DILATORY ACTION ALL SWEPT ASIDE Court Takes Stern Action Against Delay of Ruef s Trial. DENIES CHANGE OF VENUE Grafter's Lawyers Allege Prejudice, but Prosecution Offers Battery of Affidavits Denying It and Trial Will Continue. SAX KRANC1S'0. Nov. 1: The trial of Abraham Kuef. Interrupted by the hootlnfc of Assistant Dintrlct At torney Franrls J. Heney in the court room, will be reume.l at o'clock to morrow mornln wt.re it was halted last Friday afternoon by the bullet of the awa.-i.ln. Jiulffe William P. Lawlor todav denied the application of counsel for Ruef for a change of venue to some other city or town in the state: denied also in quirk succession the motions " for a continuance of thirty days until public feellnn subsided, for the dis missal of the Jury and the empanel ment of a new one. and finally ruled aicalnst the defence on the request made to' Interrogate the trial twelve s to whether any of them was pre judiced attain!" t the defence as a re sult of the tragedy In the courtroom. All Obstacles Brushed Aside. Brushinft aside all motions and technicalities Interposed by the de fence, the court announced that the trial would proceed tomorrow- morn inir and that it would countenance no further delays. The action of the court followed the ltlinir of 37 countcr-af flilavlts by the prosecution which in Keneral terms denied many of the allegations made liy Ruef and his rounscl in their affi davits yesterday In support of their application for a change of venue and set forth that no excitement or tur hulance prevailed: that neither Ruef nor his attorneys were threatened with violence or their lives endan gered, and. finally, that no condition existed that would prevent the de fendant from having a fair and im partial trial. Trying to Prove Prejudice. For an hour this afternoon there was an echo of the maasmectlng at Dreamland rink Saturday nifrht, as Henry Ach. chief counsel for Ruef, read an affidavit tflvinn a steno graphic report of the speeches made there and the courtroom rang with the eulogies of the stricken prose cutor. Hiram Johnson and Matthew L Sullivan interrupted the reading of the affidavit repeatedly with objections to its admissibility, but the court ruled for the defense. Then followed affidavits from K. E. Kirke, an at torney, and William K. Murphy, a contractor, averring that certain min isters of the gospel had indulged in incendiary and inflammatory address es from the pulpit and that there was much talk about the city that "Ruef ought to be hanged." A supplementary affidavit by Ruef was filed by his counsel over the strong objections of the prosecution. In which he cited some newspaper ar ticles denunciatory of the defendant and his counsel, which asserted "Ach has clogged the wheels of Justice for Ruef with a wagon load of affidavits:' set forth the ejection from the court room yesterday of J. D. Cook, asso ciated with the defense, and charged that the courtroom was daily filled with the "personal enemies" of the af fiant, wbtle his friends, messengers and even attorney? associated with his defense were denied admittance Hiram Jonnson. In objecting, de clared that. If the defense was allowed to file more affiduvits. the trial would "degenerate into battle of affidavits." He was overruled. "o Cxcuse for Belay. . Mr. Ach then a.cked for permission to put on witnesses and Introduce oral testimony in supj-ort of his applica tion for a change of venue. Denied," sold the court. "Counsel for the defense asks tintll tomorrow to file further affidavits," said Mr. Ach. "Denied." ruled the court. Judge Lawlor then announced In a lengthy decision hi denial of the ap plication for a change of venue. He said that the apprehension which court naturally felt after FTlday"s tragedy in the courtroom, wr.ich was well calcu lated to arouse tho resentment of the lomunity. had not been realised and that he had seen nothing to indicate any threatened violence, excitement or turbulence or that the defendant and his attorneys wer In any danger, and that nothing prejudicial to the defend ant had come to the attention of the Jury. Dilatory Motion Denied. "Counsel for the defendant moves the court for a continuance of SO days In the trial, until the feelings of the pub lic has somewhat subsided." said Mr. Ach. "Denied." w.is the reply of the court. 