If you're looking for a correct style', right fit, per fect tailoring and all-wool honesty of fabrics in clothes, look here. You'll find EXCLUSIVE -OUTFITTERS FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN. LARGEST AND LEADING FUR MANUFACTURERS OF THE WEST. Cor. 4th and Morrison Sts. Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes here and you may look everywhere else as long as you please without finding anything better. These clothes are right; you'll find them right; if by any chance you don't, we'll make them right. Drop in here any time and ask to see the new Fall models in fancy weaves and colors. Suits and Overcoats $20 to $45 K A U7 Hart bcbadfacf 6c Marx Sam'l Rosenblatt & Go. Corner Third and Morrison Streets SEEKS TUFTS 1 I'l OREGON FIGHT Fulton Strives to Enlist President-elect Against Chamberlain. CONFER AT HOT SPRINGS Would Have I.ORUJuturo li--rcsard rrlmnry Vote I.ot Democrats Control Senate Hitchcock's Advice Is Alo Sought. WASHINGTON. Nov. IS. Sonator Ful tnn'a TtiifBlon to Hot SprlnKs was to ask lrHM.-nt-el.'--t Tift to take a hand In the orison S-n:itrial siuuitlon. Leading Itopuhlii-ans in Oresnn ore very utronsly against the election of a Demo- rat to the S-nat-. r.-K;ir.l!oss of the fact that til the r.i-ent primaries Governor Chamberlain defeated the Republican can didate. It l.i argued that under such a primary law a declaration in favor of Mr. fhamberlaln m.Rht at Home time result tn changing the complexion of the Senate. ttronic jiressure. therefore. Is being trou:ht upon the Ijecis'lature to name a Jtepuhllcan. If Mr. Taft and Mr. Hitchcock took the position that a Republican should be chosen. It is said thia would so a long way toward accomplishing that result. FVLTOX COXFKKS WITH TAFT Oregon Senator Believes In Thor ough I5evihm of TariTf. HOT SPRINGS. Va.. Nov. 16. No members of the Tuft family was with the Iresldent-elect today. Mr. Taft be nan his Thankspivln as the guest at J.reakfast of M. E. lngalls. whose din ner truest he was also. They attended morning services at the Episcopal "hurch and then indulged In a game uf golf. I'oiittcal conferences were held this afternoon with National Chairman Hitchcock. Representative Herbert Varsons. of New York, and Senator Fulton of Oregon. The Oregon Sena tor says he believes the country Is fully In sympathy with the determination of the I'resldent-elect to see to it that the promised tariff revision will be thorough, and in good faith. He. how ever, believes this result will be ob tained without friction In the party. Mr. Fulton came here to discuss po litical conditions In his state. DOCTORS ATTEND CASTRO Dictator Also Accompanied by Mem , bers of His Family. lORT OF SPMN. Trinidad. Nov. 2,. I'rcsidcnt Castro is accompanied by his wife, several other memlers of his imme diate family and three Venezuelan physi cians. The Venezuelan consul Itere. accompa nied by the commandant of the forces, went alongside, the Hjadeloupe in a tug flying Uia Venezuelan flag. The presi dent was on the deck and looked well. He expressed regret at his inability to come ashore, and said he would do so on his return in February and stay sev eral days. A number of launches circled around the Guadeloupe as near as the quaran tine guard would permit. PRAISES new WORK HOLLAND MICH IXTEIIESTED Sees Xo Chance In Castro's Visit for Improving Relations. THE HAGUE, Nov. 26. The government of the Netherlands will watch with in terest the forthcoming visit to Europe of President Castro, but It does not see in it any chance for an improvement in the present relations between Venezuela and Holland. There is a possibility, how ever, that Acting President Gomez will take some step looking to a settlement of the trouble. It Is understood that Castro's personal financial affairs In France, as well as his health, will be attended to during his visit to Paris. BO! KILLS STEP-FATHER RF.SEXTS CHFFXTY TO MOTH ER AXD DKAYVS GCX. Man, Bents Wife and I.ad While Drunk Latter Gives Himself Vp to Authorities. HEAL.D3Ri'RG. Cal.. Nov. 16. Fred Incerman. aged 13 years, shot and killed his step-father. John Day, last night at the family residence near this town. Pay. who was under the influence of liquor, beat his wife and child at supper time, and ordered the boy to bed. Instead of obeying, the boy secured a revolver nd finished the meal. After upper Day renewed his attack on hifl wile and the boy went to her assistance. Day seized the youth by the throat, threw him on a bed and was choking him when he drew the revolver and tired. The bullet penetrated Day's forehead anrl inflicted a fatal wound. The boy then came to town and sur rendered himself to the authorities. WOMAN GUILTY OF MURDER Jury Returns YerUiot Against Mrs. Clark. Ih Killed llnslminl. VHRMII-JUON. S. D.. Nov. -36 Mrs. Christina Clark, acotisd of the murder of her divorced husband, wan today found guilty. The jury returned a ver dict of manslaughter in the second de gree. MEN'S WOOL. COATS $1. Vests of pure wool cloth.. ....... $0.50 Youths' Suits, sizes to S5 ....$3.50 Men's Pants, splendid goods J1.00 Bora' Knee Pants, aires S to 13 25 Men's All-Wool Suits 15.00 Men's fine A'l-Wool Overcoats. .JIJ.DO At the clostng-out sale of the whole rale stock. Front and Oak streets, in the wholesale district. Governor Vnveils Monument. AXDKRSO.NTILLa Ga.. Nov. 26. Gov ernor Hanly. of Indiana, and party this afternoon unveiled the monument to the Indiana soldiers who died at Anderson ville Prison. It Is the largest memorial yet placed in the Andersonville Nartlonal Cemetery. 