Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 18, 1908, Page 12, Image 12

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Athletic Union Will Not Recog
nize Smithson and Gil
bert's Claims. ,
liOng List of New Amateur Records
Approved British Recognition
of Longboat Denounced as
Insult to Americans.
NEW TOKK. Nov. 17. Forrest Smith
ion's claim for a world's record of 6 2-5
seconds for tlie 50-yard high hurdles In
d'Kr was not allowed by the A. A. U.
In Its annual meeting; yesterday, and the
famous Orea-on hurdler was further left
In the shade by A. B. Shaw, of Dart
mouth, being recognised as tying the
world s record for the 13-yard hJch hur
tiles In IS 1-4. No explanation of the
slight of Smithson Is made.
Alhert C Gilbert, the Portland pole
vaulter. was left out In the cold. too.
He broke the world's record by vaulting
12 feet. 74 Inches. The next week his old
rival. Walter R. Dray, of Yale, went up
to a little town In Vermont and the re
port came back that he had vaulted 1J
feet U Inches. The A. A. V. has accept
ed the record and Gilbert Is no longer
the world's champion.
New Records Approved.
Athletic records made during the last
year have been approved by the Ama
teur Athletic Union of America as fol
SS-yard run indoor Lawson Robertson,
7 seconds.
13n yards, high hurdles A. B. Shaw,
XJartmouth College. 15 1-5 seconds.
23) ysrds. low hurdles, one-fifth of a
mile track around a turn J. J. filler.
24 4- second.
23) yards, high hurdles. 3 feet, C Inches
J. J. Kller. 'Si i-b seconds.
44" yards, high hurdles. 3 feet 6 Inches
Charles Bacon. 1 minute 35 seconds.
SrtVyard run Andrew Glarner, . San
FYanciaco. 3 minutes 1 2-5 seconds.
Impound shot Ralph Ross.- 49 feet 10
12-pound shot, from 7-foot circle Ralph
Roe, 57 feet 3 Inches.
Discus. 7-foot circle M. F. Horr. 13!
feet 11 inches (weight 4.4 pounds.)
Discus (Olympic style), Martin Sheri
dan. 10 feet 5S Inches.
16-pound hammer John Flanagan (&
foot circle), 17 feet 6 Inches.
18-pound hammer. Including weight of
head and wire handle B. F. Sherman,
Boston. 131 feet Inch.
3-pound hammer. Including weight of
tiead and wife handle B. F. Sherman,
2 feet 1 inches.
Pole vault Walter R. Dray. Tale. 12
feet 9'i Inches.
Olympla records, tryouts, Philadelphia,
Greek discus Martin J. Sheridan. 116
feet 74 Inches.
110-meter dash J. A. Rector (equals
record). 10 4-5 seconds.
jmvmetre dash M. W. Sheppard. 1 min
ute 54 3-5 seconds.
m-metre dash, hurdle. 3 feet high
Charles Bacon. 55 4-5 seconds.
1500-metre dssh J. P. Halstead. 4 min
utes 1 1-5 seconds.
wvmetre dash H. J. Huff, at Pittsburg,
June 39 (equals record), 10 4-5 seconds.
Records in Swimming.
The following swimming records by C.
SI. Daniels were approved:
60 yards, bath, two turns. December
J9. 1907. Pittsburg. 30 seconds.
75 yards, bath, two turns, March 31,
Pittsburg. 40 1-S seconds.
80 yards, bath, three turns, March.
JCew York City, 43 seconds.
The following swimming records were
swarded to C. M. Daniels, made In open
tidal salt water, at Travers Island, Sep
tember 19:
CIO yards, one turn, 2 minutes, 40 3-5
seconds. s
330 yards, two turns, four minutes 15
440 yards, three turns, five minutes
4 1-5 seconds.
Other swimming records approved
i'uO yards, breast stroke, bath, nine
turns. A. M. Goessllng. March 18, two
minutes 45 2-5 seconds.
1250 yards, back stroke, bath, five
turns. A. M. Goessllng, March IS. two
minutes 1-5 second.
