Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 18, 1908, Page 18, Image 18

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Portland Agents "Nemo" Corsets, "Estelle" Corsets, Mme. Irene Corsets, Gossard "Lace Front" Corsets All
- " . mmm m MiMM m m ga iMitg,
The Meier Frank Store
Great 3 Days Sale
5000 Umbrellas
Women's and Men's
Great three days Umbrella Sale 5000 umbrellas for
Women and Men at prices 'far below regular values
Anticipate your Winter needs Mail orders will be filled
$3.50 Umbrellas $1.98
L.t 1. 3000 -women's 26-inch Umbrellas; gloria, taffeta rainproof
covering: absolutely fast color; a great assortment of handles, in
silver, gold, pearl, horn, gunmetal and natural wood; umbrellas that
would find' ready sale at $3.00 and $3.50 each. Your g1 QQ
choice at this exceptionally low price, each A
Lot 2. Women 's high-grade Umbrellas; 26-inch steel rod, paragon
frame, piece dyed silk and linen taffeta covering; tape edge; abso
lutelv fast colo'r; 9 and 10-inch gold and pearl handles. I0 'J O
Regular $4 and $5 values, on sale at this low price. .... .V
Umbrellas that are suitable for Christmas gifts.
Men's $6 Umbrellas $2.69
Lot 3. A magnificent lot of men's high-grade Umbrellas; silk and
linen covering, tape edge; steel rod and paragon frame; silk cover
and tassel; a grand assortment of handles in sterling silver, gold
filled, horn. buck, plain boxwood, etc. Every one is 0 ?Q
fully guaranteed; ifo.OO and $0.00 values, on sale at ptVJU
Thanksgiving Sale
Harvard Mills Underw'r
"Harvard Mills" Union Suits
for women; heavy weight cot
ton ; high neck, long sleeves,
ankle lenirth; sizes QQ.
4, 3, 6 ; $1.50 vals. at . . . O
"Harvard Mills" Union Suits
for women; light weight cot
ton; 4 styles; high neck, long
sleeves, ankle length; high
neck, I 2 sleeves, ankle length;
low neck, knee length and low
neck, ankle length ;t"l ftZ
$1.50 vals. for 1 .ViJ
"Harvard Mills" heavyweight
fleece lined cotton Vests and
Tights; high neck, long-sleeve
vests; ankle length tights:
sizes 4, 5. 6; 73c val- CQ
ues, at, only J7C
''Hanard Mills" mixed wool
Vests and Tights, two styles;
all sizes; best $1.50 QQ.f
values at, garment. .. JO
"Harvard Mills" medium
weight silk and wool Vests and
Tights; beautifully made and
hand-finished; all sizes. Great
special values at. 01 QQ
per garment pX.i0
$3Handbags$ 1 .98
$ 1 0 Handbags at $5.95
4 sale extrnnrdinarv of 200 real hornback alligator Handbags, fitted
with coin purse; 9. 10 and 12-inch sizes; handsome styles; fl'O OQ
$ti.i0 values. For this sale at the low price, each p.O
Women's black sea Handbags, leather-lined, fitted with coin purse; j
10 inches long: the best regular $3.00 values, on sale at Ol QQ '
the extremely low bargain price of, each, only 0 ,
SiM-cial lot of 300 very handsome novelty Handbags, in assorted styles
and sizes; brnutifully made and finished; the best regu- C QC
lar .10 values, on sale at the very low price of, each V" !
A Thanksgiving
Sale of Groceries
Mincemeat, in bulk, 2 lbs 25
Boiled Cider, bot. 20c and 25
New Crop 'Walnuts, at lb. 18
Best Glaee Citron, at, lb. 22
Orange and .Lemon Peel, lb. 16
Thompson's bleached Sultana Rai
sins, buy all you want at, lb. 130
Condensed Mincemeat, 3 for 250
New large London Raisins, lb. 130
Cape Cod Cranberries, qt. 140
Seeded Raisins, package 100
Recleansed Currants, pkg. 110
Imported Swiss Cheese, lb. 350
Qt. jars Cranberry Sauce, qt. 350
Xew Maine Corn and Succotash,
on sale at, two tins for .250
Best Rice Popcorn, 3 lbs for 250
California Figs in packages, select
crop, on sale, at, package, special,
for this sale 40 and 90
Shelled Almonds, at, lb. only 450
Plum Pudding, 250 to $1.00
Heinz Apple Butter, in 3-lb. crocks,
nti tnlo nt the low nrice. ea. ?iO
Heinz Mincemeat, in 4-lb. crocks,
on sale at, each only $X.lrU
New roasted Peanuts, Dates, An
chovies, Sardellens, etc., etc. Let
us show you. There's a big saving
if you. buy your groceries here.
