THE MORXIXr, OREGOXIAX, THURSDAY. DECE3IBER 3. 1908. 13 T 1 AMUSEMENTS. f NEW TODAY. I HEALERS. I FOB S AI.K-KKAL JT Af K. THE PORTLAND PORTLAND, OR. enwrr-Ax flak MODKRN RISfAlBA-NT ( OST ONK MILLION DOLLARS. HOTEL OREGON i CORNER SEVENTH Portland's New and Modem European WRIGHT-DICKINSON HOTEL CO. Props. Cmrrlly Lcatd la Einsrjr : - -i i -f VI K'Jlrzr - xsji ernly equipped An 'sss In he heart of the business and shopping district. The fSJr."-' most modern and up-to-date hotel in the Northwest. tiSi?J4 f-- Local and lonj-dLstance phones in every room. Rooms ffTjviw z, witn private bath, en suite and 6ingie. iarge ana moa- hy-'4 ELEGANT GRILL MUSIC C3 Hr: l.-,.-- ;p 'Bm meet. all J. F. DA VIES, President St. Charles Hotel CO. (INCORPORATED) Front and Morrison Streets, PORTLAND, OR. EUROPEAN PLAN ROOMS 50c TO $1.50 FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT IN CONNECTION THE Park St. Bet. Morrison - and Alder CALUMET HOTEL MODERN k . .ps . : - - ti-f - ' i -a:-- -r- " y -- - C. W. CORN ELIUS, Proprietor center. Free Free Delivery Delayed. ASIILjAXD. Or.. LH-c. 2. (Special.) Post master J. li. "asy has just re ceived word from Washington that free tU Iivory 8 rvioc for Ashland has been temporarily delapcd owlnjr to the fact that the appropriation for the Installa tion of the service is Just now ex hausted and is awaiting a new Con jrresMona.1 appropriation. The applica tion was favorably reported upon by a postoffiee inspector a few weeks ago. DAILY 5IETEOKOIAM.ICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. Dc. 2. Maximum tempera ture. 4:J. 1 degrees: minimum, ST. 3 degrees. River reading at H A. M., 2.1 feet; change in last 24 hour. .4 fu. Total rainfall 4.1 P. M. to 5 P. M.). none: total lnoe September 1. l1?. 8.rn inche.-; normal, 12.4-7 Inch-; ie flMncy. .'..17 Inrhef. Total erfnFMn Decem ber 1. 4 hours. 42 minutes; possible. 8 hours. 54 minuie. rtaroni-ter f reduced to sea lfve;, at 2 P. M.. .'.ttsl inihes. PACIFIC. COAST WEATHER. Ohrvattons taken at 6 P. M.. Pacific time. December 2: WEATHER CONDITIONS. The Rocky Mountain high pressure area has pearly d!PHptard and th barometer ha fa hen rapidly durlnr the last 12 hours over th Nortnern Ro'ky Mountain State. Light rain has fallen in the interior of Northern 'alffnrnia arid lipM mow has fallen In Southern Nevada. Tte weather Is rloudy end tirftentnic in Eastern Oregon and Southern Idaho and In tht jwtion as well m In Mon tana and North lak"ia -here has lcen a con.inrah:e r!e In temperature. The indications are for ratn or snow Thurs HEADQnARTKW FOR 1UI K191S COMMF.RCIAL raise mad o families maA sin gle g-antlemcsi. Tba mn"-ir" will b f,led at all timM a show room xxt It Ire prVes. A mod ern Turkish bath -tBbUmhiBMt In tile hotel. U. C. BOWKRA. AND STARK STREETS Hotel. Rates $1 per Dty and Up Plan. Free Bus Mod Imperial Hotel Seventh and Washington Phil Metichan V Son. Proau. iep r! ttboa Rates $1.00-51.50- HOTEL PERKINS Fifth and Washington Sts. sample-rooms, train. Ratea STVETLANB. M imager. C O. DAVIS, Sec and Treat. A Strictly First-Class and Modern Hotel Containing 170 Rooms. Only American and European Hotel in Portland. Lona Distance Phones In Every Room. Free 'Bm Meets All Trains. American. $2.00 per day ana op Rates (1.00 per day sn4 no. Psr month, slngl room and board. $45 to $65 according to room. For two. $75 to $111. Board without room $30 per moatb N0RT0NIA HOTEL ELEVENTH, OFF WASHINGTON 9T. Beautiful Grill Room American Batea to Families end Europeaa Oar Has Sleeps All Trains Sample Sultea, with Baths, (or Traveling, Men COMFORTS MODERATE PRICES THE DANM00RE ssBBBBSBasssBassBBBasssmssssBBasssBBmssBBasssBssss Portland' new hotet TS Waahlna-toa. earner lath opjs. Helllsr Theater. European plaa hl.OO aasl Vs. Bua meets all trains. DAN J. MOORE. Proprietor. Hotel Moore. Clatsop Basra, Sea aide. Or. Opts all year. For Iniar snatloa apply at The Daaanoore. THE CORNELIUS 'The House of Welcome," Corner Park and Alder. Portland's Eon Ton Transient HoteL Headquarters for the traveling public. European jplan. Single, $1.50 and up. Double, $2.00 and up. Our free omni bus meets all trains. N. K. CLARKE, Manager. We HOTEL LENOX Portland's new and most modernly furnished hotel Third and Main streets, fronting on the beautiful City Plaaa and adjacent to business bus to and from trains, lp-to date grill. Excellent cuisine. Telephone every room. Private baths. EIROPEAN PLA1K, AMERICA PLA!, 1 to S2-SO Per Day. S3.SO to S4 Per