TIIE MORNING OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, XOVK31BER 17, 1908. FOREST FUNDS IN WESTERN BANKS Portland Institution Designat ed as One of Department Depositories. TO MAKE ALL COLLECTIONS funds for Oregon, Washington, Alaska and Portion of Northern California to Come Through Portland Vnder w Plan. WASHINGTON, Nor. 16. The rtmei of lx Government depositories which are to handle, the receipt of the United States Forest Service, after December 1. when it organization for the adminlstra tion of the National forest will be re moved from Washington to six field dis trict In the West, have Just been an nounced. The designation of Western banks to handle the moneys received from timber sales, permits for stock grazing and for special uses of various resources in t.e National forests la an innovation which will mean that all the receipts of the Forest Service in the future will be de posited to the credit of the Treasurer or the United States and made available for circulation In the part of the country from which it is derived, within the limits of the amounts allowed by law for Government deposits, instead of be ing forwarded to the Treasurer at Wasa ington. , . The banks which have been named and which have . all consented to serve t.ie Government are located In the district headquarters of the Forest Service at Portland. Denver. Ocden. Albuquerque, Missoula and San Francisco. They are aa follows: , ' First National Bank. Portland. Or., headquarters of Sixth District, including u-a.hinAn Oregon, a small part of Northern California and Alaska. Western Montana National Bank. Mis soula. Mont.: headquarters of First Dis trict, including Northeastern Washing ton, Northern Idaho. Northern Wyoming and Nortnwestern South Dakota. Denver National Bank. Denver, Colo.: headquarters of Second Dtstrict. Includ ing Colorado, Southern Wyoming. South Dakota, Northwestern Minnesota, Ne braska. Western Kansas, Southeastern Utah. First National Bank. Albuquerque, N. M.: headquarter of Third District. In cluding Arizona, Arkansas, New Mexico and Oklahoma. First National Bank. Ogden. Utah.: headquarters of Fourth District, including Utah. Southern Idaho. Western Wyo ming. Eastern Nevada and Northwestern Arizona. First National Bank. San Francisco, Cal ; headquarters for Fifth District, in cluding California and Southwestern Ne vada, i The estimated receipts for the National forests for the present fiscal year will be approximately U00O.OOO. making the receipts from each of the six districts ranse from I2T6.000 to JS0.O0O. The de positories will receive all remittances due the Government for use of the National forests after December 1. and deposit them to the credit of the Treasurer of the United States. PREFERS PRISON TO FINE (Continued From First Psx tlflcates of deposit be taken out in some t.ther name than the treasurer's. D. G. Ramsey, of the Electrical Work ers Union, as applauded when he de clared: We had a chance to place our funds beyond the reach of those who would take them, but we let it pass on Novem ber X The only way to protect our money Is to change the laws." Sir. Gompers warned the delegates that, if a way were found to hide the funds, "the courta would thereafter ap point a receiver, not necessarily to se cure in some way the hidden funds, but to get the money being contributed." , Labor I'nlons Conspiracies. By request, Mr. Gompers explained the status of the Danbury hat case. The lower courts had held that there was ro case under the Sherman anti-trust law, but the United States Supreme Court reversed this decision and re manded the case to the lower court for retrial. Continuing, he said: "Our standing is menaced by the courts rf law. The matter of the application of the Sherman anti-trust law to unions has reached final adjustment by the United States Supreme Court. No mat ter how the Danbury case la decided, that will not, alter the status one Jot. The United States Supreme Court has said the final word and the law of this coun try is that labor organizations of this country are now conspiracies and com binations In restraint of trade. "Under the Sherman anti-trust law honest business cannot be conducted. much less honest, straightforward labor organizations. Go to Jail If Found Guilty. Referring to