Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 13, 1908, Page 17, Image 17

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    HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th. Columbia. 3
b:vk south f.f Morrison. 100 !et from
Jefrnn or 1.1th-:. carline; easy walking
distance, new. handsome brU k build, at.
In 2 X 4-room family apartment; private
reception ha.l. steam heat, hot water,
eievator. free phone. comprwKit air
canln. Janitor service, maximum of
"convenience, tl'tam-e. equipment: com
pletely furnished, ready lor houekeping:
some ur furnished; rent reasonable: ready
for inspection and to rent apartments.
THE SHEFFIELD 7th and Jfttnon Hi;
unfurnnned 4-rm apartment with bath;
isew modern and fully equipped lor con
venient,; rent reasonable: location saw Apply to Janitor. Main 2ju.
IONIAN COURT Elegant (-room residence
apartments, each having private vesti
bule and bath, steaan heat, hot ana cold
water gas range, refrigerators, window
had- and screen. telephone and Jani
tor service. Apply janitor. nth and Couch.
WfJTMlNSTER apartment, elegant 4-room
a'partments each baring private bath.
team heat, hot and cold . water, gas
range, refrigerator. fre phone. Janitor
w L. MORGAN. 322 Fall'.rg bldg. Beau
tiful 5-room steam-heated fiat, at 21 and
Kearney; very low.ront for service ren
dered. THE MARLBOROUGH 21 J???
beautiful Broom apartment, tem neat.
Janitor. mte. -
t2tk Thr b-ment room: hsih, heat,
wiUer and light. 422 Columbia. si.
7-ROOM uppr flat, strictly odrn. flr-ssw r;
Mehoard built in. furnace, flrep ace ..
n-Ptrlcied MS to d rbl wnwt
Charles Adler, SJ Lumbar xchapg-
NFW 4 -room modfrn, lower Cat. sleeping
porcl! aTatTIr; choicest locon. W.t
.Ide. Inquirs 175 IM si., cor. rahtll;
no children.
UODERV fts. f!l !. for rent. Ra and
Oregon S. B. cor. d sd Oak. FbMS
Eicr.ang 72. '
xtirtfT IDE .'.-room lower flat, rlose in.
rirt.y ra4srn. .ijfhtiy. reasonable, Ca.l
Kelly, owner, the Morrison.
VOR RENT 3-room flat, first f'.or. 31
Kat fh. nrar Burnlde; rent. $i. Key
at I. O- Wood worth. 104 2d at.
xrw FLATS of moroa and bath, 731 to
73 HoVt : st- Apply Hsxrt. Trunk Co.
UJ 6th St.
TWO strictly modern IV-room new flats.
mai!flrent view; lsrce porches, lawn
etc ; $23. Key next door. 427 14th st.
FOR KENT, lower flat. A rooma and bath,
basement and yard ; central location- Ap
ply O. X. W. Wilson. 72 oth at.
FR RENT 2 new. modern 6-room flata;
nd $2.00; saa range. E. uriid,
2th st.
MODERN nd 7-room upper flats, 3th and
-Gran reasonable rent to (rood tenant.
Wakefield. Fries Co.. i Stark L
LOWER dt rooms, strictly modem: yard,
porro- 63 Everett, near 21st- Sheehy
Bros. Main 3u7
;i.-4iS lTh. near Jff-mm. nearly nw
condition, modern 6-room f'.at. ;t-2
Kaillna- bids;.
a NICE new modern ui-per flats, one and
one room, rent 25. Cail 2X4 Haiy
or hone C 13.
j2S PARK HT. Central, choice location.
s;fkod 5-room flat, $
MEW a-rooin flmt. 73t4 Overton, near 23d;
choice neishbwrhood; pore he, yard.
THREE new. etrlctly modern. 5-room flata
JV41 Fifth, near Jackaoa.
ekeeptnar Rood
THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall ta.
newly furnlshd. fully equipped for noue
aeeplns;. lnctudlns; km rnne. free use of
electric inch t a,' hot ater. baiha large
reception room and laundry room; beauti
ful lawns end verandas surrounding the
bulldm. Furnished atartmentp from $16
up- also alngie rooms; with similar con
venlencea i Pr week up. There Is
nothing in companion in the city for the
money. This place will bear Inspection.