Day. O. H. SPENCER, Manager la day In Eaetern Oreproa and Southern Idaho and for generally fair weather elsewhere in this district. FORECASTS. For the 28 hours ending midnight. Dec. S: Portland and vicinity Fair; easterly winds. "Oregon Fair -west, rain or snow eart por tion : easterly winds. Washington Fair: easterly winds. Idaho Fair north, rain or snow nmith por tion. EDWARD A. BBALS. District Forecaster. MEETING NOTlCfcS. OREGON COMMANDER!, NO. 1, K. T. Special conclave this evening- at 7:30 o'clock. Order of W- Tstnnla Vialtlnav Civ courteously Invited. W. S. MACRL'M, Recorder. CLYDE EVANS, Secretary. COLUMBIA LODGE A. F. AND A. M. Stated communication to nisrht (Thursday) at 7:30 o'clock. A Masonic Temple. M. M. decree. Visitors welcome. By order W. M. FRED L. OLSON, Sec. ASTRA CIRCLE will give a whist party Thursday, Dee. 3. In the W. O. W. bldg., 12S 11th st. Prises, refres-hmentB and good music for dancing. COMMITTEE. iLODGB AND SOCIETY SMOKERS Se Sichel befnr ordering smokes. Siehel is special purveyor of superior smokes for all society functions. e WASHINGTON CHAPTER. NO. JS. ROYAL ARt'H MASONS Special convocation this (Thursday) evening at 7:30. Work In Royal Arch degree. Visitors welcome. By order E. H. P. Grand Centra! Station Time Card SOCT11EKX PACIFIC. Leaving- Portland Roseburf Passenger Cottage Grove passenger ... Calitornla Express 6au Frsnclsco JSpress ...... Weit Bids Corvallls PttsenKflr Sheridan Passenger ' Forest Grove Passenger Forest Grove Passenger ...... Forest Grove Pats-tnger ...... Arriving Portland Oregon Express Cottage Grove Passenger ... Roseburg Passenger Portland Express West Side CorvsIUs Passenger Sheridan Fassonger Forest Grove Passenger Forest Grove Passenger Forest Grove Passenger 8:15 a za. 4:15 p m. T :45 p. m. 1:30 a. m. 7:20 a m. 4:10 p. m. 8:50 a. m. 1 :00 p. m. a:0 p. m 7:19 a m. 11:30 a m. 6:30 P m. 11;1S p. m. 6:20 p. m. 10:80 a m. 8:00 a m. :1 1 -Ul m I 4.60 p. m. OREGON RAILROAD XAVIGATIOX CO, Leaving Portland Pendleton Passenger Chicago-Portland Special Epoksne Flysr Kansas City & Chicago Express. Arriving Portland Spokane Flyer Chi.. Kaa. City ' Portland Ex. Chicago-Portland Special Pendelton Passenger 7:15 a; m. 8:30 a. m. 8:16 p. m. S:OU P. m 8:00 a m. 9:45 a. m. 8:00 p. m. 6:16 p. m. NOBTUXBN PACIFIC. Leaving Portland Tacoma and Seattle Express . . . North Coast A Chicago Limited. Overland Express Arriving PortlHnd North Coast Limited Portland Express Overland Express 8 SO a. m. a :00 p. m. 11:4) p. m. 7:00 a. m. 4 : 13 p. m. 8:35 p. m. ASTORIA COLUMBIA RIVER- l..rlni I'nrt 1 anrl 1 Astoria sc Seaside fexprsss i 8:00 a.m. Astoria Passenger ..I 0:ov p. m. Arriving Portland Seaside t Portland Passenger. . .112:15 p. m. Portland Express lo:oo p CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. Leavine- Portland C. P. R. Short Line, via Spokane. S:15 p. m. 11:46 p. m. Via Seattle Ar.-iving Portlund C P. K- Short Line, via Spokane Via Seattle 8:00 a in. 7:00 a m. Jefferson-Street station Lea vine rortland Dallas Passenger . . . , Dallas Passenger . . . . Arriving Portland Dallas passenger . . , Iallas FaBsenger .... T:40a. 4:10 p. m. 10:13 a. m. 6:00 k 11th and Hoyt Sts. Passenger Station K.ULWAV. lavinar PortlnDil Inland Empire rJxpress 0:15 A. M. Through trains for Walla Walla, Pasco, Roosevelt. Granddallea, Goldendale, VVbiK Salmon, titevensou, Vaucouver asd ltitermu- diate uuints. North Bank Ural ted 5:35 P. M. Through tram for Spokane, Sprague. Kitsvllle, Und. Pasco, Koosevelt, (irand dallif. White Salmon, Stevensou and Van couver- Arrivinr Portland North Hank Limited 1:Z0 A. M. Through train from Spokane, Sprague, R tzvllle. I-lnd. a-aco. Koosevelt. Orand dallrs. White Salmon. Stevenson and Van couver. Inland Kmplre Express 5:30 P.M. Through train irom walla walla, I'aaco, Roosevelt, Granddalles, Goldendale, White Salmon, Stevenson, Vancouver ar.d interme diate points. OREGON ELECTRIC KAIL W Ax. Lemving Portland Salem and Intermedial Local... 