TIIE MORNING OREGONIAN, "WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18. 190S. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF ORE GONIAL TELEPHONES. Pat States. ...Main 7"'0 ....Van 7070 ...Mtn 7070 ...Vain 7OT0 ...Main 770 ...Main 7070 ...Main 7070 Hero. A A A 0Ol5 a "ys A 6'3 A S9 A 693 CofjBt!n-Roor Ciry C!rml3tk- ... Mnaclns Editor Cundar Editor .... Compo(r-Room C-y E-HtOT , upt. Buildings .... A.HrEMEJiTA. Bl'NVJALOW THEATER Tweifth and V irrlfn Baker Stock Company in Xh Man on th Box." Tomgnt at 8:10. BAKER THEATER Thlrl. nitr Tim- hl.'i "LH: Johnny Jones." Matinee, 2-13. tfnirht at 15 ORPHEL'M THEATER (Morrison, be tween Sixth and Seventh) Advanced vaudYllle. This afternoon at 2:13 and to niht at PANTAGE9 THEATER (Fourth a4 Srark Continuous AaudvTlil. 2:30. J .29 and 9:30 p. U. GRAND THEATER ( Wn1n irton. eatwMD Sv-nth and Park) Vaudevllls da iuxa. 2 -0. ";20 and 9 P. M. TAR THEATER (Wssblnrtoo and Park) Tht melodrama. 'Too Proud to Beg." MsrJoe. 2.1o. tonight at h l.V 1.TRIC THEATER Sventh and Alder) BmnkaJi Ktock. Company In "A Montana tiirl." Every ntpcht at :I5: matinee Tuesday. Thuraday and Saturday at 2:1. Mat Plat Pool, in Salmons. caIoon rnay be? kpt npn on Sunday for the pur ,po of pool or billiard playing; so Ion a; ats the bar is boxd off. At lKist this was tne idea, xprps-fd by a .Municipal Court Jury late yesterday afternoon when Buck Svenh was acquitted of a chance of keep- 'jns; his aaloon, a I oixth street, ntar !rtrk street open on Sunday. Keith pleaded that his bar was boxed off and that no drinks were hemic served. At torney John 11. 4?revenson. representi-is; he) liquor man, contended that when tlie place waa being put to use for a moral purpose no law was beinjc violated: that box in a off of a bar of a room removes it from the pale of the saloon. Deputy Dis trict Attorney Hennesay contested the point but the Jury agreed with Mr. lt";e venaon. Chivesb Raid Kaiu. A small pollre squad under the direction of Detective liv-rireant Kay made an unsuccessful raid )Vn the Chinese gambling rooms, in h3 ;H-ond street, at A o'clock last night. The resort was aid to contain a J ante number' of gamblers at the time who tnado their escape tliroush secret pass ares and barred doors In this building. nly one iran. Ah Uoy, was found hy jAjotTtlve rjtestt Kay. le was making i frantic effort to hide a 44-caIiber re volver and was arrested charged with carrying concealed weapons. Former Portiander Dead. A. Rosen tiim. a prominent business man of Port- Jand In the early '70s. died rec-ently at his 'home Jn San Kranclco. at the age of NO years. Il was the father of Mrs. Simon i arris. Mr. Rosentieim was a member f the City Council and of the legislature Jn tle early days, and a public-spirited citizen. He will be remembered by most rtt the pioneers still living. He frequent ly came to Portland in recent years, his jnst vilt having; been made only a few months ago. Will. Address Yorxo Men. Dr. Ben jamin Young, of -Taylor-Street Methodist Church, is preparing a series of four ad dresses for young men. The first in the series entitled "Wanted A man." will be delivered next Sunday night. The ser mons to follow will deal with the prob lems of young men. and the inspiration to htglter standards of thought and conduct. A special invitation to these sermons is cordially extended to young men by Dr. Young. Special music will be a feature of these services. Charged With SHrnxo Dog. Rudolph Hartellwr was arrested yesterday by Con stable Wagner charged with shooting a valuable collie dog belonging to Joseph Iederer. The animal was recently given 1 Iederer by Hartelber. and had gone back to his former mauler. Unrir a recent statute this offense is punishable by imprisonment from six months to one year and the rayment of a tine of from "4 to X Hartelber will be arraigned in Justice Bell' a court this morning. Rklays Dortii.E Tracks. Five blocks 'of tlie double tracks on Hawthorne ave nue, east from Grand avenue, have been