13 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 25. 190S. i n r. .Tiun. A jr uniuuiafi I , I I I NO BONE TO PICK WITH OUR ELMHURST FIE "EVERY LOT A PLUM," says "Horner," and now that eminent engineer, R. S. Greenleaf don't dare call him a "liar" says every lot will come to grade when the "hurly-burly's done." Having taken advantage of good weather, our grading ia half completed and far advanced. We gladly refer to the owners of a hundred of our choice lots, who are THANK ui to a unit to be classed among the fortunate possessors of high-class realty in the leading city of the Great Northwest. ONLY ONE ELMHURST and that will be sold in the next ninety days. The owners of Elmhurst-Messrs. Hilton, Dodda & Campbell - have appointed the AMERICAN TRUST COMPANY exclusive sales agent3 for this popular tract. Arrange for a trip to see this property by automobile on or before THANKSGIVING DAY with THE AMERICAN TRUST CO. ROOMS 200-204 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BEST INSTITUTE EVER HELD TEACHERS GREATLY PLEASED BY PROGRAMME OFFERED. J)r. Edward O. Sison Gives Interest. lnC Address on -Spirit or Dlscl pl(ne" other Features. It w, th- sMisral opinion aniO"K ths hundreds of teachers "p'',1 Ttrt.r In the East Side Hlsh bohool that tMs years Institute Is the strong est ever held in this county. The mo-nina- session was opened w"n music, after which Pr. Edward O. Sis son, of the ed.i-Htion department of the U niversity of Washington, delivered an address on "The Spirit of Discipline Dr. Fisson-a wide view of the uJect and the warm humanity and practical ity of his treatment of it aroused much enthusiasm among his hearers. He said, in part: In olr H"" the failure of anv tearh-r was usuallv duo l lnshlllljr 10 "keep or der" Ws now ralli hnt hll. order Is en Important thin, discipline is reter, l.larlpllns Is all the activity of the school, in wnlcta the will of the school and ths will of ths teacher l exerclfed -oon ttis will of the child. It Is a mtter of spirit, not of externals. The three elements of sun-ess In discipline ere light, warmth and power. Fv the light of reason see. thlr.its as they are. what they mean, and what Is thslr relation. In our American life we need strength to resist the tfiidenoy to Indulgence of the child- but while coddling Is to be avoided, the teacher must be filled with nuln warmth, tenderness and klndnes towards h'.s pupils Finally, power is essential power In the will of the teacher to de velop ths self-dlretlnjr power of the child. The end of dieclrllns Is found, not in I've school, but In life. The same principles underlie the social order of the world. Richard 15. Boone, of Los AnKeles, pav a continuation of his address of Monday on "Means and Kmis of Educa tion." He srave as the three chief ends of ail education the development in the child of alertness of mind, efficiency and self-reliance. Ir. Boone said In part: are should be taken not to Include amons; ths ends of education the impor tant m-r.s knosn ss reading, wilting and ciphering. These are not ends In them selves, but tooia to enlarge the scope of life and enablw the child to understand the thought svmbola of society. Kducstlon rime, tn the child from Its contact with the world of things and forces on the ons hend snd the won- of thought, purpose, and achievement on the other. Ths child should learn by doing The vaiue ef manual work lies very largely m the fact that he means of It the child's eeir-lnlt'allve and self-reliance are most eary