6:25 a. m. HUUboro and Forest Grove Local 7:00 a. in. 8:00 a. m. 8:o6 a, m. 9:15 a- m. 10: 26 .a m. 11:00 a. m. 1 :30 p. m. 2:yap. in. Z :4 p. m. 4:10 p. ax. 6:00 p: m. 6:30 pi m. 6:0 p. m. :40 p. m. balm and intermediate Local. Hillsboro and forest Grove Local, tialem and Tualatin only, Llin lted Hillsboro and Forest Grove Local balum and intermediate Local ( . . Hillsboro and Forest Grove Local. Salem and intermediate Local. . . Salem and intermediate local.. Hillsboro and Forest Grove Local. Wilsonvllle and Intermediate Lo cal f Hillsboro ana orest urove iocai. Salem and Intermediate Local. . Salem and intermediate Local. . Arrivinr Portland Wilsonvllle and intermediate Lo cal Illllsboro and Forest Grove Local. Salem and Intermediate Local. . Hillsboro and Forest Grove Local. Salem and intermediate Local. . Hillsboro and Forest Grove Local. Salem and intermediate Local. . Hillsboro and Forest Grove Local. Kalmn and intermediate Local.. :5S a. m. 8:30 a. m. 8:40 a. m. 10:00 a. m. 10:5i a. m. 12:15 p. m. 1:15 p. m. 2:&0 p. m. I 3.40 p. m. 4:45 p. m. 5:00 p. m. 6:00 p. m. 7:20 p. m. 8:20 d. m. SrIotti and Tualatin only Limited Hillsboro and Forest urove L-ocai. Salem and intermediate Local.. Hillsboro and Forest Grove Local. Salem and Intermediate Local.. Salm and intermella.e Local 10:40 p. m. AUCTION SALES TODAY. At Baker's Auction House. 152 Park st. Mortgage .iinle of rurntture. ptc. Sale at 10 o'clock. Baker & Son,- auctlonwrs. FUNERAL KOT1CES. ROBSON November 28. died at the home of his daughter. Mrs. F. Oliver in San Francli. Thomas Rohson, aged 6I year? 4 months 20 days, beloved husband of Agnes Robson and father of Mrs. F. OH ver. M rs. J. H anna ford. M rs. W. A. Coggeshal, Mrs. K. It. McFarland and James. William E. nd Gordon T. Rob sen. Friends are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral services which will be held Thursday. December 3. at 2 P. M.. from the Holmnn Undertaking Parlors, st Third and Salmon streets. Interment Rlverview Cemetery. BALL In nhls city, December 2. at the residence of her daughter. Mrs. Dan Cur tis. I 7 North 15th street. Mrs. Martha K. Ball, aged 52 years 4 months 24 days, beloved mother of Mrs. Dan Curtis, Arthur and Richard Ball, of Portland; John Ball, of Oswego. Friends are respectfully in vited to attend the funeral services, which will be held at the Methodist Church. Oswego, Or., on Friday, December 4, at 2 P. M. Interment Oswego Cemetery. SCHNEIDER In thlff City. December 2. at the family residence, 676 Williams avenue. Hermann Schneider. aged 48 years, 8 months, 5 days. Friend are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services, which will be held at Hnlman's chapel. Third and Salmon streets, at 2 P. M. Fri day. December 4. Interment Rlverview Cemetery. FOX At Victor. Colo . Nov. 2S. Dr. Josepn Maurice Fox, aged iJ years. monxns anu Irt da vs. Funeral services will be held from his late residence, 7Tt Tillamook street, at 2 o'clock P. M. Thursday. Dec. 3. Frle'nda invited. Interment at Rlverview Cemetery. Private. FOX At Victor, Colo.. Nov. 28. Dr. Joseph Maurice Fox, aged 76 years. 8 month and IB davft Funeral services will be held from hf late residence. 7-5 Tillamook street, at 2 o'clock P. M. today (Thursday), Dec. 3. Friend Invited. Interment at Rlv erview Cemetery private. BOWMAN Funeral services of ths lata Joshua C. Bowman will be held at Dun ning. McEntee & Gflbaugh's chapel, 7th and Pine sts.. today (Thursday) at 9 A. M. Friends respectfully Invited to at tend. Interment will take placo at Van couver, Wash. ' KITTLER At her residence, ISO Hancock street, December 2. Augusta Kittler, aged 7i years. months and f days. Funeral will be held from the above number, Frl dav. December 4, at 10 A. M. Interment Rlverview Cemetery. SCHERNER The funeral services of the late Catherine Schemer will be held at FinleVs chapel at 3 P. M. Friday. Decem ber 4. Friends Invited. Interment River view Cemetery. HILL The funeral services of Bowdrege HtU will be held at the M. E. Church, Montavllla. at 2 P. M. today (Thursday). Friends invited. Interment Dayton, Or. tannine McEntee ft Gllimnch. Funeral Director. 7(h and Pine. Phone Main 430. Lady assistant. Off lea of Counts- Coroner. . . ft EDWARD HOLMAN CO.. Fnner.1 Direct, rs, Z20 M st. Lady assistant, l'taoa. M 607. J. P. St POX, 34 and Mntll.oa. Imdj attcadaat. Fhon. Mala it A la 99. lELIiR-BYRXFS CO.. Funeral DlrseU ars. til RusseJL East loss. Lady assistant. F. B. DT7XNTMG. rodrrtaker. 414 East sUdar. dy .MU.taDt. 1'hoa. East af. ERIC80N TrNTKRTAKI?0 CO. Rmbalnl tnc; lady assistant. 4 OK Aider. At 8133. All this week Bsk(r Stock Company In the famous and brilliant comfrty, Glittering t.lorla. Evening prices 250. 35c, 50c; mati nee Saturday l"c. 25c. Next Week The Bone of the Ranrno. BAKER THEATER Phones Main 2. A 63W0. Oregon Theater Co. Inc.. Letsee. Geo. Baker. Gen. Manner Tonight, All Week. Saturday Matinee. Bargain Matlnes Wednesday, 25c Any SeaL Rose Melville In the Chsracterlstlc Play SIS HOPKINS Night Prices Sue to t: Saturday Matinee 2.1c. 50c. Next Week The Land of Nod. THE STAR FhonAMalnM9a Matinees Wednesday. Saturday and Sunday For the Entire Week of Nov. 29. 