated. 2.."0 nett postpaid 92.7.. "Pleasant as were Madame WaddlnKton's 'Recollections." this book surpasses them in interest." New York Sun. Camp Fires on Desert and Lava BY OH, W. T. HORXAPAV. Profusely Illustrated (S pictures! In color). S3.0O net; pnntpnld :t.3. The exciting and interesting account of a trip through unknown regionH of Mexico and Arizona, hunting and collecting. Richard Mansfield Tha Man and the Actor BY PAIL VV1LSTACII. With 4S lllua. 8vo, 3.S0 net postpaid an."!. A brilliant nnd fascinating account of the life and experiences of Mansfield, full of keen comment and amusing anecdotes. EDITH WHARTON'S A Motor Flight Tbroug'h France 4s illustration. 92.00 nett pnntpald $2.20. "One gains more impressions and a vaster amount of Information about Fiance than ordinarily In a volume twice its size." Interior. THOMAS NKLSUSI PACiK'S Tommy Trot's Visit to Santa Claus IHMrnted In colors, 1.0O 'Tt is a wonderfully Charming- little book, full of the. joy of Christmas." Balti more Sun. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S the information that he had decided lo "write a book." and that he would oe pleased to afford tho publisher the chance to bring it out. "May I venture to inquire as to the nature of the book you propose to write?" asked the publisher, very politely. "O," came in an offhand way from the aspirant for fame. "I think of doing something on the line of ' Miserable.' only livelier, you know!" ..,!!1nil!lIIWPntaN. ,11 ik'AJk 'iSSrvSU'l'ri , '.. ;F.'.;-lf 'Mai!'!!'!;!!!!'; lililr"' liiilif the Wick ui H:,' Hl!-,V..tS8MiiijjJlinin sJiatiil-V H 'I III r,'l i . SI i ill 3 'ifli You can carry it about and care for it just as easily as a lamp. Brass oil font holds 4 quarts burning 9 hours. Handsomely fin ished in japan and nickel Every heater warranted. The JtepfO Lamp winter evenings. Steady, brilliant light to read, sew or knit by. Made of brass, nickel plated, latest improved central draft burner. Every lamp warranted. If your dealer can not supply Perfection Oil Heater or Rayo Lamp write our nearest agency for descriptive circular. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Incorporated) 5 I A 1M mnmrn l I II S. TJVil Baka TCisS mil I i zz mmm mw i 'srfW. mmi i sH m 1 1 1 . I WF I B 1 3 Avi m ES.)B-SKnf3lLIIITBDiglMliSiS: SPOKANE, PORTLAND and SEATTLE RAILWAY "THE NORTH BANK KOAD.' g Connecting at Spokane With g j THE ORIENTAL LIMITED THE SWELL GREAT NORTHERN TRAIX. g Couipartmrnl - Ohwrvstion - t or, Standard nnd Tourist Mrepiug- f'lirx, liny Conches lull DiuiuK-C'ars. LEAVES PORTLAND DAILY. P. Jl. INLAND EMPIRE EXPRESS "THE DAT- s LIGHT TRAIN" FOR PASCO. WALLA H WALLA. SPOKANE AND INTERMEDI- ATE POINTS; PARLOR - CAR. KIXING- CAR AND ALL MODERN EQCIPMENT, Lcnvrs llnily. l:l.- A. M.. 3 Eleventh nnd Hyt - street Depot. S TICKETS, SLEEPING AND PAULOR-CAK S RESERVATIONS. II. DICKSON. 122 Third St reel C. P. T. A , I'ortrand, Offiton.. I, Fiction. JOHN FOX. Jr.'a The Trail of the Lonesome Pine Illustrated, fl.AO. "It is easy to see why this story started off with an edition of 100.000 copies. There are no dull chapters between Its covers." Record-Herald. (.KOItt.K W. CABLE'S Kinc&id's Battery Iltastrated, $1.50. A thrilling story of life and love in New Orleans just before and during the Civil War. V. HOPKI.!0 SMITH'S Peter 4th Edition. Illustrated, 1J50 "Nobody could read this sweet, sunshiny story and not be the better for it." Record-Herald. KE.ETH GHAHAME'S The Wind in the Willows 1.50. "Thoroughly delightful from beginning to end. There is something of everything in the book, from broad farce to beautiful poetry." X. Y. Sun. KUITII WHAHTO.VS The Hermit and the Wild Woman 1.50. "A new book by Mrs. Wharton is a literary event." X. Y. Sun. SONS 153 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK How to Keep I'cns on a Knife. J Shelbyvillo News, f Society proposes to take off the taboo i on eating with the knife. All right, let I society cut its fool throat, for till we ! care. There never was any law against i using the knife as a scoop shovel for I food, but It takes a skillful feeder to keep peas from rolling off before they I get to the mouth. isTmiim'ii(muiimH!U!:-!ii''!ii,iii!ir-i'!ii!im!iOT .'-Jiii.; ;!'! i-il!i:li!:il Pl'iilA:iiiiill!li:'i;!li,v.-,V i;illllUflinitMIIUtlllillHl.imiU.tiiiitiIlllllUIIUUN(IIU-- 4 as high as you can there's no danget as low as you please there's no smell. That's because the smokeless device prevents smoke or smell that means a steady flow of glowing heat for every ounce of fuel burned in a PERFECTION Oil Heater (Equipped with Smokeless Device) cheeriness te long EA Liljnl'v'MlllHiliililii.'liililli! lllillllllllinilBBIIIIIUill! ... n uii m iutiiii; 1 1 itnnimnrcr,