FOB KENT. Umnu With Board. EXCELLENT MEALS A SPECIALTY STEAM HEAT. TWO BLOCKS FROM POFTOFFICB. prrd and rr-nm only ' l:r month. wlil b s. mmusl advsnULSe. The V:;mcnl, Kelt Park and aamfcm. PORTLAND Woimn'l L'nlon. 20rh year; room, board, us. of and librarr; .'"V if1 Ella. Raw line. Supi.. 510 .anders si THR LINDELU Ii Market at.: nIoe.y fur B label ro. ma. bnaM: lrl.rtly home cookicc; rrram heat, electric light., balh, pune; $4 a HOTEL SARGENT. hat. tiV. Boot" cunvenlence a: ele nt:' furni.r.-i ; table i!e hole d.ODera a specialty, t.ranu FI KXISHED roomi. wltb Board. The Osarl. lltO 81. Room, wllh Boord. Prays. FmlUea. XCELI.ENT board, peasant rooms, coxy, homel' k- p!.-e. -0 per month hot and .old water, bath, phone, near ldd t- hool and chunhea. a:Ktna; distance. 41- Je: frn. friiT-i'I.AS room and board, modern ron ve'nlencea. walkins; distance, tii'i Par. A r.O'i the rHKTOf'a. l-roorr. modern apart ment., unfurnunert: elevator and rl.a. inquire m , nr ROOM AM HOARD for two. mo-iern real deree. laundry. .U -- N tJ i tit;. v 1 1, r , t - room and board for two or ,h'r! ; r..n.W; walkms distance. J East Morna-m. BOARO-and room In private family; ref erences j. 13th St. c.okln; very r.r.ab.e. b-J h. St. FOR KENT Larre roo.n with b. ard. 446 Apart nienla. Mt-INZ PMlTMKSTi. 14th. Columbia. 5 "bli. ...u.h of Morrison. 1" feet from JnVron or i:llh-t. rarline: eaay walkinz 7ll.tan.-e; n". buil-ling. in " 3 4-r"oin family apartments; prliate bath an.l re.-eption hall, strajn heat, hot nai'er eievatoi-. free phone. a'r .-leanlmt. janitor serW.-.-. maximum of ronvenienc-e. clesanre. c-iulpment; com pletely furni.lied. ready for hous.kesptiifc-; some unfurr.i.-hed; rent reasonable. TUB ItAKTKOIlD. Cor. -l-t and Klan-feia sts. 3-room su te; jriate hiita an.i reception hail, a. I laie outside rooms, steam hea:. .-l" Janitor serv i -e, pler.ty of ri-'t water a'l the time free phone, every thin lur rl.hed for Immediate boiis-keeplnr: f"r r.i.hlnss new and extra Fr-od; easy walking; distance. I block from V. car. Bo thl. dren. THH SllKKKIKIJ). 7th and Jefferson s.: unfurnle-hed 3-r..m apartment with bnth; ev. n-dern an.i ful, equipped for eon-ver.len.-e; rent reas-n..!.,e; .ratln sivca carfare. Apply to Janitor. Main a- ROOM steam-heated ap.innm. hardwood floors, hot and cold water, part " furnished; walkh.B distance "est side; Jd tl. H. Uamnu'isr, uli Heard o Trade bids. FIrkTiAI.I. APARTMENTS.- 41 West prk- :i and 4-room apartments, best In city-'rates reasonable; no animals and references. Apply ".rt Hall St. THE LI'XOP.. Corner i:ith and clay Fur nished 4-room corner apartment: steam heat, private bath, both phones; plenty of hot water; Janitor service. THE BI EI.I. APARTMENTS. 14th and Sal mon. 4 rooms furnlslied. 3 rooms unfur nished, new. automatic elevator. H.RRiSOV col RT. 5th and Harrison; very desirable unfurnished apartments of 2 and 3 room, with bath. Ph. me .Main SUS. TUP! M AKLHi iRtM'c.H. 21st and Flanders; 5-room mo.lern apartment: wleam heat, etc. COLI MBIAN and Victorian. 3 and 4-room modern apartments. ll:h and Columbia. 130 BI YS nearly S-i" worth of new so fornlture. carpets, rues, draper! lid etc. Includible lease on un .-K-sant s-r.m modern corner tlat. 7 minutes' walk from p. o ; all newly finished; rent only I:-. So. Phone Main t:tvl. A l':t4. I-HOOM upper flat, strictly modern; dresser, sideboard built in. furnace, fireplace, etc.; re-tricted district; J:;3 to desirable tenant. Charles Adler. "."Jd Lumber Erchango. UPPEKN flaw ell stiea. roi rent. East and West Slrfes. Portland Trism Company of Oregon. S. K. cur. ad aad Oak. alr-!Ba Ex -cangeTX ili'DFKV 6-room flat, steel and sas rante. window shades. 27 Ha.sey St., near Steel bridge. FOR RENT 5-room flat, first ?J Ka, th. near Humsl.le; rent. .o. Key at U. U. Wood worth. 14 -d St. NEW FLATS of rooms and bath. 1S1 t 733 Hoyt at- Apply Harrl. Trunk Co, l.i-2 th mv S 1:". near Jefferson, nearly new. s;.vd con-llti-n. modern S-room J Kalilr.g b:t. THREE new. strictly modern. S-room flats. ,'41 0:h. near Jackson. NEW modern 2. 8. 5-room flats, close In. Main 4-"P7. , NEW -wm flat. 7.1'-j Overton, near J3d: choico nelKhborh.Hjd; porches, yard. NEW 5-RooM lower flat, modern. 471 Park South. Inquire 41S I'arit 6-RooM m-i-er fat. In. furnbahel or unfurnished. o-l' Everett et. HooaesteeplDc Rooma. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall sts-. newlv furnlsned. fully emilpped for Boue Veeping. Including gas range, free use of elec-trlc lights, hct water. ",'"'" reception rem an.l laundry ro..m: beauti ful lawns and verandas surrounding the building Furnished aiartments from l up: also sing e rooms: wllh snul'.ir con venience.. JW per week uj. 1 hers Is nothing m comparison In the city for the. money This place m l bear Inspection. nort distance from Lnlon Deport. Take -S" or ltl:h-st. car. going north, get oft at Marsha. I rt. I'hone Mam u. 1. No doga. THE ON FONT A. 17 17th St.. near Yimhill. Ih-iroUK'hlv furnished, gas range, hot and cold water In each apartment, both tele thon anl bath free; term reasonable; no children. THE HOWLAND APARTMENTS. 3I Uj Washington. cor. 2th Nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; gas ranges, hot water, free bath, free phone, both fioora; alee aultea from ".2 up. V FLL-Fl'KNISHED bou-ekeeping rooms. . f ,r V- mcntn; 3 for !o. seeping rooms. $125 wk. West Side river. 3i:4 North -tith. loth-st. car to 2t'.th. turn aouth half block. THE SANGERT. Washington and Trinity, bet. llth and ; u;h : newly furnished housekeeping suites; private baths BEAUTIFULLY located bay-win-low. nofur nished 1-rtxirn au te In cer.traliy located apartment-bouse, 3c5 u Je ft e r so n , cor, o t a. HOUSEKEEPING suites, also sinele rooms; sream heated. The .Newcastle. 