3 The Delineator for a Year and Two Months Special $1.00 SCIENCE and ART Nemo Self-Reducing asd W. B. Reduso Corsets for Stout Women WED LAMPHERE Trefousse Gloves From Paris Relsem Cape Gloves from London Butterick Patterns Hemenways Sewing Silks Columbia Yarns Promised to Marry Him if He Would Insure Life in Her Favor. ale of Silverware an TITE MORNING OKEGOXIAX, "WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1908. MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED MRS. GUNNE55 TO Opening S d Cut Glass HELGELEIN WAS JEALOUS haMI Lamp here With Gun, Says Witness Former Threatened Harm to Murderess Cnlcss She Paid Money- JDue. LAPOMTK. Ind.. Nov. 17. That Ray La'iiphere natl confessed to intimacy with Mrs. Gunni'M; that he had chased Andrew HelKeit-in with a gun. and that Mis. (JunnrM nad promised to marry Jainphere when he joined some secret societv and took out insurance, were the senna tional farts testified to to- day ty William Salter, a friend and neighbor of the defendant. The first positive statement to show the line of defenne was made by Me. Vorden when. In cross-examlnina; witness, he remarked that an effort would bo made to show that Mrs. Ounness -oinmltted suicide. Along this line it follows then that the defease will contend that she first murdered her children and then set fire to the house. lamphere's attorney said today Oiat, from present Indications, the prison er will not be placed on the standi In his own behalf. Ilelfreleln Jealous of Ilim. Jacob Warwick, for whom Lamp here was working at the time of the fire, testified that on the morning of the fire Lamp here complained of not feel inir well and nult work. William Mater told the Jury that I-amphere worked for him In tbje Win ter after he had left Mrs. Gunness' em ployment, add In a;: "Lamp he re told me about Andrew Helgtleln coming to Mrs. Gunness' place, and that be had drawn a gua on Helgelefn and told him he must ret out. lie said he whs Jealous of UelRcIeln's attention td Mrs. Gunness. Lamphere told me that, after Helwelein left. Mrs. Gunness held most of his clothes, and that on a certain occasion when he was in the cellar he heard Mrs. Gunness and Helpelein plotting ;o poison hint. LaonWurra -siUd to me once: 'I know something about the old woman and sne has to come my way. He also told me that mce. white mt the barn milking, , before, two .witnesses. Airs, Gunness promised to marry him. Would Marry llim if Insured. On cross-examination It was brought out that Lamphere had aaid that at the time Mr?. Gunness promised to marry lilm J he observed that he would have to Join a secret society and take out some Insurance In her favor. Besie Wallace, testified that Lam phere visited her in March and In con- vcrsattou said that Mrs. Gunness owed him some money and that he would get it or make It unpleasant for her and would ipet even with her. BEAUTY CDLTDRE LECTURE -BY- JOHN D. TAKES $1.50 FEE Oil kins (.m-H Inited Slates Mar shal Willi Smile. NEW YORK, Nov. IT. Standard Oil h ailnuartt-rs at 28 Broadway. New York, received Inited States Marsha William Hrnkri and his subprma yesterday as calmly as if he were an every-day caller. Tin-re was no "dodging the process server." usually expected in such cases, and as a result of the successful serv ice. Mr. Rockefeller will appear as a witness some time this week at the r urir.g before the special