THE MORNING OKEGOXTAX, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1908. 14 FOB 8.UX REAL K8TATR. NTSC-fppitt lorrpeis the SACRIFICE. UUAUS AVE- COZT HOME. 2lu0. Ownn xnunt o to another Hty "fr for an Invalid sister, and not; to rnt her home h" derided to wriflri It for a quick turn. Its located only 33 1-3 feet from Wilklams ave. on railing t The alune U nearly worth the mncv and the lot alone will be worth the entire munry asked within three ir a food buy for a horn or an In vestment. , , . The present the psychological mo- rOLt'MPlA TRUST COMPAXT. T14 Couch .Bid. 1W fourth St. irERE LS A SNAP. Foot- A rt h a of an m ere. g 'Xd 5- mim r-uee. with modern cnvenlence. g-xvi w.d.-hed. workshop. chirken-hous- ani aroj., 1 nilt of all kinds, located "tie b k tr.m rr line. V fare; lnvetlRte tl. Pri-. terms half f. b. ance to suit. 21 acres, ml) from Hllishore, ma'I tnUM. 2 a'-r in cultivation, balance- oak timber enough to pay I r pce; located on rood road. 16 intlee from Portland. Price. lv"-'. ternuL JORDAN GARBAGE, 2.2- Washington . ' ENGLISH WALNTJT Wa are the larrest owner and plant are in Oregon. We nave the only planted tracte on the market. Our properties are In the walnut country. Temhlll n-acre tracts, planted, $10O cash. $15 per month. CHLRCiiil-i- MATTHBWi CO.. INC. 110 Second aC HEW modern n room bungalow on carllne; basement, tinted wall, porcelain plumb ni; dimensions 3'x 3 fft; tiU front - Vrh; Kut ftOth . $2X PmjUl r-m-nt down, baiance at r-nt rati Prop erty contract bnngirr monthly .payments taken aa part pavment on this property. I'ORTLAND REALTY 4 TRUST CUM P A N Y. , InH Second St, Or H ranch OnTire, Kant 49th at. and Hawthorn Ave. RFAI) ALL THIS. mom modern ouse. full cement base- fnent ; rurr ,--e. It as. icmrnj, r m -. ...... - h-Mn.. - i 1 iK ror- befft rer; nd paid cement walka arotind the bona, steps walk, ru-Ni. sewer In. ell con n. ted. frr: 15 miautea out la Upper Albirta; r"-i-e :th tock. b!an' 6 per cent. CAMERON J: CABLE. Ml Board of Trade bi.Tf. $5 IBVINGTON DISTRICT $3. Beautiful lota. Broadway. Schuyler. Unrvk sta Graded street. cement curbe and waJka Hull Run water, all In and paid. fjono building restriction. C!oe to car. Prlra only $630; $63 cah, balance $19 per month at 4 per cent in terest. CALL' ON US. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPAXT, Tie Couch Bid. 109 Fourth St. COTTAGK Vewe.t d-slgn. eat faring, onlv $25 down. balance $13 per month. Four large- room. bn.Ua. solid concrete foundation. choice lot. In desirable- district, where value ate rapidly Increasing. This 1 a Utile beaut?- me at once about it- H W. IJ3MCKE. 311 Corbett Ride;., .cor. Atn and Morrieoo. PY THE OWNER. Juet completed, fl room atrlrtly modern home, re-trlcted district, prettiest and moet up-to-date home in rtedmont. bunt by dr work. ted Interior flntrh; If iu want a home a little different, a inili Iteuer than kenemlly offered, corn anil e this; lo f, ft to car, 117a Oommen-lal at.; fM0. part canh. J.V CASH VI J1 handle swell r.-roona bnnsalow; Trtorrtork carMnc; on a U block, over-1-voktna: the city; easy ifrmi. Se Hold achmldt'a Aaency. Washinulon at. $?nn SO IKtt"N take a splendid N-room home on K Taylor st-. near :iuth; lot 4Ax H". cement haet'tnt. laundry trava. tinted walls. Una combination tl tiire in. Iars attic, sewer, improved street. This is a dandy pLice. You oupht to s-e it. Conklin Hroi.. ow ners. Kothchlld bid. A CHOICE HOME. lftOxiOA nnd H-rooin hmi, :-.ardwood flours. htah-clasa plum bins. th-rouithly moilrrn. ci'.- In. E. wth St.. Holla.iny Ad'lrtton: price mtKh t than actual t a tie. W. O. Waddel. V Lumber ts changc. FINK home of 7 rooms on Willamette Helen te. close to rarhne. full lot. superb Mew. all atret tniprovementa In. harilwHJ floors, two rtreplaces. furnace, etc.. itntt, fT easy terms; partly furnished If desired- Vanduyn at Walton, sla Chamber of Commerce. FOR f ALE Kenton business property In Ortirtnal Swift Townsite; room inn -houses, varant lots. archoue. business and res-Idenr-w property. Our business chances are escepttonali v rood. See the E. L. Frmey Co., 117 Hoard of Trade bid. Main Vild, A 1SS. GOOD IjOT. rood house. CO -d location; f.1oO0 take that ntca home. Uh Albina ave.. near Pis n Jen a, oa M isaisrtppl-avenue line, with gfraded f-foot lot. street and sidewRlk. with water. electricity and bath; mortitaae. W vstern Investment Co., ftw3 Corbti bla. j j.- YOU want to bul'd a home, call on us at MT Lumber Kavhanae bid. We will furnish you enuh money to build what vou want on eaY term. I lans and timates s-lven free. We cm save you fuily SO per cent. Phone M.Un an 17. WALNUT LAND. To c'ose uti an eetate wll! aci: l?fv acres. North Yamhill; oh acres claareU ITice $ per acre Terms IONALl MACLEOD CO. 3A9 roncorJ Hid . 2d and Stark. Sol TK PORTLAND. TWO HOUSED. $W. Two houses on lot 4;IlK. South Port Isnti. close In on 4th st., rented for It month: price L.t": cah. ani-e like Tent. See tirusst, 2tS Washing ion st.. cor ."d. 7- jivr F A.LE by owner, mo-lern Vrnom hotis In F-urr Inrt:nd: In line residence d: trtct. O 4-47, Oresoman. ,A H K UTI Kl" L home on liawth4irne ave, 8 T,hin tat h. U toilets. iiat:-nary tubs and ahtands. aas. electric iihts. sewer. w.M'd hoit and piped f-T furt:a-e. $"'7": roses frntt trees T. W. Marshall. :t!th and llawthirn ave. EAST HIKNSIPK HOMK. -roni, modern house, on K Ptimside st. near 70;h: furnace, full cement base ment, etc , H5ft; e;sv tet ma. H. P PALMER, ?I2 Commercial Club Rids;. itl"iT sell at once, need the money. full-size lots, a'i level and clear. mln iifes' out on (reon City carline. 0 each: nofhinc wrora; but the price; terms. R Crewman. FOR S T.E Pv owner, artistic home on Willamette ilclphts; unobst ructed view ; TarKe rciis. bard wood floors; part cash, balance time "all 40. Wells-FaxgO blufi. Phone Main 2114. $o Do n. balance easy j.aj- ments. se cures fine hous, swH-il furnished, on .Ml Pcott car line. See oldschmidl'S Agency. -oJ Wshinton st. ! m 1 H. Tfx 1 1 t. on carl :ne . ! n good loca tion in Mr.tavU'a; prlc JORJkAN A f.ARHAPE, ashl:is-un st. -RinM h"t:se. fntct'.Tal Jot. on N'rb H!i:. w d:tar..