THE MORXIXG OREGOXTAX, WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 13, 1903. Jo m m ME TO BE Next Session of Legislature Has Much Work Cut Out for It. THIS COUNTY IS ACTIVE Normal School Question to Come l'p. Also O. A. C. " Appropriation. Bank Guaranty Law Drafted. Change In Insurance Laws. Members-elect of the Oregon legisla ture have not become so engrossed In the fight for the organization r.f the two houses that they do not realize that the version thl Winter will have for consid eration an enormous amount of Important legislation. In fact, there la every mill ration that there will be as many meas ures of vital Importance to the state and Its Interests presented at the coming legislative session as ever were record id on the House and Senate calendars of any preceding; session. Not a few of the numerous bills will be presented by mem bers of the delegation from this county, while the Legislators from outlying coun ties are busy dictating prospective laws which they consider are demanded. As in previous sessions, the work of the legislature undoubtedly will be ob structed by the Introduction of numerous measures of minor consequence which serve only to congest the legislative machinery to the delay and possible defeat of the consideration of really Important measures. Normal School Question l'p. Foremost among the problems with which the Legislature again will be con fronted Is the normal school question. This annoying subject was supposed to have been settled finally at the last ses sion, when a commission was created with Instructions to dispense with two of the four state normal schools then ex isting and supported by the state. But It appears that the members of the com mission have failed to discharge the duties assigned them. They have voted to withdraw state support from the school at Ashland, but are divided as to which of the other three schools shall be de nied an appropriation from the state treasury. The result Is that the commis sion will report to the Legislature Its Inability to determine which of the other three schools shall be dlscontln . ued. so far as state assistance is con cerned. The other three schools are located at Ashland. Monmouth and Wes ton. This means that the old fight as to these schools will be renewed In the Legislature thPs Winter. Various measures relating to the edu cational Interests of the state will be presented for consideration. O. A. C. Wants .More Money. The State Agricultural College at Corvallts. It Is understood, will ask for an Increased appropriation. The State University, at Eugene, however, with a standing: appropriation of $125,000 per annum, probably will not have any ad ditional demands to present. This ap propriation Is generally regarded as amplv sufficient for the present needs of the Institution. There Is agitation for the creation of a Joint hoard of re gents which shall have charge of both of these state educational Institutions. Tlrere Is every probability that the agi tation for such a board will llnd expres sion In the presentation of a bill on the subject during the approaching: legisla tive session. In the same connection bills will be presented for the improvement of the public school system In this state. This prospective legislation will propose an Increased per capita tax for school pur poses. As a result of the muddle resulting from the attempt to enforce rival bills relating- to fishing In the Columbia River, both of which were enacted un der the Initiative last June, some dcrt nlte legislation regulating fisheries Is expected at the hands of Oregon's law making body this Winter. Bank Guaranty Law Drafted. It Is generally considered that the demands of the public will force the en actment of legislation for the protec tion of this Important industry, regard less of the conflicting Interests of the , up-river and the down-river fishermen, whose incessant warfare In the past has defeated the enactment of really reme dial legislation on this subject. Representative-elect Orton. of Mult nomah County, has drafted a bank guaranty law, modeled after that In force In Oklahoma, which will be intro duced early In the session. Just what fate this measure will meet remains to be seen, but there Is an-apparent dispo sition. e en should It be defeated, to amend. the present state banking law In many important particulars, tending to make the statute more stringent for the regulation of these institutions and the better protection of depositors. Unquestionably an attempt will be made to amend the Sunday-closing law so as to Include theaters and other places of entertainment