THE MORNING OREGONTAN, "WEDNESDAY, TCrreTBnEK IS, 1908. WHITMAN COLLEGE BEGINS HEWEPflGH Walla Walla Institution Takes Formal Step for Greater Work. NOTED EDUCATORS MEET Speaker Pajr Trilnite to Marcus Whitman and CnshinR Eels and Predict Bright Fu ture for Institution. WALLA WALLA. Wash.. Nov. IT. (Special.) Whitman College twgan a new epoch today. From a sectarian college, the Institution has expanded to a non sectarian university. The formal passing to a '"greater Whitman" took place this morning when the members of the new board of overseers ratified and signed the new articles of government. The occasion of Whitman's forward step was marked by the greatest gather ing of educational men ever held In the Pacific Northwest. The 600 or more out side members of the educational congress arrived In Walla Walla this morning hy special trains from Portland. Seattle. Tacoma and Spokane. They were met at the Northern Pacific and O. R. A N. depots by a reception committee consist ing of 25 representative citlsens who con ducted the entire party to the Y. M. C. A. cafe, where they were breakfasted and asslcned to their resoective places to be entertained during the two days' congress. For the hour Immediately preceding the opening of public sessions in the College Chapel, the new board of overseers met In room 16 of the Memorial building for Its first meeting. Practically every one of the 60 members constituting this board was present and took part in the delib erations of the board's first session under the new regeme. Judge Barke First Chairman. Judge Thomas Burke, of Seattle, was unanimously elected temporary chairman of the board, to act until permanent or ganization has been perfected. Although the general policies to be followed in the campaign to build a greater Whitman College were discussed at this meeting, there was but little detail work done, the greater portion of which will follow in the meetings tomorrow. Promptly at 11 o'clock the board of overseers entered the spacious chapel amid the soft Ftrains of the pipe organ played by Miss Nina Markley. The board took seats in the places reserved for them to the right of the stage. Seated on the platform were President S. B. L. Penrose. Rev. Francis J. Vanhorn, of Seattle: Judge Thomas Burke, also of Seattle, and Dean A. W. Hendrick. Pres ident Penrose announced that the Rev. Mr. Vanhorn would lead chapel exercises. After a brief Scripture lesson, read by the Seattle pastor, and a prayer follow ing, the exercises were concluded by the sinking of "America" by the audience. On the conclusion of the rhapel exer cises. President Penrose Introduced Judge Burke, temporary president of the board of overseers, as president of the con gress. Foarsoti's Xante Cheered. In opening the congress. Judge Burke paid: "On behalf of the Board of Over seers of Whitman College I extend to you. ladles and gentlemen, a cordial welcome to this meeting, which in many respects stands unparalleled In the history of the Northwest. On be half of the faculty especially I de sire to extend a hearty welcome to that munificent benefactor of Ameii- 1 can citizenship. Dr. D. K. Pearsons, of Chicago, who beside giving liberally to the support of Whitman College, has made generous gifts to other edu cational Institutions of the United States." On mention of Pr. Pearson's name the entire audience joined In hearty and prolonged applause, directed to ward the venerable old gentleman Heated just in front af the stage. Continuing his remarks. Judge Burke said: Location of College Ideal "Few of us can realize the great and far-reachlna- Influence which this meeting is to have on Whitman Col lege. Walla Walla, the Northwest and the entire Nation. Blessed with the most healthful climate on earth and surrounded hy an In.mense territory of the richest soil that can be found in America. Walla Walla is wonderous ly adapted as the location for an insti tution of higher learning1, which will disseminate knowledge to the young men and women from the three North west states. Washington, Oregon and Idaho. Ladies and gentlemen, again I welcome you with the fullest meas ure of cordiality." Sneaking on "The History, Tradi tions and Spirit of Whitmau College." President S. B. I- Penrose brought prolonged and hearty cheers from his audience, when he mentioned the self sacrificing deeds of the pioneer mis sionary and builder of civilization. Dr. Marcus Whitman, the man in whose honor the present Institution has been built. Iiv. Cushlng Eels, the founder of the college, and the many other brave men and women who helped to make Whitman College a Buccess through their untiring labors and denials of the pleasures of this life came in for eu logies. The address of President Pen rose was illustrated by large-sized stereopttcon pictures thrown on can vas to the rear of the stage. Pays Tribute to Cu.