Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 17, 1908, Page 18, Image 18

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Great "Apple Show", 3rd Floor 50 Varieties Magnificent Prize Apples from BeulahLand Orchards of Oscar Vanderbilt, Hood River
1 1 1 1 i
Up-to-date and Artistic Pictnre Framing to Your Order 4th Floor
HoMty 5'g of Pictures 7A Pyr?grafey Ceo 4s at Sav&g Prices
The Meier (Bb Frank Store
Women's Embroidered Hosiery
at a Great Reduction in Prices
Our entire stock of Women's Embroid
ered Hosiery on sale at decidedly low
prices Light, medium and heavy
weights All new stylish Hosiery in all
grades The best values you have had
the opportunity to share in this year
50c Embroidered Hose at 43c the Pair
65c Embroidered Hose at 57c the pair
75c Embroidered Hose at 63c the pair
85c Embroidered Hose at 72c the pair
,00 Embroidered Hose 86c the pair
4 $ 1 .25 Embroidered Hose at $1.07 pair
y $ 1 .50 Embroidered Hose at $ 1 .25 pair
Sale of $6.00 Alligator. Hand Bags $2.89
A sale extraordinary of L'OO real homba.k alligator Handbags, fitted 2.89
with coin purse; 9,'l0 and 12-inch sizes; handsome styles; u values.
Women's black seal Handbags, leather-lined, fitted with coin purse; CI Qg
the best regular .fj.uv values, on iaie i, r.-.. ..., . .
Sjecial lot of JUU very . naiiusome mumj ini
bnirs, in assorted styles and sizes; beautifully" made
30 inches lonj
$10 Hand Bags
lues, on sale at this very low price, ea
Annual Thanksgiving Sale of Groceries
-4 C r oe 1T-V and finished; the. best regular $10.00 R
ilL A J.7 J I!ldl mi.w.s nn n! nt this verv low nrice. ea.
A Btesaying on your Thanksgiving groceriesjf you buythemhere
Eveihing that's good in foodstuffsjs included in this grand
snTsaleTATfew of the extra special offerings are listed below
Mincemeat in bulk, special, 2 lbs. for. .2o?
Hoiled Cider, for, the bottle, 20c and..25
Xev Crop Walnuts on sale at, the pound. 18J
liest (ilace Citron on sale at, the pound.. 22
Oniiiw and Lemon Peel on sale at, lb..l6
Tl:i Hi's bleached Sultana Kaisins, buy all
you . .it of them at this low price, lb..l3
('ondi ii.-cd Mincemeat, 3 packages for. .2o
New lanre Ixndon Kaisins at. the lb..XoC
at. the lb
Cane Coil Cranberries, on sale at, qt..l4
Seeded Raisins on sale at, the package.. 10
. ' 'Jtffyiit?? He-cleansed Currants on sale at, package. . 1 1C
'.-r JfTA Imported Swiss Cheese, on sale at, lb.. 35?
IjMIUIl Jills vl tiaiiirtii; , i - - -
New Maine Corn and Succotash, 2 tins.. 25
Best Rice PoiH-orn. on sale at 3 lbs. for.. 23
California 1'igs in packages, select crop, on sale at, social, package, 4c and 9
Shelled Almonds, on sale at, lb. .45 Plum Pudding, on sale at 25c to $1.00
Heinz Apple Butter, in 3-lb. frocks, on sale at this very' low pnee, each. .50
lleini Mincemeat, in 4,'2-lb. crocks, on sale at, each take advantage. .$1.00
New roasted Peanuts, Dates. Anchovies, Sardellcns, etc., etc. Let lis show you.
There's a big saving if you buy your groceries here. In the Big Basement Store.
Grand Sale Women's New Fall Footwear
Best $4.00 Standard Values at $2.98 Pair
Tuesday and Wednesday great Thanksgiving sale of women's high
grade footwear Standard lines of $4 shoes to be sold at $2.98 pair
Lot 11000 pairs of women's stylish high-cut Walking Book, patent colt, dull top
and velour calf: Xapoleon button and lace styles; the fashionable short CO Oft
vamps, Cuban heels, light extension soles; all sizes and widths; $4 vals.
jMl n 10(10 pairs of women's brown kid and tan Russia calf Button Shoes, full
round toe, extension edges, military heels; all sizes and widths; the CO OA
best rei'ular $4.00 values, cn sale at this special low price, the pnir.
Thanksgiving sale of men's and 'boys' footwear. The very best values in the city.
