CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING BATE In Eltt Korralwr 1. X0. IMUlr r Bands. Trr Unc On. tlm. . lit h.m. d throe. CMareulIre tlm. . . . . --3U Mi worJ. count aa one line on i ao TTtlopmraia. and no ad count-d 'or ' tliaa to lin. Whro an alrtiinen Is EX run csnaeratlvo limei tbe one-lima rata PThT'al-T rat applr to adrribnta nadrr "- Today" and all other claaainsa tjons emt-eptine the following;: fit as I Inns Wanted. Male. hltualiona Wanted, heniale. Fur Bent. R"om. PriTale I amlllea. Room, and Board. PHvale anilUea. ltonoekervinc Boom. Friv.f ramlUea. Tbe rate on the afcoro euuatilcaUoBa la 7 renta a Una each insertion. SKW TODAY. 6V2 NET Besides, land is rapidly growing in value. Fine new l-story brick, roomy base ment. Foundation will carry three additional stories. Eight-story concrete and 3 story brick being erected within a stone's throw. Near 8th and Everett streets. $25,000 W. PARK ST. Just north of Stark, near University Club. Lot 25x 100; small income. Very close in and sure increase. $15,000 Or 110 feet at $600 per front foot. FRONT STREET Near Washington. Brick; rent $300. $45,000 Pays 8 NET Washington Street 52 feet on Washington, run ning through block to Alder, near 16th. Tw6 new build ings in course of erection in this block. 340,000 63 feet frontage, cor. 20th. $22,500 Fourteenth Street Near Northrup, 100x100, rent $75. Remember, there will soon be a railroad switch on 14th street; then this quarter block will be wcrth at least $25,000. For a short time only, $18,500 This is a decided bargain. E. J. DALY 222-223-224 Failing Bldg. VANCOUVER I offer if or sale at a very reason able price the Standard Theater property. 100 feet east of the best business corner in Vancouver, Washington. All of the banks are close to it. Rents, $1020 per year; occu pants strictly business people. Vancouver is growing: more rap idly now than any other town in the country. Where J. J. Hill goes, prosper ity follows. R. M. Wilbur 110 SECOND ST., PORTLAND BUNGALOW At Bargain Price CLOSE IN. IIOI.LADAY AI'I'ITION. SMITH A KVKRKTT. 31.1-317 Mvrtlaad Bolhllnit. $1600 Wi.l huy rhouv lot f it inp on Union avenur. i0 fo.t south of Skidmore t. This offtr only holds jrood this week. OTTO Jfc HAHKSOV Vint M. YAMHILLAPPLEAND WALNUTLAND S-erI thousnd a- res of choice roliiha" bench land puked up several years ago. r'rom to r f"!) to p...nt. l-aianc oak. l'rom 1 to 5 ir.tles from railroad. Krom $y to $30 pef acre. From to l-.i cash and earr terma Krom Pourd of Trudy B'.tlg RKAL ESTATE DEALER.. palmer H. P. 213 Commercial Club bid. U b&PX A 2613. rsrrlsh. Walk ins Co, 230 AKSer St. r.l. hsrdson. A- F . 2-1 Coin. Club bMff. p--s'k Ceo D.. 264 Stark st. Main or A 392. .,Vkev. J V & 'o.. 122S S:th st. r.s.n. A. F A Co., 2i3 Washington st The Orecn Real Estate Co. Grand ava. viid MuiinomaH st- lUol.aday Addition.) -..t w r 7(Y T.timher Fichliut bidx. Andrews. F. V. Co.. M. 2240. S3 Hamilton t. Baker. Alfred A.. Ill Ablnaton bid. . .. . .. n. ... ' I. . I .' a I .11 1. jsirreu. a. n .. --a ati-iv-j u.t,. . . Insurance, mortgage loana. etc. Oinrln A Her!ow. 831 Chamber of Commsrcs. Cook. B. 8. Co.. 603 Corbett bios. Crosiley Co.. 70- Coroett bldg. M 783- Fields. C. E. Co.. Board of Trade bldg. Ooddard. H. W.. Main and A 1T4S. 110 2d at. Jennlng. A Co. Mala 10S. Oregonlan. Lee. M- E.. room 411 Corbet, bldg. Mall A Von Foretel. 1M M at. iSt E. Burnslde. TDK SALE BEA1. ESTATE. LOWN SHE GOES! ITS S30O TODAY. Will be IS-WIOMOUROW. If. that OTO0 NOB HII.I. HOME. It a lo-ruom m.xlern home, with --ery modern .ppMnlmnt .... h s !rt": lltRllWllOD KMK'IIS downstairs and up. n,hVd lu XATIRAI. RKUWOOI.J. It. ern built about live years, and la In pcr- lri""n'lTy .l.n.ted nicely improved OnloO-fot lot. Exigencies of business make It Impera tive that U be fold at once. Hence YOI R I.'RICE IS OUR PRICE and it goes down $100 PER DAY until we nk your price. r, DOVT HURRY. DON T WORRY. Just wait 'til the other fellow sets It, Then IIIRK A VIGOROUS CHINAMAN to Kick Tu Poundly. COM 3HBIA THl ST i'O., 714 Vouch bldg.. H0 4th st. TRVINGTON DISTRICT $5. Brautlfu i-n-foot lots. Broadway ana Tillamook struts: graded struts: cement .walks and curb, and Bull Run water all In and paid for; close to car, and the prlcp is nlv $Sj0 till December 1, at which time we positively guarantee that all unsold lots will be advanced In price Jjfl nor lot. TV mm. $5 "cash; balnnce $10 per month: Interest at 6 pr cent. Look to your own interest and Bur hrforo the advance. fOU-MBIA TRUST COMPANY. . 714 Couch Hldg. 1W 4th St. SPECIAL. TYPICAL BI"NrAI0V' of handsome design, new. $. dorn, balance per month. 6 eleAnt lartre rooms and batn, larjre lot. sewer district, improved street, r.-ncrete-floored baaeinent. fumace, dou ble floor. bet material and finish throuchont. This i located in a dis trict where value are rapidly increnfii;i nnd ran be bought for less than $ :.H). S.-e me at once about it. NO FHJNh. INPOKMATION. H. V. LemckS, 211 Cor ltt bldg. SOTTUERN OKK(iOX owner, now In town. frvi n.acrlftce that well, new. modern f.S; bungalow by Saturday P. M.; dl-men-Ai-ms -Wxd: 5 large. well-planned rooms, hall, pantry, bathroom, porcelain bath 'sink. toilet, haein. hot and cold water, electric Hunts, basement, concrete foundation and fine ea.