Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 18, 1908, Page 2, Image 2

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Just 7 Days More to Supply Thanksgiving Needs-Shop Here Wednesday
Nigh t gowns ffg? 52c
charming styles; made with high neck in V or-round
shape; long sleeves, finished -with hemstitched rurlle
and embroidery edge. Sell regularly at $ l.uu
each; priced for "Wednesday at only
Women's Heatherbloom
Petticoats, in all colors;
made with tailored or
shirred flounces. A new
shipment just received;
values that we are proud
to offer at, PO OC
each vLtLv
Children's Bonnets Full
front stvles, made of ben
galine silk or- bearcloth.
The regular values run as
high as $1.75; 1Ap
coins at . I Til
Values to $4.00, go
ing at
.1 I w
ssT?f Ostrich Plumes
''SMMW rtTOTB.WITraTTT TTCRS fnr Ostrich
Plumes, that sell regularly for $6.00 to
$33.00. Tremendous savings are offered to discerning
buyers, and you will find prompt action decidedly prof
itable. All grades come in clusters of two ftJI FO
plumes; regularly worth $6 each, sale price. UTiJU
$ 8.00 values for $ 6.QO
$10.00 values for ? 7.50
$14.00 values for $10.50
$16.00 values for S12.00
18.00 values for $13.50
$20.00 values for $15.00
$28.00 values for $21.00
$33.00 values for $24.75
Remember, daring this sale Plumes for one-fourth less
Dress Goods Last Time Wednesday 81c Yard
Over two thr,,nnJ yards of the choicest of materials, including herringbones, fancy
striped rges. cheviots, fancy panamas, etc. Superb assortment of colors and values as
hihr KnthyarBwv promptly for Wednesday is the last day J Cfnt
rf-tirirffr-.niational values, price the yard only U c,"
In the Linen Aisle
Richardson's Tine Damask Pattern Cloths with
Napkins to Match.
2t2 vards cloth and" Xapkins, $31.50 value. .$22.50
Hemstitched Sets, with cloth 3x21,2 yards, 1 dozen
napkins to match. $-12 value, extra special... .2.50
2x'i- yards. ,35.00 value $28. (X)
2i-x2i'o vanis. .$40.00 value $31.50
Damask Napkins, beautiful patterns, odd lines, worth
fiO.(M) the dozen $17.60
Kcsiilar $10.00 value, special $8.80
Table Damask, full width, Richardson's linen, in as-
irted patterns. $1.75 value, only $1.48
Xapkins to mntch above, worth $o.OO dozen.. $3.98
Pattern Tablecloths, with handsome border, all round,
2x2' 2 yards, $4.25 value, for only $3.53
Third-Floor Specials
Semi-Porcelain Dinner Sets, in pleasing decorations,
regularly $8.92, special $6.50
Regular $12.85 value, special $8.05
Regular $16.98 value, special $11.90
Regular $24.00 value .special... $16.80
Xut Cracker and six picks, in Roger Bros.' quadruple-plated
ware; handsome designs; special.
the set $1.55
Same, fancy designs, special $1.85
Nickel-plated Xut Sets 50
Nut Crackers, Rogers' quadruple-plated ware,
for lowj price of only 50
Sale of House Slippers and Juliets
Women's warm House Slippers and Juliets in many styles and qualities bargainized
just in time to supply your needs far approaching cold weather. We pride ourselves
on the splendid assortment offered in this sale and on the superb qualities and values.
Take cozy comfort around the house when days are damp and floors are cold by
dwning and wearing a pair of these.
Note the 3 specials Make your selection while assortments are complete
PERS Of black or brown felt; fitted
with hand-turned soles. Juliettes are
black fur-trimmed; slippers have or
namented vamps. Uppers are solid
felt throughout, and soles give splen
did wear. These are better than the
shoes you often pay $1.50 for. QQp
Priced at low price of only,' pr.. 3 Uu
kid. The felt are black, brown, red
or gray, and are trimmed with black
fur. They are fitted with hand
turned belting leather soles. The kid
Juliettes come in plain or tipped
toes, with medium or low broad heels,
leather or rubber. Values 01 QQ
to $3.00, at U I id J
Brazilian felt, colors brown or bjack.