examiner. Franklin Ferris. In the Government's suit for the dissolution of the Standard Oil Company for alleged violation of the Sherman anti-trust law. Just when the old man will appear has not been made puhlir. probably In order to prevent the gathering of a crowd. "I didn't have the slightest trouble serving the Standard Oil people." said Marshal Henkel. "It went off with the smoothness of clockwork. In fact they seemed to be expecting me." "It was a pleasant day.' was Mr. Rrckefeller'a greeting according to the Marshal. "I have a subpena for you," waa the reply. At this Mr. Rockefeller reached forth milekly and took the paper. This was followed by the Marshal's producing the fee of $1.60. Mr. Rockefeller took It smilingly. BAN ON ALL FAKE LABELS "Guaranteed Vnder Pure Food Act" Ioesn"t Mean Purltjr. WASHINGTON. Nov. IT. According to a sweeping declMon by the Commissioner of Patents, any label bearing the in scription "Guaranteed under the pure food and drug acts. June 30, K-nfi,' where such inscription la intended to imply that the Government is responsible for the purity of the goods, will be refused r fristration. It is claimed that hundreds cf packers and others throughout the country are so printing labels as to give this Impression whereas it is held by the officials that the Government simply ac cepts the assertion of the manufacturer that the goods are pure and then In vestisstes his busine-ss. Upon proof that tne pure food and drugs act is being vmluted the goods are confiscated and the manufacturers punished. KAISER IS SUBMISSIVE MME. YALE Ladles aro duly notified that Mme. Yale, of Beauty Culture Fame, will combine Science and Art in an Illus trated lecture and artistic entertain ment, to be given at the Heilig Theater, Tuesday afternoon, December 1, at 2:30 P. M. Wht this wonderful woman has ac complished in her chosen life work Is best attested to In the beauty of her own personality. That speaks more convincingly than words. Thousands upon thousands of women all over the world have received the same remarkable benefits from the wonderful Yale System, that la so rapidly revolutionizing Human Ugli ness Into Physical Beauty. Women of all ages are being made happy by what they are enabled to do for themselves under Mme. Yale's System. Well-meaning persons have often challenged Mme. Yale's claims to make womMi naturally beautiful as physical Impossibilities until overwhelmingly convinced to the contrary by irrefut able evidence. SYNOPSIS OF LECTURE. 1ST ACT The Art of Beauty Cul ture. .2ND ACT The Science of Physical Culture. SRD'ACT The Poetry of Motion. 4TH ACT The Art of Good Style. General Instructions. COSTUMES. Mme. Yale will wear four different costu'.nes of beautiful design and color ing. Her perfect figure will be artisti cally displayed. MUSICAL PROGRAMME. Mme. Yale's Phyalcal Culture Exer cises will be given by her with fascin ating grace to the strains of sweet music rendered by the Theater Orchestra. Those attending will enjoy a Beauty Culture treat Impossible to describe. TICKETS COMPLIMENTARY. Tickets for Mme. Yale's Lecture may be obtained free of charge by applying for them now at the Toilet Goods De partment of Llpman. Wolfe A Co. The tickets are free to those making a pur chase of any of the Yale preparationa at time cf applying for tickets. The lecture will begin promptly at 2:3) P. M. Ladles