- front lot; blork to street car: offered $18 rent: Immediate poses?ton; s;oes today for $lio't; $tv.i( down. ' monrhly. Come early. Portland HoriKJt Co.. 2o4 Slorrlson t. IR ETT Y 4-RMOM BI NGAI.OW, NEW. $ t:o ima!l pa vnicnt. takes It. fnnt nnd rear P'rch. full-six" b,r.ement. solid roiir-reie foundation, porcelain plumhiiiR, iMln.linr- arte baihlun. inicrrr mi SION finish. A cozy opportm.iiy Call firlv Iwfora It's none. II. 1 -em eke. Corbctt bldg.. cor. wth and Morrison sis. & LfTS on Mar!anl ave. jots on Montana ave. 1 lot on Jemup st.. near car Darns. All near Ktlllngsworth ave, lots In Havt-lock. $s.v iH)rl4Hi. 2 lots, near Klllinwortn and Ienver ave. Peveral new. modern 6. 6 and .-room hotues in this locality: some on very eajy terms. Inquire 1M5 Maryland ave. EXTRA CONSTRUCTION. rOTTAiUa, 5 rootnfc. handosm desinn, hmnd new. handles It Beauti fully located, .VixlOO lot. double lloors. full concrete floored basomenL. full front veranda, cement walk. The orice interet you at once. Se me today. There's a rea-ton. H. W Lemoke. 211 Cor bet t bliln-, cor. ,1th nnd Morrlm sts. WE BUILD HOMES. We nave first -class, modern facilities for building homes upon terms within ths reach of all. Cal. and axaiuina our up-to-date methods. THE VETERAN LAND CO.. 82.. Chauaber of C mmercc BELMOXT-KT. HOCSE, $(150. flood 7-room house, on Belmont st. near S.'td. $27'; $(i5' cash, balance like rent. J. v. (irussl, 2r5 Washington st., cor. ad. Jioom 7. rORBETT-ST. LOT. $UO(l. A NOR HILL SNAP. lOOxlOO. with K-room modern house; very best of location: must be sold this week; ontv $l.;.r.oO Terms. You'll Have to Hurry. W. C. HARDIN. LAND CO., PO 4th st.. tiround Floor. Board of Trade. A HARE OPPORTUNITY. $10. not) ca.h. $2o.0o0 in choice realty will buv modern apartment house, cen trallv 5ltiiated, leased for $123 per month; value $."iO.OMi; mortKaced for $20,000. WESTERN INVESTMENT CO., Corbett Block. Jl-PT RICHT. New r.-room modern cottage, rlchl plumbing, risht material, ripht arranse ment. ;t--ht price. $2."K. Discount for cash. It's a oarsain. J. J. Ocder. cor. f.rand ave. and ' E. Ankeny. $1.V New .'i-room plastered cottase. bath, toi'.rt. siiuV In panto, hat and coid water, ele. trie wiring, good appearance, woodshed, barn, four block from Lents station. Mount S"ott car line. Pee owner. J. D. Sowerby, 3."M'U Hawthorne ave. Phone Eart 1562. PUNNYSIDE HOME, fl-room modern house, built for a home. Verv convenient; everything first-class; n. verv desirable home. Price $:tl.5o for a short time only; can arrange terms. C. B LUCAS. 322 Corbett Bldg. MOUNT TABOR HOME. 9 -room house, -electric and gas lights, lots of fruit trees, two full lots; three blocks from car, $l-7:. H. P. PALMER, 213 Commercial Club Bldg. NICE 2-acre chicken ranch. 4 miles N. W. of Llnnton on fine county road, only i miia fmm nw carline : finest of soil, level. some "nice timber; will be worth $1000 per atre In 5 years. C. K. Ptluger & Co., room 14 Mulkcy bldg., 2d and Morrison sts. a waRiUIX BUY A whole block and new, modern 11 -room house with furnace, etc., ni.-a orrhjrrt best of soil, in Upper Al- bma: only s2.0; terms. C. F. Ptluger & t o.. ro.m 14. ilulKey Diag., -u uuu jum rison sts. NEAR KILLlN(,SWORTH CARBARN. It rand - new t;-rwm huse. modern and swell. $2t.M; $ll.".i cah. lalance like rent. J W. tirussi, 215 Washington, cor. 3d. Room 7. $44MV BAR. A IN. 5-room bungalow, with all modern iniprvemenu. large rooms, eombl natlcn fixtures, stationary tubs, lot 60x100; g-..d neighborhood; term THE Sl'ANTON CO.. 270 Stark st. ptVi TWO-STORY -room Queen Anne cot- tace. every convenience, incluiling heater, fireplaces, etc., r.ovt-r been oct-upied; owner will 'ell on terms. $.V0 c;ush. balance monthly. TUB SIWNTON CO.. 270 Stark st. i-ROOM. strictly modern hunralow on East Ald'T. Sunnxside. piped for for furnace, fireplace, full lot. evervihmg first -clafcs. A beauty; $.".", terms. Kauftmann 6l Moor. 325 Lumber Exchange. HWVTHORNE yUA RTER BLOCK. Corner Hth and Hawthorne. 100x1 00. farina south and cast, for $lbO; terma H. P- PALMER. 11$ Commercial Club Fldg. 4H0 TW'VSTORT 9-r-xim house, with all known Improvements, in the most de.irabie location in Piedmont; quarier block; this Is a greet buv and can be had on term. THE SPANTON CO.. 2TU Stark st. .-m $ ROOMS and bath, well-built cot tage, ail Improvements, lot 5vxll0; easy terTHH ft PA NT ON CO.. 270 Stark st. WEST IDH property, full quarter block, eentraliy loea:ed; present Income 400 per S; wlU hwdle. O Ore Sonian. - kw-TWO-ETORT. rooma rrr'1n ha'l Icvafd In th chol.wt part of Nob Hill; .11 ii,ii.nvir.rl: c!"r tern-.a THE PPAXTON tX"".. T0 atark st. F! vtiAN'T l"t. .vixim. Kast Ankeny on , tilth- r.slu loa.l.n nn.l frontayo: a" uiilVll U. and paid: Culv... li'3 fhamli.r ! rnnimerca. 4-RlXM houii. and larc lot ovriooklnc ih. rivar. Iltwi arlth caafr UJl GVESS TOU DIDN'T S3E 1 nat COZT WILLIAMS AVE. HOME, at -l"0. Advertlni-d by u Wednesday or It would rot be aiill unsold. Nice il-room "af" and frartlonal lot. only 33 1-3 feet off llama ave.. on Fallln.; et f?--. l' r orth more money, bul it Is IMPOHTAjf that the owner should aell at once. It's your move and you'll rearet lr If you don t MOVE QI'tl'K. COLUMBIA TRUST CO.. 714 Couch bid!.. V9 tl tt. ENGLISH WALN1TTS. We are tha largest owners and plant ers In Oregon. We have the only planted tracts on the market. Our properties ara In the walnut country. Tamhill 5-acra tracts, planted. $100 cash. 15 per montu. CHURCHILL. MATTHEWS CO, INC.. 110 Second at. COTTAGE. 5 rooms, new. latest design. tu-XO". SMALL PAYMENT DOWN, very desirable district. Improved street, full front veranda; best porcelain plumbing, solid concreta foundation, located where values are steadily increasing. Take ad vantage of this. See me today. H. Vv l.emcke. 