Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 17, 1908, Image 1

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$5000 FOl'XD IX MAIL.
Gil 01 Bill
Declaration Settles
Senatorial Fight.
But Can Only Depend on About
50 Votes All Told.
Xnr York Connty Republican Lead
er. Headed by Parsons, Will
Stand by Secretary Depew
MaLes Attack on Ward.
XEU' TORK. Nov. It (Special.) In
the opinion of Republican leaders. Sec
retary Root's announcement settles the
question of hla election to succeed Sena
tor Piatt. So Ions; as ,no announcement
had been made, hla supporters were at a
disadvantage and local politicians agreed
that President Roosevelt had probably
recognized tills weakness and induced
Mr. Root to come out lnfthe open. Here
tofnir the opposition has stood on the
proposition that he was not a candi
date. Timothy K Woodruff . refused to com
ment on Mr. Root's statement. Mr.
Woodruff Is no the only man In the
race outside of Mr. Root. It Is announced
that rx-Uovcriior Frank 8. Black Is not
and has not been a candidate and that
he would not accept an election to the
Sonatnrhlp In any circumstances.
Woodruff Stays, but Can't Win.
Mr. Woodruff has told hia friends pri
vately that he will stick to the end. He
hellrves lie has enough backing; to beat
Mr. Root or any other man. If the Presi
dent keeps his promise to keep hands
off. Ha has no fear that President
elect Taft or Governor Hughes will .take
a hand in the fight.
It la believed by well-informed politi
cians that Mr. Woodruff wi)l have only
the 19 votes of the Brooklyn delegation
and tha votes of Boss) Burns, Boss Hen
dricks and a few other scattering votes.
I'erhaps Speaker Wadsworth may vota
for him. The rest r expected to go to
Mr. Root. In other words. Mr. Woodruff
la expected to land less than 50 votes.
Pnrstons Stronnly for Hoot.
Herbert Parsons, the local Republic
an boss, is known to be strongly com
mitted to Mr. Root. He saw the Presi
dent yesterday and left later for Hot
Springe to see Mr. Taft. He will be
Lack here Thursday morning In time
to attend the meeting of the Republican
county committee that night. It is ex
pected that at that meeting he will
openly declare for Mr. Root, and possi
bly resolutions Indorsing Mr. Root will
be adopted. Mr. Parsons haa a letter
from Mr. Root outlining hia attitude on
the Senatorshlp. and this letter prob
ably will be read.
Only Laugh at lepcv.
Supporters of the President were
amused at the result of Senator De
pew's interview with the President to
day. His enlrstment in the cause of
Mr. Woodruff aa against Mr. Root can
hardly be taken seriously, aa the day
Is past when his Influence In the Re
publican politics of the state Is
potent. He did not know that at the
time lie was talking for publication Mr.
Hoot was giving out his statement of
Irrpew Accuse Ward of Trvanjr o
Dictate to legislature.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 1. Secretary
ltoot today made the following state
ment regarding the Senatorial situa
tion In New York:
"I think the' Republicans In New
York, who have expressed a wish to
bring about mr election as Senator are
entitled to a definite statement as to
my position. I am not seeking the of
nce of Senator. I do not think that
great office ought to be given to any
one because he wants It. but if the
Legislature of New York, represent
ing the people of the state, feel that
t can render useful service to the
stale and the country In the Senate
and call upon me to render that serv-l.-e.
I shall respond to their call and
accept the office." . m
When Senator Chauncey M. Depew.
of New Tork. left the White House to
day, he made some pointed utterances
on the Senatorial situation In hla
tat. He was asked It he had come
to 'Washington to see the men who, he
had recently said, were electing the
next Senator from New Tork In Wash
ington. -Welt, the man who thinks he Is
electing the Senator haa gone to Hot
Springs." said Mr. Depew. referring
to National Committeeman William I.
Ward, of New Tork.
There are three or four New Tork
men who spend much of their time
down here telling the President who
shall be appointed Ambassadors
abroad, irrespective of the New Tork
Senator, and the rest of their time la
devoted to electing our Senators.
"I desire to say that the next Legis
lature will choose a Senator. The 201
members who oompose that body, are
able, responsible men. who can never
be nor bulldozed."
