Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 05, 1908, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE MORNING OREGON I AX, . SATURDAY, i Kl K.ui'EK o, ivvo.
fr-THolidav Sales of Books, Pictures, Jewelry, Stationery. ArTNework, Kimonos, Hosiery, Toilet Articles, EtcEtc.
5000 Pairs Women's Pique and Overseam Kid Gloves, $1.50 Val. 93c
pnr Sr.,rrlav Sale. Portland Best Glove Store offers 5000 pairs of 1-clasp extra quality Pique Kid Gloves in all
black and most sizes in white and colors. Also complete lines of Dress Kid Gloves, overseam hnisti, in DiacK, wnue, ox
bood tan brown and slates, in all sizes. The regular $1.50 values. During this sale, extraordinary value for only, pair
Three Big Leather Sales
Three special lots of seasonable and useful articles
worked in leather, on which we are able to give sensa
tional Saturday values.
Mail Orders Filled as Usual
sizes in
Our Great December Sale
of Tailor-Made Suits
The savings on these smart, up-to-date garments are cer
tainly remarkable, and there is such a wide assortment that
obtaining a good fit will cause no, trouble. The best selling
V . 'J St:--., 7-1 :tf & M :viAJ
! 1 Ml 1 $4 111 t 3 I S itf M M I t
models of the season included.
Conference on. Naval Laws Di
vided on Many Points.
England Favors Idea Willi America
and Japan Lined Vp Against
Her- John Bull Wants
to Search Ships.
IjONDON. Dec. 4. The conference of
tlio powers called by Great Britain for
the framing of a code of laws for naval
warfare and for the formation of the
International prize court, recommended
by Tlie. Hague congress, was opened at
the. Foreign Office today. 'With an In
terval for the Christmas holidays. It Is
expected that the conference will con
tinue until about February 1. At the re
quest of the British Government, the
powers which accepted invitations to take
part In the conference have forwarded
a list of subjects which they consider
should be discussed.
The- Vnited States. France. Great Brit
win. Germany, Italy. Austro-Hungary.
Russia. Spain. Holland and Japan will
be represented. The American delegates
are Rear-Ad miral Charles H. Stockton
r.nd Professor George Grafton Wilson, of
Brown University. Great Britain will be
represented by the Karl of Desart and
Captain Charles 1 Otley, director of
naval Intelligence and secretary of the
rommittee of Imperial defense. An address
of welcome was delivered by Foreign
Secretary Grey.
Submit Views.
At the suggestion of Germany, the
ponera have submitted their, views on
various points.
T!ie I'nited Ftates. Great Britain and
Japan are agreed, in principle at least,
on the most important proposals, and
they may be expected to work in accord,
with the probable support of France.
There are wide differences of opinion
between these powers and the other six
countries represented. Great Britain
stands alone in supporting the rights of
a belligerent to search neutral merchant
men proceeding to an enemy's port un
iler the escort of a warship flying the
same flag. She claims the right of
search under ail circumstances, while
the other powers contend that the guar
antee, of a neutral power should be suf
ficient to protect its vessels from moles
tation. It is probable, however, that
tlreat Britain will concede this in return
f.r some point she considers more essen
tial. Great Britain is desirous of abolishing
contraband entirely: America and Japan
do not gn so far. but they would agree
if only munitions of war should be de
clared contraband.
The Continental powers will rrge the
continuation of the present system, un
der which the belligerents declare what
Is contraband.
Great Britain. Japan and America
agree on the method of blockading, con
tending for the right to seize blockade
runners at any time or place. This Is
opposed to the Continental view that only
warships actually engaged in block.uing
have the right to seize vessels. Theao
same three powers opposed the Conti
nental contention that a belligerent has
a right to -destroy seized vessels before
trials, as was done, for Instance, by
Russia with British merchantmen during
the late war.
Japan Lend." Support.
