Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 19, 1908, Image 1

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. I-.-. . M ' Ioimm r i tmc ip 1 1 ir ii n niniinr
, WORTH $60,000
Bundesrath Committee
Takes Hand.
Saxon Minister Declares Pol
icy of Three States.
Radical Irader Says Germans Have
Begun Education in Parliamen
tary Government Socialists
Say Compromise Made.
PKRLJX. Nor. 18. The official dec
laration made today y Count von Ho
henthal. Saxon Minister of Foreign Af
fair, in the lower house of the Saxon
Parliament to the effect that the foreign
affairs committee of the Bundesrath. or
FederaJ Council, should met oftener In
order to supervise the acts of both the
Emperor and his Chancellor, apparently
represents the Joint opinion of BavAiia.
Wurtemburg and Saxony. These govern
ments have agreed mutually to avail
thempelves of the foreign affairs com
mittee of the Bundesrath In order to
share In the direction of foreign affairs.
The Conservative and Monarchial opin
ion In the country Is resisting the irove
ment to travel too fast politically.
Flr.t Step to Popular Power.
Dr. Theo Rarth. one of the Radical
leaders In the Reichstag, said today:
"This is only the first step In what
will be the prolonged political education
of the German people for full parliament
ary government. The situation Is con
fused. An effort will be made to per
petuate precisely the same relations be
tween the crown and the people as ex
isted before. Assurances such as those
given yesterday will quiet public opinion
for the moment, or until some fresh oc
casion for action arises."
The Tlpslger Neuste Nachrlchten, an
Influential fjWm! - paper, acclaims the
"new regime" in these words:
"The German people are awake and
they will not slumber again. Their true
monarchial duty Is to protect the wearer
of the crown against his own mistakes.
The people recognize their rights and
feel their strength. They have a na
tional consciousness, and out of that
will blossom a new life."
Socialists Distrust Von Buelow.
The executive committee of the So
cialist party has authorlied the Vor
waerts to dejwrlbe the recent occurrences
an "having tegun with a scandal, then
driven forward under great excitement."
and as having ended In a "compromise
with the government.
"The Empire Is still administered by
absolute bureaucracy," this paper con
tinued, "and it is till governed by a
single unlimited head. The decisions of
court cliques, made in secret, are car
ried out by a pliant Chancellor, who de
rives his power frnjn the sovereign and
who still remains In office."
Today was observed as a National
day of penitence and prayer. The clergy
men In many of the state churches In
thftr morning services thanked heaven
that the guthertng political clouds had
Imperial l'lrtlge Viewed In Colder
Llpht Than at First.
BKRL.IN. Nov. 1. The results of the
representations made to Emperor Will
iam yesteday by Chancellor von Buelow
and the consequent Imperial pledge to
keep both speeches and acta within close
constitutional grounds, are measured In
colder mood by the people of Germany
t day. The Kmperor Is still much iso
lated from the sympathies of both the
uprer and lower levels of society.
The talk among the friends of the
Chancellor and the Ministers today is
that they must wait and see how the Em
peror acts when the next keenly inter
esting public question comes up. Doubt
exists as to whether, at the age of 50,
the Kniperor's Impulsive and candid dis
position can be so modified by the events
of the. past fortnight that he will depart
from & practice he has followed during
the ?o years of his reign.
Prince von Fuelow and his party will
pursue an opportune policy, affirming
resolutely that the imperial conduct will
faithfully follow the imperial word.
Press of France Divided.
PARIS. Nov. IS. The opinion of the
French press Is divided regarding the in
ternational edict of Emperor William's
consent to avoid in the future personal
interventions in the foreign affairs of
the empire. While a majority of the pa
pers consider His Majesty's assurances
beneficial to the country and a victory
for the German people as against per
sonal rule, several of them, notably the
Figaro, express confidence in the sin
cerity of His Majesty's pacific Intentions,
and they recall occasions upon which he
Interfered in the interest of peace. They
believe it unfortunate that upon this the
chauvinism of German bureaucracy have
been removed.
Cosgrove Still Improving.
PASO ROBLES. Cal.. Nov. 18. (Spe
cial.) The condition of Governor-elect
Cosgrove. of Washington, continues to
"ebraskan Promised Quadruped to
City Polling Largest Gain Over
Preceding Campaign.
