TIIE MORNING OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY,' NOVE3IBER 23, 1908. 3 $2.25 Flannelette Kimonos $1.69 1 Sf iii Women's fancy flgnred flannelett long and short Klminos, loose or belted styles, puff and flowing sleeves, fancy band and scalloped edge trimming. fftl 69 Values to $2.25. Wednesday y .Jis $4.00 Long Kimonos $2.89 Women's extra quality fleeeedown and flanneleye long Kimonos and 'Lounging Robes, belted and fitted styles; various style features; values to 2 $1.25 Short KimoHos 79c fancy flowered flannelette 79c $1.50 Kimoaos 98c Women's fancy figured flannelette long and short Kimonos, made in loose and fitted styles, high or low neck, finished with scalloped edges or fancy' QQ bandings; values to $1.50 for '01' $5.50 Blanket Robes $4.39 Fancy figured blanket Bath or Lounging Robes, wide self border trimming, heavy cord and tassel girdle; reg- gj iQ ular $o.50 value.. Women's fancy flowered short Kimonos, belted styles scalloped edge; reg. $1.25 values $6.00 Blanket Robes $4.69 Fancy figured blanket Bath or Lounging Robes, wide fancy border trimming; heavy cord and tassel girdle.... . $4.69 PYRO GRAPH Y OUTFITS Regular $2.50 Values $1.87 $2.50 Pyrography Outfits, Wednesday $1.87 15c Olove Boxes, stamped 10J 15c Handkerchief Boxes, stamped 10 15c Jewel Boxes, stamped 10 39c Pipe Racks, for pyrography 27 4? 35c Collar Boxes, for pyrography 23 $7.50 Petticoats $3.98 A value that seems almost impossible in Fine Qual ity Taffeta Silk Petticoats the result of a great spe cial purchase by our New York establishment. The colors are black, navy, brown, gray, green, gun metal and changeable colors. Made with deep cir cular flounce tucked and shirred. Regu-o QQ lar $7.50 values; on sale today at ... . pOC70 50c-75c Stock Collars, 25c White and Colored Fancy Embroidered and Novelty Stock Collars; a large and varied assort- O Ci ment; values up to 75c; on sale today at . . AJS Clock Sale A big opportunity to buy clocks for your own use and for Christmas gifts. Spe .cial prices on Gold Clocks, Mission Clocks, Alarm Clocks, Dutch Mill Clocks, Ivoroid Case Clocks. C1 QQ for ?t',li c!M'ks several different V dcsurns; values up to !H eaen. C-ty nr fr Dutch Mill Clocks; just the PS.OO thing for a dark oak dining room or den. QQ for Mission Clocks, worth $2.50 p 1.0.7 ,,,,.. tfQ OO for small Ivoroid Case- Clocks P.O f,. bedroom; worth $.XO0. j J for ' Daylight Intermittent or P 1 A O Continuous Alarm Clocks; worth $1.5D. . J1 OO fur Wasp Alarm Clocks; worth ij J a0 .1.00. -I Q for Srth Thomas Echo Alarm 1 . 1 O Clocks; worth $1.50 each. Tuxedo Veiling Vals. to $1 Yd., 49c Black, white and colored Tuxedo Veilings in dotted, fancy and Russian meshes, in all styles; values to $1.00 a yard. Sale price ' T' A Sale of Holiday Handkerchiefs Without a Parallel in Any Store To judge of the immense selection you may count the handkerchiefs here by the million. To judge of the variety of it let us tell you there are hundreds of different kinds more than in all other Portland stores to gether. To acquaint you with the prices that you may judge for yourself our handkerchief supremacy we have planned a Christmas sale that has no counterpart. An opportunity for Christmas giving at reduced prices. Real Lace Handkerchiefs.' Real Lace Handkerchiefs, includ ing rea! Princess. Duchesse and P o I nit. and hand-embroidered Ma deira Lace Handkerchiefs, one in a box : $1.65 $2.00 $2.75 $3.00 $4.00 Real Lace Real Lace Real Lace Real Lace Real Lace 'Kerchiefs. 'Kerchiefs. 'Kerchiefs. 'Kerchiefs. 'Kerchiefs. .$1.25 .$1.50 .$2.00 .$2.25 .$3.00 All other real Lace Handkerchiefs will be equally sacrificed. Including J9.00 to 2S.OO values, for J6.50 to J22.50. 