11 THE MORXIXG- OKEGCXNTA5", U til) AhSDAT, yOTKJIBEK 18, 19Q3. BDEF'S CHAUFFEUR ISTAKENPRISONER Wanted in San Francisco Bri bery Cases, He Will Fight Extradition. SAYS HE KNOWS NOTHING A. S. Lathan, Who Gave Long Chase to Secret Service Men, Declares He Could Not Afford to Await Trials. Til tell you why I l"ft Pnn Fran cisco. It was because Detective Burns, who is running things in the graft cases, made me come to court every iuv. lied take me in his office and kei p me there for hours. On that ac count I couldn't work. I have a wife to support, and so when I got tired of the foolishness I left." ' This was ttie explanation made yes terday by Alexander S. I-athan. former ly chauffeur for the notorious Abe Ruef, and the much-heralded missing witness In the Ituef-Ford-Calhoun trials. La than was arrested in Portland, at Kourth and Main streets, during the forenoon, at the instance of California secret service men. He was taken Into custody by retective Howell, the San Francisco men wishing to remain in the r-acksrround. Almost before Lathan had reached the police station a rush tele gram was reecived by the police from liistrict Attorney Landon, of San Kranclsco. It read: "Arrest and hold A. tf. Lathan, wanted here for bribery. Papers are on the way." Told of Mysterious Box. It is known, however, that no charges of actual bribery rest against Kuef's chauffeur. He is wanted for what he knows about the bribing of Supervisors ly Ruef and other boodlers. Lathan made a deposition before he left San Francisco last January giving impor tant evidence against Ruef and Tirey L. Ford, of the United Railways. One night he drove Ruef to Ford's office, he said In that deposition. Ruef emerged with a large box which he took at once to a safety deposit vault. It has been alleged that this was boo dle. "Yes. I admit the truth of that," La than said in discussing the case. "But I don't know that there was any money In tiie box. Ruef may have been the Hggest kind of a grafter for all I know. I'm not familiar with his dealings, and my testimony wouldn't be worth a snap to the prosecution." lAthan Intends to fight requisition, Rnd says he will not go back to San Francisco unless he is forced back. W ill right Ills Case. "I haven't got much money, but I'll hire a lawyer and tight requisition to the bitter end." he said. "I went to see John M. CSearin before my arrest, as I suspected I was being shadowed. I do not know yet whether he will act as my attorney." Although ronsMenable mystery has been attached to Iithan'a long absence and the inability of the best secret service men to get trak of him until lately, he said he'd really taken no pains to keep out of the way. 'I went to the depot one night in Janu. ary and bouht a ticket to Ienver." he uid. "I was under order of the court to wait around until the trial of the cases, but I couldn't afford to spend all my fam ily fund watting for those fellows to get ready for the trial. I would have been harsting around there yet. and hungry by this tune, if 1 hadn't pulled out. From fnn Francisco I went direct to Denver and then on to New York. From New York I n-turned to IH-nver and then came to Portland, where I met my wife. Here for Two Monihs. We have been in Portland for two months past and have been living at '6 Tillamook street. 1 have made no effort to keep out of sight or to disguise my lf. I've been working for C. S. Stanley for the past two wtt kn nnd prior to that I worked at the. Horse Show." 1-nthan wiu told that he is accused of having been houeht off nnd sent away by the I'ntted Railway boodlers. "Say, that's the greatest band of hot air artists for imagining all sorts of things." he exclaimed. "They can figure net more charges against a man In less time than anyone on earth. I didn't get a cent for leaving. My whole bank ac count at this time ie only That is on deposit at the Merchants National Hank. Does that sound like I'd been getting anv of their money?" "In driving Ruef about were you ever offered an thing?" "Not even the price of a cigar.' Lathan Is a man of 2S. and looks even younger. He is dark and smnll and is constantly smiling. His detention at the i'1iy Jaif last nisht eeemed to cause him no uneasintM. 'I've done nothing wrong, have got a . liar conscience, and so why should I do anv worrying"" lie said. NevertheW-ws the San Francisco authori ses look uwn him as a witness of the greatest importance, and It is likely that lathan will have a brisk fight on hie harnls If he attempts to evade extradition. WILL BUILD NEW CHURCH Vnlversalists Start Campaign to Erect $15,000 FxllUce. This week Rev. James D. Corby and the congregation of the First Uni versalis! Church will start their cam paign for a new building that will be .reeled either near East Twelfth or Vast Twentieth street. Public meet ings will be held during the week, be ginning this afternoon and evening ana lasting until Friday night. The Gen eral Convention of the I nivcrsallsts of the I'nite d Mates has made a cash do nation of J i'ijO toward erection of the t hurch. A building costing between 110. 