Having Murdered Andrew Helgelein,
She Sought to Entice Rela
tive Who Inquired.
LAPORTE, Ind... Nov. 16. Prosecutor
Smith played a trump card today when
with A. K. Helgeleln. of Aberdeen, 8. D.,
on the stand, he offered in evidence and
read to the jury copies of three letters
written by Mrs. Bella Gunness to the
witness during March and April this year,
in which references to "That crazy Lara
phere" are made. These letters portray
the methods employed by the arch-murderess
in allaying the suspicions of the
relatives of persons she had murdered.
Even with Andrew Helselein lying dis
membered In her private burying ground,
he was asking his brother to come to
LaPorte to Investigate and to . bring
plenty of money with him.
The correspondence between A. K. Hel
geleln and tho first National Bank also
was offered in evidence, Cashier Pltier
having Identified a photograph of Andrew
Helgeleln as tha man who came to the
bank with Mrs. Gunness early in January
and drew rJSOU. Mrs. Gunness is sup
posed to have murdered Helgelein on
January 14.
Atorneys State De Sngan's Wife Is
Only Contemplating Move.
PARIS, Nov. 16. The attorneys for
Princess Helie de Sagan, who was Miss
Anna Gould, of New York, today char
acterized aa untrue the statement pub
lished In a local newspaper today that
the Princess had actually entered a
suit for separation from the Prince.
It was said the Princess contemplated
this step In the belief tha It would in
crease her chances of success In her
pending suit for the custody of her
three children, the offspring of her
marriage with the Count Bonl de Cas
tellane. It is understood that a hitch has de
veloped In the negotiations looking for
a settlement of the custody suit. The
case probably will come up for hear
ing Wednesday.
Defeated Lltlgnnt Kills Clerk and
Fatally Wounds Jurist.
LEIPSIC, Nov. 16. A defeated litigant
In tho Supreme Civil Tribunal of Leipslc
today drew a revolver and oiened tire on
If err Maenner. the presiding Judge, and
the court clerk. The clerk was shot dead
and the Judge dangerously wounded. The
as sans In, a man named Grosser, succeed
ed In firms ten shots before he was
overpowered. He was plaintiff in suit
concerning the validity of a will and the
decision of the Judge was In favor of
the defense. As soon as Grosser headr
the ruling he drew a revolver and tegan
James II. Miller, Aged 83, raises
' Away at Oregon City.
OREGON CITTV Or.. Nov.- 18. Spe
cial.) James H. Miller died this after
noon at his home In Canemah, aged 83
years. 8 months. 2 days. The body will
be taken to Lebanon tomorrow for in
terment. Mr. Miller was born In the
South and after coming West he operated
a broom factory In Salem. He came to
Oregon City about six years ago. He Is
survived by two sons William and
George, of this city and three daugh
ters Maggie, of .California; and Mrs.
Julia Mend and Mrs. Frank Peeblcr, of
Oregon City. Mr. Miller lost his wife a
number of years ago, and she Is burled
at Lebanon.
Government Seeks to Annul Patents
Granted Southern Pacific.
CARSON CITY. Nov. 16. United
States District Attorney Piatt filed
another suit against the Southern Pa
cific Railroad today, to set aside pat
ents granted the corporation to certain
land In tills state.
The complaint sets forth that the
land Is mineral land and that, the pat
ents were granted under misrepresen
tation, thus taking from the Govern
ment mineral lands under agricultural
and timber grants. The Government
has had a number of mineral experts
In this state during the year and they
have provided sufficient Informailon to
warrunt bringing the suits.
Message 'Which Caused Parliament
Act Incorrectly Deciphered.
LONDON. Not. It. A special dis
patch from Rio Janeiro cays toe Bra
zilian government haa presented to
Argentina, proof that the telegram
from Its foreign minister to the Brazil
ian minister to Chile which Influenced
Parliament to pass a vote of heavy
armaments waa misrepresented. This
telegram fell lnt the hands of the
foreign minister of Argentina, who
gave It to a certain individual to de
cipher. Thla person Interpreted the
telegram aa containing Instructions
hostile to Argentina. The communi
cation was presented to Parliament at
a secret session. A true version of the
message expressed sentiments friendly
to Argentina.
