Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 18, 1908, Page 17, Image 17

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California Would Buy Here but
for High Freight.
Advance in Sonlh Will Permit of
Movement Vnless This Market
AIm Rise Statistical Po
sition of Market.
Turn is ioiu California Inquiry for hay.
b with th. freight rat. of about VM
t.,n It I. Impossible to do business
vrfth that mark... Th only demand no.
from the South !. for rreln hw. and there
I. not much of .hat here. If
. lower rel,rht rate. however, or If th.
California mark., should
mlnht b. some movement in thla ar.lel.
southward. .-.,
Th. local market rule, about steady,
with a good undertone. There M plenty of
nay left in th. country, tut not much of
K .t hands. Before th. '
ovrr. however, th. available euppl may
prove and there I. a project
of high price, then prevailing, Local re at th. present time are Increasing
Trrlval. for th. .W to d... totalling 4.
"Th. San Fran-wo market I. easier than
U week, because of freer receipt.. Th.r.
h.a been no Chan,. In th. statistical po
tion of th. m.rkot in California, according
, ,h. hay circular of Scott Magner. of
fan Francisco, which says.
Advice, from th- country ai .ar ar to
ronnrm th. prevailing ""Prr""lonl-fhm,n'a in th. -PPlr -f "
available for San KmnrlJco. Many ng
ure, and ...ti.tlc. are b-lng compiled to
, ,h- situation. Looking at th. mat
ter, ho, ever. In view of .11 statistics which
w. h.v. on hand, the .Itu.tlon appear.
eV.reme.y serious. In round n.ure during
,he .ix month, from November 1 of lost
v ear until Mv 1 f thla year. th. Han
Francisco market alone, tr actual "
rompuied each day. consumed very "early
,,". ton. The inte.lor and
con.uml about W". and we had
left on hand May I. 11" "' tr ,
Conditions in th. lnt.rl-r appear "
tdnll.-.l thla Winter with those of last
Winter. n.t w. have every reason to be-ll-ve
that the Interior demand will be as
.V-at If not grvater. than la.t year. San con.ump.lon this year ha.
dropped ort about 15 per cent from th.
rereipis of the Mrt .11 month, of la.t
,T.',n Aiming that we will dron off
r.,u.r.c, in our S.n Franclco d-mand.
nrt have th. Interior demand a. last
ve.r ihl. soould leave u. t demand for
almost l.V. ton. to carry thla portion of
, sta-e from now until th. flr.t day of
Mav Against this we have on hand a
vl-.l-ie suuplv of 1111.0'-! t,ns.
n-port. from the Interior are dlscour
sclnc l.o. Angrlea hay dealer, ar. In th.
roa-ket and have purchased large amounts.
h'.c report. fr..m hay centera. auch at
tlillUter. l.lvermor. .nd Stockton, are to
the effect that there I. an Increased de
mand for the Inicrior rIMes. and In th.
al.enc. of patur. th. farmer, ar. begin
ning to consume the hay In th. ware-
h In'vlew of these condltlona th. market
ha. advanced, and the increase In price, la
rio-e marked In the country than In thla
rltv Farmers ar. holding fa.l to their
lock., calculating on extreme price. In
the earlv Spring, the rnlv trading of any
In portnme being purchases by Los An
gela, "dealer, who have been paving ex
treme prices to cover their own shortage.
The dry weather la alrendy cau"lng much
apprehension, and should It continue may
become a .erlous factor in th. .Ituatlon.
Bent, and Bolaa Operate on Foreign
Hop buying wa active yesterday in th.
Aurora section. Henry L. Bent, and th.
Worst Company bought a number of lot.
for export, but so far a. learned 8 cents
was not paid during th. day. This doe.
tot Indicate any weakness In th. market
when quality la considered. Th. general
tor., of th. market Is fully as firm as It
has been at any time.
Pent. purrKue. 3 bale, from Day.
Kyle, 6S bale, from Wiley and ion hale,
from Han. Cone, price, ranging from T i
ID 7V cents.
Harry Bolan. for th. Horst Company,
secured 74 hales from Joe Go at " V
rente and 7T bale, from G". Dental at TVi
cents. Th. prlc. paid by Mr. Bolan for
th. Burch lot at RIckrealL before reported,
wa. S centa.
Clem Horsfa men operated in Washing
ton County, securing th. Su.bauer lot at
Cnmtllua it T cents, and H." bales from
Porter, of Forest (Jrove. at the name price.
Purchase, by H. I- Hart since Sunday
aggregate 400 bales at prices ranging from
Tvi to 1 centa.
Supply la Better .nd Price. Ar. Firmer.
gg More Freely.
Poultry receipts were quit, liberal yes
terday, but there w.. a first-class demand
fr all descriptions. Chickens, old and
young, moved freely at 12v;lJi, cents.
T"ung ducks were taken at li cen.a. but
o.d ducks were not wanted. Oees. wer.
scare, and wer. quoted at 12 cents, Llv.
turkeys were held at 1711S cent. A
few stray lots of dressed turkeys h.v.
com. In. but the holiday movement will
not begin In earnest for several days.
The egg market was very firm, with an
Increasing demand for fresh Oregon. Th.
upp:y of these is exceedingly light. Re
ceipt, from the country are only about dally and .'me of thee, undoubtedly
ar. Eastern egg. that were sent to th.
country and find their way back to the
city a. ranch st x-k. Strictly fresh Oregon
eggs .ere qu"trd yesterday at 37jM'
cent .
The-e were no rhangr. In the butter or
cheese markets.
Price t Half a Dollar Owing to Firmness
of Whole t.rali..
Ti're was an advan.-e of 00 cents a ton
l-i rolled bary yesterday, due to the
flrmne.s of tne feed bar.ry market. Oat.
ere nrm. with a good, active demand.