0(J and $l.V'Ht is contemplated. The pres ent property at Ha-st Klghth and East Couch streets is worth about 13500, and will iirobablv be sold and the re ceipts aodel to the building fund. It was through the efforts of Rev. Mr. Corby that the j;eoo donation from the convention was secured. CHARGED IN FIRST DEGREE Daly, Who Killed Kenny, Is Incrim inated by Bystander. Desperate bravado or foolhardlness contributed to the death of Harry Kenny, a saloonkeeper, who was shot and killed hy Harry Daly, a destitute bartender, in Kenny's saloon at 52 sixth street. Monday night. It devel oped vestrrtiay at an inquest held over Kenny, that he dared Daly to shoot him. nt. had his hands over hit head when lly fired. Thcni'i Lienj, th- ola -eyewitness,.; of -he tragedy, told the story of the killing as he saw it. Lyons was a close friend of Kenny's. "I went into the saloon a little after 8:30 o'clock." Lyons testified. "Daly and Kennv were standing in front of the bar talking. Daly was demanding 1150 which he said Kenny owed him In back wages. Kenny denied owing him -""'111 make you pay It," Daly said." testified Lyons. "You'll not make me pay anything, Kenny said. -Then 111 kill you was Daly threat." "You've threatened that before. You wouldn't harm anybody." Kenny ans wered. Then Kenny walked behind the bar and held up his hands." -Go ahead and shoot if you're so anx ious.' he told Daly. 'And at that Daly whipped out his revolver and began flr- I" " There were no other eyewitnesses of the affair. Testimony relating to Daly's con duct and to later Incidents of the crime were given by T. Erickson. Police Ser geant Goltx, Patrolman Burke, and Chris Miller. The Jury in the case found Daly was responsible. A complaint charging first degree murder was at once drawn up. It will likely be pleaded In Daly's defense that he was mentally irresponsible. He had been regarded as a harmless lunatic for more than a year since he was injured about the head in an accident on board a river boat. The funeral of Kenny will be held to morrow morning at 9 o'clock from St. Mary's Church, Williams avenue and Stanton street. TANGLE GROWS HATER REFEREXBrM MAY BE INVOKED OX FRANCHISES GRANTED. Applications for 40 New Grants to Be Considered in Special Session. City. Attorney's Opinion. While the City Council is considering the question as to what it will do with 40 applications for franchises for ad ditions and extensions to the system of the Portland Railway, Light and Power Company, it is learned that the refer endum is to be called into the contro versy, if the Council grants any of the applications without the most absolute safeguards being incorporated for the public good. This puts an entirely dif ferent aspect on the situation. It leaves the Council helpless. If referendum petitions are circulated, and will probably have a strong influence with the Councllmen In determining upon the provisions of the proposed grants. The situation is made the more acute because of an oral opinion, rendered by City Attorney Kavanaugh for the benefit of the special committee of Councllmen name-j by Mayor Lane several months a;o to investigate va rious public grants. Mr. Kavanaugh's opinion was given at a meeting of the committee, held yesterday morning, and is. in brief, that the city is help less: that the streetcar company has the upper hand, and can do about as it pleases with all of its lines. There have been numerous instances, accord ing to data gathered for the committee, where the company has abandoned lines without notifying the city offic ials and without any official sanction. However, the city has no redress, ac cording to Mr. Kavanaugh; the com pany can do this without forfeiting any of its rights under its franchises. At a special meeting ot the City Council, to be held tomorrow at 2 P. M., the matter of the applications for 40 new franchises 'for extensions and additions, will be considered further. It is probable the Council will reach the place where it will have to Incorp orate or refuse to incorporate into the franchises the various public safety clauses, which are contained in the franchise of the United Railways Com pany. These regulate the number of cars to be operated, specifying the grade and weight of rails to be used; sprinkling of streets. regulation of fares and other features calculated to inure to the beneiit of the people. The company has officially stated that It will not accept franchises with these clauses, but it is said that, if the Council does not see to It that these clauses are in the franchises, the referendum will be in voked on the whole number, and the mat ter put up to the voters, to see whether they are willing to have the Council give away the rights to corporations without the stringent regulations named". It is also said that the refer endum will be used against the com pany if It attempts to abandon certain of its lines on the East Side, especial ly some of those in the Holladay and Irvlngton tracts. MEN'S W00L COATS $1. Vests of pure wool cloth. ............. -50c Youths' Suits, sixes to 3S.... H.50 uMen's Pants, splendid goods 11.00 Boys' Knee Pants, ages 6 to 15 25c Men's All-Wool Suits 15.00 Men's tine All-Wool Overcoats $10.00 At the closing-out sale ofr the wholesale stock. Front and Oak streets. In the wholesale district. . FOOTBALLTICKETS. Reserved seats for the annual game be tween Multnomah and University of Ore gon, on Thanksgiving day, can be secured at Powers & Estes drugstore. Sixth and Alder sts. Sale commences Thursday at W A. M. " AN ACTUAL FACT. You can buy ladies" suits, worth thirty dollars, at Le Palais Royal, for $11.75. 