'OS The Comedy-Drama Success "A MILLIONAIRE TRAMP" Matinees at 2:S0, every evening at 8:1S. Night prices Lie. 25e, 5c, 50c; matinees Lie and 2.1c. Seats may be reserved by either nhone. . , Nest Week "A Struggle for Cold." MAIN A 1020 Matinees Ex. Sundays ana ioiiuut. 15-25-502 NIGHTS 15-25-50-75C Week of Nor. 80. En Taylor t'o.j Four Iranklln.j Amy Stanley and ricks: Leo Donnelly; Joe La Hear; Alexis & Schull; Grade Enunett; Orchestra Flrtures. PANTAGES THEATER Advanced Vaudeville, Stars of All Nations. Matinees Dally I Sc. Two Shows at Night. 15c and 2.'c. 9 -The Great Keras Family 9 Nine Marvelous European Acrobats, Late of Ringltng Bros. Circus. The Largest and Rest Acrobatic Act in Vaudeville. THE GRAND-VaadevilledeLuxe ANOTHER BIG BILL. Mile. Joyce Gray Joe Hardmau, Joseph R. Ketller A Co., Douglas H. Flint A I'o., The La Sella Trio, The l'elots, Fred liaiier. tirnndisrope. A VISION OF "SALOME' Luken's Trained Hears, WRESTLING ED 0'GONNELL vs. JOE HEINRIGH AT MFJRRILL HALL THIKSDAV EVK!I.V, DEC. 3 tienersl Admission $1.1X1 KMrnM RlnK.Me Seats. l.r0 Reserved by Xumber at St'blller'a HOUSEHOLD NEEDS aPftfll Australian, Wyoming and Washington VUal Coal delivered promptly in any quan tity, phone us your order. Star Coal Co., 40 2d st. Phones Main 1118. A 1984. f3nc Monflpa L9t Mantle. 25c. the was in an ues equal of the be3t 35a maixle on the market. Barretts. 410 Mor rlson. Both phones. n' &000 corai first-class 4-foot fir UUU wood. $3 per cord delivered. Phone Main 4435. Eagle Creek Fuel Com pany. 40 S Corbett B1 d g. Flnrkf Cut FIowf always fresh from x lull3i our own conservatories. Martin & Forbes 347 Wash lng ton st. Both phones. Electric Fixture. prices ar-j right All work guaranteed. W eate rn Elec trie Wo r ks, 61 Sixth street. p of in fr Knives. Forks and all silver J. iniiug ware replated as good as new. Oregon plating: Works, ltjth and Alder. Mala 2075, A 2010. IVfnA O'Malley A Nsuberger, 827 Wash I? IIXV ington etreet. phone Main JW9. tree ui'nci . j iouuu w iw'uiu lugit nook Port, SI. o0. g-in Kemmerer eoel, the best Wyo VUm mlng coal; gives more heat and less ssh. Churchley Bros., 13th and Marshall sts phones M a 1 n93 1. A893 1. PioI Richmond and Wallsend Australian. VUU1 indenendent Coal & Ice Company. opposite C I ty LI brary. Both phones. Wnnrl Th Portland Fuel Co., 287 E. Mor ft UUU rlson st.. Is prepared to furnish cord wood In large ana small quantities at the lowest prices. Phones B 2d and B 1026. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATE In Effect November 1. 1903 Dally or Sunday. Per Line. One time Name ad two consecutive times 23o Same ad three consecutive times 30 Same ad six or seven consecutive times. otio p.iz Horas count as one line on chsq au-vsartiMf-ments. and no ad counted for less than two lines. When an advertisement Is not run consecutive times the one-time rate applies. The above rates apply to advertisements under "New Today" and all other c la twin ca tions excepting the following: Situations Wanted, Male. Mtuatlons Wanted, Female. For Rent, Kooms, Private la mil Irs. Rooms and Boiird, Private Families. Ilousekeeplna' Rooms, Private FainlUea, The rate on the above classltlcationa la 7 cents m line each Insertion. On rh&ra-e or book advertisements the charge will be based on the actual number of lines appearing: in tne paper, re;aruiess of the number of words In each line. Space In tne "w today" columns is flrured by measure only 14 lines to the NEW TODAY. Hawthorne Avenue 50x128 on Hawthorne arc. between E. 24th and K. 25th, facing south. We will take $1800 for tills elegant build ing site, for a few days only. Sengstake& Lyman 0 FIFTH STREET. $3650 WEST SI1JR BUV. Non-resident owner has reduced the price from $40.10 for quick sale. 6-room house, Nob HIM district, - paved street, and only $1150 cash needed. STRONG & CO 6U3 Concord Buildlns;. MORTGAGE LOANS lowest rale and terms to suit, spe cial rates and favorable terms on large loans on buainraa properties. Fund Loaned for Private Investors. A. H. BIRRELL 202 McKay Bldic, 3d A Stark. MORTGAGE LOANS At Lowest Cnrrent Rates. Buildlns; Loans. Installment Loans. Wm. MacMaster 80 Worcester Block. Business Property We have a fine list of inside business nroDertv. both with income and unim proved; from $10,000 to $200,000. We can show you an investment that will interest you. Sengstake & Lyman 80 FIFTH STREET DO YOU WISH TO BUY A HOME! Then see HARTMAX & THOMPSON, Chamber of Commerce. THEATER Doable Your Money HOSIER ORCHARDS 30 Acres, $2000 Cash Finest kind of orchard land, only one mile from Mosler, on the state road; 20 acres under cultivation; 12 ... .ii.i.e commercial orchard, which Cleared $1000 Net this year and will do better each year; 3 acres of meadow. 