In the law as It now exists. There does not appear to be any great demand for stich ex treme measures, and the probability that any such measure will meet with the approval of a majority of the state's law-makers seems doubtful. Local Option Amendment. Both the local option forces and the liquor Interests are figuring- on secur ing Important amendments to the ex isting local option laws In this state. If the cold-water people cannot gain any further advantages in their favor, they will resist firmly any attempt on the part of the saloon Interests to pull the teeth from the measure which al ready has served to put 21 out of the t counties of the state, representing 75 ier cent of Its area, in the dry column. The liquor people are not saying any thing as to their plans, but they are known not to be Idle by any means. The result of their pending delibera tions will be manifest during the com ing session. In view of the fight that Is being made on Statement No. 1. In this state, following the recent decision of the North Dakota Supreme Court. In which pledges were unconstitutional and not binding, an effort undoubtedly will be made either to repeal this provision or to amend Its form as It is now applied. Should this feature of the . primary law not be repealed in its en tirety It probablv will be amended to the extent that the pledge will be confined only to party choice as to United States Senator. Amend Corrupt Practices Act. If the primary law Is to be amended In any other respect, which It probably will be. the extent to which the law wlil be changed has not been divulged by those who would change the pres ent system. One thing is positively certain, and that Is that the Huntley corrupt practices act. enacted by the people through the Initiative last June, will be amended so as to avoid the charges uf unconstitutionality with CHANGED which It Is said to be chargeable in Its present form. Another measure which Is sure to come up again at this session of the Legislature is the bill for the conser vation of the Btate's resources. Vari ous interests, particularly the Oregon State Forestry Association, are agitat ing legislation which will safeguard the wttar and forest wealth of the state. Such a bill will be presented at the rnminr session. I Owing to the growing scarcity of , Chinese pheasants, farmers through- ' - .... - . . In favor UUl IIIO BLHIC IC " " " - of the passage of a bill which will provide a closed season for these birds for at least three years. They contend that without some such protection it will be only a few years until these game birds will be exterminated. Change Insurance Laws. The Portland Chamber of Commerce Is said to be back of a movement to repeal the law which requires foreign Insurance companies to file with the Secretary of State a bond of $50,000 before being permitted to do business in this state. This law Is objected to for the reason that it prevents a great many Insurance companies from doing business In this state, a con dition which is considered largely re sponsible for the arbitrary Insurance rates which have been levied and charged by such companies as have been profiting by the exclusion of out side competition. It Is contended that through the repeal of this law alone lies the solution of the existing prob lem of excessive Insurance rates. But in repealing the present law it is pro posed to create the office of Insurance Commissioner for the proper regula tion of the Insurance business in the state. It is also expected that a constitu tional amendment will be favored by the legislators providing for an in crease from three to five in the mem bership of the Oregon Supreme Court. Such a measure was submitted to the voters under the initiative last June, and was defeated by a large majority. Knlarge Supreme Court. The advocates of an enlarged Su preme Court, however, attribute the defeat of the amendment at that time to the fact that the measure con tained a number of Jokers. By con fining such an amendment purely to Increasing the members of the court its advocates feel confident that the voters of the state will acquiesce In such a request in view of the growing demands on the state's appellate court and the congested condition of busi ness before that tribunal. Still another measure that will be considered by the legislators this Win ter Is a good roads law. Recently a committee on this subject was ap pointed by the Oregon Good Roads Association, with Instructions to com pile a bill, patterned after the Johnson bill of the 1907 session, which would not contain the objectionable features of that measure