375 Washington 8U Tomorrow and Friday positively the last davg for discount on Kast Side gas bills. Don't forget to read Gas Tips. RECEIVE NEW RULES Harriman Lines to Distribute Uniform Bill of Lading. WILL FACILITATE SHIPPING Consignments Are Permitted Under Two Classes Cnder Regulations Effective on All Western Lines December 1.' Shippers and others Interested will re ceive circulars today from the traffic de partment of the Harriman lines calling their attention to the operation of the uniform Dill of lading that will become effective on the Western roads Decem ber 1. The circular sets forth the prom inent points of the new bill of lading and shows the importance of making arrange ments to comply with it upon the date fixed. The new bill of lading provides for two forms of shipment. One covers so-called "straight" consignments and the other order consignments- The different forms provide that a limited liability service or a common carrier's liability service may be had of the railroads, as the consignor may elect. Unless otherwise provided, property will be carried at the reduced rate specified If shipped subject to all the terms and conditions of the uniform bill of lading. If the consignor elects not to accept all the terms and conditions of this form, he should so notify the agent at the ship ping point. If he does not give such notice, it Is understood that he desires his property carried subject to the terms and conditions of the uniform bill of lading In order to secure the reduced rate. Property carried not subject to all the terms and conditions of the uniform bill of lading will be at the carrier's liability, limited only as provided by common law and by the laws of the United States and of the several states in so far as they apply,- but subject to the terms and conditions of the uniform bill of lading in so far as they are not inconsistent with such common carrier's liability. The rate charged therefore will be 10 per cent higher than the rate charged for property shipped subject to all the terms of the uniform bill of lading. Supplies of the new bill of lading will be furnished shippers by the Harriman companies on request. The circulars to be issued today will explain to shippers the requirements of the new bill of lading and how to comply with its provisions. FIRST TRAIN OX HILL ROAD Regular Passenger Service Inaugur ated From Local Terminus. The first regular passenger train to leave Portland over the North Bank road for Pasco got away yesterday morning from the new Hoyt street station. Just estab lished by the new Hill line in Its freight terminal yards. The train was well filled with passengenj and tne indications are that the new road will have a large busi ness into the territory reached by its line. Hopes are entertained by the Hill com pany that an entrance may be effected to the Union depot by some arrangement to be made later with the directors of the Northern Pacific Terminal Company, a Harriman corporation, but up to this time, negotiations to that end have been fruit less. However, a separate passenger sta tion for the Hill trains only is not yet projected until all hopes of being allowed to enter the Union depot are abandoned. One of the freight sheds at Eleventh and Hoyt streets has been transformed into a cozy passenger station and W. C. Wilkes, local freight agent, is in charge. D W. Coate has been appointed ticket agent G. M. Gllnes has been made chief clerk in the local freight office. Freight Rules Arc Withdrawn. The railroads have decided to withdraw the rule put into effect November 1 re garding the marking of freight by ship pers. At that time a rule was made setting certain hard and fast require ments in marking freight shipments. Thi3 was for the purpose of guarding against loss by the freight going astray either through improper marking or the erasure of the name or address. It has been decided to withdraw this rule and restore the former custom of marking freight. The old plan will be restored as soon as it can be done by the amend ment of the Western classification. All lines will take the same action and the withdrawal of the order will be hailed with delight by shippers. Will Attend Whitman Conference. William McMurray, general agent, and R. B. Miller, general freight agent for the Harriman lines in the Pacific North west, left the city last night for Walla Walla where they will attend the educa tional conference now in session in that city. They will attend the banquet to be given there in honor of D. K. Pearsons, the benefactor of Whitman College, as representatives of the Harriman railroad interests. Hill Traffic Official Coming. J. 51. Hannaford, second vice-president of the Northern Pacific Railway, in charge of traffic, will visit Portland next week. It has been about a year since Mr. Hannaford was here last, and he visits this territory at frequent in tervals to keep In touch with 5ondN tions here as regards traffic for his road. Schooner Queen at San Pedro. SAN PEDRO, Cal.. Nov. 17. The schooner Queen. Captain Larsen. arrived this morning. 