TIIE MOKTTXG OREGOXIAX. WEDEOTAT, NOVEMBER 18, 1908. FOR SALE RE AX ESTATE. WE TOLD TOU SO. luUxlOO. NORTHRCP ST.. between 24th and 2Mb. . We have been telling you that you'd better buy that excellent APART MENT or HOME KITE at $7000. That the price would surely be advanced when our liard times contract expired, and HERE TO IT HAVE IT. 7500. And It's vtflf the CHEAPEST BUY In the locality. You would have to pay $10,000 for the same amount of ground right ACROSS THE STREET. BITTJXITH1C paving la fn and pa for. DON'T LET IT PASS YOU AGAIN. COLUMBIA TJtUST COMPANY, 714 Couch Bidg. 109 4 th St. BARGAIN in 8-room modern home on Kear ney at-: full lot. only $e5"9 Fractional lot with 7-room house oi Johnson St.: $4750. Full lot. with M-room house, near Port land Academy, only ?.".."0o. Jot alone worth in price: building free. Fine corner. Goxioo. with two bouse. ek'f In on carllne; $10,000. l'Vx 1M. 7 -rom house, on Meade at., only ."i50; snap. VA.VDl'YN WALTON. 615 Chamber of Commerce. English walnut We are the larg-est owner and plant ere in Oregon. We have the only planted tracts on the market. Our properties are In the walnut country. Yamhill fr-acre tracts, planted. $100 cash. $15 per monta, CHiiRCiiXLL. MATTHEWS COi. INC. 110 ftecood at. PORTLAND H KICHTS. I-arge grounds, mncmn. nt view, beau tiful -room hme. bulit by ownr for own home; hardwood floors. 3 fl replace, fin ished In mahogany and quarter-Rawed oak; this Is on of the iiaest homes on the Height and win be given at a bargain If tftkn at once. For price and excellent terms eve ZIMMERMAN. 521 CortM-tt blrig. $3 IRVINOTON DISTRICT $W. Beautiful lots, Broadway. Schuyler, Hancock sta Graded street, cement curba and walks Hull Run water, all In and paid. $200o building restriction. Close to car. Price only $;.'0: $63 cash, batarce $10 per month at 6 per cent in terest. CALL ON US. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, 714 Couch Bldg. lOtt Fourth St. ONLY THREE MORE. We have Just three more bargain lots In North Alblna. See us for prices and tc rm PORTLAND TRt'ST COMPANY OF OKE'iOX. S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. BARGAIN AT $1130. 4 acres all in garden, fruit and berries In small town on S. P. R. R-, 13 miles out: good ."i-rornn house, barn and other outbuildings; good well water. This Is all ood land and Is Just as we say. $500 down. Have fr rent 6-room new house, lOOx 100 in garden; $12.50 per month. CAMERON A CABLE, fill Hoard of Trade Bldg. NEW AND MODERN. 5-room cottage In N IRTH A LB IN A : tine corner lot. only $2M0. This is worth the money. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. S. E. Cor. Third ad Oak Sts. BARGAIN in 8-room modern home on Kear- ney St.; full lot. only $5oO. Full lot and 8-room huse. near Port land Academy, $.V00. The iot Is worth the price, will throw in the building. VANDUYN WALTON. 510 Chamber of Commerce. WE BUILD HOMES. We have flrst-ciaas. modern facilities for building- home upon terms wtthln the reach of all. Cali and examine our up-to-date methods. TUB VETERAN LAND CO., 822 Cbamber of C. mmerce, 15 ACRES, with frontage on Willamette River and extending back to Improved county road, running; water on tract, mostly In wild state with native trees and shrubbery; Ave ml Ins from Portland, 1500 feet from electric line; price (24.500. II. Q. Starkweather, route 1. MDwaukle. Or. Phone Oregon City. Farmers las. FOR SALE Kenton business property tn Original Swift Townsite; rooming-houses, vacant lots, warehouse, business and res ident property. Our business chances are exceptionally good See the E. L Fraley Co . 917 Board oft Trade bldg. Main 94 Hi. A 31 h8. GOOD LOT. good hou-e. good location; $3t00 takes that nice home. I009 Albma ave., near Rlandenn. on M isueHppl-a venue line, with gra.led 5Woot lot. street and sidewalk, with water, gs. electrl.-lty and bath; $1400 mortgage. Western Investment Co., 502 Corbett bik. FINE IRVINGTON LOT CHEAP. $7n will handle fine east faclnc l"t rlnM In walking distance, near Broad wiv car; --treats paved, cement walks, sewer, etc.: Ideal location for hungakw. Room 3. over Merchants National Hank. S ACRES of chole rround at the Junction of two well traveled avenues; all in high state of cultivation: choice orchard: large modern 8 room house; near good carline; $.'4M. Full particulars given at 410 Fall ing building. WANTED A real estate firm to take full charge of the saK of towneite in irri gated district on Columbia River: big commission to right parties. Write at once to G. W. A misusing. 43 Zelgler bldg., Spokane. Wash. ' A RARE BARGAIN New .-room modern htira-aiow. china clowet. o.i h.'isi. large baa' men t. cement foundation, l.t 5xlm'. Price, $1V. Slooo cK-h. balance terms to sniit. J. D. Dormaa. Fir.and station. Mount Sv nit cr. T 1 L La T. 30x 1 ort. n ear Ea st Alder and ;iHt h. with a good fi-room hu-e: batiu toilet km and electric lights; $J40; fa- orable terms. Culver, Chamber of. Cominerre. E. 33P-STREET LOT. $100. Nice lot. ittxlWO. on E. 33d St.. 150 ft from car; between two nice houses. $6u0; $li cash, balance easy. J W. Grussl. 265 Washington. vtr. 3d. room 7. 1iHx214 in Irving ton Park ; lies fine: must be so!d at once: price. J20i. This is the cheapest snap to he found on the tra- t. MARTIN J. HIOLKY. LIS THIRD ST- SNAP. 7 -rom strictly modern house, elegant furniture, must sU on account of sickness. t2 Grand ave. North. C 1?M. fVNNYSIDE snap; inrviem 7 -room house, lot Wv.U2. beautiful fruit and shade trees; $Vv4. $!" ca.h. bal. easy for quick sale. SPENCER at CO.. 102 2d st. RVNa.5AI.OWS In Funnyside and Vernon districts; $,0 down, balance monthly Kauffmann Moore. 32i Lumber Exhanxe. 4- ROOM house, bath. gas. wash trays, dou ble floors; 342 Morris st. ; price. $l4o. terms, or UWK cash; will rent for $12 00 monthly: good buy. Owner FOR SALE 7 -room cottage and fractional lot. 70S Everett St. bet. 21st and i-d; price $4750 . for terms, see owner. 11$ Falling bUlg. a ACRES: 3 improved : 13 minutes from MetiKT station. I must sell; for the next few days $2100 will take It; terms. 