25 per cent off on silver at Mctzger's, 3t2 Washington street. Roosevelt Speaks at Laying of Cornerstone of Y. M. C. A. COLORED PEOPLE GATHER Building to Be Occupied by Negro Members President Dwells Vpon Uplift Movement of the Past 20 Years. "WASHINGTON, Nov. 26. The pres ence of President Roosevelt at the lay Ins of the cornerstone of the new home for the Colored Y. M. C. A. made the event a most notable one among the colored people of the District of Co lumbia. The attendance was large, in cluding not only a great gathering of colored residents, but many distin guished officials of the Federal and local Government. Mr. Roosevelt said in part: The Y. M. C. A. has worked among col ored men for lew than 30 years. For a number of reasons, for some time after the work whs begun very little progress was made. Indeed, at first, curiously enough, the churches tended to antagonise the Y. M. C. A. But during th last 20 years the Y. M. C. A. work among our colored fellow cittzens has proceeded rapidly and these are the 20 years In which the colored race in America has made most progress. The religious people, those standing highest in the colored churches, now appreciate aa they failed to appreciate a quarter of a century sgo that innocent sports and amuse ments should be encouraged and that the poorest lesson to be taught to any man of any race Is that pleasure and vice are syn onymous terms. It Is noteworthy that of the 100,000 col ored men attending the colored colleges In this country, half are actixe members of the Y. M. C. A. This speak well for the spirit of these colleges, and gives tis hope and encouragement for the character of the leaders of the colored race In the future. Hundreds of young colored men are every year being lured away from the habit of decent living because they are not supplied with the chance to go where Innocent amusements can he had. There la pmbably nothing needed -orse In all our cities- and towns than well or ganized Young Men's Christian Associa tions. It pays far better to support the secretary of the Y. M. C A. in a com munity than to pay the salary of a police man. Lrt White Man Remember. As for the white man, let him remem ber in this, as In all other matters, that to do justice to the colored man is de manded not only by the interest of the colored man, but by the Interest of the white man also. Sooner or later in this community every class of citizen shall feel the effect of raising or degrading any class. 'All men up" is a safer motto than "Pome men down," and it Is in the in terest of every class of any community that members of every other class shall feel that industry, sobriety, good behavior, the conduct that marks a man as being a good neighbor and a good citizen, should receive a proper reward, so as thereby to put a premium upon the development of such qualities. I am not speaking of social relations; I am speaking of equality of treatment before the law, or equality of opportunity to earn a living, of equality of opportunity to earn the respect that should be accorded to the maji who behaves decently and is a good neighbor and a good citizen. There are plenty of difficult problems inthis coun try, plenty of problems, requiring patience, forbearance and good judgment if they are to be dealt with wisely, and which cannot bv any possibility receive even an approxi mately complete solution within a short time. What is known as the race problem is one f the most difficult; and it exists North as well ss in the iuth. Fut of one thing we can rest assured, and that la the MFAMLELEP SUIT SALE ON ill 411 ' -m in.??"-- ' s i , It Hi r t iu i it II i FRIDAY MORNING AT 8:30 about one hundred of the most handsome and strik- Ladies' Tailored Suits ever shown at such a price will De piacea on special u.u" have never been shown before. Not a Suit in the lot worth less than $30. FROM $30 TO $40 THE VALUES RANGE. All entered in this grreat Friday event at the uniform and unprece dented price of "u? mm Sis , is Some of the 'Nobbiest and Swellest Suits ever shown in Portland. Every wanted style hipless, directoire and semi-fitting: models represented. Every demanded ma terialbroadcloths, hard -twisted serg-es, chevrons, and many invisible and distinct stripe novelties. Every Popular Color represented in this magnificent showing- of handsomely-tailored Suits, Every Size Desired Especially Suits for larg-e women and small women, as well as plenty of the "in-betweens." NOW DISPLAYED IN WINDOWS SALE FRIDAY, SUIT SECTION, 2D FLOOR WE'VE GOT THE BEST FUR VALUES IN PORTLAND . Positively not a silly boast, but an absolute business fact. Come to morrow for the following special offerings, or come any day and com pare for yourself, and the more you know of Silverfield's furs, the more you will appreciate the values off ered here. For Friday and Saturday Only GRAND SALE OF MINK ECRS AT A SAVING OF ONE-THIRD Jap Mink Animal Rug Muff, regular $40.00 value, for $27.00 Brookmink Fancy Stole, regular $15.00 value, for ..