3d and Harrison. THE Yv"YNEWOOD lt' N. lth.. 2-room suite, furnished for housekeeping; run ning water, furnace beat. NICK. new. modern, two-room housekeep ing suite. The Rarton. l-'Uh and LARi.E. licht. nicely furnished housekeep ing room. 30.; , Alder. FURNISH FI hvMiseKeeplr rooms, mntrle rjoni. rent rewAna!i. lv W. I'ark. A 1S72 SUITS houskeepinir rooms cheap, bath, free phones 20;tu 4th st. 4t?l EAST Mrrii.n. cor. t:h. compT'ly fur nished nv.usekt-et'tn nx'tii m.iern. THE ELMS Furnished - ard 3-room apart ments; heat, phone, taih. If i Uth et. Honselteepipg Keow In Private t amity. TWO furnished housekeeping r-oms w 1th bal.-onv; private family; Hawthorne lark. East l7tf. FiVE new:r fu relied hotisekpirg room. r.-r.t e-rt i-er 114.1 Hawthorne ave. 1.1 11TH CORNER CI .AY, room housekeeping suite. one and two- Sl'lTE fumshed room.- first floor; sink, pantrv. t,ath. laundry, pone. Son l.tth. THREE frint room: fr h-ukerDil.s. , pomni'lflv furnished M'eiii 214 l.Uh at. 240', :,'vn- Tiirce farnief housekeeping room. ground t!.r. sink, rnnin v Ucr. yi rnish ed h'nfi; ing roorJos. gas. bath and phone (s iv st. V ET.L furni.ied 2-rni housekeep. Jig lUlte. &l:uod. cor. I'M.-. I OK BENT. lonsekeep'.nK R.Ksm. In Private Fwmlly. 1 ENTIRE lower floor. S ftirnished rooma. bath. gas. tlreplace. pan tr. sin?, hot and cold wter. yard and basement. 231 East uth at, near Sal moo. f , M-. "I ! '! parlors, fttmlfhed housekeep Irg" per month, including piano; fur nace heat: aduita only. 22 loth, near Jef fewn. r";E-t,hPo'r.,,nd TaTer'terUabUr M hPohu.ekSlnT p"c. 1L Phon. Sell- nOod 110. SSH CORBETT ST. 3 nicely furnlihed housekPinc rooms for rent; as. bath Und phone; no children; oppoaite Chil dren's Home. NEW furnl.'hed housekeepinjr rooms at 12 per month; min nwm and board at j per wlt. iS-l Eajt 6th at. Phone Sell wood 1M. m a FL'R.MSHKD houekeepinB rooms, pleaa ant front prlor; phone, sink, 2& Colles jjOI'FKKEPING rooms, furnished and ur furniihed. 16th t or S. car. StJ Raleigh st. FRONT, alcove furnished lisht housekfep tr.K. also separate sleeping r om. -40 1am- hlil. El ITK houskeepinic rooms, sink, hot, cold wnter. pass pantry; no children. Call be fore 11 A. M. or after 2:30 P. M. 2t.2 14th. FK-XTL hay-window housekeeplnff milte; m;. urate entrance. Call t to 11 2 to 5, 322 4th. near Clay t. TTItf'.KK large. wnny roonw. nicely fur nished for housekeeping; modern. 615 20lh e-t.. I'ort'iand Heights. HltSH-i'I-ASS suite rooms, alo cheap, room, housekwpingr. prlvilese optional. Ptrictly modern, phone Main s -VJ Morrison t FOm furnished housekeeplnr rooms, ga .1 . i Main .".Jt. Kev at I1S Tth at. Fl'ItNISHEH housekeeping ro.-m In private family. .111 Hall. Wain KTl'H. HOrPEKEEPIXO rooms, located In swell v,'-. RiV 93.A irt. part oi uiiy , fc.iiu"- .KWI.Y furnished housekeeping rooms. 103 East 7th. cor. Taylor. 3 X!E housekeeping rooms, completely fur- Houses. WHEN YOU MOVE you always need SOME fUHrfrAT NO-RENT prlres: the sav lnc will exceed coat of niovlng. - WE OWN OUR OWN BUILDING: oc mpv onf-half; collect rent on balance. MOKGA.V-ATtTHLBY FL'KXITL RE tO Grand ae. and E. Stark. Phone Kast 2029. TO A IKS1KABLE tenant, a pleasant S roonf hoic, fine residence location, walk ing distance, one block from East Ankeoy carf: excellent furnace and jcrate, hard w and floors, unique arrangement. Call between 2:W and 4 at 704 East Burnside St. .. 4tttJ. DESIRAPI-E home place at Mount Tabor, very sightly location, near cars; large grounds, with plenty of fruit trees and mail fruits; (would conaider selling.) Ap ply IIS id at. FOR It EXT or pale, modern 7-room house at 4:.7 Larrabee at., walking distance splendid view of river. Phone Richmond 131. A 1ESIR.VBI-E 6-room hou?e. 402 San Rafael st., near Union ave.. 25. Inquire .".y.s Hancock. Phone East C 14U1. COTTAGE. 5 rooms, hath. $23, vacant De cember 1. Thone East 7u. 401 E. l.'.th st. North, bet. Tillamook and Thompson Irving ton). FOR RENT 6-room house, 79 Johnson st. near 23l: rent $30. Strong &. Co., S05 Concord bhlg. NEW, modern 9-room house. 3I. Jackson Pt . cor. loth; rent, if -K. Phone Tabor 414. Xu'EW houae of 5 room and bath, E ltHli near Everett. Apply HarrU Trunk Co.. 12 6th at. 6-ROOM house, al! modern conveniences, Mock from Waver I y and Woods luck rarllne. E- 17th. Rent $17. 5-ROOM modern cottage. 413 11th st., cor ner Hall; rent 425. Key at 4f) 11th st. l arrlsh-Watkins & Co., 230 Alder at. MODERN cottajre 5 rcoms. porcelain bath, elc-i trii-ity, furnace; HH5 Williams ave; rent $20. Apply 3ifl Dekum bldg. NEW 5-room hou.-e, bath and gas. 243 Ham ilton ave. Apply at 247. .17.Hi is- Crosby t.. near Fteel bridge, 6 nnjtns. Sensstake & Lyman. 0 Fifth st. MODERN 6-room house, bath. Inquire 131 N. 1'th t. near lilisan. MODERN S-room house. Main 6770 or 9S6 1st after ii P. M. MODERN H-room housr. 102 East 18th; rent 22..V. Phone East 242. Key next door. Furnished IIoums. WELL, furnished 8 -room modern housj on Nob HU1; references required. HARTMAX & THOMPSON. Chamber of Commerce. WELL furnished 6-room cottage, corner E. tt h and W gant; electric light, porce lain bath; J JJ-.'-V. Phone Main 7ft."tf. WELL furnished, lower flat, comer house. West Side, good location, rent reasonable. Phone Main 2J1. NEW 8-room bouse, near King's Heights. artiMKaiiy furnished. Oriental ruga, grand piano, etc. Phone Main tKMJi. Foil A 5-KOOM house, well furnished, $23 per month, see the Dunn-Lawrence Co., AUlrr t. COTTAGE. HiKhland, 7 rooms, bath, ccm-pU-iely furnished, piano; $22.&0. Main MODERN 3-room furnished cottage, gas. electricity, bath, walking distance. 3s2 East 7th. Inquire 415 East 8th South. UPPER part modern house, well arranged; furnished; piano, gas range, bath, phone; easy walking distance. lsd Halaey st 6-ROOM furnished hou. S1'2 Hall at.; walk ing distance ; references. 6-Ri M modern house, furnished. Haver stlc W Galeger. ;i4:i Washington st. FURNISHED 3 or 4-room flat, bath, gas stove, closets. 514 East 21st., W.-H. car. MODERN 3-room cottage, walking distance. West Side. 40.