The wheat market oas quiet and steady.
Kecetpta as reported by the Merchants
Exchange are:
14th. I.a.t
l.'.th. Irtth. week,
cars. ir. cars. ut as .C
H.riey 44 :ol 121
Flour II l:i ".t
at !' 11
H.y . -7 ho
Five Cars Out of Hilling. Are In Goud
Five car. of banana, for th. Thanks
gi'ng tT.-ie are Ju the tatter part of the
w-k. They were rep.uli out of Hillings
in S'd condition.
Receipts of grapes yest--rdav were llrht
and .111 decrease from now on. The mar
ket hoUls brti-r-lv .teadv.
A sma'l a-'r;ment of the utual vege
tables and a shipment of oranges came up
on the steamer and .old at former prlces.
.dlces were received from Coachella
lha: cshhage s-:lumen.s In cjr lot. mould
rp.rt Jsnusw l.V CoacheMa Is also gotng
Irio the ouin.s of growing V.'.nter rhu-b:b.
Ufa. 0c: red Russian. Sc; 40-fold. lo;
valley, lie
BARLEY Producers- prices: Feed. zo
per ton: brewing. 1'7
OATS Producers' prices: o. I WHIM, sou
ty.H per ton: gray. 210. . .
FLOUR Patents. - ,r..bfr75l:
straights. .JUS: wports. il 70; Val'.y. 14 45.
,-.ack granam. 4.40; whoi. whaat. 4.S,
"'MILLSTL-FFS-Br.n. 1 2 SO per ton: mli
dlinus. shorts, country ll). clt. Ij.
V. S. mill chop. 122: rolled barley. I-1S
"'hay Timothy. Willamette Valley. $14
per ton: Eastern Oregon, timothy. 1
17. SO: clover. 112; alfalfa. I12 12.40; grain
hay. .12.50 8H.
Vegetable, .nd Fruit.
FRESH FRUIT Apples. 8ice3 per
box: pears. II W 1.23 per box; grapea. 1.4U
165 per crate; quinces. $16121 per box:
cranberries. Ilo.50fn2.50 per barrel; cassava..
2Wc per pound: Spanu"h Malaga grapea. t'tj
$ifiO per barrel: huckleberries c per
pound: persimmons. $ltfl.25.
POTATOES Buying price. SOStfOc per
hundred; eet potatoes. lVfJ2"sC per lb.
TROPICAL. FRUITS Orangea. navstla.
$; per oox; lrmon.. fjney.
4.5cnS ptr V,x; r"0'"-., .Tit'X.
4 .t.ndard. !".-. box; grapefruit $48..0
per box: bananas. 5c per pound: Ponie
granates. ll.sowarper oox; pineapplea. -
2.iO per dozer..
(.NIONS ll'B 1 1" P'r 100 lbs.
ROOT V EGKIABLE5-Turnlpj. l-2 P
sack: carrots. SI; parsnip.. $12.; beets,
11.2.1: hor.era.!ish. lc per pound.
VEGETABLE- Artichoke.. Hoctrtl dol.;
bean, lovlllc per pound: cabbage. 11 c per
pound: cauliflower. B0ct$l per dogen: cel
ery 40 4j7c per doscn; cucumbers, $1 pat
h. eggplant. lie per pound: lettuce.
7&c6$l Pr box: pr.:ey. 16c per dosw; Vm.
loc per pound: pepper.. lOc per pound;
pumpkins. 1 a 1 V.C rer pound: radishes.
12 He per doxen: eplnsch. lo per pound,
sprouts, flt-fcl'ie per pound: squash, ltflsc
per pound; tomatoes, 50c 9 $-
Dairy and Country F rod ace.
BUTTER City creamery, .xtraa, 159 loc:
fancy outside cream.ry. aiixiioc v
Elii;fl Oregon .elect.. 17W40c; East
ern. 2732lic per doxen.
POULTRY Hen.. 12WlSVc per pound;
Spring. 12H13c: ducks, 144l.c: geeae,
ll:c: turkeys, litjlsc; dressed turkeys,
CHEESE Fancy cream Iwln loo per
poutij. full cream triplets. 15c; full cream
Young America. 16c.
VEAL Extra SVr&c per pound; ordi
nary. 707Vo: heavy, fto.
PORK Fancy, I. Pr pound; large.
BACON Fancy. -I1-.C per pound;
ard. lhHsc; choice. 17V.C; EngllsO. loistt
17c: .trlus. lac.
DKY SALT CURED Reguiar short
dry .alt 12c; .moked. lie: ahort clear
backs, heavy, dry erlted. 11c; ."n-ked. l.cj
U,-n exports, dry .alt lac; smoked. 14c
HAMS W to 13 lb... 15o; 14 to lo lb...
lv ,H to 2o lb... 15c; ham., .klnned.
loc' p.cnica l"c; cottage roll, lie; shoul
der 21c; boiled ham. 22c; boiled picnic.
''LARD Kettle-rendered: Tierces,
tub.. 13Vjc; 50s. lalsc; 20a. use; 10a. 14e;
Li 14.c; 3a. 14ic Standard pur.:
TlerceaT 12-ic; tuba. 12Vc; 00a. 12Wjc; 20a,
lilac; 10s. 13c; 5s. 13V.C; 3t. 13'c Com
pound: Tierces, be: tuba, SVtC; uOa. IxOi
iios. SSc: 10s. 8ic: 6s, 8j,c
SMOKED BEE1 B.ef tongues, each. TOO;
dried beef seta. 10c; dried beef outsldea,
15c: dried beef 11c; dried be4
Wr. u.H. lc. 18c . .