stimulated. Dr. E. C. Pohl. City Physician, read a vaiuahlo paper on "Inspection of Public-School Health." She showed that since alertness of mind depends upon health and alertness of body, the l. M" 1 I ' rcTlTV T IT II VUl ' I - 1 physical state of the pupil la of the ut most importance. One of the most interesting; papers in the afternoon's department work was that on primary reading and num ber work, by Miss Isabella Anderson, superintendent of the primary depart ment In Tacoma. Tacoma was also represented by Superintendent A. H. Yoder. Other excellent papers were read by Miss Alphia Dimmlck, principal of the Brooklyn School, on "Fourth-Grade Language"; by Miss Estelle Ingalls, on Composition." and by Miss Grace De Graff, on "History as Correlative of Composition." In the High School de partment. Dr. Slsson gave a talk on the "Genus of the American High School." In the general afternoon session. Miss Betta Brown, accompanied, by Mrs. McCraken. rendered two solos: "Turn Ye to Me" (Lawson). and "The Sweet est Flower That Blows" (Hawley). Dr. Slsson delivered a second address on "The Means of Discipline," a topic of interest to every teacher and parent The programme for today ia as fol lows: Morning Music. I.ulti M. Klein, con ductor: address. Richard G. Boone; ad dress. "Ethical Ideas and Ideals." Ed ward O. Slsson: address. Oregon His tory as Seen from London," Joseph So hater. Afternoon Music, department work, special music, address, Richard G. Boone. FALLS DOWN WELL; LIVES Boy or 12 Drops 103 Feet, but De clares He Was Not Hurt. 6EATTI.E. Wash., Nov. 24 (Special. ) Carter "Williams, a boy 12 years of age. fell headlong into a well, 103 feet deep tins morn in, and when ha was brought to the surface 20 minutes later, declared he was unhurt, but was cold. A ntlphbor climbed down th well rope after the lad and he was hauled to the surface. There was only few feet of water In the well to break the lad's fall, and that he was not killed appears miraculous. DAILY METEOROIeOGICAX REIfpRT. PORTIaANT. Nov. 4. Maximum temper ature 43.7 degree; minimum. 37.1. River reading at A. M . 62 feet: change in last 24 hours, rise OS feet. Total rainfall, 5 P. M. to 5 P. M., trace; total atur Septembe 1 .58 inches; normal. 10 61 inches; deficiency. 2 OS inches. Total? moihlne No vember 23. S hour H6 minute; possible hours 12 minute. Barometer (reduced to sea le.el). at 5 P. M.. 30 01 inches. WEATHER CONDITIONS. During the lat 1 hour there has been a marked rise in pressure over the Nortn Pacific State, notwlthnanrjlnf which the weather continue unsettled aud light rain has fallen in Washington and Oregon and rain and snow have occurred In Id ho and T'teh, It is much colder in Southern Ne vada and in Utah and slightly colder nearly evervwnera tn the North paciflc States. Tha winds along the Coast have subsided, hut the continue rouah. and probably there la another storm approaching; this Coast. The indication, ar. for rain Wednesday la papers pisaaa copy. Western Oregon snd Western Washington. vt- McEntee Gllbaugh. Funeral and for rain or snow In the aast portion, of n'7th .SdPlna. 1-h one Main . these slates and In Idaho. Lad? assistant. OOlca of County Coroner. FORECASTS. . wFor,ld and v.c.nity-Raln. u,h.,ly WAff Si. "'ore'gon and Washington Rnirest.rsm N ,d MmMM portion; winds mostly soutn j Fhone Main . A laws. AVCTION SALES TODAY. ,2?." street. Grand Central Station Time Card southern PAcmo. Jefferson-Street' Station . I BOUT HE KN PACIFIC. bntai Portland Roseburg Passenger Cottage Grove Passenger California Express San Francisco Expr.ss ... West Side . Corvallls passenger Sheridan Passenger Forest Grove Passenger Forest Grove Passenger Forest Grove Psssonger Arriving Portland Oregon Express Cottage Grove Passsnger Roseburg Passenger .