11 Corbett bldg.. cor. oth and Morrison sts. ,100 CASH. 15 MONTH Buys a strictly modern 5-room bungalow on East Mrruthers St., near H4th st. ; bullt-ln buffet, linen closet, broom closet, medicine chest, double wood hoist, elec tricity and gas. large bathroom and pan trv. half basement: everything convenient and handy. Price, only fSMM If taken anon. Phone Tabor 11211. H 1S31. COTTAGE Newest design. east facing, only $1600; $j:0 down, balance $15 per month. Four -lari rooms, bath, solid concrete foundation, choico lot. in de sirable district, where values ara rapidly Increasing. This is a Iif-le beauty. See xne at once about It. H. W. LKMCKE. 211 Corbett bldg.. cor. oth and Morrison. FINE home of 7 rooms on Willamette Heights, close to. carline. full lot, superb view, all street Improvements In, hardwood floors, two fireplaces, furnace, etc.. $6000. very easv terms; partly furnished if de sired. Vanduyn As Walton, &lo Chamber of Commerce. WALNUT LAND. To close ud an estate will aell 1300 acres. North Tamhill: 6-10 acres cleared, price $:to per acre. Terms IIOXALD MACLEOD CO. 309 Concord Bid.. 2d- and Stark. 6-ROOM modern 2-story house, east facing; lot 60x100. with fruit trees, cement base ment. wodllft. gas and electricity; close to carllm:. Price. $3000: $500 cash, bal ance same as rent. . -r . , 1 .OIK XfA...nn Ql FOR SALE Kenton business property In Original Swift Townslte; rooming-houses, varunt lots, warehouse, business and res idence property. Our business chances are exceptionally good. See the E. L. Fraiey Co.. ti 1 7 Board of Trada bids. Main 9410, A 31S8. GOOD LOT, good house, good location; $3000 takes that nice home. 10O9 A:bina ave., near Blsndena. on Mlsstaaippl-avenue line, with graded 50-foot lot, street and sidewalk, with water. Baa. eleutrlclty and bath; $1400 mortgage. Western Investment Co.. 602 Corbett b!k. - A IlEAL'TIKUI. home on Hawthorne ave.. 8 r..mns. bath. toilets, stationary tubs and, gas, electric lights, sewer. ood hoist and piped for furnace $.-.... 0; roues, fruit trees. T. W". Marshall. 30th and Hawthorne ave. NOB HILL RESIDENCE. Brand new. C rooma and den, beauti fully finished in veneered fir, fireplace: every modern comfort: up-to-the-minute throughout: full lot. 19300. E. J. DALY, 222 Falling Bldg. EAST BURNSIDE HOME. 4-room. modern house, on E. Bumslde st near 20th: furnace, full cement base men,, etc; M0; -M 13 Commercial Club Bldg. FOR SALE Pr owner, artlstlo home on Willamette Heights: unobstructed view; large rooms, hardwood floora; part cash, balance time. Call 405 Wella-Fargo bldg. phone Main 2114. FINE full lot. Maryland ave.. near Killings worth ave carbarns, cheap, easy terms. J H. Middleton. on .uiwiiuci merce. FOR SALE 7 -room cottage and fractional lot 703 Everett it., bet. 21st and 22d price $4ftO0. For terma sea owner, S1S Falling bldg. FINE home in Piedmont. 7-room. modern house and 2 lots on handsome corner, with fruit trees, roses, etc., $4JU0. W. W. Payne, 1210 Williams ava FRACTIONAL lot. $1000. It. walking dis tance on E. Davis St.. 33x100; halt cash. H. P. PALMER, 213 Commercial Club Bldg. FOIt HALE New, modern 7-room house, centrally located, 1 block from carline in Holladay Park Addition. Address AD 30. Oregonian. HOUSES for sale in all fcarts of the city: acreage close In and farms In Oregon and Washington. Phone Main 44K6. Kinney Stamphcr. 531-32 Lumber Exchange bidg. SNAP. 7-room strictly modern house, elegant furniture, must sell on account of sickness. 92S Grand ave. North. C ISM 5r,l(0 Modern 8-room residence, furnace, attic two toilets, two lavatories, walk ing distance. Owner, 691 East Washing ton st. RISLEY TRACT. OREGON CITY CARLINE. u to 5 acres, all In cultivation, best of land! C. W. Risley. owner; P. O.. Mil waukee. Phone Oak Grove, red 12. LOTS one block from the business center of Kenton; prk e $250; easy terma. See R. B. Carey. Tenlnsular StatlotK 10 ACRES flrst-clasa land on Villa ave.. near Montavllla. $250 per acre, part cash. In quire F. Foster. 350 E. Washington st. IF vou want peninsular real estate call Wil lamette Ileal Estate Co.. Willamette Sta tion. St. John car. Phone vvoodlawn CHOICE I.OTS. inside prices, fine homes s specialty. office 15th and Halsey sts. 1'honea E. M C 1903. Dolcn Ik Herdman. ACRES 70th and Division, in cultivation, cltv water. 9 blocks to cars. $000 to $1200; terma Phone Tabor- 1009. or Tabor 1S83. 30x11.1. BROADWAY near E. 7th. $10.i0; alo 5ti5n. just south of aLove. $1150. Culver. 1123 Chamber of Commerce. 7-ROOM modern bouse; lot 50x100: Willam ette Heights; very easy terms and a bar gain. M 447. Oregonian. 3 MILLION yellow pine claim for house and lot In city. W 4211. Oregonian. PARK street cornet, all improvements. $21,000; positive snap. Walling. 24:1 Stark. TWO choice lots, close to Swift packing plant, at low price. Phone Main 4387. A business lot 35x70, on Corbett st. near Hamilton ave.; a snap at $1100. J. W. Crux!. 25 Washington, cor. 3d. Room 7. WEST SIDE cottage, on corner, only $2500; terms. G. E. Walling. 24.t Stark. , FOB SALE TIMBER LANDS. BUY BEFORE THE STAMPEDE. Patented claims of Ji.OOO.OOO to 8.000,000 each at $1000 and upward in large or small hlorks. WESTERN INVESTMENT CO., Corbett Block. TIMBER LANDS. OREGON. WASHINGTON. CALIFORNIA JAMES D. LACEY CO.. Chicago. New Orleans. Seattle. 29 Chamber of commerce. Portland, THE OKBGON TIMBER ft CRUISING CO. Facifie Coast timber, water powers located and examined, taxes paid for non-realdenta. timber lands cruised and accurate eeti-n-st.a furnished. Roim 517. Board of Trade bwr. Phone Main S6o7. TIMBER lands bought and gold, cash paid 'or single claims. Have several large tracts lined up direct from original entry men; guaranteed cruise on all holding C. C. Shay. 407 Rothchlld bldg. WE are headquarters for timber and lum ber enterprises of all kir.ds. Kinney A Stampher. 