4iK-yard relay race. C. M. Daniels. C.
B. Truebenbnch. L. B. Godwin, George
South. March 27. time, four minutes
13 3-5 seconds.
Plunging, one minute, time limit, 74
feet. L. S. Brown, March 21.
Direct Insult to Americans.
President Sullivan said that the most
serious mistake made by the British com
mittee was In accepting the entry of Tom
longboat, who was known to be a profes
sional. He declared that the acceptance
v( longboat's entry over the American
protest was a direct Insult to the Ameri
can organisation.
Major John W. Dixon was re-elected
ecretary-trcasurer and the following
were chosen as vice-presidents: E. C
"Hrown. of Oiicago: W. M. Inglis. of
Seattle; H. O. Pennlman, of Baltimore,
and A. J. I.lll. of Boston.
An Argument by a Rourne Follower
for Statement One.
PORTLAND. Nov. 17.-(To the Filitor.)
A and B are candidates for a primary
nomination. Bach promises unreservedly
In public addresses to support his oppo
nent If victorious in the primary election.
B Is nominated. A himself carries out his
ante-primary promises and supports the
nominee: but thousands of A's followers
or partisans, for revenge possibly, vote
in the general election for C. .he com
mon political enemy of A and B. C re
ceives the majority of votes, declaring
him the popular choice for I'nlted States
Senator. An evident majority of mem
bers of the elected legislature are
pledged by this popular vote and their
o n deliberate promise, by reason of
which promise these legislators were
elected, to " vote always for the candidate
receiving the highest vote for Ignited
States Svnator."
Every legislator who signed ""Statement
Number One'- made that statement his
platform. Every man of them knows he
was elected for no other reason but his
signature of that statement, and doubt
less many of them would have gladly re
frained from signing It If they could have
been elected otherwise: sy. and some who
were defeated as legislative candidates
would have signed the statement, too,
had they known that by so doing they
would have won.
The majority vote given to Governor
Chamberlain was directly the result of
thousands of Republican voters sup
porting him. Possibly they voted for
the Governor because they believe him
best qualified for the office of Senator.
Republicans of that belief are not the
rnen who are now Imploring clubs to pass
resolution of the kind referred to la San-
day'a Oregonian presumably to Influence
the probable action of the executive board
of the Union Republican Club.
The effort to compel these pledged
legislators to violate their promise
comes then from the men who voted
for Governor Chamberlain rather than
support the Republican nominee. It is
evident that many Republican voters
had this purpose in mind when they
cast their ballots for a -emocrat. believing-
that by the sophistry of "Ore-g-on's
need of appropriations," etc..
elected legislators might be found
weak enough to renounce their pledges
and for party's sake do a thing that in
private affairs they would loathe
themselves for even considering.
For refusing to act with a caucus
In a senatorial battle ten years ago,
two men from this county were re
peatedly proclaimed to be "stinkards."
What term can an Indignant press dis
cover to fit the perfidy of men whose
only chance of election was their ad
herence to Statement No. 1. and who
would refuse to abide the result? The
press In days to come will Join with
the public In holding up to political
contempt every man who dares do this
It Is somewhat unusual for the pro
ceedings of a meeting held privately
to be announced In a newspaper sev
eral days before the meeting itself Is
held. There would seem to be an
over-communicative brother In the
council of the Union Club. He tells
more than he knows. The question
tabled at a recent meeting was not.
who Is for Chamberlain, or who for a
Republican, but, stripped of Its cir
cumlocution, a proposition to urge our
legislators to violate their freely
given promise to vote always for the
people's choice for Senator.
If such a proposition is apt and
proper for any man or any body of
men. It Is most appropriate for those
who voted. being Republicans, or
claiming to be. for Governor Chamber
lain. Surely those are the men who
are "for Chamberlain." Judge McDe
vitt. C. M. Idleman and the others
spoken of by our leaky hot-air tank
as being "for Chamberlain." voted for
Republican candidates In the primary
and general election, and while they
regret the nomination of a Democrat,
they will not be made the catspaws to
rake chestnuts out of the fire for the
men to whom Chamberlain's nomina
tion Is entirely due.