411 Couch bldg Owner. HOUSES for sale In all i-arts of the city; acmece clse in and farms in Oregon and Washington. Phone Main 444t, Kinney Stampher. Ml -32 Lumber Exchange bldg. ABSTRACTS EXAMINED BT E.VPEKT REAL ESTATE ATTT. P A. TUFTS 3031 WASHINGTON ST. IF you want Peninsular real estate call Wil lamette Real Ftate Co.. Willamette ora tion. t. John car. phone Woodlawn lfl-S. CORNER 50xlt5, 1 block from Union ave., 4 room ho us.-. $J00. 410 Failing bldg. BY OWNER tj-room house, cheap. Phone Main J 441 LOTS, near KllUngsworth avenue, $400 up: term a 410 Fulling bldg LARGE fractional comer lot with good i nom house, central residence district. East Portland; block from car; $401, half cash. Culver. 423 Cbamber of Commerce. FINE business property on Russell st , r0x 145: 2 stores. S rooms overhead. This Is a positive snap: pri-'e. $H.Oo. MARTIN J HIGLEY. 1.12 THIRD ST. S l TH Pirtland corner 3-room cottage only $25o; i.-rmv owner. 24n Stark. TO EXCHANGE. TO EXCHANGE FOR SMALL HOP .OR ' FRUIT FARM. Modern, elegant R-room house, large rromi and halls: ' fiber plastered, tinted walls, porcelain bath, hot and cold water, china closet- full concrete basement, elec tric lignts. etc. In a most desirable part of city. Price $;!50O. Will exchange for small fruit or hop farm of 20 to tiO acres must have stock and Implements included will TtAV d ' r, n ROSE CITY REALTY INVESTMENT COMPANY. Room 515 Lumber Exchange Bldg-, Cor. 2d aod Stark. TO EXCHANGE for city property the fol lowing farms: 10 acres near Clackamas station. $4300. o sveres near Aurora station. $6o00. 64 acres near MUwaukle station. $450 p-r acre. m acres near Tualltln station. f SOOO. 110 acres near Sheridan. $33 per acre. 10 acre near Ashland. $2.".i. 93 acres near Troutdaie, $15,000. Li acres near Hillsdale. $7ooO 12 acres near Mllwaukie. $12,000. KACFFMANN A MOOKB, Lumber Exchange. SO-ACRE, well improved farm. 8 acres be ing fine beaverdam, on oleetrlc line, close to Portland, new. modern residence, fine barns and outbuildings. 2 good horses. 4 cws. hogs, sheep, chickens, vehicles, farming implements, only isoOu; furniture goes; only a little money required; would accept Portland property as part; this Is a big snap. Call 613 Chamber of Com merce. WILL sv!l or exchange for choice realty In good location up-to-date apartment-house, will all modern improvements, in center of city; leased for $425 per month. Cor respondence solicited; principals only. T .'50. Oregonian. WHAT have you to trade for exclusive acencjr contract and $2H worth of goods, the best seller on earth? Other business forces this transaction. See E. Hurlbert. 411 Couch bldg. . WILL exchange valuable apartment bldg., paving good revenue, for large tract of desirable farm land or timbered land. For particulars ad drees F. I. Salter Company, Duluth. Minn. OF COURSE! CERTAINLY! If you want to buy. sell or trade business or projerty, follow the crowd to Stevenson A Taylor,, rooms 310 and 311 Buchanan bldg. FINE rooming-house, 44 rooms, furniture nearly new, pays $3u0 and expenses; $4200; will take acreage or residence nrst payment. 1 431, Oregonian. WILL trade lot for piano or typewriter; trade anything you have for anything you want. Call at room 1019 Board of Trade bid. ROOMING-HOVSE 38 rooms, all full, clear ing $85 monthly; will trade for acreage, vat-ant lots or bouse and lot. value $2750. Particulars 523 Lumber Exchange bldg. WI LL trade $."". contract being paid off Sift per month and interest o per cent, lor a lot. rnone .t-asi iwiu. CHOICE glty lots; also house and lot; all glK-ege property; traue tor timoer or farm. Walling. 243 Stark. TO exchange; everything for something-. What nave you? uoiascnmiat s Agency, Business Dept., 253 Washington. FOR SALE 214 acres, all Improved; five Mocks from Milwaukle car barns. Call Browning's baths. 14C 1st. WILL EXCHANGE piano for lot; Portland property or wheat land, for Hood Klver orchard. 101U Board of Trade. FARMS, houses, lots and businesses of numerous kinds, and all sizes, for sale and for trade. 513 Chamber of Commerce. SALOON WANTED. For 160 acres fine land In Lake County. Phone Tabor 1257. -4.Oou.iHto yellow pine claim ; will trade for home in city. A C .l.v. Oregonlan. FOR SALE or exchange a corner, suburban Int. Apply to AE Oregonian. WILL trade for what you have. 404 Kucnanan bmg. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. BARGAINS IN TIMBER. 20 claims in Grant County, averaging 1.5oo.ioo to 2,oo0.0oo per claim; price $1S0 per claim. Io,r-o0.rw) feet of yellow fir In Tillamook County; prK'e $t4.0; also a snap In Grant County, two claims of l,5o,o0o each, for $1M1. 7 claims for sale cheap: mile end a mile and half from Santlam River and C. A. E. liatlrosd. Call snd investigate. THE MAY-HOLLAND COMPANY, INC. B2-ti27-6-yi Corbett bldg. TIMBER LANDS. I can supply you with good timber In almost any part of the stale at reason able prices and In tracts to suit. If you are In the market, call on me before pur chasing. C. J. UcCracken, R04 McKay bldg. TIMBER LANDS OREGON. WASHINGTON, CALIFORNIA JAMES D. LACEY A CO.. Chicago. New Orleans. Seattle. S29 Chamber of Commerce. Portland. 320 ACRES OF P.V TIMBER CRUISINO 2S MILLION FEET FIR. MORE OR LESS, FOR LUMBER STANDING AlIN'O O. W P RAILROAD. NEAR ANDERSON STA TION. K UNI TA K E BROS.. R. F- D. NO. 5, BOX 3. G R US HAM. OR. TIMBER lands bought and sold, cash paid for single claims. Have several large tracts lined up direct from original entry men; guaranteed cruise on all holdings. C. C. Shay. 407 Rothchlld bldg. CHEAPER THAN Government land Have f- v rat patented timber claims, well situ- . a ted. 3.000.000 to 6. OttO. OOO feet each, at $1000 per claim. Western Investment Co,, 601-502 Corbett bldg. A FINE proposition In timber, with saw mill and shingle mill on the ground; stream for running logs to the mill; easily logged, all down slope; must be sold. Frary A Seltx. 132 5th St. 100 ACRES, located in 14 3, 4 E.. Linn Cnuntv; r.0XMoo merchantable yellow fir; best offffer takes it. I ceed the money. I'bone C 1113. 16.4-tO ACRES of timber, cruises 33,0oQ to the acre; price 7c rer M. ZIMMERMAN. 