are kindly requested to be seated at that time. Lipman, Wolfe & Co. OWL CUT-RATE DRUG DEPT. or kind with the German government or with anybody connected with it. The withdrawal of the article was dictated solely by the fact that it would not have been fair to have published at this time anything' upon which might now be placed interpretations which would not have a-t ached to It If it had been pub lished when written. I am under too great obligations to gentlemen In Germany; I had received too much courtesy and kindness there to run the risk of causing embarrassment. The attitude of the Century company In the matter has been that which would be taken by gentlemen of high sense of honor and responsibility." HIENBERG SAVES LIFE PREVENTS GREEKS FROM MUR DERING ATTORNEY. nVntitv.ied From First rare.) by the- German government for the sup pression of Dr. William Bayard Hale's in terview with th Kaiser, which had been announced for publication in the Century Magazine. A cable from Berlin last night t u ted that a weekly Journal professed to have reliable Information that after negotiations between the Foreign Office and the writer of the interview, the gov ernment had paid Pr. Hale $TUD. I have ad all the various articles puMwhfd about this interview, said Mr. Scott, "including the one printed this morning. They are all absolutely untrue. There i not a word of truth In the state ment that Dr. Hale or anyone else re ceived or is to receive any money for suppression of the article." In a statement today William Bayard Hale, author of the witndrawn article, said : 'The 'Welt am M on tag story is false. I have not received one penny from the German government or from anybody connected with the German government nd I do not expect to receive a pnny. Lava had no 'negotiations' of any sort Indicted Writer Overhears Conver sation In Ftoreipn Language and at One Summons Detective. NEW YORK. Nov. 17. Suspected of I conspiracy to assassinate Harford Mar shall, an assistant District Attorney of New York County, four Greeks, three of whom were armed with a revolver, dirk and razor, were arrested in the corridor of the Criminal Court building: today. Broughton Brandenberg. the writer. who was himself in court to answer to a charge of larceny growing out of the publication of an article said to have been written by Grover Cleveland, was passing through the corridor when he saw the three Greeks conferring and over heard one of them say In the Greek language: "I'll give him the knife; you give him the gun." He heard the Greek mention the name of Mr. Marshall and promptly notified a detective, who summoned assistance and arrested the Greeks. Assistant District Attorney Marshall was unable to account for any animosity of the Greeks toward him. CRACKSMAN OPENS SAFE Indicted Officer Refused so Bur glar's Method Was I'sed. CHICAGO. Xov. IT. With a drill and a "Jimmy" an expert cracksman employed by Receiver Francis A. Peabody. opened the vault of the Mercantile Finance Com pany, which had been under guard for weeks, yesterday. Securities which are expected to satisfy claims amounting to J!). were taken from the vault by the receiver. The receivership was forced upon the Mercantile Finance Company, a concern Sterling Silverware, Quadruple-Plated Hollow ware, "Rogers 1847" and Rich Gut Glass We invite Portland shoppers to see our superb new stock of jewelry