75c Armenian 'Kerchiefs, 49c. Armenian Lace-Edged Linen Hand kerchiefs, 76c values, sale 49 35c Handkerchiefs, 23c Plain and Crossbar Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, values to 35c, on sale for 23 Men's Handkerchiefs, 2 for 25c. Men's extra fine Hemstitched Cam bric Handkerchiefs, 54 or H-lnch ejn. two for 25 Hemstitched Handkerchiefs. Women's All-Linen. 4-inch Hem stitched Handkerchiefs, regular val ues to 15c; sale 10 12c Kimono Handkerchiefs, 6c. Ivimono Handkerchiefs In pretty de Elgns, regular 12c value 6tf 25c 'Kerchiefs, 15c. EmhroMered Swiss Handker chiefs, scalloped, hemstitched and lace-edged. sold regularly for 25c; most extraordinary value, for this annual holiday sale 15 In. each; embroidered, scal and hemstitched linen' and Fancy Box Handkerchiefs. Fancy boxes, with six Handker chiefs li loped swlss: $1.25 $1.50 $2.25 $2.50 $3.75 Box Handkerchiefs 85c Box Handkerchiefs $1.14 Box Handkerchiefs. .. .$1.45 Box Handkerchiefs $1.98 Box Handkerchiefs $2.85 45c Handkerchiefs, 27c. Extremely fine sheer and heavy Cambric Hemstitched Handker chiefs, values to 45c; sale 27 8c Child's Handkerchiefs; 5c Children's Colored Border Handker chiefs. Sc values, sale 5t 25c Handkerchiefs, 15C. Women's and Handkerchiefs. W and H-lnch 2nc quality . Hoys' Pure Linen plain and crossbar, hemstitched; regular 15 Men's Handkerchiefs, 2 for 25c. 500 dozen Men's Pure Linen Hem stitched Handkerchiefs, full size. 14 or -ineh hem, two for. ...... .25 Children's Box Handkerchiefs. Children's Colored Border Handker chiefs, 4 in a fancy box; 50c value, sale 35 Children's Box Handkerchiefs. Children's Colored Border Handker chiefs, three in a fancy box, worth 25c box; sale 15 Children's Colored Border Initial Handkerchiefs, three in a fancy box,( worth 30c box; sale 19 'Real Lace Handkerchiefs. Real Duchesse and Point Lace Hand Embroidered . Handkerchiefs , and Irish Lace Handkerchiefs, each in a fancy box, each SO up to $40 10c Handkerchiefs, 7c. Women's Plain White Cambric and Linen-Finished Handkerchiefs,, val ues to 10c; sale T 45c Handkerchiefs, 27c! AIl-Llr.en, Hand-Embroidered Hand kerchiefs, in the smart checked crossbar effect; i -Inch hemstitched and scalloped: regular 45c values for 27 25c Initial Handkerchiefs, 15c. Women's Hand-Embroidered Initial Handkerchiefs,- plain and fancy de signs, laundered and unlaundered; valuer to 25c, for only 15 Men's Handkerchiefs, 3 for 50c. Men's Pure Irish chiefs, full size hi throe for Linen Handker or -lnch hem; SO 8c Handkerchiefs, 5c. Women's Plain and Striped Hem stitched Handkerchiefs, regular 8c values;, holiday sale .' 5 Values to 50c, 12y2c. A large assortment of Swiss and Linen Embroidered and Lace Edged Handkerchiefs, with hem stitched and scalloped borders. In English eyelet, French and all over effects. Values to 50c; sale -.124 . 35c Initial Handkerchiefs, 21c. Women's Hand-Embroidered Initial Handkerchiefs, laundered, plain and wreath designs; values to 35c; for 21 50c Initial Handkechiefs, 27c. Women's Hand-Embroidered Initial Handkerchiefs, laundered and un laundered, plain and wreath design; values to 50c for 27 All Pure Linen. Hand-Embroidered Handkerchiefs, scalloped and hem stitched; regular 65c values. .. .49 10c Handkerchiefs, 5c. The new Embrolderette Handker chiefs in white and colors, regular 10c values 5 10c Handkerchiefs, 5c. Unlaunde red Hand-Embroidered Women's Initial Handkerchiefs, reg ular 10c value.' 