relayed in advance of the contract for paving Hawthorne avenue with a hard surface improvement. It Is proposed to Improve Hawthorne avenue, between East Third and Kast fortieth street, but the contract has not been let. This is the first time the electric railway has started to replace its tracks In advance of the contract for the., improvement. Will. Provide Kirk Protection; T. A. Ketchurn, D. V. Hart and M. C. YanTyne ere ppointed a special committee on fire protection at a largely attended meet ing of the University Park Board of Trade Monday night. This committee will solicit funds to lease a lot. erect a temporary hose house, on Dawson street, pnd organize a hose company. There was a delegation from the Maegly Junction .Push Club present to co-operate in the I movement. AccrsED or Stealino Coat. Accused tv Ms room-mate of stealing an overcoat, Charles Sweeney, alias Jack Kildare, was arrested last night on Third street, near iBurnside. Prentiss Brown, complainant, said that he and Kildare were teamsters and had boarded at the same place, 434 "r mont street. He alleges that a few iuys a?o Kildare 1 ft the house taking Irftwn's overcoat while the latter was at Work. Kv a noei.ic al M eetings Closkd. The Mrien of Evangelical meetings conducted recently in the Soil wood Christian Church, by Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson, closed with the Sunday night service. Mr. Jack- fon'g able discourses attracted large num hers to the meetings, and the solos ren tiered by Mrs. Jackson were much ap preciated. At the final services eight conversions Were made. ItAPtK Aid ooiett. The Indies' Aid "pociety of Taylor-Street Methodist Church will hold a "circle" meeting, tomorrow 'afternoon at o'clock, at the home of IMrs. H. C. Pelion, corner of Lane and .Kelly streets. The ladies of the church J and tlieir friends are cordially invited ' to be present. w P. U. Arsrix FVvsd Gi'Iltt. In Justice Bell's court yesterday P. L- Austin, pro prietor of the dental offices known as the "Chicago Dentists." was found guilty of practicing dentistry without a license. The trial was heard by a jury which re turned the verdict of guilty. Bridge Ofev to VrHicugo. Union-avenue bridge across Sullivan's Gulch is now open to the use of vehicles, which is great accommodation to the public. The act that vehicles are now allowed use of the bridge Indicates that the struc ture will be accepted. Footfall! Football! Football! Crews vs. O. A. C. Saturday. November H, at 2:30 P. M. Multnomah Field Patton Home Tea. Preparations are ret.ig made for the annual Thanksgiving tea for the benefit of the Patton Home, which will be held at the Home. Michigan ivei.ue and Blandena street next Tuesday at 2 P. M. Charged With Thkft. J. C. Gaizka was arrested yesterday, charged with stealing from George W. Oliver, a contractor ami will be tried In Justice Bell s court this morning. Woman's Club Meeting. The current literature department of the Portland Woman s Club will meet this afternoon at the residence of Mrs. T. H. Kdwards, 7Ti Multnomah street. Will Trade. Fine ten-room, furnished nouse. close in. West Side, for small home on East Side or good vacant lots. Wal l.rc Investment Company, SIT Oregonian tuiWilng. M. Sickei exclusive haberdasher, at rj Washington street. Imperial. Hotfl building. Has no branch store. For Rent. A few nice -ffices In The Oregonian building;. See Superintendent, room 3)1. Wanted. A thoroughly broken duck dog; none other need, apply. F 416 Ore-a-oniaa. Epworth Leaoce Hold Social. An enjrvable entertainment was that given last night in the Y. M. C. A. rooms by the Epworth League of Taylor-Street Methodist Church. Solos were rendered by C. H. Parish and Mrs. F. W. Jones, and a piano selection was contributed by M;ss Smith. A short address waa de livered by M. C. Reld. At the conclusion of the programme the guests spent a so cial Jiour in the parlor, with music and games. Light refreshments were served. About 20) persons were present. This so cial