HOIMM. WHEN YOU MOVJt you alwaya need SOME furniture. BUY AT NO-RKXT price; the sav in ir UI exreed cost of moving:. WE OWN OUR ON BUILDINO; oc ropv one-half ; collect rent on balance, MORQAN-ATt'HLEY FL'RNITUKE CO.. Cnnd eve. and E. Stark. Phone Kast 1EPIR ABXE hom place at Mount Tabor, very sightly location, near c&ra; large grounds, with plenty of fruit trees and mall frulu; (would consider selling. Ap ply 146 2d St. FOR RENT. It-room hous. new and modern, on cor ner of 4."tb and Kwt Stark .ts.; rent $15. JORDAN c CAUBADK, Washington st. 8-ROOM cottace, completely famished at Piedmont. Jarire yax.l, tarn and chicken yard. Irlce $-3. Inquire J JU7 Cleveland ave. FOR RSXT or sale, modern 7-room hous at 4.17 J.arrabee mt., walking dlfftanre. splendid view of river. Phone Richmond l.ll. 1 DESIRABf.E 6-room house. 402 Pan Kafael St., near I'nion ave., t-- Inquire -1VU Hancock. I'hone East i6h... C 1-4'Jl. BRAND ner Fix rnom houie. strictly m-"l em. near Ilnw-thorne: wood locality; $ Call owner, ot72, A IS74. NEW house of 5 rooms and bath. E 19th near Everett. Apply Harris iruni Co., 132 eta JU A NEAT, modrrn 5-room cottage; electricity, furnace and porcelain bath; largo grounds; rent $20. Apply room Ciol. The Dc-kura. MODERN house of 6 room and bath. 775 Irving- at. Inquire 132 tiih st- Telephone; Main GZi9. UODKRN 7-room house. 340 Multnomah $:ii..r.O. K. A. McOrath. 'Mil Chamber of Commerce. I'hone Mum 7-ROOM cottage. 7; Everett street, be tween 21st and '-d.. lor J.0 a month. See owner, 3lS Fai.'injj bide. 6-ROOM cottage. No. 729 Johnson st. Strong &. Co. 605 Concord bldg. MOPKRX 7-roim In Sell wood. Phone. Kast 47u2. .FnrnUhed Hoaxes. STRI'.Tl-Y modern, completely furnished 6 room hou?e to party adults, phone East 14 us. EAST SIDE Completely furnished new, modern 5-room Hat. on 2 carlines. Phone Sell wood 2M. STRICTLY modern, completely furnished f'at. Including piano, silverware and lin ens. Phone Main 27S5. WEI'Ij furnished lower flat, corner house. West Side, good location, rent reason able. I'hone Main 2211). 61 R1CTLY moilern. completely furnisaed flat, including piano, silverware and lin ens. Phuuw Main 27a5. FOR RENT Furnished cottage of 5 rooms, reasonable rent. Call 1 4 4th st.. cor. Stark. TWO-ROOM furnished house. $. 202 East 45th. B 112. yi' K.N ISH EI tlat, 3 or 4 large rooms, clos ets, hath, gas stove. 514 E. 21t. W.-R. car. NirET,Y furnished 5-room lower flat, piano, central. West Side-. Main K54S. FOR 4 months, furnished hone, 7 rooms, thtdce neighborhood, phone Main 65M. NEW 4 -room flat, private entrance. Call between 12:30 and 2. 33 6th. NICKI.Y furnished 5-room cottage, very con venient. Main 32i3. 6-ROOM modern house, furnished $25. I'hone Woo-JUin 1719. TO RENT Furnished 5-room cottage. 00 E. Salmon. Tabor 17'iu. House for Kent, Furniture for Sale. Fl'RNISi-iEO cottage. thr 2-room house keeping suites, each renting for $12 per month; rnt on cottage $12.00 per month; price $150. 22S Columbia st. MODERN 5-room flat for rnt; well fur nished, must sell at a sacrifice, leaving town. 241 Clay, near 3d st. Phone Main 2H47. FR SALE Furniture of a .Vroom cot t a go, centrally located. pri-e $40; call after n'Kn. BI -4 4th, cor. Stark. SACRIFICE sale, furniture 6-room flat, new. cheap rent; leaving city. 264 7;h, Phone A 4104. No agents. SNAP Just furnished. 5 rooms. Bennington Court. flat 5. 3'.0 Benton, near is tea. bridge. GO D furniture of U-room house. $45; good for transient. 13 N. 5th st. Phone M. -377. II tore. FOR RENT Stone with full cement base ment, living rooms In rear, suitable loca tion for branch bakeo". confectionery stand, etc.; lease given; a few fixtures In premises. Apply I. Gevurta, 173-175 1st st. LARGE, light room. 5 s. feet, or any part of It for storage purp.e. Call Main 4i77. TO RENT Shop with store, lease 25x55, $1 month. Wit N. Union ave., cor. Irving. 6TORE with living rooms above, ids Union ave. See Hartraan A Thompson. C. of C- FtR RENT 2 store rooms, X.'xloO, Uth and Flanders st.. rent $2i. FIFTH ST., new, modern, brick, two floors, long lease. A 432. Cyregonian. SUITABLE for tailor or cloak house, 2d flooi, Washington st front. $03 S wet land. Office. DESIRABLE OFFICES $10 $15 $20 In heart of business district. Well lighted and ventilated; two elevators; all night service; hot and cold water, gas and elec tric lights; excellent janitor service; auto matic fire alarm system ; low Insurance; property protected by night watch. Desk room $5 , and up. S03 SWETLAXD BLDG.. 5th and Wash. BUCHANAN bldg.. Washington at., bet. 4th and 5ih. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON, Southeast Corner Third and Oak Streets. FOR RENT Fine front office In Board of Trade. Phone, stenographer; excellent arrangement for attorney; $30. Room 717. FOR RENT Ground floor desk room for rent. Commercial Club bldg., 5th and Oak; for terms, phone Main 9u7 or A 4907. OFFICES for rent in Raleigh bldg., 6th and Washington. $Li up. Including light, heat, janitor service. Apply to Janitor. SOME MODERN OFFICES Be location In the city. Apply room 2ol Merchants Trust bldg.. 326- Washington at. FOR RENT Desk room, $rt per month. 202 Swetland bldg. FOR RENT A few offices la Couch bids;. Apply Room SOI. ROOMING-HOUSE OPPORTUNITIES. Arnold A Co.. Main 7311. 3514 Morrison st. i BUSINESS CHANCES. A GOOD confectionary and cigar store in a good location will ho sold right. An other one below invoice, corner location. 272 Stark st. ELEGANT furniture H-room hmie. cost $1HX; will sell f'T $.Vt if taken this week: must tht-- to kr.vH its value. Mrs. Koontz, 243 Stark st. FOR SALE 5h share In the greatest fr-e mtding property in California; mill ueany completed; will pay dividend la 90 days. F. L. Schott. 404 S E. Morrison. WANTED Partner for a half Interest In a good restaurant: also one that is making good money: wilt s-ll cheap on account of poor health. 272 Stark sr. COMMISSION and brokerage, partner want, ed. pays good salary. Mg profits', hank ref erences ; $1500 required. Ca.ll 2 IS Va Stark street. RESTAURANT Good business, good loca tion, low rent ; will sell or take partner. See owner. 53 North nth st. BY OWNER K room well furnished, good (nation; acriflce ale. account going East. 4(5 Stark St. A GOOD roomlng-hou.e to trade for good property and some money. 272 Stark st. CIGARS, confectionery and lunch stand for sale at great sacrifice. 17$ Madison. FOR S A LE ReMan-ant doing good busi ness: old established trade, phone E 4 7 4 1. YOU CAN GET action on all mining and industrial stock and bonds- through head- MOTION PICTURE THEATER. Who will join me and take half Inter est in moving picture show: good location, cheap rent, long lease. Call 023 Lumber Exchange. 