531-32 Lumber Exchange b'.dg. TIMBER AND HOMESTEAD LOCATION! 327 WORCESTER BLOCK. TO LJEASC 4-STORY l-rick on 4th St.. near Morrison. R W. Wilson. 4U1 M Kay bldg , WANTED TIMBKR LANDS. TIMBER lands wanted. C J. UcCraokan, WASHINGTON COUNTY. Half mile from Oregon electric atatlon. 40 acres finest soil, 4 acres pasture, about 3 acres In orchard, garden and barnyards, balance In clover and timothy; 5-room cottage, large barn and other outbuild ings; just the place for a dairy or fruit farm; milk route passes the house: suit able for subdividing; also 2 to 10-acra tracts 2 miles east Hillsboro. Oregon elec tric passes through the. tract; substation across the road. F. W. Power. Salem. Or. BARGAIN. 143-acre farm adjoining R. R. town Rlch soiL Large house and ham. family orchard. Good for dairy, tt mile to creamery; 13 mllea from Portland; $40 rer acre: cash, balance to sult CALL ON IS. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. 714 Couch Bldg. 108 Fourth St- TURNER. THE FARM MAN. For anything In the farm, dairy, stock, fruit or garden land, also Eastern Ore gon wheat land. I can give you as good values for the money as any man In Oregon. I am not guessing at values or quality of soil. If you are looking for land. I am looking for you. Geo. W. Turner. 415-16 Rothchlld bldg 110 ACRES, 24 miles from Dallas, mile to R. R. ; good 9-room house, hot and cold water, windmill, barn and outbuild ings. 40 acres in fruit, bringing large income, balance pasture. Price $12,000: $4000 cash. Kauffmann A Moore, S-5 Lumber Exchange. $2lio0 WILL buy 20 acres first-class fruit land in the Santiam Valley, the natural home of the Baldwin apple; fine orchard, good 7-room house, good water and well located as to transportation facilities! $10 cash, balance terms; must be sold at once. Address box 70, Mill City, Or. T ACRES In cultivation, S acres apple trees. 8 vears old. n acre grape vine; new 4-room house and barn. 3 tons of hay. J. wagons and all farming tools. Price $2000. Call 143 1st. near Alder 12-ACRE chicken ranch within 2 miles of city: house, bam, chicken houses. Price. $2750; terms. This is a bargain, Brong fteele Co., 110 2d St. IF YOU want to buy fa nice home In the country for a little money write to Forest Grove Real Estate Co.. Forest Grovei Or., lor iisi., jttiiu j,. ....... w FOR Willamette Valley lands see Olfisted Land Company. Salem. Or. TO EXCHANGE. STOCK ranch. 14 miles from Vancouver, ft miles to railroad. 4O0 acres, of which soma beaverdam. 85 In cultivation, 25 good timber, balance pasture, ah ienccu, good creek through center, also walls, 7-room good house. 2 barns, one very lar.. nth,., ttnnA nuthulldingS. Good Or- chard. R. F. D. and telephone, Vj mile to school. 3 miles to store. 8 horses, 35 head of cattle, lots of poultry and all im plements go with place; gooa outrange, -OA acre, aritnlninir enn he homesteaded. price $J2.04H. WSU take house and lot up to half the value, balance cash or mortgage. Kauffmann & Moore, 325 Lum ber Lxchange. FARMS FOR CITY PROPERTY. 353 acres in Linn County. 3 miles to town and R..R-. on county road, telephone and R. F. T., close to school, half In cultivation, running water. 6-room house, two barns: this farm Is a good fruit, grain and stock farm; will take Portland prop erty for part payment worth $3500; pre fer' Northeast' Portland or Piedmont. 31 acres 14 miles to town and elec tric line; good family orchard, 1 4-story house; will tako house and lot worth $2000 as part payment: run particulars, WESTERN LAND CO.. 417 Board of Trado Bldg. I i" rnp!S of A-1 timber land. 7.000.000 or better, to exchange for modern up-to-date residence. Will make cash price on the timber and want same on the residence Geo. W. Turner. 415-18 Roth chlld bldg. WILL exchange 160 acres of timber for acreage or anu win .V value received. Turner, 415-16 Roth chlld bld. - WANTED To trada for real estate. 1008 Reo Roadster. In first-class condition: only been run 800 miles; demonstration given. Aanress o e.vo. uieiuujim. WILL trade $1500 equity in modern bouse for modern bungalow in gooa location, and pav th balance In cash. A. L. Dun das, 226 Lumber Exchange. Main 5645. OF COURSE! CERTAINLY! If you want to buy, sell or trade ousiness or piwi-enj. follow the crowd to Stevenson & Taylor, rooms 310 and 311 Buchanan bldg. ONE lot worth $100, in seaport, good town, to exchange for good typewriter of stand ard make. Address Y 401.- Oregonian. TWO lots In good coast town; worth $200; will trade for good horse and buggy. Ad dress Y 400, Oregonian. WILL trade property paying $3000 a year for timber land or other good property. Wood lawn 1522 or S.-.1 Williams ave. FOR SALE 2(4 acres, all Improved, five blocks from Milwaukle car barns. Call Browning's baths. 146 1st, FOR SALE or exchange: 20-room hotel in good valley town : reasonable rent. Ad dress D 447. Oregonian HOMES, also choice lots, for timber or ranch. Walling. 243 Stark. TOURING car or runabout for real estate or diamonds. Address N 423, Oregonian. WANT to trade 18 vacant lota for house and lot. O 450. Oregonian. WILL trade for what you have. Gus Smith, 404 Buchanan bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED or 5-room modern bungalow, near carline. about 20 minutes' ride. $1500 or $16't0. small payment down and terms, from owner direct. R 452. Oregonian. I WANT 10 to 20 acrea within 20 mllee of Portland: give location, price and complete description. R 450, Oregonian. PORTLAND HEIGHTS building lot wanted: state price and" location. W 431, Oregonian. WILL pav up to $5000 cash for good cor ner on carline. Address J 448. Oregonian. FOB SALE. Horses, Vehicles and Harness. FOR SALE HORSES AND WAGONS. 