Local Theaters Will Be Represented
on Programme, Which Gives
Promise of Exceptional Merit.
The Rose Eytinge testimonial, which
Is to occur Thursday afternoon at the
Heillg. Is attracting more than local
attention, as Is evidenced by the news
paper comments that have been re
ceived here from the press of New
York. Boston. Philadelphia and other
Eastern cities. From a dozen sources
inquiries have been received which
demonstrate that the event is one of
more than usual prominence.
Although she has participated in
dozens of similar affairs for her fel
low players. "Lady Rose" has never
consented to anything of the kind for
herself. In fact, it was originally over
her protest that Mrs. Mina Crollus
Gleason took the matter In hand" and
Interested local society and theatrical
people to tender the great actress a
birthdav party which was to take tne
form of a testimonial performance. The
hearty co-operation of the local theat
rical profession and tho substantial
encouragement offered from all sides
justifies the confidence Miss Eytlnges
friends have had In Portland's loyalty
to one of America's most distinguished
dramatic artists. Of course this inter
est Is keener because of the fact that
she has made her home in this city for
a number of years and has a very large
personal acquaintance.
Committees of ticket-sellers are
canvassing the city and report that
the demand for tickets Is so brisk that
they are having difficulty In supplying
the demand. Mrs. Gleason herself, un
der whose direction the testimonial Is
being conducted, made an automobile
tour of the residence district yester
day and sold more than 100 tickets.
Other ticket-sellers report satisfactory
sales. William Gleason. who will act
as stage director of the performance,
has called a dress rehearsal for Thurs
day morning and Is working hard on
the details. The programme, as per
fected, will undoubtedly be the best
vaudeville offering ever seen on any
occasion In Portland. The acts are
largely contributed by the various
managers, but a number of prominent
amateurs will also appear.
The bill as perfected consists of the
Four Musical McLarens, whose enter
taining musical act Is one of the hits
at the Grand this week, who will ap
pear by permission of Manager Errick
son: Mlna Crollus Gleason, courtesy of
Manager Baker, will give a delightful
monologue. "Her Letters"; Miss Mar
guerite Egbert, one of Portland's most
talented amateur readers, will give
some character readings, and Elsie
Garrett, the brilliant young , soprano,
will sing several selections from "Car
men"; a new comedy sketch by Will
M. Cressy, the foremost writer of
vaudeville playlets In the country,
called "Mrs. Goddard of Tpsllantl," will
be Introduced for the first time by
Miss Luciir Webster. William L. Glea
son and James Gleason. This is said
to be one of Cressy's funniest sketches.
Charming Augusta Giose. whose "plan
ologue" Is the delight of all who have
seen her at the Orpheum this week.
will appear fey permission of Manager
Sutton, being assisted by Miss Anne
Ditchburn, who Is a great musical and
social favorite here. Charles Couture,
the brilliant tenor, will render a num
ber of selections from "II Pagliaecl,"
assisted by Carl Constance Sharpe.
Izetta Jewel and Sidney Ayres, leading
woman and man of the Baker stock
company, will do the balcony scene
from "Romeo and Juliet." through the
courtesy of Manager Baker; Mabel Se
lover will offer some ballads, accom
panied by Carl Denton; Genevieve
Thompson's new song. "Swastika Sue."
will be put on with special costumes
and scenic effects by Marlbel Seymour,
assisted by Messrs. Woodruff. Lynch,
Rentfort. Wilson. Wolbert. Bradbury.
Freeman and Hunt: Mr. and Mrs. Char
lie Brown and Miss Amy Mortimer,
with her associates, all of the "Little
Johnny Jones" -company, will appear
by permission of the "Little Johnny
Jones" management.
Vests of pure wool cloth 50c
Youths' Suits, sizes to 33.., $3.50
Men's Pants, splendid goods.... $1.00
Boys' Knee Pants, ages 6 to 15.... 25c
Men's All-Wool Suits $5.00
Men's fine All-Wool Overcoats $10.00
At the closing-out sale of the wholesale
stock. Front and Oak streets, In the
wholesale district.