which were respons ible for Its veto by the Governor after It had been passed by both houses. The Johnson bill proposed the con struction of public highways with the expense divided equally among the state, county and owners of abutting property. At the same time 'he amount of money to be contributed by the state was limited to $10,000 per an num to each county. Various Granges throughout the state have registered their positive disapproval of any mea sure of the kind which Includes the salient features of the Johnson bill. Any bill that may be proposed by the good roads enthusiasts must be with out the objectionable features of the Johnson measure or It wtll receive the determined opposition of the farm ers of the state. WOULD NOT CHANGE PLANS Alblna Club Wants Large High School as Projected. At, the meeting of the North' Alblna Push Club Monday night. C. L. Daggett, presiding, the main portion of the time was taken up with the consideration of the new Alblna high school, and It was the sentiment of the members present that it would be unwise to eliminate from the plans the wings, or assembly hall. In order to cut down expenses. It was the sentiment of the Club that the plans oufiht to be modified in such a way that the entire building could be erected at a cost of not more than $300,000; that the Kast Portland Hiirh School, which Is considered a model of stone schoolhouse construction, cost only $200,500. was cited to show what could be done with JoOO.OuO if the plans were modified. No one present favored cutting out any portion of the building. It was felt that the whole building is needed now. By resolution it was decided to appoint the Club a committee of the whole to attend the meeting of the North East Side Im provement Association next Friday night and there present the matter for action. Tomorrow and Friday positively the last days for discount on East Side gas bills. Don't forget to read Gas Tips. HUSBAND AND WIFE GO TO JAIL FOR QUARRELING ON STREETS Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. Boyer Eepent Too Late of Domestic Strife That Started at Breakfast Table. - MR. and Mrs. Fred L. . Boyer guests at the New Grand Central Hotel corner Third and Flanders streets, quarrelled at the breakfast table late yesterday morning, and tn consequence occupy adjoining cells at the City Jail. You eat too fast." said Mrs. Boyer. You want to eat all day." responded Bover. , , . . . There you go at It again, said the '-fm not going to row with you at the table." said Boyer and then left the place. . . Five minutes later his wife finished and Joined Mm out on the sidewalk. Bover was leading their eight-year-old bov up and down the street. "See here, why don't you wait for m don't you dare ever leave me alone at breakfast again." she snapped. 'You're always growling shut up. protested Boyer. Then the storm broke. Mrs. Boyer began pounding him with her umbrella. The first gouge she cut a wicked look ing gash In his cheek. He turned about and seized her. slapping her face three or four times. Almost instantly tne were the center of a large and constant ly growing crowd. Both ran short of strength and de sisted only to renew the exchange of courtesies. "You brute." exclaimed Mrs. Boyer. "You shrewish fool," said Boyer be tween his teeth. ... ,,, Thev were Just on the point of clash ing again when Patrolmen McCullough. Murray and Shaffer came up at doub e quick and ended the little domestic "slai and wife were taken to the Po lice Station, arriving Just In time for the session of court. They were both mad enough to air their grievances. "He's always nagging at me, said Mrs. Boyer. "She's the original and only nagging woman," said Boyer. "Ten apiece for airing your troubles on the street." said Judge Van Zante. And the sorrowful part of It, as ihey both realized at this moment was that neither hud a penny and for that matter FIRST BARLEY OUT One Vessel Clears and Anoth er About Ready. MONTH'S CARGOES START Asgard Carries 00,180 Bushels for Balfour-Guthrie and Brodick Castle Is to Follow Foreign In Few Days. Carrying a full cargo of barley, or 90.1SO bushels, the Norwegian ship Asgard cleared yesterday for Queenstown or Falmouth for orders. The value Is Riven on the manifest as JS7.6H2. The ship Is under charter to Balfour. Guthrie & Co. This Is the first barley cargo out this month and Is to be followed by another of the same giain probably the beginning of STEAMER INTELLIGENCE, j Due to ArrlTe. t A,?r. Hog.....xsDT- Bo.. CItV....San In ijort Roanok L01 Angel... . . In T i'oo. Bay Nov. IS . j CaHnna rrll. . . POT. A Senator San Francisco. Nov. 24 Geo V Elder San Pedro Nov. U Num.nlia Honckonr Dec. 1 Nebr.sknn... Sallna. Crux.. Dec. 4 Nlcomcdla. . . Hongkong Feb. 1 Scheduled to Depart. Name For. -D"fc, 1 .... rnnt "R.V NOV. IS S'.'ZZ To. An.e!e....Sov. 19. Rote city".. San Francisco. Nov. Alliance Coos Bay. ... Nov. Nov .dan Puget Sound. ..Nov. Alesia Hoilb-konu Nov. Heo W. Elder Pan Pedro Nov. Senator San Nebraskan... Salinas Cms.. Dec. v.iTYi..ntla Honskong ...Dec Entred Tuesday. Breakwater. Am. .teamahej; (Mac Genn). general cargo, from Coo. Bay. n i-it.