In the Big Basement btore,
Carving Sets
A great Thanksgiving Sale
of Carving Sets in splendid
variety of styles and all
grades Entire stock at
prices far below regular
value Don't fail to take ad-
vantage of this great sale
Regular $ 3.00
Regular $ 3.75
Regular $ 4.00
Regular $ 4.50
Regular $ 6.00
Regular $ 6.50
Regular $ 7.50
Regular $ 9.00
Regular $10.00
A Thanksgiving
Sale of Silver ware
1847 Berry Spoons, $1.25 vl. 890
1847 Cold Meat Forks, $1 vl. 690
1847 Nut Sets, $2 values $1.57
1847 Fruit Knives, seld1 0"7
of 6, $1.65 value, set. . .N x
Individual Salad Forks.flJO O A
set of 6; $2.88 val.: set P.Ot
Special lot of Carving Sets, stag
handle; best reg. $0 TC A 7
values, at, per set P''x I
4-pc. silver-plated TeajC OQ
Sets, $7.50 vals., set. .PJ.Oi7
$3 silver-plated Bread d0 1
Tray, at, special, each. .V
$3 silver-plated Fern ' dp 1 J
Dishes, at each, only. .P '
$5.50 salver-plated NutflJO QQ
Bowls, at each, only. . .O.IO
$6.50 silver-plated Bak- &A QQ
ing Dishes at, each tyTtiO
Silver-pI'd Candelabra, C 7Q
reg. $7.50 values, ea.?
Great Thanksgiving bargains in
Cut Glass; all styles; in Basement.
A Thanksgiving
Sale of Linen
A special purchase of 300 hand
some Linen Table Sets, cloth and
napkins to match; best patterns
and a latge assortment to choose
from; $3 to $9.50 values, at one
third below the regular value. Sup
ply your Thanksgiving needs now.
2-yard by 2-yard Cloths J0 ff
reg. $3.00 values, each. .
2-yd. by 2i2-yd. Cloths flJO Cft
reg. $3.o0 values, each. .N-
2-yd. bv 3-vd. Cloths, 9 ((
reg. $4.00 values, each. . pJJJ
22-in.Xapkins to match ffO ff
the above, $3 doz. val.. ww
2-yd. bv 2-yd. Cloths, j0 ff
reg. $4.00 vals., each. . 0,JJ
2-yd. by 2i2-yd. Cloths, T3 'JC
reg. $5.00 values, each. 3
2-yd. by 3-yd. Cloths, &A Cf
reg. $6.00 vals., each. . -x- V
27-in. Napkins to matchflj'"? Cfl
reg. $9.50 vals., doz V Otl.
2-yd. by 2-yd. Cloths, TC flfl
rtg. $7.00 vals., each. .'' vv
2-yd. by 2 2-yd. Cloths, f(
reg. $8.00 vals., each. . .N v.vvr
2-vd. by 3-vd. Cloths, C7 Qfl
reg. $9.50 vals., each..P
27-in. Napkins to match C "T CQ
reg. $9.50 vals., doz H
Sale Cloaks, Suits, Furs, Waists, Etc.
jr-xcm. 'w v.w . -
if 3
The Great Annual No
vember Sale in Portland's
Leading Cloak and Suit
Store is attracting our
way the largest volume of business we have ever enjoyed at this busy
season of the year It's the old story of offering the best merchandise at
the lowest prices always winning over the shrewd and careful buyer This No
vember sale includes in its scope matchless values in the season's most stylish
apparel, Suits, Coats, Furs, Waists, Evening Apparel, Etc. All new, up-to-date
garments at prices far belcw regular values Cloak Dep't, Second Floor
Theater and Reception Costumes and
Wraps Now at Greatly Reduced Prices
Our entire stock of high-class and exclusive Costumes and Wraps marked at November Sale
Prices. Paris and NewYork models in Broadcloth, Silk, Satin, Lace, Crepe de Chine, Velvet, etc.
Beautiful creations from the world's famous dressmakers. Values ranging from $35.00 up to $350,
all at a saving. We have also reduced all our high-class Novelty Tailored Suits, ranging in price
from $57.00 to $200. These bargains are unmatchable. Take advantage to supply your wants.