-e; gas. furnaoa, full ba.-e-roent ; ca. MARTIN J. HWIJiV. 1.12 Third at. JTINE full lot. Maryland ave.. near KKlin worth ave carharns. cheap, easy terms, j h. Mtddietcn. 617 Chamber of Com merce FOR SALE 7 -room cottage and fractional lot. 7" Everest at . bet. -1 st and prtce $4.miO. For terms aea owner, a la Failing bldar. FINE homo :n JMedmont, 7-room. modem iioue and 3 lots on hands vne corner. tih fru.t tr es. rows. eiL-.. $4200. . W. rse. llii w i.j:ims ave KQLITY on $":- lot. &rtV"0. near Country Club for sat at aacrtnee -f taken at once; sni; act quickly. AH Ji. oresronlan. A-RtMkM eotrage rn Brooklyn: eeonabia tarmac zw areata, AJJ, , Om&wuaa.. TOR HALE REAL. ESTATE. I " I .. I $9OO0 TCOR HII.T HOME BK SOLD rfardle of TTlatlv, v&ju. S.VX) TTill buy It TODAY nd ir Tin REDUCE th. priT liW) E-h Dw rati! Soli Now wall till th. other Wlo GETS IT. mi.rWFIA TRUST COMPANT. T14 Couch B11. l'K Fuurth St. SPEC I A TYPICAL HIN'iAI.1 I.. I u' of banriaoiTve l. balance ?t ier month. ..ant larit' . room and bath. lam lot. hpt dltrlc Improved street. r-'ncrpiw-nwrfrt Davm ent. furnace, dou- b flror. b-!t mat eriaJ an't ur.isn throughout. This - I. trlct where value, ar. ocatea In a d.- raptdly lnrreaptnc r lew than and can b bougnt at nin-e abou INFORMATION. II. Corbetl bid. t It. NO PHuXS XT. Umcke. ail PORTLA.NI HEIUHIS. Ttrxe (troundi. marnlrii-ent view, beau tlful vroom hotwe. bul'.t by owner for own b-mie; hardwood S fireplace... fin ished In mahoicaay and oiarter-wawed oak: th:. fp one of the finest home, on the lle;ahi nd will be riven at a bargain it taken at once. For price and excellent term, ee ZIMMERMAN. Kill Corbett bid. 2 ACRKK. flfinrt buya a very choice 2-acre. tract, air aet out In alrawberrl. a, 3V mll. from .-nter of city; lesl of soil and He. level; f.o fare; can make a living- on tau tract; V carh. JORPAV A OARBAPE. Wanhlngti-n n. FINGALOW. 6 larite rooms, all on one floor, fur nace, cement basement, walla tinted to suit, complete and modem in every way. lmproed atreei. sewer, lot 4:ix,4J. near Sunnvslde car. jrijo; $5"0 down. CONK1.1N' UROS.. 30'J Itothchild Bldlf. FKA' TIDNAL lot. $100. In walklnir dia tanc, on E. Davirf St.. 3.1xlf; half cash. H. f" PALMER. 41S Commercial t'lub Bldsr. 44.4. rrfntli1) on Cay St.. near 1-Ath. fine ItwaibMi ior wparlnicnts or fiats: nothing as cheap in this vicinity: 'terms. V. O. Uaddel. Siia Lumber Exchange. FINE RRICK bulldlnt. 2 r.w. 8 rooms overhead, lot r."xl"'.. on Russell St., a TK..ITHe eiJ.; e" '"' MARTIN. J. HIGLEY. 1.12 Thtrd K. FOR SALE New. modern 7-room house, centra'lr loomed. 1 hlo. It from carllne In Jlollada'y I'ark Aridition. Ad.lres AD 3P0, tireonlan. EI.EHANT liomea; easy terms; East or est side. i;oldschinlut'a AKpncy, 2..3'j WaJ-hlnflton at. I NEEO $"i.'0 cash, will sacrifice a 5-room cou.nte. I's miles from the Steel bridge, price jn.Ml. I 44i. Oreaonlan. 10 ACRES flrst-clas, land on Villa ave.. near Montavll'a. -'o I'er acre. iart cash. In quire F. Foster. 350 E. Vahlnit(on st- 4-ROOM new modern eotTaste. near Haw thorne nve; terms to suit you. M. E. Ie. room 411 Corbett bldg. NEW modern buncnlow. latest design cheap for cash. I1TK Albina ave. , FOR SALE TIMBER "LANDS. TIMBER I.AM'S. For sale liin acres tirst-class ola (rrowth cordwood timber, located on Una of O. W. P. Ry.. near Eagle Creek; price and trm. reasonable. OREGON TIMBER COM PANT, 40.1 M. Kay Bidg BIT PEFORE THE STAMPEDE Patented claims of :!.n.ifi.fviK) to S.noO.OOO ea.h at IOOO and upward in large or small b!o-ks. WESTEItN INVESTMENT CO., Corbett Hlock. TIMBER LANDS OREGON. WASHINGTON. CALIFORNIA JAMES D. LAl'EV CO.. Chicago. New Orleans. Seattle. 8JU Chamber of commerce. Portland. THE oi:e;ox TIM her a CRCISING CO. Paclfi. Coast timber, water powers located an.) examined, taxes paid for non-residenta. timber lan-ls cruised and accurate ewtl tna", furnished. Ho-m 51T, Board of Trade bldg. Phone Main TIMBER lands bought and sold, casn paid f-r single claims. Have several large tract, lined up direct from original entry men; guaranteed cruise on all boldiuga C. C. Shay, 407 Rothchlld bldg. A FINE proposition In timber, with saw mill and ahlncle mill on the ground: stream for running logs to the mill: easily logged, all down slope; must be euld. Frary A Seltg. 133 6th at. FOR bargains In virgin umberlands, secontl growth timberlands. Improved ranches and small tracts. addres or call B. T. Hart. 2;;.; Grove St.. Montavllla 0 YELLOW PINE. KMHMi YELLOW" FIK. SO-; CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. TWO squatter.' claims; will cruise 9.0"0. O.X1 and .oon.o0 each; price $."iOU and y0. AD ot!. Oregonian. WE are headquarters for timber and. lum ber enterprises of all klr.ds. Kinney A Mtamphcr. 5;tl-32 Lumber Exchange bldg. 16.000 ACRES, cruises Xt.WO to ncre, (i" cent, lr M. Zimmerman. .'2l Corbett bldg. FOCR logglnff propositions clos, to Colum bia River. Mohan. Allsky plug. TIMBER AND HOMESTEAD LOCATIONS. .".2T WORCESTER TiLOCK. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED. TELEPHONE BUNDS. R-room m-dern new house, full cement basement, furnace. In f.u-t every modern convcn.ence: lixixlOO comer, cement walks, street finished, sewer, gas. everything In and paid for: In good location. Urper Al bina: 1R minutes out: price l:00; $H000 in Home Telephone bond, with mock, balance 6 per cent. . CAMERON CABLE. Ml Hoard of Trade bldg. WANTED Immediately; have customer for a modern twc-siory 7 or S-r.lom house and full lot. convenient to carline and not too far out. Within :C.i0 Can pay ,l.Vi to foo down. Keally eTlrokerage Co.. 2tW Stark St., suite 32. ANY ONE having home-.teads or relinquish ments to sell, please call at my office. 1 can tiun-ose of them for you. SWEET. 2i'4 Corbett bklg. WILL pay cash for 4 ot 1 acre on or near west side of county road, between Broad way and Knott St.; no holdup. AD 3i", Oregonian. 