- Am eteatnjihln lam- ston). general cargo, from San Francisco. Roma. Am. steamship (Dickson), fuel oil from San Francisco. Cleared Tuesday. A.gard. Nor. ship CH.lvorsen). full cargo barley for Queenstown or Falmouth for orders. Breakwater, Am. steamship (Mac Genn). general cargo, for Coos Bay. Roma, Am. Steamship (Dickson), water ballast, for San Francisco. next week, as the Brodick Castle for Barnard-Bunker Is expected to finish Saturday. The Brodick Castle will carry about i00 tons. The Portland & Astatic steamship Alesia Is to finish today at the flour mills and will probably leave down tomorrow or Friday. She will carry besides flour, miscellaneous cargo and Is to sail for Vladivostok. Siberia. Quite a large ship ment of fruit for the Russian port Is taken on the steamship. STOP WORK CXTIL SPRING Government Engineers Prepart to Discontinue Jetty Construction. United States engineers are preparing to discontinue work on the extension of the Jetty at the mouth of the Columbia. Gerald Bagnall, who has had supervision of the work. Is In Portland for a short trip. He said yesterday that according to present estimates it will require about two years to complete the work. Mr. Bagnall has been In charge for the past two years, with headquarters at Fort Stevens. The specifications call for build ing the jetty one and one-quarter miles farther than Its present length. Work will be discontinued until next Spring as nothing can be accomplished during stormy weather and workmen are preparing the plant to leave snug for the Winter. The engineers are well satisfied with what has already been accomplished and look for a good report at the time of the next survey. They express the opinion that 40 feet of water at the mouth of the river Is to result from the com pleted work, and furthermore have no doubt on the subject. Marine Items of Seattle. SEATTLE. Nov. 17. United States Local Inspectors Whitney and Turner made public their findings In the col lision between the steamer Cottage City and schooners Blakely and Baln uridge. They rule that no one was to blume. as the steamer's steering the entire family fund doesn't total $20. They saw their folly but It was too late. They had to send away for money and In the meantime are being held In a cell at the City Jail while their child is being kept In custody of Mrs. Lola G. Baldwin. IT DRAGS YOU SLOWLY DOWN It's hard to keep an even temper with a dull pain nagging all day at your back: In fact, kidney troubles are at the bottom of very much of the nervousness and Irritability that are so common today. You wonder why you are short and cross, can't keep your mind on one thing, are Inclined to worry over trifles, and subject to tits of "hliies" and despondency. Partly It Is due; to that pain In your back, partly to the irritating effect of uric acid on your brain and nerves. I'rlc acid Is a poison that is always forming in the body, and it is the duty of the kidneys to filter it out of the blood and pass it off. dissolved. In the urine. Healthy kidneys do this work thoroughly and well, but weak or sick kidneys get behind, and the waste matter collects here and there In the muscles, joints and nerve cen ters. Headache, dizzy spells, rheuma tism, neuralgia, blurry spots before the eyes, nervousness and heart trou ble, are signs of uric poisoning. So do not wonder at your condi tion, especially If the urine does not look or pass naturally. And If your back aches continually, or you are taken with sharp cricks and stitches of pain when you stoop, turn, or try to lift. It is sure that your kidneys are out of order and need prompt at- l5 OAN'S KIDNEY Sold by ail dealers. Price So cents. Fosnjt-MiLun Co.. Buffalo. gear went wrong at the critical mo ment, this being responsible for the accident. The Alaska-Pacific Steamship Com pany has purchased a steamer on the Atlantic Coast to enter service be tween San Francisco and Seattle. Cap tain E. P. Bartiett, master .of the steamer Watson, arriving today from San Francisco, Wt tonight for New York to bring the vessel out. Her name Is not yet announced, but with