Sale of $8.00 New Dress Waists at $3.95
A great Thanksgiving sale of 500 women's handsome new Press Waists a special
purcha by our" waist huver on a recent trip to the New York market enables us
to offer values at the low price of $:J.95 each. Included are beautiful silk
waists. pliin or figured net waists, round, pointed or square yokes trimmed in round
mesh Y.'ls., Cluny and medallions and allover tucking; long or short sleeves; white,
cream, green, navv, brown and black; all new, pretty waists for dress C'O QC
and evcniii"- wear Best $8 values, your choice while they last at, ea.M
You should" not fail to take advantage of sale. Mail orders .will be carefully filled.
Special lot of "0 Tailored Waists in wool batiste and flannel; plain or fancy
s'riiH-s- white, brown, navv, gray and black; all this season's waists; P 1 QC
"regular values up to $4.00 each, on sale at this unusually low price, ea.N
Portland Agents for "Nemo" Corsets All New and Latest Models
Portland Assets ftw Celebrates! "Trsfosse" French KM Glsvgs
The Meier Frank Store
Great November Sale in
the Big .Cloak Store
$30.00Snits$ 15.85 $35.00Snits$ 19.45
Lot 1200 women's and misses' Tailored Suits, this season's best styles; coats are
plain tailored, semi-fitting, single and double-breasted; the misses' suits are jumper
:u j..l,l f TVio mntprinli nrn in hroailcloth. cheviot and
oijie, 1 1 ii iiuii ''iii' i ' .'-in vi i - ' 7
serge. Colors are wistaria, wine, navy, black, green and taupe; also T 1 C R v
.1 mixtures: values ud to $30.00. on sale at. the suit. r
T.nt 99.00 women's lue-h-class Tailored
Suits, plain and fancy tailored effects, long
and medium-length coats, in semi ana ugnt
fitting effects; Direct oire coats, .cutaway
coats, coats with fancy vest effects. The
newest and handsomest garments shown
this season, .trimmed with satin, braid and
buttons; skirts are plain, gored and trim'd
with buttons and folds. The colors are
black, blue, green, wine, taupe, catawba;
broadcloths, tweeds, serges, cheviots and
mixed materials; values up C 1 Q A.
to $35.00, on sale at, suit. P
Coats $ 1 6.45
An extraordinary offering of 100
handsome Opera Coats at a ridic
ulously low price Broadcloths
and satins in medium and long
lengths-in mandarin styles, full
1 i i
loose back. and semi-fitted effects
trimmed in stitched bands, fancy
braiding, satin and Persian trim
mingWhite, reseda, black, light
blue, old rose, garnet, gray and
pink All beautiful eveningand thea
ter wraps gt f A ff
ggg $ 1 6.45
All Evening Apparej
at Reduced Priced
Our entire stock of high-class Evening and Reception Costumes
and Wraps as well as novelty Tailored Suits on sale at greatly re
duced prices Paris and New York models All the very latest
fashions and matejlsValues ranging from $50.00 to $350.00
a garment all marked at a big saving over regular prices
200 Women's New Dress Skirts
Values to $16 at $6.45 Each
Great special bargain in women's Dress Skirts, in broadcloth, serge, cheviot and
Panama cloth, in this season's best styles; full pleated, plain flare and Directoire
ent; trimmed in narrow stitched bands, bias fold and buttons; colors are white,
black, navy, brown, gray and fancy stripe. Values in the lot up to Ci 45
$10.00 each, on sale at this extraordinarily low price, the garment. S,v
Great Saving Values in Women's Furs
$7.50 Vals. $4.85 $25.00 Vals. $18.45
300 -women's noveltv Neckpieces, of Japanese mink, trimmed with OC
bands and finished with tails and paws; regular $7.50 values, each. H
Special lot of women's high-grade Fur Sets, in Isabella and sable fox; collar made
in broad stole, large head and claws in center of the back, and finished in front
with two large fox tails and claws; latest style large rug muff, trimmed with head,
tails and claws to match stole; lined with Skinner satin; the best P J O AC
regular 25.00 values, on sale at this unusually low price, the set. H T
Entire Stock of Caracul Coats at V2 Price
Our entire stock of Caracul Coats on sale at Vs. regular prices; fancy braid-trimmed;
semi-i'irled and box coats, long and short styles; values ranging U Dpp
rora $1S.00 to $88.00, on sale at one-half the regular price..
Portland Agents Butterick Patterns Xmas Delineator Now on Sale
The Meier ! Frank Stora
Great Thanksgiving Sale of
Carving Sets, Silverware, Etc.