1 ANT to buy a bungalow in good neighbor hood, not over 4ooo. ea.-y terms: 1 want a snap and direct from the owner. N 43.S, care oregonian.. WANTED Good piece of Wet Side prop-, erty f"r $f'oO' or thereabouts, bringing in good income; improvements must be g.xid. also location. R 447. Oregonian. WANTED Small house or fractional lot. West sto. In easy walking distance. AD 3ifi. Oregonian. WANTED Five or ten acres suitable for suburban home R 43.1 Oregonian. WANTED Acreasv. suitable for subdivision. S 4?6, Oregonian. ACREAGE. 5 ACP.ES. A'I In cultivation: 3 blocks from Hllls boro electric etation. on fine read, 16 mile, from Portland: $2000. $1.V down, riksy monthly payments. SWF-F.T, 204 Corbett bidg. WANTED FARMS. I AM Iciking for a farm of about SO acres. m.X all in cultivation, with fair bulli lngj about 2. milee from Portland: Wash ington County preferred; owners only. B 4-. care Oregonian. To UAsm. 4-FTOHT brick on 4th St., near Morrison. R. w. Wilson. 401 McKay bldg. WANTED TIMBER LANDS- TIMBER lands wanted. S04 McKay bldg. C. J. McCracken, FOB SALE FARMS. IF YOC want to buy a nice home In th, country for a little money writ, to Forest Grove Rm1 Estate Co.. Forest Grove, Ox, tut liAi iu TerranKhKUva. , .M " "" , , . k . - , rr77, I HELP WAXTED-MA1S. f SITUATION WASTED MALR ' WAyTEP-AGEXTB. SO acres. 9 miles from tills city; 40 acres under fine state of cultivation. i acres green timber. balance aiaslied, burned and seeded for pasture: fine room houae. nearly new; good bam anil ail other necessary outbuildings; "4 rrule from church and school and 2 miles from railroad town on fine road; excellent neighborhood; good team, wagon, hack, 2 cows, some hogs, about H0 chickens. 2 tons of hay. plow,, harrows, cultivator. and all small tools. Price it sola $4SO; 'JOUO cash, balance can stand for 3 to 5 years, 6 per cent- ) acres, 11 miles from this city and 2 miles from country town on gcod county road; 20 acres under line state of culti vation, balance slashed, burned and seed ed; living stream and line well, fami.y orchard of assorted friills-; house nearly new. 20x30. barn 5x05. chicken-houses, woodshed, etc.; 7 cows. 1 heifer. 1 calf. 1 good horse. 1 colt. bogs. 2 chickens, cream separator. wason.. buggy, plovv. harrow, cultivator, hay and grain on hand, and ail household furniture, owner sell ing on account of sickness and is offer ing & bargain. Price. .31.V); J1000 can stand on place at 6 per cent. The above Is but a sample of our large list. DO NOT FAIL TO SEE ITS before buying either for a home or aa an In vestment. ' THOMPSON & SWAN. Citizens' Bank Bldg., Vancouver, Wash. 11 ACRES Of the choicest plecee) of land, equal to heaverdam: nothing better for gardening -located on Salem car line, about 10 miles from Portland and about 800 feet from the depot. There are lo acres under culti vation, ha, a little stream sufficient water to Irrigate if required. Price. 3o0 per acre. This piece of land ie well located to be platted In smaller tracts: Is only a few hundred yards from tile stores in lit tle town; unimproved land sells for to f-:oo per acre not near ai well located. Owner of this piece of land ner-da money. OTTO & HARK SON, 1.1.1 1, First st. FIX ACRES at Mllwankle Heights. S min utes' walk from carllne; S-r....m hcuee. modern tankhour with gasoline er.gln-; this place is all In bearing fruit of the verv best varletv; all klnls of grapes, mall berrlci. peaches, apple, pere and cherrlta, all personal property, horse and wngon. cow. pig, chickens and farmliig too:..; a fine country home. Price, .wu. S25u0 cash. bal. to suit. O. W. P. LAND COMPANY. First and Alder. WASHINGTON COI'NTY. Half mile from Oregon electric station. 40 acres finest soli, 4 acres pasture, about ;i acres In orchard, garden and barnyards, balance In clover and timothy; -room cottage, large barn and other outbuildings- lust the place for a dairy or fruit farm; milk route passes the house: sult nle for subdividing; also 2 to tracts s miles east Hlllsooro, Oregon elec tric parses through the tract; substation a-rofs the road. F. W. Power, falem. Or. $ SOs BI'YS lO-aore improved farm, with stock and implements; part , cash; near C"$4noo buys 27-aere fruit ranch w-ithin 6 miles o Vancouver. 11 and 44,-acre Improved farms near Farme of all sizes and prices throughout the Valley. Belter see GolUschmidt Agency. 2.".:l'.i Washington st. SMALL FARM. 12 acre. in cultivation. 6-room house, barn and chicken-house, runninm water, good well, small fruit and fruit trees: 1( chiekene. turkeys and ducks. 2 ows l stands of be.-; price $.(500; 1-3 cash, ba. ance 6 per cent. JORDAN CAR BADE. 232j Washington st. BARGAIN. 14.1-arre farm adjoining R. R. I01"1 Rich oll. I-arge house and barn, family orchard. Good for dairy. Mi mile to creamery: 15 miles from Portland; 40 per acre: H cash, balance to suit. CALL ON US COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. 714 Couch Bldg.. 109 Fourth fet. FRUIT FARMS. "39 acrei- 24 acrea In young apple orch ard of tho best variety, all bearing; this land Is all level and the very best of wll; 14 mlb, from Southern Pacific sta tion. 3o mile, from Portland. Price, $130 per acre. O. TV. P. LAND COMPANY. First and Alder. FRUIT FARM. 14 acres. 6 nilleB east of Vancouver. Ill miles from Olumbia River; all In fruit ai-ples l-ars. cherries and prunes; trees in flni condition and the best soil; price S.'i2.'s; terms. JORDAN OARBADE, 22 Washington St. 10 ACHES, tlnoo. All In high state of cultivation, on line road; 6 acre- In young line apples. a. res In bearing prune. 12 mile, from Portland, on electric survey: easy terms. SWEET. 204 Corbett bldg. ACREAGE BARGAIN. NEAR CITY, 21 ACRES All In cultivation: no gravel: nice creek, gocd soli, good buildings, horse, and farm ing touf. all good, lor ale cheap and n verv easy terms. W. H. LANG. 340 Chamber of Commerce. T ACRES in cultivation. 5 acres apple trees. a veais 010. -- -- :,... 