-. Portland Express West Side Corvallls Passenger Sheridan Passenger Forest Grove Passenger Forest Grove Passenger Forest Grove Passenger ... :18 a. m. 4:18 p. m. T:8 p. m, 1;M a. m. T: s, ra. 4:10 p. m. 8:50 a. nv 1 :00 p. m. 8:0 p. m- T:1B a. m. 11:80 a. m. (:80 p. m. 11:18 p. m. 6:20 P. m. 10:80 a. m. 8:00 a. m. !ll:60 a. m. 4.oO p. m. OREGON RAILHOAD MAV1GATION CO. Leaving Portland ,.,. Pendleton Psssenger T J " Chicago-Portland Special S?I Spokane Flyer J- - Kansas City A Chicago Express. . 8:00 p. m. Arriving: Portland Spokane Flyer ' ? f. m. Chi.. Kan. City Portland Ex. . :4Sa.m. Chicago-Portland Special :60n.m. Pendelton Passenger 8:X8 p. m. MOBTHEBN PACIFIC. Leaving Portland Tacoma and Seattle Express so a. m. North Coast A Chicago Limited. 20 P m. Overland Express ..iUi44p.nl. Arriving Portland North Coast Limited T:0O a. ra. Portland Exprese :J5 P- Overland Express - 8:aa p. an. AS TO SUA COLUMJIIA BlVXaV L-STtng Portlasul I . Astoria A Seaside Express 8:00 a.m. Astoria Passenger 8:00 p. as. Arriving PertUnd Seaside st Portland Paaosnger. .. 12:18 p. ra. Portlsad Express 10:00 P as. CANADIAN PACIFIC BAILWAT CO. , Leavuig Portland C P. B Short Line, via Spokane $:18 n. m. Via Seattle 11:48 p. SB. Arrtvtna PertUnd C P. R- Short Line, Tin Spokane. trOft a. m. Via Seattle T.00 a. m. HEILIG ywh. Phonos Main 1 and A 11J1. TONIGHT; 8:30 o'clock GRAND CONCERT RSCITAI. Maud PowellTno SEASON'S INSTRUMENTAL EVENT. Maud fowsll. Violin; May Mukls, -Cello; Anna Ford. Piano. Prices 2.O0. l-50. $1.00. TSe. HEILIG 14th and Wash. Phones Main 1 A 1121. NIGHTS BEGINNING TOMORROW Only Matins Saturday. Ths Intsr.stin Western Play "TEXAS" Bysnlnss 1.B0 to BOc; Matlnss. fl to 25c. Main 11T A JOT A Tonliht All Week Mats. Thurs. Baker Stook Compsnjr In. "8TBONGHEART, Greatest or All Collese Plays. Evening. ISc. S3c. BOc. Mats.. 15e, - Next Week "Qlltterln Gloria." BAKER THEATER Phones Main 2, A 6860. Oregon Theater Co. Inc., Leasee. Geo. L. Baker. Gen. Manager. Bargain Matinee Wednesday. I5o Any Seat Holiday Mat. Thursday, Reg. Mat. Saturday. Tonight All Week. The greatest of all Weber A Fields Comedians. Rice Cady In "HIP. HIP, HOORAY." run. Music. Laughter. Girls. v Prices 2.1c. BOc, TSc. Matinees 280. BOc Next Week "Sis Hopkins.' THE STAR Phones Main S4M A 1S0. uitiKMi Wednesday. Saturday. Sunday. For the entire week of November 22. Mr. Kdround Carroll In "WE ARE KI.N'G." Matinees at 2:110. Every evening at SrW Night prices 15c. 36c. SBc. SOc. Matinees IBe. 2SO. Seats may bs reserved by either phone. . Special Matinee Thanksgiving Day. Nest Week "A Millionaire Tramp." i MAIX 6 A lot Matinees El Bandars ana uouaaya. 15-25-50C NIGHTS 1S-25-50-T5C WwV nf Not. t Gns Kdvfr1' Blonds Typewritorsi Harry Tate's English Com oiii, Burt Earle; Mall en ts Hayes; Mabelle Adarnst The Majestle Triot Gehaa Speooer; Orohestmt Pictures. THE GRAND - Vaudeville de Lrjxo ANOTHER BIO BILL. Carl Herman Ths Electric King. Palfrey Hoefler Mm and Ida Kelly Kenyoa HesJy Faunlo Frankel 8am Hood Fred Bauer Grand lscope PANTAGES THEATER Adraared Vaudeville. Mars of All Nations. - THE TKN KOTJNTRY Kll)8, Presenting a clean-cut. up-to-date, snappy musical comedy, entitled. 