3 acres grain field, balance easily cleared: good creek and sprini?; small house; large barn worth $1200; price only $6500 and $2000 cash will handle it; 6 ner cent interest on balance. Positively the best bararalii In the Hood Klver Mosler district today. Devlin & Firebaugh 508-9 Shetland bide cor. 5th and Wash. "SNAPS" $5700 60x11)0 lot on Kearney street; p;ood locality, close in. S3500 5 acres on Willamette River: 30 rainule ear service to-city. Beauti fully situated. $2000 2;i4 acres on touncil Crest, close to carline and splendid view. Do not live on a 50x100 lot when 2 acres can be purchased for the same money. We have lots of money to loan on good inside property. HUMASON & JEFFERY. M 1189. 226 Stark St. A 3814. HARTM AN & THOMPSON BARGAINS. A beautiful modern home for 1500 cash, balance can be paid as rent; choice loca tion. Choice quarter block In Rose City Park for $1200: all improvements paid for. Bungalow site on. Portland Heights; mag nilicent view; 12000; terms. Residence lot on Willamette Helchts; beautiful view of city and river; $18rt0; torms. Three lots near Rose City ave. ; two blocks from car; only $2100: terms. South and west front lots in Holladay's Addition at the very center of the choice residence district; only $2000 each. Six-room cottage in Irvlnton; all mod ern conveniences; a snap at $4O0. Store site in South Portland; flats above would command fine view of rlr; only $2;.oo. Albfna business corner; Russell St.; In come 9 per cent: $5000. l'nion-ave. corner: splendidly situated for stores and fiats; $f000. . Large house, full lot, fine fruit, all Im provements, only" $5000: easy terms. HARTMAX ft THOMPSON, Chamber of Commerce. UNGALOW 10th and Broadway Must he sold this week. Any reasonable offer will receive due consideration. SMITH cS EVERETT 315-317 Swetland Building. 20 ACRES ON BASE LINE ROAD Near carline; part under cultivation, $ 1 50 Per Acre WK HAVE SRVEHIL IXCOMK RKAitlMi I'KOI'EUTIES which will bear investigation. SMITH & EVERETT 315-317 Sweltand Bldg. APPLE LANDS TO CUT UP MOSIER Close in, lies well. Bargain price. Particulars at Room 10, 141'2 First street. NOB HILL HOME Sold on the Moral Risk. VHIC'E !7.-.. Terms Nothing; down. $."0 per month. Eigiit rooms; solid stone foundation; every modern convenience. The most select neighborhood. FIDEMTV TRUST COMPANY (Owner) SOI Board of Trade Hide. Phone Maid 447. Union Avenue's Biggest Bargain Fine lot, 54x100, in the center of business, with new improvements worth over $4500; big- renting propo sition; must be sold at once, owner going to Germany. Price $5500. Call at Maguire. 810 Union Ave. North, near Failing street. Must Have $1500 Will take the above amount for my 160 acres of piling that has at least $3000 worth and say nothing of the land; close to river and Portland. 1 will take the above amount if paid in 2 days; don't let this slip. J 468, Ore gonion. Riverside Acreage Just above the city: 10 acres; 350 feet waterfront, and extending from river 1200 feet; 4 blocks to carline; large building; all cultivated or in fruit; finest home site on the river. B. S. COOK A Co., .',03 Corbett Bldg. Little Acreage Homes PLATTING PROPOSITION. 234 acres, mostly plowed, 30 minutes with auto, 5 miles of Postoffice. Price is right. B. S. COOK & CO., rU3 Corbett Bldg. 2 OR 3 OFFICES for rent at low rate; modern building, good location. Phone Main 564. Mortgage Loans Lowest rates of Interest. LOII9 SALOMON, t3S Stark Street, near Second. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. CORNER. 100x100. East Alder and 37th sts. Tel. owner, Main S482. 6-ROOM cottage, or $200 cash. Sunnystde. $25is; take lot Owner, Main 140. Andrews. F. V. ft Co.. M. 3540. S3 Hamilton bt. Baker, Alfred A., lit Ablngton bide Btrrell, A. 11.. 02-3 McKay bit; ft. Real estate, insurance, mortgage loans, etc, Chapin A Herlow, 832 Chamber of Commerca. Cook. B. 8. & Co.. 608 Corbett bldg. Crossley Co.. 708-9 Corbett bldg. M 7855. Fields. C. B. Co.. Board of Trade bldg. Ooddard. H. W.. Main and A 1743, 110 2d sL Jennings Co. Main 188. 