The conference will differ on the re
spotisilblity of a neutral power for a
ship leaving one of its ports as a mer
chantman and afterwards being traus
fmmed into a man-of-war. as In the case
of the Alabama. The United States
naturally supports the view that the neu
tral power is rcsKnstble very strongly
and ?he finds supiwirts not only from
France and Japan, hut also from Great
- $ 75 Imported ff75
Novelty 3-piece Suit
Plain broadcloth and smart
fabrics in most stylish colors
of the season.
$45-$57.50 Highest O j50
Class Tailored Suits CJ"4
Variety of styles, many of
. them equal to $75.00 Suits.
$35.00 to $42.50 50
Broadcloth Suits for
Fancy Novelty Suits which
are so popular this season.
$27.50 to $32.50 1 O 75
Smart Tailor Suits lO
These are fancy trimmed
and plain Tailor-Made Suits
$20.00 to $26.50
Fine Tailored Suits
t A 69
Fine Tailor. Made Suits.
plain and trimmed styles.
Britain. The other powers represented"
take the opposite view.
The right of belligerent ships to coal
in neutral ports also has divided the
conference into factions.
America. Great Britain. Japan and
France contend that a ship should make
but one visit to a neutral port and be
given only sufficient coal to carry her
to a home port: the other pors. how
ever, hold that a ship should be al
lowed to visit a neutral port and fill up
with coal as often as she can.
A number of other questions, largoly
technical also, will be considered.
The foreign secretary declared that
Great Britain was actuated by the single
object of assuring the success of the prize
court convention drawn up at The Hague.
"This' convention," he said, "If firmly
established will remove many difficulties
w hich hitherto have been potential causes
of .disputes between the nations. "
The plenipotentiaries will meet again
tomorrow to discuss methods of pro
cedure. The full conference will have Its
first meeting December 12.
Smaller Number Ran Away In 1908
Than in Any Year Since 1901,
Says Ainswortli.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 4. The cam
paign In the War Department .against
desertions from the Army Is meeting
with success according to Adjutant
General F. C. Ainsworth.-U. S. A., who
stated in his annual reportto the Sec
retary of War, made public today, that
the relative number of desertions was
less in 1908-than any other fiscal year
since 1901. The desertions during the
fiscal year 1908 were 4.105. or 4.6 per
cent of the whole number of enlisted
men. In 1907 the percentage was 5.S
and In 1906 it reached the record of 7.4
per cent.
In analyzing the problem of dealing
with desertions, the report says that
the Fourteenth Cavalry had the largest
relative number of desertions of any or
ganization In the service, while the
Third Infantry came second, and the
Fifth Cavalry third. In Troop G of the
Fourteenth Cavalry the desertions
amounted to 21.18 per cent.
Boise Barracks. Idaho, enjoys the no
toriety of having the most desertions of
any post, the number reaching 16.5 per
vent, while Fort William Henry Harri
son. Montana: Fort Brandt, Michigan:
Fort Du Chesne, Utah, and Fort D. A.
Russell. Wyoming, proved unattractive
in the order enumerated.
General Ainsworth points out the sig
nificant fact that of the white troops
4.75 per cent were reported as deserters,
while 0.57 per cent of the' colored men
in the service deserted. Another fact
is that "In the Spring a young
man's fancy lightly turns'' awaf from
the Army, leading to more desertions
In April, May and June, at least In 190S,
than in any other months of the year.
He says nationality is not an important
factor in the question. In discussing
the remedy. General Ainsworth says
that the contingency of punishment
after desertion has operated to reduce
the number of desertions.
It is pointed out in the report that
while there was an Increase in the au
thorized enlisted strength of the Army,
there was a much larger Increase In
the actual strength, which was only
9315 enlisted men short of the author
ized strength on October 15. 190R. as
against a deficiency of 20,537 enlisted
men October 15. 1907. .
The total actual strength of the
Army, not Including the Hospital Corps,
on October 13, 1908. was 78.166, as
compared with 58,998 a year previous.