the case against me in the Distaict of Columbia, I want to say I will never consent that the American Federation of Labor shall ever pay one cent of any fine for me. I don't want to go to Jail, but will not tamely sub mit to the Federation being mulcted for me. I am not pleading poverty, for If I had the .means I would not use them In payment of any fine Imposed on me for exercising my rights aa an American citizen." Max Hayes, of Cleveland, made a so cialist speech, but suggested the forma tion of a labor party. He criticized the Democratic platform, and in regard to that portion which ears. "W yield to none In our respect for the courta." Mr. Hayes declared he had no respect for the courts. Not Democrat, Trad Unionist. Mr. Gompers again took the floor to reply to Mr. Hayes. He said the posi tion taken by Mr. Hayes was Illogical and declared that the decisions of the Supreme Court had but one object, namely, to "tie the men of labor to their work, to cripple the men of labor In their right to work or their right not to work." That waa the proposition, he 6e- C'"Thee decisions." he aald. "will result In fettering men today. In order to en slave them for all time to come. The rights which the courts took from the workmen of Great Britain caused the formation of the labor party, and. having se-ured their rights to organise, they have continued and will secure other rights. .- - v "In the first place, I am not in iovo with the Democratic party; second, I am not a Democrat, -and. third. I am confi dent I never will be a Democrat. I owe allegiance to no party. I am a trades unionist. May the trades-unionists al waya be right: but, whether right or wrong, I am wnn tne uiac-ui"" Thia declaration was receneu cheers. Why He Supported Bryan. "v- k.. .Kiiiinrnl the Democratic party mora than L" Mr. Gompers con tinued, "but when the Democratic Party made our- contentions Its own. it would not only have been Ingratitude but cow- ardlce to desert it- n -'- "re ¬ elected with the boats of organised labor back of him. it would have given spirit to human freedom." John H. Walker, president oi ui u- . -a i.l Ha waa a Socialist, declared for an Independent po litical organization. The report oi me i-u." ' , h its recommendations. urn s cyvi " was concurred in unanimously. The executive council u..u - -"'"'- . - Wnmmnrlnr that fur- meniaiy icpui, - ther Investigation be made Into the mat ter of the congestion i u...-. In large cities, and that a conference be : .. . . i lth thA renresenta- neia in rrm - - ... , tlve of the Italian government at Wash ington. ji.mit H t ween the Paper-Hangers' Union and the Painters ported that no decision had been reached. Expulsion of Asiatics. . ul..llAn nn hi sxllSiOt Of thft in gTewumvxv. w.- .. i. I t ..latin -s.rOa wu a CIO Died by the convention, as reported by tne committee on resolution. Thla resolu tion declares that "the terms of tne -.vi tiHmilri be en- larged and extended so as to exclude permanently from tne unueu ouict 7. . . 1 .11 rarvl native Of Asia other than those exempted by the present terms oi wmi --- It also directa that a copy of the reso . . , . . rnnm with a re in lion n win quest for consideration. The resolution waa adopted witnout aiicu.uu. . . i..,inn ri,mflniiinf laws similar to those prohibiting the signing as able sea men or any person - -- least "three years' experience on deek at sea", was adopted. Defends Akron Printers. . i..,iAn tntiiHiiArf bv the Typo- -. i T'nn iteri the extreme bitter ness of the contest in progress for years in Akron, O., in tne contest oi iut ner Publishing Company with Its em . i . i iimiri that n nrivate de- tective lost his life, and the resolution aska that the executive council db in structed to investigate all the circum- ...-., mUns- this traeedv. and contribute to the defense fund of two union men who have been accused oi , . -i.n a.trm tliA veriitive roil II- Bunicr. , . - - ell to take steps to reorganize the Akron trades unlona. ... i n.i.iu nn T-.nnl ii f lnn struck out practically all of the resolution ex cepting In regard to reorganizing the unions. Max Hayea. of Aaron, -elolently opposed the report of the committee. Several otner aeiegates spono on u subject, a majority supporting Mr. Hayes. President James ai. iyncu. "i jh- 1. 