CHICAGO, Nov. IS. (Special.) To Gary,
the newly-built steel town amid the sand
dunes of Indiana, may belong the donkey
promised by William J. Bryan re
ward for the town in the United States
that should. In the Presidential election,
poll the largest Democratic gain over the
nM.Hin Kamnnim. vvmr vears ago the
site now occupied by the bustling munici
pality of Gary was a waste 01 sanu. i u.
.. .-.. .t ass votes for Bryan.
So Mayor Thomas F. Knopps considers
the prize Justly belongs nere.
The -Mayor today addressed a letter, to
Mr. Bryan, reminding him of his promise
to donate the donkey. It Is the purpose
.1 xi tn .nthmnp the animal in
a municipal stable and provide him during
his life with the Dost provcnuei
money can buy.
Candidate Bryan made the offer when
making a speech in Gary on one of his
campaigning tours.
One Guards Her With Gun, While
Other Loots Dwelling.
SEATTLE. Wash., Nov. 18. Special.)
u.hM h,r hnhnni was away last night.
two burglara entered the house of J. R.
Howard. One of them struck Mrs. How
ard a terrific blow in the face with his
fist, knocking her down. Then placing
his foot against her side as she lay on
the floor, he drew a revolver and stood
guard over her while his companion ran
sacked the house. Once Mrs. Howard
started to get up. but was told if she
moved or made a noise she would be
The robbers failed to find anything of
value for, Mrs. Howard, alarmed by sev
eral other burglaries in the neighbor
hood, had hidden all her Jewelry and
silver. When Howard returned home, 15
minutes after the robbers were gone, he
found his wife with her eye swollen shut
and her face and shirtwaist covered with
blood. Both robbers were masked.
Oregon, Seattle and Eastern Capital
Arranging Big Enterprise.
RENO. New, Nov. 18. Charles A
Brown. director of the Pennsylvania
Railroad, of Philadelphia; A. E. Mur
phy, of Burns, Or.: J. W, McLeod and
E. W. Johnson, of Seattle, were in this
city .completing arrangements for the
Irrigation of Jo.OOO acres of land In
Long Valley, located in the northwest
ern end of Nevada and the eastern cor
ner of California. The party left to
night for the area to be developed.
The enterprise Involves an outlay of
more than (.i00.0)0. The preliminary
work has been completed and water
rights have been procured.
There are three lakes on the land,
which Is 2i miles from Cedarvllle. Cal.
The upper lake is to be made a reser
voir. EUGENE RAISES $15,000
T-ivcnty Committees at Work Raising
Funds for V. M. C. A.
EUGENE. Or., Nov. 18. (Special.)
The hands on the big clock were moved
up to $15,000 Just after noon today to
mark the sefond day's work of the
campaign for a Y. M. C. A. The exact
sum raised from noon yesterday to
noon today was T03:.5). The T. M. C
A.. headquarters on Willamette street
between Eighth and Ninth is the busi
est place In the city. Twenty commit
tees are at work with from five to ten
helpers each, and any time of the day a
number of these men can be seen going
Into and out of headquarters.
Daring Adventure of English Bal
loonlsts Sailing From London.
LONDON. Nov. 18. The mammoth
balloon owned by the Daily Graphic as
cended from here this morning and will
attempt to reach Siberia and brehk the
long-d'tanoo record. The aeronauts ni
board are Mr. Gaugron and Captain Malt
land, and they are accompanied by a
newspaper man named Turner.
They expect to reach Belgium this af
ternoon, and. passing over Germany, they
count on being over Russia Thursday.
The plan Is to descend in Siberia on
The success of the voyage depends
upon the air currents over Europe contin
uing in the direction they are blowing
at present.
Man Arrested for Crime Against
' . Relative 12 Years Ago.
LOS ANGELES. CaL. Nov. IS. Henry
Whitaker. . a veteran of the Philippine
War and member of the Soldiers' Home,
is In the city Jail on orders from Roan
oke. Ala., where It is alleged he shot his
brother. 12 years ago, over their father's
Perry Holden Is said to have been the
name ' he bore at that time. Officers
claim that he admits he shot his brother
In a quarrel and fled without learning
the result of the shooting.
