Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 13, 1908, Page 20, Image 20

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Annual Doll Show today and Tomorrow 1000 Competing Dolls Judges:. Mrs. H. C. Wilson, Mrs.S. B. Vincent, Mrs.N.E. Aycr
PorUand Agents for "Nemo" Corsets, Butterick Patterns, "Trefousse" Gloves, Columbia Yarns, Perrin's Gloves; Delineator 14 Mos. $1
Today, .The Meier Wb Frank Store's 981 st Friday Surprise Sale
1000 Guaranteed
Silk Petticoats - Reg.
$10 Values $5.45
For today another of
onr great Surprise Sales
of gqaranteed Silk Pet
ticoatsWe guarantee
to replace the garment
with a new- one if it
cracks, splits or proves
otherwise unsatisfac-
tory when given ordi
nary wear for three
months Every petti
coat fully guaranteed
by The Meier &. Frank
Co. Made of superior
quality taffeta silk in
the following styles:
Deep double flounce,
accordion-pleated ruffle
and fine pin tucks; three
rows of one-inch bias
bands and clusters of pin
tucks and ruffle made
full width; white, gray.
light blue, tan, green.
lavender, navy, brown.
black-SlO.OO ft C A C
values on sale at this remarkably low price P J'rJ
red, - maroon, reseda and
See 5th-St. window display Mail and phone orders filled
Sale of 3000 Pairs of Lace
Curtains, $5.50 Val. $1.95
For today, a sale extraordinary of Net Curtains 50 patterns, consist
ing of white, ecru and twortone. nets; with lace inserting and edges,
white and ecru braid effects. Marie Antoinettes and Renaissance: all
made on pood French nets, 42 to 50 inches wide, 2Vi to 3 J? 1 Q CT
yards long; 6 to 20 pairs of a pattern; values to $.3.50, pr.V ''J
See Fifth-Street Window display. "Take advantage of these low prices.
Women's UnderwV
Men's Underwear
$2 Vals.$ 1.19
ft $2.00 Val. 87c
i ll uv
Today's great Surprise Sale of women's
and men's Winter Underwear Is of impor-
i '
Unce to economical folks who have warm
underwear needs to supply. The values are
the best of the season. Let us show yon.
3000 garments of women's Vests, Pants
and Union Suits, in silk and wool, heavy
weight wool, medium and light-weight wool,
heavy cotton and fleece-lined garments; in
gray white and cream; all fine quality Win
ter underwear; best styles, makes and fin
ish ; values up to $2.00 a garment, A 9
on sale at this special low price.
Don't fail to see Fifth-St. Window Display.
For today, 3000 garments of men's Winter
. Underwear, medium and heavy weights, in
fine blue wdrsted, eamelshair, vicuna, nat
ural wool,' heavy wool ribs, heavy wool
Glastonbury Underwear,, etc.; all sizes in
shirts and drawers; blue, pink and natural;
.regular values up to $2.50 a 1 1 Q
garment, on sale at, special.?
See the display in Morrison-Street Window.
3000 Pairs of Women's
Shoes, $3.00 Values $1.98
Today, our great annual Thanksgiving sale of women's Shoes of the
best style and standard quality, at a price below actual manufacturing
cost. Paleut colts and vici kid. uateut tip. button and lace styles, Cuban
heels, single and extension soles: all new", stylish lasts; all sizes, 3 to 8,
A to E widths; the product of one or the best shoe lactones r I tJJ
iu the country; regular $3.00 values, on sale at, the pair.N
Today, 200 dozen women's 'lambs wool Soles for. crochet slip- 1 O.
pers; regular 30c values, on sale at this very low price, the pair. vlw
A great Thanksgiving Sale of boys' and girls' Shoes. Take advantage.
2-Lb. Squares of Butter, 69c Square
For today, our weekly offering of 5000 squares of good Creamery Butter
at price far below regular, market value; full two-pound CJCkr
squares; buy all you want of it at this low price, per square. UV
No phone orders filled. Xo delivery. On sale in the Basement Store.