1. . 1 lnlAn .lnai4 thA discussion. Brav"-"i . . - . arguing for the adoption of the resolu tion aa introduced. The recommendation of the committee on resolutions with ref erence to the Akron situation were voma down, and the" resolution adopted, aa in troduced. Resolutions on Many Points. The Federation adopted resolutions in favor of woman suffrage, free school books In. public schools, the movement to ii,. . v. r1 nf women workers and the abolition of child labor.- The Massachusetts savings can a ana insur ance and old-age annuity aystems were Indorsed, and the huddling of telegraph workmen in freightcara and sheds was condemned, as were also compulsory ar bitration, and the Townsend bill on that . . nAnrilnv in Cnnaress. . ..i ,,.Yert . charter ine m.ni" ""-:---.. .v..i. to the operative plasterers miu ni . -.., vlthnul votes delegates in tne " LABOR PROBLEM SERIOUS GEORGE BERNARD SHAW TAKES HAND IX TROUBLE. Kiii iiii.i jm. MMmm London Embarrassed by Grayson's Suspension and Starvation Ques tion Among; Laboring Classes. LONDON, Nov. 16. (Special.) George Bernard Shaw, In the course of an article on Victor Grayson's atti tude In the House of Commons, says: "One can't but wonder gloomily whether Mr. Grayson's action will be aufflcient, or whether the unemployed problem will be Ignored until an Eng lish city Is burnt and half the Inhabi tants stoned and beaten to upset order and the other half shot and aabered to restore it. It is true that Mr. Gray son, though suspended, has succeeeded In calling attention to the unemployed In Parliament, Just aa Mr. Frank Smith has In the London City Council, but will anything serious be done? 'The last time the difficulty arose the part of Mr. Grayson was played by the Queen. With an Impetuous contempt for the constitution which must have scandalized even ansa Christabel Pankhurst, that eminent lady, without wasting time consulting Ministers, swept Into the arena and appealed atralght to the public over the heada of the Houses of Parliament. vi n,., it was the dutv of the Prime Minister to. move the suspension of the Queen, out ne uiu. hoi, iictimji. CIUH 1IW V J n 1 V. ,w a.. r port of the Labor party, and the lady vlctorloua. nappy ana g mnuun, miu p.pii,m,nl to act. But It acted wlth- Moan In solte of Its pretense of organization by a senseless machinery of fundamentally purposeless commit . thA nice It did nothina but offer the mob money, and ever since then John Burns, wno Knows some- i i v. . . . 1ia nfthlAm has been lIUUS v U . ' - ' . very wisely and properly doing all he can to prevent the mob from get ting It. "That Is how the matter standa at present. You have four capable per- r H.UH nnxitlnn. cha.ra.rter and experience, namely, the Queen, Victor r.nv.nn Frank Smith and Will Thnrna. all driven to the same con i . That It la tinn,l,U ClUSluil. I" " . - " to Induce the House of Commons and the County council to aeai witn tne starvation question by orderly meth oda. It Is. of course, possible to arrive kt .nni-lnfllnn .and vet to accent the preservation v iwun m a first law, and give up the struggle aa hopeless. This appears to be theposl- r the Labor party. Only two , mAmhArs we are told, voted against Mr. Grayson's suspension. No doubt ther had excellent reasons for !,..- an harl the Liberals and , n r. 1 1 iviiuuv., - - the Unionists, and the reasons appear to have been tne same .n " really raises the question why we . . v. . T . Unr mambers at all if Unionists and Liberals will do Just as well?" V haling- Bark Reacbeg Port. siV tTTt NCI900. Nov. 1. The wnaiina- hark Karluk arrived today, tl dava out from Unalaska. She brought s cargo of bOOO pounds of whalebone. Yd: Wide Taffeta 89c A sale that means the distribution of 4000 yards of the finest sort of silk. A prime grade of lustrous black taffeta, ' a "full yard wide and regularly sold at $1.25 the yard. Extra special bargain today nQp at, the yard, only ............... UUU ' AGENTS Royal Worcester Corsets 5 WASMINGTOF4.AND 6:STS $1.50 Grenadines 59c 24 or 44 inches -wide. Very handsome striped or checked designs, good color assortment. Going at little more than one-third the regular value, and though the values run to $1.50 the yard, CQn today they sell for .. t J J U WE SELL LADIES' HOME JOURNAL PATTERNS Superb