5 20c Handkerchiefs, 11c. Hemstitched Embroidered Swiss Handkerchiefs, regular 20c values, sale 114 . Men's 'Kerchiefs, 6 for $1.40. Men's Finer Pure Irish Linen Hem stitched Handkerchiefs, at six for 1.40i each 25 Men's Handkerchiefs, 5c. Men's Hemstitched Cambric Hand kerchiefs, full size, sale price. ,5 20c Handkerchiefs, 10c. Plain and Fancy I'nlaundered. Hand-Embroidered Initial Hand korchiefs, a large variety of ini tials to choose from. Regular values to 20c; sale price lO Men's 'Kerchiefs, 6 for $200. Men's Fine Pure Irish Linen Hem stitched Handkerchiefs, 36c each, for 2.00 Men's 'Kerchiefs, 6 for $2.75. Men's Extra Fine Pure Irish Linen Hemst'tched 'Handkerchiefs. 5ftc each, 6 for $2.75 Men's 'Kerchiefs, 6 for $4.25. Men's Very Fine Sheer Pure Irish Linen Hemstitched Handkerchief. $ for S-4.2.1; each 75 Men's China Silk 'Kerchiefs. Men's Pure China Silk Handker chiefs, hemstitched, each 23c, 50c, T3c and Sl.OO 15c Flannelettes 11c One hundred and fifty different patterns of new Per sian flannelettes, including the fashionable . border effects. Regular 15c values........ 54-inch Bath Robe Cloth, dark and me- ' dium colors, 50c value lie 29c Madame Yale's Lectures Tuesday Afternoon, December 1st, at The Heilig Theater , : ' i Tickets FREE at Lipman-Wolfe's toilet goods section with every purchase of Jladame Yale's toilet preparations. Sale Cluny Laces Sale of Real and Imitation Cluny Laces and Insertions, suitable for Christmas. Fancy Work. White, cream and ecru shades, 1 to 6 inches wide; also White and Cream Chantilly Silk Laces and Insertions, at the following special prices: Laces, Values to 20c Yard, 5c Laces, Values to 45c Yard, 10c Laces, Values to 75c Yard, 19c Laces, Values to $1 Yard, 25c Two Star Bargains Men's and women's black mercerized rr gloria Umbrellas, with steel j;ods, par . r agon frames, cases and tassels; han dles are princess, horn, pearl, silver and gunmetal. Regular $2.00 1?1 1 C values j 1 1 J a 2000 pairs of white, tan and gray FTf wool Blankets, full size and weight, '" wool not cotton. $5.00 Wool Blankets, Pair $3.45 $6.50 Wool Blankets, Pair $4.95 $7.50 Wool Blankets, Pair $5.95 $10.00 Wool Blankets, Pair $7.95 $12.50 Wool Blankets, Pair $9.95 100 Trim'ed Dress Hats Val. to $8.50 at $3.95 These stunning dress hats come in black and colors. The styles are unique, many entirely different from anything you've seen. Colorings and shapes to match every costume. Each hat is trimmed in an individ- ual style by a well-known New York milliner, copying after Paris models. All are made from finest velvet shapes, with ultra-fashionable new trimmings. Latest shapes. . Altogether about 100 hats selling regularly at $5.00, $7.50 and $8.50. The biggest values of the season in ultra-smart tQ QC trimmed hats ipO.IJO $4apeGloves $ 2.85 An exceptional Thanksgiving : offering of full 16-button length, extra grade Kassan Cape Cloves, the kind always sold in the regular way ali$4.00 a pair. tj QC While they last; today ip.OO 16 -Button French Kid Gloves Regular $3.75 Vals. $2.49 These are the best quality Real French Kid Gloves, 16-button length We never sell lambskin gloves in sales, as some stores doin order ta make a lower sale price. These kid gloves come in a full line of sizes in white, black, tan and brown. Regular $3.75 tO ACk today only . . JJ4S Regular $1.50 Gloves at 98c Superb Overseam Dress Kid Gloves in white, black, brown, tan, mode and oxblood, in all sizes. Never sold regularly for less than QQ $1.50 a pair. For today .. . .5OC Reg. $1.75 Cape Gloves $1.18 ' New . assortment of tans, Manila and Havana in the ultra-smart one- clasp Dent style Cape .Gloves, with PX seams. Worn everywhere by th smartest dressers. Every pair fitted at the counters. Regular i 40 $1".75 values, a pair .Jpx.xO $7 Hornback Alligator Bags $3.98 $10 Hornback Alligator Bags $669 These are the genuine Hornback Alligator Bags not artifjcjally-made horns on alli gator skin .but the genuine hornback; 8 inch,. 