Regular $40,00 Opera Coats $ 16.45
100 Handsome Opera Coats at a ridiculously low price ; broadcloths and
satins, in medium and long lengths in mandarin styles, full loose back
and semi-fitted effects trimmed in stitched bands, fancy braiding, satin
and Persian trimming; white, reseda, black, light blue, old rose, garnet,
gray and pink ; all beautiful evening and theater wraps. CIA 45
Values to $40.00 each, for this sale, only P w.T
$8 New Dress Waists at $3.95 Each
A great Thanksgiving sale of 500 women's handsome new Dress Waists
a special purchase by our waist buyer on a recent trip to the New
York market enables us to offer $8.00 values at the low price of $3.95
each. Included are beautiful silk waists, plain or figured net waists,
round, pointed or square yokes trimmed in round mesh Vals., Cluny
and medallions and allover tucking; long or short sleeves; white, cream,
green, navy, brown and black; all new, pretty waists for dress, and
evening wear. Best $8.00 values, your choice while they 1
last, each T
You should not fail to take advantage. Mail orders carefully filled.
Special lot of 500 Tailored Waists in wool batiste and flannel ; plain or
fancy stripes; white,. brown, navy, gray and black; all this 1
season's waists; reg. vals. up to $4 ea., on sale at, each...
Great Saving Values Women's Furs
$7.50 Val. $4.85 $25 Val. $18.45
300 women's novelty Neckpieces, of Japanese mink, trimmed with
bands and finished with tails and paws; regular $7.50 val- CI Q C
ues, at the extradorinarily low price, each .pTT.
Srwcinl lot of women's hieh-srrade Fur Sets, in Isabella and sable fox;
collar made in broad stole, large head and claws in center of the back,
and finished in front with two "large fos tails and claws ; latest style
large rug muff, trimmed with head, tail and claws to match stole; lined with
Skinner satin ; the best regular $25.00 values, on sale CIA
at this unusually low price, the set r
$30.00 Tailored Suits $15.85 Each
$35.00 Tailored Suits $19.45 Each
Lot 1. 200 women's and misses' Tailored Suits, this season's best styles;
coats are plain tailored, semi-fitting, single and double-breasted ; the miss
es' suits are jumper style, with double-breasted coat. The materials are in
broadcloth, cheviot and serge. Colors are wistaria, wine, navy, black,
green and taupe; also stripes and mixtures; values up T 1 C Q
to $30.00, on sale at, the suit P J.J
Lot 2. 200 women's high-class Tailored Suits, plain and fancy tailored
effects, long and medium-length coats, in semi and tight-fitting effects;
Directoire coats, cutaway coats, coats with fancy vest effects. The
newest and handsomest garments shown this season, trimmed with satin,
braid and buttons; skirts are plain, gored and trimmed with buttons
and folds. The colors are black, blue, green, wine, taupe, catawba;
broadcloths, sweeds, serges, cheviots and mixed ma- g 1 Q A g
terials; values up to $35.00, on sale at, suit .P .TW
$16.00 Dress Skirts at $6.45 Each
Great special bargain in women's Dress Skirts, in broadcloth, serge,
cheviot and Panama cloth, in this season's best styles; full pleated, plain
flare and Directoire cut ; trimmed iii narrow stitched bands, bias fold and
buttons; colors are white, black, navy, brown, gray and fancy stripe.
Values in the lot up to $16.00 each, on sale at-this extra"'Cf A
ordinarily low price, the garment
Entire Stock Caracul Coats V2 Price
Out entire stock of Caracul Coats on sale at regular prices; fancy
braid-trimmed semi-fitted and box coats, long and short styles; values
ranging from $18 to $88, on sale at one-half the regu- Aj Prfp
lar price. Take advantage of this reduction .'.,'.
Great Thanksgiving -Sale
Men's Tuxedo Suits,
$25 Val $14.85
Our annual Thanksgiving sale of
men's Tuxedo suits is of impor
tance to men and young men who
want a dress coat for Thanksgiv
ing and theater wear arid for the
holiday season 200 suits to be
sold at the lowest price ever
known in dress suits of equal style
and quality The material of all
wool black thibet, made with shawl
collar, silk lined and silk faced
Handsomely made and finished
throughout All sizes in regular
and stouts, 34 to 46 Every suit
in the lot regular $25.00 value
Your choice at
$ 14.85
the low price
See Morrison Street Window Dis-
" play Mail Orders Carefully Filled
Women's Shoes, $4 Val;, $2.98
Lot 1. 1000 pairs of women's stylish high-cut -Walking Boots, patent
colt, dull top and velour calf; Napoleon button and lace styles; the
fashionable short vamps, Cuban heels, light extension CjO QQ
soles; all sizes and widths; $4 values; for this sale, pair. . 0
Lot 2. 1000 pairs of women's brown kid and tan Russia Calf Button
Shoes, full round toe, extension edges, military heels; all sizes and
widths; the best' regular $4.00 values, on sale at this - ffO QQ
special low price, the pair. Supply your wants now. $&mJKJ
Thanksgiving sale of men's and boys' footwear. Best values in city.