is the first of a series to be given by the various Epworth Leagues during the Winter for the purpose of bringing thi ore-anlxatlon and the Y. M. C. A into closer touch. Small Blaze ox Sixth Street. Dam ag-s to the extent of 3K were caused by a fire last night about 7 o'clock in the frame building occupied by the Royston Manufacturing Company, at 228 Sixth treet. Tne blaze was from causes un known and started in the roof. Several lire companies under the direction of I'hief r-amnbell ouickly controlled the Are. Most of the damage was done to the -t.wk in the work rooms used in the manufacture of women's and children' hats. Taiwir Lands in Jail. Fred Jensen. tailor, who lives at Cnlon avenue and Russell street, was arrested and taken to the Otv Jafl last night charged with resisting a police officer. Patrolman Fields made the arrest and swore to me com nlHint aeainst him. The policeman say; that on Monday night he arrested Jensen near his home for being drunk and acting in a boisterous manner. He took Jen sen with him to the police telephone box where the prisoner escaped. vNcoi-vER Excursion Postponed. By reason of the counter attraction of the football game next Saturday, between th university and agricultural college teams, the officers of the Realty Board have deemed it advisable to postpone the In tended excursion to Vancouver, Wash. Secretary Rountree yesterday sent out notices in which Saturday, ovemoer a, Is given as the date on which the excur sion will be made. Arrested for Breaking Mhters.- Richard E. Earl. 3 years of age. was arrested last night by Sergeant Goltz, at First and Madison streets, on the com nlaint of the Portland Gas Company which charges him with damaging Its gas meter. Earl is suspected of being an accomnlicA of the slot-meter thieves recently arrested through the efforta of a detrctlve of the gas company. Mothers Club to Meet. The Mothers' Club of the sell wood school will meet this nfternoon at 3 o'clock, in the school assembly hall. The programme is in rharcA of Miss Kate Porter, and is as follows: Recltatloi. second-grade pupils chorus. school children; composition, -Wind Cave, Montana.' sixth grade; rib bon drill, seventh and ninth grades; song, Mis Goulet. Cli-b "Wants Citt Watkr. The "Wood stock Push Club will hold a special meet ine on Friday night, November 30. for the purpose of discussing ways and means of securing Bull Run water lor mat aisinci. The suburb was recently annexed to the rltv and the residents are anxious for citv water. . All the residents of that locality are Invited to be present. Meet Me at the "Fair" in the Church of Good Tidings, East Eighth and Couch streets. "Wednesday. Thursday and rrl- dav afternoons and evenings. Fine con cert, choice goods. In Insaitb Asylum. John Paddock, at one time Citv Attorney of Portland, Is reported to have been committed to an Insane asylum near his parents home in Illinois. Football! Football! Football! Oregon vs. O. A. C. Saturday. November 21, at 2:30 P. M Multnomah Field 4 East Sidb Church Concert. A musical entertainment was given last night in St. Stephens Church, East Taylor and Bast Fortieth streets, under the direction of Professor Frederick W. Goodrich. A num ber of prominent soloists took part. $.10 Surrs for $31.75. Not Many of Them. But They're Brand New. Highest Grade Goods. Zfewett, Bradley & Co., &4 Washington." Quarter Block on Jefferson street, suitable for -flats or business property, only JffiflO if taken at once. Inquire of owner, N. H. Keck, 301 Washington St. Dr. John T. Townley has returned. gm-Sol Marquam building. A 3424. Eat Pur i tana. Ask grocer. SING FOR ST. AGNES HOME Popular Arllsls Will Appear at Benefit Friday Xight. Intorest in the approaching benefit for the St. Agnes Baby Home, which will be given at the Heillg Theater on Fri day evening, November SO. la so general that the promoters of the affair are sat Isned tbat from a pecuniary standpoint It will be a complete success. The con cert is under the auspices