2 black mares. 6 years. 2600. 2 gray marc. 5 years. 2S00. 2 bay mares. 7 years, 3100. 2 cream mares, 6 years. 3300. 1 bay mare, 6 years. 1500. 1 gray gelding, 4 yeara. 1350. 2 bay geldings. 4 years. 3o00. 1 bay mare, 5 year. 1360. 1 black mare, 10 years. 1500. 1 black gelding. 10 years. 1500. 2 while ponies. 7 years. 100. Several good delivery and farm horses. Several good delivery wagons. 10 farm wagons. 3 furniture wagons. 2 bakery wagons. We alro rent hores and wagons by the day. week o- month. HAWTHORNE STABLES. 420 Hawthorne ave. I RENT horses, wagons, buggies, harness: also buy. sell or exchange: lowest rates in citv on, rigs. Red Front Stables. 15th. Just off Washington. Main 1125. CARLOAD of good horses, all young and sound horses and mares: good quality Grand-ave. Sale Stables, cor. Market and Grand ave.. East. GOOD team of horses, weighing about 3000. 6 and vears old. Take Oregon City car to Courtney Station. Mr. A. Tuchalke. LOT of good draft horses and farm mares, 'all young and sound, Madlson-st. bale Stables, near bridge. Phone Main o3-4- FOR SALEI One young draft horse and double harnesa Apply 308 Davis at- BORSES. mares, rls and nameas of all kinds for sale. 2b4 Montgomery. HUBERT & HALL. SSO Front, buy. sell, rent horses, vehicles, low rates on business rigs. YOUNG team of horses for sals cheap, weight 1000 lbs. Call East 1-120. Automobiles. SECOND-HAND AUTOMOBILES 30 ifi. P. Cadillac $1100 : 20 H. P. Stevens Uuryea, $lj00 ; 22 H P. Tourist. $850: Maxwell runabout. $550: Cadillac runoout, $4o0. Portland Motor Car Co.. 16th and Alder, next to corner. IF YOU ars looking for bargains In new and slightly used automobiles, call on Portland Auto Commission House, 534-JJ Alder, cor. 17th. Both phones. A and , Main 4455. A SNAP 1907 modl G. Franklin. P'r.f''"' condition, ail accessories, cheap. Phone Main 121. Oregon City. AUTOMOBILES $150 and up for sale of trade. Hartman, 46 2d st. AUTOMOBILE to trade for Portland Stop- A BETTER piano for less than we are selling cannot be obtained. ours is a general music business so we are not de pendent upon the profit of our p ano de partment. See the nica new piano we sell for $200. Pay $6 A month. Pianos for rent; used pianos. $83 and up, at ill 4th st. Hallet & Davla Agency, second oldest and best make in America. STEINWAY GRAND PIANO SACRIFICE Exceptionally sweet tone, mahogany case S 420. Oregonian. UPRIGHT piano, good condition. $85; easy terma 61 Tourny bldg. Main 3753. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. One 40-Inch Jacque mat board cutter One 6pringneld oval picture cutter. One half-horse power motor. Three air brushes, power pump ana tB"o6o different halftone cuts of Oregon scenery. , One small printing plant. Small stock photographic goods. Large assortment Oregon scenery pho tographs. Tables and counters. Address B 432. Oregonian. MOVING PICTURES. -Edison's and Power's motion picture machines: dissolving stereopticons; cal cium and gaa outfits; new Aims. 3000 subjects, guaranteed no repeaters; largest buvers of new films in United States; slides to order and stocked. We teach you to operate. LAEMMLE FILM SERVICE. 214-216 Wella-Fargo bldg., Portland, GET our prices and save money on all kinds OF PLUMBING SUPPLIES AND PIPE. Yes. we sell to all. Plumbing goods Installed If desired. NOT IN THE TRUST. M. BARDE & SONS. PLUMBING SUPPLY HOUSE. 110 N. 3d St,, pear Gllsan. MOVING PICTURES. MEN. ATTENTION! Now ready for business. Pacific Film Co., S03-7 Rothchlld bldg.. Portland. Or. We Install new theaters and furnish everything. Phone Main 8085. MOVING PICTURES. Start a moving-picture theater on easy termsr nrntlts K10 to 3100 dally: films. machines, supplies rented, sold, bought nnd excnangea. .ewman a .iaoving-i-ic ture Exchange. 293 Burnslde St. FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables; easy payments; we rent tables with privilege of buylr.g; modern bar fixtures; cheap prices. Urunswlck-Balke-Collender, 4U 3d su 20 SLIGHTLY marred Sewing Machines; all makes; sold at great reduction this ween only: also macnines tor rent, wniie ew . Ing Machine Store, 420 Wash., cor. 11th. H. D. Jones, Prop. ELGIN and Waltham full Jeweled watches, warranted, only $5 each, at Uncle Myers. 143 3d. near Alder. FOR SALE Best dry 4-ft. fir and oak wood at lowest market prices Hoover. 313 Water st. Phone Main 7451. FOR SALE or rent, hoisting and logging engine. Railway Equipment Co., 74 1st st. otn jmones. 3 FRESH cows. Gustav Teufel. 4 miles west on Barnes road. It. r . D. No. 2. 1'BLE-BARREL shotgun, case, etc., only $10. :i:t8 Tillamook at. Jj'OR SAKE Complete dreriRins outfit. In quire UJX r . f. id.'iwi. Aoioiia, i . FOR SAIjB Grinding and rolling mills at T Y P EWBITE R, good as new, cheap. 832 Chamber or commerce. pfiR sai.r First-class dairy manure, thor oughly rotten and clean. Phone Main 8521. 10 MONTHS pedigreed Scotch Collie dog-, house trained. 182 East 14th. MOVINO-PICTURE EXCHANGE Machines, supplies, slides, films for rent. 165Vi 4th st. TYPEWRITER, A-1, your own price, or will rent. H 4W. uregonian. HELP WANTED MA1B. lnonn POSITIONS for graduates last year men and women to learn barber trade In olKht weeks; help to secure positions; craduates earn from S15 to $25 weekly; expert Instructor: tools free; write for catalogue. Mohler by a tern of colleges, no N. 4th t-, Portland, Or. C. R. HANSEN, JR., Employment Office Men'a Departmeafc. 