3 00 Magnificent NewCostumes
Vals. to $58 for $18.45
For today's 98 1 st Friday Snrprise; Portland's Leading
Cloak and Suit Store announces another one of its famous
sales of high-class apparel at a ridiculously low price 300
beautiful new afternoon and evening costumes of the latest
fashion and material at a price that falls short of covering the
cost of material alone A great purchase from a leading New
York manufacturer is responsible for this remarkable bargain
An epoch in value giving All new up-to-date costumes for
afternoon-and evening wear Voiles, broadcloths, etamines,
crepe de chine, satin, messaline silk,-etc, in light blue, pink,
Edison blue, tan, champagne, black, white,
green, garnet, lavender, navy blue,
fancy stripes and mixtures Princess and
Empire styles with fancy lace yokes, also
embroidered waists, full length sleeves with
tucks . and button trimming Full flare skirts
wkhTolds, tucked girdle and sash edged with
fringe and tassel
lined throughout
- Many of these garments
with silk Broadcloth
dresses cut in Empire style with short back
effect ,and dainty lace yokes finished with
braid trimming Full flare skirt and either
tucked, stitched or sash girdle These
dresses are made both elaborate or in simple
effects that can be used as a shirtwaist suit The satins and crepe de
chinesare in exquisite styles and colorings for evening wear All
new handsome creations Beautifully made and finished We can
not commence to tell you of the extraordinary values includedTn
this offering The two big 5th-street window displays tell the story
to better advantage than cold type Plan to be here early in the
morning if you want to share in this
wonderful bargain Store opens at 8
No mail orders filled None C. O.
D. Values to $58 each, today at
"Billeken" God Advance Agent of Good Luck 3d Fir.
Dress Goods Remnants One Third Off
Lace, Embroidery, Net Remntmts V2 Price
For today we place on sale 3000 remnants of wool Dress "Goods, colored, black and white fabrics, in a
?raud assortment; plain colors and fancies in all grades and all lengths. Desirable dress U Qf-f
materials of all kinds, at one-third below the regular selling prices. Take advantage of sale..
For today, thousands and thousands of remnants of Laces of all kinds, embroideries, nets, allovers. edgings,
insertions, bands, appliques; all lengths, all grades, all sizes; immense variety to select fo Pfg
from. Take your pick of the entire remnant stock at one-half the regular selling prices..
1 0,000 Pairs of Women's Hosiery
$ 1 .00
Values at 29c Pair
Today our annual November sale of women's
sample Hosiery 1 0,000 pairs purchased from the
largest importing house in America Women s
hosiery of all styles -and best quality Values up to
$ 1 .00 a pair to be distributed at the phenomenally
low price of 29c a pair- - Included will be found silk
Iisles, embroidered lisles, lace lisles, light and heavy
weight cotton and lisles, split foot hose, etc. Plain
colors and fancies in marvelous array Black,
white, tans, red, green, navy, grey, light blue, pink,
etc. All the best patterns, colorings and combina
tions Women's hosiery that finds ready sale at
crices ud to-$1.00 a pair The' economical woman
will anticipate her needs for many months
to come at this wonderfully low price, pr.
See 5th-Street window display Mail orders will
be carefully -filled Great special values in chil
dren'sHosiery for today only Take advantage
Picture Dep't Specials
500-Fruit Pictures," in panel effects, 17x38 inches,
framed in 3'2-inch oak moldings; P 1 i C
great special values, on sale-at, each. P
1000 Colored Pictures, "framed in ornamental gilt
frames; size 12x16 inches; the best regu- 10
lar 75c values, at this special price, each.
1000 Colored Pictures, framed in wide gilt frames
9s24 inches; the best regular $1.25 val- (yQf
ues; buy all you want of them' at, "each. "v
1 000 Pure Linen Pieces
$5.00 Values $2.39 Ea.