of the Ladies Mrs. Ethel I.ytle Boot he. Dra. matte Soprano. Who Will Sins at Benefit for St. Aimeo' Baby Home. Aid Society of the Cathedral and the Lakme Quartet, one of the most popu lar musical organizations in the city, will have direct charge of the pro gramme. This well-known quartet con sists of Mrs. Slay Dearborn Schwab. Mrs. W. A. T. Bushong. Mrs. Ethel Lytle Bootbe and Miss Petronella G. Connolly. In the absence of Mrs. War ren B. Thomas, who is traveling in the East. Mrs. Arvilla McGuIre Stolte will officiate as accompanist. Other well-known artists who will ap pear are Stuart McGuIre. the popular baritone; Miss Delia Bradley, reader, and Miss Cornelia Barker, violinist. The selections that have been arranged as sure the success of the concert from an artistic standpoint. Musical and social circles are lending every assistance to the promoters of the benefit and it is hoped to net a handsome sum for this most worthy cause, charitably minded people can assist a deserving charity by buying seats for the benefit. CARD OF THANKS. The member of St. Ann's Charitable Socie'y d'ire to return thanks to the Needlework Guild of America lor a generous donation of clothing. Plant eibsoa rosea. Fnon Bellwood, Mfc V . I k K - 1 FAVORS ADVERTISING FUND IRRIGATED LAND SHOULD BE EXPLOITED, SAYS EXPERT. D. H. Anderson Says Government Is Handicapped in Opening Up Its Reclamation Projects. D. H. Anderson, editor of the Irriga tion Age. Chicago, spent yesterday in Portland on his way to Spokane. Mr. Anderson Is one of the most active workers for Irrigation In the country today. He has served as secretary of the National Irrigation Congress and has attended probably 100 meetings in the past 15 years In various parts of the country In the Interest of Irrigation. He has devoted his life to the work and jas lived to see the movement attain mammoth proportions in this country. Mr. Anderson believes there should be a orovision made whereby the Govern ment may spend a part of the reclama tion funds in attracting attention to newly-opened irrigated tracts. He says the Government is at a disadvantage in thl regard, compared with the pri vate protects, which spend large sums in adverti&ing their tracts. Mr. Anderson believes the next National Irrigation Congress should pass a reso lution tavoring the setting aside of suf ficient money annually from the reclamation fund to provide for adver tising the opening of Government projects and attracting settlers. "While I am not sufficiently familiar with the Oregon slcuation to discuss it," said Mr. Anderson. "I recognize that the state is fortunate In having private projects in addition to the Gov ernment reclamation work. It seems to me every condition is favorable to the best agricultural -development of this state along all lines. There is splendid soli in the valleys of the state and there are plenty of valleys. "I believe the attracting of agricul tural Implement manufacturers to this territory would have a good effect and. with that end in view, I have carried on correspondence with a number. I ex pect we will have two Pullman cars full of these manufacturers visit Portland and Spokane at the time of the next Congress. September. 1909. I think their visit here will have an excellent result and may attract factories of that nature to this territory." Pastor's Auto Carried Off Piecemeal Rev. W. T. Euster MlMsen LampN and Other Trimmlncii and Expects Entire Machine to Disappear. r EV. W T.. Euster's automobile is K being stolen piecemeal. Almost every night ; his garage Is broken Into and some portion of his touring car carried away. Thus far the thieves, have confined themselves to' the trimmings but he considers it only a matter of time until they II get away with the whole machine un less something Is done. During the early hours of yesterday morning the thief or thieves got In and carried away the reverend gen tleman s auto lamp the one on the left side. Since there Is a law against operating automobiles