Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 05, 1908, Page 12, Image 12

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vrnj Tnnir I fVU MUr-IUU I - I I
Glisan Street
50 feet frontage, near 12th
Partly improved and paving
small income. , Vi
This property is only one
block from the Hill termin
als. It is an absolute bar
gain and worthy, of immedi
ate investigation.
"12 Chamber of Commerce
property for sale. The standard Thea-i.-r
building, 62H;Xlo;. Two stories.
Never been empty since tlie roof was
j. ut on. Two stores and hall above.
It is on the south side of Fifth street,
I'O feet eat of -Main street. Fifth and
Main is the best business corner in
Vancouver. Completion of North Bank
I:oad. Purchase of large tract of land
liv J. J. Hill for carshops and terml
v! Is. The unlimited manufacturing
sites, miles and miles of them, with
l.-p water on one side and railroad on
t ie other. The recent laying- of bitu-
Jittilc: streets, and electric carlines. All
make tills the best small city in the
countr-. Call on
110 Second St.
Ho!Iatiay's Addition
Tie PECT place In Portland to
MOST DF:sIIIABL; residence property
of the city.
po and see the many CHOICE resi
dences under construction and the in-provc-metiLj
Som on.
IfiB Oregon Ras! Estals Company
Business Property
We have a fine list of inside business
T.rnperty both with income and unlra
i. roved: from $10,000 to $200,000. We show you an investment that will
interest you.
Sengstake & Lyman
llnst Have $1500
Will take the above amount for-my
lio acres of piling that has at least
$.1000 worth and say nothing of Jhe
l:imi; close to river and Portland. 1
Avill take the above amount if paid In
2 d.iys; ilon t let this slip. J 46s, Ore
At Lowest t'orrent Rate.
Building I-oans, Installment Loans.
VVm. MacMaster
3J2 Worcester Block.
In Effect November 1. 1908
Dally or Sunday.
Per Una.
One lln.e , a
r-ame ud two consecutive times . ..2e
r-ame ad three, consecutive times....' 30e
b:m;e ad six or seven consecutive tunes. 5o
Six words count as one line n cash ad
vertisements, and no ad counted for less
Ilia:) two lines. Mien an adrertlsenient Is
rot run consecutive times the one-time rata
I he above rates apply to advertisement
i.nder "Sew Today" and all other cluasincav
tn.ns exc.-pting the following:
Mtunlioos Wanted, Male. .
bltuations Wanted, Female.
rur Went. Kooms. Private Families.
Kooms and Board. Private Families.
Housekeeping Kooms, Private Families.
Ihe rare on the above classification ia 1
cents a line each Insertion.
On charge or book advertisements the
churjre uiil be bused oa the actual number
. lines appearing in the paper, regardless
of the number of words iir each line.
Space in the "New Today" columns la
f!?urrd by xucusure only 14 llnea to tha
the convenience of patrons The Oregonian
v.ill acc ept advertisements (excepting "Ml ua-
Hi ion Wanted" and "Personal") for publi
! ration in classified columns over the teie
,' ph. .ne. Bills for such advertising will be
' 1.. J lied Immediately and payment is expect
ed promptly. Cure will be taken to prevent
errors, but The Oresonian will not be re
sponsible for error in advertisements taken
over the telephone. Telephones: Main 7050;
A l'9..
will receive copy by mail, provided
siiflicient remittance for a definite number
t.f issues ia sent. Acknowledgment of such
remittance will he forwarded promptly.
In case box office address is required, use
regular form given, and count tills as part
-f the ad. Ajiswers to advertisements will
forwarded to patron, provided self-addressed
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A receipt wiii be given for-all pald-in-ad-riftre
advertising. The Oregonlan will not
undertake to correct errors or refund money
unless this receipt Is returned.
Aniirews, F. V. A Co.. M. 3340, S3 Hamilton bg.
Tinker. Alfred A.. 115 Ablngton bldg.'
l:.:reil. A. li.. 2o2-3 McKay biUg. Real estate,
jr.suiance. mortgage loans. e".c.
rh.-irln - IIctIow. 332 Chamber of Commerce.
v'.wik B. 8 & Co.. 50S Corbett bldg.
Crossley Co.. 70s- Coroett bldg. M T855.
Fields. C. E- Co.. Board of Trade bldgv
Coddard. H. W, Main and A 174S, 110 2d St.
Jennings & Co. Main 163. 206 Oregonlan. M. E.. room 411 Corbett bldg.
M.tll Ac Von Borstel, 104 2d st. 802 E. Bumata.
I'almer. K. P.. 213 Commercial Club blg-
M boOa. A 2C03.
Parrlsh. Watklns a: Co.. 2S0 Alder at.
Pichardaon, A. B. 221 Com. Club bldg.
pchalk. Geo. X.. 264 Stark St. Main or A 393.
Sharkey. J. P. & Co., 122i Sixth St.
bwenason. A. F. t Co.. 263 Vs. Washington at.
The Oregon Real Estate Co., Grand ava.
and Multnoutan st- tHollad.iy Addition.)
WaddeL W. S09 Lumber Exchange bldg.
White. B. F-. 2274 Washington st.
4-Hi.OM house and larjre lot overlooking
tae river. S1400 with S400 cash buys this
heme. Call 410 Falling blUg.
PXAP $250 buys modem rejiiidence, 9 rooms.
n'-r Univa ave. and Maeon. Wledrlck, 110
HP.ii.vKWAr. near E. 7th. $li.50;
..' :.i.'.i. juft south of above, $1450.
I'ulver. j; Chamber of Commerce.
I- 1 HIT acres for sale. b3 North W lb erg Lane,
on Muuiaviiia car line
We are the largest owners ana plant
ers in Oregon. We have the only planted
tracts on the market. Our properties ars
In the walnut country. TamliUl O-
tract", planted. $100 cash. $15 per montn.
110 second at.
VEltl CHEAP Am compelled to leave city,
coiy 5-room cottage. 2 blocks from car.
lot 100x100. poultry-house and yra
fenced. 22 chickens. 4 apple. 2 plum ana
2 Royal Ann cherry trees; w rti cm 1 e: n .oug h
fnr all W.nter; will sell for $900; terms.