store silver at department store prices. Special inducements calling attention to our complete assortment of STERLING SILVER Sugar Sets, Mayonnaise Sets, Gravy Bowls, Salt Sets, Salts and Peppers, Baskets, Comports, Mustard Pots, Syrup Pitchers, Relish Dishes, Spoons, Forks, Ladles, Mugs, Napkin Rings, etc., etc. as a special inducement to see this great display of newest ideas in Silver and Cut Glass, we start a very special sale that will be more interesting to you from a money-saving standpoint than any you have ever at tended before. STERLING SILVERWARE $2 sterling1 silver Lemonade Spoons.79 $1.50 sterling silver Salad" Forks... 98 $1.50 str'g silver Butter Spreaders.88 $1.50 sterl'g silver Sardine Forks.. 03 $1.50 sterling silver Orange Spoons.98 $1.50 sterling silver Berry Forks.. 87 $4.25 ster'g silver Cheese Scoop.S2.89 $o.00 silver Salad Spoons $3.15 $4.25 silver Preserve Spoons $2.89 QUADRUPLE - PLATED HOLLOW WARE " , o f"B""n pattern pot. sugar, creamer. IHZ 'pl'f Susir Creamer, plain pattern, sale..."... 3.00 Bread Tray beautiful new paitern. quadruple plated... 3.2a Bonbon Dish French gray finish, quadruple silver plate lo-Z $,fa.y.0nna..l't V- .neW pattrrn- quadruple silver plated f?'S? Butter,!sh.s' 2-P,e.ce: Quadruple silver plated, sale.... !H- &yrVp.PUct?.r!' neltJdM !!" quadruple silver plated.... $2.io Oval Fern Dish, quadruple plated, sale price $1.50 Mustard Jar. new Btvle. nunHnint,. -i..Vj Vil ' 75c Children's Drinking Cups, quadruple silver plated, sale" pVlce,48 4.98 2.18 81.98 81.98 $1.89 $1.68 $1.62 $1.48 . calling attention to our moderately-priced stock of QUADRUPLE-PLATED SILVERTeaSets, Coffee Sets, Sugar and Creamers, Bowls, Com ports, Bread Trays, Waiters, Syrup Pitchers, Butter Dishes, Breakfast Casters, Flower Vases, Tidbit Servers, Baskets, Knives, Forks, Spoons, etc. Each piece of Sterling Silver is 925-1000 fine, stamped Sterling and guaranteed by us as genuine. We carry only the genuine " Rogers Bros. 1847 " Plated Table ware, so you will know the real value of the specially priced numbers. Rogers Bros. 1847 TABLEWARE ...$1.82 .91.82 .81.88 .$1.88 Plain medium Knives, set.... Plain medium lorks, set Satin Shell Knives, set Satin Shell Forks, set Odd stvles nf TTorks. a few pets Odd styles Rogrers Bros. "1847" Coffee Spoons, .set S1.07 Rogers Bros. "J847" Nut Crackers and Pick Sets, silver 38 Rogers Bros. "1847" Nut Crackers and Pick Sets, nickeled 17 Salt and Pepper Shakers, sterling sliver tops, very newest patterns. Pair 5J) Rogers Bros.' "1847" Windsor Dessert Knives, set $1.71 Rogers Bros.' "1847" Satin Shell Dessert Knives, set.... $1.78 Rogers Bros.' "1847" Satin Shell Dessert Forks, set $1.78 Rogers Bros.' "1847" Satin Shell Teaspoons, set ...97 Rogers Bros.' "1847" Twist Butter Knives, each ..38 Rogers Bros.' "1847" Sugar Shells, sale price 37 Rogers Bros.' "1847" Child's set, vintage pattern 87 Rogers Bros. ' ' ' 1847 ' ' Child 's set, charter oak pattern . . . . . . . 