without lights It will be necessary for Rev. Mr. Eus-' ter to get a new light before he is able to pay pastoral calls by night. And as pastor of the Sunnyside Methodist Episcopal church he has frequent need of the machine. "I can get over more ground and make more calls than ten preachers who rely on their feet to get them there." he says proudly. The clergyman waa at the Police Station bright and early yesterday morning to protest at the frequent visitation of the thieves. He said It is a small thief for only small things are taken. But there's no telling how soon the small thief may evolve into a big one and -fret away with the auto. A GOOD BUY. We have for sate a corner lot. 50x100. very near the site selected by the Ar lington Club for Its new building. It Is covered with flats which at present are bringing in good Income, and which could be so rented until such time as would be advisable to put up a brick building. For particulars apply to CHARLES K. HENRY & SON. 260 Stark Street, Portland, Or. FOR THE BEST COALS, Welsh Anthracite and Australians, call up Independent Coal & Ice Co., 353 Stark, opposite City Library. Phones. M. 7S0, A 37W. 350 LADIES' COATS. On sale at Le Palais Royal at u off: broadcloth in all shades, mixtures, satin, velvet, etc., all Included In this sale. 375 Washington at. WHEREJO DINE. All the delicacies of the season at th Portland Restaurant; fine : rlvate apart ments for ladies, 30S Wash., near Fifth. SICHEL'S SHORT SMOKES Make a man happy when he can't smoke a big- one. Little Havanas highest quality SIchel sells them. Xrw Church at Oak Grove. Purchase of a lot 50x100 for the site of a new Methodist Church at Oak Grove, south of Mllwaukie. was completed yesterday. The new church will cost $2000. The organization of a Methodist Ladies' Aid Society a few months ago has resulted In the suc cessful movement for this new church. 34lWSifr "for 7ft, Umbrellas From 50c to $17.50 For Men, Womea and Children. Brick . by Bricfc the house is built Dollar by Dollar most fortunes are made Start yours today by open ing an account with The Oldest Trust Company In Oregon We pay from two to four per cent on deposits Call for our book of IIXCSTRATIONS." 1 Portland Trust Company of Oregon S. E. CORNER THIRD AND O'K STREETS BEX.I. T. COHEN Trenlilent H. I- l'ITT K Vice-President IR. A. . MCIIOI-S..2d Vice-I're-t. B. I.EE I'AtiET Secretary W. J. !!. I A&ftifttant Secretary f. W. DfcUKAFF Cashier DR. W. A. WISE We can supply you with bridges without plates that will be perfectly firm, look as well a the naturai teeth and chew your food perfectly. THE IR. WISE SYSTEM, perfected during 21 years' active practice in Portland, guarantee you unrivaled ra nultn In all branches of the dental pro fusion. Plates that fit perfectly and that won't come loose, absolutely painless extrac tions, scientific porcelain and Inlay work, alt performed by specialists -f stanalng in the profession. Your work done In a day If desired. WISE DENTAL CO., INC. Dr. W. A. Wise. Murr., years In Port land. Second Hoor, FalUn bldff.. Third and WashlnKton streets'. Office hours; 8 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays, "9 to 1 P. M. Painless extracting, fiita ; plates, f 3 up. Phones A and Mntn 20'jn B. Iee Paget and C. A. Lewis are mem bers cf the board of trustees. Notice to stockholders, pajre 17. LARGEST RETAIL STOCK OF UMBRELLAS IN AMERICA Call and See, Them. We are making a discount of 10 per cent and 20 per cent on good ones. SPECIAL Ladies- Silk Umbrellas valued to J-",.00; SALE PRICE $2.10 CnM and See Them. Run. proof Umbrellas Repairing and Re-coverlnar. We have the only complete electri cally operated umbrella shop In Port land. Best work at lowest prices. Per sonal attention. MEREDITH'S I'mbrella. Exclusively, S12 Waitlilngtan St., Bet. 5th and . 6th. Leave Your Orders for Thanksgiving Turkeys Chickens, Lb., I6c-T7c Fresh Eggs, dozen 35 Eastern Eggs, dozen.. 