9-inch and 10-inch, several 1JQ QQ styles: values to $7.00 for $O.VO $10 Hornback Alligator Bags, CCCQ one piece O.OIJ Thanksgiving Favors FOR THE DINING TABLE Hundreds of styles in unusually dainty, unique and comic effects; also table decorations in endless variety. Among the favors are Fruits Vepetahles Nuts Animals Routed Turkeys Feathered Turkeys Tea Sets Automobiles Sporting- Novelties Fancy Bon Hons Dinner Cards -Ice Cups. Etc.. Etc. Stationery Section, Fourth-street Side. Billiken The fat, jolly, red-headed god of good luck, the advance agent of pros perity, smiles and happiness is Billi ken, cast in alabaster. Billiken, the Hod of Luck, is the funniest little heathen that man ever idolized. ' .Third . shipment just ar rived. " $1.50-$1.75 Lace Curt'ns $1.09 $2.00-$2.25 Lace Curtis $1.49 $2.50-$2.75 Lace Curt 'ns $ 1.89 Nottingham Lace Curtains in neat plain effects; large variety of patterns, both in plain and figured centers,' it madras weave and-Seotch lace effects; 3 yds. long, 4o to 50 iris. wide. $4.00-$4.50 LACE CURTAINS AT $3.15 $5.00-$5.50 LACE CURTAINS AT $3.89 $6.00-$6.50 LACE CURTAINS AT $4.79 $7.50-$8.00 LACE CURTAINS AT $589 Large variety of patterns in all this season's best effects in Renaissance, Cluny, Marie Antoinette, La Savcie, Irish point, Battenberg and new novelty effects; made of good quality im ported bobbinet, white or Arabian color: 2V2 and 3 yds. long. $35.00 Axminster Rugs at $23.95 $32.00 Axminster Rugs at $21.95 $30 Tapestry Brus'ls Rugs $19.95 $18 Kashmir Rug, Special $1 1.49 500 room-size Rugs, consisting of this sea son's best patterns in Oriental, conventional and floral designs. 1 Best quality Axminster, Body Brussels, Velvet, Wilton, Tapestry Brussels in large variety. 50c Knit Underwear at 33c Women's Fleeced Ribbed Vests and Pants: neck. long sleeves ; ankle length ; 50c value. Today for high 33c 59c REGULAR 75c UNDERWEAR, 59c Women's Merino Vests and Pants, either ecru or natural color. These goods are fully half wool and good Winter weight. Regular 75c quality. REGULAR $1.25 UNDERWEAR, 85c Women's Extra Fine Merino Vests and Pants, high neck, long sleeves, ankle length, and or always sold at $1.25 garment OOC 20c HOSIERY, 12V2C Women's black cotton Stockings, double Wels and toes; seamless foot and seamless leg; guaranteed fast 1 Ol black; 20c quality. Sale price, pair.'. ...... C SAMPSON'S WIDOW HELD WOMAN MIAIUiFD WITH MIR. DKH OF AIVMIHAIS NKPHKW. Ktlilrmt- I'nxliMt-il at lnquot Iads to Arrot on Belief Man Was Mut bjr Wife. KlH-HKSTER. X. Nov. H. Mrs. torKiana Sampson. tf Palmyra, wid ow ot Harry Smi'n, nephew of the latf AIn:iral Sampson, was arrest,! to day. chHriri'd wiih the murder of her husband, whose dt-ath was at first sid to I.. uh'lde. Harry Snaipson died on the Al!yn farm, Mtwcen Palmyra and Macedonia. It waa at first believed that Sampson took hit own life, but following his death stories were circulated which discredited that theory. Finally the Coroner decided upon a rigid Investigation. Dr. Albert Hamil ton, a gunshot expert, testified that the dead man could not have fired the shot which killed him. It came out at the inquest that Samp son, on the Saturday before bis death, had discovered a letter written to his wife by a man outside of the family which had been the cause of a bitter quarrel. It was also testified at the in quest that Sampson had a package of cheese In his hand when he fell dead In the farmhouse, which was held to. pre clude the idea that he could have fired the shot. At the resumption of the Inquest at Macedonia today. District Attorney Gil bert told Mrs. Sampson that she might make a statement If she so desired, but that