Kills Wire by Mistake.
VANCOUVER. B. C, Nov. ' 18 A
Japanese rancher by the name of Nagao
was shooting rats under his house at
North Vancouver this morning, when
his wife suddenly appeared in the door,
way. and a bullet flying wide went
throfjgh her heart, killing her instantly.
Roosevelt Shows That
Rights Are Equal.
Will Set Forth Views in Mes
sage to Congress.
Exchange or Ideas Has Illuminating
Value to President, Judges and.
Executive Officials Desire
to Avoid Lawsuits.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 18. Further
conferences at the White House today
between the President and men who
are prominent In labor matters made
the attitude of the administration
toward proposed labor legislation . a
subject of keen discussion in Wash
ington tonight.
Among those wno saw the President
were Charles P. Nelll, Commissioner of
Labor; United States Attorney Henry
L. Stlmson, of New York; Edward J.
Gavlnan, of New Tork. attorney for
the labor unions, and Charles H. Sher
rlll, an attorney of New York, all of
whom attended the labor dinner at the
White House last evening.
It is learned from the highest au
thority that the object of the President
In giving the dinner to the friends of
labor, and in holding the subsequent
conferences, was primarily to bring
about a better understanding between
representatives of the Government and
labor leaders, and to Impress upon the
labor interests of the country the dis
position of the administration to re
ceive Its representatives in conferences
on an equality with all others. The
desire of the President, it was ex
plained, was to have the laboring man
feel that he had the right to present
his grievances and demands, and to
demonstrate "that neither the labor
leader nor the millionaire need come
to the back door of the White House
at midnight In order to have a confer
ence with the President."
Supreme Court of the United States
and Executive officials were Invited to
be present merely to enable them to
learn from the leaders direct what the
latter regarded as their needs.
The occasion Is said to have afforded
a free exchange of Ideas and to have
been of "Illuminating value" to the
While he may not adopt a labor pro
gramme at the close of his admtnlstra
tlont lest he might thereby embarrass
his successor. It Is believed he will set
forth his views on the needs of labor,
either in his annual message to Con
gress or In a special labor message
submitted subsequently.
The various conferences of the last
two days are said to have brought out
more plainly than ever before the de
sire of the labor Interests to eliminate
lawsuits in collecting damages under
the employers' liability law. It has
been found, the labor leaders say, that
the lawsuits result in benefit to law
yers only.
r r
Just as Ceremony Is to Begin, Con
stable Appears With Warrant and
Takes Bridegroom Away.
BUTTE. Mont, Nov. 18. (Special.)
When the wedding feast was all pre
pared, the wine and .the turkey,- the
fruit and the sweets on the groaning
board, the priest hired and the musi
cians secured for the merry-making.
Constable Mose Lipschltz descended
upon the happy scene, which was to
have been the marriage of Joe Turitch
and Nike Marlnovlch, flashed a war
rant upon the bridegroom this after
noon and led him away to the County
Attorney's office, where Turitch was
requested to explain the charge that
he already had a wife and two children
back In Austria.
Friday, the 13th, .was the day upon
which Turitch secured his wedding li
cense. It has so far proved an un
lucky day for him. Long before he ap
peared In the office of the Clerk of the
Court, another man preceded him and
gave warning that Turitch would ap
ply for a license, and that it should be
held up because the bridegroom-to-be
was already married. Turitch man
aged to get his license, though, anf It
was not until this morning that three
Austrian, who said they knew
Turltch's wife, told the County At
torney of the situation and requested
him to stop the marriage.
Mobilization of Troops Accompanies
Delay in Negotiations.
ST. PETERSBURG, Nov. 18. Austria
Hungary has formally notified Russia of
her precautionary military measures on
the Servian frontier, which Include the
partial mobilization of the 15th army
corps. These steps are regarded generally
as a military demonstration, but in offi
cial circles it is not felt that there is
any reason for alarm and It Is believed
that the chances for peace have Improved
60 per cent since the powers, at the initi
ative of Austria-Hungary, undertook di
rect mediation with Belgrade.