Taft Returns to Cincinnati.
CINCINNATI. Nov. IS. President-elect
Taft arrived here this afternoon unac
companied and was driven to the home of
ms Dromer. ne wa mi " - .
entirely -oa a matter of private business. I
his brother. He said that ma visit was
Labor Leader Ready to
Defy Courts.
Tells Federation Law Makes
Union Conspiracy.
Belongs to Xo Party, hut Supported
Bryan Becau.e Democrats Made
Vnion Cause Their Own in
Presidential Campaign.
Rmphatlc I'ttmarM oa Labor De
rlaiona and Labor Politic.
The flnaJ word and the law of this
country are that labor organizations
are conspiracies In restraint of trade.
I will never consent that . the
American Federation of Lahor shall
ever par one cent of any fine for me.
I don't -want to so to jail, hut I will
not tamely submit to tho Federation
being- mulcted for ma
These decision! will result In fet
tering men to day In order to en
slaTe them for all time to come.
I am not a Democrat, I am confi
dent I never will be a Democrat, t
owe allegiance to no party. I am a
trades unionist.
When the Democratic party made
our contentions Its own. It would
not only have been ingratitude but
cowardice to desert it.
DENVER, Nov. 1ft. President Samuel
Gompers, in tho convention of the Amer
ican Kelc ration of Labor, today declared
that. If he were found guilty and fined
In tha contempt ' proceedings pending
against him in Washington, he would
go to Jail before he would pay his fine
or allow the Federation to pay it for
The statement was made by Mr. Gom
pers during the discussdon of the report
of the committee on the treasurer's re
port. The committee recommended that
immediately after the adjournment of
the convention the executive council take
up the proposition of placing Its funds
where they might be removed from dan
ger of attachment. This report brought
on a political discussion, In which sev
eral members declared themselves In
favor of the formation of an Independent
political party.
Can't Guard CwMi Without Perjury.
Treasurer John B. Lennon said that
he had discussed the safeguarding of the
funds with attorneys and all had agreed
that tt -was impossible without resulting
at some time In perjury by some person.
Several suggestions were made from the
floor, one bring lhat the funds be de
posited in Canada and another that cer-
(Concluded on Pag. 2.) southbound train. . 1 (Concluded on Page i
Insist If Blow Is Fatal He Is Guilty;
if Xot, Innocent Judge De
nies Bequest.,
BBLLINGHAM, Wash., Nov. 16. (Spe
cial.) Pleading with the court that he
be allowed to stand the "trial by ordeal"
and allow himself to be slugged with
the same "blackjack" he used in a hold
up. In order to prove his innocence of the
charge of assault with a deadly weapon,
William . Walker, a self-confessed foot
pad, today urged upon Judge Neterer, of
the Whatcom County' Superior Court, 'one
of the queerest and most bizarre pleas
ever heard' in the state.
"Tour Honor," said Walker, when ar
raigned on the felony charge, "I plead
not guilty and I wish to dalve trial by
Juryl I am willing to leave the proof
of my Innocence to you.
"I committed this assault with a
coupling-hose, and it is in no sense a
deadly weapon. I am willing to let
Your Honor choose any man you wish
and let him slug me over the head with
this blackjack as hard aa he can.- If it
kills me, of course I'm guilty. If it
doesn't, 'it's evident that the weapon Is
not within the meaning of the statute,
and I'm innocent."
, Judge Neterer refused to let Walker
stand the test which, if it failed, would
cost him his life, and the thug will
face a Jury.
Cosgrove Beaches Hot . Springs
Safely,, but Is Worn Out.
Nov. 16. (Special.) Governor-elect Cos
grove, of Washington, arrived late last
night, accompanied by Mrs. Coegrove and
Dr. and Mrs. Keylor. He was taken In a
carriage from the depot to the Paso Ko
bles Hot Springs Hotel, and treated with
sulphur tonic baths. His health Is poor,
he being run down physically from over
work. . He is very weak from, the trip
and cannot-walk. The physicians at the
springs say they do not care yet to give
out an accurate diagnosis of his case and
prefer 'for him to rest from the fatigue
of his Journey before they attempt to do
much in the way of prescribing treat
Widow of Dike de - Clianlnes
Mother of Heir to Estate.