309 Oregonlaa. Lee. M. E.. room 411 Corbett bldg. Mall & Von Borstel, 104 2d st. 892 S. Burnstas. Palmer. H. P., 21 Commercial Club bldg. M 8690. A 2813. Parrlsh. -Watklns Co.. 250 Alder st Richardson. A. B . 21 Cora. Club bldg. Bchalk. Geo. D. 264 Stark st. Main or A 882. Sharkey. J. P Co.. 122 V Sixth st Ewensson. A. F ft Co., 308 is Washington st. The Oregon Real Estate Co.. Grand ave. and Multnomah st. (Holladay Addition.) Waddel, W. O., aod Lumber Exchange bldg. White. B. F.. 227 H Wsshlngton St. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. IF VNSOLD Tou can have it TODAY for $7700. and that Is $13110 BELOW APTl'AL VALl'B. It's that NOB HILL HOME We've been telling you about for a week past. We're not ffolng to name a lower prioa for tomorrow, as, we are confident IT WILL SELL TOD AT. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. 714 Couch Bldg. 109 Fourth St. MUST BE SOLD, 2Vs acres, worth 2ooo, for flO. Easy terms. 17 minutes' ride from business center on the Oregon Electric line, will take you to this place. The land Is clear or rocks and stumps, has living water; will be sold without reserve; first come flrst served. F. Breske. 444 Sherlock bid?., 83 H 3d St. SNAPS. $2200 On very easy terms for a nearly new 8-room house between Union and tiranrl avenue. $2100 For a whole block In high stale of cultivation, with building, only 3 blocks from 5c earn; a genuine snap. $2."iO0 On easy term? for a modern n room bungalow on West Side, with beauti ful lot 7."x7.". F. FUCHS. 221V4 Morrison St. MAKE CASH OFFER. New, modern fl-room cottage, cornnr lot, nice purroundings; cor. Maryiand and Jes sup sts., North Albina. Make eseh . offer. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OHKOON", S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. A FINE COUNTRY HOME Of 8 acres. 5c carline. 8-room house, also 5-room house for tenant, choice lot of fruit, barn and outbuildings: everything fine in Its appointments; will take city propertv In exchange. HENKLK HARRISON, ill Oerlinger Bldg. $1000 BELOW MARKET. Two-story, 8-room. modern home, tot 100x100. worth $jr00; will sell this week for stsou. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON, S." E. Corner Third and Oak Streets. 2 ACRES. $1000 buys a very choice 2-aere tract, all set out In strawberries, 314 miles from center of city; best of soil and lies level; 5c fare; can make a living on this tract; cash. JORDAN & GARBADE, 2.121 Washington st. A CHOICE HOME. 100x100 and 8-room house, hardwood floors, high-class plumbing, thoroughly modern, close In. I'l. Cth st.. Holladay Addition; price much less than actual value. W. O. Waddel, 3"l Lumber Ex change. LOOK HERE. MR. HOMELOVER. $70o0. on very easy terms, for one of the best-built snd most comfortable homes of 12 rooms In Portland; corner, 7t!xl00; In vestigate and make me an offer: owner leaving anil will make you a bargain. F FUCHS. 221 "4 Morrison st. SNAP Bungalow. $13IU; rustic style, strictly modern, new. 4 rooms snd bath, basement, bnst plumbing, sightly lot, 4txl00. In beau tiful Woodlawn; only $300 rash, ha!, month ly; worth $lrt."n. Call today. Jas. C. Lo gan, room 411 Corbett bldg. WEST SIDE IN'i'OME PROPERTY. $21. .",00 Full quarter block, centrally located on 14th st.; present Income $140 per month: Income can he Increased: terms. W. O. Waddel, 309 Lumber Ex change. PORTLAND HEIUHTS. Bungalow sites ::nxto. nOxtfO or r.oxioo. HOc square foot; best view on the hill and not high up; good car service. Owner, ,103 Corbett bldg. FINK LOT VERY CHEAP. Holladay Park. RllxlOO. elevated, south facing, paved street, cement walk; fine for bungalow. H EI LM AN LATHROP. Over Merchants National Bank. SPECIAL bargain. 4-room modern cottage, lot 40x100. price $1800; $2."0 rash, balance $!.- per month. Bartlett Realty Co.. (112 commercial bldg., 2d and Washington sts. Main 3113. A ,-,2,1S. MUST sell at once, new 5-room cottage or bungalow at East Both and Hawthorr.o ave.; price $28K); will sell on terms to suit. Address O 472. Oregonian or tele phone A 2317. LOT ON EAST YAMHILL ST. Nice 50x100 lot on East Yamhill st.,800, on eesv ytavment. or will take $7"o cash. J. W. Gruesl, 2lifl Washington, cor. 3d., room 7. NICE homes on the Mt. Scott carline, $200 cash, balance easy monthly payments just like rent. MARTIN J. HIOLEY. 1.