4-room house and barn. 3 tons of hay. 2 wagons and all farming tools. I rice J0io. tan it- iw " 640 ACRES: 16 an acre: 40 miles Portland: v-. . -1 -.. rnnm nir-nnilSi Or town property. Hall. 3S0 Front st. FOR Willamette ValleV lands see Olnsted Land Company. Salem. Or. TO EXCHANGE. WANTE D To trade for real estate l."0S Reo Roadster. In first-class condition only been run S"0 miles; demonstration given. Address S 430. Oregonian. OF COURSE! CERTAINLY! If you want to tuy .ell or trade business or property, follow the crowd to Stevenson & Taylor, rooms 810 and 311 Buchanan bldg. ONE lot worth $100, in seaport, good town, to xchange for good typewriter of stand ard make. Address Y 401. Oregonian. TWO lot. In good coast town, worth J200: will trade for good horse and buggy. Ad dress Y 400, Oregonian. WILL trade prnuerty paying 3000 a year for timber land or other good property. Woodlawn 1522 or S31 William, ave. FOR SALE 214 acres, all Improved, five blocks from Milwaukee car barua. Call Browning s baths. 14B 1st. ANY cltv or farm property for business. Ooldschmldt's Agency, business depart ment. 253 V, Washington. FOR SALE or exchange: 20-room hotel In good valley town; reasonable rent. Ad- uresa u in. v" " .". TOURING car or runabout for real estate or diamonds. Address N 423. Oregonian. WANT to trade IS vacant lots for house and lot. O 4.'i0. Oregonian. WILL trade for wtist you have- Gu, Smith. 404 Buchanan bldg. 2 FOR SALE. Hordes, Vehicle, ami Ultra ess. PAIR horses, weigh 3000 lbs. sound and right every way: pair horses, elgh .2o.S lbs good workers; one bay horse, weighs 1100 lbs., exira nice saddle horse: bay mare, weighs lo.",0 lbs., rides or drives: all kinds buggies, harness, saddles and wag ons Red Front stables. . 15th. off Wash- knap-SfiS buvs bay horse, welRha 12tK) lbs 4S buys brown delivery horse, weiirhl inno lbs.; UQ buya pair horses, weiph 2300 lbs.; $100 buys business rig complete, horse, bupgy and harness; fnrra wason tcear. 3-lnch. $L2-.0; single har nes. . S; etoclt saddle, $10. Call 26 iV Inth et. . 1 RENT horses, watfons. bugffies. harness; also" buy. sell or exchange; Ibwest rates in citv on bur-iness riKs. Red Front btables, just off Washington. Main 112... CARLOAD of cood horses, all oung and sound horses and mares; good ;H"4t-Crand-ave. Sale Stables, cor. Market and Grand ave.. East. GOOD team of horses, weighing- about 30' h). 6 and years old. Take Oregon City car to Courtney Station. Mr. A. Tuchalka. IsOT of rood draft horses and farm mares, all young and sound. Madison-st. sa.e fitablea, neax bridge. Fhoue Main 5324. WANTED Tea.m of ranch horses. 2400 pound.-, sound and cheap. X 412. Ore gonian. FOR SA1.B One young draft horse and double harnesa. Apply 30S Davis "t. HORSES, mares, t'-sz cr.2 aamesa of all kinds for sa.e. 21-4 Montgomery. HUBERT HALL. SSO Front, buy. sell, rent fcoraca, Tsbicea, low rata oa buadneaa rla, Hosn, Vehicle and HareeM. FOR SAL.E HOBtJES AND WAGONS. 2 black mares, ti years. 2W. 2 gray rnare. 6 years, 2S0O. S bay marea, 7 years. 3100. 2 cream mares, 6 years. 3300. 1 bay mare, years. 3500. 1 gray gWdtng. 4 years. 1.15ft. 2 bay geldings. 4 years. 3'it.K). 1 bay mare. 5 years. IKH'- 1 black mare. 10 years. 15w. 1 bJak. geldirg, lo years. 10. 2 white poni. 7 years. IT 00. Several god delivery and farm, horses. Several good delivery wagons. 20 farm wagons. 3 furniture wagon. 2 bakery wagon?. We al.-o rent hordes and wagons by tne day. week or month. HAWTHOR.VR PTABLES, 420 Hawthorne ave. TOI'NO team of horses fnr sale cheap, wettrht 1)'M lb- Call East 1320. LARGE horse. sultabU for farm work. O. W. Lum Co. Automobiles. IF TOU are looking for barjraini In new and slightly used automobiles, call on Portland Auto Commission House, 534-3 Mder. cor. 17th. Both phones, A and Main 4405. A SNAP 907 mudl G. Franklin, perfect "Franklin, perfect les. cheap. Phone itnauion, an -' Main 121. Oregon City AUTOMOBILES $130 and up tor sale or trade. Hartman. 46 2d st. PtanoV. A BETTER piano for les than we are selling cannot be obtained. Ours Is a general music business so we are not de pendent upon the profit of our pinno de partment. See the nice new piano we son for $200. Pay $3 a month. Pianos for rent; used planoF. $5 and up, at HI 4;h st. Hallet & JJavis Agency, tecond oldest and best ms'ite in America. STEIN WAY GRAND PIANO SACRIFICE Exceptionally sweet tone, mahogany case P 420, Oregonian. M isoellaneous. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. One 40-imh Jacque niat bnard cutter One Springfield oval picture cutter. One half-horse power motor. Three air brushes, power pump ana ta'looo different halftone cuts of- Oregoa scenery. One. small printing plant. Small nock photographic goods. l.arfce assortment Oregon scenery pho tographs. Tables and counters. Address B 4."2, Oregonian. MOVING PICTURES. Edison's and PoweV's motion pictura machines; dissolving stereopticrms; cal cium and go. outfits; nw Alms, 80OU subjects, guaranteed no; largest buvera of new films In United States; elides to order and stocked, we teach you to operate. LAEil MLB FILM SERVICE. 214-216 Wells-Fargo bldg.. Portland GET our prices and save money on all kinds OF PLUMBING SUPPLIES AND PIPE, Yes. we sell to ail. Plumbing goods installed if desired, NOT IN THE TRUST. M. BARDE & SONS. PLUMBING SUPPLY HOUSE. 110 N. 3d St.. near Glisan. MOVING PICTURES, MEN. ATTENTION! Now readv for business. Pacific Film Co.. 303-7 Rothchlld bldg., Portland. Or. "We install new theaters and furnish e.erythlng. Phone Main 80S0. MOVING PICTURES. Start a moving-picture theater on easy term; profits $10 to $10 dally; films, machines, supplies rented, sold, bought and PX'hanged. Newman's Moving-Picture Exchange, 2W3 Burnside st. FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables; easy payments; we rent tables with privilege of; modern har fixtures; cheap prices. JJrunswick-Balke-Collender, 4lt 3d st. 20 SLIGHTLY marred Sewing Machines; all makes; s.'ld at great reduction this wecK only; also machines for rent. White Sew ing Machine Store, 430 Wash., cor. 11th. H. P. Jones. Prop. $75 BUYS nice diamond ring: will take h"r;o, Hugo- or wppnn In i-xchange. K'lS Ka ?it 2Si h st. Woodstock car to Gladstone TYPEWRITERS, all makes. $20 to $00. fuily guaranteed, easy payments; rentals $:; per month. Pacitic Stationery St Ptg. Co.. 203 Second St. Js'B'E cow cheap: will take horse or hugey In ex..hanne. K,S East 2Sth t. Wool4tock car to Gladstone ave. $25 BUYS 1-5 certificate on Eflers Piano House If taken at once. G- Graves, Black Rock, Oregon. ELGIN and Waltham full Jeweled watches, warranted, only $5 each, at Uncle Myers. 