CHICAGO; ' ' Nov. 16. (Special.) The
Duchess de Chaulnes, . formerly Miss
Theodora Slionts." is the mother of a
strong, . healthy boy, born to her in Paris
Sunday night. The news of the arrival of
the posthumous neir was received with
great rejoicing in a private cable to Mrs.
S. B. Druke, of this city, who is an aunt
of the Duchess. The young mother is
doing well and prompt recovery is as
sured. The Duchess is attended by all
the members of her immediate family.
Mrs. Shonts has been a constant at
tendant of her daughter since the sud
den death of the Duke de Chaulnes last
April while they were still In the happy
flush of their honeymoon.
Caught With Stolen Clothes.
"OREGON CITY. Or., Nov. 16. (Spe
cial.) J. Rees. who was arrested by
the police for stealing a suit of clothes
and an overcoat belonging to Columbus
Stevens, was this afternoon bound over
to the Circuit Court and committed to tha
County Jail. The theft occurred last
Saturday night and Rees was caught with
the clothing on as he was boarding a
southbound train.
Chicago Man Admits
Wholesale Swindle.
Arrested, Indicted, Sentenced
in Four Hours.
Peter Van Vlisslngen, Who Married
Belative of President Hoosevelt,
Sent to Prison Posed
as Philanthropist,'
1:30 P. M. Van VHsalngen con
fronted In his ofllce by a detective
and asked to go to the office la the
Criminal Court building.
2 P. M. Arrived at State's 'At
torney's office and after being told
of charges, confessed.
8:15 P. M Grand Jury, which had
been presented with tha evidence,
returns Indictment.
4:15 P. M. Prisoner brought be
fore Judge Windes and hearing be
gun. & P. M- Sentence pronounced.
5:15 P. M. Van Vlisslngen locked
up In county Jail preparatory to be-
ingtaken to Joliet, probably tomor
row" .
CHICAGO, Nov. 16. Peter ' van Vlis
slngen, a real estate dealer, for years
classed among the first of Chicago's, pros
perous and reputable business men, con
fessed today to having obtained through
forged deeds and notes more than tlOO.OOO,
and a few hours after his arrest, on his
own urgent appeal to be punished, was
sentencod- to the penitentiary. . The arrest,
the Indictment, the. confession and the
sentence occupted less than four hours.
Clever Device for Forging. 1
Taken In the midst of business at his
office, . shortly after the noon hour. Van
Vlisslngen, a venerable-looking man, ap
peared before the court and in tears con
fessed that for 18 or 30 years he had been
obtaining money through the sale of
forged documents, and that, though he
had bought many of these spurious docu
ments without detection at least 35 per
sons would lose an aggregate of more
than $700,000 through the paper which he
has not yet redeemed.
In forging notes, he declared, he had
perfected a unique device. This consisted
of a plate glass desk top so arranged that
by an electric light thrown up from
beneath he could readily trace from orig
inals forged signatures onto worthless
Throughout his arrest and sentence the
prisoner made no effort to defend himself,'
but only requested that his punishment
be speedy. . -
Married Jessie Roosevelt.
Asked if he had anything to say before
: - TZ
Pittsburg Postmaster Opens Package
and Sends Dazzling Girt to
PITTSBCRG, Pa., Nov. 16. (Special.)
A $6000 ruby ring, thought to be the
present of the Duke d'Abruzil to the
American girl he loves. Is in the hands
of the customs authorities, and will be
held pending an Investigation as to why
there was no duty paid on it and why the
gem was net formally declared.
The ring was neatly done up in a paper
parcel. and was addressed to Miss Kath
erine Elklns, Elkins, W. Va. The curi
osity of a postmaster is responsible for
the non-delivery of the package.
Postmaster Opens Package.
Surveyor of . the Port M. M. Garland
has charge of the ring. It was delivered
to him this afternoon by Postmaster W.
H. Duvis, of Pittsburg, who received it
from the postmaster at Elklns earlier in
the day.
The package arrived at . Elklns yester
day afternoon. Miss Elklns ' receives
quantities of foreign mall matter, and
when' toe package came nothing was
thought of It at the time.