-.2 Third Street. A j-ROOM bungalow for $1800. half cash, new, modern. In rapidly growing part of city; lot ,-OxlOO. See owner, room 014 Com mercial bldg. 4-ROOM new. modern cottage, on 30th St.. near Hawthorne ave.: price 1800 on pay ments to suit you. M. K. Lee. room 411 , Corbett bldg. FINE home In Piedmont, T-room. modern house and 2 lots on handsome corner, with fruit trees, roses, etc., $4200. W. W. Payne, 1210 Williams ave- SUM) ONE ACRE $t!.-.0. On Oregon City carline, high ground for building; running water, ."itj.'l Corbett bldg. FOR SALE 2 1-acre lots and 1 5-acre lot, within 410 feet ot Mt. Hood Railway right of way and Base Line road. Address Own er. S 4tl, Oregonlan. 6-ROOM modern house, Willamette Heights, on carline; must be sold this week; $1000 cash, halance easy terms, MARTIN J. HIOLEY, 132 Third Street. FINE full lot, Maryland ave., near Killings worth ave carbarns, cheap, easy terms. J. H. Middletcn. 617 Chamber ot Com merca. $4000 50x100 on Clay St., near 14th. fine location for apartments or flats: nothing as cheap In this vicinity; terms. W. O. Waddel. 309 Lumber Exchange. FOR SALE Lot 5. block 23, Mount Tabor villa. Broad st. : price, s.s.iu. write Mrs. E. E. Denton. ilO 31st ave., South Seattle, Wash. FOR SALE On 10th St., south of Jefferson, choice quarter block, by owner. Address B 462. Oregonlan. 90x100. fine site for a home, near East Mor rison and 80th sts.; $22.10. B. S. Cook ft Co., 503 Corbett bldg. LOTS one block from the business center of Kenton; price $2.j0: easy terms. See R. B. Carey, peninsular Station. $3000 WILL secure 14 Interest In fine paying business, clearing over $6000 per year. Ad dress D 460. Oregonlan. FOR SAL13 The handsomest bungalow In Irvlngton- Call and see It. Owner. 482 Eat iHd st. N. 9-ROOM modern house. Nob Hill; walking distance: a nice home: $jO0O. MARTIN J. HIGLBY. 132 3d St. 4-ROOM house and large lot overlooking the river, 11400 with $400 cash buys this home. Call 410 Falling bldg. WEST SIDE cottage, new, fractional corner. 6 rooms, $2500; terms. 243 Stark. PURCHASER FORFEITS earnest money on JUST ONE Beautiful vacant lot In East Irvlngton District, . And we can sell It At th old price of $650. $k:. cash and $10 per month. PRICE INCLUDES graded street, ce ment walk and curb and Bull Hun watar laid Inside the curb Wo can sell you any other unsold In side lot In the tract for $700. Thev are going rapidly. DON'T DELAY. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. 714 Couch Bldg. 109 tourth St. ENGLISH WALNUTS. We are the largest owners and plant ers In Oregon. We have the only planted tracts on the market. Our properties are In the walnut country, Yamhill 5-acre tracts, planted, $100 cash. $15 per month. CHURCHILL. MATTHEWS CO.. INC.. llu Sei-cad sl SACRIFICE Must be sold, owner has Just completed a very nifty bungalow, and is caught short for casii, to protect other Interests; house hss 6 large rooms on one floor; strictly modern and up to date; ce ment basement, furnace, gas and elertrio llxtures. walls timed to suit; impi-oved street, sewer, only 2 blocks to Stimiystdo car. Be sure tu see this. Come early, as ft must be sold Conklin Bi'ob.. either office. 3o2 Itothclnld hldg.. or 1046 Haw thorne ae. f"' $"" $25") Cod 7-mom house; . modern plumbing, gas. electric lights1; on turllnt'; This le a nice, comfortable home; price $22.V, $2 down, balance like rent. PORTLAND TIM'T COMPANY OF OREGON. S. E. Cor. Third and Osk Sts. MT. HOOD SNAP. We are positive that we have the big gest snaps near Portland. The Mt. Houd . electric road opens up a country ns beau tiful as Switzerland and with soil to the best. We have lands along this rond from $2- an acre up. Will sell for $HM soon as road is completed. Join our next partv Frldav. B S. COOK & CO.. 503 Corbett bldg. SNAP A whole block consisting of 6 lots, of which 4 aro corners, situate on E. 20th and Division sts. This is a s:ife Inxest ment and a rare opportunity to acquire a whole block so ch se to the hustmes center. A reasonable offer will bo con sidered as the place must be sold. C. F. 1'llugcr Co.. room 14 Mulkey bldg.. 2d and Morrison sts. OKCHARD HOMES In the glorious lnko district of Southern British Columbia pay prolit of $.-,00 per rtrre up annuflllv. C1--niate. scenery, hunting, llshinu. soil, wa ter supply, transportation, markets un excelled; Irrigation not necessary. Maf., proofs, letters from those 011 ground, photos free. Write todav. Kootcnay lr chard Association. Limited. Nelson, B. 320 ACRES $.1 I'ER ACRE. Equity in 320 acres of Harney Coutuy for $480, with :l payments of 5oc ppr acre Olid interest, to make yet. A hargiin ns Government price is now S3 p,r acre 5 per cent commission to real estate men. Payments due In June ea. h year W. A. Blackburn. Cambridge. O. $.1500. A neat 5-rooni bungalow. v.