'Irene, the Village Queen." Special added attraction. H anla A Clifton acrobatic marvels, presenting ths most dif ficult feats with apparent eart. Matinees dally 16c T,wo shows at night, 1c and 25c. MEETING NOTICES. WASHINGTON COUNCIL. NO. 3, R. AND 8. M. Stated assembly this Wednesday) evening. 1 :au. feast eta and Burnslde. Work. Visitors wel rnme. Order T. 111. M. J. H. RICHMOND, Becrstary. SAMARITAN LODGH NO. . I. O. O. F. Regular meeting this (Wednesday) evan lng at 8 o'clock. Third degree. Election of officers. Visitors always welcome. R. OSVOLD. Secretary. NOTICE: The I. C. S. Fraternity of ths World will hold an open educational meet ing In the Allsky Hall, room 400. this evening at S o'clock. Dr. Brougher. of the White Temple, art 11 deliver an address on education, to be followed by an Illustrated lecture. Ail are welcome. B FTJNXHAL NOTICE. CUNNINGHAM At her residence. TIT T5. 20th. ' November 23, Margaret Cunning ham, beloved wife of Thomas- J. Cun ningham, aged 71 years. Funeral will be Iield from F- S. Dunalng's chapel. East Alder snd East Sixth sts., Thursday, November 26. at lO A. M. Interment Rose city Cemetery. Sacramento. Cal.. Leaving Portland Dallas Psssenger .... Dallas Passenger .... Arriving Portland Dallas Passenger .... Dallas Passenger .... T:40 a. m. 4:15 p. m. 10:18 a. m. 8:80 p. m. 11th and floyt Sts. Passenger Station POKAKK. PORTLAND SEATTLE ' r. A 1 I tl' A TJ- IVAUAtti I-st1iis; porUaad Inland Empire xprs.. ....... .9:15 A. M. Throuffb trains for Walla kalla. Pasco, Roosevelt, GranddaHei, Goldandale, White Balmon, Stevenson, Vancouver aad intarma dlata points. North Bank Limited 6:35 P. M- Through train lor Spokane, Spragua, RUevUU, Ltnd, Paaco, Roosevelt. Grand dallee. White Salmon, Stevenson and Van couver. Arrivlna Portland North Bank Limited... T:S0M, Through train from Spokane, Sprague, Rltt villa. Ilnd. Pasoo, Roosevelt. Grand dalles, White Salmon. Stevenson and Van couver. Inland Empire Express 5:80 P.M. Through train from Walla Walla, Pasco, Roosevelt. Granddalles, Goldendale. White Salmon, Stevenson. Vancouver and Interme diate points. OREGON KLECTRIC RAILWAY. LesTns Portland fialem and intermediate Local. :26 a. m. 1 :0o a. m. 1:00 am. i:o6 a. m. 9:16 a. m. 10:25 .a m. 11:00 a. m. 1:80 p. m. 2:00 p. m. S:46 p. m. 4:10 p. m. B:00 p: m. 6:30 p. m. :10 p. m $:40 p. zn. HiUsboro and Forest Grove Local Salem and Intermediate Local... HiUsboro and Forest Grove Local Salem ana i.uaiaua onijr. im it A Rlllboro and Foreet Grove Local Salem and in&ermeaiaie juoca.... Hlllsboro and Forest Grove Local. Salem and Intermediate Local... Salem and intermediate local. . Hlllsboro and Forest Grove Local. Wilson villa and Intermediate Lo cal I Hlllsboro and Forest Grove Local. Salem and Intermediate Local.. Salem and lntenedlat Local.. ArrlTiiksT Portland WilscKtvllle and Intermediate Lo- 4Al l:SSim. 8:30 a. m. 8:40 a. m. 10:00 a. no. 10:55 a. m. 12:15 p. m. 1:15 p. m. 2 :60 p. m. 2.40 p. m. 4:45 p.m. 6:00 p. m. 4:00 p. m. 7:20 p. ra. 8:20 d. m. Rillftboro and Forest Grove Local. Salem ana interraeaiiw jocai. . Hlllsboro and Forest Grove Local. Salem and Intermediate Local.. Hlllsboro and Forest Grove Local. Kfli . and intermediate Local. . Hlllsboro and Forest Grova Local. sai.m and intermediate Local. . Pa ham and Tualatin only Llmltedj Hlllsboro ana i- orest, rove ocai. Salem and Intermediate Local. -Hlllsboro and Forest Grove Local. A.lm and Intermediate Local. . Salem and Intermediate Local j 10:40 p. m. MM THEATEE HOUSEHOLD NEEDS Coal delivered oroniDtlv in any Quan tity. Phone us your order. Star Coal Co., 40 2d st. Phones Main 1613, A 1SS4. fiaa ManflAfl Last Mantle. 