Later the postmaster became suspi
cious. He had heard o.' infernal ma
chines being sent through the mails and
had been ordered, to scrutinize closely
every parcel addressed to the Elklns
household, so after some deliberation he
decided to open the mysterious package.
When he did so he was astonished.
There, confronting his gaze, lay the most
beautiful ring he had ever seen a band
of gold an eighth of an inch in thickness,
clasping a ruby weighing six or seven
Surveyor Garland is not prepared to say
what steps he will take. Nor will Post
master Davis say what is to be done.
The officials did all In their power to
conceal the news of the ring's seizure,
and were chagrined when they learned
the facts had become known. Thre is
no. question in their minds but that the
ring is a present from the Duke to Miss
Elklns, and they are not certain of their
rights In the premises, --the Duke being
a peer of another nation.
Some disposition of the matter will be
made tomorrow. The duty on rubles Is
60 per cent. This would mean that,
were the law complied with, some one
would have to pay about $3000 before
Miss Elklns got the ring.
Presbyterian Asoeiafion Refuses to
Indorse Lutheran's Stand.
NEW TORK, Nov. 1G. An effort to
pass a resolution indorsing the position
taken by the Lutheran Synodical Con
ference in regard to President Roosevelt's
statement that any refusal to vote for a
candidate for high office because of his
membership in the Roman Catholic
Church would be "unwarranted bigotry."
on which the Lutheran Church took issue
with the President, was defeated at the
Presbyterian Ministers' Asosciation today
after an exciting session of discussion.
The Weather.
YESTERDAY Maximum temperature,
degrees; minimum, -ii.s aegrees.
TODAY Rain; fresh southerly winds.
Pope Plus celebrates 50th anniversary of
ordination as priest. Pase 5.
Objection to admission of Irlsh-Amerlran
delegates causes storm in British Parlia
ment. Page 3.
National. ,
Secretary Wripht argues before House com
mittee for free sugar from Philippines.
Page 3-
Root announces candidacy for Senator: De
pew accuses "Ward of dictation. Page i.
Ring from Abrunl for' Miss Elklns seized
for duty at Pittsburg. Page 1.
Gompers ready to go to Jail rather than
pay; tells why he supported Bryan.
Page 1.
Great Catholic Missionary Congress begins.
Pago 5.
Supreme Court decides Columbia River
boundary case In Oregon's favor. Page 0.
Van Wlsslnger, rich Chicago real estate
man. confesses great frauds. pleads
guilty and is sentenced. Page 1.
Ruef applies for change of venue on ground
of prejudice. Pase 7.
Three Jockeys In Jured when horses pile up
on Oakland track. Page 10.
Second balloon starts to cross continent
after first has failed. Pare
U of O.-O. A. C. football match Saturday
to bo big game of season. Page 10. .
Hawthorne heats Brooklyn In Grammar
School League. 5 to O. Page 10.
Pacific Coast.
J H. Schlvely. InFurance Commissioner.
courts investigation of his official acts.
Page .
Oregon Woolgrowers' Association will con
vene In Heppner today. Page rt.
F. A. Haxeltlne. of South Bend, appointed
university relent to succeed Cosgrove.
Page 6. .
Eugene begins campaign for $f0,000 Y. M'
C. A. building. Page
Commercial and Marine.
Morning session to be held by Merchants'
Exchange. Page 17.
Large movement of wheat causes weakness
in East. Page 17.
Advance in stock prices made difficult.
. Pace 17.
Balfour. Guthrio A Co. place Matterhorn en
berth at Hull. Pace 1-
Portland aad Vicinity.
O R. N. disposes of $27,430,000 surplus
by declaring 79 per cent dividend.
page 12.
Resolution providing for creation of new
paving district Introduced In Council.
Page 12.
General Manager O'Brien arrested for oper
ating steam locomotives on Fourth
street. Page 11.
Two rivals to McArthur-s candidacy for
Speaker appear. Page 13.
Dr. Wise says Jews do not intermarry be
cause of persecution. Page 11.
Romance spoiled when husbands are sen
tenced to Jail. Page 16.
May Perry allowed by court to keep adopt
ed children. Page 11.
