Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 13, 1908, Page 2, Image 2

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Brooches Vz
Parisian Novelty Brooches,
Oriental effects, with fancy
stone settings and artistic en
ameled designs. A wonder
fully good assortment in dis
tinctive novelties and pleasing
effects. Regularly worth to
$1.50 each; Fri
day at only. ...
Veil Pins Large assortment
plain or fancy veil pins, heavy
gold plate; good 35c 10
values, -at -low price of. I Ju
25c Dress Shields 19c
3; sell regularly at 25c the-pair; special Qp
Friday for the low price of, only.i Igj
SEWING SILK 100-yard spools, pure dye ; j
all colors; letter A, the spool 0 U
NEEDLES Gold eye, Roberts' best English n
make; assorted sizes or solid; 5c paper, spl.Ju
Nickel finish; special Friday, each Ull
SIDE COMBS Shell color ; assorted
st vies; regularly 25c the pair; Friday.
WRITING PAPER Embossed "Portland, Ore
gon," in Old English headline. 24 sheets
and envelopes, worth 50c. for
BRASS-EDGED RULES 12 inches long;
regular 5c value, Friday . .-. JU
ENVELOPES Fine white paper, smooth
finish ; heavy quality; package of 25, special. . Du
note size paper; two postcards on cover; 15c fl
value, at the special low price of only ..Ob
p?Jid. Castile Soap 39c
Large-size bar of white Castile Soap, weigh- QQ
ing 4 lbs. each; reg. price 50c, sp'l Friday. Ovfll
special lot worth to $2.50 each; Friday tfi nr
at the exceptionally low price of only 0 I ifcO
TOOTH BRUSHES Imported goods; sell
regularly at 15c each; Friday's price
25c the can; special Fridav...
ors, telescope style, worth 35c each, at
needle, bulb, lamp, benzine bottle, etc.; AM Q
$2.00 set, for low price of only MliJw
LAMBERT'S USTERINE 7-oz. bottle, nr.
worth 50c, Friday for nly . WUU
ments, regularly worth $1.2a, for the spe- f)Cn
c . j j of,. , cial low price of only Qwu
FnTL ill ,ti Great Dress Goods Sale T0ILET - ct&ai ? Hp
r ea. ; jei. wmie or Diue neaas, j.uc vai., r naay, wu
TJ A AIJF'T 10-4 size, medium weight, gray or tan
VJVX J J fleeced cotton Blankets, that sell reg 0C
ularly at $1.10 the pair; extra special Friday, only, the pair. .1 Cub
For Children
Bathrobes, of outing flannel
or eiderdown, for little folks
from 2 -to 12 years of age.
Plain or figured designs; col
ors pink or blue. Regular val
ues from $2 to $4.75 each,
selling Fri- 1 F
day at... V3 LeSS
Children's Drawer Leggings,
in red or white; sizes 6 mos. to
3 years. .and values to sn
80c, Friday for only tfoC
The Linen Sale
One of the most important offerings of this sea
son's Thanksgiving Linen Sale is a lot of twenty'
five hundred pieces of fine hand-embroidered and
hemstitched linens. In the lot are squares, scarfs
and center pieces. They are in extra good quality
of nicely finished linens, with heristitched borders
and extremely beautiful hand
emb. effects, 50c to $5 vals. at
Pattern Table Cloths, in
handsome designs, Richard
son's pure Irish linens.
2x2V. yards, special $3.83
2x214 yards, special $4.40
2x3 yards, special $5.25
Handkerchief Linen Rich
ardson's make; regular $1.50
grade; special at $1,18
ished linen, exquisitelv dainty hemstitched
$3.25 quality; special, each $2.83
$3.50 quality; special, each $3.08
$4.50 quality; special, each.... .....$3.90
$6.50 quality; special, each $5.72
TABLE LINEN, of pure flax, choice new patterns.
65c value at . ..50 $1.00 value at.. ..75
$1.25 value; special, per yard $1.05
Fine Double Damask Table
Sets, cloth and napkins to
Cloth 2 yards square, special
at $14.00 and ....$10.60
With Cloth 2x2ii yards, at
$19.40, $15.90 and $10.50
With Cloth 2x3 yards and 1
dozen napkins. Sp'l $13.60
$1.75 value; special, per yard ...$1.48
NAPKINS of Richardson's extra fine satin dam
ask, unusually beautiful designs and 50 patterns
to select from. One of the most phenomenal
values ever offered in our Linen Section. Our
regular $5.00 quality; sale price $3.98
Hemstitched or scalloped edges. Special
values at $1.25, $1.05, 95c and
Women's Mended
Gloves 39c a Pair
t Val
ues , to
They are odd lines in women's
mended Kid Gloves, though in
some pairs defects are hardly
noticeable. Some are slightly
soiled. The regular values run
to $2.00 the pair. Friday. .39
Women '8 12 and 16-Button Cape
Gloves S lightly soiled and
mussed. Values to $4.00 the pair
Good style assort
ment ; Friday
ea. ; jet, white or blue heads, 10c yal., Friday.