$0 cash and $18 per month, tee cashier
American Trust Co., room 2O0 chamber of
Commerce, corner 3d and Stark.
OWNER will sell a modern 8-room dwelling.
60x100. comer lot. east front, all In bear
ing fruit trees. 3 biocis from 2 car llnea;
fine view of three mountaina; near Thomp
son grammar school: also near new Alblna
blah school; first-class BitW throughout:
$:iouO cash $5o0. balance monthly Pay
ment' $25 per month and interest. Phone
Woodlawn 2t20.
Equltv In 320 acres of Harney County
for $480'. with 3 payments. of 60c per acre
nnd Interest, to make yet. A bargain as
Government prlre la now $5 per acre. 0
per cent commission to real estate men.
Payments due In June each year. W. A.
Blackburn, Cambridge. O.
10 acres, all In fruit. 5 acres in good
merchantable apples, 5 acres In prunes. 12
miles from Portland on fine road: trees
are In extra fine shape; electric survey
within 20 yards, land lies level. Price,
$1600; easv terms.
SWEET, 204 Corbett bldg.
Ws nava flrat-elass. moo em factlltleg
for building homes upon terms within the
reach of alL Call and examine our up-to-date
822 Chamber of Cmmerce. '
FOR SALE New B-room. modern bungalow,
on large lot. with bath, fine plumbing,
cement sidewalks, iflne electric fixtures,
etc.: restricted district, on Mount Scott
curllne; I60U down. balance easy pay
ments. For particulars see Newman, 2U8
9-ROOM bouse, 2 years old, 10 lots 50x132,
eacb on carline and corner, all fenced and
in A-l condition; 00 apple, 7 pear. 7 peach
trees, 0 grape vines and small frufts: $:S5"0 cash, balance long time.
American Trust Co.. room 200 Chamber of
Commerce, cor. 3d and Stark.
$32."0 buys 10 acres of the best acreage
near Portland. This land Is all In cul
tivation and Is free from gravel. Can't
be beat for poultry, fruits or vegetables.
Act quickly If von want it. as It will not
last at this price. XX 812. Oregonlan.
As beautiful and charming as Switzer
land are the algatly lantla along Mt. Hood
Railway, one hour- Irom Portland; lands
from $25 up; buy now. before people are
running for this and prices go up.
B. S. COOK & CO., 0u3 Corbett bldg.
A BEAUTY Near U car: G-room, full two
story house, nearlng completion, strictly
modern, large rooms, 60x100 choice corner
lot. 2 lots if wanted: don't buy until you
see this: a bargain for location and qual
ity; $3300. Portland Homes Co., 204 Mor
rison St.
4-At'RE lots on Barnes Heights, good 4
room house, small farm, well water, 1
aore cleared, rest easily cleared, must sell
Immediately; a bargain; .will double your
money in a year's time; price only $40ovJ.
Call 225 Lownsdal. Phono 332S.
MI.'ST fell at once, new 6-room cottage or
bungalow at I-st both and Hawthorne
ave.; price $2S"0; will sell on terms o
eult. Address O 472. Oregonlan or tela
phone A 2117.
8 - room, neat cottage, X or 8 lots, nice
location, convenient to car, garden and
chickens: owner very anxious to sell.
ell lierllnger Bldg.
6 rooms an den, with all modern con
veniences, beautiful lawn, splendid neigh
borhood: best car service and close In; pri
only $3750, $t)00 cash, balance like paying
rent. C. B. Lucas, 322 Corbett bldg.
WE are the bargain hunters and getterst
we nave a great many enuit-e iiomo sites
and fine houses, all prices: don't fail to
call at office, cor l.'.th and Halsey ats..
Broadway and lrvlngton cars. Phones
East S. C 1993. Dolen & Herdman.
jjOOO Half cash, nloe new 6-room house
Witn lUUXHt It.. mUUIll OWll n"a-
bel station; this house Is well built; was
built for a home; not put up In a hurry
to sell and It Is a bargain. Sengstake &
Lyman. 90 Gth at.
Nice, nearly new cottage, on JSast Yam
hill t., at $2000, $400 cash, balance easy:
beats paying rent. J. W. Gnuwl. 265
Washington, cor. 23d, room 7.
7-room house In good neighborhood, the
owner has turned his contract back and
we must sell before Monday to save it
from the HrBt mortgage; $400 required.
Call 002 McKay bldg.
BEST buy on Union ave.. between Holladay
ave and wetuicr, 00x00, auitaoiu inr
building with stores below and fiats above,
walking distance to West Side. $:(000. half
cash. Culver, 623 Chamber of Commerce.
PORTLAND HEIGHTS home, T rooms, front
and side porches, fine grounds, dimensions
asxlO. liavensvlew Drive, on carline, fine
view. $4o00. Call and see photo. Slgel
& Co., 336 Morrison St.
Two lots, 100x100. not far from Ockley
GTeen. $lloO: easy terms or $oo0, all cash.
J. W. Grusei, 265 Washington, cor. 3d,
room 7.
5-room shingled cottage, corner lot 60x
100. on Linn ave., Sellwood: can make you
term J. W. Grussl, 265 Washington, cor.
3d, Toonl 7.
FOR EALE New. modern 7-room house,
centra II v located. 1 block from carline In
Holladay Park Addition. Address AD 390,
HOUSES for sale In all parts of the city:
acreage close In and farms in Oregon and
Washington. Phone Main 446. Kinney Ac
- Stampher, 531-32 Lumber Exchange bldg.
OWNER forced to sell 2 4-room modern bun
galows, Nos. 1422-1428 Morse at.. Wood
lawn; small payment down, bal, like rent.
Owner, 600 Morrison at- A S8o9.
FINE home In Piedmont, 7-room, modern
house and 2 lots on handsome corner,
with fruit trees, roses, etc.. $4200. W. W.
Payne, 1210 Williams ava
14 to acres, all In cultivation, best of
land. C. W. Rlsley, owner; p. O.. Mil
waukle. Phone Oak Grove, red 12.
LOT and brick building in central Eaat
Portland, SS2..0. Terms. Call J. Olsen.
3T.0 East Washington at.
KIL!.INGSWORTH2 full lots, choice oor
nerh west of carbarns; sickness compels
sale at once; owner. A 2 it N. Third.