25c and 30 Creamery Butter, roll 60S 65 and 70 Full Cream Cheese, lb 17 Best Eastern Haras 15c lb. LaGrande Creamery 264 Yamhill. Land Opening in the Opening, Jan. 20, 1909, send $2.50 to RnsohurC Ahsfrarf i"V Roseburg, Or." M'.'iHW l!,'.'U...;..Ml.u. '.i.imim. u . 1 : IV - . . OVERCOATS AND GRAVENETTES 1 1 V' ll -1 '-'"My So Student. No Gas Ho Cocaine We Set the Pace Specialists in Painless Dentistry NERVOUS PEOPLE and those afflicted with heart weakness can have their teeth extracted and filled without any pain or bad results. Extraction, absolutely painless 50 Best plain rubber plate.. $8.00 Bridge work $5.00 22-k gold $5.00 Silver filling 50 up CLEANING TEETH FREE. Consultation and estimates free. Open evenings until 7. Lady In attendance. Union Painless Dentists Suite 1, 2, 3 and 4, 2214 Morrison,' Corner First. Piione A 2132.. Dr. E. M. Dallas OPTICIAN has returned from Europe, where he has been investigating the NEW WIESBADEN METHOD of eye-test-insr. which caused so much talk in England, France and Germany. No extra charge will be made for this wonderful science, in the fitting of glasses. Our prices are very reason able, our methods are accurate and lenses absolutely correct. Dallas Optical Parlors 218-19 Failing Building, Corner Third and Washington.' Second Floor. Take Elevator. FURS! FURS! For less than at wholesale. Remodel Injr a specialty. Fur coats of all kinds made to order. L. SCHUMACHER FURRIER, 209 Madison. - - - Tel. Main 6817 A 2776 Pliones Main 2776. Vulcan Coal Co. 329 Bnrnside St. TRY OUR Wellington Coal All Other High-Grade House Coals. FredPrehn,D.D.S. 1S.0 roll Se Teetb. C.oa. Grown, and Bridg-e-work. S3 00. Bern 405, Ueknin. Opes Evaaiiisa XUi 1. Schwab Printing Co. BE SI frOIIK. REASONABLE PRICES STARK STREET) 03P'' TEETH - .WITHOUT PtATESrl on vviiiuxi we nave saveu 25 percent to 40 per cent and offer the same ad vantages to you. Everything new in the way of styles, colors and fabrics the buttoned-to-the-chin coat, called the "Kronprinz and Kaiser," made up in various weaves, plain and fancy colors, the loose box-back coat, or form-fitting coat, Meltons, Velours, Vicun as, Cheviots and Beavers; all the fabrics that are in demand, and all lengths to fit men of all proportions, priced at $15.00, $18.00, $20.00, $22.50 and $25.00. We Call SPECIAL ATTENTION to Our "SLIP-ON" Cravenette at $16.50 When the foot is grotfirig one pair of Hi-fitting shoes may cause foot de formities which will last through life. The Gotzian Shoe is made for children as well as for men and women and "fits like your footprint." r "11 mm it. if.... t"ilwti tr .twn. icvuizjaiu. Made in St. Paul by C. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Head Office: Toronto, Canada. ; PORTLAND BRANCH SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Accounts may be opened in the name of two people, -payable to either of them or the survivor. Interest allowed on the undisturbed monthly balance credited half-yearly.- Foreign Exchange bought and sold. , , Drafts Issued, payable in all principal cities. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED F. C. MALPAS, Manager Portland Branch. SAN FRANCISCO & PORTLAND STEAMSHIP CO. FIRST-CLASS FARE Berth and ff ale UPPER DECK $15 SECOND-CLASS $3 S. S. ROSE CITY SAILS FROM AIXSWORTH DOCK, 4 P. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20. J. W. RANSOM, Dock Agent, Ainsworth Dock. Phone Main 268. M. J. ROCHE, C. T. A., 142 Third St. Phones Main 402, A 1402. HOTEL Washington Annex rrJ SEATTLE Rates: European SI per day op American S3 op AH modern outside rooms with every con venience. Free auto-'bua meets trains and boats. J. H. DAVIS, Proprietoi "The Success Factory" Wm mamufmetun Dle-cuiAEmbommmd Hew Procew. New Idea; clever designs mle to order Prices astonishingly low Samples DOIMTrDC -Portland Tnitt BMtf. rnl n I k. o l nird and A. OF AOVERTISIMa 'Portland, Oregon ji WK Gotzian & Co. alnce 18SS. includedj SMOKE M Best of the Bestw ALL " A. SANTAELLA A CO Makers, Tampa. The Hsurt Cigar Co. Distributors. Pianos for Rent and sold on easy payments. i