-hlng Eels. In part. Dr. Penrose said: "Either Cushing Jiels was a man of marvelous foresight or else he was provi- dentally led In deciding to establish a college to the memory of his friend. Dr. iiari-us Whitman, at the point which now S"eros to be the getgraphical center of that 'oid Oregon" for which Dr. Whitman lived and died. It illustrates the friend, ship of one true-hearted man for another. Cushlng Eels had no thought of perpetu ating his own name in the institution which he founded With sublime self negation he founded it in tlie name of his friend and obliterated himself tn lay ing its foundation. Whether you reflect upon the heroic career of Dr. Whitman, or the saintly life and service of Cushlng Kela or the splendid generosity of that great-hearted business man. Dr. Daniel Kimball Pearsons, you see In them all expressing Itself In different forms, the sme spirit of patriotism, ready to give money, self, even life for the sake of the country over which the stars and stripes float. " Such has been the history of Whitman Ci'llese. Today It stands chiefly for two hinus. scholarship in the true sense of the word and a broad free earnest Chris tianity. Whitman College has done great taings in the past, but it is now in the first stages of formation of a greater In- iliuuoo, which. I believe will beneUt in J the future three persons It has been of benefit to one in t.te past." Following the address by President Pen rose, Dean A. W. Hendrick, who is at the head of the campaign to raise funds and secure other support In the building and equipping of Whitman College, spoke on "The Greater Whitman, its purpose Tft twnmM t Vi nmrvwntallvf orivate insti tution of the Pacific Northwest." In the course of his remarks. Dean Hendrick briefly showed the plans wnicn mo posed to be carried out in xne imu elri which undoubt edly lies before such an institution as l . in jjrwpja-tj . ii . iw. u .. lege. He spoke of the work of a similar character which has oeen oon Institutions, end said he believed that . -j i o i a around which should be turned the educational life or the three Northwest states, nuninpciuu. Oregon and Idaho. He closed by urging those present not to overlook the needs of a "Greater Whitman" and the fact that the support of every citizen m ine three states is needed. At 8:30 o'clock this afternoon Dean Al fred E. Burton, of the Boston Institute of Technology, spoke on the question, "The Economic Value to the Pacific Northwest If the Massachusetts Insti tute of Technology Were Transplanted from Boston to Walla Walla." In open ing his address. Dean Burton made a harpy hit with his large audience by saying that If he had been wording the question on which he was to talk he would have worded It thus: "The Intrin sic Value to the Boston Institute of Technology Were It Transplanted from Boston to Walla Walla. Continuing, Dean Burton said, in part: Confident Money Will Be Coming. "The Boston Institute of Technology is considered to be the biggest and best of its kind in the United States, and yet It is probably not so big as it Is gener ally conceded to be. Although the work which we turn out is of a higher degree, it might be better. If the in stitution were smaller from the start, we have had a struggle to finance the school, and are todsy going behind a lit tle each year, despite the hevay tuition fee and an endowment of $2,000,000. 