Tomorrow and Friday positively the
last days for discount on East Side gas
bills. Don't forget to read Gas Tips,
There - ss mii of books on ths shelves
Oregon Congressman Back
From Stumping Tour for
Republican Ticket.
Vote to Speaker Will Go to Man
Who Can Best Serve Oregon De
clares Protective Principle
Should Guide Revision.
SALEM. Or.. Nov. 17. Special.)
"There are ti.UUO.OOO farmer votes In the
I'nlted States and fully three-fourths of
them weit to Taft. That accounts in
a large measure for the landslide for the
Republican ticket."
"This is the opinion expressed by
Congressman Hawley, who returned to
day from the East, where he spent a
month compalgning in Indiana. Iowa. Ne
braska, Ohio. Pennsylvania and New Jer
sey. 'The cities in which I spoke wer us
ually cities backed by a large agricultural
1 community, and it was evident that the
prosperous conditions now prevailing
among the farmers appealed strongly to
business men as well.
M i ncrs for Ta ft, Too.
"But I was very agreeably surprised
to observe the sentiment In favor of
Taft even in the mining towns where it
had been asserted labor was against him.
I spoke in one coal mining town in Penn
sylvania where it was said a political
meeting had never been held that did not
break up in a row. The men listened to
a full presen tat ion of Taf t's record on
the rights of laboring men and labor
unions, and when I closed upon that sub
ject they applauded heartily.
"I went East to take part in the cam
paign because work seemed to be needed
there and it was evident that Oregon was
entirely safe for Taft. My desire was to
render such aid as would cause the party
to feel friendly toward Oregon and its
leaders to feel friendly toward Oregon and
Its needs. From the very complimentary
comment in the newspapers and the ex
pressions I have received from Congress
men from the National Congressional
committee, there is reason to believe my
mfsslon was not in vain."
Must Ite4ain Protective Principle.
TVhen asked for his views upon the
subject of tariff revision, Mr. Hawley
said that he believes every tariff rate
should be taken up and considered in
its relation to present industrial and
commercial conditions and changed or
left alone, as conditions may require.
"I favor such a readjustment as will
make the tariff schedules and rates cor
respond to the needs of industrial and
commercial conditions of the present
time, but the protective principle should
be retained."
Congressman Hawley Paid there is
nothing new to report at thfs time re
garding river and harbor improvements.
He arranged early in the Summer to
have commercial bodies in Portland and
the Willamette Valley furnish him with
Information regarding freight traffic
which shows the need of Government
ownership of the Oregon City locks. This
information he will lay before the rivers
and harbors committee.
State's Interests Rules View.
"I have not decided whom I shall sup
port for Speaker of the House." said
Hawley. In answer to a question; "I
shall act in accordance with what seems
to be the best Interests of my district
and state."
Recently one of the Clackamas County
Granges addressed a letter to Mr. Haw
ley, asking how he stood on Statement
No. 1. He Bays he will answer the let
ter when he gets to It In his pile of
correspondence, but will not discuss the
matter now. It is probable he will reply,
as he has to many other inquiries, that
he was elected to represent his district
In Congress and that election of a Sena
tor is not part of his duties.
Mr. Hawley will leave for Washington
December 27. ,
European Bankers Behind Subway
Project In Seattle.
SEATTLE, Wash., Nov. 17. (Spe
cial.) Two big foreign banking houses
are behind the application for fran
chises for eight miles of subways
which was made to the City Council
last nlg'it. They are Etlinger & Co.,
of London, and A. DeBenditty, of
Amsterdam. Edward Raymond, of
Philadelphia, a noted subway engineer,
who is now at Medford, Or., will be
here in a few days to look over the
The scheme, which covers the busi
ness and close-in residence sections, is
to build a double-track system of
tubes in which universal transfers and
5-cent- fares are to he the rule. The
estimated cost is IB.0oO.000, and it will
take two and a half years to build.