10 ACRES first-class land on Villa ave., near
Montavllla. $250 per acre, part cash. In
quire F. Foster, 350 E. Washington St.
MODERN 5-room house and full lot on
Manhattan St., near piedmont. $2300. W.
W. Payne. 1210 Williams ave.
7-ROOM modern house, lot 60x100. Willam
ette Heights: very, easy terais and a bar
gain. M 447. Oregonlan.
FOR SALE The handsomest bungalow In
lrvlngton. Call and see It. Owner. 482
Eaet 23d St. N.
$2960 New modern 6-room cottnge. block
from car. Sunnyside; $650 cash, balance
easy. Phone B 2263.
BUSINESS LOT on East 28th St., 60x90.
$1200; half cash. H. P. Palmer, 21$ Com
'merclal Club bldg.
FOR Sale Cheap, by owner, S lots. 100x100,
and 4-room bouse on corner 14th. and
6kldmore; no agents.
FIVE-ROOM cottage at Seaside, one block
from ocean. 1119 Board Trade blog. Mala
$W00 BITS 4-room cottage and 2 lots, close
to Mt. Scott carline. Wiedrlck, 110 2d st.
WEST SIDE cottage, new, fractional corner,
5 rooms. $2300; terms. 243 Stark.
OYSTER LAND 00 acres' good oj-ster land,
Wlllapa Bay; bargain. T 456. Oregonlan.
MODERN 7-room. in Sellwood: corner lot;
fruit and flowers. Phone East 4702.
CORNER, inoxioo. East Alder and 37th sts.
Tel. owner. Main S4S2.
5-ROOM cottage. Sunnyside. $2500: take lota
or $2o0 cash. Owner. Main 1040.
TILLAMOOK Peach land at 8S3 per acre.
Call- at 410 Failing bide
8-room modem house In the swell East
Burnslde district. Hardwood floors In living-room
hall. dining-room, den and
kitchen. The woodwork Is all selected
end Is finished extra fine. Special light
fixtures. The three bedrooms on the sec
ond floor are in white enamel. .Sleeping
porch 12x24. Large garage, with buried
gasoline tank. Dozens of choice roses.
Full cement basement, laundry tubs, steel
furnace, fruit shelves. in fact, nothing
has been spared to make it complete.
Built two years. More than a full lot.
with frontage on two streets.
$13 Commercial Club Bldg.
2 acres, worth $2000. for $1250.
Easv terms.
IT minutes' ride from business center
on the Oregon Electric line, win take
you to this place. The land Is clear of
rocks and stumps, "has living water; will
be sold without reserve; first come first
served. F. Breaks. 444 Sherlock bldg.,
R3Vi 3d st.
TO close estate. 102 acres, 20 miles from
Portland, in Multnomah County; about 30
acres tinder cultivation. 10 orchard, all
well fenced; 8-room plastered house, large
barn and other outbuildings; 100 to 200
horsepower waterpower on place; aleo two
fi-room modern cottages' on 100x100 in 6un
nvelde. almost new. Waldemar Seton.
Attorney-at-Law, 431 Worcester bldg., 3d
and Oak. Portland. .
FOR SALE Nice 8-room house and 2 lots,
fenoed, at Myrtle Park station, for $2300,
worth I2S00; full cement basement, elec
trlo lights, modern plumbing, shade trees,
close to car line: on improved street;
owner, Jamen Cunningham. Arleta, Or.,
near Postofflce. Phone Tabor 203. Take
Mt. Scott car.
FINE full lot. Maryland ave., near Killings
worth ave carbarns, cheap, easy terms.
J. H. Middleton. 617 Chamber of Com
merce. LOTS one block from the business center of
Kenton; price $200; easy terms. See R. B.
Carey. Peninsular Station.
820 acnes 1 mile from town and Ry..
Yamhill County, beautiful rolling and
bench land tract, well watered, splendid
Improvements, nearly all In cultivation
doep rich soil, proper elevation; will sell
at a bargain on good terms; this would
be a beautiful tract to subdivide, being
near town and no waste land. Address
X. Y, Z, Oregonlan.
$40 an acre for 160 acres of fine or
chard land, fine house, barn and all out
buildings, good family orchard. 60 acres
cleared and under plow, on good county
road; owner leaving country and must
sell. Address F 406, Oregonlan.
40 acres. 20 acres under cultivation, some
timber, sufficient for firewood for several
years, 6-room house, barn, hoghouse and
eome other smaller buildings; this place Is
elegantly located to be subdivided; t,t
only GVi miles from the city, Hj miles
from Multnomah Station, on Salem car
line; price $93o0. $6500 cash, balance 5
years at 6 per cent.
133V4 First et.
FOR SALE By owner, 65 acres farm land
located between stations on S. P. and O.
E and about H mile from each; this
land is all in cultivation except 4 acres,
and has good drainage: it Is well adapted
for fruit and all kinds of crops; price SS0
per acre: easy terms. Address A E 353,
or 107 Humboldt St., city.
FARM bargain. 120 acres near. Gaston. 60
acres in crop, ail can be cultivated, fine
soil, good set of buildings, water piped to
house and barn, good orchard, some wal
nut and almond trees In beating; all stock
and tools go with the place at a low price
and long time. W. H. Lang, 340 Cham
ber of Commerce.
A FINE little ranch of 21 acres, all In culti
vation, good set of buildings, nice spring
creek, deep, rich soil, no gravel: only 10
miles from Courthouse; very Aheap and
long time. W. H. Lang. 840 Chamber of
Commerce. ,
$4 000 For ICO acres of fine apple land in
Klickitat County, only 4 miles from Lyle
on county road, good house and barn,
small orchard. 12 acres cleared; I must
sell this at once. V 446, Oregonlan.
1$ ACRES on Johnson Creek, near Gates
Crossing: fine soli; a snap at $250 per
acre; pa-t cash, balance easy. Spencer
& Co., 102 2d st.
FOR Willamette Valley lands see Olristed
Land Company. Salem. Or.
7.000.OOO feet timber and complete sawmill
outfit, capacity 10.000 feet, on a smalt
creek. 6 miles from railroad and good
Valley town; good local market for lum
ber or good tie proposition; price, $7000:
half cash, balance In lumber. Leonard
Bros., 834 Chamber of Commerce. ,
Chicago. New Orleans, Seattle.