143 3d. near Alder. FOR SALE Best dry 4-ft. fir and oak wood at lowest market prices Hoover. 313 Water st. Phone Main 7451. v FOR SALE or rent, hoisting and losginfr engine. Railway Equipment Co., 74 1st st. Both phones, FOIt SALE Complete dredging outfit. In quire of K. J. Taylor. Astoria, Or. OLD maids Thanksgiving dinner. For your Thanksgiving pigeons call up Tabor S22. FOR fisAlffli First-class dairy manure, thor oughly rotten and clean. Phone Main sr21. 10 MONTHS' pedicxeed Scotch , Co3Jia dog", house trained. 12 East 14th. MOVING-PICTURE EXCHANGE Machines, supplies, slides, films for rent. lColri 4th st. TYPEWRITER, A-l. your own price, or will rent. H 43, Oregonian. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED An Idle piano and cornet player, capable of playing standard music call and see me during- the even ing of or 26th. 109 tHh, cor. Gllaan. Young man desired; WANTED Energetic single young man to travel and learn good paying business; references. Call 10 A. M. to 2 P. M., room 1, The Mercedes. Otb and Vash. WANTED Experienced man In hardware, stoves, etc, to qualify -as lloor walker; state age. experience and references. J 4.7. Oreponian. WANTED Bright, energetic young man with small capital as partner in a cash business; experience unnecessary"- 223 5lh st. WE want 4 high-class salesmen on propo sition that Is making good in Portland. 3;:S Worc ester bldg., li to 10:30 A. M. Ask for Mr. Reel. LEARN watchmaking, engraving and op tics; easy terms; positions secured; money earned while learning. Watchmaking, En graving School, cor. 4th and Pike, Seattle. WANTED A good solicitor, by business college; good tleid; liberal commission. A 2M, Oregonian. WANTED An experienced collector about U3 vears old. references required. Apply In own handwriting. B 448. Oregonian. STANDARD EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. For Men 2r-0 Burnside Street. Phone Main 5694. $12.". PER month for special fire insurance work: permanent traveling. Address. J 443. Oregonian. FOR WORK OR FOR HELP CALL ON PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. 12 North 2d St. Both Phones. BARBER shops will remain closed all day Thanksgiving, but will not close until 10 P. M. Wednesday. T. M. Leabo, Sec WANTED 1 A-l hardwood finishers to work on hardwood floor. Call 720 Chara- ber of Commerce. WANTElb 5 men to learn automobile driv ing and repairing. Apply Port Auto Com. House. 5-".4-3tS Alder st. WANTED A male bookkeeper and stenog rapher; references required. 713 Board of Trade oiag, WANTED Ground cleaned, small stumps; close in, 5c fare. Inquire ISO Front st. BARBER wanted; steady Job for a good man. 122 N. 6th st. Headquarters cooks, helpers. California Wine Depot. P. Loratl, 148 4th. Main 3500- "WANTED A watchman for duck lake; must have reference. Inquire 1m2 N- 4th st. W ANTED Experienced tailor. Ben Selling. Leading Clot hier. GO'"'D cabinet-maker wanted. Union Store Fixture Co., East l.'th and powelL WANTT5D Photo coupon and picture agents; motmUung awelL Cutberta. Dekain told. WAITED First-class bartender, dty. 1 iirst-cJass billiard-room attendant, city. 1 first-class clerk, city. 1 first-class haUman, city. GERMAIN'S. Benson Building. f Fifth and Morrison. 10.O0O POSITIONS for graduates last year; men and women to learn barber tratie, in eight weeks: help to secure positions; graduates earn from $13 to $25 weekly; expert Instructor; tools free; write ror catalogue. Mohler System of Colleges. 35 N. 4th st.. Portland. Or. . WANTED For U. S. Army, able-bodied un married men. betwen as-ee of IS and 35. citizens of United States, of good charac ter and temperate habits, who can apeak, read and write English. Apply to re cruiting officer. Alnsworth bloc. $d ajid Oak eta., Portland, Or. WANTED A good, steady, industrious man to wash wagons and clean harness, no drinking or smoking: none but good, steady men need apply; must give refer ences. Address application G 436, Orego nian. c. r. Hansen, jr.. Employment Office Men's Departmeat. 28 North Second st. Phones Main and A 1526. Helo Free to employers MEN to learn electricity, plumbing, brick laying, plastering, day and night classes, no bocks, positions secured, free catalogue- Covne National Trade School, 240 8th st San Francisco. WANTED Porter who is reliable and can give security bonds; must sleep In build ing; do not apply If canaot comply with abore. Studebaker Bros. Co. Northwesrt, 3::r to 336 East Morrison. MEN to prepare for railway mail clerk ex amination soon: fair salary and promo tions; be mire and wait till too late now; ' better see us today. Pacific States Schools, McKay bldg. WANTED Railway mail clerks, commence ment salary $S00; no "layoffs" ; examina tions soon; preparation free. Write Imme diately. Franklin Institute, Rochester, N. Y. TWO smart solicitors or biggest magazine combination offer of the sea-son; $18 week I v and free transportation; A-l ref erences necessary. Call after 2 P. M. R H. Madden, 502 Swetland bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. TWO smart solicitors for biggest magazine combination offer of the season; $18 weekly and free transportation; A-l ref erences necessary. Call after 2 P. M. R. H. Madden, 502 Swetland bldg. WANTED At once, nurse for general hos pital duty. $.10 per month, with board, room and laundry of uniforms. Adarea Dr. W. T. Phv, Hot lke. Or. WANTED Good canvassers, neatly dressed women, citv and state; good money. Call room 508 Merchants Trust bldg., 6th and Washington L HANSEN'S LADIES" AGENCY. 