'Then counsel makes a motion that the Jury be dismissed and a new Jury em paneled to try the defendant, on the ground that the present Jurors, knowing that Mr. Heney was shot In the court room, are prejudiced against the defend ant, believing that he was In some man ner connected with the crime." "The motion Is denied." "We make application to interrogate the Jurors and ascertain whether they have any prejudice against the defendant sa a result of the shooting of the Assist ant District Attorney." continued Mr. Ach. "The application Is denied. "We are ready to proceed with the trial." announced the defendant's attor ney, with considerable vim. KJected for Cursing Kuef. The only Incident of the day was the ejection from the courtroom of R. A. Adams before court convened this morn ing. Adaxns had taken a seat dvectly behind Ruef and was said to he cursing and threatening him. Deputy Sheriff Dead declared that he recognized Adams as a man who had followed for some dis tance yesterday the patrol wagon bring ing Ruef to court. Counsel for Ruef will resume the cross examination of James L. Gallagher to morrow morning. CORONER IXVEsTKiATES HAAS Jurors Test Possibility of Cucealing Pistol In t-hoe. PAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 17. Coroner Iceland began an investtg.'it ion today into the facis connected with the sui Irido of Morris Maat In the County Jail on Saturday njgLt. The Dodjr ol U.iaj waa brought Into tke Jury-room laid on a slab. i ne ofnim" and with iaia on a siao. j - : which Haas killed himself waa placed . V. I V. It wm min- i Jln n Il.ao ' ' " -. i -i mrhlch tt WaS in i .. e snufl uviu . . . i r Ara-mrn ano posea TO' nnve Juror ran his hand down the leg of SUD each the juror ran ms ' ,. dead man in the manner of a Pol'ce h a n r1 In inn oPH.a man in -"- -- - - moa T--h and In oiucer co"l-l",' . , . - i 4.. (ha nrrtn rfr rase or. eacn j u . ntnirk by the hand. Sergeant Burke wm clowly questioned as to tne m wswv whn found. Bliiun VI Llir a"'-- ------- Some of the quesucno tm. po were objected to by Nr. Webb, who repre - rhiof Rieev. on the ground that the foronrr had no right to conduct an examination "' ; Several other witnesses were exam In the ertori to oomm n -.-formation In regard to the tragedy. til I ThnraHav The inquest win s . Funeral services over the remain Haas will be conaucien uj .no . order of Red Men tomorrow ...hw h the hodv will be cremated. of ITS FLIGHT EIDS IN AUTO BALI.OOX FAILS IN TIIAXSCON'TI .E-TAL VOYAGE. After Reaching Altitude of 10,000 Jr'cet. Inited Slates Is Blown Back to Starting Point. LOS AXGEI-RS. Nov. 17. The trans continental balloon race, participated In by the two big balloons. America and I'nlted States, is off. It ended where It started. The last one of the big gasbags to return to this city after the start on Sunday by the America and on Monday by the United States, was tne latter, which was brought in irom Corona tonight in an automobile. The I'nited States was the plaything of unfavorable winds all last night, and the occupants of the basket gave up the struggle to get over the moun tains at 10:31) oclock tins morning. They descended at Corona, and In an automobile the big bag was brought to this city, arriving late tonight. A telephone message this morning from Merrill's ranch, two and a half milts from Ontario, a point about 50 miles due eastward of this city, said the United States started over the ranch in a westerly direction at 9:30 last night,. Pilot Wild, in the balloon, called to the ranchers to catch his guide rope, which waa trailing on the ground. The rope was secured and the balloon anchored. Mr. Wild and his assistant spent the night on the ground at the ranch and this morning started eastward again at 8:30. The balloon crossed the summit of the San Bernardino range at an altitude of 600J feet yesterday. A dispatch from the aeronauts, re ceived at 11:43 A. M., reads as follows: "Bloomlngton, Cal., Nov. 17. Associated Press, Los Angeles, Cal.: We have passed around the valley In a circle of about 12 miles four times during the night. We have been 10,000 feet high, and can get nothing but a wind blowing us north. We cooked breakfast at 7:30 and feel fine. We are keeping low to get the easterly drift. 