Values gg-Suit Department . a..m.mmMam.tMmswaaammia.mma-saM J--SSPV The enviable reputation. we have achieved as the style-setters and value-givers of the Pacific Northwest is being vigorously maintained this season and especially this week. Huge shipments received yesterday and the latter part of last weekf bring our stocks to a point where they surpass all previous records for exclusive ness and remarkable value. Portland women look to us to supply them with the most clever and authentic modes in stylish attire, and the immense volume of our sales emphatically attest our endeavor to meet the demand and the approval u A..; rirfi. -orcrc manufacturers of women's hieh-class apparel confine MP tLlP" - " ... w. . . t their lines exclusively to this great store, none other can secure ine ncn unu distinctive garments shown here, as we have the exclusive sale. Our tremendous business in these lines assures us of quick sales, therefore we can afford to sell-and doseJl-the finest of Women's Wear for as little and even less than lower qualities and less desirable styles selljnotherto Thanksgiving Linens p;hrJnn'sLow Priced Table Seta, consisting of table cloth and one dozen napkins, in patterns to match. 2 yards square, $31.50. frnO Crt value, for low price. .. gAiv.U 2x2i yards' 3400 nn value, for low price. .. : WLViVV 2x2y2 yards, $36.00 000 (10 value, for low price. .. OUiUU 2i.x2i2 yards, $40.00 PQ1 Cf value, for low price. . . l?d I iWU 2Vnx3 yards, $42.00 POO (1(1 value, for low price. .. gJAiUU Hemstitched Tea Cloths fine quaUty; reg. $3.2d val....-5 Kegular $3.50 value, sp'l $3.08 Regular $4.50 value, sp'l $3.96 SHOES $3.49 RUBBERS FREE A double offer that will bring all the economical women of Portland to buy shoes here today. Broken size lines, in an as sortment containing alto gether about 1200 pairs. Button or lace styles, with heavy or light soles, kid, -alf and patent leathers. Shoes for dress or shoes for street wear. French, Cuban or Military heels. Regular values run to $7.00 the pair, and with every pair we give a pair of Foothold or Storm K. - an Aft IA Rubbers, iree. au. j nu fnr nr.lv OJlTlJ Linen Huck Towels, with scal loped or hemstitched border, spe cially priced at 85c, 01 "C $1.05 and '...Ol.-tw Table Damask, full width, Rich ardson's linen, in assort- 01 AO ed patterns, $1.75 val. . .0 I itU Napkins to Match Above, CO QQ worth $4.25 dozen.. 0"vU Pattern Table Cloths, with hand some border all "around, 2x2y2 yards, $4.25 value. $3.53 2x2V2 yards, $5.00 val- OA Aft ues, for only OtitU 2x3 yards, $6.00 value, for only. . . . . Libbey Cut Glass Carving Sets and Chinaware Splendid values on everything for the table in this best of all makes of cut glass. Get the best to be had and pay even less than ordinary . a. grades usuauy cost., .$5.25 Sugars and Creamers, $4.7:j val ues, for low price of only $3.75 Fancy Shape Olives, $2.50 val ues, for low price of only $1.95 Fancy Shape Bonbons, $5.00 val ues, for low price of only $3.98 Fancy Shape Nappies, $6.00 val ues, for low price of only $4.75 Bowls, worth $4.75, sp'l $3.75 Tumblers, worth $12.75 per doz en, for only . . ... ..... .$10.15 Tumblers, worth $22.00 per doz en, for only ,$17.50 Water Bottles, $5.50 vals. $4.3o Water Pitchers, $9 values $7.15 Spoon Trays, worth $3, $2.3e Spoon Trays, worth $5.50 $4.25 Dress Goods Sff The Yard 81c This phenomenal special featured for today and Wednesday. Just 2540 yards of decidedly desirable Dress Fabrics, in checked voiles, cheviots, fancy striped serges, herringbone and panamas. Also, cloakings in stripes, checks and plaids. Fine assortment as to color and weight, and regular values ita the lot L high as $3.50 the yard. Choice of this magnificent lot for today and 0 1 p Wednesday at uue ww iixuo w mj . GRENADINES A three-days' sale in Port land's foremost silk store. Beautifully striped and checked Grenadines, in 24-inch and 44 inch widths; about 750 yards in all the rQp Toforrprl shades: vals. to $1.50, choice. UJu i""v"- ' YARD-WIDE BLACK TAFFETA Four thousand yards on sale today and Wednes day chiffon finish; soft and lustrous. Rich, lasting black; regularly sold at $1.25 the yard; special sale price for these goods nQp . . w w V will be exceptionally low choice. r.,. .Fr nrnC Strongly made Iron Beds, finished