'T . . ., I. mnnv tn eOllln A technical school. But I believe you in Walla Walla and the Northwest nave mis ana willing to give to the support of the In stitution. I have only been In the city a few hours, but I am more and more convinced that Walla Walla Is the most centrally located spot for a great techni- i. i .!,. V, rmmrf In the West. tail miimil uioi ...j I believe there is a great opening for such a school here, wnere you nave me practical to combine with the theoretical. .r-v. i. a ffrdal a n-n kpnln IT taking Place In the educated world today, known as the "New Idea. This means ine cnaiiR ing from the mere literary and scientific Hi!-tlnn to the combination of these. with a truly technical education." On the completion of his address lean Burton was loudly and repeatedly -.,mA m turienrji and audience. A feature of the address was a "Tech." yell given bv the students, iea oy ncremi graduates of the Boston Institute of Technology. The evening sesslson, at 7:80 o clock, was -devoted to an address by Dr. Cyrus vnni-nm f the University of Wiscon sin. He spoke on the advantages to a private institution of competition with state schools. Following the address by Dr. Northrup A.minn wprrt riven simultaneous ly at the homes of President Penrose, Acting president Ju. r. Ainnwu, Langdon and Reynolds Hall. Tomorrow will bedevoted to the detail work by the board of overseers and more addresses by prominent educators and business men or xne rnnncni. (MT DENIES UK STATE HAS HKJHT TO PORTION" OF LOCK TOLLS. Electric Company Is Expected to Take Case to Federal Court. Other Cases Decided at Salem. SALEM. Or.. Nov. 17. (Special.) The Oregon Supreme Court today de nied the nctltlon for rehearing in tne Oregon City I.ocks case, thereby final ly declaring that the state nas a rigni to 10 per cent of tne net proms irom the operation of the locks. Presum ably the Portland General Eloitric Company, owner of tke locks, will take the case to the Federal Courts if pos sible, for the case has been fought hard in the state courts. The decision of the Supreme Court in the first Instance was announced In an opinion oy jus tice F.akln, who also wrote the opinion handed downeday denying a rehear- ng. Among oiner miners lue uiihuuh pays: The Willamette River is a pnUllc navigable stream a public highway, the title to the bed and banks of which Is in the state for the benefit of the public Ths state has the right to im prove this highway for the purpose of navigation: It may do this Itseir, or n may delegate to another authority to do so: but without this delegated au- thoritv from the state no company can acquire the right, by filing articles of Incorporation, either to improve it or to collect tolls for the use of such Im provements, even when such a purpose Is specified In thosj articles. Attorney-General Crawford believes that the state's share of the net profits of the locks will be about J1000 a year, and the company Is liable for 12 years' delinquency. Other cases decided today were: Coouille Mill Mercantile Co., appel ant, vs. Alfred Jjhnson and Johnson Lumber Co.. respondents, from Cooa County, J. Vv". Hamilton. Judge, af firmed. Opinion by Commissioner Sla ter. Held, that a riparian owner may grant to another the right to operate a boom In a navigahle stream adjacent to his property, which right Is an in corporeal hereditament for the pos session of which an action In ejectment ill not lie. In three cases n which B. D. Coffey secured decrees In Multnomah County establishing Ms liens upon building In which he did some work, the Supreme Court reversed th- lower court. The defendants were O. M. Smith. Sarah Ann Church. Harriet E. McGulre, Anna Stock. C. W. Willoughby and E. H. Robbins. Tho cases were tried In the court below by Judge A. I Frazer. In opinions by Coromisioner Slater it Is held that a Ilea claimant cannot compute his time for filing a notice of lien from a date when he penormca minor jobs long after the real work was completed and is barred because the time specified by law since the completion of the work had elapsed. Appeal waa dismissed today in the case of Thomas vs. Booth-Kelly Lum ber Company. Iro.u Lane County. The cases of Krebs Hop Company vs. Taylor and Patty vs. Salem Flouring Milis Company will be argued on re hearing November 15. The case of State vs. Dumbar has advanced on the docket because of public Importance and will be tried In the Supreme Court early In December. Begin