In the Big Basement Store this week
A great Thanksgiving Sale of
Carving Sets in a splendid y ariety
of styles and all grades Entire
stock at prices far below regular
value Don't fail to take advantage
Regular 3.00 Sets,
Regular $ 3.75 Sets,
Regular i $ 4.00 Sets,
Regular $ 4.50 Sets,
Regular $ 6.00 Sets,
Regular 6.50 Sets,
Regular 7.50 Sets,
VjS&ssTKeguiar ? a.oo sets,
AlMM Regular $10.00 Sets,
on' sale
on sale
on sale
on sale
on sale
on sale
on sale
on sale
on sale
for $2.37
for' $2.97
for $3.17
for $3.57
for $4.77
for $5.17
for $5.97
for -$6.27
for $7.97
Turkey Roasters Are Very Low Priced
Great Thanksgiving sale of Family Roasters, small, medium and large sizes; ex
ceptional values, on sale at the following very low prices. Ix't us show you:
Regular 60c values, 34 Regular 60c values, 39 Regular 70c values, 47
A Great Thanksgiving Silverware Sale
4-pc. silver-plated Tea Sets, C 1Q
regular $7.50 vals., for, set.S
,-KJ.OO silver-plated Bread Tray.. $2.17
$3.00 silver-plated Fern Dishes. .$2.17
$5.50 silver-plated Nut Bowls.. $3. 98
$0,50 silver-pl'd. Baking Dishes. $4.98
Silver-p 1 a t e d Candelabra, fl? C JPQ
regular $7.50 values, each.P f
(treat Thanksgiving bargains in Cut
Glass, all style pieces; in the Basement.
1847 Berry Spoons, $1.25 v
1847 Cold "Meat Forks, $1 v
1847 Nut Sets. $2.00 values,
1847 Fruit Knives, set of 6,
regular $1.65 value, for, set.
Individual Salad Forks, set.
of (j; $2.88 values, for, set
Special lot of Carving Sets,
best regular $7.50 values, on
sale at this low price, set
allies. .69
at.. $1.57
stag handle;
Reg. $3.50 Val. Laces 89c Dozen Yards
Regular $1.25 Embroideries at 39c Yard
1000 dozen round-thread Val. Laces and Insertion for trimming of holiday articles
and lingerie, 1 to '"i inches wnie; nesi paiierns. regumi ,aim.- up ... .r.- KyC
a dozen vards; buv all you want of it at this low price, the dozen yards.
5000 vards of Sw"iss and Batiste Embroidery, Flouncing and Insertion, I to 18
,Aa- .tio-ns in F.nylish evelet and filet, for waists, undermuslins 1Q.
-j -u:jr!'a rpo-ular values un to $1.25 vard, on sale for, the yard
3000 vards of fine Laces Yenise and filet bands, medallions and net top laces,
i'n white and cream, 2 to 6 inches wide, for trimming waists, gowns, etc.; 0)C
best regular 85c to $1.00 values, on sale at this ridiculously low price, yard.
Sale of 300 Linen Table Sets
$3 to $ 9.50 ValuesXow Priced
A special purchase of . 300 handsome 2-yard by 2-yard Cloths, QQ
Linen Table Sets, cloths and napkins to tST-Kr
match; best patterns and a large assort- rpf?ulai. 5 00 'xaues each.4
ment to choose from; $3.00 to $0.50 val- 2-yard by 3-yard Cloths, CQ
ties at one-third below the regular value. regular $6.00 values, eaeh.P v
Supply your Thanksgiving needs now. a$7 .50
2-J'ad bJ'ar,d C l .', $2.00 2-yard by 2-yard Cloths, t OO
regular $3.00 values, each. f-00 values. each.PJVV
2-yard by 2V2-yard Cloths, CO 50 2-vard by. 2'2-yard Cloths, ((
regular $3.50 values, each. S'-' regular $8.00 values, each. - W
2-yard bv 3-yard Cloths, CI (fj 2-yard by 3-yard Cloths, ((
remlar $4.00 values, each. VV regular $9.50 values, eah . f .vvr
22-iuch Napkins to mateTi frt 27-inch Napkins to match, C7 59
the above, $3 dozen values. regular $9.50 values, dozen. V
75c-85c Ribbons 43c-25c Kerchiefs 15c
50c and 65c Tailored Collars at 25c Each
5 000 yards of the best qualitv all-silk fancy Itibbons, 41 '2 to 6 inches wide, suit
able for fancy work and holiday purposes; best patterns, colorings and
combinations; great variety; regular 75c and 85c values, at this price, yard.""-'
500 dozen women's linen embroidered Tailored Collars, French embroidered; beau
tiful patterns, large assortment; sizes 12 to 14V2; the best regular oOc and 25c
ol mem at inis wonucii.uiij' yii, t....