PICKLED GOODS Birrel.: Pigs' f.
113: regul.r tripe. 110: honeycomb trlosj.
UJ pigs- tongues. 119.50: lambs' tongues.
MESS MEATS Beef, speclala. $11 pel
barrel; plate. $14 per barrel: family $14 pel
barrel: pork. $21 per barrel: brisket. 12$
per barrel; S P. beef .onguea, $20; pl(
nouta. $12 SO: pig .ra. $11 M
Demand Is Still Good, but There
Has Been Some Decrease
in Activity.
iincrnv -vnv 17. Although the demand
for all grades of wool In the local market
continued heavy, there has been a slight
falling off In activity. Prices, however,
remain strong and even show a higher ten
dency. Quotations:
California Northern. 48fir2c: middle
country. 4.Vb4c; Sou! hern. 3T3Sc; Fall,
3'rt 4ltc.
Oregon Eastern. No. 1 staple. KSgeoc:
Eastern No. 1 clothing. 4Sft50c; Valley No.
1. 4.1'4Sc:
Territory Fine staple. WfilKc: fine med
ium staple. 57ii.11c; fine clothing. 32froc;
fine medium clothing. 4!j.11e: half-blood.
53rr7c: three-eighth. -blood, 52Q34o; quarter-blood.
Pulled Extra. SSSOOc: On.. 52 0 54c;
supers A. 4.1 4 Sc.
Wool at St. luhk
PT. LOUIS. Nov. 17. Wool Firm. Terri
tory snd Weetern mediums. 17tj20c; fine me
diums. 15tjl7c: fine. 12ttl4c.
Prices Current Ixrally on Cntlle, Sheep and
general Improvement in livestock condi
tions In nearly all line. I. noted. The
qualltv of the receipt, ha. been steadily
growing better of late and la likely to con
tinue except possibly in the case of hogs.
In which th. prev.lllng high price of feed
1. a factor. Quotations yesterday wer.
without change. Reoelpfc for th. day were
90 cattle, lsu hog. and 75 horaea.
Th. following price, wer. current on live
stock In the local market yesterday:
CATTLE Best ateers. $3.7.1 4: medium.
$S.25 n S. &0; common. $3fr3 25; cows, beat.
$2 7;.1.3; medium. $'ir 2.75: common. $2i
2 .10; calves. $3..K 4 .30.
SHEKP Best wethers, $3.50; mixed. $3: $2.50i 2.7.1: iambs, best trimmed, $4
ij4 25; untrlmmed. $3.50.r?3.73.
HOC.! Best, $' 0.2.1; medium. $3,259
3 73; feeders not wanted.
Easter. Livestock Markets,
POUTH OMAHA, Nov. 17. Cattle Re
ceipts. 7.10O; market, steady to a shade
lower. Western steers. :t 2.1 .1 SO; Texai
teera. :iw4:lO: cows and heifers. $250t
4 1.1- canners. $rt-fi2.e: stocker. and feed
er.. $.:.-.; calves. $.11 .175; bulls and stags,
$'.' -: o I 7.1
Hogs Receipts. semi; market, 5110e
lower. Heavv. $.1 tv f .1.70 : mixed, $1 .mfj
J.-..1; light. $ : 2.1 1 .VI : pigs. $3.30$5.25:
bulk of sales. $.1 50 .1.R1.
shee. Receipts. 'o,700: market, strong to
irr higher. Yesr:incs. $4.2.1?-".: wethers.
.. 7:li 1 ,io: ewes. $:-. 23f4; lambs. $3 2)0
6 V0.
Dried Fruit at New York.
NKW YORK. Nov. 17. The nrarket for
evaporated apples Is steady, whlie demand
Is lees active, but there b, no pressure to
sell. Fancy Is quoted St Rt,c. cholc at 7H
v7-. prime at ti07c and old crop at 4f5c.
according to grade.
Prune, are firm, with quotation, ranging
from 4 to 13c for California and from $tj to
7 He for Oregon fruit. to 30s.
Apricot, .re strong, with choice quoted St
R!-. extra choice at ".'tinijC and fancy
at 10ltfl l"4t.
Peaches are steady, with rnolc. quoted at
7fi7lc. extra choke at 7SSc and fancy at
Kalsln. Arm. tlth loose Mujcatel quoted at
5i,iiSUc. seeded raisin at 6-fis.-. seedlew at
:,,)." and London layer, at $l.o1.0".
Kastera Mining Slocks.
BOSTON. Nov. 17 Closing quot
Adventure .. .1
Alloue. "'
Am. I
Atlantic I'-;
Calu. A Hec.6o0
Centennial . . -H 3
U.S. 50
is. ITS
l!t .10
14 7.1
411 00
20 71
4rt 0
4 7.1
shannon . . . .
Tamarack .
Cop. . .
U. S
U. S
Range.. l
Ialv-1 est
. lo .'.o
. 17 21
. io ml
7 oo
anklln ..
Wolverine ...1
32 00
higitn , .
.14 :.
B. Coalition.. 27.O0
Monl. C. C
Old lom....
Nevada I0.12H
xs'im li aiu. Arla.t2o.oo
l-.Miai .Arlx .com .. 3a .10
" 2s;t, G. Cananea.. 11.37H
Bank Clearings,
Clearings of the North. e.tcrn cltlva yes-
....l.2:: 2-.7
. ... !..:!. KM
$ 7I.S.14
Not Much Animation in Stock
Harrimans Are the Principal Fea
tures of Strength, Union Pacific
Touching the Highest
Point of the Year.