-. Id st Iloue for Rent, Fn rami re for Sale. FURNITURE of 4-room flat for sole. $75 cash, for rent, $20; walking distance; give phone number. Addre-sa U 445, Ore- g.mau. NICE furnishings of 10-room rooming-house, gooil basement. 1 block from Wash. St.. mut sell, terms. Inquire 430 Washing ton st. FPRXITURE of a modern 4-room hous for rnle. house for rent, $22. 3o Monroe at., I pper AlUina. NEW modern 5-room flat, completely fur nished, for sale, and wood for Winter. Phone Main 2ii47. 249 Clay, near Id. S ROOMS, with elegant furniture; any one looking for a snap, it will pay to investi gate; best buv4n city. 1 14S East 34th. 10-ROOM house for rent, furniture for sale; in center of city. Call afternoons. Merrill,- Tth and Oak. WILL sell or rent furniture H-room house, good condition. Main 7224. SNAP Just furnished. 5 rwmi, Bennington Court, flat &. 310 Benton, near Steel bridge. STORE with living rooms above. Ift8 Union ave. See Hartman & Thompson. C. of C FIFTH ST. new, modern, brick, two floors, long lease. A 433. tyregonian. SUITABLE for taltor or cloak bouse, td floor. Waahington at. front. $0$ Swetland. Offlr. BUCH AN AN bldg., Washington at., bet. FORELAND TRUST COMPANY OP OREGON, Southeast Corner Third and Oak Streets. OFFICES for rent, smltable for doctor, den t' or lawver. Apply room 26 Cambridge Mug.. 3d and Morrison sta. OFFICE lr rnt In Ralelsh bld.. mh and Vnh!n,to. 10 up. Including light, htat and Janitor servlc. ORiil'N'D FLOOR Desk ream. Including both phones. In our office. i-engstake 4a I. man. IK KiXth St. EC'ME MODERN OFFICES Psat location la th city. Appv room S1 Marc nan la Trust b.dg.. U aaairtton at. FOB EEST. Otttcr. DESIRABLE OFFICES $10 $15 20 In heart of business district. Well lighted and ventilated: two eleva-.ors; all night service- hot and cold -water, gas and elec tric lights; excellent Janitor service; auto matic Are alarm system: low Insuranca; property protected by ntghtwatch. Desk room 55 and up. 303 SWETLAND BLDG- 5th and Wash- FOR RENT A few offices In Couch bldg. Apply Room 601. ONE-HALF of office for rent. Inquire 213- Couch bin. BOOMING-HOCSE OrPOBTUXlTIES. BY OWNER 8 rooms, good location; well furnished: sacrifice ealo account going Eae-t. 4S Stark St. Arnold A Co.. Main 7311. 351 H Morrison St. BUSINESS CHANCES. I HAVE $20,000 To Invest In a Rood manufacturing busi ness in thin vicinity: will take all or part lnlret. Let me know what you have. Address S 4S0. Oregonlan. 44 Per cent OPPORTUNITY 44 Per Cent. Fine, modern hotel: everything nrst-clas-.. proven net profits over -'00 per month: price $.-.50; $2r.0O cash: seems Im possible but there are two reasons for the sacrifice. Come in and we will tell you all about It. Call on T s. . COI.rilBIA. TRUST COMPANY. 714 Couch Bldg. 100 Fourth St. FOR SALE. .i2.00O An elegant and very popular family hotel In Seattle. If you want a paying hotel and one that will be a hummer durlnK the A. Y. P. write and Inquire about the most seenically sit uated and one of the imut popular places in the Northwest. 403 .Pioneer bldg., Se attle. Wash. A SPLENDI D BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. For ale Complete new laundry, cen trally located, now doing $-100 per w-oek. can easily do $10 per week. Price $!.-7.-IO; ca.h, balance can be paid out oi l.ronts." Or will sell .i Interest. Po sition as manager B-es with sale. Post office box !:(. Tacoma. V ah. LEGITIMATE BUSINESS. The A'ned Mercantile Agency (establlahea lSMl fu-ntehe free information on oppor tunltlea in mercantile or manulacturing lines, city or countiy. ,,,,.. THE AMES SIERCANTILE AGENCY. 4Ao-4-0 ijwetianu mun. CHANCE for some good man tp handle the Portland buriness lor a w-holes:, e manu facturing con.-ern. located outside ci.y. Arms goods are well known and In de mand every day. This will be permanent and prolitable. About f.-HJU ,X quired to handle It. S 431. Oregonlan. ROOMING-HOUSES. We have some of the nicest and nc buvs in the city, both large and small, with terms to suit buyers: come and see our list: our saleslady will take P.leaaura In showing you. Western Land Co., 417 Board of Trade bldg. FOR SALE Motion-picture and vaudeville theater, town; neatest equipped ho on Coast, doing good business; scat JJO people; advertising pays rent and light, no Competition; owner gong Last Price, $1300 cash; snap. R 4::7, Oregonlan. FOR SALE Grocery and hardware business, will require "bout 130O; located lii the best mining district in Northern Idaho: a. nne opportunity fur a party w th limited capital. Address, Simons & Miller, Kel logg, Idaho. , REAL ESTATE man handling city prop B?ry. farm lands and timber want- soocr "outside worklone: gobd help needed nore than money. For particulars call SPECIAL. One of the best located rooming-houses in the cltv: modernly furnished; only ,900; & rROCKETT Washington Bldg.. Room 3. neat vjtaTB BUSINESS Here's a chance REAI, Ml"' P1'' . ,,-.. .nowlnc seldom oner, . - land- nartner wanted to tend office, etc.. very mile money required; profits never iVV. than mi-. and up to $1.00 month; particulars ...-ya c.t. A GOOD ook wants a partner one of the best little moneymakers In m U required. Another one that Is doing- a good business will be ioon. Owner has poor health; will gl you a week's trial. 272 Stark St. HOTEL 40 rooms, ail nicely furnished, brick bldg. 4 vears- lease, cheap rem; !h . nlnci is a monev maker, but owner , lnP poor health and must sell: $2000 will handle this. Call 417 Board of Trade bldg. HOTFL with a large number of regular "boader just the place for man .nd .il . a small amount of money will handle fhli 315 Lumber Exchange. 2d and Stark . WANTED Man capable of estimating cost and instil ing electric light plant In small town- good thing for right party: no money: answer today, giving phone nnm- Der. x . . . w. . p ,,. . ..-.c-r, nartner for a half Interest ANTE.Il7A..." .o.H.t. real estate office; an es ahlished business that will stand the closest Investigation; money fully se cured. 