in white enamel, in hand ENAMEL iStLUa cma HioTis. heaw chills. Full or three-quarters sizes are reduced, and this should hurry all homefltters into prompt action. . Ml 50 values for special low price $7.95 7.50 values, for special ow price $5.35 Vllfn ror soecial low price $8.75 $15-00 values, for special low price $9.9o iTXaOfV " J J. . Semi-Porcelain Dinner Sets, in pleasing i decorations; QQ rn reg. $8.92, special ODiwU Regular $12.85 vals., sp'l $8.05 Reg. $16.98 val., special $11.90 Dinner Sets, . of German China, prettily decorated, pleasing shapes; 100 pieces, 01 C 7R worth to $20, sp '1 0 I VI I 0 CARVING SETS 3-piece sets, consisting of steel, carver and fork, made of best guaranteed steel, with celluloid or staghorn handles; reg. Oft $3.00 values, special 0aiHw Reg. $4.50 values, special $3.65 $8-S0 Curtains Special $4.75 Short lines, not many pairs of any one pattern, but an aggregate of over 200 pairs in all. Net, Scrim, Tambour, Arabian, Filet and Novelty effects are very much under priced. For example: $8.50 values, for QA ye special, per pair; I 0 $10.00 values, for the OC AC special low price, pair...OJiJJ $12.00 values, for the special low price, pair; $18.50 values, for the special low price, pr. . $21.00 values, for the special low price, pr. . $30.00 values, for the special low price, pr. . S7.50 SI 2.35 S13.95 $18.50 I SsasamasamsBSBmssaasamamas . i . a ,,, i.maammastaam -"T' i Constantinople u rcimw w i " . T . ganite the service ot public security. i Biaes u.u wUU uuzn huh, anomer B . class is to be feared those who become rich and are unable to stand prosperity. POPE GREETED BY 70, FIFITIETH YEAR IX .PRIEST HOOD CELEBRATED. Members of Royal Families and Thousands of Guests Pay Homage to Plus X. is a nnntlfical TnaSS celebrated this morning at St. reter by the Pope on the fM',n f BOth anniversary oi nis . . v. A mnat fmoresslvs priestnooa wa . ; . ceremony witnessed In Rome since the coronation of the pontiff. There were present not less win faithful, who had come to Rome from all parts of the world. Tribunes had been erected only lor the Pope's sisters, the members of the royal families, the diplomatic corps and the special missions sent by the beads of states. The rest of the people were admitted by ticket. Order was main tained outside St. Peter's by the mu nicipal police and Italian troopa, while inside the building; the pontifical gen darmes saw to the proper seating or the crowds. Among; the membera oi royal families In the tribune set aside for their use were Grand Duke Alex ander and Grand Duchess Cetia of Rus sia and Princess Mathilda of Saxony. The special envoya they were all clad 4n brilliant uniforms Included Prince Hohenlohe - Bartelsteln. representing Bavaria; Prince Schwartaberg. repre senting Austro-Hungary; Baron Schor lemer, representing Germany, and Duke Bella Conqulsta, the Spanish Emissary. The Basilica waa radiant Inside the building, with thousands f electric lights and candles. The papal proces- . ...rniricent -and SlOnS Was . iuu ,, nr brought together a large variety of handsome and rich court costumes. The "'I??'. -e58..C'ad a I" rT.ll: heads'of caramais in ' . the high church dignitaries rose . the papal chair, upon wm-i . ""' aressea aimoRi en .."-.., - ----- seated. The chair was decorated by the famous feather ians. anu - J - lnar, his bleSSinK tO progreru iiw ""f - . the kneeling crowds. There were 84 cardinals ,ana itv aiuvw " cession. . . . .. The United States was represented by Arrhblshop J. J. Glennon, of St. Louis; Bishop E. Fallen, of Mobile: the Most Rev. Robert Scton, titular Archbishop of Hellopolis of Newark. Monslgnor Kennedy, rector of the American col lege here: Monslgnor Jcfhn Farrelljr, spiritual director of the American col lege the Rev. George W. Mundelein, chancellor of the diocese of Brooklyn, as well as a number of American atu dents and a large contingent ot Ameri can visitors. . Cardinal Rampolla, aa the arch priest of St. Petefa, received the Pope at the antrance to the Basilica. The choir of the Slstlne Chapel, under the direction of Abbe Perosl, rendered the music, which was most beautiful. The Pope ce'ebrated mass at the high al tar, staadlng above the ahrlne of St. Peter's. At the conclusion of the mass he Imparted his solemn benediction