In the Art Department, on. Third Floor, today,'
1000 pieces all pure, linen Japanese hemstitched
and hand-drawnw'ork Scarfs and Centers, in 50
choice designs; sizes 18x54 and 30x30 inches;'
beautiful pieces; regular $4.00 and tfO 'Q
$5.00 values, at this low price, each.N"'
$ 1 0 Trim'd Hats $4.45
For today, in the Millinery Department, a special lot of 200 women's
Dress Hats, this season's most attractive shapes, trimmed in wings, fancy
feathers, velvet, etc.; best colorings and combinations. Ready-to-wear
Dress Hats, selling regularly at prices np to $10 each;
your choice while they last at this special low price, ea-
For today, our entire stock of fancy Feathers on sale at j A. fff
one-thirdoff ; all the new styles, in all grades, are included. Vll
100 dozen misses' and children's Tam O'Shanters; best A.
styles, in all grades; today at one-third off regular prices. . '
Q,Q00Pcs Jewelry
1.50 Values, 59c
For today in the jewelry
section a sale extraordinary
of 10,000 pieces of novelty
jewelry gy far the best
values ever offered at the
low price of 59c each In
cluded will be found belt
pins, children's bracelets,
gold-tilled lockets, chains,
scarf pins, cuff links, hat
' pins, brooches, new bay
aderes, bead necklaces, col
lar and beauty pins An
endless assortment of new
and pretty jewelry A great
special purchase from a
Providence, R.
I., manufacturer Values up to $1.50 Buy
Xmas gifts at this exceptionally low price
1 000 Pairs Men's Trousers
$3.50 Values $ 1.89 Pair's 981st' Friday Surprise, Sale, the Men's Clothing Store
offers 1000. pairs of men's high-grade Trousers, suitable for business or
dress wear; dark gray stripes, shadow stripes, gray and brown mixtures;
all new,-fancy worsteds, in the best patterns; cut in the latest fashion.
Well made and finished; all sizes; the best regular $3.50 1 flQ
values, at this unusually low price, pair take advantage.?
Women's Long Gloves
$3.50 Vals. $1.98 Pr.
Today, a timely offering of 2000 pairs of
women's long Kid Gloves, full 16-button
lengths. Perrin's and other leading
makes. Black, white, tan, brown, red,
navy, green, overseam and pique stitched,
ail. sizes; every pair perfect and fitted
to the hand. Regular $3.50 values, on
sale at this low price, pair, 1 QQ
Buy all you want of them
No mail or phone orders will be filled.
Perrin's Gloves
J Valuesat$1.29
In the Men's FurnUhrner Goods Department's 981st Friday
Surprise Sale, a 'sensational offering of 2000 pairs of Perrin's famous
gloves for men. The best quality dress gloves, Perrin's make, hand-
sewed gloves included in the lot; medium weigot. Best shades ol tan;
every pair fully warranted ; all sizes. Best $2.50 values. (PI OQ
For today only, $1.29 a pair, bee Morrison-street window. i mm
45c Ribbons at 25c a Yard
25c Handkerchiefs 12c Ea.
Today, 5000 wards of 5 and 6-inchtalI-siIk Ribbons taffetas, moires and
satins, suitable for hat and hair bows, fancy work, etc.; black, white, red,
brown, navy light blue, pink, nile, tan, myrtle, old rose, alice, OJf
Copenhagen and other new shades; regular 35c and 45c values."'''
For today, 1000 dozen women's' Handkerchiefs, embroidered, scalloped
and hemstitched-; more than 100 patterns to select from; regular 1 Or
20c-25c values; buy all you want of them at this low price, ea.
connCKT mm
400 Handbags
$6.00 Values
for $2.89 Each
I - ; ' ' , ,
In the' Leather Goods Department for today's
BSlst Friday Surprise Sale, 400. genuine Alligator
Handbags, large and small sizes, all leather-lined
and fitted with coin purse; new shapes; riveted
frame, selected stock; values in the lot np to $6.00
each. An advantageous purchase enables us to
offer regular $6.00 values at tnis q
marvelonsly low price, ea. See them.
Ostrich Feather Fans at 27c Each
$3.50 Val. Laces 89c Dozen Yds.
Today, 2000 Ostrich Feather Fans, with white enameled sticks; also
gauze fans, with beaded chains; pink, blue and white; one in a OC
boxj suitable for Christmas gifts; great values, on sale at, each.
Today, a choice lot of 1000 dozen round-thread Oerman and hnglisn
Val. Laces and Insertion, 1 to 2Y2 inches wide, for trimming holiday arti
cles, lingerie, etc.; values up to $3.50 per dozen yards; buy all 5QC
you want of them at this unusually low price, per dozen yards. vw