44 Per Cent OPPORTUNITY 14 Per Cent Fine, modern hotel; everything first-rlai-a. proven net profits over $200 per month; price $55'H); $2500 cash; seems Im possible but there are two reasons for the sacrifice. Come in and we will tell yuu all about It. Call on Us. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, 714 Couch Bldg. 109 Fourth St. GREAT BIO SNAP. 23 roonw, 2 blocks from Portland Hotel; nicely furnished, steam heat, running water in rooms; 2 years lease, and mak ing $2oo per month above ail expenses. Don't fail to see It; price. $1500. DIETZ, MUELLER CO.. 417 and 41S Corhctt Bldg. WANTED A PARTNER. Will sell half Interest in very best equipped realty and investment office in cliv; has netbed $400 and above per month ; furniture, iron safe. etc.. cost over $1000. This Is an opportunity rarely offered; full est investigation ; too much business to handle alone. D 445, Oregonran. THESE houes are all well furnished and In good condition ; snaps; i well-f urnls-hed housekeeping room, only $tO0;' half cash; good 12 housekeeping rooms, $700; U housekeeping rooms. $550; 10 well-furnished rooms, fine location, only $650; swell furniture. 2t-room hou.-e, can handle with $soo. Mis. Koontz, 243 Stark at. HALF INTEREST. Tn nice and clean manufacturing busi ness, well located and enjoying gooa trade. Expenses very small, profit 50 per cent ; gooa opportunity to smn m uui ness, no experience necessary. Price $430. KA l FFMA.N & MUOKK, 325 Lumber Exchange. MERCHANTS ATTENTION. Have a splendid .JoO-acre farm, about 75 acres cleared and the balance in good standing timber, worth more than asked for the wnoie place; will take per acre and take either money or good stock of general mercnanuie. F. FUCIIS. 2214 Morrison St. HALF INTEREST. In nice and clean manufacturing busi ness, well located and enjoying g-ood trade. Expenses very small, profit CO per cent; good opportunity to start m busi ness, no experience necersary. Price $450. KAITFMAX & MOORE. 325 Lumber Exchange. ' ROOMING-HOUSE; must be sold; 9 rooms, all. elegantly furnished, one of best locu tions in tlx city: price $250. 6-room, new fiat, all new furniture, rent $25; very close in; price $225; owner not litre; these are both great bargains. H. W. Garland & Co., 191 4th St. LEGITIMATE BUSINESS. The Ames Mercantile Agency (established I8lM furnish1 free Information on oppor tunity in mercantile or manufacturing; lines, city or country. , THE AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY. 403-4-5 SwetlanA bldg. FOR SALE The beit busine?w in the Inland Empire; on account of failing health I will sell my housefurnishing and under taking business, invoice. $15. wo; good business fine country, city of 35,000; in vestigate thi. it is O. K. Address owner, J. F. Samuel. Dayton, Wash. HAVE fine location tn Portland for motion theater; will equip same complete in cluding electric piano, etc.: require $l.00 investment; profit about $500 per month; long lease, cheap rent, money fully se cured; experience unnecessary. For par ticulars see Newman, 293 Burnside REAL ESTATE man wants partner to show land ; no experience necessary and very little cash required; active man can earn $!" to $2'o per month. Particulars Na tional Realty & Trust Co., 3204 Wash ington st.. room 5H1. . TRANSFER, baggage and storage business, one or the best in the city; will sell one hnif ir,fM1Pi nrotits $500 ner month; this is cUt-edge- we have another clearing $.vo per month for $22oO. H27 Corbett bldg. BUTTER, eggs and light groceries, strictly cash More; owner can't depend on hired help and wants partner; experience not necessary but must be steady, sober man; $i;m required; will pay active man $125 a month. Call 24K4 Stark St. FINE SALOON AND BILLIARD PARLORS. Doing a gooo nusmcup, hii rent central location, near Washington st . must he sold at once; come quick for this is a bargain. 27 Corbett bids. GENERAL MERCHANDISE STORE. 4 acres land in clover. 2 store. ana new nam. tenm and wagon and $4'H mock, all for $15oO if sold at once. H. W. Kopp. Spring water. Or. RESTAURANT doing good business wants partner to act as cashier, owner uoei ms cooking and can t depend on hired help. Will pay you $1S weekly and board. $4 0 re.quired. For particulars -all room 523 Lumber Exchange. CATCH IT QUICK! Small stock merchandise in country place, buildings and 4 acres ground for sale or rnt; must po quick. O. W. P. LAND CO., Waiting-Room. First and Alder. RESTAURANT. A very fine restaurant right down town; a long lease, worth more than the price of the restaurant: this plaue can be bought at a great bargain ; come quick. J. W . Gru&si. 265 Washington, cor. 3d, room 7. GROCERY store, right at station. St. John line good store and 7 living rooms; re ceipts $100 per day; good fixtures, horses and wagons; will invoice about $2.00; a very good proposition. Kauffmann & Moore, 325 Lumber Exchange RELIABLE real estate man with more work than he can do alone wants steady, sobet partner; pay active man $200 month ; duties easily learned, little money re quired. Particulars 24NV4 Stark st. $;;on Fine confectionery and cigar store on Morrison st., doing good business, cheap rent; owner has other business and can not care for it. Keystone Realty Co., 212 Allsky bldg. KEL ESTATE OFFICE One of the best in tiie cilv; central location; cleared over $15110 last' month: this is gilt-edge; one half interest cheap at $750. 027 Corbett bldg- ; b F AM1LY H OT E It 30 rooms. 65 regu la r boarders. fine location. great money maker; lease, reasonable rent. For terme see Gol (lachmldfs Agency, bus. depu. ;SJH Wash. SPEOIAI, Hsrht manufacturing business will take an U"net man a partner and teach riim th business and insure uim larse returns for the pmall amount Invested. Call 417 Board of Trade bldi. $;r0 CASH buys Interest In a business with a good future for soie ambitious young man. C 4oo, Oregonian. SWELL HOTEL One of the best In this city, new bulldlne. irood hotel man can make fortune coming year; better In--stigate. Goldschm!it's Agency, business dept., 'i Washington. CAH business Owner vants steady, sober partner: can't depend on hired help; will pay active man fl2.i month; $ot cash required. Oall 24X'4 Stark st. A.N" I'P-TO-DATB grocery In a prominent location. There Is no big lot of fixtures to buy here: rents the horse and owns wacon; will sell at Invoice. 