829 Chamber of Commerce.
Pacific Coast timber, water powers located
and examined, taxes- paid for non-residents,
timber lands cruised and accurate esti
mates furnished. Room 617, Board of
Trade bldg. ' Phons Main 667.
TIMBER lands bought and sola, cash paid
for single claims. Have several large
tracts lined up direct from original entry
men; guaranteed orulse on all holdings
C. C. Shay, 407 Rothchlld bldg.
19.000,000 .FEET good timber, lays well,
log one way. 8 miles to R. R. station; 14
sugar pine, balance fir, less than $1 per
1000 for next 20 days. Want real buy
ers, no agents. Address J. H. M., box
60, Grant Pass, Or.
WB HAVE $70,000 to $100,000 to Invest at
once In strictly first-class pine timber lend
In Southern Oregon or Northern Califor
nia. F 461), Oregonlan.
I WILL SELL my relinquishment to home
stead hi Hood River Valley for $300; 8
miles from R. R. and postofflce. S 474,
FOR SALT3 84.000.0O0 timber on the Rogue
River. 20 per cent pine, balance yellow
fir; price, $35.00;). M. E. Worrell. Med
ford. Or.
WE are headauarters for timber and lum
ber enterprises of all kinds. Kinney A
Stampher, 531-82 Lumber Exchange bldg.
WANTED 10 acres from 30 to 50 miles
from Portland on Mount Hood electric
line, with stream or lake on It. place
suitable for outing in Summer time, not
1 mile from electrlo line, B 467. Ore
gonlan. WILL trade for stump land; trade anything
you have for anything you want. 1019
Board of Trade.
HOMESTEADS and desert claims. 160 or
820 acres on best government land in
Southern Oregon. Phone Main $710, room
118 Allsky bldg.
FARMS and acre tracts for Eastern buyers.
O. W. P. Land Co.. waiting room. First
and Alder.
TIMBER lands wanted. C. J. McCracken,
804 McKay bldg.
4-STORY brick on 4th st., near Morrison.
R. W. Wilson, 401 McKay bldg.
WILL get you anything you want In trade
for anything you have. 714 Swetland
FOR SALE 1 acres, all Improved, five
blocks from Milwaukle car barns. Call
Browning's baths, 146 1st.
$18,000 WORTH of property to exchange
for farm in valley; two good houses on
property. M 456, Oregonlan.
ACREAGE In Hood River district for equity
in modern home or building lot. A. L.
Dundas, 226 Lumber Ex. Mala 6645.
We can exehanKw hotel and all its busi
ness, with 2 acres of ground, which will
sell for business lota for city Income prop
erty; located at Sandy, on ML Hood By.;
paying now 25 per cent on Investment.
Eight-room house near 30th and E. An
kenv, for lots In thla. section: house rent
quick at $35 for boarding-house.
B. 6. COOK & CO., 608 Corbett bldg.
ICS ACRES of land In Jackson County. Ore
gon, guarantee at least 4.000.000 feet of
saw timber; well located; will exchange
for house and lot. Owner, 602 Corbett
bldg. Phono Main 3300.
WULL trade my ten acres on carline. 4
acres Improved, for good lot. my equity
Is $000, balance can be paid at $150 per
yeav. price $1600. E. Hurlburt, 411 Couch
bldg. '
GROCERY store on West Side. Invoice about
$2000; dally receipts $40. Will exchange
for small acreage near town and carliue.
Kauffman & Moore, 325 Lumber Exchange.
OF COURSE! CERTAINLY! If you want to
buy. sell or trade business or property,
follow the crowd to Stevenson Taylor,
rooms 810 and 311 Buchanan bldg.
GROCERY store to trade for good property,
$2.V)0 to .W0.
403 Swetland bldg.
If you have stocks or bonds 5rou will sell
or exchange for real estate, phone Tabor
TOURING car or runabout for real estate
or diamonds. Address N 423, Oregonlan.
WILL trade for what you have. Gus Smith.
404 Buchanan bldg. -
Horses, Vehicle and Harness.
LEAVING city, must sell. $60 takes A-No. 1
express wagon and horse, good horse and
buggy. $60; also furniture for sale, house
for rent. 83S East 28th at.. Woodstock
car to Gladstone ave.
JUST from the country, 6 young horses
from 4 to 7 years old. from lOOo to 1300
pounds, all broke and gentle; suitable for
single or double work. 505 Alblna ave.
FOR SALE Teem horses 6 and 7 yearst
weighing about 2600 lbs. : also hameea and
mountain hack: horses perfectly sound and
gentle. 1S80 East Taylor st.
FOR SALE A big team, 6 years old, sound;
weight 3300. good true workers, at 505
Alblna ave.. near Russell sts.
FOR 8ALB 2 delivery mares, weighing 1100
lbs. each: very cheap: come and make me
an offer. Phone East 4S04. 226 Russell et.
FIRST-CLASS horses and mares at Madison-street
sale stable, near bridge. 186
10 HEAD of broke young horses weighing
from 1050 to 1330 lbs. E. 671. 17th St. or.
Karl st Phone Sellwood 306.
WANTED Horse for light work to use this
Winter for care and feed. T 450. Ore
gonlan. FOR SALE One young draft horse and
double harness. Apply 308 Davis St.
HORSES, mares, rigs end names of all
kinds for sale. 94 Montgomery.
HUBERT & HALL. 380 Front, buy. sell, rent
horses, vehicles, low rates on business rigs.
MUST be sold at once. first-class horse,
buggy and harness, $125. 1ST Grover st.
FOR SALE Hacks, wagons, horses and har
nese. 124 North 12th st., Portland.
IF YOU are looking tor bargains In new
and slightly used automobiles, call on
Portland Auto Commission House, 634-36
Alder, cor. 17th. Both phones, A and
Main 4455.
WANTED To trade for real estate, 1908
Reo Roadster, in first-class condition:
only been run 800 miles; demonstration
given. Address S 486. Oregonlan.
AUTOMOBILES $150 and up for sale of
trade. W. G. Hartman A Co.. 46 2d st.