87 i'w J ' V Cut Glass at Sensational Low Prices This great pre-holiday sale of real American Cut Glass is greatly enhanced this year by the unusual purchase of the stock on hand of one of the chief glass cutting works near New York.at more than half below ordinary prices a price concession that this old established house has never before made but slower than usual collections forced them to raise money quickly. The purity of the glass is reflected in the brilliancy of the finished product. The careful workmanship is shown in the depth and accuracy of the cuttings. The patterns show the skill and rare artistic taste of the master - designer. Isn't it worth while to be forehanded and buy future wedding presents, Thanksgiving needfuls and Christmas gifts now? Hundreds of pieces have been divided into these six sale lots as follows: Nappies, Bonbon Dishes, Handled Nappies, Comports. Values to $4.00 $1.89 Water Pitchers, Decanters, Sugar and v Cream Sets, and Bowls. C fk f O X Values to $7.50 ipA.W Nappies, Finger Bowls, Handled Nappies, Etc. Values to $3.00 $1.48 Celery Trays, Bon bon Dishes, Vases, Etc. Values to $5.00 I Values to $6.00 $2.18 Water Bottles, Com ports, Bowls, Vases, Sugar-Cream Sets. $2.69 Bowls, Water Pitchers, Vases. etc etc Values to $10.00 $4.48 See Big Washington Street Window Display "Every Garment Reduced" in Our November Cloak Dept. Sale All Coats Greatly Reduced ALL W0MENS STREET COATS S 7.60 $ 8.50 t 8.75 J 10.0.1 J10..U ji:.oo Jli.bO $13.50 $15.00 16 50 $1 7.60 118.50 $20.30 $21.50 $20.00 $21.50 $22.50 $25.00 $27.50 $28.50 $30.00 $32.50 $35.00 $37.6J $38.50 $40.00 $42.50 $46.00 Coats. Coats. Coats. Coats. Coats. Coots. Coats. Coats. Coats. Coats. Coats. Coats. Coats. Coats. . . 5.98 .. 7.08 .. 7.95 8.50 9.65 . 9.98 ..S10.90 .-$11.88 ..813. 2a .13.95 .14.75 S 16.15 17.20 $22.50 $25.00 $27.50 $28.50 $30.00 $31.50 $32.50 $35.00 $37.50 $38.50 $4.00 $42.50 $45.00 $47.50 Coats. Coats. Coats. Coats. Coats . Coats. Coats. Coats. Coats. Coats. Coats. Coats. Coats. Coats. ..818.25 ..19.75 . .$21.85 . .822.65 . 23.98 ..$25.45 . .$26.00 ..$28.25 .-829.85 . S30.75 - S32.00 . S33.90 . .K K.25 .. $38.00 All Tailored and Novelty. Suits Reduced EVENING AND OPERA COATS Opera, Opera Opera Opera Opera Opera Opera Opera Opera Opera Opera Opera Opera Opera Coats . Coats . Coats. Coats. Coats. Coats. Coats . Coats . Coats . Coats. Coats. Coats. Coats. Coats . f 16.17 17.25 .818.00 .819.45 -821.75 .822.60 .823.95 .$25. SO .828.25 .829.75 .830.75 831.85 .833.67 836.38 $47.50 $50.00 $52.50 $55.00 $57.50 $60.00 $62.50 $65.00 $67.50 $70.00 $75.00 $80.00 $85.00 $90.00 Opera Opera Opera Opera Opera Opera Opera Opera Opera Opera Opera Opera Opera Opera Coats. Coats. Coats. Coats . Coats. Coats. Coats. Coats. Coats . Coats. Coats. Coats. Coats. Coats. .837.90 .839.40 841.60 43.87 45.90 .847.83 .851.88 .853.72 854.45 859.94 860.45 861.22 867. 20 S70.75 ALL SILK AND CRAVENETTE RAINCOATS $10.00 $12.50 $13.50 $15.00 $16.50 $17.50 $18.50 $20.00 Raincoats Raincoats. Raincoats. Raincoats . Raincoats. Raincoats . Raincoats. Raincoats 8 7.85 8 9.79 .. .810.84 811.73 .. . .813.20 813. 90 814.65 816.35 $22.50 Raincoats 817.97 $25.00 Raincoats $19.83 $27.50 Raincoats 821. SO $30.00 Raincoats 823.95 $32.50 Raincoats $26.25 $35.00 Raincoats 827.95 $37.50 Raincoats $29. SO 140.00 Kiuncoats 831.78 All Skirts Reduced $ 4.00 Skirts 9 3.15 $12.00 Skirts $ 4.50 Skirts $ 3.60 $12.50 Skirts $ 5.00 Skirts $ 3.90 $13.50 Skirts $ 6.00 Skirts $ 4.78 $15.00 Skirts $ 6.50 Skirts $ 5.15 $16.50 Skirts $ 7.00 Skirts 8 5.55 $17.50 Skirts. $ 7.50 Skirts $ 5.95 $18.50 Skirts, $ 3.00 Skirts 8 6.45 $20.00 Skirts. $ S.50 Skirts 8 6.95 $21.50 Skirts. $ 8.75 Skirts S 7.25 $22.50 Skirts. $ 9.0O Skirts $ 7.39 $23.50 Skirts. $10.00 Skirts 8 7.89 $25.00 Skirts. $10.50 Skirts $ 8.27 $27.50 Skirts. 