521 Corbett bl.lg. THREE logging jobs to let by the thousand, on 2 A. 000,000 feet; work to begin at once. A 42S, Oregonian. WK are headquarters for timber and lum ber enterprises of all kinds. Ktnney A Stampher. .3l-32 Lumber Exchange bldg. 4.000.000 FEET of live timber in Douglas Count v only $1S00. E. L. Fraley Co., 917 Board of Trade bldg. V A NT ED At once. three good timber claims to locate uXon. A 42rV. Oregonian, TIMBER AND HOMESTEAD LOCATIONS. 327 WORCESTER BLOCK. WANTED REAL ESTATE. BARGAIN I am the owner of a large bus iness building and a t- room house, on corner lot. N."xl20; monthly rental $150. value $ I'i.OOo; incumbrance $.ooo. due llll; will trade my equity at $7000 on a good city home or a well-Improved acre age or farm. This is a bargain, but I am too old to look after the building. S 37D, Oregonian. FINE RESIDENCE WANTED. Want very fine home; prefer Nob Hill; price to range from $13.oOO to $25.O0; must be riKht price and from owner. Gtve full particulars. Address G 430, Oregonian. WANTED To purchase on monthly pay ments. 6 or "-room home; grounds luOx Itio preferred: state location, price and terms. A D 3S6, Oregonian. 12' ACRES cleared land on railroad. West Side, on terms; give full description. A 0 33e. Oregonian. RAVE vacant lots to exchange as part pay ment oa 5-room bouse, not to exceed $3ouO. C 434. Oregonian. SMALL acreage on carline. small payment down, time on balance; state location ana price. E 416. Oregonian. WILL PAY CASH for equity In lot In Vernon. A437. Oregonian. WANTED Acreage near carllne. 522 Wor cester bldg. Ask for Mr. Cook. FARMS WANTED. FA RM wanted, rent on shares, near Port land; experienced farmer, with family, has farm implements, team, etc H. U. Miller, R. F. D- 2, Woodburn, Or. WANTED To rent dairy ranch, 600 to 1O00 acres furnished complete. Call or address Green Bros . M Fremont St. HOMESTEADS. lt-ACRE relinquishment In Hood River Val- Kood appie iand. Address or call 431 FOR SALE FARMS. $2200. ONLY $1400 CASH NEEDED. 20 acres of good land 8 miles from Oregon City, on good gravel road, on two rural routes. No. 3 and No. 4; 3 acres cleared. ! acres easily cleared, part hurned and seeded to grass. 400.000 feet of good standing timber, running water on the place; also a good well, extra good build ings, bouse built 1 years ago. cost over $ lo 00, barn $00 ; all other outbuildings, woodshed with 15 rlks of dry wood. 2 acres fenced with 5-ft chicken netting. 2 good horses. 1 cow. 1 wagon. 1 plow, harrow. 1 single buggy nearly new, 1 set single harness. 1 set double harness, about 3 doz. -bred Buff Rock chickens, 1 good incubator (10 doz. eggs), telephone, also share in line; mile from two churches, 1 mile to school. No. 1 location, good community. For further Information ad dress D. F. MORLINKE. Route No. 4, Oregon City. SPLENDID RANCH BARGAIN. 7". acres: about 10O acres under culti vation, balance pasture; great portion of it covered with timber; is fenced, has running water, fairly good 5-room house, 2 barns in very good condition, good fam ily orchard. Personal property: 7 head of horses. 38 head of cattle. 12 calves, 1O0 sheep. 22 head of hogs, about four or five dozen chickens, wagon, 2 new plows, 2 sets harness. 2 saddles, 1 disc harrow, hay rnke. mower, about 100 tons of hay and straw, 60 acres of Fall sowing, all for 41 1.OO0; terms, one-third cash, bal ance it per cent: reasonable time. This place is only 2 miles from railroad and reliable shipping point. OTTO & HARK SON. 133 First St. $ $ S S MONEY. $ $ $ $ We have 145 acres of deep rich soil adjoining town with creamery, graded school and railroad. Large house and barn, living water. 24 acres orchard. All level and is suitable for platting Into lotn and K-acra tracts. Tracts sell high as $125 per acre. We can actually sell the nlace for 10 ier acre. v cash. easy terms on balance. You say impos sible, but w can prove It to you. Will cost nothing to Investigate. CALL ON US. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, 714 Couch Bldg. 109 4th St. . MOSIER HOMESTEAD. Will locate parties on two homesteads lying aide by side and containing 1 60 acres each. 8 U, miles south of Mosler 0 acres level land on each, all of which can be set to orchard ; fee $150. Call eariy. DEVLIN ft FIREBAT'GH. 508-9 Swetland Bldg., Cor. 5th and Wash DAIRYMEN. ATTENTION. Fine dairy ranch, overlooking the Co lumbia River; 30 miles from Portland rail and steamboat; 2 acres; 125 acres meadow, 28 acres upland. In clover, fine orchard, some timber; nuimings old; small amount of cash will handle It. balance long time. A per cent. S 400, Oregonian. SUBURBAN HOME. 10 acres in high, state of cultivation, alt level. 4 acres in good orchard, 7 miles from Portland, close to electric line. small house and barn; can be had on reasonable terms. Call Western Land Co., 417 joara oz iraae oiag. THE finest 200-acre farm near Forest Grove; 120 acres In walnuts: 1 mile to railway station; will earn ou $000 per year in onions, grain and dairying; hou?e. barn, stream, living spring. Call at 223 Stark st. and learn how $21)75 gets this, IF YOU want to buy a nice home In the country for a little money write to Forest drove Keal Estate Co., Forest Grove, Or., for list; land very productive. WrE have a good farm 7 miles from good town, only $14 per acre; 40 acnes In culti vation; watered with springs. Western Juand Co., 417 .Hoard or Trade bldg. 7 ACRES in cultivation. 5 acres grown ap pie trees. 50O grape vines, new 4-room House and bam; all farming tools, $2000. Call 143 First, near Alder. 640 ACRES: $6 an acre: 40 miles Portland exchange for business, rooming-house or wwn property. it a 11. 3BU front St. FOR Willamette .Valley lands see Ol lasted Lana company. baJem. Or. FOB RENT FARMS. CHEAPEST ACREAGE NEAR PORTLAND. 1418 acres very best land on Oregon elec tric rauroao. ;ta minutes out and near station, only miles to city bv road Al for acreage platting: 33 acres cleared and cultivated, some fine timber, running water, nouse, tarn, small orchard, etc.: adjoining property held at from $200 to .ioo per acre; our price, lov per acre may divide. NORTHWEST REALTY CO. (INC.), 17 BoHrd of Trade Bldg. FOR RENT Cheap. 