A BETTER piano for less than we are
selling cannot be obtained. Ours is a
general musie business so we are not de
pendent upon the profit of our piano de
partment. See the nice new piano we
sell for $200. Pay $6 a month. Pianos
for rent; used pianos, $85 and up. at 111
4th st- Haiiet Davis Agency, second
oldest and best make in America.
Very fine Instrument, reasonable. F'447.
NEW $400 Ludwig piano. Mahogany finish.
Colonial style. Bargain. Phone East
EdiBon's and Power's motion picture
machines; dissolving stereoptlcons; cal
cium and gas outfits; new films. 3000
subjects, guaranteed no repeaters; largest
' buyers of new films in Unlttd States;
slides to order and stocked. We teach
you to operate.
214-216 Wells-Fargo bldg.. Portland.
One 40-in. Jacque Mat Board Cutter;
one Springfield Oval Picture Cutter; three
air brushes, power pump and tank; 1000
different half-tone cuts of Oregon scen
ery; small stock photographic goods;
large assortment Oregon scenery photo
graphs; tables and counters. Addrtsa L
449, Oregonlan.
GET our prices and save money on all kind
Yes, we sell to all.
Plumbing goods Installed If desired.
110 N. 3d St.. near Glisan.
3US-31T. Rothchlld bldg.. will rent you
6 reels. 3 song and record or sheet music
for $18 per week; now is the time to
speak; only a limited number served; we
Install moving-picture theaters. Phone M.
Start a moving-picture theater on easy
terms; profits $10 to $100 daily; films,
machines, supplies rented, sold, bought
and exchanged. Newman's Moving-Picture
Exchange. 203 Burnslde St.
FOR SALE! New and second-hand billiard
and pool tables; easy payments; we rent
tables with privilege of buyir.g; modern
bar fixtures; cheap prices. Brunswick.-Balke-Collender,
49 3d it.
5 hand-made mission chairs, finest
quality, quarter-sawed oak, an elegant
Xmaa gift. Inquire 270 East 7th. Phone B
20 SLIGHTLY marred sewing machines: all
makes; sold at great reduction this week
only; also machines for rent. White Sew
ing Machine Store, 420 Wash cor. 11th.
H. D. Joies. prop.
ST. JOHN water works has for sale 3000
feet 6-lnch wood pipe, in first-class con
dition. Address company at St. John, or
call Richmond 151.
TYPEWRITERS, all makes. $20 to $80. fully
guaranteed, easy payments: rentals $3
per month. Pacific Stationery & Ptg.
Co., 203 2d at.
6ET of Oregon codes, annotated with Ore
gon reports, Pac. reporter, and session
laws. 923 Board of Trade bldg.
ELGIN and Waltham full jeweled watches,
warranted, only $5 each, at Uncle
Myers, 143 8d. near Alder.
FOR SALE! Best dry 4-ft. fir and oak wood
at lowest market prices Hoover. 318
Water st. Phone Main 745L
A FINE ehoice 8-year-old Jersey heifer.
838 East 28th st. Woodstock car to Glad
stone ave.
FOR SALE -A young Jersey cow. 5 weeks
fresh, gentle and kind. 605 Alblna ave.,
near Russell st.
SECOND-HAND press and complete outfit of
type and necessaries for amateur printing
outfit. N 465. Oregonlan.
WILL sell my certificate on Etlers Piano
House, equal half the cash price of any
high-grade piano. M 473, Oregonian.
87 HEAD Angora goats, must be sold at
once. Price no object. R. D. Morse. Bea
verton. Or.
FOR SALE or rent, hoisting and logging
engine. Railway Equipment Co., 74 1st
st. Both phones.
SECOND-HAND Dayton butcher scale. $35
less than new ones. F 448. Oregonlan.
CEDAR posts. Inquire Jack Serbert'a, 1
mile east of Lents, Foster road.
NEW furniture and household goods for sale
at 587 Northruo st.
FOR SALE First-class dairy manure, thor
oughly rotten and clean. Phone Main 8521.
supplies, slides, films for rent. 165 i 4th st.
TYPEWRITER, A-l, your own price, or will
rent- H 405. Oregonlan.
WANTED Experienced general merchan
dise man, one thoroughly familiar with
all lines of general merchandise at re
tail; must be strictly sober and not afraid
to work; single man between 30 and 40
preferred; permanent position open Janu
ary 1. This is a good proposition; weekly
salary; no samples, nothing to sell. Give
address and phone. F 462, Oregonlan.
Mill superintendent (good draftsman), mill
foreman (must be competent), head sawyer,
filer (circular mill); pony sawyer, edger
man, setter (power set works), tallyman
(cargo), planerman and feeders and graders
for two planers, yard foreman and other
competent mill hands. Address B 463, care
WANTED Experienced salesman to handle
our line of advertising specialties, compris
ing Imported and domestic calenders,
leather and metal specialties; strong line,
liberal commissions; season open January
1, 1909. Apply with references to Spe
cialty Adv. Co., Box 763, St. Joseph, Mo.
WANTED Subdivision salesmen for a swell
inside proposition; autos to show prop
erty; none but live ones need apply; good
doings for the right men. Ask for P. E.
Cleland at American Trust Co. office,
room 200 Chamber ot Commerce, 3d and
10,000 POSITIONS for graduates last year;
men and women to learn barber trade in
eight weeks; help to secure positions;
graduates earn from $15 to $25 weekly;
expert Instructor; tools free; write for
catalogue. Mohler System of Colleges, 35
N. 4th St., Portland. Or.
MEN to learn electricity, plumbing, brick
laying, plastering, day and night classes,
no bocks, positions secured, free cata
logue. Coyne National Trade School, 230
240 8th aU San Francisco.
TWO smart solicitors for biggest magazine
combination offer of the season; $18
weekly and free transportation; A-l ref
erences necessary. Call after 2 P. M.
R. H. Madden. 602 Swetland bldg.
Employment Office Men's Depart meat.
26 North Second et.
Phones Main and A 152&
Help Free to employers.
MOTION-PICTURE operator earns $35
weekly. You can learn the business in a
short time, easy work, short hours; les
sons reasonable, position securea. r or
particulars see Newman. 29.1 Burnside.