to the vast congregation. It waa an im pressive moment, and every one with in the portala of Bt. Peter's was deeply touched by the solemnity of the occa sion. Canada was represented by Monslg nor Bruchest, Archbishop of Montreal, and other bishops. Aberdeen Has $3000 Blaze. ABERDEEN, Wash., Nov. 16. (Special.) Fire today destroyed the newly-completed bathrooms of Charley Bealey and dam aged adjoining buildings. The loss is J3000, covered by Insurance. LYNCH GREEK BRIDEGROOM BRIDE ALSO KILL.ED BY' TURK ISH MOB. Bodies Then Paraded in Street's Outrage Dne to Islamic Law Pro hibiting Certain Marriages. rnNSTANTINOPLE. Nov. 13. (Spe cial.) A regrettable incident has oc curred in the Beshlktash quarter. An Ottoman Greek and Turkish woman who contemplated marriage, such uniona being against the Islamic law, were taken to the police station in order to avoid disturbance. A Turkish mob, however, overpowered the guards. Invaded the station, dragged the pris oners Into the atreet and lynched them. The body of the Greek was. paraded on Friday by the Greeka In the principal street. ' The authoritlea have ordered a strin gent inquiry Into the affair , and have taken military precautions to prevent further trouble. Five Kurds who were the principal ringleaders In the lynch ing, have been arrested. The officer in charge of the police station Is consid ered greatly to blame and will doubt less be punished. The Turkish newspapers condemn in strong terms the lynching In the Beshlktash quarter. They demand the punishment of the guilty persons. Sev eral further arrests have been made in connection with the affair. It Is re ported that three battallona of troops of the Salonika Army Corps and 20 trained police aaanta nomin-- to Vicious, Idle Rich Flayed. NEW HAVEN, Conn., Nov. 16. Tale students, those whose fathers are wealthv. have food for thought from the Rev. Endicott Peabody. principal of the cv,.vni whrn tut mni of Presi dent Roosevelt. John Hay and other dis tinguished men preparea ior ine college. In a sermon. Dr. Peabody declared that, "It Is the vicious Idle rich whom we have to fear more than any other element of our modern life. Their viciousness Is of the most violent sort and Is the most Auto Victims Will Recover. SAN JOSE, Cal., Nov. H Mrs. . A. A. Busey and Mrs. I E. Horton, of Oak land, who were seriously Injured in an automobile accident yesterday afternoon near this city, will recover. They are resting comfortably in a local sanita rium. Mrs. Busey and Mrs. Horton have broken ribs, but no member of the party suffered Internal injuries. . All DISTRESS FROM II OR 1 UPSET STOMACH VANISHES All Misery in the Stomach Win Be Relieved Tije Minutes After Taking Some Diapepsin, Does it ever occur to you how busy that little stomach of yours Is? It actually only holds three pints, though in one year you force It to take In 2500 pounds of material, digest It and prepare It for'asslmilatlon to the blood. Do you wonder at the number of cases of indigestion and stomach trouble,? Tou crowd it with steaks and pastry, irritate Its Juices with spices and acids and expect this little four-ounce mill to do its work. Is there any wonder that your food passes undigested, or lays like a lump if lead in the stomach? That every thing you eat turns to acid, stomach Eas and stomach poison, putrefying the intestines and digestive canals. Biliousness. Headaches, Dizzi ness aad Indigestion,. Heartburn. Nau seous Breath. Constipation and other mora dangerous symptoms? Call your dlseasn what you will Indigestion, Gastritis, Nervousness, Dyspepsia, Catarrh of Stomach, etc. you know the real name, the real dis ease is fermentation of the food you eat a sour stomach, which belches gas and erupts undigested food or cauces a feeling of nausea and mlserableness. All these miseries vanish promptly when you stop this food fermentation. Take 60 cents to your pharmacist for a case of Pape'i Diapepsin. Eat a trlangule, and five minutes later vour atomach will do what a healthy aiom ach should that Is, turn every bite you eat Into bodily nourishment and without you realizing that you have a stomach. One trlangule will digest all the food you eat without the aid of the stomach, because it contains Just the elements found In a good, strong, healthy stomach. t I