9.38 510.90 511.88 13.22 !13.U5 .814.75 S16.40 -817.20 .818.25 818.85 819.80 821.85 18.50 20.00 21.50 22.50 23.50 25.00 27.50 28.50 30.00 31.5,) 32.50 35.00 37.50 38.50 40.00 42.50 45.00 47.50 60.00 52.50 55.00 57.50 Suits. Suits. Suits. Suits. Suits. Suits. Suits. Suits. Suits. Suits. Suits. Suits. Suits. Suits. Suits. Suits. Suits. Suits. Suits. Suits. Suits. Suits. 14.75 16.45, 17.90 18.50 18.80 19.85 21.85 22.45 23.98 25.25 26.40 28.25 29.85 30.65 32.00 33.50 36.15 38.00 39. 50 41.65 43. 90 46.00 $ 60.00 Suits $ 47.85 $ 62.50 Suits $ 51.95 $ 65.00 Suits $ 53.75 $ 67.50 Suits $ 54.50 $ 70.01 Suits 8 56. OO $ 72.50 Suits $ 58.25 $ 75.00 Suits 8 60.50 $ 77.50 Suits 8 62.35 S.SO.Oo Suits 8 64.15 $ 82.50 Suits S 65. 20 $ 85.00 Suits 8 67.25 $ 87.50 Suits 69. SO $ 90.00 Suits . ..8 70.85 $ 95.00 Suits 8 73. SO $ 97.50 Suits $ 76.75 $100.00 Suits. $ 78. 50 $123.00 Suits 8 98.85 $150.00 Suits $119. SO $175.00 Suits 8137. SO $200.00 Suits 8159. OO $225.00 Suits $177.75 $250.00 Suits $196.50 All Waists Greatly Reduced $ l.do Waists $ 1.75 Waists $ 2.00 Waists $ 2.25 Waists t 2.50 Waists $ 2.75 Waists $ 3.0 Waists $ 3.50 Waists $ 3.75 Waists $ 4.00 Waists $ 4.50 Waists. . .. $ 5.00 Waists $ C.OO Waists $ 6.50 Waists $ 6.75 Waists $ 7.00 Waists $ 7.50 Waists $ 8.00 Waists $ 8.50 Waists $ 8.75 Waits $ 1.19 1.39 1-1:1! $ 1.98 8 2.21 8 2.38 $ 2.79 $ 2.97 I 3.17 3.57 8 3.97 8 4.79 $ 5.18 $ 5.38 $ 5.59 $ 5.98 $ 6.40 8 6.83 $ 7.05 $19.00 $10.50 $12.00 $12.50 $13.50 $15.00 $16.50 $17.50 $18.50 $20.00 $21.50 $22.50 $23.50 $25.00 $27. JO $28.50 $30.00 S32.50 $35.00 $37.50 Waists. Waists. Waists. Waists. Waists . Waists . Waists . Waists. Waists . Waists. Waists. Waists. Waists. Waists. Waists. Waists . Waists. Waists . Waists. Waists. 7.98 8.25 9.65 9.95 SIO.75 811.95 813.25 $14.00 .814.80 816.55 817.20 .818.15 .$18.5 $19.80 .821.85 822.45 23.9 26.00 .$2K.2S $30.50 All Knitted Sweat'rs Reduced 1.B0 1.75 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 3.75 4.00 4.50 5.00 Sweaters. . . . Sweaters . Sweaters. . . . Sweaters Sweaters. Sweaters. . . . Sweaters Sweaters. . . . Sweaters. . . . Sweaters. . . . 8 1.19 I 1.39 $ 1.58 8 1.98 2.38 8 2.79 2.97 3.17 S 3.55 $ 3.98 5.50 6.00 6.50 7.00 7.50 8.00 8.50 $10.00 $12.00 $15.00 Sweaters $ Sweaters Sweaters Sweaters Sweaters Sweaters Sweaters Sweaters Sweaters. . Sweaters: 4.40 4.79 5.18 5.59 5.98 6.40 6.S5 7.95 9.60 811.95 All Petticoats are Reduced $ 1.00 Petticoats $ 1.25 .Petticoats..... $ 1.50 Petticoats.... $ 1.75 Petticoats.... $ 2.00 Petticoats $ 2.25 Petticoats.... $ 2.50 Petticoats $ 2.75 Petticoats $ 3.00 Petticoats $ 3.25 Petticoats $ 3.50 Petticoats $ 3.75 Petticoats $ 4.00 Petticoats $ 4.50 Petticoats $ 5.00 Petticoats $ 5.50 Petticoats $ 6.00 Petticoats $ 6.50 Petticoats. . $ 7.50 Petticoats 79 980 8 1.23 $ 1.39 $ 1.58 i J--7 8 1.98 8 2.21 $ 2.38 8 2.61 $ 2.80 $ 2.98 3'22 $ 3.55 $ 3.95 $ 4.40 $ 4.85 $ 5.15 $ 5.95 $ 8.50 $ 8.75 $10.00 $10.50 $12.00 $12.50 $13.50 $15.00 $16.50 $17.50 $18.50 $20.00 $21.50 $22.50 $25.00 $27.50 $30. )0 $35.00 $40.00 Petticoats. Petticoats. Petticoats. Petticoats. Petticoats. Petticoats. Petticoats . Petticoats. Petticoats. Petticoats . Petticoats . Petticoats . Petticoats . Petticoats. Petticoats . Petticoats . Petticoats. Petticoats. Petticoats. ...8 6.80 ... 7.05 ... 9.89 .. .810.75 ...811.95 ...813.20 .. .814.00 ...814. SO . . $16.00 .. .818.20 ...