272 Stark st. FOR SALE An option on a planlngmlll with a good business and field of Its own; close to Portland; worth about HU'JO. D 4i. Oregonian. HALF INTEREST in old-e.tabliihed trans fer business; best of reasons for selling; investigation Invited; no agents. K 49, Oregonian. WANTED A good live man to take active interest in a good real estate proposition. This is hlKh-grade and will stand the closest investigation. 272 Stark St. Kl'LL equipped candy factory: good loca tion, low rent, on eafy terms. Sam L. Beary. 323 Morrison st. RESTAURANT Owner cook, wants partner to be cashier: pay day; little money required. Call Stark st. J.Vhiii WILL secure Interest In fine pay ing business clearing over $6000 per year. Address D 4t'.."i, Oregonian. WANTED To buy rooming-house. 8 or 10 rooms. West Side, no agents, cash. 313 Marquam bldg. FOR SALE Good paying small restaurant el bargain; no agents. Address H 4,"5. Oregonian. MM-IIINKHY business, partner wanted with J.-.iHio; prefer cfTlce man : pays good salary, big (liliu. Call 21b', Stark st. LOOKING for rooming riouse? $400 buys 9-room house, near Morn son st. t.viO. 14 rooms. Washington. SOio. 12 rooms, near Washington. Jliion. 23 rooms, near Washington. Owners of both places anxious, leaving city. $I0'"io for 14-room house. 12th st. J.tiwo. 43-room apartment house; will trade for home in Atbina. $:lino secures half interest In 123-room modern hotel, cheap' rent: owner nick. $3u00 to $H0O0 buys some of the lead ing commercial hotels In the Valley: see or write to Goldschmldt's Agency, Busi ness Dept.. 2r3 Washington st. THE MAY-HOLLAND COMPANY. INC. t;2i;-t;27-G23 Corbett Bldg. Main n:.17. A 3772. Business. Investments. rtoomlng-Houses. Real Estate and Timber. Investors If you are looking for a first class business we have a number that will bear the closest investigation. Call and see our list of hotels, rooming-houses, general stores, bakeries, butcher shops, drugstores, wholesale and commission businesses, confectionery and cigar stores, groceries, saloons and almost any business you may desire. THE MAY-HOLLAND COMPANY, INC., 62fl-H27-02.S ' Corbett Bldg. $3000 BUYS swell grocery store, elegant fixtures go with It; rent for $45, includes barn: doing $2o"l monthly. $3.'i0O stock, select family trade, doing 12300 monthly. $lfi0 to $2500 stocks on the East and West 6lde; will consider trade for prop erty. General merchandise stocks In the Val ley; will consider trade for Portland property. Goldschmldt's Agency, Business Dept., 233 f Washington st. PARTY to form company and take ove S0O0 acres of land and Irrigate same: all surveyed; maps and other necessary work all done; we -will put a few thousand In cash and take stock; party must hav ability and good standing. This project Is on Columbia River; good transportation facilities. Call or address A. L. Cole. Kennewick. Wash. The land with water sells at $a00 per acre. 10-ROOM house, with or without furniture, for rent; small store In front part of house; suitable for notion, and light groceries, delicatessen: can be run In connection with house: good location for roomers: house, can be rented with or without store; rea sonable rent. For further particular, see Sengstake A Lyman. 90 5th st. W A N'T K ' A PARTNER. Will sell half Interest in very best equipped realty and investment office in cltv; has netted $400 and above per month ; furniture. Iron safe. etc.. cost over $100. This is an opportunity rarely offered : full est Investigation; too much business to handta alone. D 445. Oregonian. CAPITAL FURNISHED Industrial, manu facturing, mining, oil. gas and railway stock and bond Issues sold direct to in vestors; commission basis. Samuel Graham CO.. Selling Brokers, 43 Sacrament St., Montreal, Canada. I HAVE a few thousand dollars to Invest in Portland Home or Omaha Independent Telephone bonds with the stock" bonus if price is low. Prefer Portland. State amount and lowest cash price. E 41.1 Oregonian. BUTTER, egg and produce store, doing strictly cash business, which will be guar anteed to pay :loo monthly over and . above all expenses; $2i0 required. Call room 323 Lumber Exchange. CIGAR STORE A small ilace on main street of city, will clear $100 per month, very little money required. Call robm 31o Lumber Exchange bldg.. 2d and Stark frtS. SMALL ROOMING-HOUSES. We have three or four tine, small rooming-houses from $330 to $1130; these are A-l for the price: also 3 restaurants from $300 to $111110. 827 Corbett bldg. OPENING for man and wife, or widow, who understand baking and conducting branch bakery, to rent a store, full ce ment basement, living rooms. In good lo cality. Apply to jl. Gerurtt, 173-a 1st St. BAKERY and ice cream factory wants man or woman as partner to ait as cashier; salary $100 besides profits, which are large. For particulars call room j23 Lumber Exchange. HOTEL Working man's place. with 33 regular boarders. 30 rooms, will clear $l.o rcr month: $10O0. will give terms on part of It. Room 15 Lumber Exchange bldg.. 21 and Stark. FOlt SALE $4000 stock of gent's furnish ing goods and clothing, brick building, cheap rent. 5 years' lease, best location, good reasons for selling. Address Lock Box 3(!S. Cottage Grove. Oregon. WANTED Sober, honest man as partner in 3mall cash business, must be satisfied witli JO to $30 weekly. Owner will teach you the business; $300 required. Particu lar, room 523 Lumber Exchange. HAVB fine proposition to offer energetic man who can invest J23D and services, and "to Bame will give i Interest In busi ness clearing: $200 to $3O0 monthly. Call 85 StVl. near Oak. FVRNPiPURE of 8-room flat, strictly mod ern. Jiouse full of desirable people, rea sonable rent, close In. Call 517 ft Yam hill U . or phone A 4100. WAXTQ) A partner with $20O0 or $3000; no hot air or blue sky; unless you want to Investigate a legitimate business don't answer. T 452. Oregonian. WE can locate you In paying business, be fore buj ing be sure and see us. K Inney A Stampher. 331-32 Lumber Exchange bldg. Main 441-8. FOR SALR' 10-room hotel, well furnished, long leaj.; cheap rent. Will sell cheap on account of sickness. Address Box 111, St. John. Or. quarters t Catterlln & Co., suite 3, Chamber o f Commerce. We buy. mill or trade. CaUl or write. GROCERY. East Side, Invoice or lump: horse and wagon; rent $35, Including 5 living rooms and barn; or will exchange for residence. Investigate at once. Young, 512 Gerlinger bldg. COME and se; our list of rooming-houses; different prices, sixes and terms. Our saleslady wll'.l take pleasure to show you. 417 Board of. Trade 'bldg.. Western Land Co. FOR SALE Ctgar and confectionery store doing a line business: a bargain at $ltuu; grocery, doing $50 per day. will invoice about $3000. 