26 North Second at Phones Main and- A 1528. Help Free to employers. MEN to learn electricity, plumbing, brick laying, plastering, day and night classes, no bocks, positions secured, free cata logue. Coyne National Trade School, 230 240 8th sU San Francisco. MEN to prepare for railway mail clerk ex amination soon; fair salary and promo tion; be sure and wait till too -late now; better see us today. Pacific States Schools, McKay bldg. WANTED Railway mail clerks, commence ment salary $S0O; no layoffs"; examina tions soon; preparation free. Write imme diately. Franklin Institute, Rochester, N. Y. TWO smart solicitors for biggest magazine combination offer of the season; $18 weekly and free transportation; A-1 ref- erences necessary. Call after 2 P. M. R. H. Madden. 502 Swetland bids. WANTED We have a position for a first class, energetic, not afraid to work gentleman stenographer. Give reference, stating past experience In stenographic work. N 441, Oregonian. WANTED Live subdivision salesmen for a swell proposition. We use autos to show property. Liberal contract. See P. E. Cleland at office of American Trust Co., 200-204 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED Man capable of estimating cost and installing electric light plant In email town; good thing for right party; no money. Answer today, giving phone num ber. T 4tit Oregonian. $200 CASH will put a bright, honest young man In a business which will make him a fortune. 225 6th st. ARE you getting your share of business in vour present work? If not. see Mr. Reel. Worcester block, whose proposition is making here. 9 to 10:0 A. M. WANTED Solicitor for cleaning and dye works; ealary and commission; team fur nished; references required. Phones East 4737, 1342. WANTED Experienced man In hardware, stoves, etc., to qualify as floor walker; state age, experience and references. J 447, Oregonian. LEARN watchmaking, engraving and op tics easy terms; positions secured; money earned while learning. Watchmaking, En f graving School, cor. 4tb and Pike, Seattle, WANTED A first-class man to work in the back room of a butcher's shop who Is ex perienced In the business. Address or phone M. F. Leach, Tillamook. Or. WANTED Honest man with $2."j0 cash for motion theater picture business, either to travel or permanent show. For particu lars see Newman. 293 Burnslde. WANTED Young man for stenographer and general office work; state experience and -salary "wanted. T 436, Oregonian. WANTED Experienced grocery clerk, must give best of reference. Call 27 Union ave.. South, after 7 P. M. WANTED A good solicitor, by business college; good field; liberal commission. A 281, Oregonian. STANDARD EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. For Men 250 Burnslde ' Street Phone Main 5604. FOR WORK OR FOR HELP CALL ON PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. 12 North 2d St. Both Phones. WANTED A commercial teacher at once. 202 Swetland bldg. WANTED Coatmaker; price, $8.50 and up. D. I. Peters, Walla Walla, Wash. BARBER wanted, atso an apprentice with some money. 3-SO lstl st., cor. Mill. Headquarters cooks, helpers. California Wine Depot. P. Lorati, 148 4th, Main &500. GOOD cabinet-maker wanted. Union Store Fixture Co., East 13th and Powell. WANTED Someone to repair sealskin coat. :;0:i Larrabee st. Phone East 447'V HELP WANTED FEMALE. GIRL wanted for general housework; Ger man preferred. 10f ThuriiiftB, C TWO smart solicitors for biggest magazine combination offer of the season; $18 weekly and free transportation; A-1 ref erences necessary. Call after 2 P. M. R H. Madden, 502 Swetland bldg. STENOGRAPHER Permanent situation. Address in own nanawmmg uu. omit . perlence and salary expected:, also if knowledge bookkeeping. S 453, Orego nian. WANTED in Christian family, elderly wo man, light work, fond of and willing to stay with children; small wastes but ood home 20 East 6th St.. North. Phone East 261. WANTED Good canvassers, neatly dressed women, city and state; Kood money. Call room 508 Merchants Trust bldg., 6th and Washington st. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY." 843ft Washington St., cor. 7th. upstairs Phones Main and A 2602. Help Supplied Free to Employer WANTED Schoolgirl to help' with house work, small house, small family, lor her hoard and small wages: high school pre ferred. Phone East 4531. LIPMAN. WOLFE CO. require bright young saleswomen, well acquainted with current and standard books. Apply to Mr. Mover. WANTED Stenographer, rapid and accu rate; good opportunity to secure practical experience. Apply E. Weston, 250 12lh st. after 11 A. M. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 343 Washington St., Cor 7th, Upstairs Phone Main 2602. WANTED Girl for general housework, must do pluin cooking. Apply forenoons, 130 North 10th, cor. Hoyt. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY. B26i Washington St.. Room o07. Main oftoo or a a-oo. A GERMAN or Swedish girl; no washing; $25 per month; good home: must have reference. Call 429 Washington. WANTED An experienced girl for general housework; good wages. Apply 835 Wasco st. Phone C 213.. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO., Ladies' Department, 205 Morrison St Phones Main 1062. A 2061. PIANO lessons civen in exchange for as sistance In housework daily. It 453, Ore gonian. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Vlavi Co., 600 Roth child bldg., 4th and Washington. WANTED Girl to take care of child dur ing day. phone Main 5206. 