The Austrian note on the proposed
International congress to clear up the
situation In the Balkans has been de
livered and, according to credible author
ity. It contains no conclusive answer re
garding the programme of discussion sug
gested by the other powers. . It merely
inaugurates a new phase of the negotia
tions, which probably will hang on for
Reports received here from Vienna say
that Austria-Hungary adheres to the de
termination not to discuss the Justifica
tion of annexation of the provinces of
Bosnia and Herzegovina. ,
The Servian legation here was virtu
ally stormed today by an assemblage of
unemployed men, who wanted to enlist
with Sen-la for the predicted war with
Austria-Hungary. This arose from the
publication in the morning papers of a
statement, attributed to the secretary of
the legation, to the effect that appli
cants would be enrolled in the Servian
army as soon as the Austro-Servian ne
gotiations, which are now sharply
strained, were broken off. -
The legation disavowed this state
ment today and said that, on the con
trary'. It did not think there would be
any war.
Montenegro Also Mounts Guns and
Puts Troops in Pass.
VIENNA. Nov. 18. Advices received
from Oettlnje, the capital of Montenegro,
declare that the telegraph line between
Cettlnje and Cattaro, a seaport of Aus
tria, has been cut, and that Montenegro
has mounted guns on the slopes dominat
ing Cattaro. Furthermore, Montenegro
has occupied the Dug Pass, leading into
Herzegovlnajawlth SOW troops.
Rockefeller Glows With
Joy at Recital.
Starting on $4000, He Thought
$1,000,000 Big.
Will Contend Standard Did N'ot Seek
Mastery, but Is N'atural Outcome
of Economical Develop-
ment of Industry.
NEW YORK, Nov. 18. delating his
story with the air of a country gentle
man of kindly mien, engaging a host of
friends with incidents of days long past,
John D. Rockefeller, president of the
Standard Oil Company, though for nearly
ten years retired from the active cares
of company direction, reviewed for more
than two hours today the history of the
early oil trade and the development of
the company that later grew into the
present oil trust. Mr. Rockefeller was a
witness for the defense In a suit to dis
solve the Standard, which is being prose
cuted by the United States Government,
and his appearance at the hearing before
Judge Franklin Ferrlss, the referee,
brought a large crowd to the Customs
Tells Story With Pleasure.
The head of the big oil combine was
surrounded by an imposing circle of coun
sel and, when he began his testimony, he
gazed complacently upon a swarm of
newspapermen, behind whom pressed a
throng that filled the room. Mr. Rockefel
ler appeared at complete ease, and when
John G. Milburn, of counsel for the
Standard OH Company, propounded his
first question, the witness spoke out in full
tones, as If he desired the most distant
spectator In tile chamber to hear.
Then, In a manner that indicated a
pleasure of which he was about to tell,
Mr. Rockefeller spoke of his start in the
oil business and how, . under adverse
conditions, that business grew to the pro
portions of the Standard Oil Company of
Ohio, with its capitalization of tl.000,000.
Mr. Rockefeller's eyes sparkled In reflec
tion on that early financial organization
with almost boyish enthusiasm.
When $1,000,000 Looked Big.
"It seemed very large to us, who began
with only $4000 In 1S62," he said.
Thus the proceedings lost, in a sense,
their official aspect, because of the en
gaging manner which Mi. Rockefeller
displayed 1n his answers. A glow of
health showed on Mr.- Rockefeller's
smooth-shaven face, and to inquiring
newspapermen he replied that he had
never felt better. The president of the
Standard was dressed in a plain business
suit of dark material, and across his
waistcoat was suspended a heavy gold
watch chain. A dark purple necktie, in
which a large pearl pin was set, smuggled
close to a high collar.
Shows Line of Defense.
The development of Mr. Rockefeller's
testimony today, which carried him
to the organization of the Standard Oil
Company of Ohio. Indicated that one of
the lines of the defense would be that
(Concluded on Page 3.)
Huge Optical Mirror Will Be Used
at Pasadena for Astrononi-
leal Observations.