4 acres of beaverdam. 4 years time. 4 miles from Portland. A 4Z4, oregonian. BARGAIN Farm for rent. Owner, 105 North 20th st. Phone Main 7I24. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. WE WANT timber land and will buy the property with it If that is good. Phones, East hL8 B lb67. WANTED Good ehlngle-mlll man to cut shingles by the thousand; 25,000,000 to cut. A 425. Oregonian. TIMBER lands wanted. 304 McKay bldg. C. J. McCracken. FOR SALE. Homes, Vehicles and Harness. PAIR nicely matched 6-year-old mares, weigh about lloO each, drive nicely single, dou ble or ride; also pair horses, weight 2t'00 lbs., good workers; one pair honses. weight 2450 lbs., suitable for ranch work; one pair farm mares; one new 3 farm wagon, all kinds buggleej and harness and saddles. Red Front Stables, 15th, Just off Washing ton st. FOR SALE t 100 team with harness, for $100; 1 bay gelding, weight 1150. for $55; 1 gray gelding, weight, 10T.O, for $65; 1 team, weight 2S00, for $250; 1 span of mules, with harness, $175; 1 top wagon, for $12. 1 for $30. 1 for $6. 1 for $50; 1 top buggy, for $40; 1 single harness for $; 1 saddle. $20. Nobby Stables, 12th and Flanders. ' ONE SWELL span, well matched black horses. 5 and 6 years oki, sound and gentle, weighing 23O0; one span mares 6 yeans old. weighing 24oo, perfect ly sound and gentle. J 'hones East 4&f4, C 1477. 246 Ruo el. $90 BUYS pair of farm or brood mares, weight 23O0 lbs., good worker; $75 buys good 1200-lb. delivery horse, city broke; $46 buys good Io50-Ib. horse, good driver: $40 buys top business buggy; $7 buys good set harness. Call 26 N 15th st. ONE 5-year-old driving mare, sound and gentle, two 1100-lb. delivery horses, one small driving horse, gentle for woman to drive; one 1500 horse, 4 years old, sound and gentle, phone East 4804. C 1477. "EVERGREEN FARM" wants a few homes to take good care of during- the Winter; well fed and stabled ; charges, $9 per month. Address V 34. Oregonian. WE buy. sell, rent or exchange horses, wag on, buggies, harness. saddles, business rigs. $1.5 per day. Red Front Stables, 15: h. Judt off Washington. Phone Mala 1120. PAIR of horses, weight 3100 lbs., sound and true ; also set heavy harness : team Is earning $5 per day. 26 N. 15th st. Mr. Strome. LOOK, LOOK. LOOK! The beet boarding and sale stablee In the city for sale; rent only $19. Profits last month $44H). K 427. Oregonian. FOR SALE or hire, horses, buggies and har ness; also S fine Shetland ponies. 182 East 34th st. Phone Tabor 1112. HORSES broke, drove, boarded and for sale, buggy and cart. 7Sth and East Stark sis.. Montavllla. VERY fine draft horse cheap: will take cheap horses or cows In exchange. 838 East 28th St.. Woodstock car. LARGE horse, suitable tor farm work. X W. Lum. Co. HORSES, mares, r! s aad h am ess kinds for sale. 294 Montgomery. HUBERT A HALL. 380 Front, buy, sell, rent horses, vehicles. low rates on business rigs. SNAP $25 buys running gear of 3-inch farm wagon. Call 26 N 15th St. FOR SALE One young draft horse and double harness. Apply 808 Davis st. FOR SALE Horse and buggy at a sacrifice, $125. A D 359, Oregonian. BROWN, furry mane, city broke. Call Main 430$. Automobile. IF YOU . are lolnp for bargains In new automobiles, call on and slightly used Portland Auto Commission Houm. 34. 3h Alder, cor. 17th. BoCb phones, A o4 FOB Automobile. AUTOMOBILES $150 and up for trade. Hartman, 46 2d st. Ptanoe. l BETTER piano for lese than we are selling cannot be obtained. Ours Is a general music business so we are not de pendent upon the profit of our piano de partment. See, the nice new piano we sell for $200. Pay $6 a month. Pianos for rent; used pianos. $85 and up, at 111 4th st. Hallet & Davis Agency, becond oidest and best make in America. Misoe Ua neons. $-$$$$$ $$$ DON'T LOOK AT THESE. $6.50 heater, 22-lnch cast front door. $4.50. $S.50 box airtight, 22-lnch cast front door. $5. CO. $2.00 airtight, lower nickel draft, $1.50. Gal -an lied wash boiler. 65c. Copper teakettle, nickeled. No. 8 Rome, 75c. j 5 5 enameled bed, blue, green, cream and white. $3.66. THE DOLLAR FVRNITTRE STORE, 232 1st and Main. These are a few of our many bargaino. $$$$$$$ $$$$$$! MOVING PICTURES. Edtson"s and Power's motion picture machines; dissolving stereoptlcons; cal cium and gas outfits; new films, 3000 subjects, guaranteed no repeaters; largest buyers of new films In United States; slides tn order and stocked. We teach you to operate. LAEMMLE FTLM SERVICE-214-210 Wells-Fargo bldg.. Portland- GET our prices and save money on all kinds OF PLUMBING SUPPLIES AND PIPE. Yes, we sell to alL Plumbing goods installed If desired. NOT IN THE TRUST. M. BARDE A SONS. PLUMBING SUPPLY HOUSE. 110 N- 3d St.. near Glisan. . MOVING PICTURES. MEN. ATTENTION! Now ready for business. Pacific Film Co., 303-7 Rothchlld bldg.. Portland. Or. We install new theaters and furnish everything. Phone Main 80S5. FOR SALE Cheap, 50 hot-bed sash and blinds, covering between 1400 and 1500 teet. inquire Edw. Turner. Gates Crossing and Powell Valley road, or address Gresham, Oregon. FEATURE FILM SERVICE Don't run pic tures after your . competitors. We guaran tee no repeaters; We buy 14 reels of new association films every week. Phone Main 7429. Edison Display Co.. 165 4th st. FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables; easy payments; we rent tables with privilege of buyii-g; modern bar fixtures; cheap prices. Brunswick-Balke-Collender, 4t 3d st. 20 SLIGHTLY marred Sewing Machines; all makes; sold at great reduction this week only; also machines) for rent. White Sew ing Machine Store. 420 Wash., cor. lltb. H. D. Jones, Prop. SEVERAL fine, fresh, young cows, some heavy, rich milkers. $35 and up; brown house opposite Ockley Groen, St. John car. TYPEWRITERS, all makes, $20 to $60. fully guaranteed, easy payments; rentals $;; per month. Pacific Stationery A Ptg. Co., 203 Second st. ELGIN and Waltham full Jeweled watches, warranted, only $5 each, at Uncle Myers. 143 8d. near Alder. FOR SALE: Best dry 4-ftsVfir and oak wood at lowest market prices Hoover. 