65c values: buy all you want
1000 dozen women's all-linen Handkerchiefs, initialed,, lace edge, embroid- 1 IT
11 1. Hii.ii n. -'Art vn np nn u;iit ill. n N iiiw unit;, in .
erea ana nemsiiicueu, uci xu.m . -
II 1 1 I' II
j I' ' 1 '
valuable information.
offkfr Sajr Slncr Kirt Cn FntleU,
Order-, to Move On"
Arr ll-t)ecl.
Portland SiK-lnllst. must one more
Hunt f.M- the rivllB of holding direct
nirrllnK!-. AlthouKh Sncialb-t street spU-hlnrt-r
beat the po"0 ln court wveral
months a on a technical point, the
matter la to threshed out asaln. The ay they are continually receiving
complaint, about the congetion of
treots br Socialist.. When ordered to
"mon on." h. itrMt speaker. Invaria
bly refuM to do o.
E. 3. Ftyjt. "placed under arreat by Pa
trolman Porter on & technical charge of
"refusing to move on." Is to be made
the subect of the second test case, whicb
rome. up before Municipal Judge Van
Zant. today. C. E. 8. Wood, who cham
pioned the Socialiots In then first ieftal
rt-tht. has volunteered to defend Foot.
In order that Mr. Wood might have more
time to prepare his case, continuance was
allowed from yesterday, when the case
was to have been tried. The city will be
represented by Deputy City Attorney Sul
livan. Since two Socialists were dlsmlased by
the court after arrest on chances of refus
ing to move on when so ordered by the
police, there ha. been no effort on the
part of the department to Interfere with
the street speaker., but patrolmen on
beat, where the meetlnics occur say that
frequently streets wUl be entirely block
aded and when, the speaerm are asked
to remedy the evil they (crow sarcastic
and even abusive, thus brlnding out loud
Kuffaws from the assemblages and caus
ing the officer much embarrassment. The
officers say they feel they can win their
caje this time.
The prounds for dismissal before were
purely technical. The complaints had
been lrreirularly drawn up. No actual in
terpretation of the law was made by the
court. Great care has been taken this
time In the drawing up of the com
plaint, and nssurance Is given of its tech
nical accuracy, so that Foofs caje will
have, to be threshed out to the end.
Mr. Wood contends that a policeman is
a servant of the people and that when
he approaches a man on the street and
orders him to "move on." the ofllccr Is
an arbitrary tyrant and Is acting en
tirely beyond his authority or the re
quirements of duty.
MEN'S W00LC0ATS, $1.00
Vests from pure wool 60c
Youth's Suits, sixes to 45 13.60
Men's Pants, splendid patterns J1.00
Hoys' Knee Panti-. a-e. C to 16 Kc
Men's All-wool Suits 15.00
At the closln;-out sale of the wholesale
stock. Front and Oak streets. In the
wholesale district-
County Road Wanted.
A petition for the opening of a county
road from the southwest quarter of sec
tion 20 to 10 degree, south of the Oregon
Electric Railway, and thence west to
the present county, road, has been filed
ln the County Court. The -petition also
ask. that the Garden Home road be
tween the railroad crossing and the
southwest quarter, of section 30 be va
cated. There are IB signer, to the peti
Tk LAXATIVE BROMO Quln'ns Tablet. refund monay If It fails to cur..
. X, GKOVE'8 slgoatur. Is on eaca box. Sic.
City Engineer and Committee Pe
tition for Measure, Saying Tliey
Do "ot Vnderstand Concrete.
So perplexing is the situation in the
matter of the East Twenty-eighth-street
reinforced concrete bridge across
Sullivan's Gulch, that City Knpineer
Taylor and the members of the bridfre
committee of the Executive Board yes
terday afternoon petitioned the City
Council, convened in an adjourned ses
sion, to authorise the employment of
an expert to make a crucial examina
tion of the structure. After consider
able discussion, the Council passed the
ordinance, carrying an appropriation of
$500 to defray the expenses.
The bridge under consideration was
constructed by the Northwest Bridge
Company and cost $70,000. It was just
recently completed and was first certi
fied by the Engineer in charge for the
city as having been built according to
the plans and specifications, but when
Mayor Lane. J. A. Newell. H. M.