4'J0 Lumber Exchange. PARTY' with $1000 wants to buy half Inter est in establish. quick nincn. or commis sion or grocery business. Goldschmidt' Agencv. Bus Iep.. 233', 4 Washington St. MOUEYMAKER. The best located rooming-house In th. city at a sacrln.ee. Have other business. 322',, Stark st. See owner. CIGAR store. $25V: downtown location. Another. $:100. Also some line confection eries at the m:hl price. Young, 512 Gerlinger bldg. FOR' SALE One ot my fully equipped drugstores on -th.e famous Twin Falls tract. For information aaaress box 114, Twin Falls, Idaho. FOR SALE A well-patying mill and logging supply business, in c enter of fine territory; trade well established; Investigate this. O 432. Oregonian. 5TRNITUE business doing good business for sale cheap; loni? lease; cheap rent; best location. The .Dollar, 232 1st, near Main. CIGAR STORE I have a stand that is making money and 9 'ill sell reasonable. Good reason for selling- Call 417 Board of Trade, bldg. PARTY to take cash and assis: In lunch counter and restaurant: small amount re quired. Call S5 5th. nealr Oak. MINING AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS. Telephone and other 7onds bought and sold. The Fletcher Co.. 125 Ablngton. FOR SALE or trade, controlling Interest In a first-class 8oo-barrel flouring mill none better. $15,000. 611 Commercial blk. SALOON for sale, doing good business; price reasonable if taken at once. Call 301 1st st. MOTION picture house In llve town of 5000. If you are looking for a snap Investigate B 403. Oregonian. HOE FACTORY and repair shop, doing fine business, central location.; cheap rent. $1000. 627 Corbett bldg. 300-ROOM hotel dining-room for lease. One of the most popular and Attractive In Portland. Y 457. Oregoniaa. 20 ROOMS all full, clearing trom $30 to $73 per month; price $1200; terms. 320 Second St. TWO PATENTED household epaclaltfes for sale. F. Tobler, New Oceanic Hotel, AI blna. SALOON for sale, good location. sod busi ness. Apply Chas. Hendricks, Houlton, Or. FOR best printing cheap, see XAxen. f.13 Oregonian fel&b A 37Ui Money to Loan- THE CRESCENT LOAN AGENCY. 402 Rothrhlld bldg.. cor. 4th and Wash. The recognized bank of the wage-earner. A clerk, bookkeeper, machinist, engineer or employe can obtain money of us on his note without security. $15 return to us J a - $30 return to us a ",- $50 return to u. $13.35 a Mo. Confidential; no unpleasant Inquiries. Special rates on pianos, furniture, etc. SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES WITH- LOANS ON PIANOS, FURNITURE, ETC., WITHOUT REMOVAL. LOWEST RATES. EASY PAYMENTS. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. CALL. TELEPHONE. WRITE. STATE SECURITY COMPANx. 704 DEKl'M BLDG. STAR LOAN AGENCY. Money loaned on salary or chattel mort gage; business confidential. , Mo. Semi-Mo. k.y. $75 return to us.... $20.00 $10.00 $5.00 $50 return to u 13.35 6.65 $.23 $!0 return to ub.... 8.00 4 00 2.00 $15 return to us 4.00 2.00 1.00 209 McKAY bldg.. cor. 3d and Stark ON Improved city property or for building purpes, for from 3 to 8 year.' time with prlvljego to repay all or part of loan arter two years; loans approved from plans ana money advanced as building progresses. Equitable Savings & Loan Association. 240 242 Stark at. MONEY sold on installment plan; confiden tial; no security but your salary: best sys tem for railroad, streetcar mploys, me chanics and others. F. A. NEWTON, Buchanan Bldg.. 2S',4 Washington St. T0U CAN GET the money you need from us and repay in small weekly or monthly pay ment., arranged to suit you: we loan money at very low rates on household furniture and pianos. Call for confidential talk. Hut ton Credit Co.. 812 Dekum bldg. CHATTEL LOANS. Installment loans on piano.. furniture, warehouse receipts, horses, insurance poli cies, salaries aud all kinds of securities. NEW ERA LOAN & MTG. CO., 403 Swetland bldg. MONEY advanced salaried people and other, upon their own names without security; cheapest rates, easiest payments; office, in 60 principal cities; save yourself money by getting my terms first. TOLMAN, 317 Lumber Exchange Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN. Small loans. 6 and 7 per cent. Large loans, 5 per cent. WHITING & ROUNTREE, . S2i 3d St., Upstairs. HIGHEST cash price paid for Title Guar antee, Oregon Trust accounts ana iierraau American certificates bought at the high est cash price; also Home Tel. bonds. Conn Bros., 180 1st., cor. Yamhill. MONEY to loan in large and small sums at 8 to 8 ptr cer.t on improved real estate. PORTER & FRENCH, 007 Commercial bldg. ' LOANS made quickly And privately on salarler, pianos and furniture, warehouse receipts, purchase contracts. diamonds and Jewelry. E. Pierce, 211 Alisky bldg. WE loan money on diamonds and Jewelry at reasonable Interest for long or short time. A. & M. Delovage, Jewelers, 269 Washington et. LOANS on real estate and all kinds of per sonal security. W. A. Hathaway, room 10 Washington bldg. Main 302. IMMEDIATE loans from $5 to $5000 on all securities. R. I. Eckerson & Co., room 5 Washington bldg Phone Main 4655. WE buy foreign money, gold dust. Title Guarantee, German-American bank ac counts. Lewis Co.. 231 Washington st. $100,000 to loan In sums of $1000 or more to suit. 6 to 7 per cenl on improved realty. M. G. Griflin. 208 Stark, opp. Cham, of C. LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collateral security. C. W. Pallett. 304 Fenton bldg. A LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel. The Loan Co.. 410 Dekum bldg. LOW rates; we loan money on diamonde and Jewelry. Marx & Bloch. 74 3d st. State funJe loaned. 6 per cent. XV. E. Thom as, state agt. Multnomah Co., 400 C. of C. MONEY loaned on real estate mortgages or contracts. W. H. Nunn. 449 Sherlock bldg. Mortgages, contructr or real estate securities purchased. H. E. Noble. Commercial blk. ANY part of $50,000 to loan at 6 to 7 per cent inteiest. 305 Gerlinger bldff. BUILDING LOANS A SPECIALTY. Strong & Co.. 605 Concord Building. l4an. Tvanieo. WE want to borrow $'J200 on good resi dence property as security. This is a good loan. HENKLE ft HARRISON. 