9 A. M. Nine sacks of sand left at an altitude of 10O0 feet. "Wild and Iroyxex." The above message was dropped from the balloon and picked up by W. C. Mc Culley at Bloomlngton, fiO miles east of Los Angeles. PUN ESCAPE; MEET DEATH EIGHT CONVICTS ITXIXTEXTIOX ALLY KILL THEMSELVES. Built Fire in Mine Shaft Suffocate Before They Can Carry Out t Their Designs. H I RM I NTrH A M. Ala., Nov. 17. Fifty Ftate convicts employed In the mines, at Pratt City, formed a conspiracy last night to sot mine No. 3 aflro and escape during the confusion and as a result eight of them were burned to death, one Is miss ing and the other 41 are safely locked In the stockade. A pile of timbers lying in the manway was ignited and the convicts honed that, when attention had been attracted to the flames, they could make their way through the mine and escape by the main entry. They had hoped to be able to make their way ahead of the smoke and fumes from the fire. In this they mis calculated, for nine appear to have been suffocated. The others appeared to be meeting with success, when the mine officials suspected something. One employe saw the .flames hurst out, and they came so suddenly and In such volume that he was sure some highly combustible matter had been used in starting the fire. Guards were at once placed and the 40 men were caught as tliey came from the main entry. Rescue work was then begun, for In addition to the convicts, there were a number of free laborers in the mine. All appear to have got out safely except the convicts near the source of the flames, who were quickly suffocated. In checking over the prison lists to night only one man Is missing, and it fs not known whether he perished or made his escape. The fire did little damage. AUTO PLUNGES IN RIVER Four Hurt, One Fatally, When Cat Goes on W ild Hun Down Grade. PL'NSMriK, Cal.. Nov. 17. Mrs. Eu gene Orr was so severely injured that recovery is improbable and three other members of tne Orr family suffered either broken bones or bruises when the automobile In which the party was traveling plunged off a bridge near this place today and fell Into the shal low wau-r of the Sacramento. Mrs. Orr has not yet recovered con sciousness and the doctors believe that her injuries will be fatal, as she is an elderly woman. Gale Orr. a sn of Mrs. Kucene Orr. came out of the acci dent with a broken leg. while his brother. Harry, had four ribs broken. Mrs. Harry trr was but slightly bruised and is able to be about. The party was coming to this place from Gazelte. Shasta County, and was close to Dunsmuir when the automo bile became unmanageable on a grade, dashed onto the bridge and plunged into the river. RAISE $6750 FIRST DAY Eugene Confident of Securing $50,000 for V. M. C. A. Building. BTGEXB. Or., Nov. 17. (Special.) Ths first half daVs work of soliciting for the new SV0 Y. M. C. A. building for Eu gene resulted In raisin This amount was reported at luncheon today. Several committes did not report at all. The 17 committees feel that the full amount will be raised by another seven lays. and all are working hard toward that end. . SUGAR LIKELY TO GO ON FREE LIST Spreckels Urges Abolition of of Tariff on Refined Products. CONSUMERS WILL PROFIT Head of Federal Refining Company Says Neither Trust "or His Own Company Is In 'ced of Tariff Protectlon- -.. - . r-iiTvTnv 17 That the 1 1 1 - ' i i v'... - - " - opinions that had been expressed by Secretary of War Wright in favor of free trade with the Philippines for tobacco and sufrar are the views of : .i . i . Toft iras thfl freelv rirBiurin-cini . . expressed belief among those present in the ways ana means rarannuCT-ioui of the House today at the hearing on the sugar schedule of the tariff. Sec retary Wright's familiarity with the .i. .i i . V. 1 marlnn Anlatic ln- Biiuauuu in " Hiilar possessions leads to the belief that he will dlsclORe Dome lnieresiins facts when he appears before the com mittee later. Asked to Defer Action. Krtwln F Atkins, of Boston, a large sugar plantation owner In Cuba, told the committee today that tne reciproc ity treaty with Cuba by "Which Its products enjoy a 20 per cent differ ential In the sugar duties expires next month. He produced two cablegrams from Cuban sugar and tobacco grow ers asking the committee to defer action on these articles. Mr. Atkins urged that the tariff on sugar be re duced and that Cuba be given the ex isting differential on this lower rate. Representative Champ Clark of Mis souri asked Mr. Atkins: What is going to become of the American beet sugar growers when Cuba belongs to the United States?" -That is the question," answered! Mr. Atkins. "There is the most imminent danger of this coming about." 