272 Stark at. . "ft ToLl "monevr'Vh!. "-Sf rfnersTmuTt sell this week : best nf rea sons for selling. Young, hll Gerllnser bldg. WANTED Good man to put mall nekn"ro;o,iUon, In city. For particulars call room 0-M Lumber i-x change. u-ojj SALE $4"00 stock of gent's furnlsh tn good, and clothing, brick build ng. cheai rent. 3 vears' lease, best location. goodP reason, "for selling. Addres. Lock Box 3.1S. Cottage Grove. Oregon. vfKivlVR-HOl'SES Follow the crowd to Star. ?i "" have anything to 7,le for a good rooming-house. We h e them all sizes, and prices, and at term, to suit. 272 Stark st. wanted An active young man, good alesmaV with soma capital, for llslSr manufacturing buslnea.: fine op portunity; no agents considered. S 403. Oregonlan. 00 ca'H will put a bright, honest young man In a business which will make him a fortune. 2-i uth st. piRTM'R for a cash business that will "nfake you $40 per week: trial given be Ere" nesting: W .' Lumber Exchange. 2d and Stark. nFPOT cigar, tobacco and confectionery stand do ng business $20 per day for sale. V? win t?ade for lota, call 323 Lumber Exchange bldg. yVPERlENCED moving picture man and wife wlnts position In small town: would lVstall. operate or take charge of show on commission, vj n-tc. - FOR SALE One ot my fully equipped jVugstons on the famous Twin Fall, tract For information addres. Box 113, Twin Fans, luanu. SOLID business clearing $330 -every month: stands verv close Investigation: don't re quire experience to run It; $3000 required. Call 24SVJ Stark st. wf HAVE one of the beat cigar stand. In the city: Washlngton-st. location: wl 1 be .old below invoice. Call and w. will convince you. 272 Stark st. rnfm oDening for .team laundry, also G c?eame?y "a town of 2000 population: no ?ompetttion. Address Ontario Commercial Club. Ontario, Or. MANUFACTURING partner wanted: will Pay active man $3 day: $300 to $300 re iTiired. fully secured; experience not nec 2sVary: Call 24SK Stark st. PARTNER for an established manufactur ing business. $200 per month. Investiga tion solicited. Call 315 Lumber Exchange. 2d and Stark. K'FW 10-room house,, newly furnished for housekeeping and boarding, for sale by ownVr: rent $25. 2-year lease. $300; bal ance easy payments. D 444. Oregonlan. RF'TAl'RANT. centrally located. doing lood business, which we can show good reason for selling. For particular, call room 323 Lumber Exchange gPE.-IAL Well-known. responsible man wan', services of energetic man In hi business: pay you $2' month; $1000 re quired. Particulars 24KI, Stark st. FOR SALE Parisian cleaning voiki. 127 Iowoadiai u. and, dye SOLID cash businesa, sober, honest man wanted a. partner, owner can t depen.l on hired help, will pay .alary $100 month lv besides profits, which are large, ana it dissatisfied money refunded; tejo re quired, fully secured. Call room 0-3 Lumber Exchange. FOR PALE Dry goods and shoe store in a thriving railroad town. Invoice between $.1000 and $4OO0. Good location and a fine growing trade. A chanse in busmen requires all our time and must sell one store. Call or write Fleet & Co., Vancou ver. Wash. REAL ESTATB, man wants partner to show land; no experience necessary and very little money required. Active man can earn $150 to $200 per month. Particulars National Realty & Trust Co., 32i Wash ington St.. room 516. ' SPECIAL Owner of cash business can't depend on hired help and wants honest partner willing to work: he will guarantee you $3 day wages; also profits; $300 re quired; experience unnecessary. Call 248S Stark st GROCERY STORES One for about $3000, will Invoice aad discount 10 per cent on stock and 40 por cent on fixtures; owner In poor health. Another one $&00, at in voice; this is a nice little place; cheap rent. Call 417 Board of Trade bldg. DO YOU want a restaurant and lunch counter, one that Is actually making $10 a month? If so, here Is one; a few hun dred dollars will buy It; investigate tor vourself- good location; particular. 191 4th at. EXCHANGE for confectionery or small store; homestead relinquishment in Rogue River Valley, 3 miles railroad sta tion, living water, fine fruit land, 2,000. OOo feet timber. B 440, Oregonlan. YOU CAN" GET action on all mining and Industrial stocks and bonds through head quarters at Catterlin & Co., suite 3, Chamber of Commerce. We buy. eU or trade. Call or write. WANTED An honest man with $150O cash for fine paying motion-picture theater in a suburb ot Portland; ns eurloslty seekers wanted. If you mean business call at Newman's, 203 Burnside st. BUSINESS that will stand close investi gation, clearing now $225 per month. This is a nice, clean, legitimate businesa Deal with owner. S12 Gerllnger bldg. FOR SALE or exchange meat market and grocery, doing a fine business, in growing locality; might consider residence prop erty as part payment. Address S 437, Ore gonlan. . A SNAP for cash, boarding and rooming house, beautifjl new furniture, room, all full, clearing over $100 per month: on Ella at., near Washington. Price $1650 T. R. Phillips. 308 McKay bldg. FOR SALE Butter, egg and produce store daing cash business of $00 dally, which will be guaranteed owner. Retiring on account of age. For particulars call room 323 Lumber Exchange. HAVE'fine proposition to offer energetic man who can Invest $230 and services and to same will give 4 Interest In business clear ing $230 monthly. Call 85 0th St., near Oak. MOVING-PICTURE SHOW. Good location, low rent, with lease: paving well: owner compelled to leave anil must sell. Particulars 323 Lumber Exchange bldg. KFAL ESTATE: One of the best offices In the city, will take partner, show you the right proposition and how to get the re sults If vou are the man for the place. Particulars 323 Lumber Exchange bldg. WE can locate you In paying business, be fore buying be sure and see us. Kinney Stampher. 