NEW YORK. Nov. 17. Th. character of
today's stock market was much th. asm.
as that of yesterday. Th. current
of theprlce movement was not consistent
at any time during th. day. The show
of strength, which was considerable, was
made np of successive advances of Individ
ual stocks or groups of stocks. These suc
cessive advances were alwaya concurrent
with a sagging tendency In other stocks,
aome of which had been conspicuously
strong earlier in th. day. A market of
this kind suggests artificial support at some
points to facilitate selling at other points.
The decreased animation of the specula
tion wss attributed in a general way to an
exceaa of caution and to the extensive rlso
already achieved, which has reduced the
rate of the Income yield on everything
traded In. Conference, of traffic officials .to
diacuaa proposed freight advances also af
fected these stocks.
There waa a movement of genera! in
fluence In the Harrlman and Hill groups.
Union Pacific, as usual, absorbed a large
proportion of th. day'a total dealings. Ita
rise to In3t carried It through the highest
price touched during 1907. which wa. 183
In January. 'Today, price has been equalled
only In excited .peculation in the atock fol
lowing th. advance in ita dividend rate from
6 to 10 per cent, whiclt carried th. quota
tion up to 1U3S on September 4. luoo. It.
rise today, in which Southern Pacific kept
It company, waa accompanied by revived
rumors of a pending financial plan involv
ing the distribution of assets or increased
dividends. Th. executive committee, of the
two roads met during the day, but ad
journed with an announcement of only rou
tine business transacted.
United States Steel had alternate periods
of heavlneaa and strength. This was true
of practically the whole list, but with ex
treme irregularity throughout the day.
Bonde were strong. Total aalea par value,
$.M3e.o0. United States bonds were un
changed on call.
Sale.. High. Low. Bid.
Amal Copper 25.300 -vl -j ttf1.
Am Car a Foun. 2.:ioM 47 4 404
do preferred ... 20 I07 lo7. IWiS
Am Cotton Oil... tsio SO :t0 .13Va
Am Hd a Lt pf. 3 28 27 2S
Am Ice Secuti.. 4,0" 0 28 2- 27Hi
Am Llneeed Oil. . 40 13t, 121, 124
Am Locomotive.. 4,5oo 67 56 f.Oa
do preferred ... l.loO ll9 104 KU's
Am Smelt A Rf. 21, Boo M.1S 05',
do preferred 4o0 107 lo7ts 107
Am Sugar Ref.. 6.5UO IXI l.!2i l:i.'l
Am Tobacco pf. . 000 H;j u2- 02
Am Woolen 600 31 3Hs 31 V.
Anaconda ITm Co 4.3in) 32t 51 1 51 '
Atchison v.3oo im-U V0 IHil.
do preferred 2oo UN's Ml
All Coast Line... 7m M7 lo 1"
alt A Ohio 20.3O0 U, li) H '8
do preferred
Brook Rap Tran. 13;e 5H'4 534 55S
Canadian Pacific.. 2. loo 178 v. 1781 17H4,
Central leather .. l.loo 3o 2 2h
do preferred ... 4i loo Da's lltl'i
Central of N J 210
Ches A Ohio 1.000 47(4 46 4t4
Chlcsgo Gt West. 1H.800 14 12'4 13's
Chicago A N W.. 4,oo 173'j 171 1721i
C. M A St Paul. 2U.1O0 14S H 14lii,
c. c. c & st 1... 1.300 Mi a 00H1
Colo Fuel A Iron 3.mji 4oi :ki a:i
Colo -A Southern. 1.000 48 45 45T
do 1st preferred , 0L4
do 2d preferred 3Vi
Consolidated Gas.. 9.S00 151 '4 15(li 15ofe
Corn Product. ... 10O 1 1 IB
Del Hudeon.... 1,2.0 1774 77 177
U A R Grande ... fl"0 34 XK"t 33t
do preferred ... 2"0 77 7 7rt
Distiller.' Securl.. 1.4(4) 35 34 341;
Erie 10.300 33t 34tj Ht
do 1st preferred, l.lnl 41M, 4a-4 4S'j
do 2d preferred. 3"0 MS 3111,
Genera. Electric. ,l.lo0 156.H l'-l'-i 1"3
Gt Northern pf... 1.K0O 141 14.. 1
Ct Northern Ore.. l.2oO 7.1 74 74
Illinois Central .. 5.900 1484 14S
Interborough Met. 18.4O0 14f S:i 14
do preferred ... wo 5S-. 58 .18
Int Pump 1.210 33 32 S 32
Iowa Central 2.000 3oi, 30 3
K C Southern l.loo 30
do preferred ... loO 3 K.1 04
Louis A Naehvllle 3.7oo list, llil 118'4
Minn A St 1 2.3O0 . 32 4",i.. .'Hi'-i
M. St P A S S M. 1.100 1M4-4 132', 132
Mlseourl Pacific. 18.70O 1.4 ' 02'4 0.1
Mo. Kan A Texas .2U 3 35', 30 .
do preferred ... 1.400 70 6H-4
National Lead ... 7.50O 85S St".
N Y Central 42,200 117 115 11.14
N T. Ont A West 4.2'0 44's 44 44",
Norfolk A West. 2,800 83 83 83
North American .. oO .:H i.l ..I
Northern Pacific 44.0OO 1S.I ';.'
Pacific Mall 3.S0O 32', 31 i 31
Pennsylvania IS. BOO lsot 120 ITott
People'. Gas .... 5.2o0 lol, l.)Vi 1011.
P CCA Ft L. . 200 87 87 8.
Preeesed Steel Car 1.000 401, 40 40
Pullman Pal Car
.Spr"':: -"h
S"un"" Steel .. 500 28 28
ri preferred ... 1.000 89 8S, 88-4
Rock Island Co.. S.10O 23 23 23
do preferred ...17.3 5m 5l4 Bo
StLAsTspr. 1,700 34 331, JJJ4
St L Southwestern ?'
do preferred ... 1.400 H3, 63 521,
Sr1:: $ISS ,BS SS .