'If you get the reduction in tanrc on sugar that you seek," Mr. Clark asked. "would there be any reduction to tne consumer?" Consumer's Benerit Half Cent. "There would be a reduction In the retail price of about one-half cent, I should say," was the reply. 'How do you know that the sugar trust won't grab up that half cent?" "If they could. I would join them. An advocate for the free entry of sugar was Claus A. Spreckels, president of the Federal Sugar Refining Company, an Independent" concern of New York. "I would be perfectly satisfied If you should finally decide to agree upon free trade," said Mr. Spreckels, who waa for merly connected with the American Sugar Refining Company, known as the sugar trust, "in both raw and refined sugar. I think we are entitled to a moderate protection on refined sugar, but would prefer absolute free trade to the present scale, under which the sugar trust is the principal beneficiary and en abled to enact special privileges and con ditions on sugars produced In Louisiana and the Hawaiian Islands. It Is evident that the country desires a revision of the tariff and expects a reduction of duty whenever It can be shown to be reason able, feasible and advantageous. Mr. Spreckels was interrogated Dy Chairman Payne, of the committee, re garding the effect of the free entry of miliar. Mr. Spreckels said that his con cern was compelled to buy Its sugar in Java, Porto Rico and Cuba as the "Suffar trust" had the output of Louisiana and the Hawaiian Islands contracted for. Spreckels Advocates Free Iilst. Upon being questioned by other mem bers of the committee he said the con sumers would get the benefit or tne re duction In the tariff. Mr. Spreckels claimed that those sugar manufacturers who were making sugar at 24 cents per pound were not appear ing before the committee to give Informa tion about the cheapness or manuractur- ng beet sugar. He said that 26 per cent of the sugar-beets produced in this coun try were raised by Asiatic labor. That the American Sugar Kenning uompany or hts own company, needed no tariff protec tion, was asserted by Mr. Spreckels. He. admitted that he had bought sugar lands In Cuba as a speculation, hoping that the Island would some time become an nexed to the United States and that as a result the value of those lands would be doubled. Sold Whisky, Sent to Prison. KNOXVILLEL Tenn., Nov. 17. S. R. TV. Farr. manager and part owner of the Hotel Imperial was yesterday given a sentence of six months In the workhouse and a fine of 3on for selling whisky. The Old People Need VHSTOL it strengthens and vitalizes VInol tones ud the digestive orrans. aids assimilation, enriches the blood, and rejuTenates eyerT organ in the body. In this natural manner Yinol replaces weakness with strength. We are positive it will benefit every old person who will give it a trial. U It aoo't we will rex una tneir money. Woodard, Clarke & Co., Druggists, Portland. Only 91 Tomorrow and Friday nositi last davs for discount on Bast iiUs. XKm't fuiief to read Gam vely the I Side gaa I "TAe Success Factory' rflRRQPn LETTERHEADS CMDUOOCU u owi icw roctss per Ja. In lOil lots. Unstn, txlosAT. C lassy. -A A or write for Sam pit's f J r n W mi C W O Portland Trust SMt. M-nmrw m - rm Third and Cal Att OF ADVERTISING rorUna Or.gea Wind nor rain, ' nor cold, can enter in when a man is well-buttoned up to the chin. Thi3 is really the only practical style for a thoro raincoat. ( W aterproof shoes and one of our water tight hats of course should be part of the outfit.) Other style raincoats, too, and coats of every-hue. We're making a great hue and cry about our overcoat stock this season it's the best ever $10 to $30. 166-170 Third Street. hotel was raided several weeks ago and several men were arrested on the charge of conducting a "Sociable Club." Louis Evardo, steward of the club, was given the same sentence imposed on Faxr. DIRECTORS SAY PRICK PUT THEM UNDER SPELL. Invested $90,000 and Only Have $63.93 and Worthless Land in Mexico to Show. L.OS ANGELES. Nov. 17. That Br. W. R. Price, president and general manager of the Guerrero Develop ment Company exercised hypnotic In fluence over the Board ol Ulrectors that has prevented It from discharg- na- its duties In a manner to protect the stockholders Is among the several allegations of mismanagement con tained In a complaint- filed In the Su perior ' Court today by B. C. Halth and other stockholders. The stockholders demand an ac counting, a receiver, and a tempor ary injunction restraining