354 North 32d st. LADIES to make pillow tcps at home; good pay; instructions iree, can 34'. i am mil. PRIVATE lessons shorthand and typewrit ing. 20 14th. xo per month. LIPMAN. WOLFE & CO. require cash girls at once. Apply to Mr. Moyer. WANTED Competent girl for cooking and general housework. .14 Everett st. HELP WANTED MALE OB FEMALE. I WANT women or men to make $3 per day, steady employment. Send 25 cents for the oest scissors snarpener ana sian to work today. Rose Co., 411 Couch nidg., ortiana. FISK Teachers' Agency. Register now, $1, 22 Swetiand bldg. Phone Main 2410. AGENTS wanted to sell photo coupons. 326 Vs Wash. St. Room 210. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. YOUNG man wishes position with mercan tile firm a. cashier uid stenosrapher. etc Experienced in wholesale and retail business ; would leave the city. N 436, Oregonian. A-1 BOOKKEEPER and salesman wants position, gilt-edge references. R 438, Ore gonian. M Ucellaneotis. WANTED Position by middle-aged man. 20 years on farm, 2 years drug clerk, IS years barber; good education; capable of dealing with public in most any respon sible position. Call or address G. I. Rob erts, uiympia rf otei. TWO MEN from Wisconsin woods, pieoe work, cutting shingle bolts, ttave bolt or any small job work; no agencies; call or letter. Brown & Harding, Rose City Ho tel, 102 North 6th st. 'GARDENER. Wants position in a private place; handy man around the house; also can take care of greenhouse; Japanese. K. Hyashi, 10 1st st. North. FOR THE HOUSEKEEPER If you need an experienced Janitor for house, carpet or window cleaning ring up' East 2997. White help and responsible. MUSICIAN Oboe or alto player, would like to locate with good band, learn lineman's trade or what have you? Address Musi cian. 50H North 7th st-, Portland. EXPERIENCED railroad store man of ability, familiar with details, onjeonstruc tion last three years, wants position; good references. E 441, Oregonian. BARTENDER A-1 mixer, wishes position in good house; speaks German, Italian, French and English; good references, S 4&4, Oregonian. BLACKSMITH, German, honest and sober, wants position in logging camp; 15 years' experience in blacksmithing; no horse shoeing wanted. N 408. Oregonian. AN all around baker wishes work in hotel or restaurant, and wife wants to wait on table in hotel or restaurant, phone A 3o8S. Robert a(ayer. BAKER, first-class on bread and cakes. soer, wants situation, country or city. E. de Kerveno. 100 Madison st. JAPANESE boy wants position; house work or help in kitchen; Japanese church. Main 93G1. 121 N. 15th St. FIRST-CLASS cook wants position; sober and steady ; city or country. Address D 4:t8. Oregonian. YOUNG man wishes position running ele vator, experienced. J. Schick, 615 Leo St., Sell wood. YOUNG man with 4 years' experience in pharmacy would like position. Phone Main 6342. WORK WANTED by first-class baker, mar ried. Address M 449, Oregonian. JAPANESE EMPLOYMENT CO., 268 Ev erett st. Main 4659, A 4073. JAPANESE employment office, 249 Couch st. Main 6521. A 4&B. URGE bo v. 16. wants work any kind; ranch preferred. T 432, Oregonian. JAPANESE boy wants position as school boy. N 448. Oregonian. MEATCUTTER wants situation; 12 years experience. S 433. Oregonian. ( A YOUNG Japanese boy wants for situ ation of schoolboy. V 422, Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. FOR a good stenographer, experienced or beginner, phone Business University, Main 4504. EXPERIENCED young lady stenographer wishes position, mercantile v work pre ferred. Main 6S43. POSITION wanted by experienced stenogra pher and bookkeeper. Address Y 4o0, Oregonian. Dressmakers. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking at lowest prices. Mrs. Angeles, 242 6th and Main. Housekeepers. A THOROUGHLY reliable, trustworthy and educated young woman, desires a position as working housekeeper for an elderly couple, or In home of widower with chil dren. Address R 441, Oregonian. Nurse. AN EDUCATED, thoroughly reliable and 'trustworthy .young woman desires a posi tion as children's nurse; will assist witn second work. Address R 439, Oregonian. Domestics. FIRST-CLASS cook; boarding-house pre ferred; best of references. N 440, Ore gonian. M isceltan eons. COMPETENT woman wishes day work. Phone Main sy. LESSONS In bar a anger, orawu - I THE St. Louis Isadios Employment Agency has large list of good neip; gus women; experienced cooks, s.cond girls, chambermaids. waitresses and general housework. 20fl 4th st. Main 2030. MARRIED lady wants to care for smatl rooming-house rr use or nouseiterpnis rooms. M 44S, Oregonian. COMPKTENT woman would like situation s chambermaid, prefer room ana uoara. It 4.".4, Oregonian. WOMAN" wants work, 75c an hour. Phone Thor I::;..-.. EXPERIENCED lady wishes day work. Phone Main 9oSO. SWEDE woman wants dny or hour work of any kind. Room 7. Main 6427. Fl'RS repaired and remodeled by Eastern ladies, prices reasonable. 2Ht. 21st st. N- WANTED TO RENT. WANTED -To rent houses, cottages, flats. Bill l-o, 'II UW, I I'LIIII 1HK - Pit. I.ltll'1- lordw will do well do call on Portland Trust Company of Oregon, S. E. cor, 3d and Oak. Fhone Exchange 72. WANTED A 4 or 5-room nnd bath cottage or bungalow on or bofcre December 10, 19uS; niuct be up to date nd reasonable; no children. Hurry W. Evane, care "Pa cific Steel Wire Co.. Portland. Or. BY December 1, neat sensible married cou ple (Protestant) to share furnished steam heated apartment. West Side, walking dis tance; reasonable. O 454 Oregonian. WANTED -Small, neatly furnished modern house or apartment ; desirable neighbor hood; family of three. A. C. Emery, Hotel Danmoore, Portland. 