343 Washington St., cor. 7th. upstairs Phones Main and A 2692. Help Supplied Free to Employer. LARGE business firm defdrea a woman not under 30 who Is trustworthy and energetic; experience not necessary. P 413, Ore gonian. WANTED Colored or Japanese woman to do cooking and general housowork In small family; good home. Phone Main 1268. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 343 Vi Washington St., Cor 7th. Upstairs. Phone Main 2632. GIRL wanted to assist In cooking and gen eral housework; 3 in family. 471 Main st. WANTED Competent second girl, private famiiv; must have beat of references. Phone Main 2M7. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES AGENCY. 326 Vs Washington St., Room 307. Main SS36 or A 3266. WANTED Woman to do general house work; small family; good home. Phone Main 12S8. . A OMRMAN or Swedish girl; no washing: $5 per month; good home; muet have reference. Call 428 Washington. TODAY Cook for ranch, country. $30; do not objert to one girl child. 209 4th . Main 2u39 PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. Ladles' Department, 2054 Morrison St Phones Main 1062, A 2061. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Viavl Co., 609 Roth chlld bldg., 4th and Washington. EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and some housework. Apply mornings. 111 North 22d st. EXPERIENCED saleslady. Clary, The Fair, ti.".2 Thurman, bet. 20th and 21st. BOOKKEEPING Private lessons, A nights In week; $4 per month. A 4948. Main 78G2. OIKL for general housework; good home. Call 723 Weidler St., mornings. TWO ladies to travel; salary and expenses; city work; $2.30 day. V 421, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED gir for general housework, family of 4 adults. 666 Hoyt. GIRL for general housework. Apply morn ing. f8 Ella st. LADIES to make pillow tops at home; good pay; Instructions free. Call 452 Wash. GIRL wanted to assist with housework. 194 North 17th, corner Kearney. LAUNDRESS wanted at once to take laundry home. OS 4h. GIRL for general housework, $20; family of two. 242 N. 22d st. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. FISK Teachers' Agency. Register now, $L 202 Swetland bldg. Phone Main 2410. AGENTS wanted to sell photo coupons. 320H Wash. at. Room 210. WANTED A couple, woman food oook, man generally handy. Phone Main 812. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. YOUNG man wishes position with mercan tile firm as cashier Jnd stenographer, etc Experienced In wholesale and retail business; would leave the city. N 436, Oregonian. A-l BOOKKEEPER and salesman wants position, glit-edge references. R 438, Ore gonian. BANK bookkeeper wants accounting after 4 P. M. Rates reasonable. G 447, Oregonian. M isoel laneona WA NTED Girl for housework in small family. Phone East 2418. 687 Wasco st.; Broadway car. . TWO young men from Easf desire positions in city; not afraid of work; no agencies. G 446. Oregonian. WANTED A position as nurse by a man. 2 vears' experience. Charles C. Johnson, Beaverton, Or. JAPANESE boy wants position ; house work or help In kitchen; Japanese church. Main 9361. 121 N. 15th st. SOBER and steady young married man wants position running elevator or team ing. Address H 419, Oregonian, EXPERIENCED Chinese cook wants to cook in family or boarding-house-. Phone A 3694. JAPANESE oy wants situation aa school boy, near school. F 431, Oregonian. POSITION coachman or houseman, city ref erences. B 441, Oregonian. JAPANESE end Chinese employment agency. 310 Davis st. Main S309. A 2997. MEATCUTTER wants situation; 12 years experience. S 435. Oregonian, JAPANESE laborers -want cutting brush or wood or grubs. S 439, Oregonian. JAPANESE, first-class cook, wants position, hotel or boarding-house. 121 North 15th. YOUNG Japanese boy wants situation as a schoolboy; no wages. J 444, Oregonian. TOP-NOTCH salesman wants position. J 443, Oregonian JAPANESE wants position, good cook or family. 33 Second st. TWO carpenters want work, finish or rough. L 447. Oregonian. JAPANESE . EMPLOYMENT CO., 268 (Ev erett st 'Main 4659. A 4078. JAPANESE employment office. 24A Couch su Haia A 4MK Miscellaneous. WANTED Position by middle-aged man. 21 yrs. on farm. 2 yrs drug clerk. IS yrs. barber; good education; capable of deaJing with public in most any re sponsible position. Call or address G. I. Roberts, Olympia Hotel. FOR THE HOUSEKEEPER. If you need an experienced janitor for house, carpet or window cleaning ring up' East 2997. Wliite help and responsible. MUSICIAN Oboe or alto player, would like to locate with good band, learn lineman a trade or what have you? Address Musi cian, 504 North 7th st., Portland. YOUNG man, now employed, wishes posi tion where he can learn electrical or steam engineering or inside wiring. Main 8668. L. W.. 347 Hall St. EXPERIENCED railroad store man of ability, familiar with details, on construc tion last three years, wants position; good references. E 441, Oregonian. AN all around baker wishes work in hotel or restaurant, and wife wants to wait on table in hotel or restaurant, phone A SSSS. Robert Mayer. YOUNG man of 21. experienced in packing and shipping, would like position in ship ping room or warehouse; good penman. W 425, Oregonian. BLACKSMITH. German, honest and sober, wants position In logging camp; 15 years' experience in blacksmfthlng; no horse shoeing wanted. N 403, Oregonian, GIRL to work in kitchen of a private boarding-house. Call bet. 9 and 10 A. M, at S89 Taylor. HONEST and eager Japanese wishes posi tion at housework or work in any store. T 42rt, Oregonian. STRICTLY first-class cook wants position; sober and steady; city or country. Ad dress D 438, Oregonian. JA PANES E boy, gentle and honest, wishes position as a schoolboy. Address 211 Everett St., Portland. O. Kama to. TWO Corean boys, experienced cooks, want positions, one school boy, one cook. Main 5613. EXPERIENCED Japanese wants position in hotel or restaurant, chef or second cook. M 446. Oregonian. A STRONG young man wants position, will ing to do any kind of work. S 438. Orego nian. YOUNG man wishes position running ele vator, experienced. J. Schick, 613 Leo St., Sell wood SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Dressmakers. EXPERIENCED young lady stenographer wishes position, mercantile work pre ferred. Main A843. EXPERIENCED stenographer wants eeariy position In office; good references. B 447, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS dnessmaklng at lowest prices. Mrs. Angeles. 