They are trimmed with long, golden
brown fur, and handsomely orna
mented on vamp. They have good
quahty soles and are one of the most
comfortable and neatest house. shoes
you will find. Regular $2.00 01 Aft
the pair; Wednesday's price 0 I ITU
0 -v
35c Fancy Ribbons 12lkc
Preparations for holiday gifts call for the use of
miles of Ribbon and the wise ones will supply their
needs at this sale. They are in the narrow widths
of Kb to 3Vz inches and consist of Dres-
dens, fancy and plain colors; 1 0y g-
reg. prices to 35c yd., specl t I
(tin en
Scarfs p.Ut JS
Opera Throws and Silk Scarfs, for theater, party and
dressy evening wear, in 'figured crepe de chine, with
ostrich and Marabou trimming. Regular values to
$18.00, at $7.50, and worth from $18.00 to
$30.00 at low price of only
insertions; Swiss, nainsook or
cambric materials; widths 3 to 9
inches. Regular values to 1 fp
35c the vard; "Wednesday. lUu
65c LACES Venise lace Bands,
Oriental lace Edges, fancy Band
Trimming or chiffon Applique.
Splendid trimmings that are
worth up to 65c the yard; 1 In
choice Wednesday at I U U
RUCHINGS Large express
shipment of dainty Ruchings
just received. "Wide or medium
widths; colors, white, light blue,
pink, lavender, champagne,
brown, navy and black. Pi Cfl
U liUU
Regular $3.50 Veils for Only $!A8y J
A becoming Veil is one of the most necessary ad
juncts to a well-chosen toilet. Special price for
Wednesday on Parisian novelty veils in all the new
shades for street wear. Russian mesh with dotted
and finished border. Reg, values up
to $3.50 euch. Wednesday, choice
priced for "Wednesday. Elastic
ribbed; fleece-lined,- Winter
weight; vests high neck and long
sleeves ; ankle-length C Q n
pants; 75c values, at .. uUu
UNION SUITS Misses' elastic
ribbed Union Suits, in medium
or heavy weight; high neck, long
sleeves, ankle length; sizes 3, 4,
7 and 8; values to $1.10; OOp
choice, for only dull
HOSE Prime fast black dye;
all sizes; from 6 to 912? regular
prices to 40c the pair. 01 n
Special for Wednesday ... 4 I U
$2 GLOVES Women's Gloves
in mocha or suede; all sizes and
fine assortment of colors. A
glove bargain too good foryou
to miss. Regular prices $1.75 to
$2.00 the pair; for Wed- 01 OQ
nesday's sale, just OltLd
$5.00 BELTS P a r i s i a n and
Novelty Belts, in elastic, tinsel
and Persian effects; regular val
ues to $5.00 each; your 00 AO
choice for onby. OLiU
40c HOSE Women's Hose of
black cashmere, in plain or
ribbed styles; all sizes; sell regu
larly at 40c the pair; ORp
choice for Wednesday L)b
I . ... .
. I I ...... I
Federation Paper Blank on
Danbury Hatters' Case.
official Publication lias Little to
Str Regarding Discussions on
Subject Contest Over
Seating Delegates.
PENVKR. Nov. IT. Yesterday's dis
cussion of the Danbury hatters case
and the working: of "government by In
junction." and the political speeches
which followed in the convention of
,the American Federation of Labor, were
"not made matters of record 4n the offi
cial report of the proceedings of the
convention. The official publication to
ils v contained only the following brief
mention of these discussions:
-Subject Passed Over.
"A discussion of the Danbury hatters'
case and of the working- of -government
by injunction" generally was entered
Into. Tills was followed by a discus
sion of how these could be remedied
by political action. Those taking part
In the discussion were President Gom
pers. Delegates MoCullough, (Sullivan,
Hayes (Max S.). Grout, Gallagher,
Kuruseth and Walker."
A major portion of the single session
beld today was devoted to the contro
versy In the Electrical Workers- Union.
The discussion was acrimonious and at
times personalities were Indulged In.
The matter came up on the report of a
special committee which has been con
sidering the credentials of delegates
from the contending factions. The com
mittee recommended the seating of F.
J. McNuity. P. W. Collins and K. J. Fay.
and refused the credentials for H. W.
Potter. H. V. -Sherman and J. J. Reid.