531-32 Lumber Exchange bldg. Main 4488. GROCERY to trade for good property; one of the best small groceries in the city; or will Invoice If sold for ca.h. 272 Stark street. FOR SALE Saloon for sale by owner; fine location; doing good business; must be sold on account of sickness. N 4Jo. Ore gonlan. CIGAR STORE suitable for man and wife, central location, cheap rent: owner going East: Jwill sell very reasonable. Call 417 Board of Trade bldg. . Fl'RNITUE business doing good business for .ale cheap; long lease; cheap rent; best location. The Dollar. 232 1st. near Main. ! $lo0 AND services secures 4 Interest in man ufacturing business; money-maker. Call 85 6th. near Oak. PRINTING plant for sale cheap: presses und type fn good condition- Address H 403. Oregonlan. MINING AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS. Telephone and other bonds bought ana .old. The Fletcher Co.. 125 Ablngton. MUST sell at once, on account of sickness small grocery and confectionery; good lo cation. Phone Main 2315. , MAN with $00 to take profitable business, easy to learn, good location and lease; reasonable rent. T 431). Oregonlan. GROCERY store doing good business o nice living rooms. $1330: will trad-j or sell. 313 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark. PRODUCE and brokerage partner wanted with $.vt0; pay active man $200 month; bank references. Call 24S4 stark st. RESTAURANT for sale, doing a good busi ness; a snap if taken at once. Call Oohn Bros. Furniture Co- ISO 1st. CIGAR and confectionery store, will clear $4 per day: location first-class: $300. Call 815 Lumber Exchange. 2d and Stark. FOR SALE or trade, controlling Interest In a first-class 300-barrel flouring mill none better, $13,000. 611 Commercial bit HOTEL, working men's piece. 30 boarders, cheap for cash; will make terms. W 432, Oregonlan. store FOR SALE Groceries, feed, etc.; over $100 day sales. Call 24R Stark st. SALOON Can't beat it for $800; over $30 'day sales. Call 24814 Stark st. FIRST-CLASS restaurant, good looatln and lease. 363 Morrison. FOR best printing cheap, see Dixon, 213 Oregonian bldg. Phone A 3702. FOR SALE Rooming-house, close In. Phone Main 5414. BARBER SHOP for sale. 271 Taylor st. -TINANCIAU Honey to Loan. MONEY TO LOAN. Small loans. 6 and 7 per .cent. Large loans 5 per cent. WHITING & ROUNTREE. 82 & Third SL Upstairs. HIGHEST cash price paid for Title Guar antee. Oregon Trust account, and German American certificates bought at the high est cash price; alao Home Tel. bonds. Conn Bros., 10 1st-, cor. Yamhill. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATB. EDMUND L. JjEVEREAUX. 20G FENTON BLDG. TEL. MAIN 03. MONEY to loan In large and email sum. at 0 to 8 per cent on Improved real eatate. PORTER & FRENCH, Go7 Commercial bldg. WE loan money on diamonds and Jewelry at reasonable interest for long or short time. A. ft M. Delovage, Jeweler., 269 Washington st. LOANS on real estate and al! kind, of per sonal security. W. A. Hathaway, room 10 Washington bldg. Main 302. IMMEDIATE loan, from $5 to $3000 oa all securities. R. I. Eckerson & Co., room fi Washington bldg. Phone Main 4655. WE buy foreign money, gold dust. Title Guarantee, German-American bank ac counts. Lewis & Co.. 251 Washington st. $100 000 to loan "In sums of $1000 or more to suit, 6 to 7 per cent on improved realty. M G. Griffin. 266 Stark, opp. Cham, of C. WE- buy Oregon Trust & Saving. Bank ac count.. E. L. Fraley Co., KIT Board of Trade bldg. LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collateral security. C. W. Pallett, 3u4 Fenton bldg. A LOAN for the asking, salary or- chattel. The Loan Co.. 410 Dekum bldg. LOW rates; we loan money on diamonds and Jewelry. Marx ft Bloch. 74 3d .L State funds loaned, 6 per cent. W. E. Thom as, state agt. Multnomah Co., 400 C. of C. MONEY loaned on real estate mortgages or contracts. W. H. Nunn, 449 Sherlock bldg. ANY part of $30,000 to loan at A to 7 per "cent interest. 305 Gerllnger bldg. BUILDING LOANS A SPECIALTY. Strong ft Co.. 605 Concord Building. Mortgages, contract or real estate securities purchased. U. . Noble, Commercial but. Money to Jjomn. MONEY! MONEY! MONEY I SALARY LOANS TO HONEST EMPLOYES. "GIVE" YOUR NOTE. "GET" $10 TO $100. ALSO LOANS ON PIANOS, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. ETC., WITHOUT REMOVAL. LOWEST RATES. EASIEST PAYMENTS. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. CALL. TELEPHONE. WRITE. STATE SECURITY CO., 704 DEKUM BLDG. HOURS 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. WEDNESDAY. SATURDAY TILL 8 P. M- THE CRESCENT LOAN AGENCY. 402 Rothchild bldg., cor. 4th and Wash. The recognized bank of the wage-earner. A clerk, bookkeeper, machinist,, engineer or employe can obtain muney of us on oil note without security. $15 return to us f J J"- $30 return to us J $30 return to us . ', , Confidential; no unpleasant Inquiries. Special rates on pianps. furniture, etc. STAR LOAN AGENCY. Money loaned on salary or chattel mort gage; business confidential. geml.Mo wk:v. $75 return to $20.00 $10.00 $5.00 $50 return to us.... 13.35 6.65 3.-3 $30 return to us.... 8.00 0 , 2 $15 return to us.... 4.C0 2W LOO 209 MoKAY bldg.. cor. 3d and Stark sta. ON improved city property OTtlm?"JSg purposes, for from S to 8 years time with Privilege to repay all or part of loan after two years; loans approved from P'" J money advanced as building progresses. Equitable Saving, ft Loan Association. J40- Ziz btara st. MONEY .old on Installment plan: e0"" tlal- no securitv but your salary: best sys tem' for railroad, streetcar .employes, me chanics "V'a NEWTON. Buchanan Bldg.. 2S0fr Washington St. YOU CAN GET the money you need from us and repay In small weekly or monthly pay nnfnti Arranged rb suit you: we loan """J at very low rates on household furniture and pianos. Call for confidential talk. Hut ton Credit Co.. 312 Dekum bldg. CHATTEL LOANS. Installment loans on planus. fultu' warehouse receipts, horses. ifar"!"