Hhort distance from Union deport. Take
S" or ldth-st- cars going north, get off
at Marshall st. hone Main e771. No dogs.
THE ONKONTA, 7 17th s, n-nr Yamhill,
tnoroughly furnished, ga rang), hot and
cold water In each apartment. With tele
.t,one nd tatos free; ternie reasonable;
bo children.
WaaMagtoo. cor. .:h--Nicely furnLahei
House lit oping rooms; ranges, hot water,
free bath, free phone, both floors; sice
suites) from $12 up.
BEAl'TIFt'LLT located bay-wln5t-w. i-nfur-nUhd
2-roorn suite in ceMraily located
apartment-bowse. Jefferson, cor. ith.
THE JKFFERSOVIA.N Choice 3-room suite.
rrtctly modern apartmenta 614 Jef
ferson. "
TUB SA MiEKT, Washington and Trinity, U'lh and 2th; newly furnished
housekeeping suites; private baths.
4 it R. M OR RISC N. cor.
furnished houekeevlng
ftth. completely
rooms ; modern.
Fl'RVlSH KD houj'elt'plns; rooms. rtntt
rcoms; rent reawnabie. lsu W. Fara. A 17
LA ROE. llht housekeeping suites and single
rotnis. 2- W'3S AUer st.
T'N'FI'RN ISH El rooms, 3U Yamhill st.. op
posite Hotel Portland.
House keep log Rooms la Private Family.
PRETTY room and use of kitchen, etc.. In
nwlv furnlhed flat, walking distance;
everything f urnlshd ; very rt-aflonable to
elder'v latly and daughter or two glrla
143 Korth 2lst st.
X VWl'LP exchange rent of bedroom
use of bath and kitchen to lady for table
b ard for It Apply 133 llitt st. Phone
3250. .
HOT'SE KEEPING room, well furnished, all
conveniences, very central, reasonable.
102 nth at.
THRF.R nloe houfwkeepins; ror.m: cl-sn.
cntpleteiv furnished, in upper flat: refer
ences. 3tiS loth st.
SIS 14 TH. comer Clay. .KM. clenn two
room housekeeping suite, walking dlK
tsnce. 4 TtYl.OK ST. Three nlrelv furnished
hou-ekeering rooms; lower floor; modern
4 BHIflHT. conveniently furnished house
keeping rooms; hat h room, pantry; first
floor. 1A9 porter st
ftt'TTE. lers-e. neatly furnished, phone, gas.
bath, private house; adults only. $ltL ItU
N. lflth.
4 TJ-:aN light, furnished housekeeping
rooms, iiaa. bath, $15 month. Hii-J Front.
WA VTEtv Two peopl to take an unfur
nished f!at with me. Eaet Sdftl.
Bt'tTD rumthed housekeepina rooms; com
fortable. Union block. VI i 1st. room 11.
PARtR. kftrhen, other suite, tras ran fie.
furnare. Mri N. lth. Mam T.tfX
TWO hts; unfurnished housekeeplnit rooms
ard one furnished room to let. 211 lirant.
2 Fl 'RN ISH EI housekeeping- roomw; ground
r.oor; reejfurfiaMe. c;se in. 3'9 Tth et.
TWO and three nice furnished housekeeping
mome. modern. 4 A3. Vv 2i.
HOrPElCEFPlN7 and aingle rooma with
steam heat. lvth st.
VlOPERV cottape 5 rtoms. porcrlaln bath,
eiectrlrlty. furnace; iixi.i Will. ami av;
rent $-0. Apply Ji'l lekum b!dg.
a-ROOM nwiem house, nicely tinted and pa-pere-1
&3 Johnson sU Phone East i2i,
B U3.
-RM modem cottage Rodnv ave. ;
gl& month. Phone A 2-H-7. Inquire 232 loth
st., near Jefferson.