WANTED Ambitious young man little ex
perience running typewriter and office
work; muts have $250, money fully se
cured. Good salary. Apply. 714 Swetland
WANTED A first-class salesman for dry
goods store; must understand clothing;
good position for right man; state refer
ence. Address P. O, Drawer P. Oregon
City. Or.
WANTED Railway mall clerks, commence
ment salary $S00; no "layoffs"; examina
tions soon; preparation free. Write imme
diately. Franklin Institute, Rochester,
N. Y.
WANTED Bright young man, willing to
learn running auto and business; must
come well recommended and have $40 to
Invest. Apply 714 Swetland bldg.
ADVERTISING solicitor for special edition
and regular business, experienced men
only; three publications. Benedictine
Press. 603 Goodnough bldg.
EXPERIENCED switchman and brakeman
for out-of-town service; state age. experi
ence and reference with reply. F 456, Ore
gonlan. WANTED Solicitor for accident, fire, bur
glary and liability Insurance. Seeley ft
Co.. general agents. The Fidelity A Cas
ualty Co., 301 Board of Trade.
WANTED Honest man with $250 cash for
motion theater picture business, either to
travel or permanent show. For particu
lars see Newman, 293 Burnside.
NICELY furnished front room and board,
suitable for 2 persons. The Gladstone, 174
18th St., cor. of Yamhill.
WANTED A good solicitor, by business
college; good field; liberal commission. A
281, Oregonlan.
For Men 260 Burnside Street.
. Phone Main 5694.
TAILOR wanted for repair work in a cloth
ing store. James J. Padden, 602-604 Main
st.. Vancouver. Wash.
12 North 2d St. Both Phones.
WANTED Photographer, first-elass. Cut
berth, Dekum bldg.
Headquarters cooks, helpers. California Win
Depot, f. Lorati. 14 etn. oiain oouu.
ADWERTISING solicitors. experienced
only. Mr. Collins, 329 Marquam blag.
WANTED Finisher and polisher. J. G. Mack
& Co., 6th and Stark.
BUSHELMAN wanted at once at the Expert
Tailors. 981 Belmont.
WANTED Registered drug clerk. N 466,
WANTED A-l furniture finisher. Apply
462 Hoyt St.
84314 Washington st., cor. 7th. upstair
Phones Main and A 2092.
Help Supplied Free to Employer.
STENOGRAPHER Permanent position,
commencing $60, Increase depends on in
terest in duties aad willingness to carry
responsibility. K 464, Oregonlan.
WANTED Competent girl for general
housework, tamuy or must do 8uu
cook; wages $30; Swedish or Norwegian
preferred. Phone Main 148.1.
WANTED Young lady for ledger keeper in
wholesale house. Address in own hand
writing, stating experience and salary ex
pected. J 474, Oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED stenographer and book
keeper for wholesale house; state ex
perience and salary wanted. F 461, Ore
gonlan. WANTED Lady compositor, small coun
try paper; work 4asy; board with pub
lisher. Address Dunsmulr News. Duns
muir. Cal.
STENOGRAPHER, young lady. A-l law ex
perience; state whether employed: give
references; salary $80 to $90. E 455. Ore
gonlan. WANTED Girl for general housework, must
be neat and have references. Apply Aza
Hassalo. or phone East 3001, In forenoon.
GIRL for cooking In family of 4 persons, no
washing. Apply in forenoon at Hotel Ox
ford, tith and Oak sts.
843V, Washington St., Cor 7th, Upstairs.
Phone Main 2692.
326 ', Washington St., Room 307.
Main 8830 or A 8268.
Lsdies Department, 206 Morrison St.
Phones Main 1062. A 206L
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position. Viavl Co.. 609 Roth
chlld bldg., 4th and Washington.
PRIVATE lessons shorthand and typewrit
ing. 269 14th. By expert- $5 per month.
GIRL wanted for general housework. $25.
623 E. Ankeny et.
GIRL for general housework. Apply 601 E.
Taylor st.
LADY short-order cook. Acme Employment
Co., 275 Burnslde at.
WAN-TED Four girls for candy factory,
dipping chocolates. 383 Burnslde st.
OFFICE girl who can operate Remington
typewriter. 233 Worcester bldg.
TWO experienced tray waitresses. Call early,
226 Morrison st.
WANTED Girl to assist in general house
work. Phone B 2512.
A GIRL or woman to help with housework.
no cooking. 211 Park st.
WOMAN or girl for general housework. Ap
ply mornings. 201 7th st.
GIRL wanted to assist with general house
work and children. 696 Everett.
GIRL for general housework. f?4 Bidwell
ave., Sellwood. Phone Main 322.
wanted Two live, ambitious ladles, cap
able of earning $20 a week on easy ana
pleasant soliciting work in city ror reli
able local firm; should not be under 23
nor over 40. and of good education; ex
teaohers preferred. Address, today. G 47S,
TWO smart solicitor for biggest magazine
combination offer of the season; $18
weeklv and free transportation; A-l ref
erences necessary. Call after 2 P. 4.
R. Hj. Madden. 602 Swetland bldg.
HOUSEKEEPER, widower's family, wastes
$20; experienced second girl, wages $2.";
nurse for sick lady, wasos $20. 209 Vi
4th. Main 2039, A 2S24. '
GIRL for general housework. 815 Eleventh,
corner Clay.
ALL-AROUND photographer wanted; must
be good finisher In printing-out and de
veloping papers; state age, experience and
salary wanted in first letter; good position
for right party; lady preferred. P 413,
ALL grades of solicitors to take orders for
hot specialties. large field, big com. Co
lumbia Mfg. Co., 423 Hawthorne ave.
FISK TEACHERS' AGENCY needs teachers
now. 202 Swetland bldg. Phone Main 24 10.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
EXPERIENCED stenographer and book
keeper, some experience as traveling sales
man; experience In wholesale house and
lumber office. Can furnish references. H
454, Oregonlan. -
WANTED For evening work, by two ex
perienced bookkeepers, a set of books; will do typewriting; terms reasonable. Ad--dr-ss
T 456, Oregonlan.
FIRST-CLASS bookkeeper, German, mar
ried, executive ability and experience, A-t
referenoea, wants position. J 465, Orego
nlan. WANTED By experienced bookkeeper, small
set ot books to keep evenings; references,
and first-class work guaranteed. Address
K 455, Oregonian.