It recommended also that a special
convention of the union be beld at St.
I.ouis January 1. 1909. and urged the
two factions to "get together."
Agreed to Keslgn.
After the discussion of the commit
tee's report had lasted more than two
hours. Messrs. Potter, Sherman and
Reid. who are the officers of the seced
ing faction of the union, agreed to re
sign if the officers of the original union,
Messrs. McKulty, Collins and Fay, also
would resign, so that they could then
meet In convention m St. Louis with a
clear slate. The latter officers agreed
to resign before the St. Louis conven
tion, and the report of the special com
mittee was then adopted. 159 to 22.
After the convention adjourned the
executive council met and voted to issue
a charter to the Order of Hallway
Clerks, This charter had been held up
owing -to claims of Jurisdiction by the
Freighthandlers' Union. The matter
was adjudicated at the seslson of the
convention today.
Arguments During Day Bring In
Name of President Roosevelt.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 17. Arguments
In the contempt case of the Buck Stove
& Range Company against Samuel Gom
pers. Frank Morrison and John Mitchell,
of the American Federation of Labor,
were concluded today. James M. Beck,
of counsel for the stove company, made
a strong plea for his clients. In which
he closely dissected the injunction of
the court against the defendants and
sought to show that they had put them
selves Into contempt by officially pub
lishing the company on the "We Don't
patronize" list.
Mr. Beck referred to the cruelty and
Indefensibility of the boyortt and said:
"I have very high authority for say
ing that In a very recent public state
ment the President of the United
States said that, of all forms of op
pression which man had yet devised,
the most cruel is the boycott."
Mr. Ralston, for the defense, object
ed, saying:
"I certainly object to the President
of the United States being brought into
this discussion. We all have the high
est possible respect for htm, but he
cannot be quoted as an authority on
matters of this kind."
' Judge Wright overruled the objec
tion, saying:
'I suppose counsel In argument have
the rtght to adopt the words of an
other person to convey an Idea, if they
see fit to do so."
Mr. Beck thereupon continued his ar
gument, and at Its close Justice
Wright took the case under advise
ment. A decision is not expected for
several days.
Denver Fifty Years Old.
DENVER. Nov. 17. The 50th anniver
sary of the founding of the city of Denver
was quietly celebrated today.
Tomorrow and Friday positively the
last davg for discount on East Side gas
bills. Don't forget to read Gas Tips,
Methodist Clergyman Praises
Taft's Catholic Letter.
President-Elect Accorded Tremen
dous Ovation at Cincinnati When
He Is Recognised In
Box at Theater.
CINCINNATI. O.. Nov. 17. President
elect Taft left tonight for j-ot Springs.
"I have not seen a politician nor dis
cussed any political question since com
ing here." said Judge Taft today. "I
think I have accomplished my purpose
In coming here, which was a personal
business matter in which there is . no
public Interest, nor should there be."
Bishop Oldham, of the Methodist
Episcopal Church, who haB spent sev
eral years in the Philippines and came
to this country to attend the recent
missionary conference at St. Louis, had
a long talk with Judge Taft today rel
ative to Philippine matters. Incidental
ly the bishop took occasion to express
his hearty approval of the recently
published letter written by Judge Taft
to a St. Paul clergyman. In which he
made clear his position relative to the
Catholic Church.
Judge Taft is planning a trip to Cuba
early In February to witness the relin
quishment of American authority and
the inauguraton of the new Island gov
ernment. President-elect Taft was given a cor
dial reception at the Grand Opera
House last night, when for the first
time since his election he attended a
theatrical performance, witnessing the
Viennese opera, "A Waltx Dream" Mr.
Taft occupied a box with Charles P.
Taft and Miss Taft. but was not recog
nized until the intermission between the
first and second acts. A storm of ap
plause then greeted hlm.and he ac
knowledged It with a bow.
The demonstration of the evening oc
curred, however, at the conclusion of the
second act. Immediately after the ap
plause hsd died away after the climax,
the orchestra struck up "The Star-Spangled
Banner." and the entire audience
from the boxes to the gallery rose and
stood while the National antHtm was
being played. Then a tumult of applause
broke forth, amid a veritable tempest of
waving handkerchiefs. Mr. Taft bowed
his appreciation, and then left the box
and the theater.