SEVERAL houses In Woodstock at reason
able prices, App'.y to C I. Parker. Wood
. stock.
BOI SE 77 Hoyt st for rent L'ec. 1. Ap
ply 771 Hot sl.
NE. nvern !-nvm house. Jckso.
corner H'tn. $- Phone Tabor 414.
5-R M cot t a r. 1 5 13 t rand ave. See
KartmiD A Thompson. C. of C-
t;o(in g-room hae. 412 Hall st. near
llth. Phone Main tS.Y
K'K RENT .Vrwm house, 11. Inquire 244
Sherutan st
FR PENT A rom moiern house at
J j7 W asco. Phone East I H.
FW y p-m rr!ofe-n tae. yo 2tlh
LaaL iuua-a ii 12th at.
WH EN YOU MOVE you always need SOME
furniture. ,
BUY AT NO- R EXT price ; the sav
ing will exceed coot of jnontng.
cupy one-half; collect rent on balance.
Grand ave. and E. Stark. Phone Last 2929.
DESIRABLE home place at Mount Tabor,
very sightlv location, near cars; large
grounds, with plenty of fruit trees and
9 small fruits; (would consider selling.) Ap
ply 146 I'd St.
FOR RENT New. modern 7-room residence
on Portland Heights; would lease to re
sponsible party one or two years. Henry
U. prudhomme, 3o8 Chamber of e'om
mSrce. o-ROoM cottage: large rooma; gee and elec
tricity; near t-srllne; Improved street. In
quire II East 2uth et. near Ankeny street
car barn.
6- KOoM cottage, modern, with bath, gas
and cement basement. 413 11th si., corner
Hall; rent $23. Parrtab, Wat kins A Co.,
230 Alder st.
FOR RENT Choice 7-room apartment. 149
North 2 2d. near Hoyt, reasonable. J. L.
Whlte, 331 Sherlock bid. .Phone Main
Bl'NtiALOW. strictly modern, up-to-date,
jiun completed, litith and E. Main at., $2D.
Phone Ma'n 22 to.
ATTRACTIVE, modem Douse. 5 rooma gas,
bath, fireplace, phone Main 3534, morn
ings. NEW house of 5 rooms and bath. E 19th
n-ar Everett. Apply Harris Trunk Co.,
132 6th st.
$10 McFarland's new Dungalow, Myrtle Park;
2 lots, electricity, bath. Mount Scott cars.
Wells, agent. Etc wart Station.
MODERN hot) no of 6 rooms and bath. 775
Irving a. Inquire 132 tith et. Tel. Main
DO you want a house? See our list, per
haps we can locate you. Hartman
Thompson. C. of C.
FIRST-CLASS condition; 'modern, partty
furnished or unfurnished s-room bunga
low. Phone Tabor 433.
6-ROOM HOUSE, basement, shades, gas.
close in. Ankeny car. Phone East 2011.
HOUSE, tt large rooms, full basement, ce
ment floor. 4.14 East Seventh st.
LOVELY modern -room house. East Burn
atde. rent reasonable. East Z B14v4.
Furnished Houa.
WELL furnished S-room modern bouse on
Nob Hill: references requlred.
C ha tuber of Commerce.
FURNISHED flat. S or 4 large rooms, cloe
ets. bath, gas stove. 114 E. 2Lt st. V .-R.
car. "
4-room cottage, hlcely furnished; bath, gas.
$22 30: no chtldrt-n. &t7 Myrtle St.. Port
land He It hts.
FIVE-ROOM cottage, completely furnished,
moaern. at 5tS Columbia st. Inquire ul
Clay nt. m
FURNISHED houso for man and wife, rea
sonable. 415 2Jd North.
i-R KM mod-prn house furnished. Hax-er-stic
A Galeger. 343 S Washington.
$30 INCLUDING phone, newly furnished
-room house. Main 6447. 57 Mill.
6-ROOM furnished house, $25 per month.
Phone Woodlawn 17LJ.