NEW YORK. Nov. 18. (Special.) The
steamship St. Andrews, of the Phoenix
Line, which docked In Hoboken today.
carried what is believed to be one of the
most valuable single pieces of freight ever
shipped across the Atlantic. This val
uable piece of freight was an optical mir
ror, said to be the largest and most ex
pensive ever cast. It is valued at $60,000.
and weighs about six and a half tons, it
is 100 Inches in diameter and concave in
This mirror is consigned to Dr. George
B. Hale, of the Mount Wilson Solar Ob
servatory, Pasadena, Cal., the observatory
founded by Andrew Carnegie. Dr. Hale,
will use this mirror in hUs study of the
stars at the observatory.
From the Phoenix liner the mirror was
placed on the transport Champion and
transferred to one of the Morgan line
boats for shipment to New Orleans, where
it will be shipped overland to Pasadena.
Xordica Initial Attraction at Salt
Lake's $350,000 Playhouse.
lonial, Salt Lake City's new 350,000 fire
proof playhouse, was formally opened to
night, Madame Lillian Nordica being the
Initial attraction. The seating capacity
of the theater is nearly 1900 and it was
packed with a fashionable audience.
Previous to the performance congratu
latory addresses we erdelivered by Gov
ernor John C. Cutler, Mayor Bransford,
Calvin Heilig, president, and John Cort,
secretary of the Norfthwestern Theatrical
Association; Messrs. Cort and Heiligr hav
ing a flifteen-year lease of ten new
amusement resort.
The building is of modern construction
and the stage is one of the largest and
most completely equipped in the country,
its capacity being great enough for the
most elaborate scenic productions. The
interior of the new playhouse is decorated
In white and gold. It will handle the
Cort and Heilig productions.
Publisher's Daughter Made Mrs.
Tobin With Great Ceremony.'
JSAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 18. The mar
riage of Miss Constance de Young,
daughter of M. H. de Young, to Joseph
Oliver Tobin, was solemnized today at
St. Mary's Cathedral, Archbishop Rlor
dan, assisted by the cathedral clergy,
officiating. - The church, which was
beautifully decorated with flowers, was
filled with friends of the bride and
Salmon King's Physician Again
Rashes to Bedside.
MARSHFIELD, Or., Nov. 18. (Special.)
R. D. Hume, the Curry County million
aire, who was thought to be much better
after a serious illness, suffered a relapse
today. Dr. B. Mingus, of Marshfield, who
had been at Mr. Hume's home in Wedder
burn, attending him, started home, but
before reaching Marshfield was called
back on account of the change for the
Texas Policeman, Quick With Gun,
Mortally Wounds Thief.
EL. PASO, Tex., Nov. 18. Captain of
Police William Ten Eyck shot and fa
tally wounded Arnold Perry, 24 years
old, this afternoon, after Perry had cov
ered him with a six-shooter.
"I'v got you covered," said Perry,
when Captain Ten Eyck walked into the
room, where he suspected Perry and his
associates had cached stolen goods.
Perry was lying under a bed. a re
volver in his hand pointed at Ten Eyck's
head. Before he had time to fire, Ten
Eyck drew his own weapon and sent a
bullet Into Perry's body a few inches
below the heart. (
Verdict of Not Guilty Returned in
Xew oYrk Peonage Case.
NEW YORK, Nov. IS. Circuit Judge
Hough todayordered a jury to return a
verdict of not guilty in the cases of David
El Harley, an agent for the Florida East
Coast Railroad and three employment
ogents of this city, who were accused of
conspiracy to hold workmen in peonage
and slavery while the men were building
that road. The jury returned the ver
dict as ordered.
Bay City Shortage Increases.
SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 18. Experts
who are examining the funds of the
city treasurer's office, have discovered
that the funds missing aggregate $60,
000, an increase of 17000 over the esti
mate previously made. The money ap
pears to have been paid out without
any warrant or voucher. Action In re
gard to the criminal prosecution of
James Tomalty, the bookkeeper charged
with embezzlement in connection with
the defalcation, will probably be de
layed until all the books have been
Chicken-Hash Poisons 80.
CHICAGO, Nov. 18. Chicken fricassee
and chicken hash served In the New York
Eye and Ear Infirmary on Monday has
resulted in 46 patients and the entire staff
of 35 nurses being attacked with ptomaine
poisoning. Charity patients and the
physicians did not have chicken on the
occasion, and sre rejoicing. None of the
cases are serious.
House Committee
Let It Stand.
No Reduction on -Sugar, but
Fixed Amount Free.