Murderer of Entire Family to Pay
Penally Next Month.
CHICAGO, Nov. 17. Herman Billek,
convicted of the murder of five members
of the Vzral family, was sentenced by
Judge Barnes today to be hanged on
l.lecember 11. The fight of Billek and
his friends for liberty, which carried the
case before the United States Supreme
Court, has attracted wide attention.
Billek, a fortune-teller, whose income
was derived from the ignorant and su
perstitious, used arsenic in causing the
death of the Vzrals. all of whose lives
were Insured and which money Billek is
said to have planned to secure. He was
first sentenced on October 7, 1907, and
since that time he has been reprieved
four times.
Blllek's last hope, a slender one In
view of the previous attitude of Gov
ernor Deneen. is that the death sentence
may be commuted to one of life impris
onment. '
Crowd Gathers at Standard Oil
Hearing to Be Disappointed.
NEW YORK, Nov. 17. Pipeline tes-.
tlmony again delayed the appearance
of John D. Rockefeller on the witness
stand in the Standard Oil dissolution
suit, and an expectant throng of people
were disappointed when it became
known that neither Mr. Rockefeller
nor the leading officials of the com
pany would testify today.
Another of the officials of the Stand
ard Oil Company of New Jersey, was
added to the list of witnesses for the
defense today, when a subpena was
served upon Vice-President William
Rockefeller, who also is president of
the Standard Oil Company of New
(Continued From First Page.)
on two continents, and Mrs. Chadborne,
a member or the wealthy Crane family
of Chicago, met in Paris and, when
Mrs. Gardner decided to return to
America, she turned a number of her
art treasures over to Mrs. Chadborne.
The latter transferred her residence to
England and used them in decorating
her new home. When sK, to turn.
started for her native land, she decided
to bring back with her the valuables
intrusted to her by Mrs. Gardner, with
the purpose of turning them over to
their owner. When the case came to
light friends of Mrs. Chadborne de
clared that. Ignorant of business and
legal technicalities, Mrs. Chadborne
believed that the works of art, having
been used in her house for decorative
purposes, really were household effects.
Blaze In Government Stores.
NEW YORK. Nov. 17. The big Gov
ernment warehouse used ' as a medical
supply storeroom for the Department of
the East, at 393 to 395 Washington street,
was badly damaged by fire today. The
fire was confined to the sixth floor, where
it started, but fully J50.000 worth of
tents, blankets, stools and other bedding
stores were ruined and the floor was
flooded. It is believed that medical stores
valued at J400.000 in the lower floors es
caped damage.
Gas Explosion Kills Two.
KANSAS CITY, Nov. 17. Two persons,
a laborer and a boy, were killed and six
others Injured as a result of an explosion
of gas In the basement of a comm lesion
house on North Walnut street today. The
KnlMfni n. fhree-storv structure occu
pied by the Kellogg & Phillips Commis
sion Company, was partly wrecked. The
injured will recover.
Confesses to Boy'9 Murder.
HAMILTON, Ga., Nov. 17. Gene D.
Oudell, a lt-year-old negro, confessed to
killing Ernest Walsh, 12 years old, alio
colored, beating him on the head with a
rock and throwing the body Into a creek
after robbing It of $2. The murdered boy
was enticed into the woods.
Tomorrow and Friday positively the
last days for discount on East Side gas
bills. Don t Torget to r-iti .
ill Soon
Our magnificent stock of Cut Glass, Hand-painted
China, Art Ware, Glassware, Crockery, etc., being
sold from 25 to 50 per cent discount. This is a
$8.00 Dinner Sets, now $3.95
$9.50 Dinner Sets, now. $4.50
50-piece French. Limoges Dinner Sets 810.50
All these sets are beautifully decorated.
50c German China Sugar and Creamer 25
80c Thin Blown Table Tumblers, dozen. . . . . 50$
4 Cups and Saucers and 4 Plates, decorated 50 .
Ivory Decorated Hair Receivers, regularly 25c, now 15
Ivory Decorated Puff Boxes, regularly 25c, now. 15?
All ouy Haviland and Japanese Goods .50 Per Cent Off
Elite China & Glass Co.
352 MORRISON ST., Bet. 7th 6 Park