511 Gerlinger Bldg. $500. FOR 3 years at 7 per cent; will offer as security real estate worth $2000. Phone Main 5115 LOAN of $4500 on good West Side security at 0 per cent; No agents. Addi'etw K 437, Oregonian. WANT to borrow $6000 on Improved West Side real estate; no agents. R 461. Ore gonian. rEKSOXAL. YOU can't work when you don't aleep well; Palma Tablets make you sleep and give you steady nerves: 5oc a box. 6 boxes $2.50. All druggists, or address the J. A. Clemen son Drug Co.. Portland. LADIES Ask your drufc'gist for Chichesters Diamond Brand Pills. Fur 25 years known as the best, safest. Reliable. Take no other. Chichesters Diamond Brand Pills are sold by druggists everywhere. BOTH MEN AND WOMEN Treated and cured of all acute and chronic disease.; lady physician assistant. Colum bia Sanitarium, Raleigh bldg.. cor. 6th and Washington sts. MEN, whatever your dujease or Infirmities may be, our specialist for men will give you the proper treatment. Impondero T'nerapy Co., 608 Merchants Trust bldg., 326!i Wash. St. LADIES and gentlemen Join the Society Club, the onlv responsible, high-class club of the kind on the CoaBt: personal intro ductions. Mrs. Vann, S4 West Park st. FREE treatment for catarrh, hay fever and catarrhal deafness, bronchitis, tuberru losis. Geo. F. Rowan, 520 Swetland bldg.. cor. 5th and Wash, phone Main 7298. DR. SANDERSON CO. Savin and Cotton Root Pills, sure remedy for. delayed pe riods. $2 per box or 3 boxes for $5. T. J. Pierce. 211 Alisky bldg., 265 Morrison. DRESS suits for rent, all sixes, $1.50 month keeps your clothe, cleaned, pressed, buttons sewed on, rips eewed. Prompt cails and de liveries Unique Tailoring Co.. 3U9 Stark. LADIES, no difference what your ailment, may be. see our lady physician specialist for women. Impondero-Therapy Co.. 60S Merchant. Trust bldg., 3264 Wash. st. DESIRABLE company found for lonely people, either sex; 500 to select fromj fhotos on file; register 10c. Portland ntroducing Bureau. 211 Alisky bldg. MRS. SOPHIA B. SEIP, mental scientist, 302 Alisky bldg., hours 10 to 8. Question night Wednesday. 8 P. M. Main 2S35. GERMAN. French. Spanish and other for eign textbooks and literature a specialty. A. W. Schmale Co., 229 "1st t. Mme. Courtwrlght, skin and -scalp treat ments facial deformities corrected,, plastic surgery. 225 Fliedner bldg. M. 5042. A 20B8. HAVE, your eyes treated and glasses prop erly fitted by specialist. Room 316 Mer chants Trust bldg., 326V4 Washington st. LOST powers restored by Dr. Lorena' Nerve Tonic Tablets. 25c box. Eyosell's Phar macy, 29 Morrison St., uei. itn anu om. A FARMER of 44 wishes a housekeeper with prospects of a home. T 435. Ore gonian. LADIES Whatever your ailment, call on Dr. Ketchum, graduate; advloe free. 170ft 3d St. Main 877a 250 PRINTED business cards $1; 100 visit ing cards. 50c. Schmale. 229 1st. A PERMANENT cure for piles. "Hemlock Salve." Woodard. Clarke Co, B.LM OF FIGS for all female disea Glisan st. Main B216. JUST opened, ladles' barber shop. 68 4th St.. bet- Oak and Pine. HIGHEST price paid for combings and cut hair. Portland Bazaar. 409 ft Morrison. PACIFIC Introducing Club for lonely single people; circular 10c. 229ft 1st st. MOLES, wrinkle., superfluous hair removed. Mm. M. D. Hill. 330 Flledcer bldg. M. 3473. MRS. M. H. HOLMES Shampooing, mani curing; fanlal miM ttui Svtei lnd uhXg rr, l . , . . . .- . 1 1,nm treat i J UllEdX VZClt-IllldU t.VUUlu - ment is furnished to men on approval and easv terms by Erie Medical Co., Buffalo. N. Y.. who made It known throughout the world. Write at once for sealed de scriptive matter, mentioning this publi cation. Scores of crude and unsafe Imi tations. MME. A. A. LUCKE1 AND MMB. NEW kirk. electrical institute, cure ail curable diseases; even the deaf and dumb are curable with the Fowler system of apply ing electricity. No cure, no pay. 401-2-3 ' Columbia bldg.. W. Park and Washing ton. Mam 2ull. I FIR GROVE .SANITARIUM Strictly a ma ternity hospital, where ladies can have the best care at reasonable rates and any physician they choose. Office 508 Mer chants Trust building. 326ft Washington street. phone Main 7743. A 5753, Sanita rium Tabor 89. Dr. Isabelle Mackie. VEDANTA PHILOSOPHY Class now form ing; can you use thl. royal road to self understanding? Instruction, by member of - Vedanta Society and K. R. A. s. A. Ad dress E. Weston, secretary, box S 452, Ore gonian. SWEDISH hospital. 433 Market, cor. 12th, general hospital , for all nervous and chronlo diseases and maternity cases; Swedish massage, hydropathic and electric treatment, all modern appliances. N A. Nisbeth. Supt. Main 7033, A 2157. DR. WILLIAM S. ARMSTRONG has moved to room 508 Merchants Trust bldg., 326ft Washington St., from 246ft Alder St., where he has been engaged by the Impon dero Therapo Co.. and will be pleased to see all hi. old patients a. well as new. SWEDISH trained nuree, Helsingfors gradu ate, cures rheumatism. stomach troubles and nervous disorders by band rubbing; steam sweat and tub baths; both sexes. 7 East 11th st., one door from East Ankeny car. Phones East 260, Home B 1803. AZA HOLMES RIBBECKE. reliable skin specialist; blemishes, wrinkles and small pox pits removed; hairdresslng, manicur ing and dermatology taught; largest stock of hair goods In the West at cut prices. Parlors, Grand Leader. 5th and Alder. MEN No matter what your ailment may be. have It treated by specialist. 326 ft Washington st. Room 310. LOST AND rOUND. LOST Bull Terrier pup, white, brown spot over right eve, and brown ear clipped, long .tail. Return 1SSS 12tU st. B. F. Slnsheimer; reward. FOUND Where hair mattresses re reno vated, returned same day. 228 Front. Main 474, A 1374. Portland Curied Hair Factory. H. Metzger. LOST Gold bracelet on corner of East Ninth and Clay. Reward if returned to room 9. - The Beverley. LOST A black Spaniel dog. with collar; answers to name of Bird. Return to o.O Delay St.; reward. LOST Purse containing" gold, currency and silver. Liberal reward if left at Oregonian office. LOST White English bull terrier puppy 2 months old: no collar; reward if returned to 212 East 34th st., near Salmon FECIAL NOTICES. Pruposuls Invited. IN the District Court of the United States for the District ot Oregon In the matter of Paul Strain, bankrupt: The undersigned will receive sealed bids at his office. No. 7 First st.. Portland, Or., up to Saturday. Dec 12, 1008. at 12 o'clock noon for the following described property belonging to said estate in bankruptcy, to-wit: A stock of clothing, shoes and ladles' and gents furnishing goods of the inventory value ot $11,440.30. together with a lot of store fixtures ot the inventory value ot $00. all located at Marshfield. Coos County. Or. Inventories of said property are on file at the office of the undersigned and at the office of the Board of Trade. 