MODERN furnished cottage. furnace. &T
Eaue 17th, morninge. Phone East 2163.
Hooeee for Rent Furniture tor ftaltv
COMPLETE furnishings of 5 -room cottage, in. rent $1; $200 on very easy
terms. 110 N. 8th tu
S WELL-FURNISHED rooms, swell range,
fine heater, 2"i quarts fruit, for only $lllo,
worth $.100. :S Ankeny
MOST deetrabie location West Side; 6 rooms;
bargain if taken at once; snap. Main 3
or A 5343.
FOR SALE 22 -room furnished rooming
hot use. i:b lease, fine hnatlon; owner sick.
must sell. 3. OS East Morrison.
FURNITURB of 8-room modern flat, walk
. iik distance. West Side. A 2iu4.
7-ROOM house, furniture for sale, brings
good Income. V 3Mi. Oregonlan.
SNAP Just furnished, 5 room. Bennlggton
Court, flat fi. 310 Benloo, near Steel bridge.
FURNITURE for 4-roora flat, nearly new.
rail 1MU Oneonta st.. Woodlawn,
WANTED Rent era for 3 newly furnished
rooms, one fleslgned as a restaurant, one
t a drugstore, the other as a gent's fur
nishing, dry goods or clothing store. For
particulars address T. H. Moore, Med
ford Or
FR KENT Nice store at 34" Morrison St.,
onlv also space for bootblack stand, on
prlnclpaj thoroutthfare. Apply 1SU Holla
day avenue, or phone E. 342.
FOR RENT Fireproof building, flOxlOO. one
floor and basement; suitable for garage,
storage or machine shop. Located at fed
loth it
SPACB for rent. 21 1 S 4th, ground floor,
near Courthouse.
STORE with living rooma above, 1C8 Union
ave. See Hartman A Thompson. C. of C
6U1TABLE for tailor or cloak bouse. Id
floor. Washing-ton St. front. 303 Swetland.
SUITABLE store for millinery, drygoods or
tailor. $17 Williams ave. ; re at S20.
$ $15 $20
In heart of business district. Well lighted
and ventilated; Kwo elevators; all night
service; hot and cold water, gas and elec
tric lights; excellent janitor service; auto
matic fire alarm system; low Insurance;
property protected by nightwatch.
Desk room t' and up.
303 SWETLAND BLDQ.. 5th and Wash.
BUCHANAN bldg.. Washington st., bet.
4th and 3th.
Southeast Corner Third and Oak Streeta
NICELY furnished office rooma suitable
for dentists or physician: best corner in
city; 6th and Wash. G 311. Oregonlan.
the city. Apply, room 2ol Merchants Trust
bldg., S2t.S Washington sL
OFFICE space at 22 -Stark, ground floor,
$l monthly. Including light, phone.
FOR RENT A few office In Couch bldg.
Apply room &ol.
FRONT, second floor office, cheap, corner,
Burnslde and 3d sts.. The Eagle.
Money tw Loan.
MO N BY ad van ced am! axled peop le and oth
ers upon their owe aames without se
curity; cheapest rates, easiest paymsnta;
offices lp oo principal cities; save your
self money by getting my terms first.
TOLMAN, SIT Lumber Exchange Bldg.
LOANS on real estate and all kinds of
personal security. W. A- Hathaway,
room 10 Washington bldg. Main 302.
IMMEDIATE loans from $3 to $3000 oa all
scuritiea R. I. Eckereon 4k Co., room $
Washington bldg. Phone Main 4635.
$100 00 0 to loan In sums of $1000 or more
to suit. B to 7 per cent on Improved realty.
M. O. Griffin. 26o Stark, op p. Cham, of C.
WB buy Oregon Trust eV Savings Bank ac
count U. L. Fraley Co.. H17 Board of
trade bldg.
Strong 4 Co.. (5 Concord Building.
LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collateral
eecurlty. C. W. Faliett, $04 Fentoa bldg.
A LOAN for the askisg. salary or chattel.