$$33s0oo Overcoats $24.95
Unusually , nobby garments that bear the
Hackett-Carhardt label positive guarantee
of quality and good style backed by our
own guarantee as to their style and' wear
worthiness. An opportunity so good that any
man who will need an overcoat this Winter
is careless indeed if he does not take advan
tage of this sale. They are tailored by hand
by expert workmen : silk lined, and the col-
lars fit perfectly. Best materials. Overcoats,
raincoats or topcoats, worth
to $35.00, on
opcoats, worth fJO QC
sale Friday at tPferfTSTcO
Emb. Linen Collars 19c Ea.
Women's Collars of white linen, in pleasing embroid
ery effects; fine assortment of sizes and regular values
to 35c each. An extra special bargain in our 1fl
Neckwear Department. On sale Friday at only, lull
Women's Elastic and Persian
Belts In fine assortment of
colors; 'fitted with new style
buckles; regular 65c val
ues, Friday, only
Women 's Handkerchiefs In
fine lawn or pure linen, hand
embroidered initial. Regularly
(vorth to 35c each. 4 "7-
Friday, for just u
I Sr feel ,
Ik- :b M
It?'! Uf yi
Two marvelous specials in Women's Underskirts for Winter
wear. Find them on sale in the Muslinwear Aisle, Second
Floor, Sixth-street Annex. " The first lot are knee-length pef-t
ticoats, made of all-wool flannel in white or colors; with em
broidered flounces, nicely made; splendid qaality ' W W J
materials; sell regularly at $2.50 to$S.SO, Friday JLM.GILT
Women's Heatherbloom Petticoats, black only; tailored, shirred
or tucked flounces, deep under-ruff le ; values to $3.25, at......
. $1-97
Agents for Royal Worcester Corsets
Only at the Olds, Wortmsn & King Store can you buy this famously good
Corset. For fifty years the Royal Worcester Company have been making
the best corset in America, and for fifty years their efforts to excel have'
kept them in the lead of all competitors. Their designers pay the closest
attention to present and future 6tyle tendencies, and no matter what Fash
ion calls for, there is. always a Royal Worcester Corset to meet the de
mand of the moment. At the same time, anatomical and common-sense lines
are adhered to so well that there is a Royal Worcester Corset to fit per
fectly every figure that is normal. In our splendid store we carry over
one hundred and fifty models. Courteous and expert fitters always at your
service. Conveniently located fitting-rooms. Alterations are seldonneeded.
Winter Number Ladies Home Journal Style Book 20c
Bargains in
and Boys'
Women's House Slippers and
Juliettes Of kid or felt. The
felt are in black, brown, red or
gray, and are fur trimmed. Kid
have either rubber or leather
heels. Values to $1.75. 01 QQ
Friday, only .OliOu
1000 Pairs Women's Shoes In
regular $3.50 and $4.00 grades of
street shoes and French heel
styles, worth to $6.00. Good-size
assortment. Choice QQ 1Q
Friday UJi Id
Boys' "Ruff on Rocks" Shoes
With brass-quilted soles. One of
the best boys' shoes ever made.
Sizes 9 to 13y2, per Q1 Of
pair, only .U 1 1 DU
Sizes 1 to 2, per pair. . . .$1.80
Sizes 2 to 51k, per pair $2.00
Suits Worth s $38.50
Dozens of clever styles, one of which is shown in the
, illustration on left. Hundreds of garments, values far
beyond all that your most sanguine expectations could
conjure up. Styles that followers of fashion will im
mediately recognize as the preferred models, and ma
terials that show at a glance that you may expect
splendid service as well as good looks. Three-quarter
or medium length coats, skirts ' the proper length and
style for this Fall's wear; trimmings are of velvet,
braid, buttons, straps and pleats. Colors are black,
brown, red, prune, purple, wine, gray, etc., at $17.98
Come early to make your selection, for the
best values and styles are sure to be
snapped up quickly, values that are extraord
inary even in Portland's largest and best
style store. Regular prices
to $3 8.5 0, special at, suit
Dress Hats Worth to $20 at $3.95
Charming shapes of velvet, felt and silk, including the hew
and very popular ottoman silk. All the leading shades and
so wide a choice of trimming, color and design that even the
most fastidious woman will be assured she'll not have to
wear a hat like that she'll see duplicates of, or one that is
not in perfect accord with her good taste.