the Watson and Buckman a five-day schedule will be maintained. The steamer Governor sailed for San Francisco this afternoon with a capacity cargo and 350 passengers. The steamer President arrived from San Francisco with a full cargo also. The steamer Yucatan is due in early tomorrow morning with a large num ber of passengers from Valdeg arid ports. Notices to Mariners. Captain Neumann of the German steam ship Arabia reports that on November 7, 19fi8. at 9 A. M., in latitude 34:49 N., longitude 130:39 W. he passed a shelled boat, no name on It, grass growing on the surface. Also on November 12, 1908. at 6 A. M-, Captain Blanco bearing to Magn. S. E. 4fc miles, passed a large spar about 40 feet long. Xevadan on Way North. Advices were received yesterday by the Merchants' Exchange that the American Hawaiian steamship Nevadan, on her way with get.eral cargo from Atlantic ports, sailed from Salinas Crus November 15 for Fortland. Marine Notes. The Johan Poulsen Is at Prescott load ing part cargo. The steamer Eureka will sail for Marsh field and Eureka this afternoon. When the steamship Alesia leaves the four mill, today or tomorrow, the Arabia will take the berth. Schooner Shoshone left down last night from Linnton with grain in hold and a deckload of lumber. The tank steamer Roma brought up from. San Francisco 25.000 barrels of fuel oil for the Union Oil Company, Coming up from Prescott the Yellow stone will take on a load of piling at the East Side box factory's dock. Work started yesterday on the new drydock for the Oregon Drydock Com pany. It is estimated that 1,000.000 feet of lumber and 150 tons of Iron and steel will be required In the structure. The new drydock is to be located at the foot of Hoyt street. Harbormaster Speler was the owner of a new gasoline launch for a short time yesterday. The launch had been run off the ways where it was built, above the Morrison street bridge, without the pre caution of a restraining line and floated down the river broadside. Captain Speler took after It In a rowboat and succeeded In tying It up at the Portland Flouring Mill dock. Soon afterward the owners appeared on the scene in a wildly excited frame of mind and were permitted to take the boat away. Arrivals and Departures. PORTLAND. Nov. IT. Arrived Roma, from San Francisco. Sailed Roma, for San Francisco. Astoria, Nov. 37. Condition of the bar at 5 P. M-, obscured: wind, southeast, 24 miles; weather, rainy. Arrived down at S A. M. -'-Barge N'o. Bl. Outside at 5 P. M. Steamer W. S. Porter. San Francisco, Nov. 17. Sailed last nlR-ht Steamer Geo. W. Elder, for Portland. Sailed at 11 A. M. Schooner Samar and steamer Atlas with barge No. 3, for Port land. Salinas Cruz. Nov. 17. Sailed November 15 Steamer Novadan. for Portland. Victoria. Nov. 17. Sailed British steamer Banksneld. for St. -Vincents. Arrived Steamer Uganda, from Magdalena Bay, for Portland. Auckland. Nov. 17. Arrived Barkentin. Kokohead. from Portland. Colombo, Nov. 17. Arrived Corse, from Antwerp. Marseilles, etc., for Japan, China and San Francisco. Yokohama. Nov. 17. Sailed Empress of Japan, for Vancouver. Coronel, Nov. Is. Arrived Knight of the Thistle, from San Francisco, Portland. Or., etc.. for St. Vincent, C. V., and Hull. Hong-kong-, Nov. 16. Arrived Lennox from Vancouver, via Yokohama. San Francisco, Nov. 17. Sailed Schooners Aeolus, Marshall Islands; Charles R. Wilson, Grays Harbor: steamer HUonlan, Honolulu; steamer Hons Kong Mam. Hong-kong-; steamer Atlas. Astoria, towing barge; schooner Samar. Astoria; steamer J. Mar noffer, Portland. Tides at Astoria Wednesday. High. rx)W. R-r.S A. M 7.4 feet'2:17 P. M 2 0 feet 9-12 P M 6.3 feet'3:82 P. M 2.0 feet Olympla Malt Extract, good for grand' ma or baby. Only K-100 of 1 per cent alcohol. Phones Main 671. A 2467. j&4UafIttlXto& through their most critical ordeal with safety and no pain. No woman who uses "Mother's Friend" need fear the suffering and danger incident to birth, for it robs the ordeal of its horror and insures safety to life of mother and child, and leaves her in a condition more favorable to speedy recovery. The child is also healthy, strong and good natured. Our book, "Motherhood, ".is worth its weight in gold to every woman, and will be sent free in plain en velope by addressing ap plication to BRAD FIELD REGULATOR CO. Atlanta, Ga. EflliiHIf! ENDURE THIS?'. m jvtvEiPicnjEfl -fiUH mm 1 up iff i Fir?? ml mi fiifiinm i i tttti i t 1 itfl ffrTTTWPfflffl Pf I Ftl I n I f TFHT Mfcai :iiiiuiiiuiiiiiii!ii:uiiiiuiiiiiiiuiuiiiiiiiiiujiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiuuiiiuiiii ETHOW CAN I ENDURE THIS ?'