As a result of the riding tests or
dered by the President 19 officers were
placed on the retired list.
Cutting Vp Big Cattle Ranches.
WASHINGTON. Dec. 4. Cattle barons
whose ranches in the West are gradually
bcing cut up for agricultural purposes
are investigating Mexican lands with re
gard to the advantages they ofTer for the
raising of cattle, according to Consul
Griffith, of Tatnpico
Our Greatest Holiday
Months a-o, prior to the advance in
are ribbons of all descriptions, from
signs and color schemes to be equalled
All Silk Taffeta Ribbons
No. 2, V2 inch, 5c yard, 45c piece ten yards
No. 5, 1 inch, 7c yard, 65c piece ten yards
No. 9, l3 inch, 12c yard, $1.10 piece ten yards
No. 12, 2Vi inch, 16c yard, $1.50 piece ten yards
No. -16, 2 inch, 18c yard, $1.70 piece ten yards
No. 40, 3V4 inch, 25c yard, $2.35 piece ten yards
Satin Taffeta Silk Ribbons Reduced
Satin taffeta Ribbon, special quality, Vi to 6 inches
wide, at the following reduced
No. 1, regular 5c quality, 3c
No. lVz, regular 6c quality, 4c
2, regular 8c quality, oc
3, regular 12c quality, '7c
5, regular 15c quality, 10c
7, regular 18c quality, 12c
9, regular 22c quality, 15c
12, regular 28c quality, 20c
i nniu S9.c nnalitv. 22c
No! 22,' regular 38c quality, 28c
No. 40, regular 50c quality, aoc
No. 60, regular 58c quality, 40c
No. 100, regular 65c quality, 48c
Roosevelt Favors Suffrage if
They Want It.
President Not Enthusiastic on Sub
ject and Root Opposes .Change.
Both Believe General Demand
Would Win Suffrage.
NEW YORK. Dec. 4. The attitude
of President Roosevelt and Secretary
of State Kiihu Root on the subject of
woman suffrage was disclosed today
at a meeting tinder the auspices of the
National League of Civic Bducation of
Rev. Dr. Lyman Abbott. in the
course of an address in opposition to
granting the right to vote to women,
read, the following letter, dated No
vember 10, 1908, from President Roose
velt, which lie said he read with th.e
President's permission, although it
was not writen for publication nor for
this occasion. Mr. Roosevelt says:
Not Enthusiastic for Suffrage.
Practically I believe In woman suffrage,
but I am not an enthusiastic advocate of it.
because I don't regard It as a very "import
ant matter I am unable to see that there
has been any special Improvement In the
position of women in those states In the
West that have adopted woman suffrage, as
compared with those states adjoining them
that have not adopted It. I do not think
that giving the women suffrage will produce
any marked improvement in the conditions
of women. I do Dot believe that It will pro
duce any of the evils feared, and I am very
certain that when women, as a whole, take
anv special tnterest In the matter they will
have the suffrage If they desire It. But at
present 1 think most of them are lukewarm.
I find some activity for it and some
activity against It.
IX Women Rule Home.
I am, for the reasons given above, rather
what you would regard as lukewarm or
tepid In my support of It, because, while I
believe In it. I do not regard It as of very
much importance. T believe that men and
women should stand on an equality of right,
but I do not believe that equality of right
means identity of function; and 1 am more
and more convinced that the great field, the
Indispensable field, for the usefulness of
woman Is as the mother of the family. It il
her work in the household, in the home, her
work In bearing and rearing the children,
which Is more than any man's work, and It
Is that work which should be normally the
woman's special work. Just as normally the
man's work should be that of the bread
winner, the supporter of' the home. and. if
necessary, the soldier who will fight for the
home. There are exceptions as regards both
man and woman; bus the full and perfect
life, the life of highest happiness and of
highest usefulness to the state Is the life
of the man and woman who are husband
and wife, who live In the partnership of love
and duty, the one earning enough to keep
the home, the other managing the home and
Dr. Abbott, who was the principal
speaker at the meeting, argued against
what he held would be the infliction
of new and unnatural responsibilities
and duty upon women by forcing upon
them the obligation of public life. The
title of his address was, "The Assault
on Womanhood."