All Dress Goods Greatly Reduced
Being fine dress fabrics of all kinds at greatly reduced prices. Our
entire stock of colored, white and black goods is included; sale con
tinues through the month and offers unusual opportunity to buy
all-wool dress materials at a big saving. Call early for choice.
$3.50 Val. Laces, 89c Doz. Yards
Reg. $1.25 Embroideries, 39c Yd.
1000 dozen round-thread Val. Laces and Insertion for trimming of holi
day articles and lingerie, 1 to 2V& inches wide; best patterns; regular
values up to $3.50 a dozen yards; buy all you want of it at CO.
this low price, the dozen yards. Many unusual bargains
5000 yards of Swiss and Batiste Embroidery, Flouncing and Insertion,
2 to 18 inches wide; designs in English eyelet and filet, for waists,
undermuslins and children's wear;' regular values up to OQ.
$1.25 a yard, on sale at the bargain price, for, the yard. :
3000 yards of fine Laces Venise and filet bands, medallions and net
top laces; in white and cream, 2 to 6 inches wide,. for trimming
waists, gowns, etc.; best regular 80c to .$1.00 values, on OC
sale at this ridiculously low price, the yard J
Cordon Confesses to Derailing Cars
Just for Kcvenpe.
fU'TTK. Mont.. Nov. IT. Pat Gordon
tMuy confVw! to fteraUtnic an Or'Ron
Sliort lino train, at Silver Bow. Vett
marr 1m laft, and a ent to the State
Penitentiary for five years. Gordon tried
to urerk a passenirer train at th same
place the ame njirht. by piling tie on
tho rails. Gordon asserted that he was
intoxicated and cherished a Krude
aaainst a minor employ, of the road
at iSlver Bow.
Ship us your poultry for Thanksgiving.
We want
Fresb. fat dry - picked Turkeys; like
wise Chickens, both hens and springs:
also Pucks and Geese. We prefer to
receive poultry dressed dry - picked,
fiiip to arrive ne.t Saturday, Sunday
or Monday.
We. want
Pressed Veal, dressed Pork and Suck
ing Figs.
We wul pay highest market price for
Klghtinpr the Beef Trust."
Portland, Oregon.
"Fighting the
Beef Trust'
'Fighting the
Beef Trust'
me R:b Roast Beef lO and lS'stf
t Veal Cutlets 12f and l5r
Roasts of Oregon Pig Pork
Tenderloin Steaks
Flat-boni' Steaks.
Mrloin Steaks
226 Alder Street, between First and Seeond Streets,
KI3 Vllllam Avnnr, near Ruasell Street.
7U1 MlMtihsippl Avenue.
Six Markets ;
Corner Fifth and Main Streets, Oregon I Ity.
Twelfth Street, bet. Commercial ana nona,
253 Taylor Street, Astoria.
Best Veal Roasts IOC and 12
S and J.OC
Breists of Veal
Veel Stew,
and IOC
Fancy Creamerv Butter....- 65C
Fresh Ranch Eggs 35C
Columbia River Salmon ........... IOC
HaUkut. per lb IOC
Smith's Pig Pork Sausage 12c
Choicest Pot Roasts SC
Shoulder Roast Beef SC
Brisket Coined Beeef C
Smith's Pure Lard, in S-lb. palls.. 65c
Rump Corned Beef ...-Sc
Round Steak IOC
Tripe. .
Beef Tongues
Large Porterhouse Steaks 15c
Hamburg- Steak IOC
Small Porterhouse Steaks
Legs of Mutton 12HC
Legs of Lamb 15C
Shoulder of Mutton and Lamb IOC
IOC 1 Mutton and Lamb Loin Chops.' .... 15c
IOC Mutton and Lamb Rib Chops loC
Pigs' Feet
Dry Salt Pork
Tigs' Hocks
Sh ulder Roast Pork
viv.lo whonlrter Pork
Center Cuts Shoulder Roast Pork
Shoulder pork coops
Fresh Side Pork
Coined Side Pork
Leaf Lard; fresh
- Loin Roast Pork
Loin Pork Chops
Rib Pork Chops
Picnic Hams '
Cottage Hams, boneless.,
lireakfast Bacon
Frlra rholiv and fancy Breakfast
Bacon 17V4C
All ir.nda from uregon
home - grown, sugar -cured,
pure. Smith's own brand.
Pig Pork.