! SAYS HE WILL W I rJ McArthur Confident of Elec tion as Speaker. HAS 19 MEMBERS PLEDGED Republican Candidate Is Not Alarmed by Opposition and Claims Support of Statement and Anti-Statement Men. C. N. McArthur. Representative-elect from Multnomah and Clackamas Coun ties, is not In the least perturbed over the apparent determination of the State ment forces to defeat his election as SDeaker of the House in the Oregon Leg islature ' next Winter. Neither is he alarmed by the representations or rival candidates that eventually they will dis sipate his strength and profit thereby. Mr. McArthur emphatically denies that he is an anti-Statement candidate as pre siding officer of the House, since his can didacy is being supported both by State ment and anti-Statement members. He declares that 19 members of the House are pledged absolutely to him for Speaker and will continue to support htm to the last. This is sufficient repre sentation to put a crimp In the aspirations of other candidates who may seek the divided support either of the Statement or-the anti-Statement forces. "I am still the leading candidate for Speaker of the House and shall continue to be." said Mr. McArthur yesterday. "My prospects for election as Speaker are all that could be desired at the present time. I have 19 votes pledged and am counting on the support of a number of members who are in th? doubtful column. Further more. I shall be the second choice of a number of Representatives who are now supporting other candidates and who have little chance of election. "I am not the 'anti-Statement' candi date for my candidacy Is being supported by several Statement No. 1 men. This question will not enter into the selection of Speaker of the House or President of the Senate, each of whom will be chosen in a Republican caucus. The gentle men who are supporting me will stay with me until the. end. "My strength In Multnomah County will surprise a great many people as will the splendid support which I am receiving from Eastern Oregon. I am in the race to stay and am going to win." PRESENTS FOR SMOKERS SIchel Is closing out his entire stock of smokerB' novelties, as the room Is needed to meet growing demands of cigar trade. Prices are greatly reduced many cut right In two thus affording an excel lent opportunity for Christmas purchas ers. Every article must go. Items of Tacoina Harbor. TACOMA. ' Nov. 17. The steamer Nebraska arrived in port tonight from Seattle to load general freignt ror Sallna Cruz. Shu will leave in the morning for Bellingham, where she completes her cargo. The ship W. F. Babcock will prob ably put to sea tomorrow with her cargo of lumber. The British ship Latimer will finish her grain cargo In the morning at the London dock. The steamer Watson arrived In port tonight from San Francisco, via Seat tle. The steamer Tamplco returned to Seattle early this morning to load for Alaska. The British bark Lord Templetown arrived tonight from Mukiiteo to com plete her cargo of lumber. The steamer President is due In the morning at the Pacific Coast dock. ' Will Complete Gladstone Church. At the meeting Sunday of the con gregation of the Church of Christ, at Gladstone, It was decided to continue the work on the new church building In And many other painful and serious ailments from which most mothers suffer, nn- Via miAi'lo hwr V-i e hop call uw avuiuuu uj, inv uov ti" of "Mother's Friend." This JLL " I r'cZrtZ them frentlon, for Bick kidneys cannot right themselves without help. Doan's Kidney Pills are especially for the kidneys. They relieve con gestion quickly, cleanse the kidneys and the blood, set the filtering" system in perfect operation. Fifty thousand persons publicly rec ommend Doan's Kidney Pills. Heres a case right at home: PORTLAND TESTIMONY Mrs. A. M. Hollabaugh living at 328 Grant street, Portland, Or., says: "My faith in Doan's Kidney Pills is stronger today than when I first gave a state ment for publication in their favor some years ago. The years that have since elapsed have only served to in crease my appreciation of this excel lent preparation. I have found Doan's Kidney Pills to be thoroughly reliable in every way. I had suffered severely from ' kidney disorders, backache and an irregular action of the kidney se cretions. Doan's Kidney Pills gave me prompt relief, banishing the back aches, correcting the action of my kidneys and benefitting me In every way. I am glad to have the oppor tunity of again giving Doan's Kidney pills my indorsement." PILL N.Y.. Proprietors, V! Liver Pills Ask your doctor if he knows a better pill for a sluggish liver than Ayer's Pills. Then