anything she said might be used afrainst her. Mrs. Sampson replied that on advice of counsel she would not make a statement. SUM SUDDENLY REPEHTS SCARED BY POWERS IXTO WITHDRAWING DEFIANCE. Britain and Russia, Hold Him Re sponsible if Refusal of .Constitu tion Causes Anarchy. TEHERAN, Nov. 24. The Shah al ready has repented -of his proclamation, posted In the mosque yesterday. In which It was set forth that the people. In spite of his promises, shall not have a constitution, and during the night he sent om urgent orders to withdraw this proclamation from circulation and to de stroy all copies of it. . This sudden change of front on the part of the Shah Is attributed here to the vigorous representations that .un doubtedly have beep made by the Brit ish and Russian legations. These powers, it Is said, have notified the Shah that he will be held personally responsible if his refusal to give his people a con stitution results in anarchy. The popu lation generally has been indifferent. Northwestern People In Xew York. NEW YORK. Nov. 24. SpeciaI.) Peo ple from the Pacific Northwest registered at New York hotels today as follows: From Seattle Mrs. J. C. Moore, at the Martha Washington; Mrs. T. B. Sanders. T.. E 8andens, at the Plaza: Miss H. McDonald, at the Wellington: . W. B. Gough. at the Hermitage. From Port Townsend Miss L. K. Eisen bish. at the 'Wellington. From Tacoma B. H. Kroeze, at the Continental. Follow the -crowd to the Perkins Grill for Thanksgiving dinner. Special musical programme. CUMMINS MADE SENATOR IOW A'S GOVERNOR WILL ' FILL ALLISON'S SEAT. Pandemonium Breaks Loose When " Senator-Elect Makes Brief Speech In House. DES MOINES, la.. Nov. 24. Gover nor A. B. Cummins at noon today was elected by the Iowa Legislature United Stirtes Senator to succeed the late Wil liam B. Allison... The vote stood: Cum mins 106. Porter (Dem.) 35. Three Re publicans did not vote. Cummins' re-election to the six-year term next January is unquestioned. Lieutenant-Governor Garst was in augurated as Governor of Iowa at a Joint session of the House and Senate this afternoon. When Senator Cummins walked to the Speaker's stand, preceded by his aged father, pandemonium broke loose. Cheering continued for five minutes. Senator Cummins, in a brief speech, thanked . both the Republicans and Democratic members of the Legisla ture for the support they had given him during the .seven years of his ad ministration as Iowa's Governor. He declared that Insofar as he was con cerned, bitter factionalism in Iowa is at an end. - T am naturally a Republican and I shall adhere to the principles of my party, because I believe in so doing that I will be doing the greatest good to the greatest number," declared he. "I shall i,t all times, however, be mind ful of the great responsibility imposed upon me by the people of Iowa and will Jo- everythng In my power to make myself of use to those people." ( IAt the close of the joint session, Governor Cummins resigned as Chief I Executive of the state and the oath of I that office administered to Lieutenant Governor Garst. Heney Has Slight Setback. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 24. It is re ported from -the Lane Hospital that Francis J. Heney is not quite so well today, owing to the effect on his kid neys of 'anesthetic used when the bullet fired by Morris Haas was ex tracted from his. jaw. His tempera ture is slightly above normal, but no alarm is felt, and his speedy improve ment is expected. .. An early rumor from Lane Hospital said Mr. Heney was very low, follow ing an operation on the kidneys. This was later denied. Follow the crowd to the Perkins Grill for Thanksgiving dinner. Special musical programme.