$18.25 ...819.7o ...821.80 ...823.75 ..-$28.25 ..-$31.85 All Furs Reduced 1.75 2.50 3.0J 3.50 4.00 4.30 5.00 6.00 50 8.50 $10.00 $12.00 .$12.50 $13.50 $15.00 $16.30 $17.50 $18.50 $20.00 Furs . Furs. Furs, Furs . Furs. Furs . Furs. Furs . Furs . Furs . Furs . Fure. Furs . Furs . Furs. Furs. Furs . Furs. Furs . 1.42 8 1.98 2.38 8 2.75 $ 3.15 $ 3.55 $ 3.98 $ 4.78 8 5.96 $ 6.78 8 7.98 $ 9.65 8 9.93 $10.90 $11.86 $13.22 $13.93 14.65 16.43 $21.50 Furs $17 $22.00 Furs $18, $25.00 ' Furs $19. $27.50 Furs 821, $30.00 Furs 823. $32.50 Furs 826. $35.00 Furs 828. $37.50 Furs $29. $40.00 Furs 832. $42.50 Furs $33. $45.00 Furs 836. $47.50 Furs 838. $50.00 Furs 839. $55.00 Furs ..$43. $57.00 Furs $45. $60.00 Furs $47. $65.00 Furs $52. $7 1.00 Furs $56. $75.00 Furs $59. .20 15 ,86 OO OO 85 60 90 25 OO 50 78 40 85 25 SO 30 Child's Garments Reduced 2.75 3.00 3.50 3.75 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50 6.00 6.50 7.00 7.50 7.75 8.00 8.50 Garments. Garments. Garments . Garments. Garments . Garments . Garments . Garments . Garments. Garments. Garments . Garments. Garments. Garments. Garments. 8 2.21 $ 2.38 $ 2.86 $ 2.98 3.20 3.55 3.95 4.40 $ 4.85 8 5.18 8 5.60 $ 5.95 8 6.20 $ 6.65 8 6.80 $ 8.75 $ 9.00 $10.00 $10.50 $11.00 $12.00 $12.50 $13.50 $15.00 $16.50 $17.50 $18.50 $21.00 $22.50 $25.00 Garments . Garments. Garments. Garments . Garments. Garments . Garments. Garments . Garments. Garments . Garments . Garments. Garments. Garments. Garments . . 8 6.98 ..$ 7.18 ..$ 7.95 -.8 8.44 . .$ 8.90 ..$ 9.65 ..$ 9.89 ..SIO.75 -.811.95 -813.23 . .814.00 ..$14. SO ..$15.95 ..817.15 ..$19.86 Incorporated In Xew Jersey, because of the refusal of Thomas Rhodus to give up the combination In compliance with an order of the court. The Mercantile Finance Company acted as ajrent for the Central LJfe Securities Company and the Mercantile Securities Company, the latter two concerns now being In charge of Receiver John C Fel er. B. F. Thomaa and Edward F. Rhodus are under indictment In the Federal Court for alleged use of the mails to defraud. The Indictment grew out of the transac tions carried on through the companies. Publish Campaign Fund Monday. XEW YORK. Xov. 17. Treasurer George R. Sheldon and Chairman Hitch cock were in conference several hours today. Mr. Hitchcock stated after the meeting that the list of contributors to the Republican campaign fund probably would be ready for publication on Mon day. "It Is a tremendous job," he said. Ford May Xot Visit England. XEW YORK. Xov. 17. Patrick Ford, editor of the Irish World, of Xew York, .who was the subject of an attack in the House of Commons yesterday, as his rumored approaching visit to England "with O'Meagher Condon was discussed, announces that he has not definitely de cided on the proposed visit and that his plans are merely tentative. He said that the attack in the Commons during which he was referred to as an "advocate of the use of dynamite" and as a man "who had been sentenced to death for the mur der of an English policeman," was prob ably caused by a recent speech of John Redmond. In which Redmond hoped that they would make the contemplated visit. Dies From Spider's Bite. XEW YORK. Xov. 17. Medicine and surgery failed to save the life of William P. Frazee. of this city, after he was bit ten on the hand by a spider. Blood pois oning was the Immediate cause of his death.