B,rfer,fl?:: i-.SS U
-rfer-r.- z
Tenn PCopp7r lAJJ" 6 40 sov.
Texa. A Pacific. 5.200 33 3;U !-
Tol St L A West 4 37 3. W.
n t,e.ferred 1 2" 1 "4
UnTonP.cTfH? 1 IMiSkt 1M l2'i 183J1
do preferred ... 1.2O0 J8 I'7
V S Rubber 200 S 39 35
Ud8 purred :.. 3.700 114 1.3 113
vi-?.ro tmlcaV. SiSoo 3S
dojjref.rd ... ..- -j4- "UVl
So preferred ... . 34 S3V. 34
WelrThous. Elee 8oo M PIH 01
Western Union ... l. 5H 44 S
Wheel A L Erie.. 1.000 11 11 11 4
Wlscon.ln Central. 1.300 2Bi 29 29
Total sale, for the day. 1.102,000 shares.
NEW YORK. Nov. IT. Closing quota
it S ref 2s reg..l3SlN" T C gen S. "3
do coupon 104 ,Nor Pac 3s 7.H,
TJ 8 . reg loosi do 4. 103
do coupon 100lSo Pac 04
U S new 4. reg.l20i'Unlon Pac 4a. ..103
do coupon 121 IWIa Cent 4s 8, i4
Atch adj 4s l .Japanese . .
D A R G 4 J 80 Vi
Dally Treasury Statement.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 17. Today-a ate-
ment of the Treasury balances in the general
fund, of th. $130,000,000 gold re
serve, shows:
Avsllable cash balance $lB.1.81.74t
Gold coin and bullion Sl.720.9oO
Gold certificates 46.123.2oO
Money Exchange, Etc
.--,- vnDlf V" m- IT Unna. ml
easier at 1SS2 per cent: ruling, rate, 1 per
.1 i. Kta 1k m. Mnt
cent; viwsie . e
Time loans, weaker; 60 daya SflS per
cent; eo aa)w, per cmi, " 4 le
Prim, mercantile paper closed at 4ff4Uj
per cent.
sterling sxrnsnsc, in hi. uur.
ness In bankers' bills at $4.839064.84 for 60
days and at ss.oouo lor
Commercial bills, $4.83V1fi'4.oJ.
Bar silver. 60c.
Mexican dollars. 45c.
Government bonds, steady: railroad bonds,
LONDON. Nov. 1". Bar sliver, steady at
23 3-lftd per ounr..
1L4-IU nee nest.
ehort hill. 14 2t452ti per cent; for three
months bills. 2iB2jper oent.
SAN" FRANCISCO. Nov. 17. Silver bars.
51 Vic.
Drafts Sight, 2c; telegrapn. sc.
Sterling, 60 days. $4.83: sight. $4.86H.
a "
Metal Markets.
NEW TORK. Nov. 17. There was a sharp
advance In the London tin maraet
with spot quoted at 137 ana luiur.
139. Locally the market was quiet, but
higher, with spot quoted at 30.32
Copper advanced to 3 iss ror ipoi
4 13s for futures In the London Market.
th. loot market was dull and practically
nominal, with lake quoted at 14.23 6 14.50c:
electrolytic. 14.12 14.25c and casting si
1414.12c. ,
Lead was unchanged at 13 12. 6d' In
London. Locally the market waa dull at
4.3.1 4.40c.
Spelter was 2s 6d higher In London at
21. The market here was quiet at 5
Iron waa unchanged.
Dairy . Produce In the East.
y.rT.- . -- ' w- Vn IT-
LflH-AHU, . O V . 1115 a ax -
chanse today the butter market was Arm.
Crframerle. 2262SHc; dairies. ln-eSc.
EgKt? Steady; at mark, casea included,
25c: flrt. 28 Wc; prime firsts. 2c.
Cheese Steady at ix.gwTfcc
XlW TORK. Nov. IT. Butter and
Firm, unchanged.
Cheese Steady, unchanged.
Estrcme Price on Eggs Fails to
Hold Slashing by Canned
Milk Manufacturers.
crimp Wash.. Nov. 17. (Special.)
Condensed milk manufacturers have de-
. . . .. mra .iiirlnr nrlCOS
e.area anumcr - '
Indiscriminately. One Arm put the price
at 13.25 today as against the 'competitive
price of 3.55. Betallera are In some in
stances selling milk at four cans lor .0
Turkey receipts were liberal today. Two
cars, one of dmsed Mock, from Texas, and
11... v.rM unloaded. The
Texas .lock wa. not in very good condition
and prlcea win oe scsieu iu ui.pu.. v. ...
Egg. were .teady at 48c. Yesterday-,
price of 49c did not stand today. There Is
a strong demand for fancy veal, although
common atock la plentiful. Dealers assert
they are aDle to get j-c ior mo ,
Pnimixi were weak. There is still an
accumulation of stock.
Grape, .old a. high a. t.35 for good
atock. Apple, were firm on fancy grades.
1 1 Hi es are active, oema iiumcu
Prices Fald' for rroduce In the Bay City
... . . --, v,- IT Th. frtllnw-
BA. rnrt."-uw. ..u.. ... ..."
lng prices were quoted in the produce mar
ket toaav:
M..1..11ITS Bran. 128.50831; middlings,
3?.5t '035,50.
vegeiaoie i-utumiwi. . . . .
(Bc; green peas. 6fcc; string beans, 3&
i. 2r,n50c: okra. 1.25S1.50; egg
plant. IOcJ.fl.25. ,
Uutter ancy nmci 3 , . -
nd.. 27 c: fancy dairy. 23c; dairy sec
onds. 20c. .