Harry Kenny, saloonman, shot by Harry
Daly. Page .
Work on conduits for underground wires is
begun. Page 16-
Extenslon of time granted In O. A C. land
grant case. Pace 12-
Prince Chun in Fear
. of Reformers.
Three Thousand Gendarmes in
Pekin Streets.
Regent Adopts Stringent Measures
to Prevent Recurrence of Revolu
tionary Tactics Which Swayed
the Empire Last April,
PEKIN, Nov. 16. China is beginning to
realize that the Emperor and the Dow
ager Empress are dead. Prince Chun,
Regent of the empire. In fear of Increas
ing excitement and revolutionary move
ments, has taken a lirm grip on affairs
and has adopted stringent measures that
will result in the maintenance of peace
for a time at least.
Guards Placed in Streets.
At noon 3000 gendarmes guarded the
streets, and other military forces were
held In readiness for any eventuality.
Every precaution was taken to prcvnt a
recurrence of the revolutionary tactics
of laet April and May. which were marked
by widespread incendiarism. The foreign
legations are undeR guard, special detach
ments of Chinese troops keeping watch
at the approaches. The statement was
made at the legations that there was no
fear that the Chinese government would
be unable to afford ample protection, but
those within . the legations were more
alert than usual and seemingly anxious
to have eej; at rest the doubts arising
from the swift movement of events In
the last few days.
There were many occurrences today to
add to the. sinister aspect of aff.itrs.
Rumors were current for a time that the
new Dowager Ychonala and Yuan Shi
Kai. the Grand Councillor and one of the
most powerful men In the empire, hud
committed suicide. Though there was no
truth In these reports, they went far
toward disturbing the Chinese and for
eigners alike.
Fourteen Banks Closed.
Serious runs on bunks occurred yester
day and today, and 14 native banks
closed. The crowds were wild with ex
citement, and toward the close of the
day the police intervened and drove them
back. One foreign concern, the Yoko
hama Specie Bank, suffered a big run on
Its Tientsin notes, but the British. Rus
sian and German Institutions were not
affected. It is probable that a number
of native banks will be closed tomorrow,
and It is believed that the government
will step In and endeavor to stop the
financial panic among the poorer classes.
As yet the causes of the death of
the ' Emperor and DowaKer Empress
have not been made public. There is
no reasonable evidence to show that
death in either case was the result
of anything other than natural causes.
The Emperor had been ailing for a
long time and had been in feeble health
during the latter half of his life. The
Dowager Empress had carried burdens
of state for many years, and in the
last few months had shown signs of
declining health. At the celebration
of her birthday, November 5, she took
a prominent part, against the wishes
of her advisers, with the result that
she was attacked with congestion of
the lungs, accompanied by a high fever.
In Fear of Reformers.
Physicians who had previously at
tended the Emperor and Empress are of
the opinion that their physical condition
was such that they were certain victims
of the first extremes of weather, although
In their opinion also modern medicine
and treatment would have bee neffica
clous. The government entertains fears of the
Keh Ning Ting reformers, who are re
ported to be assembling with a view to
taking advantage of the present dis
turbed condition of the country. 'While
matters have an appearance of tranquil
ity, there are reports of disaffection
among the adherents of half a dozen
rival candidates for the threne, and to
the minds of the foreigners the govern
ment itself Is disaffected. It Is con
tended by some that the eldest Fu-that
Is, Pu L.un is the legitimate Emperor,
and that, therefore, the selection of Pu
Yl was another of the dowager's illegal
An imperial order was Issued today In
the name of Dowager Empress Yehonala,
expelling all palace visitors, which means
the clearing away of the maaeea who as
sembled during the period when their
majesties were believed to be dying and
have remained within and near the pre
cincts ever since.
Make Request of Regent.
A conference of the Diplomatic Rep
resentatives was held today and it was
decided to ask the Regent to name a
convenient time for presentation of the
condolences of the foreign governments.
It was stated after the conference that
only this matter was discussed, but it
was thoug-ht the situation in the empire
was the chief subject under consldera-
" The belief la general here that Pu Lun
eventually will succeed Prince Ching.
President of the Board of Foreign Affairs,
and that if his adherents threaten suffl-
Concluded on Pag T.)