-ry homev, honestly built and full of conveniences; fireplace, cabinet kitchen, bookcase, full basement, cement walks; in good suburbs, 60x100 lot: good terms. HENKLK & HARRISON. 511 k-rllnaer Bldg. ALBINA HOME. Beautiful 8-iwm home, all improvements In: well worth the price: $4."hki nuns PORTLAND TRUST CO.Ml'ANV OK ORKUON. S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sl.-. A COZY home, bungalow style, strictly modern. 4 rooms, targe hall. eloseU. bath room, full basement, enmhlnulioii fixtures, walls ' tinted. occupied 1 year; lawn, rose bushes, trees, sidewalks, street graded. Coll 351 East 44ih si., near Hawthorne ave. WE BUILD HOMES. We have first-class, modern fsctlltles for building homes upon terms within the reach ot all. Call and examine our up-to-date methods. THE VETERAN LAND CO., 822 Chamber of C.-mmeros. TREMONT PLACE. 2 good lots In Tr muni I'laee, only one block from Woodstock ave.; $2." each' takes them. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. HOME FOR LARGE FAMILY A whole block and modern new- II -room hour-o with furnace and fireplace, nice orchard, best of soil, situate in Upper Albina. Only $8250. Terms, c F. l'llim-er & Co., room 14. Mulkey bldg., 2d anil Morrison . sts. FOR SALE New 5-room, modern bungalow on large lot. with bath, tine plumliiln,-. cement sidewalks. One electric fixtures etc.; restricted district, on .Mount Scott carline; $"00 down. balance easy pav nuents. For particulars see Newniun. 2y3 Burnside. 5-ROOM. new. modern bungalow, lot lOOxl'ti); forced sale; price li;0U; cioso 111. East Side. 7-rnom new house. East Side. 2u minutes' walk: a beautv; price $2500; $300 cash, balance $:'0 ' to month. II. W. Garland tk Co.. 131 4th st. GOOD SPECULATION 480 acres splendid fruit land, with surveys for new ralli-oa 1 anil Irrigation ultcli through niicM'o of land: now is time to bi-y and trlp'e your money: land will mihdiviile nicely; 'low price and eay terms, o 471. Oreyonlnn. WE are I lie bargain hunters and getters: we have a great many choice home site and fine houses, all prices; don't fail to call st office, cor 15th and Hslsey sts., Broadway and Irvlngton cars. Phone East 8tn;, o unci. Dnlen & Henderson. BARGAIN. 3-room. neat cottage. 2 or 3 lots, nice location, convenient to car, garden and chickens: owner verv anxious to sell. HENKLE ,4 HARRISON, 611 Gerllnger Bldg. MAHON-STREET 1 1 0 L" S K $ 1 00 . Nearly new 7-rooni house, corner lot, 5x 10O. on Mason st.: price, $21100; $300 cash, balance iike rent. .1. W. Orut!, Washington, cor. 3d. room 7. LOT 40x128 with a good 4-room plastered cottage, on carline. only $1250. Room 32 Swetland bldg. NEW 5-room modern cottage. I block from car: trice S15UM; easy terms. Nice 8-room house and 10 large lots, near 2 cat lines. $4. TOO. Conant Realty Co., room 5. 2."ot Alder st. FOR SALE New. modern 7-room house, centrally located. 1 block from carline in Holladay Park Addition. Addrers AD 330, Oregonian. BOUSES for sale in all tarts of the city; acreage close in snd farms in Oregon and Washington. Phone Main 44S6. Kinney & Slampher. 531-32 Lumber Exchange bldg. RISLEY TRACT, OREGON CITY CARLINE. 2t; to 5 acres, all In cultivation, best of land. C. W. Risley, owner; P. O., Mil waukie. Phone Oak Grove, red 12. WKST SIDE property, fua quarter blo.k. centrally located: present Invoice $100 per month: $15,000 will handle, o 451). Ore gonlan. HOL'SE and lot on Irving, near '.':ul. strictly modern: house and lot at 'utiii ysidc. near school. $1000. Felts & Padgham. 15 Ham ilton bldg. LOT and brick building In central East Portland, $8250. Terms. Call J. Olsen. 350 East Washington st. 10 ACRES fl.-st-clafS land on Villa ave., near Montavllla, 25o per acre, part cash. In quire F. Foster, 350 E. Washington st. MODERN -5-room house and full lot on Manhattan St.. near piedmont. $2301). w. W. Payne. 1 210 Williams ave. $2500 Modern residence. 9 rooms, full lot, good neighborhood. East loth st. N. leaving city; $1500 cash. Wledrlok, 110 2d FOR Sste Cheap, by owner, 2 lots, 100x100. and 4-room house on corner 14th and Skldmore; no agents. PARK ST. cor. 150xl"o. $i;; it s cheap. G. K. Walling. 243 Stark. MODERN 7-room. In fruit and flowers. Sellwood; corner I'hone Eatft 4702. lot; m 108.2