Express Bat Hearing Today. SALEM. Or., Nov. 17. (Special.) The Oregon Railroad Commission will tomorrow morning begin a hearing upon the reasonableness of the rates of the Pacific Express Company in this state. The hearing will, be held upon the complaint of B. F. Jones, of Inde pendence. The complaint attacks all rates and the hearing will -be comre benslve la scope. REPUBLICAN ONLY SERVE STATE Woolmen Demand Senator Who Will Protect Their ; Interests. BURGESS MAKES IT PLAIN President of WooIgTowers Associa tion Directs Ills Remarks to Tariff Issue Ellis Prom ises Ills Support. HEPPNER. Or., "ov. 17. (Special.) That it is essential to the woolgrowing in dustry of Oregon that the Legislature elect a Republican Senator, was the key note of the address of President Burgess before the convention of the Oregon Wool- growers' Association in this city today. Congressman Ellis addressed the conven tion and declared that he would oppose any reduction of the tariff on wool that would work to the injury of the producers. The convention was called to order by Vice-President George Curren, who pre sided until President Burgess delivered his annual address. The forenoon was taken up by the appointment of commit tees and short addresses by different members. This afternoon Congressman Ellis was the first speaker and dwelt for sometime upon the tariff question in relation to the duties on wool. He prom ised his support to the aid of the wool men and said that he would favor no re duction of the tariff whatever if in any way that reduction would affect the pro ducer. Mr. Ellis further stated that the Eastern people had an erroneous idea In regard to sheep-grazing upon the public domain; that they thought that sheep ate and destroyed the timber and that the sheepmen set all the fires which cause the immense forest fires, simply to remove tne timber so as to 'furnish a large grazing area. Mr. Ellis Is the first Representative to Congress to attend a meeting of the association for many years, and upon the mention of this, three rousing cheers were raised for the Congress man. Montle B. Gwlnn, of Pendleton, made an able address on the National forest and its relation to livestock, which was followed by George McKnight, of Vale, on leasing the public domain. The lecture by Dr. McClue tonight at the Orpheum Theater on bacteriology and animal parasites was largely at tended and exceedingly Interesting. The adoption of resolutions will oc cupy the attention of the association tomorrow, and in the evening the mem bers will be banqueted at the Palace Hotel. President Burgess spoke In part as follows: "The past year has been one of trials and tribulations for the Oregon sheep- growers. The decrease in price of sheep, dating from the panic of Oc tober, 1U07, to the Presidential elec tion. November S. of this year, was fully 35 per cent, and the price of wool met -with a corresponding de crease. This disaster, coming during a season of protracted drouth, the worst ever known in the state, has been the cause of probably the greatest finan cial loss In the history of the sheep Industry In Oregon during the same length of time. 'However, there is now every indica tion that a reaction has taken place, business of all kinds is good, the fac tories and mills are all starting and running full time and the outlook is that we will be able to enjoy another four years of prosperity. The wool market Is active and much stronger than It has been at any time during the past 13 months. The sheep market in the different parts of the United States, even with the highest prices of feed, are much stronger, and mutton will undoubtedly reach its normal value during the coming Winter. "From sheep reports available. It is noted that we have an increase In the United States of probably 400,000 sheep during the past year. This increase has taken place largely upon the small farms and It more than offsets the decrease that may have occurred upon the open ranges of the West. We have In the State of Oregon ap proximately 200.O03 sheep worth prob ably J800.000. This, together with the wool clip of the present season of 1, KUO.000 pounds, gives a value for sheep and wool during the year of almost $1,100,000. From the best obtainable reports we find that we have exported from this state during the present sea son 430.000 sheep, which we may safely value at is a head, which have re turned to the state $1,290,000. as the value of our exports of live sheep for a single season." Here Mr. Burgess' remarks turned to the tariff on wool and he spoke at length in support of a tariff. He said: "During tho period of free wool there was a decrease in wool produc tion In the United States exceeding 4. 