313 Water st. Phone Main 7451. FOR SALE or rent, hoisting and logging engine. Railway Equipment Co.. 74 1st st. Both phones. 12 CHOICE Buff Leghorn pullets. 3 cocker els, 6 choice Indian Runner ducks. 973 Brooklyn st. Phone Sellwood 83. FIREWOOD Culf fir railroad ties In lots to suit from cars. Write T. Wm. Baxter, ' Eagle Creek, Or. AIREDALE puppies for sale; Main 2109. 6 weeks old. FOR SALE Complete dredging outfit, quire of F. J. Taylor, Astoria. Or. 30 YOUNG Holly trees cheap; right for transplanting. Call today Main 1013. MOVING-PICTURE EXCHANGE Machines, supplies, slides. Alms for rent. 165 4th st. FIRST-CLASS dairy manure, thoroughly- rotten and clean. Phone Main noz. TYPEWRITER, A-L your own price, or will rent. H 40o, Oregonian. HELP WANTED MALE. 100 MEN wanted, all class ea, from sawyers to common laborers. our mill wm run double shift, beginning November 20. Employment will be permanent for com petent help. Apply to C. A. Smith. Lum- oer ec mig. 1,0., Marsnueiu, jr. WANTED If you are a competent so licitor and have some capital to Invest in new manufacturing company wnicn will pay very unusual dividends, good salary and commissions, address for in terview B 428, Oregonian. C. R. HANSEN. JR.. Employment Office Men's Department. 28 North Second st. Phones Main and A 1526. Help Free to employers. MEN to learn electricity, plumbing, brick laying, plastering, day and night classes, no books, positions secured, free cata logue. Coyne National Trade School, 230 240 8th iU San Francisco. TWO smart solicitors for biggest magazine combination offer of the season; 11a weekly and free transportation; A-l ref erences necessary. Call after 2 P. M. R. H. Madden. 502 Swetland bldg. SEVERAL young men to prepare for rail way mall clerk examination. many lire positions, $800 a- year and up to start. Call or write today. Pacific States School, McKay bldg. TWO NEAT bellboys, $20 and board; bed- maker. s;jn. room and board ; z gang edgermen, $3.50; millwright, $3.50; 2 au tomatic trimmermeu, $3.23. C. R. HANSEN. Jr.. 26 N. 2d St. WANTED Railway mail clerks, commence ment salary $8'M: no "layoffs' ; examina tions soon; preparation free. Write Imme diately, Franklin Institute, Rochester. N. Y. LEARN watchmaking, engraving and op tics; easy terms; positions secured; money earned while learning. Watchmaking. En graving School, cor. 4th and Pike. Seattle, WANTED First-class bushelraan: perma nent position to right party. Call at a. D. Wtlls Tailoring Co.. 291 Stark st. EXPERIENCED advertising solicitors; Christmas edition and regular business, Benedictine Fathers. Goodnough bldg. WANTED First-class paperhanger painter; also nurseryman. Mccoy, 2ih st. North. WANTED Farmer with $500 or $600 to Join me In a large dairy proposition. Address A 436, Oregonian. WANTED A good solicitor, by business college; good field; liberal commission. A 281, Oregonian, MIDDLE-AGED lady, good cook, genera housework, good home. Phone E. 3S43, or call 501 E. Couch. WANT 5-room bungalow, modern, with fire place: $1000 down, balance easy terms. C 433, Oregonian. STANDARD EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. . For Men 250 Burnslde Street. Phone Main 5694. WANTED Salesmen, all lines, bookkeepers and stenographers. Commercial Abstract Co., suite 40S Commercial Club bldg. FOR WORK OR FOR HELP CALL ON PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. 12 North 2d St. Botb. Phone. WANTED Woolen spinner; steady Job. Come prepared to commence work at once. Stayton Woolen Mills. Stayton. Or. TWENTY solicitors wanted at once; good proposition. Apply today from 10 to 5 o'clock at 274 Park. WANTED 2 first-class coatmakers, no oth ers need apply. Call at the Wills Tailor ing Co., 291 Stark at. WANTED Photo coupon and picture agents; something swell. Cutberth, Dekum bldg. THREE first-class solicitors for old-established dye work. 333 Union avenue. N. Headquarters cooks, helpers. California Wine Depot. P. Loratl. 148 4th. Main 5500. SALESMAN, bottling works; experienced. Call forenoon. 916 Union ave. N. WANTED First-class French cook for res taurant. 310 Main St.. Vancouver, Wash. WANTED One first-ciae imlter. Aniwl .-J HELP WANTED MALE. 10,000 POSITIONS for graduates laat year; men and women to learn barber trade in eight weeks; help to jecure positions; graduates earn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert Instructor; tools free; write for catalogue. Mohler System of Colleges, 35 N. 4th St., Portland, Or. - WANTED For U. 8. Army, able-bodied un married men, betwen ages of IS and 85. cltieena of United States, of good charac ter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. Apply A to re cruiting officer, Alnawortb block. 3d and Oak sts., Portland. Or. WANTED A flrst-clas candy-maker to take charge of retail shop; must have references. Address W. W- P- & S. Co., Walla Wtalla. "Wash. MA& with small capital to travel with vaudeville act; good proposition; no ex perience needed. E 424. Oregonian. HELP WANTED FEMALE. FOUR cooks, city $25-$35 3 second girls, city $20-525 1 chambermaid, out city $25 14 general housework $15-$'i0 2 housework. 1 out of the city. .. .S10-$2v THE ST. LOUIS LADIES EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, 20H 4th St. Main 2039. A 2S24. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY WANTS 1 housekeeper SO or 35 years old for Nevada, fare paid, $45 month; 1 waitress, countrv. $30; 2 girls to help kitchen. country, $20; 1 chambermaid, 326 y Wash. St., Merchants Trust Bldg. DRESSMAKER wanted for a Valley town; ah experienced dressmaker to take charge of dressmaking department; must be good ' fitter and cutter. State experience, refer ence and salary expected. Address Afc 337. Oregonian. TWO smart solicitors for biggest magazine combination offer of the season; $ls weekly and free transportation; A-l ref erences necessary. Call after 2 P. M. R. H. Madden, 502 Swetland bldg. WANTED Good canvassers, neatly dressed women, cltv and state; good money. Call room 508 Merchants Trust bldg., 6th and Washington st. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 343 & Washington St., cor. 7th. upstairs Phones Main and A 2G!2. Help Supplied Free to Employer SCHOOLGIRL can have good room, board and carfare for assisting mgnts ana morn' ings In private boarding-house. . Phone Main A170. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position, viavi co., eow noin child bldg., 4chand Washington. COMPETENT woman for general house work ; good wages. Call 315 East 16th North. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 343 Washington St., Cor 7th, Upstairs. Phone Main 2692. WANTED Girl for cook and general house work; wages $30 per month. Apply 748 WetdJer at. WANTED An apprentice for private mil llnery. Apply 343 Washington st Room 8. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO., Ladles' Department, 205 Morrison St. Phones Main 1062. A 20431. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY. 326 Washington St.. Room 307. Main 8836 or A 3266. WANTED Sensible woman to assume bus! ness management of an office and direct assistants. F 403. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED s:irl for general housework, must be able to cook; good wages. Apply 141 13th st.. North, from W to 12. WANTED Young lady who has had ex Prience In the phonograph business. Call 23 Burnslde st. 2 WAITRESSES, Condon, $25; Camas (com bination), $2.; others; call. "Drakes, 205 Washington. WANTED Woman for general housework temporarily; $1 per day. Telephone East 3091 before 9. WANTED Girl for general housework; small family. $20. 466 East Eighth St., .North, fnone iast iuuu. WANTED Stenographer, one with know! ed ge of bookkeeping preferred. E 419, Oregonian. TEACHERS for Chinese mission. 206 2d St.. 7 to 8 P. M. Apply WANTED Girl for general housework, 509 Beacon st. Take Sellwood car. YOUNG lady to clerk in crockery store; city references. F 421. Oregonian. tOOKKEEPINQ Private lessons, 4 nights In week; $4 per month. A 4i48, Main 7862. WANTED Girl to assist with housework, East 28th, near Harrison, Tabor 1123. WOMAN for houeework, plain sewing, mend ing: man. wife, I child. Phone C 1247. GI RLS wanted at the Yale Laundry, East Morrison. LADIES to make pillow tops at home; good pay; instructions rree. can 4na wash. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. FISK Teachers' Agency. Register now, $1. 202 Swetland bldg. Phone Main 2410. srruATiox wanted male. Bookkeepers and Clerks. RESPECTABLE young married man of good habits, character and abi'ity Is anx ious to do letter-writing, bookkeeping and office work part of the day and evenings for small consideration. Employed with large corporation in a position of respon sibility, but want to increase Income. Am competent office manager and shall be pleased to give best of references to your respectful satisfaction. Sincerely, X 383. OREGONIAN. YOUNG married man. experienced railroad clerk, desires position Immediately. AC 339, Oregonian. SHIPPING CLERK Experienced young mar ried roan desires position as freight or shipping clerk. S 413, Oregonian. EXPERT bookkeeper and clerical man would like position for few hours each day. E. S. Johnson, Main 2118. RAPID and experienced stenographer wants permanent jKjsltlon; best of references. S 414, Oregonian. Miscellaneous. PRINTER wishes position, ad. or Job com positor or all around work at $18. E. u. Van Slyke, Albany. WHO wants 36-year-old boy with full con trol 7 Ranch preferred. AB 386. Ore gonian. YOUNG Japanese boy wants situation as school boy; wages no object. AB 385, Oregonian- WANTED Sweeping and general house cleaning by hour. Phone East 47541. YOUNG man wants pop it Ion as grocery " clerk; 15 years' experience. . S 412, Ore gonian. HARDWA RE clerk, 4 years' experience, good letters and references. AE 336, Ore gonian. BUTCHER, all-around young shop man wants position at once. E 421, Ore gonian. PATTERNMAKER, wocd, experienced. wishes situation ai ov;. j uo. wicb nian. GLAZING done by day or contract; green houses and skylights a specialty. S 378, Oregonian. BOY 18. wishes place to work for board and room and. "go to school. F 423. Ore gonian. YOUNG Eastern man wishes position of any kind; experience in grocery business, phone Main 2515. JAPANESE, has some experience, wants position any photograph work for study ing. E 423, Oregonian. COREAN schoolboy, sure good cook, wants position. Phone Main 5613. FIRST-CLASS Japanese cook wants position In private family. Call 278 Burnslde at. JAPANESE wants to do cooking or house work at any place. A 5032. DF"TG CLERK wishes situation; registered in Oregon. E 422. Oregonian. JAPAVESE EMPLOYMENT CO.. 268 Ev erett St. Main 465&. A 4073. JAPANESE emnjoyment office, 249 Couch st. Main 6521. A 4358. GOOD Japanese boy yants position 4k SITUATION WANTED MALE. Miscellaneous. YOUNG physician, graduate from Europe, would like position as awtstant to surgeon or doctor or in sanitarium or as nurse in prrvate family or anything In this line. Ad dress M 424, Oregonian. . EXPERIENCED cake baker. 7 years' experi ence In Vandeuren work and other lines of paltry, situation in bakery, hotel or delicatessen. 361 Yamhill. Phone Main 15o0. JAPANESE wishes to do waiting table and housework in family or boarding-house; good experience; references. F 419, Ore gon Ian. ELECTRICIAN wants position for construc tion company or light- and power plant for manufacturing; 12 years' experience; refer ences given. C 425. Oregonian. YOUNG Scandinavian. good appearance, willing to work, wishes position as handy man in private family, gentleman's place or doctor. Address A C 33S, Oregonian. BLACKSMITH. German, honest and sober, wants position in logging camp; 15 years experience in blacksmlthlng; no horse shoeing wanted. is 4Ut, uregonian. FIRST-CLASS stickerman. Macadam st. Call at 1230 JAPANESE snd Chinese employment agency. 310 Davis st. Main 8309. A 2997. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. EXPERIENCED cashier and bookkeeper, with some knowledge of typewriting, must have work at once. Phone M 4817. $5 WEEK: stenographer and typewriter. wining worker, wants situation lmmeai ately. Main 555S. YOUNG lady would like place in office; can do bookkeeping and typewriting. A C 337. Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER desires permanent position experienced: references; willing to start for $30. Phone K. 3.r6. Dressmakers. FIRST-CLASS dressmaker, excellent fitter, fine designer on fancy gowns, wishes engagements. Phone Main 2940. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking at lowest prices. Mrs. Angeles. 242 5th and Main. EXPERIENCED seamstress desires work by day. Tabor 903. Housekeepers. LADY wishes a position as housekeeper, no children, for bachelor or widower. A 438. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED housekeeper; one accus tomed to institution work. 271 McMillan st. Phone E. 3811. YOUNG lady wishes p&eition as companion or housekeeper; references. Phone Tabor 514- LADY would like place as housekeeper; no objection to child. KOom X, .ta si Nurses. NURSE who Is an expert on Insanity wishes position to care for patient; has been successful where doctors had given up case as hopeless; highest references. AC 331, Oregonian. Domestics. GOOD cook with city references desires work In private family where second girl Is kept; no washing. D 409. Oregonian. A MIDDLE-AGED German woman who can do housework wishes a position in a Ger man household. Phone Main 3S94. EXPERIENCED girl as cook or housework. 1 wages reasonable; references. E 418, Ore gonian. WANT PLACE to do eeneral housework; good cook; S20. R 418. Oregonian. GIRL wants general housework. Call at 529 ,. 17th st. W.-W. car. JAPANESE gin) wants a position in a small family. A 435, Oregonian. Miscellaneous. MILLINERY, drawn and fancy work to or-d-er. shopping of all kinds done for cus tomers and promptly attended to. 143 E. 15th St. South. East 2808. E-XPERIENCED cook wishes a position. Can give city reference; no laundry. A 439, Oregonian. YOUNG lady from East gives lessons in basketry and tooled leather. Phone A 3389. GOOD waitress wants place In hotel. Call East 54-52. WORK by the day. colored woman. Phone H Main 6140. FIRST-CLASS colored woman wants wash ing to take home. Call A 3345 forenoons. WANTED Work by the Wednesday and Fridays. day, Mondays, Woodlawn 1611. STRONG German girl wants day work wash ing or cleaning. Phone A 1581. WANTED Day work by competent wom an. Phone Main 8491 P. M. FURS repaired and remodeled by Eastern ladies, prices reasonable. 206 21st st. N. WANTED AGENT 8. AGENTS handle new 260-candle power Lib erty light; consumes lc gas 6 hours; sells on sight; big profits. Pacific Gas Mantle Co., 541 Waller St., San Francisco. GIVE right party PorKancJ for salable arti cle. Address for interview M 422, Oregonian. WANTED Lady canvassers, house to house; big pay. 289 1st St., Portland, or. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED To rent houses, cottages, flats, stores, offlcee, rooming-houses, etc. Land lords will do well to call on Portland Trust Company of Oregon, b. Jfi. oor, 3d and Oak. Phone Exchange 72. MAN and wife want room and board in private family; must speak French; West aide; reterences exenangea; state terms. A D 358, Oregonian. TO RENT A 4J or 7-room furnished house. with lawn; best or references; give price and location. u. doz bUi. none Main 4377. FURNISHED flat or house. 4 to 6 rooms: must be modern, close in on west Side and cheap; by adults. Phone Main 7023. WANTED Room and board with private lamiiy. Address fab 1 enaiem, or. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and shoes; we also buy household rumlshtngs; highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair Deal," 62 3d at. North. Phone Main 9272. WANT a party to put up a building for me In the business district of Sunny side for business purposes and give a 10-year lease, with privilege of buying, not over 1 to 3 bloqks from carllne. Call or address 417 Board of Trade bldg. WE PAY TOP PRICES FOR FURNITURE And anvthing else you have to sell. PORTLAND AUCTION CO.. Main 5655. A 4121. WILL let clearing contract for 20 acres land near city; party with donkey engine pre ferred. Vanduyn A Walton, 616 . Chamber Commerce. FORD AUCTION CO. "Pays the price" for second-hand furni ture. East 988. B 2311. CLOTHING CLOTHING. Phone M. 1851 83 N. 3d. Highest price pair; prompt attention. WB buy foreign money, gold dut. Title Guarantee, German-A merican bank ac counts. Lewis & Co.. 251 Washington st. WHO WILL give a poor, worthy girl clothes or money to buy some? C 430, Oregonian. YOUNG Shepherd dog or puppy, male; also laying pullets. 570 East Main. B 2586. LIBRARIES I will buy your library for cash. F 422, Oregonian. WANTED A modern dental chair, reason able. AE 338, Oregonian. SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt attention always given. Phone East 1067. FOB RENT. Furnished Rooms, THE CASTLE, West Park and Wash. New management. newly renovated outwide rooms ; steam heat, electric lights; $3 per week up. Transient solicited. Main 1676. .FRONT ROOM, suitable for t entumv FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. 293 10TH ST. Newly furnished room; furnace heat, hot and cold water in rooms; plenty of hot water aii the time: free phone and bath ; popular prices; very homelike and clean. THE NEW SCOTT. 8eventb. Ankeny and Burnslde; In the heart of the city; everything brand new: finest rooms in town; an Ideal Winter home ; rates reasonable ; free bus to all trains. THE BARTON, 13th and Alder; new man agement ; newly renovated throughout : i0 outside rooms; steam heat, electric lights, etc.; rooms-$10 month up; suites with run ning water, $22.50 to $30: elegant pubilo parlor; phones and baths free. THE COMMERCIAL. Nicely furnished rooms, $2 per week up: steam heat, hot and cold water, free baths and phone; transients SOc, 73c and $1 per day; open all night; office and reading room ground floor. 488-492 Washington st. THE GOODNOUGH, cor. 5th end Yamhill, opp. P. O. : rooms by day. week or month; elevator service, steam heat, etc.; singles, and suites; (3 weekly up. Mrs. Allison & Snyder. HOTEL FRANKLIN, cor. 13th and Wash ington sis. Newly furnished throughout; pew buildings, suites with baths, hot and cold water in eVery room. Phone Main 7195. Long-distance phones in all rooms. THE NEW OCCIDENTAL HOTEL. First and Morrison ; steam heat, electric lights, hot and cold water, baths free; $3 per week up; transients solicited. Phones A 44o8 Main 4S61. HOTEL KENYON. 