Some Lumbermen Want the Doty
Raised, but Majority Stand Pat.
Paclflo Coast Delegation to
Be Heard Friday.
(Special.) On what seems to be ex
cellent authority. It may be said that
no changes will be recommended In the
duties on either sugar or lumber by
the ways and means committee, ui
though It Is probable that as a con
cession to the Filipinos and their chief
advocate, the President-elect, an agree
ment will be consummated which will
admit a certain quantity of sugsr from
the Philippines free of duty. In no
case will this quantity be enough to
affect conditions here.
It is said some lumbermen want the
duty Increased from 12 to 4 per thous
and on their product, but most of them
are satisfied to stand pat and they dis
courage any talk of Increased duty.
It Is of .interest to Northern lumber
men that today the Interstate Com
merce Commission granted California
the same rate to Chicago as that from
the Northwest.
Committee Will Hear Pleas Against
Reduction in Lumber Tariff.
ington, D. C, Nov. 18. Representatives of
lumber manufacturers from all parts of
the country assembled in Washington to
day preparatory to going before the Ways
and Means Committee on Friday to urge
that no change be made in the existing
tariff on lumber. Among those here are
C. W. Nlbley and George M. Cornwall,
of Portland; Victor H. Beckman and
John McMaster, of Seattle; R. I McCor
mick. of Tacoma, and A. J. Wilson of
Spokane. ' '
The committee will give the lumber in
terests but one day to present their ar
guments and on that day w.111 hear manu
facturers from the North and South as
well as the West. This will give the Pa
cific Coast but a very scant hearing. All
who are here hope to have an oppor
tunity to be heard and later will file
briefs with the committee.
The Weather.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature
61 1 degrees; minimum, 54-
TODAY'S Occasional rain; southerly winds.
Peonle of St. Pierre defv government anil
renew clamor for annexation to United
States. Page 3.
Chinese Government emphasizes reform pol
icy of new sovereign. Page 3.
German federated sta:e. move to restrict
Kaiser s power. Page 1.
China seizes Macao, saying Portugal has
renounced sovereignty. Page 3.
'.. National.
Chief of Engineers recommends large river
and harbor appropriation, for Oregon.
Senat" Hale says taritt will only be re
adjusted. Page 8.
Roosevelt labor dinner Impresses leaders
with equality of rights. Page 1.
Lumber and sugar tariff to be unchanged
by house committee. Page 1.
Woortrult still candidate for Senator, but
chances favor Root. Page 5.
Taft expects Root to b Senator, but would
prefer him as Secretary of State.
Page 3. .
Two boys at VIneland. N. J-. accused of
Stormy session of I-abor Federation about
disposes among uiii..
Town of Gary claims prize donkey from
TI Varr 1
John D. Rockefeller tells early struggles
or. btanaara uu - --
Hill wins Intersrholastle championship, de-..-.i
ir. km. Hih. 8 to 0. Page T.
Great crowd will attend Eugene-Corvallis
game, page i.
Stephens beats Williams Avenue. 18 to 0, In
Grammar School League. Page 7.
Coram ercl al' an d Marine. ,
Hop prices on steady basis. Page IT.
Wide fluctuations In wheat at Chicago.
Page 17.
Reactl.m in stock market. Page IT.
Masters and pilots complain of lights on
bridges across ine wiiiBramiB. ra
Pacific Coast.
Gathering of educators at Whitman Collega
adjourns. Page 16.
Washington Bar Association may not prove
charges against Judge Root. Page
All candidates and parties have violated
Huntley act. Page 8.
Shrewd farmers victimise horsebreeders.
Page 6.
Constable reminds man on eve of wedding
of wife already living. Page 1.
Portland and Vicinity.
County" Board of Equalisation holds busy
day's session. Page 10.
Statement men hold caucus on proposed
legislation. Page 11.
Judge Charles H. Carey attacks Initiative
and referendum In address before Oregon
Bar Association. Page 12-
Councilmen expect to block exclusive gar
bage franchise. Page 18.
Grand Jury makes final report to Circuit
Court. Page 10.
Annual Multnomah County Teachers' Insti
tute to be held next week. Page .
Orange and Labor lnlons will work for am
ployers' liability law. Page U.