23c. tha UBS ilianuei .qu ot Lhe best So mantle on tha market. Barrelta, li Mor rison. Both phones. Wood ftOOO coroa first-claas 4-fooc Or wood. 25 per cord delivered. Phone Main 4435. Eagle Creek Fuel Com- pany. 408 Corbett Bldg. our own conservatories. Martla A Forbes 34" Washington st. Both phones. Electric Fixtures "b3& S prices are right. All work guaranteed. Western Electrlo Works. 81 Bixtn, strsst. Pl.iln. Knives. Forks and all Silver ware reDlated as good as nsv. Oregon fiatlag TVorks, loth and Alder. Isala 8i76. A 37. ii . O-Waller ft Kauberger. 82T 'Wash. It lllO inI ton street. Phone Main t3kH. Free delivery. A gailoa of 10-year-old Ingle, nook Port. .l.oO. j-ii Kemmerer ceai. the best Wyo VOal ming coal; gives mors heat and less e.ri churchley Bros. 13th and M-rahaU sta Phones aiam sal. a. ri.-i Richmond ana wausena Aumranan. lOM independent Coal A Ice Company. opposite City Library. Both phonea XCnnA The Portland Fuel Co.. 187 B. Mor ff OOU rin at., is prepared to furnish cordwood In large and small quantities at the lowest prices. Phones 28 and B 10.8. OLASSHTED ADVERTISING RATE In Effect November 1. 1908. UaUy or Sunday. Per Line. One Uim I Same ad two consecutive Uinea. ...... .xla Same ad tlireo consecutive times. ...... .u same ad six or seven consecutive times. otto Six words count as one line on cash ad vertisements, and no ad counted for less than two lines. When an advertisement is not run consecutive times the one-time rat. aPTheabv e rates apply to advrs-ients nnder "New Today" and all other claln ca tion, excepting tha followingt Situations Wanted. Male. Situations Wanted, Female. For Rent. Booms, Private Families. Rooms and Board. Private I ami lies. Housekeeping Booms, Private Families. The rate on the above classifications Is T eents a line each Insertion. On charge or book sverasernents tn. charge will be based on tne actual number of lines appearing In the paper, reKardless . a . i .. T a I. In Mrh line. Space in me sew iraw wiimu. figured by measara only 1 unes to tna TEL-PHO"! ADVSRTKEM5ST8 Fsr the convenience of patrons The Oregon tan will aocept advertisemente (excepting "tMtua ations Wanted" and "Personal") for publi cation In classified columns over the tele phone. Bills for such advertising will be mailed Immediately and payment is expect ed promptly. Care will be taken to prevent errors, but The Oregonin will not be re sponsible for errors In advertisements taken over the telephone. Telephones: Main .u.ui ATBOrrr-OF-TOWTf PATRON!) The Oro gonian will receive copy by mail, provided sufficient remittance for a dednite number of Issues Is sent. Acknowledgment of such remittance will be forwarded promptly. In case box office address Is required, nsa regular form given, and count this as part of the ad. Answers to advertisemente will K rr.rif.rt to natrons, nrovided self-ad dressed stamped envelope, are furnished, i A receipt win De given xor an pu--wi-vance advertising. The Oregonlan will not undertake to correct error, or refund money unless this receipt Is returned.- NEW TODAY. VANCOUVER I offer for sale at a very reason able price the Standard Theater property. 