BOOKKEEPER, general office man age 34.
familiar with stenography, open for a po
sition; first-claas references. E 45S, Ore
gonlan. BOOKKEEPER, mercantile and railroad
experience, desires position with good
firm; best references. V 413. Oregonian.
COMPETENT and reliable office man, cash
ier, bookkeeper or collector; best refer
ences and bond. F 455, Oregonlan.
YOUNG, man attending business college,
wants place to work for room and board.
X 430, Oregonian.
A-l BOOKKEEPER wants small set of
books to keep evenings. J 406, Oregonlan.
FIRST-CLASS experienced steam electric en
gineer wants position: employed at present,
but desires change; can handle refrigerat
ing plant with best of results; two years'
machine shop experience; can mal;e own
repairs and install machinery; have handled
. MoEwen engines past two yars with
of results; references; own indicator and
smalt tools. B 456, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED salesman, working grocers
and bakers in Portland. Vancouver. Ore
gon City, would like one ortwo more good
lines on commission. F 452. Oregonlan.
GENTLEMAN from the East would like a
position as salesman in any line; experi
enced man. Address M. J., 367 tith st.
YOUNG man as clerk in grocery store: 5
years' experience; references. C W.
Young, 1901 Main St., Vancouver, Wash.
GOOD baker needs situation, honest, sober
and good worker. Christian character. Ad
dress Sydnev Undrlll. General Delivery.
SITUATION wanted by married man as
cement finisher: will do any kind of con
crete work. 8 471, Oregonian.
NICE Japanese boy wants to work for pri
vate family; cook some. Write Harry
Sano. 315 Couch st., city.
CAN you use a man with experience, speak
ing German, French, Italian and Spanish,
as collector or such? J 472, Oregonlan.
AN experienced waiter wishes position, hotel,
restaurant, private family or boarding
houee. S 449, Oregonlan.
GOOD Japanese boy wants situation where
he can attend night school, phone Main
A-l FIRST-CLASS grade chef, with as
sistant; "hotel preferred," or take charge
of a large place. J 471, Oregonian.
YOUNG man. 20, wants work as dishwasher,
driver or anything; need the money. G 471.
POSITION by Japanese, speaks English
well, as porter or general housework.
Apply Sam Inonye. 311 Everett st.
WANTED Position by experienced, licensed
chauffeur: private car. Will also tond car.
C 469. Oregonian. (
EXPERIENCED Japanese cook wishes posi
tion In family. W 452, Oregonian.
erett St. Main 4C59, A 4073.
JAPANESE boy wants position, any kind
.work or loarn to cook. Main 930 1.
YOUNG Japanese boy wants situation house
work or chamberwork. AD 402, Orego
nian. HIGH-CLASS pianist and singer; sight lead
er, wants position; Is also A-l picture op-
erator; strictly sober. K 456, Oregonian.
YOUNG Japanese honest boy wlfhes position
do housework or schoolboy. Address P 471,
EXPERIENCED man wishes position In large
feed and grocery store. P 442, Oregonlan.
JAPANESE laborers want cutting wood,
post, brush or grub. P 4.15. Oregonlan.
WORK wanted, stump pulling Job, contrac
tors. 707 Umatilla ave.
YOUNG Scotchman wants work; can do any
thing. J 467, Oregonlan.
WANTED Job cutting wood by cord.
Phone East 16.13. 721Vj Williams ave.
FIRST-CLASS colored chef and cook wants
position. Phone Main 6:l'.n).
YOUNG Japanese boy wants situation any
kind of work. M. Xoka, Main 9:1(11.
POSITION by steam heat engineer; good
repair man. J 470, Oregonian.
JOB compositor wishes work, any wages ac
cepted. S 470. Oregonian.
JAPANESE employment office. 249 Couch
st. Main 6521, A 43M.
Bookkeepers and stenographer.
COMPETENT, experienced stenographer
with some experience in bookkeopintr.
wishes position; reasonable salary. East
YOUNG LADY stenographer and bookkoener.
with some experience, desires permanent
position; salary $7 per week. Thone
Woodlawn 1465.
YOUNG LADY will work for small wages in
office; can use typewriter. A 474, Ore
gonlan. MAN and wife on farm, permanent. A. B.
;. Employment. 226ti Morrison.
YOUNG lady stenographer desires employ
ment during evening. Call Main 6215.
FIRST-CLASS dressmaking at lowest prices.
Mrs. Angeles, 242 6th and Main.
SEWING by day or at home. 327U 10th st.
WANTED By experienced, practical nurse,
patient to take to Southern California;
terms, expense of trip. F 460, Oregonlan.
LADY with girl, 6 years, competent house
keeper, wants situation in city or country.
State wages. S 46S, Oregonian.
RESPECTABLE middle-aged lsdy with refer
ences wishes position assisting in general
housework In private family where there
are no children. F 464. Oregonian.
A THOROUGHLY reliable and capable
young woman wants to assist with house
work or care of invalid, in good home,
for room and board. M 470, Oregonlan.
COMPETENT GIRL wants place, housework,
cooking, washing and ironing, good wages.
195 N. 17th st.
YOUNG woman wants to cook or do gen
eral housework; wages $35. Main 8264,
GIRL wants housework, good cook. Phone
mornings. "Woodlawn 163s.
GIRL wants place to do general housework.
65S Thurman St.
woman wants cooking out city; experi
enced chamber maid for out city: 2 res
taurant cooks, .1 nursery governesses, ft
cashiers. 1 practical nurse, 2 day workers,
20HV4 4th. St. Main 20.TJ, A 2S24.
SITUATION wanted as cook or housekeeper,
by a strong, healthy widow with 2 chil
dren, apes 7 and 1R; farm or small
camp preferred. Address Mrs. B. R., Box:
43. Rldgcfleld. Wash.
POSITION WANTED by refined Eastern some experience as assistant In doc
tor's and dentist's office. Mrs. Nena Hun
nicutt. Box 63. Seappoose, Or.
KIND, motherly lady, good references,
wishes care Infant or small child at her
own home; prices reasonable. Call 225
Lownsdale st. Phone Main 332..