5 OR 6-room cottage, unfurnished; would buy furniture dnsirable; walking distance. R 451, Oregonian. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and shoes; we also buy household furnishings; hiehest prices paid. Call at the "Fair Deal." 63 3d st. North. Phone Main 9272. WE PAY TOP PRICES FOR FURNITURE And anvthtng else you have to sell. PORTLAND AUCTION CO.. Main 5653. A 42U WANTED 2 -In. axle farm wagon, or ltt In. steel axle spring-wagon, must be In first-class condition. Address J. 417, Ore gonian. FORD AUCTION CO. "Pavs the price" for second-hand furnl ture East fiS8. B 2311. CLOTHING CLOTHING. Thone M. 185183 N. 3d. Highest price pair; prompt attention. PIANO lessons given free to a bright girl or boy. M 454, Oregonian CLOTH ING Clothing. Phone Main 8492. Highest price paid. 83 N. 3d st. 8POT cash paid for your furniture; prompt attention always given. Phone East lOtiT. WANTE AGENT S. AGENTS handle new 2."0-candle power Lib erty light; consumes lc gas 6 hours; sells on sight; big profits. Pacific Gas Mantle Co.. 541 Waller St., San Francisco. FOR RENT. Furn Uhed Rooms. NOW OPEN. THE VALLEY HOTEL, cor. 2rl and Main sts. Everything brand new; electric lights, steam heat, hot and cold water; free baths and phone; rooms single or en suite; prices reasonable; transients solic ited. Phone Main 7273. THE NEW SCOTT. Seventh. Ankeny and Burnslde; in ths heart of the city; everything brand new; finest rooms in town; an ideal Winter home; rates reasonable; free bus to ail trains. THE BARTON, iSth and Alder; new man agement ; newly renovated throughout ; "0 outside rooms; steam heat, electric lights, etc.; roonie $lo month up; suites with run ning water, $22.50 to $30; elegant publio parlor; phones and baths free. THE COMMERCIAL. Nlcel furnished rooms, $2 per week up; steam heat, hot and cold water, free baths and phone; transients 50c, 75c and $1 per day; open all night; office and reading room ground floor. 4SS-402 Washington st. THE GUODNOUGH, cor. 5th and Yamhill, opp. P. O. : rooms by day, week or month; elevator service, steam heat, etc.; singles and suite; $3 weekly up. Mrs. Allison. & Snyder. HOTEL FRANKLIN, cor. 13th and Wash ington sa. Newly furnished throughout: new buildings, suites with baths, hot and oold water in every room. Phone Main 7103. Long-distance phones in all rooms. THE NEW OCCIDENTAL HOTEL. Firt and Morrison; steam hiat, electrlo litrhts. hot and cold water, baths free; $3 per week up; transients solicited. Phones A 4408, Main 4861. , THE CASTLE, West Park and Wash. New management, newly renovated outside . rooms; steam heat, electric lights; $3 per week up. Transient solicited. Main 1676. THE BUCKINGHAM. Yamhill st. 0pp. Port land Hotel Fireproof building; all mod ern conveniences; special rates to perma- s. -. r. a u Pmohr nrnnrlfltor. HOTEL BOMAINE, just opened, newly fur nished, hot and cold water in every room, steam heat, baths and phones; rates rea sonable. 14TVi 2d, near Alder. HOTEL BUtiHMAKK. Washington and 17th. first-ciass furnished rooms, single or en suite; all modern .Tun- . veniences; $3 weekly up. A 2o47, Main 6647. HOTEL KEN YON, 18th and Washington Modern rooms, single and en suite ; also housekeeping; running water, private and free baths; rates reasonable. Pacific 496. FURNISHED ROOMS En suite or single, reasonable. 3d-floor room, $5 per month; furnace heat, bath., phone. 5tJ6 Johnson street. THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new furniture, telepnone and hatha free. 827 Stark, corner tilh. Mrs. Maud J. Estes. THE LINDELL, Market, modern steam- heated rooms, electric light, free bath, phone, $2 week up. THREE furnished rooms, bath, free phones, 1.73. $2 'and $2.50. 200 Mt 4th. T0 unfurnished rooms, $6 per month, in ' eluding gas. 338 Tillamook st. A FURNISHED room, $7.50 per month. 338 Tillamook ' St.. near Union ave. THE RANDOLPH, 3d and Columbia, rooms; heat, bath; 50c to $1 day, $2 to $4 week. THE ELWOOD Newly furnished, $2 to $5 week; also transient rooms. 343 Morrison. TH E LUXOR, 13th and Clay ; steam heat, electric lights, both phones; $10 monthly. THE GRAND Nicely furnished rooms, $3 up. 387 Yamhill. Furnished Rooms, Private Families. THREE large furnished or unfurnished rooms, large yard, nice neighborhood, gas, hot and cold water. ' phone included. 480 21st st., Portland Heights. Main 2257. LARGE, pleasant. well-furnis hed front room, modern housr-, centrally located; reasonable rent. 320 Montgomery st. phone A 458;;. LARGE corner room, furnace heat, hot and i-old water, gas ; aiso smaller room. 542 Morrison. FURNISHED parlor bedroom, suitable for gentleman, gas. bath, phone, $9 per month. 214 Union ave. Nortn. ELEGANTLY furnished rooms for rent, day or week. 32 N. 7th St. 1 TO 5 rooms, furnished or unfurnished, to suit tenants; modern. 4B0 Taylor. BAY-WINDOW -room for two and smaller room; phones, bath. 3h9 Alder. 2 FRONT rooms, with or without board; bath, walking distance. 452 5th. Rooms With Board. THE MORRISON. 533 Morrison St.. family hotel modern, new management; board op tional; best table board; prices moderate. VERY large, comfortable room; also single room; modern conveniences. 452 Morrison, cor. 13th. THE MARLYN. Washington and 17th, well furnisned rooms. hut and cold water. home cooking, permanent or transient. TWO nice large rooms, with first-class board. 635 Couch, The Sterling. THE COLONIAL, 10th and Morrison. Good) board, ftleasaat rooms, low rae.k JH, Mmm iMatS 0- MaUaakUMa ak -faL 1)'.., aai aa jtamna. naia 4, MIMi.j VIW),