Esterly and John Montag, members of
the committee, investigated, they found
a crack in one of the abutment wings.
This aroused suspicions, and they made
closer observation and from what they
could determine, 'feared to accept' the
It is the. first reinforced bridge ever
built in Portland, and City Engineer
Taylor admitted, ln answer to a ques
tion by Councilman Vaughn yesterday
afternoon, that be Is not an expert in
this line of work and he strongly
recommended the employment of an
expert, who Is to determine the ques
tion as. to whether the work was done
ln accordance with the plans and spe
cifications, as well as to report on the
condition of the finished structure. If
the work was according to plans, the
city is bound to pay the contractor,
but if it Is improperly built, and any
thing is wrong that makes it necessary
to reject It. the contractor will be the
one to suffer the consequences. The
contractor maintains that the bridge is
all right; that it is properly built and
is such a one as will last for- marey
Mayor Lane said that the expert to
be engaged by the Executive Board
will be required to report back as to
the safety of the bridge, in addition
to the question of whether It was built
according to the plans and specifications.
geant Bates, of Company E, and Ser
geant Hendricks, of Company K, First
Infantry, and eight privates. .
Will Serve Time at Alcatraz.
VANCOUVER, Wash., Nov. 16. (Spe
cial.) Fifteen military prisoners left Van
couver garrison today for Alcatraa Island,
where they will serve out sentence, rang
ing from one to two and a half years.
The prisoners are ln charge of First 8er-
Ship us your poultry for Thanksgiving.
We want
Fresh, fa.t dry-picked Turkeys; like
wise Chickens, both hens and springs;
also Ducks and Geese. We prefer to
receive poultry dressed dry-picked.
Ship to arrive next Saturday, Sunday
or Monday.
We want
Dressed Veal, dressed Pork and Suck
ing Pigs. .'
We will pay highest market price for
"Fighting the Beef Trust."
. . Portland. .Oregon, . . -i
Inspect American Plants.
NEW YORK, Nov. 16. The Russian
Douma, having voted a million dolla
. i .,1 nHntlnc nfflcf In St.
HII a we" ""I"-' i" '
Petersburg, Captain Ivan de Naximoff,
Chamberlain to the Emperor and vice
director of the printing office, will start
out from New York today to Inspect the
large printing, type founding and press
bulMIng establishments of the Unlt-d
7he greatest authentic height aUuind
by man is ;t,V5iM fret; kites have leea
flov. n to a height of J1.1O0 fot and nn un
manned balloon, carrying- recording Instru
ment?, has risen S.",.5U0 feet, a little over
Ifl miles.
5000 pounds of fresh, prime,
sweet Pig Pork Roast will
be distributed among
Smith's markets today at
10c Per Pound -
Exceedingly choice Pig Pork
Sausage will be made fresh
every hour today. Unlike
the Beef Trust's, Smith's
Sausage is absolutely pure;
no adulteration. It is ;
12V2.C Per Pound
10,000 pounds of Steak will
be sold to our trade today at
10c Per Pound
Take home all you want.
Every Tenderloin, Sirloin
and Flat-bone Steak in any
of Smith's markets goes at
this price.
Porterhouse Steaks!
Porterhouse Steaks I
Porterhouse Steaks!
The small ones are . .1ZW
You can conquer a man's heart
with a dinner of Smith's Prime
Rib Boast Beef. It is only 10
per pound. Or if you insist on
having those extraordinary choice
few pounds which constitute the
cream of the Beef Rib, they are
yours at 12 V-2 $
At Smith's markets today,
Chopped Suet for mincemeat to
your order.
3000 pounds of Soup Meat 3t
5000 pounds of Beef for Mince
meat, stewing, boiling, etc., 5.
5000 pounds of Sirloin Roast Beef
Plenty of Veal, Lamb and Mutton
The great large ones, with a
heaw Tenderloin are . . 15
When you come to Smith's Alder-street Market, see that Smith's name and "Fighting the Beef Trust"
are over the door. Tnere are marKets on ootn siaes oi u puv wt, u3 um Wuin-U.
, . "Fighting the Beef Trust"
226 Alder Street, between First and Second Streets. Slv - Corner Fifth and Main Streets, Oregon City.
512 Williams Avenue, near Russell Street. ' ' imVa Twelfth Street, bet. Commercial and Bond, Astoria,
791 Mississippi Avenue. . JHoTKeiS 253 Taylor Street, Astona.