18th and Washington Modern rooms, single and en eutte; also houoekeeping; running w ater, pr Jvats 'and free baths; rates reasonable. Faclnc 4WL FINELY furnished and unfurnished room for sleeping purposes or housekeeping; modern, clean and convenient. 334 lam hill. HOTEL BUSHMARK. Washington and 17th. first-class furnished rooms, single or en suite: all mod. con veniences; $3 weekly up. A 264 1. Mala 564.. THE BUCKINGHAM. Yamhill st. opp. Port land Hotel Fireproof building; all mod ern conveniences; special rates to perma nent guests. A. H. Pracht, proprietor. THE LUXOR, corner 13th -and Clay, fur nished rooms; steam heat, electric light, both phones, plenty of hot water; 10 per month. BEAUTIFUL furnished rooms with hot and cold water In all rooms, free phone. The Westminster, 6th and Madison. THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new furniture, telephone and bathe free. 827 Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estes. HOTEL MASON Free baths, phone; rooms $1.50 ajid up- 247 5th. THE RANDOLPH. 3d and Columbia, rooms; heat, bath; 50c to $1 day. $2 to $4 week. Hotel Roval. 1'8 4th, steam-heated rooms, $1.50 to $5 per week. 50c to $1 per night. Furnished Rooms. Private Families, ROOMS, private family, with use bath and phone; would board two who could room to gether. 560 Glisan St., cor. 17th. Phone Main 0215. $16 Nice, well-heated room with alcove, suitable for two or three gentlemen; free bath and telephone. 430 Washington st. Phone Main 8560. ' LARGE corner room, furnace heat, hot and cold water, gas; also smaller room. 0- Morrison. COMFORTABLY furnished home In ex change for board of owner. Phone 1 2793 or call 568 E. Pine; references. - FURNISHED house of 2 rooms, $12.50' month. Call at 555 5th st. NICK front room. 8 blocks from P. O. $SV per month. 331 Market. ALCOVE room with gas plate, other Tooms. 149 Lownsdale et. Main 7224. LARGE front room, modern, $3 per week. ISO 17th st., cor. Yamhill. 258 13TH Nicely furnished rooms; private family; new house; every convenience. NICE large front room, suitable for two. 260 7th st. Rooms With Board. EXCELLENT MEALS A SPECIALTY. STEAM HEAT. ' TWO BLOCKS FROM POSTOFFICE. Board and room only $30 per month. Investigation will be a mutual advantage. The Vallamont, West Park and Yamhill. PORTLAND Women's Union. 20th year; rooms with board, use of sewing-room, and library; Women's Exchange, Mrs. Ella Rawllngs, Supu, 610 Flanders st. THE LIN DELL, 269 Market St.; nicely fur nished rooms, board: etrictly home cooking; steam heat, electric lights, bath, phone; $6 a week. HOTEL SARGENT. Steam heat, all modern conveniences; ele gantly furnished; table de hote dinners a e-jecialty. Grand aad Hawthorne. LARGE front room, with board, modern, reasonable; also small room. Fhone East 722. 89 East 8th North. THE MORRISON, 533 Morrison St., family hotel, modern, new management; board op tional; best table board; prices moderate. THE MARLYN, Washington and 17th, wel! fumished rooms. hot and cold water, home cooking, permanent or transient. LARGE, nicely furnished front room wltT board for 2 persons. The Gladstone, 174 13th. corner Yamhill. LARGE, comfortable room, modern conveni ences, with board. 452 Morrieon, cor. 13th. ROOM and board in private boarding-house. very central. can -t-io ai- ' THE COLONIAL, 10th and Morrison. Good board, pieasani rounia, iu FURNISHED room-, with board. The Ozark. 225 litn St. Rooms with Board, Private Families. NEWLY furnished rooms with first-class home cooking; private family, swell local ity easy walking distance, modern and comfortable home. Main 3H60. 167 N. 22d st. BOARD and room $20 per month; home-like place; close in; no; -t nhnne: near Temple Church. 442 jerrerson. NICE room, good board, modern conven iences, central; references. Main bJOJ. 284 Park. FURNISHED room and board for gentle man. Phone Main 4921 or A 2595. FRONT room, suitable for two, 328 6th. Phone A 3622. LARGB axd nicely-furnished ; good home cooking; very reasonable. 653 Wash. st. Apartments. HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th. Columbia. 5 blocks south of Morrison. 100 feet from Jefferson or 13th-st. carline; easy walking distance; new. handsome brick building, in 2, 3, 4-room family apartments; private bath and reception hall, steam heat, hot water, elevator, free phone, compressed air cleaning. Janitor service, maximum of, convenience, elegance, equipment; com- t pletely furnished, ready for housekeeping; some unfuriMshed; rent reasonable. THE HARTFORD, Cor. 21st and Flanders Sts. One nice front suite, with private bath, and reception hall; all ready for imme diate housekeeping; steam heat. Janitor service, phone; very nicely furnished; will be vacated November 20. Easy walking distance. No children. WESTMINSTER apartments, elegant 4-room apartments each having private bath, steam heat, hot and cold water, gas range, refrigerator, free phone, janltutf service. THE SHEFFIELD, 7th and Jefferson sts ; unfurnished 4-room apartment with bath; naw, modern and fully equipped for con venience; rent reasonable; location saves carfare. Apply to janitor. Main 360t. IONIAN COURT Elegant 4-room residence? apartments, each having private vesti bule and bath, steam heat, hot and cold water, gas range, refrigerators, window shades and screens, telephone and Jani tor service. Apply Janitor, 18th and Couch W. L. MORGAN, 322 Falling bldg. Ele gantly finished, splendidly equipped brand new 5-room steam-heated apartments at 21st and Kearney, very reasonable rent. THE BUELL APARTMENTS 14th and Sal mon Three and four rooms furnished and unfurnished, modern conveniences; private phone elevator; no children. COLUMBIAN and Victorian. 3 and 4-ronm. modern apartments. 11th and Columbia. Nlcelv furnished -room modern apartment Janitor service. 000 lanaers sr.; recerences. Ti"Pi a titt FTIL T-roora corner apartment FINE lot. on $5Th and Broadway; must be 4 id ixkr next Xewt da j a. M iv. Qngoniix. Aide st jTffnsss sjinry 1