400.000 pounds, with a corresponding decrease in the number of sheep. The price for washed Ohio clothing wool during the time of four years of low tariff averaged 19 cents. The average for the same wool under protective tariff from 1898 to the present date has been 30 H cents, showing a difference of lli cents per pound in favor of the period of protective tariff. "Our present Congress has a Republi can majority, but it is not altogether safe as far as the tariff on wool is con cerned. You well know that free impor tation of wool has always been advocated by the Democratic party, also some Re publican Senators of the East are in favor of a reduction. Gentlemen, how fere we of the Western woolgrowing states to protect our interests against a grow ing sentiment in the East which means financial death to us? We never can do It by electing Democratic United States Senators to represent us at the National Capitol. "I trust that even' sheepman In the state will give his support and assist ance to the election of a man whose political affiliations and whose past prin ciples and present policies assures the woolgrowers of 'this state that he will stand for no reduction of the tariff on wool." Mr. Burgess also touched on the sub ject of the continued cuts in the grazlngr limit of sheep each year In the National reserves, and called upon the members to urge Congressmen and Senators to stand together upon the wants of the sheepmen and by their great Influence demand that the National Forest Service give justice and protection to the West ern flockmaster. PLANS TO HELP FESTIVAL Peninsula Club Will Raise $2000 for Rot-e Show. "W bad an important part Jn the.Jiuse CAN Festival last year, raising $509 and dis tributing about 10.000 roses to incoming passengers at the Union Depot. This year we want to do better. We ought to raise $2000 easily, and make every lot on the Peninsula bloom with roses." declared W. J. Peddicord. president, at the meeting of the Peninsula Rose As sociation, last night in North Albina. At this meeting measures were adopted to carry out the declaration of the presi dent. It was decided to ask each push club, of which there are nine, to appoint committees of five each to start the work of soliciting money to make a better display at the Festival next year ' than last. The following committee was ap pointed to meet with the clubs and pre sent the matter of naming committees and urge active co-operation: St. John Commercial Club, J. F. Hendricks;. Maeg ly Junction, : D. G. Danforth; University Park Board of Trade, W. J. Peddicord; Peninsula, M. J Carter: Willamette, F. T. Gilpatrick: Multnomah, M. E. Thomp son; Woodlawn, J. G. Gregg; Piedmont, George P. Lent. W. J. Peddicord was appointed the publicity committee. M. C. VanTyne. M. L. Carter and J.. H. Nolta were appointed to eeoure space at the Union Depot for next- year's display. The association accepted an invitation to meet next week with the St. John Commercial Club, at a date to be an nounced. Frederick V. Holman, a rose expert, will address the meeting. DEATH TAKES E. C. GODLEY PROMINENT RESIDENT OF BROWNSVILLE PASSES AWAY. Crossed Plains In 1853 and Early Engaged In Mercantile Pursuit in Linn County. ALBANY, Or., Nov. IT. (Special.) George C. Cooley, Oregon pioneer of 1853, oldest merchant of Brownsville and one of the most prominent men in Linn County, died early this morning at his home In that city at tho age of 77 years. He was employed in the first store established in Brownsville, which was one of the very first business houses in Linn County, and had been a merchant at Brownsville continu ously for more than half a century. Mr. Cooley suffered a stroke of paralysis about two years ago, and had been 111 since that time. Mr. Cooley was