follow his advice. Ayer's Pills It is impossible, simply impossible, for any one to enjoy the best of health if the bowels are consti pated. Undigested material, waste products, poison ous substances, must be daily removed from the body or there will be trouble, and often serious trouble, too. Ayer's Pills aid nature, that is all. We have no secrets! We publish the formulas of all our medicines. '. C. AYER CO., Manufacturing Chemists, Lowell, Mass. order to complete the structure at the earliest date possible. It was the orig inal intention to postpone the building operations until next season. Services on Sunday. November 2'1. will be held In the basement. Sunday school will be at 10 o'clock. Subject of Rev. Muekry's morning sermon will be 'The Parah'e of Passivity." At 7:30 o'clock he will speak on "Fruitless Confession." BEATEN FROM BEHIND Man In Search of Work Tells Pitiful Story. Beaten over the head by highway men as he was walking along the Northern Pacific track near Ooble, August Koch, 33 years old, was sent to the County Hospital yesterday. He told Mr. Carr. clerk of the County r. II V El d2 J DONT FAIL TO VISIT OUR FREE MUSEUM OF ANATOMY A complete exhibition of science and art. Presenting a vivid and realistic study of the origin and development of the hu man race from the beginning to the end. Also a. figure study of health and dis ease in all its various phases, represent ed by life-size models in wax and papier-1 mache. These lifelike models are the cleverest work ' of the foremost masters of the world. Reader, you should see this great ex hibition and note how wonderfully we are made. CONSULTATION AND EXAMINATIONS FREE AND OUR CURES GUARANTEED ' We cure Weakness of Men, Varicocele, Hydrocele, Nervous Debil ity, Blood and Skin Diseases, Sores, Ulcers, Swollen Glands, Kidney, Bladder and Bectal Diseases, Prostate Gland Disorders, and all Con tracted Special Diseases of Men. Men make no mistake when they come to us. We give you the results of long experience, honest, conscientious work, and the best service that money can buy. If you are ailing, consult us. Medicines furnished in our private laboratory from $1.50 to $5.00 a course. It you cannot call, write for self-examination blank. Hours, 9 A. M. to .8 P. M. daily. Sundays 9 to 12 only. OREGON MEDICAL INSTITUTE 291 Morrison St., Between Fourth and Fifth, Portland, Or. CURE MEN Is My Fee in Any Uncomplicated Disorder Xo other physician employs a like method, and so thorough is my work that there need not be the slightest fear of a relanse into the old condition. It Is not a question of whether you can be cured, but whether you will be cured. Don't wait until It Is too late. My method is perfect and quick. The cure is absolutely certain. I use NO KNIFE, cause no pain, and you need not be detained from your work for one day. I especially solicit those cases where many, so-called treatments have failed or where money has been wasted on electric bells and other appliances. Those in any trouble suffering' from SPERMATORRHOEA, VARICOCELE, HY DROCELE, BLOOD POISON' or any other disease tending to destroy and disfigure and to render happiness Impossible are urged to call upon me without delay. CONSULTATION AND ADVICE FREE MY HONEST AND CANDID ADVICE COSTS YOU NOTHING. I cheerfully give vou the very best opinion, euided by years of successful practice. Men out of town, in trouble, write if you cannot call, as many cases' vi'ld readilv to proper home treatment ana cure. My offices are open daily from 9 A. M. to 9 P. M., and Sundays from Tne DR. TAYLOR Co. 2344 Morrison Street, CORNEn SECOND AND MOBRISON STREETS, PORTLAND, OREGOV. Board of Relief, a pitiful story yes terday. He was working in a hotel at Kala ma. he said, when he heard that help was wanted at a sawmill' across the river. But no Job awaited him. so he started toward (iolilf. He stepped aside to permit the passape of a freight train, when a man approached him with the question: "Have you any money?" He asked the fellow what he wanted, and when the man started for him. struck and kicked him. As Koch was grappling with the high wayman, he was struck on the hand with an Iron bar. by a second man who approached from behind. His fingers were broken and the pair then beat him on the head. He has been, until yesterday, under treatment by Dr. Zeigler at St. Vincent's hospital. Only One "BROMO QUININE" That is LAXATIVE BROMO yUINlNE. Loo for the signature of E. W. GROVE. Used the Worm over to urtj . m OUR FEE For a complete core In any simple un complicated case. UK. TAILOR, The Leading Specialist NOT A DOLLAR NEED BE PAID UNTIL CORED