100 Pine st San Francisco. Cal.. and the property may be inspected upon application to Chas Hussev. In charge at Marshfleld. Cash or certified check for 10 per cent of the amount offered must accompany each bid and said sale Is made subject to con firmation by the court. R. L. Sabin, trustee. QUARTERMASTER'S office. 322 Arcade .Annex. Seattle, Washington, November 23. 110S. Sealed proposals. Ill triplicate, endorsed on cover "Proposals for Lum ber," and addressed to the undersigned, will be received here until 11 o'clock A M., December 22. HKIS. and then opened, for furnishing and delivering at Seattle or Tacoma. Washington, or other ports on Puget Sound accessible to vessels or deep' draft, two million feet of liir lumber and sixty thousand feet of hprd wood for shipment to Manila, P. I. Guar anty of 15 per cent of amount cf bid must accompany proposals. Right is re served to accept or reject any bid or part thereof. For further information and blanks address Major W. S. Wood. Quartermaster, U. S. Army. SEALED bids will be received until 4 P. M December 10. luos. at the office of the Port of Portland. City Hall, for hih pressure cylinder, cast Iron work, skeel plates, cast steel cutters, and other re pairs for the dredges Portland and Co lumbia. Separate bids will be required for the different Items. Plans and speci fications on lite at the office of the Port of Portland. The - Port of Portland re serves the right to reject any or all bids. .1. P. Doyle, clerk of the board. Masters' Notice. ART NEEDLEWORK. The original Needlecraft Shop of Port land, formerly located at 382 Washington St., now cn 6th, near Morrison. miscellaneous. PUBLIC NOTICE In pursuranre of the provisions of Section 4 of the Reclamation Act of June 17, loo2 (32 Stat., 3.N81, notice was given under date of December 27, 3!l'7. of the furnishing of water from the Umatilla Project. Oregon, for the follow ing lauds: Willamette Meridian, Town ships 4 and 5 N-, ft. 2H E.. and Town ships 4 and 3 N.. II. 20 E., and setting forth the conditions and charges govern ing the furnishing of water to irrigable lands contained therein. In paragraph numbered "1" of said notice the number of installments of the build ing charge is stated at not less than five nor more than ten. This Is hereby modified so that payments of the building charge may be made In any number of installments not exceeding lo. each being not less than $0 per acre or some mul tiple thereof: provided, however, that full payment may be made at any time .f any balance remaining due, after certifi cation has been made by the Commis sioner of the General Land Office tiiat full and satisfactory compliance has been shown with all the requirements of the law as to residence, cultivation and reclamation. Paragraph numbered "2" of said notice specified the amount of the portion of the annual installment for op eration and maintenance. T-he develop ment of the project has shown that the necessary annual charge for operation and maintenance will exceed that assessed for the year 100S. Therefore: Notice is hereby given that for the irrigation season of 1000 and until further no tice the portion of the installment for operation and maintenance will be $1.30 per acre of irrigable land, whether water is used thereon or not, the cnarge ror the season of 1909 being a portion of the Installment due and payable December 1, 1109,1 and similarly for subsequent years. No water will be furnished in any year unless the portion of the annual install ment for operation and maintenance then due shall have been paid on or before April 1. Accordingly no water will be furnished for the Irrigation season of 1909 for any land unless the portion of the Installment for operation and main tenance due and payable on or before December 1. 11)08 ($1 per acret has been paid on or before April 1. 1009. and no water will he furnished in 1910 unless the portion for operation and mainte nance due and payable on or before De cember 1. 100l ($1.30 per acre) has been paid on or before April 1, 15110. Charges may be paid to the Special Fiscal Agent of the U. S. Reclamation Service at Hermlston, Oregon, on or be fore the dates specified for payment at the local land office, but In case this privilege is availed of, the necessary charge for the transportation of the cash, as determined by the Special Fiscal Agent, must accompany the payment of such charges. The public notice of December 27. 1007. shall remain In force and effect except as herein modified. James Rudolph Garfield. Secretary of the Interior. IN THE DISTRICT COURT of the United States for the District of Oregon: In the matter of Paul Strain, bankrupt. The undersigned will receive sealed bids at his office, 7 1st St., Portland. Or., up to Saturday, December 6. 1908, at 12 o'clock noon, for the following described prop erty belonging to said -estate in bank ruptcy, to wit: A stock of drygoods, clothing, shoes and furnishing goods of the Inventory value of $13,015.79 together with a lot of store fixtures of the In ventory value of $1349.15, all located at 213-215 1st St., Portland, Or. Inventory is on file at offioe of the undersigned and property may be Inspected upon applica tion. Cash or a certified check for 10 per cent of the amount offered must ac company each bid and said sale is mad-e subject to confirmation by the court. R. L. Sabin, Trustee. ARCHITECTS, contractors. engineers. get Pacific Builder 6c Engineer. 315 Ch. Com. y PUBLIC NOTICE In pursuance of the pro vteions of Section 4 of the Reclamation Act of June 17. lm2 (32 Stat. 3NS), notice is hereby given as follows: Water will be fur nished from the Umatilla project, Oregon, under the provisions of the reclamation act. in the Irrigation season of 1909, for the Irrigable land shown on farm unit plats of Willamette Meridian: T. 4 N.. K. 28 K. : T. 5 N., R. 28 E. ; T. 4 N.. R. 29 E. ; T. J N., R. 29 E.. approved November 11. 