born near Richmond, Va., in July, 1831, and when a boy ac companied his parents to Missouri. In 1S53 he crossed, the plains and took up a donation, land claim near the present site of Cottage Grove. The next year he went to Brownsville end began clerking In the store which he later acquired and which he and his sons have conducted. For years the Btore has been conducted under the name of G. C. Cooley & Com pany, being the only mercantile estab lishment in South Brownsville and. one of the largest in the city of Brownsville. He continued active work in the store" in spite of Ms advanced age until he was attacked with paralysis more than two years ago. For many years Mr. Cooley waa one of the leading men of Brownsville, taking ap active part in its public as well as its business life, and his name is linked in separably with the development of that city and of all Linn County. He has held different positions of trust and honor in his community. He was a member of the First Presbyterian Church of Browns ville. Mr. Cooley is survived by his wife, whom he married in October, 1857, and with whom he lived happily more than half a century, and the following chil dren: W. C- Cooley, who conducts the store of G." C. Cooley & Co., and who is an ex-Mayor and leading citizen of Brownsville; Mrs. J. D. Irvine, wife of the present Mayor of Brownsville; Mrs. George W. Wright, wife of a prominent Albany attorney; Mrs. W. W. Bailey, of Brownsville; J. B. Cooley, also interested in the store of G. C. Cooley & Co., at Brownsville; and Mrs. Homer Drlnkard, of Elmlra, Wash. All of his children were at his death-bed. The funeral services will be held Wed nesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the fam ily home in Brownsville. FELLS MAN IN OWN HOUSE Shoots Irate Hnsband in Order to Defend Two Women. TACOMA, Wash. Nov. 17. (Special.) Fearing for his own life and for the lives of two women who were in the house with him, W. W. Buffun fired a shot that felled Elmer Rhodes In his own home In Puyallup last night. Buffun. who is held in jail, says: "The house in -which the shooting occurred is owned by Mrs. Rhodes, my cousin, who has begun suit for a di vorce from her husband. My wife moved Into the house yesterday after noon. After supper Rhodes came to the house and was ordered away. "'I will get you all before morning!" he Bald. 'I want to get that woman!' Then he went to the front yard, took the wire clothesline and tied It to the front door knob. Pretty soon he came That bath-room of yours cannot be kept clean with mere soap and water Soap will not do the work properly because soap only cleans the surface it does not dig deep after germs and hidden impurities like GOLD DUST the greatest of all sanitary cleansers. To keep bath tub and lavatory shiny-white and inviting To keep metal pines, fixtures and taps brightly burnished To purify closet bowl To keep tiling and woodwork spotless and beautiful Simtlv add a heaping teaspoonful of GOLD DUST to a pail ot water. You will be surprised at the ease with which it does the work. GOLD DUST sterilizes-as well as cleans and saves you one - half the labor. Mad by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY Makers of FAISOAIVjhedake v ELEGANT SUITCASES ON SPECIAL SALE EXTRA SPECIAL PRICES FOR A FEW DAYS ALL ODR LEATHER SDITCASES AT ONE-FOURTH REGULAR PRICES Serviceable 24-inch Leather Suitcases, riveted frame, hand-turned cor ners, double-action lock, regular $5.50, . gfl J Q Sole Leather 24-inch Suitcase,, riveted frame ; regular Cg $8.00; special Extra wide Suitcase, shirtfold, double-action lock and Cgg bolts, straps all around; regular $8.75, special Heavy cowhide 24-inch Suitcase, riveted frame, locks and gQ bolts; regular $12.00, special ONE-FOURTH off on our immense line of Suitcases, varying in price SEE wlXDOW display from $2.00 to $50.00. ' 1 ; ' We give free a $1,000 accident policy with every Suitcase of $5.00 and over. SPECIALS ON HANDBAGS, fitted with card case and purse moire lined, outside Q3C pockk double handles, in all shades, walrus leather; values $2.00, a great special at . OL JUST RECEIVED-NEW SHIPMENT OF CROSS' GLOVES AND LEATHERS TIME TO BUY AN UMBRELLA The weather and prices are right. ' Wonderful Tal