!..U Cies. salaries and all lunds of securities. NEW ERA LOAN & MTG. CO.. 403 Swetland bldg. MONEY advanced salaried PP!'lltttn, "f upon their own names without securl.y chearest rates, easiest payments: offices in C6 principal cities: save yourself money by getting my terms first; TOLMAN, 317 Lumber Exchange Bldg. LOANS made quickly and privately on salaries Dlanos and furniture, warehouse receipt.: "purchase contracts diamond, and Jewelry. E. Pierce. 211 Alisky Diag. Loans tTanttx HAVE applications for three or four loans of from $300 to $1000 on well Improved city real estate: will pay 7 per cent: private parties only. Address 1 430. Oregonlan FOR SALE $15,000 equity In Eastern Ore gon wheat farm: first-class security; S per cent free of taxes. L 4o. Oregonlan. eiooo On good city property: will pay 7 per cent. 2 to 5 years. N 437, Oregonian, SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposal. Invited. OFFICE of Chief Quartermaster. Depart ment of the Columbia. Vancouver Bar racks. Washington. October 2.1. 100b. Sealed proposals, in triplicate, will be re ceived at the office of the Post Quarter master. Fort Stevens, Oregon, until t o'clock P. M-, November 2i. 100s, and then publicly opened, for the supplying and Installing one new "Mosher. or equal, water tube boiler in Quartermaster steamer Major Guy Howard. Full infor mation can be obtained at the Quarter master's office. Fort Stevens. Oregon. The United S'ates reserves the right to rejec. any or all bids or any part thereof. En velopes containing proposals should be marked "Proposals for Boiler," and ad dressed to the Quartermaster, Fort Ste vens, Oregon. Masters' Notion. BRITISH STEAMSHIP LNGANDA, Capt Fair Neither the captain nor the under signed consignees will be responsible for any debts contracted by the crew. Kerr, Gifford & Co. ' FRENCH BARK JOINVILLE. Capt Bar atte Neither the captain nor the under signed consignee will be responsible for any debts contracted by the crew. chas. Farvaeque, agent. Removal Notices. ART NEEDLEWORK. The original Needlecraft Shop of Port land, formerly located at 382 Washington .t., now on 6th, near Morrison. Miscellaneous. NOTICE OF SALE OF STATE LANDS. Notice is hereby given that the State Land Board will receive sealed bids until 2 o'clock P. M., December 22, 1W8, for the following described school lands, to- The E. . N. of N. W. 4 and N. E. 14 of S W. of section 16, and all of section S6. T. 4 N.. R. 41 E. Lots 1, 2. 3. 4, and S. W. V, .of S. W. U of section 10, T. 35 S., R". 7 Mi E. All bids must be accompanied by a reg ularly executed application to purchase and by cash or postal money order for at least one-fifth of the amount offered. No bid for less than $o.oo per acre will be considered. . 4 , The right Is reserved to reject any and all bids. ...... Applications and bids should be ad dressed to G. G. Brown. Clerk State Land Board. Salem, Or., and marked Appli cation and bid to purchase school la?". G. G. faKU" ... Clerk State Land Board. Dated this 20th day of October. 1W-8- IN THE DISTRICT COURT of the United State, for the District of Oregon: In the matter of Paul Strain, bankrupt The Undersigned will receive sealed bids at . , f ,, 7 iRt at . Portland, or., up 10 Saturday!- December' I 1908. at 12 o'clock noon, for the following described prop ertv belonging to said estate In bank ruptcy, to wit: A stock of drygoods. cZhlng. shoes a nd Jurnlsh'ng 0den the Inventory value of I3.01o. , 9 together with a lot f store fixtures of the In ventory value of $1349.15. all located at M3-"l5 1st St.. Portland. Or. Inventory is on file at offitw of the undersigned and Smnertv may be inspected upon applica tion Cash or a certified check for 10 ner cent of the amount offered must ac ?ompW each bid and said estate is madS subject to confirmation by the court. at. Lt. aivjiii. ARCHITECTS, contractors. engineers. get Pacific Builder ft Engineer. 31o Ch. Com. PERSONAL DR SANDERSON CO. Sayln and Cotton Root Pills. au remedy for delayed pe riods. $2 per box or 3 boxes for $5. T. J. Pierce, 211 Alisky bldg- 205 Morrison. rs SOPHIA B. SEIP. mental scientist. ?iv Alisky bldg., hour. 10 to 8. Question night Wednesday, 8 P. M. Main 2835. CERMAV French, Spanish and other for eign " textbooks and literature a specialty. A W. Schmale Co.. 229 1st st. Mme Courtwright. skin and scalp treat ments facial deformities corrected, plastic surgery. 220 Heri? fitted bVspecTaMst. RoSnTT;l6 er chants Trust bldg.. 326-4 Washington at. VRS M H HOLMES Shampooing, mani curing' fcnd facial massage. 001 Swetland bldg. LOST powers restored by Dr. Lorens Nerve T?,ilc Tablets. 250 box. Eyssell's Phar lonic ""'5, h.t. ah, and fith. macy, am.... . A FARMER of 44 wishes I with prospects of a home. housekeeper T 435. Ore- gonlan. pv- .-0 matter what your ailment may be, have It treated by specialist- 326 !a Washington si. rtuom SCALP treatment, shampooing; ladles ex clusively; will call at your residence. Main 7654. . . t a DIES Whatever your ailment, call on iJr Ketchum. graduate; advioe free. 170 3d st. Main 8770. A PERMANENT cure for piles. "Hemlock Salve." Woodard, Clarke ft Co. BALM OF FIGS for all female dial ass.. 560 Gllsan st- Main 8215. EASTERN ladv detective will handle all cases reasonable. J 449. Oregonlan. JUST opened, ladles' barber shop. 08 4th t, bet. Oak and Pine. HIGHEST price paid for combings and cut hair, lortiana naaar. -tw aiurriwiu. PACIFIC Introducing Club for lonely single people; circular 10c. 22954 1st st. MOLES -wrinkles, superfluous hair removed, ilre. II. D, Hill. 330 FUedaer bide. M- 3473. MME. A. A. LUCKEY AND MMS. NEV kirk, electrical institute, cure ail curable, diseases; even the deaf and dumb are curable' wtlth the Fowler system of apply ing electricity. No cure, no pay. 401-2-3 Columbia bldg.. W. Park and Washing ton. Main 2011. VEDALTA PHILOSOPHY Class now form ing; can you see this royal road to self-understandiiig?