By the. terms of the franchise asked
complete plans must be submitted to
the city within three months after the
franchise is granted, and work must
begin within six months later.
We make tne best suit in the city to
order for $25; let us prove It. Unique
Tailoring Company. 309 Stark, between
Fifth and Sixth.
Tomorrow and Friday positively the
last days for discount on East Sido gas
bills. Don't forget to read Oas Tips.
means Clear Eyes, Good
Digestion, Sound Sleep, A
Steady Brain equipped for
"There's a Reason"
' '
In the selection of soil, the walnut demands more care than
any other tree.
The roots of most trees spread out under ground after the
fashion of the branches above, but the root of the Walnut grows
down after the manner of a carrot. This is known as a
The Walnut is a heavy feeder and the soils that suit it best
are the good, deep, rich, moist loams such as found in the rolling
lands of the Willamette Valley. The soil must be at least fifteen
feet deep and well drained.
The soil at Riverside Orchards is from twenty-five to sixty
two feet deep.
In addition to the Walnuts, each acre will have as fillers,
Peaches, Cherries or 'Filberts; these trees give earlier returns
than the Walnuts and secure you an income while waiting for
the Walnuts to mature.
THE JACOBS-STINE COMPANY takes care of your or
chard for four years free of expense.
Arrangements can be made to occupy your tract at once.
By intensive farming, you can obtain a big income THE
We Can Give Work to a Limited Number of
Those Who Want to Live at Riverside Orchards
Send for information today.
148 Fifth Street, Portland, Oregon
, Shoe Manufacturer
Manufacture and sell direct to the
merchant, the best line of men's,
boys' and youths' hard-wearing ,
on the market. Try us and we will ''
give you goods which give satis
faction. if Union Ave., Portland, Or.
Tht great Chines,
doctor 1 well known
throughout the
Northwest because
of his wonderful
and marvelous cures.
and Is today her
eSS aided by all his
j-2l4u3'3 oatients as the
greatest of his kind. He treats
any ana an diseases wnn yuwii.i
Chinese roots, herbs and barks that are
entirely unknown to the medical science
of this country. With these harmless
remedies he guarantees to cure catarrh,
asthma. lung troubles. rheumatism,
nervousness, stomach, liver and kidney
troubles, also private diseases of men
and women.
patients outside of city writ, for
blanks and circulars. Inclose 4c stamp.
The C. Gee Wo Medicine Co.
First St-. Near Morrison.,
Portland. Or.
m k ,
' v '
enable each atudent to advance in
dependently of all others, and avoid!
the embarrassment of class work and
recitations. Our large teaching force
makes this plan possible. Let us tell
you all about our school the most
complete and best equipped in the
Northwest. Call, telephone or writs
for catalogue free for the asking.
"The School of Quality,"
Tenth and Morrison, Portland, Oregon.
A. P. Armstrong, LL.B., Principal,
A Graduate of the
Used as a Standard of Quality.
A young lady applied for a steno
eraDhic position with a business man
in Portland. The first question h
asked her was: Are you as good a$
my former stenographer, who is a
graduate of the Rose City Business
College! "Write for information or
at tho office. We will tell you
why we are doing such good work.
Complete business courses.
148 Fifth St.
Kelt Sprlnr It will
UUinni jvur m
ftUjr t.I t miiwiiaiivn -
Ko naed to Utter with Stable BefuM
THIS ia the time of year to apply
bone meal. It takes several
months for it to dissolve in the soil,
so the nutriment goes into your grass
next spring, wnen J
1 - Vu...n mA(tl NOW. HO
nppij wwiw
other fertilizer is quite so cheap and
clean. Wo weeds mil. juiuuiu.8i
nnw. for roses, holly
trees and other shrubs. To meet tne
Fall demand for this effective fertilizer
we have on hand an immense mm
Prices astonishingly
low. We furnish com
nlptiA information as i
A law - trnt best re
sults for turf and shrubs.
- . irrnnt and Yamhill Sta.