$10.00 Brookmink Animal Rug Muff, regular $12.00 value, for $8.00 Save One-Third on Furs by Choosing at this Great Sale $65.00 best Alaska Mink Fancy Stoles, beautifully lined $42.50 Genuine Alaska Mink Fancy Animal Muff, regular $55.00 value ... $37.50 Elegant Jap Mink Fancy Stole, regular $42.00 value, for $28.00 AN UNUSUAL SALE OF MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S COATS. & T O E VALUES TO $12.50 tf) O . O O MILLINERY AT ONE-HALF AND LESS Our entire stock of Millinery at reductions of one-half and less. Beautiful Pattern Hats, ladies' tailored Street and Dress Hats, at most radical reductions. See window and note prices. UNUSUAL SALE OF FEATHER BOAS VALUES TO $25 FOR ONLY $9.85 A special lot of fine feather Boas in all lengths; colors, white, black, gray and two-tone effects; regular values to $25.00, at thu exceedingly low price oi pj.j only way in which to bring nearer the lime when 'there shall be even an approxi mately fair solution of the problem. 1 to treat each man on hi merits as a man. He should not be treated badly because he happens to be of a given color, nor should he receive Immunity for misconduct because he happens to be of a given color. Let us all strive, according to our ability and a far as the conditions will permit, to secure to the mm of one color who be haves uprightly and honestly, with thrift and with foresight, the same opportunity for reward and for living his lite under the protection of law and without molesta tion by outsiders, that would be his If ne were of another color. ' . The avenues of employment should be open to one as to the other; the protection of the laws should be guaranteed to one ax to the other. Each should be given the right to prove by the life and work what his capacities are, and should be Judged ac cordingly. Each Is entitled to the reward which he legitimately earns if he behaves well: each should be Judged with the sa.me severe Impartiality If he behaves HI. The same fair treatment should be accorded all and every effort made to give equal opportunity to those of equal capacity and character. It Is the duty of the white man to see that exact Justice Is meted out to the col ored man. the same justice he should re ceive if he were not colored, and upon the colored man Is imposed the duty to make hlmeelf a useful citizen, to so behave as to win the respect of his white neighbor. The performance of duty should be the test applied to"" white man and colored man alike, and each Bhould be Judged by the way In which he meets these demands of duty, and the first duty which each colored man owes both to himself and his race Is to work for the betterment both of him self and his race; for Its educational, but above all, for its industrial and moral bet terment. It Is to the great Interest of the white people no less than of the col ored people that all possible educational facilities should be given the colored peo ple; and it is of even greater interest to both races that the colored man should steadily strive for his own industrial and moral uplift. $1.50 Ladies' Kimonos for 98c An exceptional offering in ladies' French flannelette Kimonos, both plain and fancy designs, all colors, just the thing for morn ing wear; regular $1.50 values, for only .. .,. 98 HERE IS AN EFFECTIVE RHEUMATISM RECIPE Take This Mixture Now, and See How Long You Suffered Unnecessarily. Thousands of men and women who have felt the 8tinT and torture of this dread disease, which is no respecter of aire, persons, sex, color or rank, will be interested to know that while for. many years rheumatism was con sidered an incurable disease, now It is one of the easiest afflictions of the human body to conquer. Medical science has proven it not a distinct disease in itself, but a symptom caused bv inactive kidneys. Rheumatism is uric acid In the blood and other waste products of the system which should be filtered and strained out in the form of urine. The function of the kidneys Is to sift those poisons and acids out and keep the blood clean and pure. The kidneys, however, are of sponarerlike substance, the holes or pores of which will sometimes, either from overwork, cold or exposure become clogged and Inactive, and failing in their function of eliminating these poisons from the blood, they remain in the veins, decom pose and settling about the Jrtnts and muscles, cause the untold suffering and pain of rheumatism and backache, often producing complications of bladder and urinary disease, weakness, etc. The' following simple prescription is said to relieve the worst cse rheu matism because of Its direct action upon the blood and kidneys, relieving, too, the most severe forms of bladder and urinary troubles: Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half ounce; Compound Kargon, one ounce; Compound Syrup SarsaparilUi, three ounces. Mix by shaking well In a bottle and take in teaspoonful doses after each meal and at bdtime. The Ingredients can be had from any good prescription phar macy, and are absolutely harmless and safe to use at any time. PORTLAND OREGON THE SELECTION OF A BANK New residents and firms which are just beginning business in this city are cordially invited to give this bank consideration as a suitable depository for their fuwjs, and they are assured that all matters entrusted to the care of the bank will be treated with the greatest courtesy and effieency. 3 PER CENT INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Head Office: Toronto, Canada. PORTLAND BRANCH SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Accounts may be opened in the name of two people, payable ta either of them or the survivor. Interest allowed on the undisturbed monthly balance credited half-yearly. Foreign Exchange bought and sold. Drafts Issued, payable in all principal cities. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED F. C. MALPAS, Manager Portland Branch.