22 days from Tillamook, with 250,000 feet of lumber. ENTERTAINS PIG IN CELLAR AND THEN DEMANDS PAY FOR BOARD Louis Kelm's Unusual Hospitality Lands Him in Police Court, But' He Is AcQuitted on Charge of Theft. SOME days ago a pig entered the premises of Louis Kelm. on th Llnnton road. It was not of the human variety, but an ordinary pig of the genus Sus. Mr. Kelm's Inviting cellar attracted the pig. and it was having the time of its life In his corn bin when he came in and discovered the animal. And. being of a hospitable turn of mind. Kelm made the pig com fortable instead of driving It from the cellar. His wife wanted him to chase it off the place, but kind-hearted Mr. Kelm simply couldn't do it. That was the reason he was in the Municipal Court yesterday morning on a charge of stealing the pig. For It seems that when Frank L. Smith, who had reared the pig. came along and de manded the surrender of his property, Kelm had formed such an attachment for the little wanderer that he hesi tated about giving it up. He did finally consent to surrender it If Smith would pay board, eutd lodging, en the sis dur ing the eight days It had sojourned at the Kelm domicile. -Mr. Smith, who Is a local butcher, said it was -a rare thing to strain hos pltalitv to the point of asking remuner ation for the food and ed given an in vited guest. He refused to pay for the pig's accommodation, and when Kelm then refused to part company with the pig, arrest followed. All these circumstances were fully explained to Municipal Judge Van Zante yesterday morning, and he was inclined to believe Kelm had done wrong in de manding pay for the pig's entertain ment. True, it had gone into the Kelm cellar uninvited, escaping from a drove of pigs that was being driven out to the slaughter pen. "But you needn't have kept it. the court said. "You are not obliged to feed stray animals. There Is a pound master and estray pound for that pur pose. I do not believe you Intended stealing the pig or that you were in any way guilty of theft, as charged in the complaint. I will not fine or im prison you. but you'll have to surren der ihe lU." mm mm Trade Braldim g Ssile The Great Trade-Building Sale now in progress here is given another attraction, that no doubt will make many new and intensely loyal friends for this great store Thisnew feature is a SweepSfReduction of One-Fourth Of f the Regular Price of All Our-Overcoats. .None are exempt from the sharp price cut, although some of them only arrived from the factory a short week ago. Overcoats Reduced One-Fourth Measure the importance of this sale by the Overcoats themselves. Here are Overcoats for every use business, dress, driving, fair or foul weather. Here are Overcoats of every standard fabric from the best mills in the land. Here are Overcoats in so great variety that every man is offered widest choice Here are Overcoat values unequaled in this vicinity or any other vicinity because "Brownsville" trade advantages, "Mill-to-Man meth ods," and last but by no means least, our keen desire to make many new friends, bring these coats to you at a saving of an even "fourth off reg ular prices. S15.QO Overcoats, A Off, Now $11.25 $18.00 Overcoats, 4 Off. Now $13.50 $20.00 Overcoats, A Off, Now $1S.QQ $25.00 Overcoats, V4 Off, Now $18.7 ' . S3Q.OO Overcoats, A Off, Now $22.50 The Free and Unrestricted Choice of IjiSiti res' Anv Suit in the Store at No Matter What They Cost Us, or the Fact That They Always Sell in This Store at $18, $20, $22,5$25 and Some at $30, the Special Price Now is Just $15.00 These are "warmer clothing" days assuredly, and we've been doing and are doing our level best for the public in value-giving. That our efforts are meeting with great approval is shown by the crowds that visit us daily. Brownsville Woolen Mill Store 3d and Stark Sts. " MiU-to-Man Clothiers" Portland, Or. WOULD ENJOIN CITY Southern Pacific Will Fight for Fourth-Street Service. APPEAL TO FEDERAL COURT Company Secures Belay Before Mu nicipal Service, but Mayor Lane May File TTew Complaints Against Manager O'Brien. It was officially announced yester day that the Southern Pacific Railroad Company, through its -lcgfil depart ment, will seek an injunction against the city In the Federal Court as soon as the papers can be drawn. The cor poration will seek to enjoin the mu nicipal officials from -forcing obedi ence to the provisions of an ordinance which prohibits the operation of steam locomotives or freight cars over the Fourth-street line. This is the result of the arrest late Monday afternoon of J. P. O'Brien, general manager of