Would Bring No Improvement.
Mr. Root, In a letter which was read,
I do not myself consider that the grant
ing of suffrage to women would, under the
existing conditions, be any improvement in
our system of government. On the contrary,
I think It would rather reduce than Increase
the electoral efficiency of our people.
I am Inclined to think, however, that, if
the women of the United States or any verj
large majority of them should really come
to want the right of suffrage for themselves,
thev would ultimately get it. ,
For the purpose of exercising the right of
suffrage. If they should ever get It and for
the purpose of determining intelligently
whether they really want It, the women of
the country generally ought to have and to
seize the opportunity for a greater degree
of education lu questions of government and
prices of all ribbons, we bought for this greatest of our ribbon sales. Included
the narrow staple taffeta to the wide fancy warp prints-in a variety of de
nowhere iu rortiana.
25c bolt
35c bolt
45c bolt
65c bolt
95c bolt
yard, $1.10 bolt
yard, $1.40 bolt
yard, $1.90 bolt
vard. $2.00 bolt
yard, $2.65' bolt
yara, .so doii
yard, $3.85 bolt
yard, $4.65 bolt
in the art of government tban they have
had up to this time.
Fight Against Divorce.
Richard Watson .Gilder, editor of the
Century Magazine, presided at the
meeting, and In the course of his ad
dress, said:
Within a few days the country has been
shocked by the appalling official figures of
divorce in the United States. In the face of
this lamentable showing as to an Increasing
weakness of the sentiment of home and
family In America, it is reassuring to find
so many women willing to stand forth and
Insist upon -the fact that the home and
family are the foundations of the best things
that humanity has yet achieved; and to lift
up their voices against what. In their solemn
belief, is a new. Insidious and probably dis
astrous attack npon the fundamentals of
civilization. '
Prices for May and July Deliveries
Reach Top Notch.
CHICAGO, Dec. 4. Wheat prices ad
vanced today to new high-record marks
for the May and July deliveries, the
former selling at $1.11 and the latter
at $1.04. At the same time the Decem
ber option equaled its previous high
mark of $1.06. The high points were
reached early in the day, after which
a slight reaction occurred on profit
taking. The big holders were aided in
their bull campaign by an advance of
d at Liverpool and by continued
small receipts in the Northwest. May
opened at $1.10 to $1.104. After
touching $1.11, May dropped back to
But Boston & Maine Will Test Law
, Expediting Trials.
BOSTON. Dec. 4. The certificate of
Attorney-General Bonaparte requesting
that the Government's case to compel
the New Haven Railroad Company to
relinquish its holdings of stock of the
Boston & Maine Railroad be expedited
was granted today by three Judges of
the United States Circuit Court and the
contention of the attorneys for the
railroad that the expediting act is un
constitutional was overruled.
Counsel for the New Haven Company
intimated that this phase of the suit
would be fought through the court of
last resort, therefore an appeal is ex
pected. W. C. T. V. Atcr Teacher's Scalp.
CHICAGO. Dec. 4. Miss Grace Reed,
principal of the John Drake School,
will lose her Job If the Chicago Wo
man's Christian Temperance Union has
Its way.
In a speech delivered last Saturday
at a suffrage meeting held In the Fine
Arts building, Miss Keed declared that
a saloonkeeper of good character
should receive as much consideration
as the business man, as a banker or a
The prohibition sections of a city,
she added, are dead sections,, being
crippled In one of their legitimate ar
teries of business.