the board from taking any further part In the management of the company prior to the hearing in court. It is recited that for three years Dr. Price has been the leader or teach er of a sect or cult known as the New and Practical Psychology which has for Its basis psychological or hypnotic treatment, and that all the directors as members of this society have been under the intluence of Dr. Price, with the result that they failed to perform their duties In a manner to safeguard the other stockholders. Ail that the company has left to show for $90,000 paid in. It is alleged, is $63.93 accounted for and 6000 acres of land In Mexico, unimproved and un cultivated except for a rew banana and cocoa plants and practically valueless. WINE IN PATENT MEDICINE Capers Suspends Order Against It Pending Legislation. WASHINGTON, Nov. 17. Commis sioner Capers, of the Internal Revenue Bureau, has suspended the regulations of May 16 last prohibiting the use of for tified wines In the manufacture or prep aration of patent medicines or com pounds. The California grape-growers opposed this ruling on the ground that it unlaw fully destroyed an Important market for their wines. The Commissioner Insisted that to allow manufacturers of medi cines, etc., to substitute fortified wines, which pay a tax of only 3 cents a gal- At "V....jJ IF YOU WANT TO KNOW WHAT SMARTLY DRESSED MEN WILL WEAR THIS SEASON, ASK BEN SELLING All Less than two weeks away, and 1- , i .U wncmcr vuu u lo iuc i " U Wf f.uu JL JoVJLJu uamu or not It v4-Sk v, will be wise to nrovide vourself Jf - r ..." witn one oi uuf RAINCOATS or OVERCOATS while choosing is at its best. The superiority of those we sell is conceded by everyone. If you would join the ranks of satisfied customers, have our genial salesmen show them no obligation to purchase. MODESTLY PRICED $15 to $45 BEN SELLING LEADING CLOTHIER Ion, for spirits, which are taxed $1.10 a gallon, would deprive the Government of an Important source of revenue. The suspension is based on the assumption that Congress will settle the question. DO YOU KNOW ANY SKIN SUFFERERS? It You Have a FTIend Afflicted With Eczema, Tell the Druggist Abont It. If you have a friend suffering from eczema, tell us about it the next time you are in the store. Many eczema sufferers have tried so many useless remedies and spent so much money witu doctors that they practically despair. If they only knew of the simplest home cure for eczema! It is nothing more than oil of winter green compounded (as mixed in I. D. D. Prescription). Used with glycerine, thymol and other healing Ingredients in liquid form, this simple remedy penetrates the pores of the skin, numbing and killing the eczema germs while build ing up the healthy tissue. If you will suggest to your friend afflicted with eczema to call, we shall be glad to explain to any sufferer about D. D. D. Prescription. Woodard, Clarke & Co.. Skidmore Drug Co. These special agents endorse D. U. P. Prescription: St. John Pharmacy St. John; J. C. Wyatt Vancouver; Howell & Jones. Oregon City. I Sell Only Sample Shoes They Are the Pick of the Shoe World POSITIVELY NO BRANCH SHOPS IN PORTLAND FOR I V I FOR MEN jyL Pm $2.50 $2.00 A PAIR Jg A PAIR Sixth Floor Oregonian Building; Rooms 600-601 Sixth Floor Oregonian Building Rooms 600-601 Take Elevator :.LJ Kjj xa s : .'Ran : j a i 0 i9 The Store With The Liberal Money -Back Policy COR. FIFTH AND ALDER STREETS SAM E. WERTHEIMER, President and General Manager THE TIME FOR COATS IS HERE We have them at prices which ought to appeal to the most thrifty shopper. 500 Coats bought at a sacrifice and sold for less than cost of ma terial. $20 and $25 Coats at They are made of heavy Scotch Tweeds, Novelty Mixtures, Plain Colored Cheviots, Fancy Worsteds and Plain Colored Broadcloths. Fourteen different models to select from; all new goods and made in the very latest designs now in vogue. Must be seen to be appreciated. See window display. As we said before, $20 and $25 values. While they last and they will go quickly at this price WEDNESDAY $12J Lobster and' champagne for supper that's hlKh jinks. Sawdust and near-eoffee for breakfast that', hygiene. Between these eminences, how.ver. toer.1 room tar jaoma genuine UrUvg. Llf. Being once asked whether he had resd any of the books of a popular rovelist, Thaokeray rejoined: ""Well, no. You see, I am like a pastry cook. I hake tarts aud I Mil 'em; but 1 .at brawl and butler. " reg 102.01