100 feet east of the best business corner in Vancouver, Washington. All of the banks are close to it. Eent3, $1020 per year; occu pants strictly business people. Vancouver is growing more rap idly now than any other town in the country. Where J. ity follows. J. Hill goes, prosper- R. M. Wilbur 110 SECOND ST., PORTLAND Humason 6 Jelfery gire you the opportunity to mke several cheap buys. Tha prices are low. -QnnrV lOOxlOO on 25th and ipVUUXJ Pettygrove Sts. $5700 $5000 $2000 60x100, on Kearney st., walking distance to town. S 4-10 acres on Port land Heights; 10-min-ute wajk from car. 2 acres on Council Crest; a beautiful spot for. a country home. See this. Humason 6 Jeffery 226 Stark St. M 1189 A 3814 ATTRACTIVE HOME On Willamette Heights FOR SALE BY OWNER 8 room modern residence, almost new, built for a home; every convenience, including fire places; on carline in most ex clusive -neighborhood; view un surpassed; $7750; about half cash, balance 3 years' time. B 442, Oregonian. NOB HILL HOME 306 North 14th St. Sold on the Moral Risk. prices S6750 Ttrxns Nothing- down. J5D per month. Eight rooms; sol.'d stone foundation; every modern convenience. The most select neighborhood. FlDEIsIl Y TRI'ST COMPANY (Owner), fMl Board of Trade Bids Phone Main 447. EX'THAXGE for confectionery or email tor; homestead relinquishment la Rogue River Valley, 8 miles railroad sta tion, linns; water, line fruit land, 2,000, 004 feet timber. B 449, Oreonlan. " 6V2 NET Besides, land is rapidly growing in value. Fine new l-storv brick, roomy base ment. Foundation will carry three additional stories. Eight-story concrete and 3 story brick being, erected within a stone's throw. Near 8th and Everett streets. $25,000 W. PARK ST. Just north of Stark, near University Club. Lot 25x 100; small income. Very close in and sure increase. $15,000 Or 110 feet at $600 per front y foot. FRONT STREET Near Washington. Brick; rent $300. -'$45,000 Pays 8 NET " Washington Street 52 feet on Washington, run ning through block to Alder, near 16th. Two new build ings in course of erection in this block., $40,000 63 feet frontage, cor. 20th. $22,500 Fourteenth Street Near Northrup, 100x100, rent $75. Remember, there will soon be a railroad switch on 14th street; then this quarter block will be worth at least $25,000. For a short time only, $1 8,500 This is a decided bargain. E. J. DALY 222-223-224 Failing Bldg. 360 Acres Old established farm, all under cultiva tion, fine buildings, splendid fruit. Pres ent owner has frrown rich from this land, within thirty' miles of Portland on Hllls boro electric line. Can be bought for $100 an acre and terms made to suit, Jf sold within the next ten days. see The Spanton Co. 270 Stark St. Fractional Lot on Kearney St., west of 21st. Two new strictly mod ern flats. - PEICE, 6500. FRANK BOLL-AM 128 Third St. Must Be Sold $20,000 worth for 15.000, l4x0. coversd with bullrlinss. 11 Pr cent Income, a great future before this prpperty. Martin J. Higley 132 Third Street. YAMHILLAPPLEAND WALNUTLAND Several thousand acres of choice rolling bench land picked up several year ago. From 14 to H ready to plant, balance oak. From 1 to 5 miles from railroad. From $15 to per acre. From 14 to 1-3 cah and easy terma. From P23 Board of Trade Bldg. FOB RALK BAL ESTATE. I.OTS one block from the busfnesa center of Kenton; price 1250; eawy terma. Sea R. B. Carey. Pen Insular ' Station. "7 SPECIAL BARGAIN 7 Ixit 6.1x115 feet on East V 4 Morrison near 29th: also 1 1 I f fine corner for store II I building- on Belmont I I I I S-OOO J J V THE HART LAND CO, p 146 Second St. J HL OVER 10 NET Andrew F. V..A Co.. M. 8,40. SS Hamilton b. Baker Alfred A.. 115 Ablnrton bldfr BlrrW. A H.. 2o2-3 McKay bMg. Real estate, insurance, mortgage loan, etc rhantn A Tier-low, S32 Chamber of Omraerc. Cook B. S Co.. 003 Corbett bids:. Cronley Co.. 70- Corbett bldg. M 7S55. Field. C EL Co., Board ot Trade bid. Ooddard. H. Main and 1743. 