ues, excellent quality. free: PHONES FOURTH FLOOR to the back door with an a-x and broke open the door. "Ha came rushing: In with the ax and I told him to stop. - 'You won't shoot!' he said, and came at me. Then I fired and he fell. The bullet struck him in the left eye and lodged In his neck." BRYAN WILLING TO RUN (Continued From First page.) country and .1 want our party to be democratic and I have no doubt .that the country will see the necessity for the adoption of the reforms advocated by the Democratic party. It is al ready a great educational force, and I have no doubt that conditions will make the voters turn co It as the best instrument for the accomplishment of the necessary reforms." "The newspapers are the ones making the plans, but whether or npt they will ha. orrented br the Democratic party is a -matter of conjecture. The Democratic party is very much alive and will be in the fight at the next Presidential election, mirther ttian this. I do not care to say anything on the subject of politics at this time." "Will you allow yourself to be elected United States Senator from Nebraska?" he was asked. f "They do not elect a Senator this year," he said with a smile. "But they do two years from now," he was reminded. "You have my statement regarding my "Let tlx GOLD DUST Taint do your aarV I v J if 3000 BEAUTIFUL DOLLS GIVEN AWAY TODAY When the clock strikes NINE this morning we will com mence to give away 3000 handsome dolls. Each customer making a purchase of 50 cents or over will get a doll until all the dolls have been given away. No Mail or Telephone Orders Filled No Dolls Delivered. ALARM CLOCKS REDUCED It Is Beat to Have a GOOD Clock s2p $1.50 to $2.00 Values, Choice, $1.09 About 270 Um brellas bought at a discount. To close them out they go for, each $1.09 future so far as I care to say," and he smilingly refused to discuss the subject further. Mr. Bryan left for Corpus Christi to night to attend the deep waterways con vention. He will remain there several days for a hunt. Prom there he goes to Mexico for two weeks. He will then return to Galveston, where he will hunt ducks for four weeks. BOTH DENIED DIVORCE Mr and Mrs. Laing, of Vmatilla County, Must Remain Wedded. SALBM. Or., Nov. 17. (Special.) With both parties to the suit demanding a divorce, the Supreme Court today handed down a decree denying relief to either. This action was taken in the case of Kflie E. Laing. appellant, vs. Arthur Lalng, respondent from Vmatilla County. The wife asked a divorce upon the grounds of cruel and inhuman treatment. 1 H Hfef hid WTT rs M mSJJ There's Danger in Food Experiments. Food " fads " are good things for the dys peptic to let alone Better stick to the good old reliable H-O, the oatmeal that is cooked three hours in steam the "meat" of the oats, without the hulls or dirt It ctfsts a little more than ordinary "rolled oats " but it' twenty times better because it contains more body-building nutriment and is more easily digested. It ii the only team-cooked oatmeal oa the market dainty, delicate, delicious. Ask yoar grocer for H-O. "Wish I could have more H-O" -Oliver. QQ 53 QQ American Alarm Clocks, a good timekeeper )52" excellent value .... Alternating Alarm Clock just the kind to wake you on..tS..$1.25 INGERSOLL WATCHES Ingersoll Yankee Watch. .. .tl.00 In gersoll Ecllpae Watch 1.80 Ingeriiol! Midget Watch $1.00 Ingersoll Junior, thin model $2.00 NEW I.IE MOI.DlJS HAVBJIST ARRIVED The husband denied the allegations and himself asked for a divorce. In the Cir cuit Court the divorce was refused by Judge H. J. Bean and this is affirmed "per curiam" without any discussion of the merits of the case. Delegates to Mining Congress. SALEM, Or., Nov. 17. (Special.) Gov ernor Chamberlain today appointed the following delegates to the American Min ing Congress, which meets In Pittsburg. Pa., December 2 to 5: EL A. Sessions, Portland; R. O. Hale, Ashland; C. L Johnson, Salem; F. R. Mellls and Jamej Panting. Baker City; Emit Melzer, Bourne: F. S. Bailee, Sumpter; Jeff Hurd, Med ford. COFFEE Poor coffee is one of the worst extravagances. Toar rroeer rctsrns your mooer U yon 4oa'i H SchilliBc's Best! t par him. 'J'lEj!"'..'!)'?1 Iff B-rrl " WW Ljl. f i ) i ' - J .".., -jr--j