- Instructions by member of Vedauta Society and F. R. A S. A. Ad dress E. "Weston, secretary, box S 452, Oregonian. SWEDISH hospital, 433 Market, cor. 12th, general hotf-ital for all nervous and chronlo disease. and maternity casej; Swedish maasage, hydropathic and electric treatment, all modern appliances. N A. Nisbeth, Sui't. Main 7033. A iloL DR. WILLI A 311 S. ARMSTRONG has moved to room SOS Merchants Trust bldg.. 3-i.Si Washington St.. from 2461, Alder St., where he has been engaged by the Impon dero Therapo Co.. and will be pleased to see all his old patients as well as new. FIR GROVE SVAN1TARIUM Strictly a ma- . . ., i. .i.. pan have the ternity nospicaii. .i-w. . .. - best care at reasonable rates and any pny- sician tney fjouse. nn. w-o Y,u " Trust bldg., 3261- Washington U Phone Main. 7743. Dr. Isabelle Mackle. .. . ii.i-inafnr. .radu ate, cures riaeumatism. .tomach trouble, and nervous .disorders by hand rubbing steam sweat and tub baths; both sexes. . East 11th st.. one door from Last Ankeny car. Phones Elist 200, Home B laoj. AZA HOLMES KIBBECKE. reliable kin specialist; blemishes, wrinkles and small pox pits removed; hairdresslng. manicur lng and dermal ology taught; largest stock of hair goods tn the West at cut Pr'c- fariors, urajia a-eaner, on. SUITS pressed whtile you wait. 50c. To vi. ltors of Portland hotels and to public at large. Suits pressed at 50c at Gilbert, the tailor's, 66 6th St.. next to Oxford Hotel. Ladles' skirts pnissed. 50c Ft?;hf "aSS1 . Phnn Main 4064. ooas cieaxieu ana - . YOU can't work nen you uo . i - ,'-' r,..T. T.,i. .iHkp vou sleep and gle you steady nerves : 6oc a box. 6 ?.50. All drUKgists. or ,address the J. A. Clemen son Drug Co., Pontland LADIES Ask your druggist .J hlctttr. Diamond Brand P. Us. lor 2o years known as the best, safest. Reliable Take no othei Chlche.ters Diamt aid Brand Pills are sold by druggists evei-yhere BOTH MEN AND WOMEN Treated and cured of all acute and chronic diseases- lady pMsiciaa assistant. Colum mf Sanitarium, Raleigh bldg.. cor. 6th and asmngton sts. MEN. whatever your dlase or Inn'',1 ,,:. be our epecij.llst for men w ill give "! proper Treatment. Impondero- Therapy Co'. 5oS Merchants Trust bldg.. WIDOWER, age 50 years desire, house keeper on small fltrm near tow n, riter ences given. Addra ss Box 2o0, Kalama. Washington tvbvss suits for rent, all sizes. $1.50 month llvenee. unique lam's "" &rchantsnTrust VXZ , 326 Wash. St. DESIRABLE compani found for lonely people, either sex; .500 to "eleci,, "d photo, on file; register 10c. vPDg Introducing Bureau. 211 Alisky "" 250 PRINTED business cards $1; 100 visit ing cards. 50c. Schm. tie. 229 1st. IOST AND rOPNP. $50 REWARD I will P v. $25 tor return of DUggy and harness stolen from Hillsboro; weighs lOoO lbs., bran stifle, star in forehea Nov. i; liuisc iAd -S S" on left d. white spots on nose, white ring on i spot on back. bra.w Hembree McCleay bugg; body, $25 for arrest thief. G. O. Hancock, th front- loec. wmi ,-mounted harnetw. V red gears, black and conviction of Sheriff. HUlsboro, Or. TAKEN by -'eThuiayC'a7tkernrn, a Multnomah t. lub. Tnuj overcoat. ' o,baandLnd'kneSh?cI.,rn0rpofket. Return to fteertiis" y m. feriTCASE bearin;. initial . T. y VettS p. office. 1st and Alder sts. LOSr-Betwecn East 30th and ferson sts.. on afternoon oi i V 'fc t cn gold chain nepinn0 neTaarborOCU65 or ?:nd, Madison 1 toward. Urtii ' T7rBndtWThanHk0sgi,v.ng11el SSffn". diamond' broo?r:SKFindBer please phone Main 205: reward. z FOUND-Where hair matt sses are reno 4frrAned137t4amortd.aa!Sd Cur?edFHalr Factory. -,i1"oe' Z5 abouBt nCec? reddiBB Dr. d .receive reward. Return to l.i- lin i., " . 7. I nlo-hr rs ihs. MWiT? Delay s, Ke- ward T OST Foxterrier, license . 2nlAC nose, namo Teddie; rewa;i. fhone A FOUND-Vest containing sum money. Call describe, Finaer pieae vo. WATCH lost. Please leave Oregon Hotel; Will DC rewtnuf. LOSTSaturday night pearl . 0P"a.;gIass handle. Reward. Phone Ma BUSINESS DIBECTOllY. Accountants. E H COLLIS ft CO.. ACCOl -JNTANTS. E- Commercial, County and CM vicinal Auditing. Investigating and Ss .ematin(r. 324 Worcester Block. Phone HI -aln b.... Attorneys. s T TEFFREVS. attorney-at-law . 20S Fen S tlmt bWg ; 15 years' practice M Oregon. 8 years practice m DAVE M. DONOUGH. . 28-aSr,ill VSf ,t0 bldg., tn ana ....8,,.. LEBOY LOMAX "gSf' Swetland bldg. Phone Main 8.88 . EMMONS & EMMONS have remove i law of fices to 1C9-13 Board of Trade bU g- Accordion l'laitine. MISS O. GOULD. 335 Morrison, cor. 7th. Ac cordion and knife pleating and plo king. AseBLyera and Analysts. FACI BAUMEL, aseayer and analjt. Gold aUBt UOUBiiu Wells & Proebstel, mining engineers, chem ..V ' ..n.-a otnu. WaBhinartiDti St. isis unci, tt"""" " MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory , . .i --L- Itil VTnT-Hrr. st ana ore-:.B " DR E- O. SMITH, mining engineer, 40 years' .eianMMi (.(. Stark t PORTLAND ANALYTICAL LABORATORY, 622 Worcester bldg., 3d and Oak. &t. 5I80. Chiropody. "WM. DEVENY and Ee-telle Deveny. thr only scientific chiropodists in the city. I'arlors 302 Gerllnger bldg.. S. W. cor. fid C d Al der. Phone Main 1301. DR. NELSON treats my corns; never iburta: reasonable, -up-to-date manicuring. 250 Alder, cor. 3d. Mam tt.o. CHIROPODY, manlcurlnir. Mrs. Do nten, Iris Apartments, Sft2 3d. Main 7714. MISS WANDA, 231 5th, treats all foot niala- dies; oun ions cl irjcti.iij. Chiropodv and Pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. 'Hill, room 330 Fliedner bldg. Phone Main .43. Bleycle and Electrical Repairing. E LAM-SHAW Bicycle, gasoline, engine and electrical repairing. 3J6 Stark st. Carpet Wealn;. RUGS made from old carpet: also colonial rues woven. Northwest Rug Works, . 