110 2d U Jennlnr Co. Main , Oregonlan. Lree, M. IS- room 411 Corbett bldg. Mall A om Boretel. 104 2a at. 392 K. Burnald, Palmer. H. P.. 21S Commercial Club bldg. M 899 A 253. . Parrlah. Watkina A Co, 250 Alder at. . Richardaon. A. B.. 221 Com. Club bldg. Fehalfc. Oeo. T. 264 Stark st. Mafn or A 302. Sharkey. J. P- & Co.. 122 Sixth t. Sw.ensson, A. F a Co., 253 Waehtngton it. The Oregon Real Estate Co.. Grand and Multnomah at. (Uolladriy Addition I Waddel, W. O., 309 Lumber Exchange bldg. White. B. F.. 227 V Washlnaton t. FOR SAIE REAIj ESTATE. SEE THESE. KlOfi) HOMES. f22.50O 100xlH corner. "Wert Side, It room modern house, finished attic. 2 bath room, a very complete home. Good terma given. $13,000 EHeaant 7-room house, wtth attic, t finish unsuriiassod. $10,000 lrttxioo comer, -room house, beautiful view. 1S500 UKtxlOO, fine 8-room house on Wil lamette Heisrlits1. tKrOtt Beautiful1 8-room house, new and up-to-date. $(1600 Full lot. worth $5000; good 7-room modern hou. $rtif0 IwixHW corner, 7 rooms. $4600 Full lot, 8-room house, furnace, etc. $3200 Full lot. 10-room house, modern, $500 cash. $4200 Nice modern home. In Holladay Park. If them do not eult you, we have plenty ef others. ZIMMERMAN, 521. Corbett bids;. ACREAGE bargains near city. 27 4 acres, partly cleared, on river, some fruit, part payment in city property; price $4.V0 20 acres. 1 mile from Gladstone Park, fine buildings, orchard, fine sightly loca tion, $6000. , 10 acres in town of Clackamas, only $3000 U taken soon. I G. DAVIDSON. 819 Chambe." Commerce. $230 2 tots, out Irvlr.gt.on way. $2?i00 112x145, out Mt. Taoor way, sightly location. I block from car. $2000 LOOxlOO. Eaat Stark and David son ave.. 2 cottages and room for large house or store on corner. $.iOoO 6 lots and all necessary build ings, fruit, flowers, near West ave. I. G DAVIDSON, 819 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE- - BUNGALOW Only $2150. Only J200 down. Balance $15 per month. Five large rooms. Best modern plumbing Close in. near improved street. Golden oak finish. Oas and electricity. CON KLIN BROS.. .102 Rothchlld Bldg ST. JOHN BARGAIN. One-half acre tn fine state of cultiva tion: four-room house, line location ; at two-thirds actual value. Price $2000. W. C. HARDING LAND CO.. Ground Floor. Board of Trade Bldg. 80 4th St. Main 5465. A 3229. WE BUILD HOMES. We have flrst-claaa, modern facilities for building homes upon terms within the reach of all. Call and examine our up - to-date methods. THS VETERAN LAND CO., 822 Chamber of Commerce. 4 2-3 ACRES. $2oo buys a choice 4 2-3-acre tract with 6-room cottage, good soil, all in cultiva tion, on electric line, 7 miles from Port land; easy terms. JORDAN" A GARBADE, 2.12 Washington st. A RARE OPPORTUNITY. $10,000 cash, $o,ooo in choice realty will buy modern apartment house, cen trally situated, leased for $425 per month; value $.r.0,irO0; mortgaged for $20,000. WESTERN INVESTMENT CO.. Corbett Block. $125o New 5-room plastered cottage, bath, toilet, sink in pantry, hot end cold water, electric wiring, good appearance, woodshed, barn, four block from Lenta etutkm, Mount Srott car line. See owner. J. D. Snwerby, 350 H Hawthorne ave. Phone Eat 1562. A FEW BLOCKS EAST OF SUNNYSIDE. Good 5-room house and 50xlo (see thit 180), room for a chicken ranch. good surroundings, handy to car, $lo.0; $900 down, forced sale. J. R. STIPE, 720 Chamber Commerce. 