The Loan Co.. 41Q Dekum bldg.
tow rates: we loan money on diamonds
nd jewelry. Marx A Bloch. 74 Id s.
MONEY to loan on real estate. Harding A
Reynolds Co.. 3 IS Chamber of Commerce.
Mortgages. contr.rtr or real estate securities
purcnaaed. H. E- Noble, Commercial blk.
a. state agt, Multnomah Co. eOO C of C
MONET loaned on real estste mortgages or
contracta W. H- Nunn. 49 Sherlock bldg.
LOANS ca city property: no cmmlsssoa
charged. Call 4lo Falling bldg.
LOANS Rasorrbre terms. See Henry C.
Prudhomme. :;wJ Cham, of Com. Ineurance.
MONEY All you want on real estate at 4 to
per cent- Frary at Sella.. IS J Atk at.
Money to Losua.
"GET $10 TO $.00
HOURS S A. M. to d P
You can get the money you need from
us ail you ask for In car.h and "Pa
in small weekly or monthly payments
arranged to suit you. . , " .
We loan money on household furniture
and pmnos without removal you have
use of both money and goods also loans
made on storage receipts and other per
sonal property. Call for confidential ta.i .
512 5 th floor) Dekum Bldg.
402 Rothchild bldg.. cor. 4th and Wash.
Th e recognised ban k of the w age a clerk bookkeeper, mschlniet
engineer or employe can obtain money or
us on his note without security.
$13 return to us
$30 return to us f
$30 return to us $13-S5 a Jta.
Confidential; no unplea.nt inguirie.
Special rates on pianos, furniture, eta
Money loaned on salary or chattel mort
gage; business confidential.
Mo. Semi-Mo. Wkly.
75 return to u $20.00 $10.0j $5.00
$30 return to us ..,.$13-S5 6 ao ..'XX
$0 return to us .... "0 j
$15 return to us 4 00 2.00 1.00
20U McKAY bldg.. cor. d and Stark sts.
SALARY and mertcage loans to salaried
employes and on Pianos, Furniture. Ware
house Receipts, Horses, Insurance Policies
and all kinds of aecuritlea
40 Swetland bids.
ON Improved city property or for building
purpouea. for from 3 to 8 years time with
privilege to repay all or part of loan after
two years; loans approved from plana and
money advanced as building progress
.Equitable Savings tk Loan Association,
240. 42 Stark st
MONEY sold on Installment plan, confi
dential, no security but your salary; best
system for railroad, streetcar employes,
mechanics and others.
F. Ai. NEWTON. Buchanan Bldg.. 2S6
Washington Street.
On City Property at Beafunab!e Bates.
6 Board of Trade bids.
Phones Main &4u7. A 3252.
WE los.n money on diamonds and Jewelry
at reasonable interest ' for long or short
time. A. A M. Delovage. Jewelers. 2tfU
Washington st
LOANS made quickly and privately on
salaries, pianos and furniture, warehouse
receipts, purchase contracts, diamonds
and jewelry. E. Pierce 211 Allaky bldg.
MONEY to loan In large and email sums
at $ to 8 per cent on improved real estate.
007 Commercial bldg.
HAVE 450 to loan on Portland property.
Frank Lucas. 216 Chamber of Commerce.
Loans Wanteca.
FINANCE "M share of stock for sale In
a mechanical proposition; this proposition
Is Kilt-edged ; no changes whatever; the
money to be u-d for expanding the com
pany ; In two years' time the proposltiou
will pay 130 per cent on the Investment.
N 391. Oregonlan.
$200 AND up at 8 per cent. We have
clients waiting. Phone or call at once.
Western Reeltv & Investment Co., 607
Buchanan bldg . 28 Washington at.
Phone Main 6h4 ana A 2417.
WH have a client who wants to borrow
' 12000 on his new house at Sell wood. This
Is a good loan and the owner . will pay
7 por cent. Ames Mercantile Agency,
Swetland bldg.
WANT good hustler with $:tJirO for 6 months,
ee cured by gilt-edge real excite; will Rive
small bonus and good salary; investigate
this at once. N 4ol, Oregonian.