The remarks did not please the tem
perance women, and they held a meet
ing yesterday in the Women's Temple,
passed a resolution which was sent
to President Schneider, of the Board of
Education, condemning Miss Reed's
speech. 1
Pazo Ointment Is guaranteed to cure any
case of ltching.'bllnd, bleeding or protruding
piles In C to 14 days or money refunded 50c.
Invites Consumption
It weakens the delicate lung tissues,
deranges the digestive organs, and
breaks down the general health.
It often causes headache and dizzi
ness, impairs the taste, smell and
bearing, and affects the voice.
Being a constitutional disease it re
quires a constitutional remedy.
Hood's Sarsaparillai
Radically and permanently cures.
In nsnal liquid forn or In chocolated tableU
known a Sarsata JS. 100 doses U.
Ribbon Sale
30c Silk Taffeta Ribbon, 15c
All-silk Taffeta Ribbon, 4 inches wide, all col- 1
ors, regular 30c quality, yard..
Regular 38c Silk Taffeta Ribbon, 23c
All-silk Taffeta Ribbon,. 5Y2 inches wide, all OC
colors, regular 38c quality, for this sale C.JW
Narrow Silk Ribbons, 10c Bolt
Narrow Silk Ribbons for tying up packages and for
fancy work, in bolts of ten yards.
Extra Quality Narrow Silk Ribbons
No. 1, regular 25c, at 15c per bolt of 10 yards
No. V2, regular 38c, at 18c per bolt of 10 yards
No. 2, regular 45c, at 25c per bolt of 10 yards
Wide Fancy Ribbons on Sale
Fancy Ribbons, values to 50c yard, 25c
Fancy Ribbons, values to 85c yard, 39c
Fancy Ribbons, values to $1.00 yard, 53c
Fancy Ribbons, values to $2.25 yard, 95c
Regular 35c Molly Ribbons, 25c Bolt
Narrow Holly Ribbon's for t3'iiig up Christinas packages
Regular 12c Holly Ribbons, 6c Yard
Colored border Holly Ribbon, 1 inch wide, bolt..55
r : i
Cleveland's Cabinet Officers
Unite in'Tribute.
Hilary Herbert Credits Late - Ex
President With Revival of
Friendship Between North and
South at Memorial Services.
NEW YORK. Dec. 4. Memorial ex
ercises were held in honor of the late
Grover Cleveland. ex-President of the
United States, today. The programme In
cluded addresses by many prominent men
who were identified closely with the late
President in his official life.
Governor Hoke Smith, of Georgia, who
was Secretary of the Interior in Mr.
Cleveland'6 Cabinet, sent a letter in which
he said:
"Mr. Cleveland was a man of great in
dustry, although not naturally fond of
work. His sense of duty caused him to
labor continuously upon any problem con
nected with his official responsibilities
until he had exhausted all means to find
the truth.
"He detested graft even in its mildest
il, J '
icheson s Sat
4 "
v vVv - -
Men's and women's Card Cases of seal, mo
rocco and pin seal; common sense Coin
Purses, pigskin Memo. Books; children's
large Squaw Bags, with ring " handle;
children's fancy leather Hand Bags, swag
ger shapes; many other leather articles;
Parisian and American pieces in great variety.
up to
fA wis" .v liMf -faiS V
The new calf Belts in all colors, neatly
stitched, with directoire bow; black taffeta
directoire Belts and embroidered grosgrain
Belts, beautiful Parisian designs, in all col
up to
ors and evening shades.
A special assortment of Bill Cases, Letter
Cases, Card Cases, Spectacle Cases, also
pig. -walrus, seal and pin seal Card Cases;
a choice variety of designs.
Vals. to
form, and intensely believed , in the doc
trine that public office should be treated
as a public trust not to be used for pri
vate gain. In all matters of official con
duct Mr. Cleveland lived up to his high
ideals, never abandoning them for a tem
porary success."