8 ACRES of choice ground at the junction of two weil traveled avenues; all in high state of cultivation; choice orchard: lare modern 8-room house; near good carline; $(1500. Full particulars given at 410 Fall ing building. SUNNYSIDE HOME. 6-room modern house, built for a home. Very convenient; everything flrst-cla.s; a very desirable home. Price $32."i0 -for a short time only; can arrange terms. C. B. LUCAS. 322 Corbett Bldg. MOUNT TABOR HOME. 9-room house, -electric and gas lights, lots of fruit trees, two full lots; three blocks from car, $2750. H. P. PALMER, 21S Commercial Club Bldg. KENILWORTH LOT $J00. 50xino lot in Kenilworth, 200 feet from car, price $400; $100 rash, balance montn ly, worth $500. J. W. Giuesi, 265 Wash ington, cor. 3d, room 7. 6-ROOM HOUSE on car line, Willamette Heights; gas, electric lights, furnace, sta tionery tube, full basement: $4fou. Slfi'HJ cash, balance easy terms. HH4 Thurman. MARTIN J. HIGLEY, 132 Third wt. FINE BUILDING SITE. One acre, fronting on street, water on. ground; for quick ale price haa been re duced to $1100; wlU pell H acre; term. C. B. LUCAS, 322 Corbett bldg. $3500 A tlna, new, modern 4-room house and beautiful lot on Cleveland ave., near Walnut Park; this Is a fine home and a good investment. C. F. Pfluger A Co.. room 14 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrisoa. $1600 Good 6-room house on nice 50x100 comer lot, right on Clinton streetcar line; fruit trees; this will not last long at that .price; terms. C F. Pfluger & Co., room 14 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison sts. HAWTHORNE QUARTER BLOCK. Corner 14ih and Hawthorne, 100x100, facing south and east, for $4.50; terms. H. P. PALMER, 21S Commercial Club Bldg. EAST YAMHILL-STREET LOT. Nice lot 50x100. on Est Yamhill St., $SO0. half cash, or will take $70 cash. J. W. Qrussi, 265 Washington, corner 3d, room 7. ' ELEGANT let. .".0x300. near East Ankeny and lHth; right elevation and frontage; all utilities in and paid; $2450.- Culver, 623 Chamber of Commerce. RISLEY TRACT. OREGON CITY CARLINE. 2 to S acres, all in cultivation, best of land. C. W. Rlsley, owner; P. 0-. Mil waukte. Phone Oak Grove, red 12. HOUSES for sale In all varts of the city: acreage close in and farms in Oregon and Washington- phone Main 4488, Kinney Stampher. 531-32 Lumber Exchange bldg.- . SNAP. 7-room strictly modern house, elegant furniture, must sell on account of sickness. 028 Grand ave. North. C 1889. 80x65. BROADWAY, near E. 7th. $1050; also 60xT.o, jut south of above, $1450. Culver, 623 Chamber of Commerce. $500 WILL buy house and lot worth $1200; owner compelled to leave town immediately. B 444. Oregonian. IF you want Peninsular real ostale call Wll lnmette.Real Estate Co.. Willamette Sta tion. St. "John car. Phone Woodiawn 1653. AM forced to sell beautiful bungalow in Hn' laday Addition, on E. 10th sr.; lot SOxlOn; $4250; easy terms. - Call 410 Failing bldg. CHOICE LOTS. Inside prices, fine homes a specialty. Office 15th and Halsey sts. Phone E. 896, C 19:S. Dolen & Herd man. HANDSOME 10 acre, with long frontage on carline, $16,0o0. 1210 William ave. W. W. Payne. t ACRES. 70th and Division, in cultivation, city water, 9 blocks to cars, $900 to $120'-; terma Phone Tabor 1009. or Tabor IStKU FOR SALE Br owner, 6-room modern bouse. $50O; 300 down. $25 per month. 877 E th st. N. 4-ROOM house and large lot overlooking the river, $1400 with $400 'cash buya this home. Call 410 Falling bldg.