Cheese New. iz .4 'a .
Ici. 154i 16c; Eastern. 17c.
EEK, store, 5uc; fancy ranch, 54c; east
ern. J7c. ....
Poultry Roosters, o.a. to-AiHu,
f3 50j8: broilers, small. 3f. brollerj.
large. 44.50: fryers. S303.5O: hena, f350
gjiii- ducks, old. 4J: young. 68i.
Wool Spring. Humboldt and Mendoclna.
l-lc; Mountain. 447ttc; South Plains
and San Joaquin, 7Hm4c: Nevada. 6 12c
Hay Wheat. flSi22; wheat and oata,
I17&21; alfalfa. tll15; stock. 1315;
straw, per bale, finesse.
pot,toes Sallnaa Burbanks,
Oregon Burbanks, fl.15fcl.30; sweets. ,1&
1 Krutts Apples. choice. fl-25; common.
40c- bun:ins. 13: limes. $4.'.; lemons,
choice. f3 50: common, ft; oranges, navel
f2ti3; plneapplee, fl.50tfi3.
Receipts Flour. 330 quarter sacks; barley.
4070 centals: oals. 1030 cental.: beans. 3024
sacks: potatoes. 3120 sacks: bran. 847 sack.:
middlings. 250 sacks; hay. 290 tone; wool. 849
bales; hides. 1330.
Coffee and Sue"'.
NEW TORK. Nov. 17. Coffee futures
closed .teady. net unchanged to 5 point,
higher Sales were reported of B0.OOO bags.
Including November. 5.0.1c; December.
5 0.1c- January. 5.10c: March and May.
1 13c; September, 5.15.1 20c; October. 5.20.
Spot quiet; No. 7 Rio. 0c: No. 4 Santos.
77,c Mild coffee dull; Cordova. 9412c.
Sugar Raw steady; fair refining. 3.44c;
centrifugal. 6 test. 3.94c; molasses sugar,
3.10c. Refined steady; crushed, fj.60; pow
dered, f.1; granulated. $4.90.
New York Cotton Market.
NEW YORK. Nov. 17. Cotton futures
opened ateady at a decline of one point bn
December, but generally 23 points higher
1 v.rv steady at a net advance of
1 point on October and of 8&3ii points on
other months. rovemDer. s ue;
9 20c; January, 9.05c; February and March.
8.90c; May. 8.94c; June and July, S.bOc;
August. 8.70c: October. 8.55.
Saloons Reopen at Condon.
COXDOX. Or., Xov. 17. As a result of
the five licenses granted to .saloons In
this city last evening, Condon is wet to
dav and local option Is a thing of the
past. The five saloons have opened with
strict restrictions. They are to close at
1 A. M. and all day Sunday. The saloon
meii made no protest on the raise of
licenses to $1000 per year. Before local
option the license -was only ,600, Condon
was virtually awarded the right to regu
late Its own saloons by the recent Medford
decision. .,
We will tell you why in the near future
Sharp Upturn in Wheat at
Further Reduction. of 22,000,000
Bushels in Argentine Crop Is
Estimated Revival in the
Export Demand.
. CHICAGO. Nov. 17. Activity and strength
marked trading in the wheat pit during the
final hour of the session, following a period
of dullness and depression. At the same time
prices advanced 1 to 2 cents from the low
point of the day. The greatest rise waa in
the May delivery- The sharp upturn was due
principally to the reinstalling by a leading
bull of a line of wheat sold out yesterday.
Several bullish features In the news gossip
developed In the meantime to further stimu
late demand, the chief one of these being a
report of a well-known foreign crop statisti
cian which claimed that a further reduction
of approximately 22.000.000 bushels would
have to be made in the estimate of this
year's yield of wheat In Argentina. Another
important factor waa a revival in the export
demand. Winnipeg reported an improved ex
port call also. Demand at 'the principal Eu
ropean grain center, waa responsible for much
of the bullish sentiment. Closing prices on
December were at 1.03fil.M and May
fl.08. - ,
Corn was weak during the early part of
the day. but later became firm. The cash
grain at the sample tables was steady to
Vc lower. The market closed firm at an ad
vance of He compared with the previous
close. Final quotatlona on December were
at 62c and on May at 62c.
Trade In oats waa comparatively dull and
sentiment early In the session was bearish.
During the last part of the day a much bet
ter demand developed. The market closed
firm, with prices up o to c. with De
cember at 49H9!4c and May at 51
"provisions were weak at the start, but be
came strong late In the session, owing to the
upturn In grain. At the cloee price, were
lo13c higher. ,,,..
The leading futures ranged as followa.
Open. High. Low. Close.
July :::::: LoU 102?. iu-
Dec 2 ', b?f
May -'!
July 61 -61
jtily :::::: ";7 -4S
r. 16.00 16.1714 I00 16"v
May :;:::; i.3 16.10
Jan 9.12 9 27 10
May 9 25 9.12 9 - i
Jan 8.37 8.50 8.37 8.50
Mav :::::: .5 8.67 8.52
Cash quotations were as follows:
Flour Steady. .
wneat No. 2 Spring, $1.0d.1.0,; No. 3.
93ci1.06; No. 2 red. fl.0S91.04H.
Corn No. 2, C363c; No. 2 yellow, 63
Oau-No. 2. 48c; No. 3 white, 48H
Rye No. 2. 74c.
Barley Good feeding. 58c; fair to choice
malting. 6063c.
Flax seed No. 1 Northwestern, fl.46.
Timothy seed Prime, $3.85.
Clover--Contract grades. $9.:5.
Short ribs Sides .loose), f8.258.75.
Pork Mess, per bbl., 14. 60 & 14.62 .