Styles are strikingly clever and trimmings are applied with that
rare taste and skill that only artists possess. Feathers, wings and
quills are jauntily perched on some, while on others cleverly puffed
silkvor shirred velvet form the basis of the trimming. They are
the sort you find in high-class millinery stores anxious to make a
good reputation, selling at up to $20.00. We sold them CJQ QC
earlier in the week at $7.50 and $5.00; now, your choice. -VwiU J
J '
Knitwear Friday
Women's Union Suits, bleached cot
ton, Winter weig-ht, Swiss-ribbed;
high neck, long sleeve, ankle length;
regularly worth $1.50, on . QQn
special sale Friday for. 30w
Women's Knitted Corset Covers, in
sizes 2, 3 and 4: cotton; 9QP
worth 50c, special Friday tub
Boys' Shirts and Drawers Winter
weight cotton; regular 50c QQf
values, on sale for 3lf
Misses' Union Suits, elastic ribbed,
fleece-lined ; high neck, long sleeves,
ankle length; sizes 3, 4, 7 and 8
only; regularly worth to QQf
$1.10; on special sale for
Ribbons 19c
Bright-hued fancy ribbons in at
tractive styles Checks, plaids and Dresden effects; also a goad as
sortment of plain colors. They are from three to four and one-half
I J I L A .,.-1 tillt":
dreds and hundreds of yards for Friday's selling at yard
Valenciennes Laces In edges
or insertions, y to 1 inches
wide; several patterns; regu
lar values to $1.50 dozen Mhn
yards ; special Friday . . .T 0 U
Waist and Dress Nets 45 in.
wide, in white or ecru; plain
or hexagon mesh or dotted de
signs; regular values to QQ
$1.50 the yard, Friday. . 0 JU
Undressed Dolls
Fourth Floor
An advance showing of
undressed imported Dolls
is being made on the
fourth floor. All who
have a happy surprise
plan for some little maid
at Christmas time will do
well to see these Beauties,
buy them now, and start
to work on the wardrobe.
Chinaware, Cut Glass
A and Kitchen Needs
Q&SlGYS for Thanksgiving
Sale ofLibbey Cut Glass
Tumblers, $12.75 value, doz.910.15
$22.00 values, special for.-S17.50
$16.50 values, special for..$13.00
$30.00 values, special for..$24.O0
Water Bottles, regularly worth $5.50
each, selling for, special, ea. .$4.35
Regular $7.50 Water Bottles. 5.J5
$11.00 Water Bottles for, e..$8.75
Water Pitchers, regularly worth $9.00
each; on special sale for, ea.$7.15
$11.00 values, special for... 88.75
$12.00 valnes. special for... $9.50
Spoon Trays, regularly worth $3.00
each, on special sale for $2.35
$3.50 values, special for $2.75
Olive Dishes, regular $2.00 values, on
special sale for, each S1.50
$3.50 values, special for $2.75
Semi-porcelain Dinnerware, with blue
border decoration, 60-piece sets, on
sale at, special, the set $6.33
100-pieea sets, special at. .. .$9.90
Dinner Sets with green and gold band
border decoration; full gold line; 60
piece sets on sale for, the set. $7.20
100-piece sets on sale for. .$10.8O
Semi-porcelain Dinner Sets, with pink
flower and green leaves; 60-piece sets
on sale for, the set $7.10
100-pieee sets on sale for. .$10.65
Austrian China Dinner Sets, decorat
ed; 100-piece sets, special. .$15.75
100-piece sets, $22.00 value. $17.50
$23.50 values, on sale for.. $18.75
Covered black iron Roasters, with
dripping pan, in several sizes, for the
Thanksgiving sale, at these prices:
Size 9 by 14 inches, special at..27J
Size 10 by 15 inches, special at. .35
Size 11 by 16 inches, at only... 40
Size 13 bv 16 inches, at only. ..50
Chop meats, vegetables, nuts and
everything that you cut up in the
chopping bowl, at a great saving of
labor. Small family size, sp'J..80
Medium size on sale for, ea. .$1.00
Large size, gelling for, each. .$1.20
Hotel size, special price, only. $1.60
3- quart Saucepans, special at...l8
4- quart Saucepans, special at. ..20
ll2-qt. Pndding Pans, special. . .10
2-quart Pudding Pans, special. ,12
4-quart Pudding Pans, special. . 15
Women's Imported Ho
siery Extra good, fast
black; solid colors, in
navy, cardinal, blue and
light blue ; bootlace effects
in fast black; black with
silk embroidered ankle.
Regular values to Qf$n
65c the pair. Friday. 05u
Children's Hose The sort
there is no wear-out to.
Fast black, ribbed, Winter
weight cotton: sizes 6 to
9i. Sell regularly at up
to 35c, according to size.
Friday, the pair 22