1908. by' the Secretary of the Interior, and on file lii the local Land Office at La Grande, Or. Homestead entriee, accompanied by ap plications for water rights, and the first installment of the building, and operation and maintenance charges may be made under the provisions of said act for tne farm units shown on the mid plate, Water right applications may also be made lor lands heretofore entered and for lands in private ownership end the time when pay ments will be due as hereinafter stated. The limit of area per entry, representing the acreage which, in the opinion of the Secretarv of the Interior, may be reason ably required for the support of a family on the lands entered subject to the Pt"vl sione of the reclamation act, 1. fixed at the amount shown Upon the plats for tne several farm units. The limit of area for which water right application may be made for land. In private ownership shall be lto ei-res t.f Irrigable land for each landowner. The charges which shall lie made per acre of Irrigable land In the said entries and for lands heretofore' entered or in Pri vate ownership which can be irrigated by the waters from the eald Irrigation P) are In two parts, as follow": 1. Tno building of the irrigation system. $wi per acre of irrigable land. payable in not more than ten annual Install ments, each payment not lew than $0 ner acre or some multiple thereof, provided, however, that full payment may be made at any time of any balance remaining due, after certification has been made by the Commissioner of the General Land Office that full and satisfactory compliance has been ehown with all the requirements of the law us to residence, cultivation and reclamation. 2. For operation and mainten ance, which will, as soon as the data are available, be fixed In pruirtlon to the amount of water used, with a minimum charge per acre of irrigable land whether water is used thereon or not. The operation and maintenance charge for the irrigation season of 1909 and until further notice, will be S1..IO per acre of Irrigable land, whether water Is used thereon or not For lands hereafter entered. the first installment on account of the said charges for the Irrigable lands shown on these plats shall be paid for the sason of 1909 at the local Land Olflce at La Grande. Or., at the time of entry and of filing water right application, the total payment be ing not less than $7.30 per acre. The second installment shall be due and pay able December 1. 1010, at the same place. . . . . - . n..on,. ahull lw due and jMlosequeiii iiiwitmn"-"-.-. - - . payable on December 1 of each year at the pavable on ueceiuui & - saiie place. For lands in private ownership , '' , k.ut.fnrii jntprel. the first and for nmi lor laou;, iidcim"-- ... . i o ha rtn nnrt Davable Ie- cember 1 19o9 end the Installments for the ' year 1910 and subsequent vears shall be due and paynble on the same date and at the same place. The first Installment of the charges for all Irrigable areas shown on these plats, whether or not water-right application I made therefor or water Is used thereon, shall be due and payable as therein pro vided. The regulation is hereby established that no water will be furnished in any year until all operation and maintenance cnargea then due shall have been paid. Accord ingly no water will be furnished for the irrigation season ot 1910 for any lands, un less the portion of the installment for op eration and maintenance due and Pavah e on or before December 1. 11X9. ha. been paid on or before April 1. 1910 and n ike nrnnner no water will be furnished in anv subsequent irrigation season unless payment has been made on or before April 1 of that vear of the portion of the In stallment for operation and n which was due and payable on Uel'r 1 of the preceding year For all applications for water rights filed af ter June 13, in looO. or anv sub sequent year, one Installment of he anre for building, operation and main tenant 8 $7..!o per aore must be paid at "he"'"; of tiling, but the portion of the lnstal ment for operation and maintenance .hall be credited on account of the lnstal ment of said charges for the subsequent year. !f anv Tneta'lment of the charges shall not have been paid in full on or before De cember 1 of t!te year subsequent to that in which It Is due and payable as herein Jrsvl iV.I It shai. then become ""''"."e and under the tx-rms of fe.-tlon - of the reclamation act tiie entry and water-ilgnt "plication shall be subject t cancellation with the forfeiture of any money, paid thereon. The charges herein prov bled may for the convenience, of the applicants, be paid to the Special Fiscal Agent of the United States Reclamation Service assigned to the Umatilla project, 'M,m'"?," '? he Register and Receiver of the local Land Office on or before tie date spe itied for payment at the local Land Office but In case this privilege is a. ailed of the neces tarv charses for tranl'portation of the clsn. as determined by 'he Special Fisca gent. must accompany the Iy the water-tight charges. J-nrnes Rudolph Garfield, secretary h me RIVERVIEW CEMETERY ASSOCI ATION The annual meeting of th- members w, II be held at the office of tl.e association. V-M Worcester block, on Monday January 17 19O0. at 3:30 P. M. A B""'0": anre Is desired. All owners ot family lots in the cemetery are members and entitled i" participate. W. R. Mackenzie, cleik. VP NICK STI MAS has bought live business of Mr. Sebastian Greco, at 144 2 -. nd will not be responsible for any indebted; ness incurred by Sebastian Greco. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accountants. E H. COLLIS & CO.. ACCOUNTANTS. Commercial. County and MuniclpaL Audlting. Investigating and Systematizing. 824 Worcester Block. Phone Main 6f,6.. Attorneys. S T JFFFREYS. attorney-at-law, 208 Feai tio'n bldg.; 15 years' practice In Oregon, 8 years' practice in Alaska. D4.VB M DONOUGH. 28-29 Washington bldg.. 4th and Washington. Main 1778. LEROY LOMAX. attorney-at-law, 615-16 Swetland bliig. Phone Main 8788. EMMONS & EMMONS have removed law of fices to UoU-913 Board of Trade bldg. Accordion Plaiting. MISS O GOULD. 335 Morrison, cor. 7th. Ac cordion and knife pleating and pinking. Architects and Builders. H C MORRIS, architect. Plans, sperlftra catlons and guaranteed estimates furnished. 4u3 Corbett bldg. Main 312'J, A 3429. SEE Johnson about bungalows. 204 Mohawk bldg. A 4321. Arts. MRS E H MILLER announces that she has hand-painted china for sale. 87 East 17th st. Assayers and Analysts. PAUL BAUMEL, assayer and analyst. Gold dust bought. 207 Alder St. Wells & Proebstel, mining engineers, chem ists and assayers. 204 ft Washington st. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testing work. 186 Morrison st. DR. E. O. SMITH, mining engineer, 40 years experience. 2B0 Stark st. PORTLAND ANALYTICAL LABORATORY, 622 Worcester bldg., 3d and Oak. M. 5980. Bicycle and Electrical Repairing. E LAM-SHAW Bicycle, gasoline, engine and electrical repairing. 326 Stark st. Carpet Weavlnjf. RI GS made from old carpet; also colonial rag rugs woven. Northwest Rug Works, 153 Union ave. East 3580. B 1280. Chiropody. WM DEVENY and Estelle Deveny, the only scientific chiropodists in the city. Parlors . 