Lard Per 100 lbs., .9.32.
Sides Short, clear (boxed). $8.508.5.
Receipts. Shipments.
T-lour bbls 24.100 18.800
Wheat bu ............ 51.000 39.900
Corn bu ."I... 295.20O 2.14,900
Oats bu 1 410.500 226.000
Rve bu I . ... 4.000 3.000
gariey. bu. "9.100 ".800
Gmin and Produce at New York.
NEW YORK. Nov. 17. Flour Receipts,
87,233 barrels ;exports, 5328 barrels. Slow
but firmly held.
Wheat Receipts, 193.000 bushels; exports,
88.047 bushels. Spot nrm; No. 2 red, f 1.12H
1124 elevator and fl lSH f. o. b. afloat;
No. 1 Northern Duluth, fl.101. t. o. .b
afloat: No. 2 hard Winter. $1.13 f. o. b.
afloat. After showing indifference for two
days, bulls suddenly Jumped Into the wheat
market today and ran prices up to a new
high level for the season, causing heavy
covering of shorts. They were aided by
less favorable crop news, a better cash
demand and better cables. Last prices
showed llc net advance. December
closed $1.14 and May at $1.15.
Hops Steady; Pacific Coast, 1908 crop,
Hides Firm.,
Wool Steady.
Petroleum Steady.
European Grain Markets.
LONDON. Nov. 17. Cargoes, dull. Walla
Walla, prompt shipment. 6d lower at 37. 6d;
California, prompt shipment, 6d lower at
English country markets, quiet; French
country markets, dulK
LIVERPOOL, Nov. 17. Wheat December.
7s lid; March, 7s 9d; May, 7s 8d.
Weather fine.
Wheat at Taconm.
TACOMA. Wash., Nov. 17. Wheat Un
changed. Milling: Bluestem. 9flc Export:
Bluestem, 92c; club. 87c; red, 85c.
Changes in Available Supplies.
' NEW YORK. Nov. 17. Special cable and
J. C. AINSW0BTH, President . R. W. SCHMEER. Cashier.
R. LEA BARNES, Vice-President.
A. M. WRIGHT, Assistant Cashier.' W. A. HOLT, Assistant Cashier.
Issued for use on the AMERICAN CONTINENT
or in any FOREIGN COUNTRY, cashable without charge
or identification.
telegraphic communications received by
Bradstreefs show the following changes In
available supplies as compared with last
accunt: Bushels.
Wheat. United States, east of the
Rockies, increased yUS'SS!
Canada, increased 1,108.000
ceased0 r. . "I . . f .. . .WOS.OOO
Total American and European sup-
ply decreased 673.OO0
Corn, fnlted States and Canada,
decreased 548,000
Oats, fnlted States and Canada,
decreased 718,000
Grain at San Francisco.
SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 17. Wheat Firm.
Barley Strong.
Spot quotations: Wheat Shipping. $1.62
1.67 per cental; milling, $1.671.72 per
cental. , L
Barley Feed. $1.47 1.50 per cental: brew
ing. $1.4741.32 per cental.
Oats Red. $1.5012 per cental: white. $1.60
51.75 per cental; black. f2.252.60 per cen
tal Call board sales: Wheat May. $1.72 per
cental. ,
Barley December. $1.50 per cental; May.
$1.52), per cental asked, fl.53'4 per cental
b'corn Large yellow. $1.S5?1 90 per cental.
BRINGS $75,000.
Tlmbcrnien Expect to Erect Modern
Six-Story Building on Xorth
Portland Location.
Another landmark ig to disappear from
Fifth street. A sale was consummated
yesterday of the old Myrick home on the
west side of Fifth, between Ankeny and
Pine, opposite the Marshall-Wells Com
pany. The lot contains 113 feet on fifth,
60 on Pine and 52 on Ankeny.
The property was owned by Russell &
Blyth and was sold through their own
and Charles K. Henry & Son's agencies.
The consideration is $75,000. a figure about
the same as lots in that vicinity have sold
for the past year.
Until deed has passed the names of tne
purchasers are withheld, but they are re
ported to be two timbermen, one a recent
arrival from Pennsylvania. It is also re
ported to be the intention of the new
owners of this desirable property to erect
an important building on the site, prob
ably a six-story office building of modern
construction. The building now on the
site is of no value and is to be torn down
in the very near future.
National Officers of Elks' Order
Will Visit Portland.
Local members of the order of Elks
were apprised yesterday of an intended
visit to Portland of the highest of
ficials in the National organization.
John B. Coffey, exalted ruler of Port
land lodpe 142. received word that R.
U Holland, grand exalted ruler; Fred
C. Robinson, .grand secretary, and A
T Holly, grand trustee, will arrive
here November 2 on their way to
Los Angeles to arrange for the annual
grand lodge meeting that Is to convene
In that city in July.
A special meeting of the local lodge
Is to be held on the evening of No
vember 23. at which time Portland Elks
will have an opportunity to meet the
distinguished visitors. On the way
from their Eastern homes the grand
officers visited lodges in several of the
larger cities. They are to be invited
to spend Thanksgiving day In Port
land, but a longer stay than the one
day and night announced cannot be
assured until further information ar
rives concerning the plans of the visi
tors. Marriage Licenses.
WILSOX-BRADT George Wilson, 30,
cltv: Margaret A. Brady. 24, city.
nedy. 23. Montavilla; Miss Mabel Gustasson.
"'kaSPAR-PICHEB John Kaspar, 27,
cltv; Anna Plcher. 24. city. '
thena. 2. city: Bertha Pfaender. 18. city.
MATLOCK-WILCOX J. F. Matlock. 25,
- . T TVllftvr 17. cltv.