242 6th and Main. DRESSMAKING and plain sewing by the day; experienced. Phone Tabor 43. STRANGER in city wishes to go out sew ing by the day. Phone Main 1938- House keepers. A THOROUGHLY reliable, trustworthy and educated young woman, desires a position as working housekeeper for an elderly couple, or in home of widower with chil dren. Address R 441, Oregonian. ENERQETIC young woman desires perma nent situation as housekeeper or house work. .Tulfa Marlowe. Oregon City. HOUSEKEEPER with elderly couple by elderly woman, will do general housework, home more than wages. G 441, Oregonian. Morses. AN EDUCATED, thoroughly reliable and trustworthy young woman desires a, posi tion as children's nurse; will assist with second work. Address R 4.19, Oregonian. PROFESSIONAL nurse wants more en gagements; terms to suit rich or poor. Main 6158. YOUNG LADY wishes position as nurse girl. Main S262. Dometftlca. A YOUNG lady, experienced, would like housework in small family. C 445, Orego nian. THREE Scandinavian girls want to do chamber work. O 451, Oregonian. GIRL wants position to assist with house work. R 443, Oregonian. GIRL wants general housework. 608 Petty grove st. Miscellaneous. THE St. Louis Ladies' Employment Agency has large UM. of good help; girls and women; experienced cooks, eecond girls, chambermaids. waitresaes and general housework. 209 4th St. Main 2039. A THOROUGHLY reliable, trustworthy and educated young woman desires a position as companion and nurse for in valid, either adult or child. AD 3U2. Oregonian. LAUNDAY ' work done at home: laoa cur tains, table linen, fancy waists and aprons. Try us; all work guaranteed, called for and delivered. Phone Tabor 483. WANTED Position as office girl in doc tor's office; best reference. Phone Main 2359, ask for Mrs. Law ton. LADY wishes to take orders for and will make doll hats for Christmas. Prices 60c to $1; will call. AD 393. Oregonian. SWEDISH woman wants day work, room 8. 3S4 Sherman st. Phone Main 6427. GIRL wants place to do upstairs work. West Side. Call at 409 North 18th st. MARRIED couple wish to take charge of rooming-house. Phone Main 9090. FIRST-CLAS3 cook wishes situation In pri vate family. 405 First, flat K. LADY of good appearance wishes work few hours evenings. Main 43S0. room 6. FURS repaired and remodeled by Eastern ladles, prices reasonable. 266 21st st. N. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED To rent houses, cottages, flats, stcres, office, rooming-houses, etc. Land lords will do well to call on Portland Trust Company of Oregon, S. E. cor, 3d and Oak. Phone Exchange 72. WANTED A 4 or 5-room and bath cottage or bungalow nn or before December 10, 1908; must be up to date end reasonable; no children. Harry W. Evano, care Pa cific Steel Wire Co., Portland. Or. WANTED To rent, by responsible party, 3 or 6-room cottage or bungalow, furnished, in good neighborhood, near school ana stores, family of 4; reasonable rent. C. W. Freeman, room 5, Oxford Hotel. YOUNG lady would like a quiet, respect able Dlace in the country, where she could board about two weeks; give terms. L 446 Oregonian. EXCHANGE grocery wagon; consider Alaska P. & C. or Cardinal mining stock. Main 4116. WANTED Room and board In private family by lady employed in office. Ad dress, stating price, 314 Buchanan bldg. WANTED 2 or 3 furnished housekeeping rooms on ground floor. East or West Side; state price. R 44S, Oregonian. YOUNG lady desires room and board or room with breakfast; exclusive family; Wst Side, J 442, Oregonian. YOUNG lady desires board and room In private family. West Side preferred. Ad dress, S 440, Oregonian. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED Men's caM-off clothing" and shoes; we ftlso buy household furnishings; highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair Deal." 62 8d st. North. Phone Main 922. WE PAY TOP PRICES FOR FURNITURE And anything else you have to sell. PORTLAND AUCTION CO.,, Main 6655. 4121. FORD AUCTION CO. "Pays the price" for second-hand furni ture. East 688. B 2311. CLOTHING CLOTHING. Phone M. 186183 N. 3d. Highest price pair; prompt attention. CLOTHIM3 Clothing. Phone Main S43. Highest price paid. 33 N. 3d st. attend" always a-tren. Phone East 106T.J AGENTS handle new 2f0-candle power Lib erty light; consumes lc gas 6 hours; sells on sight; big profits. Pacific Gas Mantle Co.. 341 Waller St.. San Francisco. FOB RENT. FurnlMhed - Rooms. NOW OPEN. THE VALLEY HOTEU cor. 5d and Main sts. Everything brand new; electric lights, steam heat, hot and cold water; free baths nnd phone; rooms single or ea suite; prices reasonable; transients solic ited, phone Main 7273. THE NEW SCOTT. Seventh. Ankeny and Burnside: In the heart of the city; everything brand new; finest rooms in town; an Ideal Winter home; rates reasonable; Tree bus to ail Iralns. THE BARTON. Sth and Alder; new man agement; newly renovated throughout; TO outside room.; steam heat, electric lights, etc.; roome- $10 month up; suites with run ning waier. $22.50 to $30; elegant public parlor; phones and baths free. THE COMMERCIAL. N1ceT furnished rooms, $2 per week up: steam heat, hot and cold water, free baths and phone; transients 30c, 73c and $1 per day; open ail night; office and reading room ground floor. 