LADY would like to borrow $3000 for one
vear; will pay good rate of Interest; nilt
edKe security; no brokers. Address R 3w7,
$li On East Side residence property; also
$2o0O on ciose-ln acreage; no agents. Pal
mer, 017 Oregonlan bliig.
FOR BALE $13,000 equity In Eastern Ore
gon wheat farm ; first-class security; 8
per cent free of taxea. L 408, Oregonian.
Removal Not Ices.
The original Needleciaft Shop of Port
lend, formerly located at "b2 Washington
at., now on 6th, near Morrison.
, .
MlsceJ laneoua. '
Notice Is hereby given that the State
Land Board v.lll receive sealed bide until
2 o'clock P. M.. December 22. 1W3, for
the following deecribed school lands, to-
The E. H X. H of N. W. 14 and N. E.
V of S. V.. of section 16, and all of
section 36, T. 4 N.. R. 41 E.
Lots 1. 2, 3. 4. and S. V . U of S. Y .
.W of taction 1, T. 35 S.. B. 7H E.
All bids must be accompanied by a reg
ularly executed application to purchase and
by cash or postal money orHer for at least
or, e-fifth of the amount offered.
No bid for less than $6.0o per acre will
be considered.
The right is reserved to reject any and,
aUAppnctttlone and bids should be sd
flresSed to G. O. Brown Clerk State . Land
Board. Salem, Or., and marked Appli
cation and bid to Pqo1""
Clerk State land Board.
Dated this 2th day of October, HS.
a TtfWTTFCTS. contractors, engineers, get
A.a. Engineer. 315 Ch. Cm.
Arnold Co.. Main Tall. 851 M Morrlaon t.
Fine mo.le.rn holel; everj-lUne Hrrt
elaM: proven ret profit over J00 per
month. Price ,.".600; 00 tuh.
lmpo-rnle but there are "aeon, for the
.atrlflre. Come in end we will UU you
an about it. calTj o, r(f
714 Couch Bldg. 1UU Fourth St.
RJEAI. ESTATE office doing ood busine
which we can ahow to the right party;
want a partner; cannot attend to office
ami outside alone; the right ms" call
make good money with me. Call o-.J
Lumber Exchange bldg
RFSTAl'RANT and lunch counter partner
wanted to look aflor cah - and do the
buving; pav $4 dully and hoard; .5
required. Call Koom h-3 Lumber Eicng.
CASH . BUSINESS, paying :iOO monthly
over and above all expenses; business
easily learned; 23 required. Call 5J3
Lumber Exchange bldg.
WANTKP Partner who desires to connect
himself with a legitimate growing busi
ness with success assured. P 393, Ore
gonlan. WANTED To buy. from owner only, res
taurant or H Interest in one; trial re
quired. N 4o4. Oregonlan
FOR SALE The best-paying small restau
rant In the city of Portland; good loca
tion Address V 30:'. Oregonlan.
ftt0 WILL BUY one-half -interest in good
' paying business; a bargain for a live
nian. 4-0 Lumber Exchange.
MERCANTILE BV91N1S wants partner;
will p'ny $1 monthly, particulars 523
Lumber Exchange bldg.
KFSTAl'RANT that takes in to tin
ter (lav. bet location, low J-ent. only
i.m. 2!', 4ih. Main 203a.
PARTNER wanted; handb- your own
money; f4."0 required. Room 3, 3 43 V,
PRINTING plant for sale cheap: presse
and tvpe In good condition. Address H
4o;t, Oregonian.
AN KXCEPTIONAI, propo.ltln on
restaurant. 1015 Board of Trade.
a good
-ie Partner wanted; stone business; pay
'live man ft ds. ita.-k at.
100 LITE
In Albina, Montajrillav, 3t
John, Sunnyside, SeOwood,
Portland neights, Woodlawn,
Irvington, 'way up town or
anywhere, you need not coma
to the business office of Tb
Oregonian to insert ea ad
vertisement. Just take the
phone either one and read
the ad to the clerk. Bill will
Le sent you the next day
Convenient, isn't it t
main n
And no .matter what yon want, this newspaper can satisfy you..