the Harriman lines in Oregon, who is charged with violation of the ordinance. When his case was called before- . Municipal Judge Van Zante yesterday morning, W. I. Fenton. chief counsel for the Southern Paciflo asked a postponement of the hearing until November 30, which was consented to by Deputy City Attorney Sullivan, but without the knowledge of City Attorney Kav anaugh. The latter declared .last night that he may not let the matter rest as long as the date named, if the company should fail to institute its suit in the United States Court on in junction proceedings. Mayor IJane, when informed as to the decision of the company to seek an injunction against the city, declined te make any statement. It was inti mated yesterday that he may instruct Chief of Police Gritzmacher to pro cure a complaint from the City Attor ney daily and to arrest Mr. O'Brien repeatedly until the matter is brought to a focus. The general belief is that the Executive will be guided in his actions largely by the attitude of the company officials and the speed with which they carry their case into court. One of the principal contentions of the company will be that it is in duty bound to carry the United States malls on the West Side line, it being under contract to do so. and that It would forfeit its original grant from the Government, should ti.e Fourth street line be abandoned. Another contention of the company will be that the franchise of the line is not re vocable by the City Council, and the corporation will put up a strong fight on these grounds. Mr. Kavanaugh expressed confidence last night that he will be able to dis prove all of the contentions of the company officials. He declares that it will be easy to establish the right of tb.a .Council to jegulate traffic ovet the line in question or to revoke the grant at any time. GROOM GONE; MONEY', TOO Bride of Four Days Tells Sorrowing Tale at Seattle. SEATTLiE, Wash., Nov. 17. (Spe cial.) Four days after their wedding, Bernard C. Long deserted his 20-year-old wife, taking with him tiaX all the money she had, according to the alle gations made before Justice Joln B. Gordon, who issued a warrant for the missing husband. The bride told a pathetic story of Long's wooing and their marriage. For the first two or three days after their wedding day, she said, he treated her kindly, but on the fourth day he gained possession of her money and then left her. Amid her sobs she told the Jus tice that after his disappearance she learned that Long had been married before, and relate! how he had evaded the subject which she had often broached during their courtship. The police believe the man has left the city. Tomorrow and Friday positively the last davg for discount on East Side gas bills. Don't forget to read Gas Tips, Notice to stockholders, page 17. WHAT WE . DO "We solicit deposits sub ject to check, savings ac counts on which we pay in terest, deposits for fixed or indefinite periods for which our certificates issue, trusts under will, corporate or syn dicate trusts, bond issues, estates for final distribution or other distribution, etc Consult us freely concern ing any phase of our service. Merchants Savings S Trust Company 247 Washington Street. ,Grand Opening Day.. REX FURNITURE GO. 230 SECOND STREET, Bet. Salmon and Main Today is the opening of our store with a new and fresh stock of up-to-date furniture of all kinds. WHAT WE OFFER OUR CUSTOMERS Honest dealings and good values WHAT WE DO Deliver goods promptly, in first-class condition and just as represented. If not right, we make it right. Come in and get acquainted. We can save you money on that new home you are about to fur nish. Remember, if not right we make it right. REX FURNITURE COMPANY Talking Machine Records Cut Nearly in Half A vast assortment of strictly brand new disc. records for all. makes of talking machines retailed regularly at 0c the world over, will be offered tomorrow at nearly half or 33c each (not more than six records to each customer). All that is best in band ana operatic selections, voca?ahnd insTumental numbers, exc. etc. are Included in this unpre cedented offer. Here's a fine chance to get a Bplendid assortment of new records at little expense. Come the first thing. To call particular attention to our splendid Talking Machine depart ment (acknowledged the finest and most modernly equipped in the West) we will offer a limited number of high-grade Talking Machines at drastic reductions. All are strictly brand new, very latest styles, tapering arm, etc The reg. $25 Talking Machines and 6 records, only. . .$19.75 The reg. $40 Talking Machines and 6 records, only. . .$24.90 The reg. $85 Talking Machines and 6 records, only. . .$49.25 - i nA "V-. machines will K1L 1UI1J icua.ttiitn.-. ..v be sold to dealers at these prices ana only one to each customer. This Is posi tive. Pay cash or easy payments. e reserve the right to withdraw this offer just as soon as the certain number of machines are sold. Arrange to come right away. All GRAVES MUSIC CO., Ill Fourtfi Street The Largest and Finest Music Emporium in the West