34. city; Emma Blumqulst. 34. city.
FINCH-PETTY James A. Finch, over 31.
cltv; May Petty, over IS, city.
SCHl"LTZ-SII.K Julius Schultz. 35. city:
Kate Silk. 36, city.
PUPF.RA-HCMMASTI Jacob Pupera, 28,
citv: Maria Hummastl. 26. city.
ZWBIFEL-ZANE George E. Zwelfel.
over 21. cltv; Dorothy Zane. 'JO. city.
WICKBEitG-OLSE.V John Wlckbertr, 2.
Ravmond. Wash.; Anna O. Oisen, over 18,
Wedding and vtsltlnjr cards. W. Q. Smith
& Co.. Washington bids., 4th and Wash.
Max M. Smith, florist. 150 Fifth St., opp.
Meier Frank. M. 7215.
Tou know that tired feeling the
feeling ttiat Is so prevalent In Spring
and Summer? That's because your liver
is not performing properly.
You know that chuck-full sensation
you often have just after eating?
That's also aue to your liver not act-
'"l'ou'lwow the pains of sick head
ache, the torture of indigestion, the
discomfort of a sour stomach, of bil
iousness, of rising bile? That's be
cause vour liver is not on the job.
You know the suffering of constipa
tion bad stomach, bowel inflamma
tion find similar troubles often leading
to serious complications and you
would be rid of all these if you could?
You can take Lanes Pills. They
make lazy livers work.
Lanes Pills are a specific for all
liver complaints.
They never cramp or gripe, never
leave any 111 or after effects. One pill
is a dose, and there are twenty-five
dosea in a bottle sold by druggists at
5c Made by Chas. E. Lane & Co.,
Chemista, St. Louis. Mo. Sold In Port
land by the Laue-Davis Drug Co., at
their four stores Third and Yamhill,
342 Washington street, Twenty-fourth
and Thurman and at East Twenty
eighth and East Qlisan.
Diseases o! Men
Varicocele. Hydrocele.
Nervous Debility. Blood
poison. Sine lure, Gieet,
rroatatto trouble and
ell other private dU
eeee are successfully
treated and cured by
me. Call and see me
about your case t
you want reliable
treatment with prompt
- - ana pennnueut
Consultation fre. and. !" Smcl
tlons satisiactory u u u
hours 8 A. M. to 8 P. at. Sundays 10 to IX
Call on or address
181 First St Cor. Yamhill, Portland, Or
Fingers roughened !y needlework
eatch every stain and look hope
lessly dirty. Hand Sapolio re
moves not only the dirt, but also
the loosened, injured cuticle, and
restores the fingers to their nat
ural beauty.
Cbl-el.eS'ter'e Ii.ond BrndAyi
IMlls in Ked and Hold rrctlilcVf
boxes, seeled with Blue Ribboe. V i
Take ether. Bwy of your
li-Ct- Aikfof CIlI-CirES-TEK
vetxn known as Best, Safest, Always Reliable
Ticket Office and Waltlnc-Booas,
First assj Aldsr Streets
Orecon City 6:80 A. M.. and ssery
to mlnutsa to and lncludlu H P. H.
then 10. 11 P M. : last car 11 mldnlfat.
Gresbam. Borinc, Essie Creek. Esta
eada. Caaadero. Fail-view and Troat
dale T:16, :15, 11:18 A- M 1:1. :,
B.15, 1:25 P. If.
Ticket office and walUn-room Second
and Washington atreeta.
A. M. 6:15. e:6(l. T:25. 8:0. S:SX
10, :B0. 10:80. 11:10. 1180.
V 14. 12:30. 1:10. 1:60. 2:80. 1:1,
S:B0. 4:80. 5:10. 8:00. 8:0, :0S. T:fc
:15. :25. 10:S5". 11:.
On Third Monday In Every Uoata
the Last Car Leaves at 1:05 P. at.
Dally except Sunday. "Dallr axcet
North Pacinc S.S. Cd'. Steamihlp
Roanoke and Geo. W. Elder
Sail for Eureka, San Ji'rancisco and
Los Angeles direct every Thursday
at 8 P. M. Ticket office 132 Third
6t., near Alder: Both phones, M.
1314. H. Young, Agent.
rmlv direct steamer and daylight sailings
From Alnsworth Dock. Portland. 4 P. M.
8 8 Rose City. Nov. 20. Uec. 4.
g , Senator, Nov. 27, lire. 11, etc
Prom Lombard St., San Francisco. 11 A. 14.
S S. Senator Nov. 21, Dec. 6.
8 S. Rose City Nov. 28. lx-c. 12.
j w. RANSOM. Dock Agent.
Main 2(18 Alnsworth Dock.
M J ROCHE, City Ticket Agent. 142 3d St.
Phone Main 402. A 1402.
The ateamer BREAKWATER leaves Port
land every Wednesday at S P. M. from Oak
street dock, for North Bead. Mar.hnrld and
Coos Bay points Freight received tlU 4 P.
II on day ot salllne;. Passenger fare, nrst
laas. 10; second-class, $1. iseludlnc berta
snd meals Inquire elty ticket office. Third
and Washlaatoa streets, or Oak-streel dock-
Empress Line of the Atlantic
Low rates fast time, excellent service Ask
any ticket agent tor par''Ia" ?r,,"
F. B. Johnson. P. A, 143 Tblrd Street,
Portland. Oreaon.
There are vacancies in a small exclusive;
party to sail January 7. ITnusual route. Im
mediate application necessary. ROT. ND THH
WORLD. Box 167. Boston, Mass.
Or. la. Ftsar. Feed. EM.
THEA7 tUueetem. $ac; club.
''7 1 2S.2!4 Vi.iJS
The rate of discount In the opea market for