302 Gerlinger bldg., S. W. cor. 2d and Al der. Phone Main 1301. DR. NELSON treats my corns; never hurts: reasonable, up-to-date manicuring. 250ft Alder, cor. 3d. Main 73(16 CHIROPODY'. manicuring. Mrs. Dunten, Iris Apartments. 362 3d. Main 7714. MISS WANDA. 231 5th. treats all foot mala dies; bunions a specialty. Chiropody and Pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill, room 330 Flledner bldg. Phone Main 3473. Commission Merchants. TAYLOR, YOUNG & CO.. ship brokers, com mission' merchants. Sherlock bldg..' Portland. Dancing;. PROF. WAL WILLSON'S dancing Bchool, lessons 25c; taught with music, and "teachers who can teach." 380 ft Wash ington St.. bet. W. Park and 10th sts. Dentist. DR. T. P. WISE, removed to 326ft Wash. St., cor. 6th. Main SC69. . DR. T. P. WISE, removed to 32tfft Wash, st.. cor. 6th. Main lsot;9. Detective Agencies. TUB Thlel Detective Service Co. We ar especially equipped with experienced men. 200 Chamber of Commerce bldg. M 93U, A 2493. D. L. Clouse. manager. WILSON'S DETECTIVE AGENCY. 81 7th St. Phone Main-1061. "We get results." Educational. PRIVATE tutoring, either preparatory or college work. 2o9 loth St. Slain 4614. JSye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist. DR. F. F. CASSIDAY, glasses fitted. lungS treated. Main 5813. 313 Dekum bldg. Fred Stores. HAY. grain, feed, cement. shingles anj plaster. East 4S2. 294 Grand ave. Furniture Kepalrlnz. HIGH-CLASS reference, high-class work, at low prices. 3to 4th. A 4206. Harness and Saddlery. THE George Lawrence Co., wholesale sad dle and harness mnfrs. 80-88 1st. Main 226. R. M. PRICE HARNESS CO., 331 Ankeny st. Phone Main 24i2. Junk. Hides and Pelts. L. SHANK & CO., purchaser, of hides, pelts, wool, furs, tallow, old rubbers, metals au-4 sacks. 312 Front St. Leather and Findings. J. A. ST ROW BRIDGE LEATHER CO. Es tablished 1858. Leather and findings! Stockton sole leather and cut stock; full line Eastern Jumbos. 189 Front st. CHAS. L. MAST1CK & CO.. 74 Front, leather of every description, taps, mfrs. finding.. Musical. OCR BARGAIN DAYS are Wednesdays and Saturdays. Popular sheet music at 10-1 and 5c per copy. We have just received 500 music maps and rolls, which we will sell almost for half price. Come early and get the best selection. llandersom Music Co.. 190 Third st. PAUL F. KISSNER, violinist and Instructor; music furnished for balls, receptions, etc. Suite C, over Kllers Piano House. A GRADUATE in music from Europe wilt give music lessons, residence. 305 Norta 23d. I'hone A 2213. BAND instruments, room 204 Tourny bldg.. 2d and Taylor. L. Sciberllng. EM IL TH1ELHORN. violin teacher, pupil ot Sevclk. A 4160. Pine 334. Main 3(45. M. C. SMITH, teacher of piano. 452 Salmon ,st. Main 7340. Beginners a specialty. Opticians. GLASSES fitted to your entire sojisfactioa and guaranteed. Rose Cily Optical Co.. 250ft Alder, cor. 3d, upstairs. Osteopathic Physicians. DR. R. B. NORTH RUP. 415-U1-17 Dekum bldg.. Third and Washington sts. Phone, office. Main 349, res.. E. 1023. 1'nlntH, Oils nnd Glass. RASMISSEN & CO.. Jobbers, paints, olii". glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. Putent and Pension Attorneys. R. C. WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat ents; infringement cases. 604 Dekum. J. J. H4RSHEIMER, pension and patent attorney, rooms 20-21 Labbe bldg. Paving. THE BAKUKR ASPHALT PAVING CO.. at Portland, office 402-3-4 Worcester block. WARREN Construction Co.. street paving, sidewalks anil crossings. 314 Lumber Fx. Photo Engravers. PERFECT printing plates. Hleks-Chatt.an Engraving Co., corner 2d and Alder sts. Public Stenographers. H. C. EDWARDS. 615 Swetland. Main 3733. Rapid, accurate, legal, medical, mining, en gineering, commercial stenographic work. DOCIA V. W1LL1TS. 506 Swetland bldg., 5th and Wash. Phone Main 3148. MISS IDA CON A. N'T, room 502 Lumber Ex change bldg. Phone Main 4977. AGNES PARSONS, 612 Couch bldg.. 4th. be tween Wash, and Stark. Main 7355. Rooting, Cornices and Skylights. W ESTERN SHEET METAL WKS.. 45 N. 6th. P. J. McMahon, E. M. Sharkey. M. 8213. Rubber Stamps. ALSO trade checks and all office goods. P. D. C. Co.. 231 Stark st. Both phones 1407. THE MOSLER SAFE CO.. 108 2d st. Safes at factory prices. Second-hand safes. DAVIS SAFK & LOCK CO., Diehold eafes. 66 3d si. Bargains in 2d-hand safes. Show Case. Bank and Store Fixtures. THE James I. Marshall Mfg. Co.. showcases, cabinets, store and office fixtures. 29 Couch st. Main 2763. Signs. FOSTER & KLKISER, SIGNS. The largtt sign-makers Ir the North west, Oth and Everett sts. Phone Private; Exchange 55, Home A 1155. I Storage and Transfer. C. O. PICK Transfer and Storage Co.. offlca and commodious four-story brick ware house, separate Iron rooms and fireproof vaults for valuables. N. W. cor. 2d anl Pine sts. Pianris and furniture moved and packed for shlnping. Main 696. A 1996. CILSEN-ROK TRANSFER CO. General transferring and storage: safes. pUjuis and furniture moved and packed fur shloment. 209 t'nk St., bet. Front and 1st. Telephone Main 547 or A 2247. PONY express, all kinds baggage transferre-i to anv part of city; quick service. Phone M. 7514. CITY TRANSFER ft STORAGE CO.. 103 Front St. Phone Main 62. A 1162. VAN HORN TRANSFER CO. Furniture and piano moving a specialty. 40-42 2d st. Phone A 1984, Main 1618. INDEPENDENT BAGGAGE & TRANSFER CO., storage. 324 Stark. Main 407. d. . KADDERLY Transfer Storage Co., Ill N. 8th. Main 1685. A 16S5. Tailors. FOR fashionable suits see Brown Bros., lit Alder. STOVES connected and repaired. Malm 1110. 271 1st. T.v writers. THE typewriter exchange, 602 RothchlM bldg.: Btate agents for Royal Standard typewriter. CPECIAAL prices: all makes rented, sold, r " paired. P- l- C Co.. 2.11 Stark. Main MoT. Veterinary College. Bu'letin San Francisco Veterinary College nnv ready; mailed. Dr. C. Keane. ISIS Market. Veterinary Burgeon. H R THOMPSON. D. V. S., 420 Hawthorne, Phones East 597, B 13M). Wholesale Jobbers. WADHAMS & CO., wholesale grocers, mar ufactvirers, commission merchants. 4tfl and Oak. BANKS. GERMAN AMERICAN BANK COR OTH AND WASHINGTON STS. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKIN'J BUSINESS; ISSUES DRAFTS AVAIL ABLE IN ALL PRINCIPAL CITES OV THE UNITED STATES AND EUROPE; 4 PER CENT INTEREST PAID ON SAV INGS ACCOUNTS; SAFETY DEPOSIT VAULTS. t FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Portland, Oregon. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $1,500,009. No Interest paid on accounts.