153 t nion ave. Ea 3580. B 120. Commission Merchants. TAYLOR, YOUNG- & CO.. Phip brokers, oom "mlssion' merchant-?. Sherlock bldg., Portland. DR T. P. WISE, removed to 326-j Waflh.t., I cor. 6to ilain 6069, Architects and Builders. H- C. MORRIS, architect. Plans, spec. flea cations and guarantt'eii estimates furnished 403 Cortmt bldK. Main ;.4i. A S4-. SEE Johnson about bungalows. Mohawlc bldg'. A,4;:i. letective Ageucic. t THE Thiel Detective Service Co. A e r especlallv equipped with exivrien'-ed men, 2 Chamber of Commerce bids. M. A. 24M3. D. L. Cloiifio, manager. WILSON'S DETECTIVE AGENCY, IM 7tl st. Phone Main H'tU. A 4S1S. Kye, Kar. 'os and Thrt-at iSpeclaHnt. DR. F. F. CASSIDAY. glasses fitted, lung treated. Ma:n SS13. 31.- Dekum bldg. Kducational. THE child who appears dull, but Is not needs private It ssons. Miss Mlchener. Phone A ii!3. 2U Park at. PRIVATE tutoring, either preparatory of college work. 2u9 1'th st. M;in 414. I'eed Stores. HAY. grain, feed, cement, shingles and plaster. Eaet 4S. 2H4 Grand ave. Harness and Saddlery. THE George Lawrence Co.. wholesale and- die and harness mnfis. S0-S6 1st. Main li'Jd. R. M. PRICE HARNESS CO., 331 Ankeny st. Phone Main 2H-2. Junk, Hides and Pelts. L. SHANK & CO.. purchasers of hides, pelts, wool. furs, tallow, old rubbers, metals andt sucka. 312 Front st. Leather and Findings. J. A. STROWHRI1X1E LKATH ER CO. Es tablished 1S.-.8. Leather and flnding-i Stockton sole leather and cut stock; full line Eastern Jumbos. 1S Front st. CHAS. L. MASTICK & CO., 74 Front, leather of every description, taps, mfrs. findings. Musical. DON'T forget that Wednesday and Satur day are our bargain days. "Monkey Land," 10 cents, and "Glow Worm" 13 cents per copy, and many others at cut prices. alA all other musical goods at a big discount. Big bargain in harps. We have just received a large assortment di rect fim Germany. 11. Anderson Muelo Co., lltO 3d st. PA IT'.. F. KISSN'ER, violinist and Instructor; music furnished for balls, receptions, eta. Suite C, over Eilers Piano House. A GRADUATE in mueic from Europe will give music lessons, residence. 305 Nortti 3d. Phone A 2J15. EMIL THIELHORN, violin teacher, pupil o Scvcik. A 410. Pine 334. Main 8Q4fi. M C. SMITH, teacher of piano. 4.'2 Salmon ,st. Main 7.U0. Beginners a specialty. BAND Instruments, room 204 Toumy budg., 2d and Taylor. U Selberling. GI'ITAR, banjo, mandolin school; violin and piatio. 4.37 Columbia st. Opticians. GLASSES fitted to your entire satisfaction and guaranterd. Rose City Optical Co 2."0H Alder, cor. .3d, upstairs. Osteopathic Physicians. DR. R. B. NORTHRIIP. 415-1H-17 Dekum bldg.. Third and Washington ats. Phone, office. Main 34it. res.. E. In23. Paints, Oils nnd Glass. RASMt'SSEN CO.. jobbers, paints, olln, glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. patent and Pension Attorneys. R. C. WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat ents; infringement cases. 004 Dekum. J. J. HIRSH EIMER. pension and patent attorney, rooms, iiO-l'1 Lahbe blflg. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO.. at Portland, office 4u2-3-4 Worcester block. "WARREN Construction Co.. street paving, sidew-alkn and crossings. 314 Lumber Ex. Fhoto Engravers. PERFECT printing plates. Hicks-ChatWa Engraving Co., corner- 2d and Alder sts. Public Stenographers. H. C. EDWARDS, ill 5 Swetland. Main 373X Rapid, accur.ite, legal, medical, mining, en gineering, commercial stenographic work. DOCIA V. WILLITS. 6Ki Swetland bldg., 5th and Wash. Phone Main 3148. MISS IDA CON A NT, room 502 Lumber Ex change bldg. Phone Main 4l77. AGNES PARSONS. 612 Couch bldg.. 4th, be tween Wash, and Stark. Main 7.355. Rooting, Cornices and Skylights. WESTERN SHEET METAL WKS., 45 N. flth, P. J. McMahon, E. M. Sharkey. M. 8243. Rubber Stamps. , ALSO trade checks and all office goods. P. L. C. Co., 231 Stark st. Both phones 1407. THE MOSLER SAFE CO., 108 2d st. Safeg at factory prices. Second-hand safes. DAVIS SAFE & LOCK CO., DIebold safes. 66 3d st. Bargains In 2d-hand safes. Show Case, Bank and Store Fixtures, THE James I. Marshall Mfg. Co.. showcases cabinets, store and office fixtures. 28 Couch at. Main 27t3. Signs. FOSTER & KLEISER, SIGNS. The largeet sign-makers In the Xorth west. 5th and Everett sts. phone Privata Exchange 55, Home A 1155. Storage and Transfer. C. O. PICK Transfer and Storage Co., office and commodious four-story brick ware house, separate iron rooma and fireproof vaults for valuables. N. W. cor. 2d and Pine sts Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipping. Main 5EK1, A 1096. OLS EN-ROE TRANSFER CO. General transferring and storage; eafes, pianos and furniture moved and packed fop shipment. 2i Oak, St., bet. Front and 1st. Telephone Main 54 or A 2247. PONY express, all kinds baggage transferred to anv part of city; quick service. Phone M. 7514. CITY TRANSFER & STORAGE CO., 101 Front st. Phone Main 02, A 11R2. VAN HORN TRANSFER CO. Furniture and piano moving a specialty, 40-42 2d st. Phone A 1U84. Main 1018. INDEPENDENT BAGGAGE & TRANSFER CO., storage. 324 Stark. Main 407. KADDERLY Transfer & Storage Co., Ill N. 6th. Main NW3. A 16S5. STOVES connected and repaired. Malm 1110. 271 ls Typewriters. THE typewriter exchange, 401-3 Buchanan bldg. ; etate agenta for Royal Standard typewriter. SPECIAL prices; all makes rented, sold, re paired. P. D. C. Co., 231 Stark. Miin 1407. Veterinary Surgeon. H R. THOMPSON, D. V. S., 420 Hawthorne. Phones East 5!7, B 1309. Wholesale Jobbers. WADHAM3 & CO., wholesale grocers, man ufacturers, commission merchants. 4th and Oak. BANKS. GERMAN AMERICAN BANK COR 6TH AND WASHINGTON STS. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BCSINESS; 1SSCES DRAFTS AVAIL ABLE IN ALL PRINCIPAL CITES OF THE UNITED STATES AND EUROPE; 4 PER CENT INTEREST PAID ON SAV INGS ACCOUNTS; SAFETY DEPOSIT VAULTS. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Portland, Oregon. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS 11.500,000, Ho interest paid on account. nlTni 107.0