MIDDLE-AGED widow wants place ss house
keeper, or practical nurse for invalid: ex
perienced; references. A C, 452, Ore
gonian. WOMAN would like work in small hotel
or boarding-housa in kitchen. Phone East
87S. or B 1S30.
WANTED Position as combination player
for moving-picture show or vaudeville; also
good ragtime player. A 470, Oregonlan.
WANTED Offices to clean evenings, $1.00 a
month and up, according to site. L 474,
Oregon la
YOUNG, experienced girl. 20. wants work:
as waitress or houeeworki can help cooa.
$30. G 472, Oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED young lady would like to
do pvrography and tinting. K 462, Ore-,'
TOVNO lady wishes position as cook wttV
private family. 798 Alblna ave.
WASHING and housework by the day. Main)
FURS repaired and remodeled by Eastern
ladles, prices reasonable. 266 21st st. N.
EXPERIENCED colored woman wants work
by the day, good cook. Phone Main 8O08. '
LACE curtains washed and atretrhed. 40c
per i.air. Phone A 4387 and Main 562H.
EXPERIENCED woman wants work every
day in week. Main 4MR.
WANTED Day work, by a woman. Phone
B 1222.
AGENTS handle new 250-candla power Lib
erty light; consumes lc gas 6 hours; sell
on sight; big profits. Paciflo Gas Mantle
Co., 541 Waller St.. San Francisco.
WANTED By a responsible Party, 6 or T
rooni modern well-furnished house, in good
locality, on West Side, for the Winter; no
chlldteu. Address room 415, Nortonia Ho
tel. GENTLEMAN with boy of school age would
like rooms apd board in private family!
state number in family. Address B 465,
YOUNG man with excellent references want
rom and board on Portland Heights
Phones A 4796 or Main 2743.
WANTED Location for printing office;
state rent and how long a lease may be
had. AE S5S, Oregonlan.
SINGLE gentleman, strictly private, wishes
lorse unfurnished room; no housekeeping.
h1 4ti:. Oregonian.
3 OR 4 unfurnished or partly furnished
rooms; electrlo light. K 463, Oregonian.
WANTED TO RENT A furnished boarding--house.
Address R 470, Oregonian.
WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and shoes:
we also buy household furnishings; highest
prices paid. Call at the "Fnlr Deal," 62
3d st. North. Phone Main 8272,
And anything else you hav to sell,
Main 5065. A 4121.
WANTED Good cash register, pair of com
puting scales and a bread case suitable-'
for grocery store; must be cheap for cash.
Address 17S0 Belmont St. Tabor 98.
"Pay the price" for second-hand furni
ture. East 988. B 2311.
EASTERN man wants to purchase a print
ing plant doing a good business; stats)
price. AE 387, Oregonlan.
Phone M. 183183 N. 3d. Highest price
pair; prompt attention.
VTA NT live selling articles to sell through,
agents in Northwest. V 441. Oregonlan.
CLOTHING Clothing. Phone Main 849$.
Highest price paid. 83 N. Sd St.
HPOT cash paid for your furniture: prompt
attention always given. Phone East 1007.
WANTED A good new or second-hand 1
in. Jointer. K 461. Oregonian.
Furnished Room.
THE VALLEY HOTEL, cor. 2d ami
Main sts. Everything brand new; electria
lights, steam heat, hot and cold water;
free baths and phone; rooms single or en
,i;!te; prices reasonable; transients solic
ited. Phone Main 7273.
Seventh. Ankeny and Burnslde; la th
heart of the city; everything brand new;
finest rooms in town; an Ideal Winter
home; rates reasonable; free bus to all
THE BARTON, ,8th and Alder; new man
agement; newly renovated throughout; 70
outside rooms; steam heat, electric lights,
etc.; room $lo month up; suites with run
ning water, $22.50 to $30: elegant publio
parlor; phones and baths free.
Nicely furr.U-hed rooms, $2 per week up:
steam heat, hot and cold water, free baths
end phone; transients 50c. 75c and $1 per
day; onen all night; office and reading
room ground floor. 488-492 Washington st.
THE GOODNOUGH, cor. 6th and Yamhill,
opp. 1'. O. : rooms by day. week or month:
elevator service, steam heat, etc.; singles
and suites; $3 weekly Up. Mrs. Allison
& Snyuer.
First and Morrison; steam heat, electrlo
lights, hot and cold water, baths free; $S
per week up; transients solicited. Phones
A 4408. Main 4861.
THE CASTLE, West Park and Wash. Nw
management, newly renovated outside
rooms; steam heat, electric lights; $3 per
we-k up. Transient solicited. Main I616.
THE BUCKINGHAM. Yamhill st. opp. Port
land Hotel Fireproof building; ail mod
ern conveniences; special rates to perma
nent guests. A. 11. Pracht, proprietor.
HOTEL ROMAINK, Just opened, newly fur
nished hot and cold water In every room,
steam heat, baths and phones; rates rea
sonable. 147 H 2d. near Alder.
KITEI, KENYON, 18th aad Washington
Modern rooms, single and en suite; also
housekeeping ; running water, private and
free baths; rates reasonable. Pacific 496.
Washington and 17th. first-class furnished
rooms, single or en suite: all modern con
veniences; $3 weekly up. A U47. Main 664T.
THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new
furniture, telephone and bathe free. 827)
Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estes.
ST PRANCES 8th and Couch st., beautt
f'ully furnished rooms, suites, single; rates
reasonable. .
WELL-FURNISHED heated room, free bath
nnd phone. 2 blocks souin rorumu roie-i.
212. 7th St.
NEW management; steam heat. running
water; choice rooms from $2.50 up. Clarno
THE LUXOR. 13th and Clay; steam heat,
electrlo lights, both phones: $10 monthly.
The Dormer. 13th and Jeff., nicely furnished,
rooliis. steam hsmt, hot water, reasonable.
THREE furnished rooms: bath, free phones!
$1.75. $2 and $2.r.o. 209 4th.
THE ELWOOn Newly furnished, $2 to $3
week; also transient rooms. 343 Morrison.
THE RANDOLPH. 81 and Columbia, rooms,
heat, bath; 6O0 to $1 day, $2 to $t week.