4SS-4D2 Washington at. THE GOODNQUGH, cor. 5th and Yamhill, opp. P. O. : rooms by day. week or month; elevator service, steam heat, etc. ; singles and suit-; $3 weekly up. Mrs. Aliiaoa & Snyder. HOTEL FRANKLIN, cor. 13th and Wash ington sts. Newly furnished throughout; new buikHn&s. suites with baths, hot and cold water in every room. Phone Mala 7195. Long-distance phones in all rooms. THE NEW OCCIDENTAL HOTEL. Firn and Morrison; steam ht-at. electric lights. hoL and cold water, baths free; $3 per week up; transients solicited. Phones ' A 4408. Main 4&61. THE CASTLE, West Park and Wash. New management. newly renovated outwd rooms; steam heat, electric light; $. per week up. Transient solicited. Main 16.6. THE BUCKINGHAM. Yamhill st. opp. Port land Hutt'l Fireproof building; all mod ern conveniences; special rates to perma- nent guests. A. H. Pracht. proprietor. HOTEL ROMA1NE, just opened, newly fur nished, hot and cold water in every room, steam heat, baths and phones; rates rea sonable. 147V 2d. near Alder. HOTEL RUSHMARK. Washington and 17th, first-oiass furnished rooms, single or en suite; all modern con veniences; $3 weekly up. A 2647. Main 564T. HOTEL KEN YON, 18th and Washington Modern rooms, single and en eulte; also housekeeping; running mater, private end free baths; rates reasonable. Pacific 494. FURNISHED ROOMS En suite or single, reasonable, 3d-floor room, $5 per month f furnace heat, bath, phone. 566 Johnson street. THE eVtES Good rooms, reasonable; new furniture, telephone and baths free. 827 Vs Stark, corner 6;h. Mrs. Maud J. Kstes. THE LIN DELL, 209 Market, modern steam heated rooms, electric light, free bath, phone, $2 week up. ..THE RANDOLPH. 3d and Columbia, roomi; heat, batn; ouc 10 k cay, w THE EL WOOD Newly furnished, $2 to $5 week; also transient rooms. 343 Morrison. THE LUXOR, 13th and Clay; steam heat, electric lights, both phones; $10 monthly. THE GRAND Nicely furnished rooms, $3 up. 387 Yamhill. Furnished Rooms. Private Families. THREE larpe furnished or unfurnished rooms, large yard, nice neighborhood, gas. hot and cold water, phono included. 489 21st St., Portland Heights. Main 2.'.7. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, on second floor of modem eteam-heated apartments. Fiat D, 4ti! Jefferson st. NICE, warm room, suitable for two ladies; modern and homelike; two meals; rate reasonable. Phone Main 6408. 1 OR 2 furnished rooms, lower floor, suitable for an office. Apply 143 11th. .Phone A 8419. NICE, large, new, furnished room. 1 or 2 gentlemen, with or without board; walk ing distance. 57 Ella st.. 23d-st. car. 1 TO 6 rooms, furnished or unfurnished, to suit tenants; modern. 4tf Taylor ROOMS New house, all modern conven iences. 4srt Market St., cor. 14th. Fl N E balcon v room. West Side; reference required. G 440, Oregonian. ROOMS for rent. 701 Everett St., bet. 20th. and 21st; upstairs LARGE, airy eleeping room suitable for lady or two boys, 104 11th, near Washington. NICELY furnished front parlor; clean; bath, gas, $12 month. 367 6th at. 2 FP-ONT rooms, with or without board; bath, walking distance. 452 6th. Rooms With Board. EXCELLENT MEALS A SPECIALTY. STEAM H BAT. TWO BLOCKS FROM POSTOFFICE. Board and room only $''.0 per month. Investigation will be a mutual advantage. The Valiamont, West Park and Yamhill. PORTLAND Women's Union. 20th year; rooms with board, use of sewing-room and library: Women's Exchange, Mrs Ella Rawlings, Supt., S10 Flanders st. THE LIN DELL, 2ti9 Market St.; nicely fur nished rooms, board; .strictly home cooking; steam heat, electric lights, bath, phone; - $6 a week. HOTEL SARGENT. Steam heat, all modern conveniences; ele gantly furnished; table do bote dinners a specialty. Grand aad Hawthorne. THE MORRISON, 533 Morrison St.. family hotel modern, new management; board op tional best table board; prices moderate. LARGE corner room, furnace heat, hot and cold water, gas; also smaller room. 64 j Morrison. VERT large, comfortable room: also single room; modern conveniences. 452 Morrison, cor. lSth FIJRNIHHED parlor bedroom, suitable for gentleman, gas, bath, phone.. $9 per month. 2-U Union ave. Nortr THE MARLYN, Washington and 17th, well furnXd rooms. hot and cold water, home cooking, permanent or transient. TWO nice large rooms, with first-class board. 335 Couch. Th Sterling. - THE COLONIAL. 10th and Morrison. Good board, pleasant rooms, low rates. LARGE light front room, nice place, $S n.onth. 361 14th st. Phdne. gas. FURNISHED room, with board. The Ozark. 225 11th st. Rooms with Board, Private, Families. EXCELLENT board, pleasant rooms, cozy, 'homelike place, $20 per month ; hot and cold water, bath, phone, near Ladd School nnd churcnes, warning uismui-D. -- f erson. CLEAN" comfortable room, good board, home surroundings, with quiet family, fond of music, reading; reasonable; refer ences. Main 5415. LARGE front room with board: modem, rea sonable; also small room. Phone Dast .22. M East 8th North. URGE room and board, rultablc for two. V.30 Davis St., near 16th-st. carllne. Phone Main 4236. LOVELY front room suitable for two gentlemen, or man and wife; special rates. 401 Vi 12th st. ROOM AND BOARD for two, modem resi dence, laundry, $20. 75 E. 28th N. East 1696. FIRST-CLASS room and board for two or three; reasonable; walking distance. 624 East Morrison. ROOM and board, private family: modern, central, reasonable; gentleman. Main 322. LARGE and 'nicely furnished. good home cooking; very reasonable. 633 Wash. St. ROOM and board. $3 a week. 315 East 6th st. Phone East 4 21-' 6- - Apartment. THE BUELL APARTMENTS. 14th and Sal mon. 4 rooms furnished. 3 rooms unfur nished, new. automaylc elevator. . HARRISON COURT, 5th and Harrison; very desirable unfurnished apartments of 2 and 3 rooms with haih. Phone Main 5148. ELEG NTLY furnished 4-room apartment; 4 blocks north of Washington st., in Nob Hill' to adults only. W 426 Oregonian. 660 FLANDERS 3 and 4-room lower suites; lurnisjitstt uuiu.uiucu, e