Hilary A. Herbert, secretary of the
Navy under Cleveland, paid a high tribute
to the dead man in which he said that
it was Cleveland who instigated the re
newal of good feeling between the South
and the North, which was later carried
to a greater extent by President McKin
ley in appointing many Southerners to
Army positions.
One of the most interesting letters was
from Adlai H Stevenson. Vice-President
in the second Cleveland Administration,
in which the virtues and qualities of his
late chief were written.
Governor-elect Judson Harmon, of Ohio,
and ex-Governor Francis, of Missouri,
also sent messages attesting their .high
regard for Cleveland.
Portland. Me. The burning of the steamer
Cornrshman and two docks belonging to the
Grand Trunk Railroad Company Thursday
night caused a loss of $350,000.
Chicago A circular letter has been sent,
to the stockholders of A. Booth & Co., in
an effort to raise $"00,000 to complete the
reorganization of the bankrupt oyster firm.
New York A cable dispatch from Russia
says that all the lands of Jewish agricul
tural colonists have been connseat.3d by the
government in the Province of Ekaterinoslof.
San Francisco The bungalow ovivd by
the city valued at $2000 and located on the
very summit of Twin Peaks; has been stolen,
and not a brick or stick of It remains on
the site.
XewvYork Commander Eva Booth, of th.s
Salvation Army, who has been ill for several
weeks, is well on the road to complete re
covery and will fill all her Christmas en
gagements. San Francisco Joseph G. Wilcut. for the
last 41 years an employe of the Southern
Pacific Railroad Company, and at present
Saturday Special Bargains
1 Off n 400 Fal1 style Coats
2 Uii Elegant Coats in these
Elegant $30.00 Value Suits at
Some 30 Good Black, Large Size
Suits. $30.00 to $40.00 Values
Today, $7.50 Silk Petticoats
lecretary of the 30 subsidiary and leasinK
companies, will retire wltnin a monm, as
he Is ncarlng his 80th birthday.
Tonopah. Nev. The Round Mountain
Banking Corporation, of Round Mountain, a
town in Nye County. 60 miles north of
Tonopah. has closed its doors for 30 days
because of band loans.
Los Angeles Samuel S. Nave, said to be
the son of a wealthy St. Joseph. Mo., whole
sale merchant, is alleged to have been
fleeced out of $11,000 Wednesday by two
men who Induced him to play faro.
pHrl9 it is announced here that Mulai
Hand, the new Snltan of Morocco, lias defi
nitely accepted the Alpeciras act, and t!ie
attendant conditions laid down by Hie
powers for the recognition of his Sultanate.
New York EJks In New York ar-a to
spend $1,000,000 on a new clubhouse, hotel
and theater to b erected for the accommo
dation and as a general meeting place f'ir
the JOO.000 members residing In the United
Centralia, Pa. Sixty-live families are
homeless in this city as the ix-sult of a.
fire which started In a iovlng-picture show
Thursday night and spread rapidly among
the frame houses covering three blocks and
causing a loss of $100,000.
Boston A will which contains. many pub
lic, bequests and provides for practlcaliy
every employe of one of Boston's largest
business houses, was left by tlK; late Caleb
Chase, a wholesale grocer, the gifts aggre
gating mora than $300,000.
San Francisco Tho Superior Court de
cided Thursday In the estate of the Into
Henry Voorman to give the willow. Mrs.
Mary Voorman. who has been an inmate of
the Stockton Insane Asylum for .IS years,
$000,000. and her children $1,000,000.
Chicago That Chicagoans should enter
into a movement to relieve congestion by
sending alien Immigrants from ttK city to'
the country' was urged by T. V. rowderly,
chief of the United States Bureau of Immi
gration. In an address before the Hamilton
Club, Thursday.
Official Vole of Wyoming.
CHICYENNE, Dec. 4. The canvass of
the vote in Wyoming for President, com
pleted todas", shows the following; results:
Taft 20.S4i: Bryan, 14,!US; Debs, 1715;
Chatin. 64: Hissen. 61.
- i
. .