15 you want help in your store or kitchen,
If you want to borrow money,
If you want to buy or sell a house or lot,
If you wat to rent a room, a house, a flat or a farm .
A few lirrs in The Oregonian want column will usually satisry
'.he want. Tm it tomorrow..
"Situation Wanted" advertisements not accepted over the telephone.
eiiti-mi-bai CXirbett bliig.
Main S31T. A 27 ,J-
Business Investment. Rooming-houses,
Real Estate and Timber.
INVESTORS if you are looking for a
first-clafs buinej, w have number that
will bear the closeat Investigation; call and
see our list of hotels, rooming-houses, gen
eral stores, bakeries, butcher ahops. bar
ber hop. drugstores, wholesale and com
mission businesses, confectionery and cigar
stores, groceries, saloons and almost any
buetnese you may desire. .
BJ6-62T-28 Coyiett bldg.
countant makes specUUty of writing up
small sets of books: Install first-class
vstem without charge and guarantees
saving on present boa ikeeplng expenses.
Drop me a line and lntTestigate. Account
ant. C 4iH. Oregonian Office.
SPLENDID opportunity fbr party wishing
to enter mercantile bi-'Blness In a live,
prosperous city of 7,00 u population; low
rent; paved streets, axid stock and fix
tures can be had at a sacrifice if taken
at once. Cash dear. Addreas B 409,
care Oregonlan.
The Ames Mercr.ntlle Agency etab
Msbed 1S5) furnishes re information on
opportunities in merchant: lie or manufao
turing lines, city or couLary. i
403-4-5 Swetiand Blds
PARTNER The best operalne In the city,
Partner old established, firm, 00.
Partner good money ms ker. $2O0.
Grocery at invoice, abo t $1K)0. -SPENCER
It CO.. 102 liecond Street.
I WILL sell mv grocery, ca nfectlonery and
cigars at once for cash; best location;
reasonable- at end of tht Monnt Tabor
carline; the only store In tine place: doing
a good business. Phone '."Pabor 98.
HOTBL PARTNER Owner of over 1.10-room
steam-heated hotel will sell tuie-half Inter
est to reliable party who- wHl manage
same; 111 health forces) ownvT out of the
city; price and term to suit. 61! Corbett
FOR SALE General merchandise store
with postofTice In connection In booming
Wtllametle Valley town; property tl'l.oo
and stock about 4jim: elej:s :!0O per
month. Box 1:1. Siielburn. Or.
PROMINENT real estate deaisr has fine
opening for young man with little money
to keen office and show pra jerty. German-American
R.ulty Co., aiai, Wash
ington at. Room 3.
ESTABLISHED employment oitlce, doing
ovet 2(K monthly, will sell niilf Interest
to young man for ?17."J. Gen aan-American
Realty Co.. 343 5, Waa.tngton st.
Room 3. "
ELEGANT apartment-house. 35 rot ens, 2 and
3-room suites; nice furniture al an at
tractive place: no vacancies; pays on
average over 1(M protit: price ollJy 13000;
term. tfc!7 Corbett bldg.
SO ROOMS. 5-year lease, modern, elevator
service and ateam heat; a aionfll1 maker
and a map. .
27 rooms, well located, and a, bargain
for cash. J 377. Oregonlan.
A S A EE, legitimate, good paying business
for sale, will stand close investigation,
owner Is leaving slate; give phon.k num
ber, no agents. P 307. Oregonlan.
WANT good hustler with 30tM for 9 months,
eecured by gilt-edge real estate; will give
small bonus and good salary; Investigate
this at once. N 401. Oregonlan.
WE can locate you In paying busine '. be
fore buying be sure and see u. Kinney 4
Stampher. S31-32 Lumber Exchange, bldg.
Main 4488.
FOR SALE :i.")O0 stock dry goods aad la
dles' furnishings, to give possession of
store; will make price to sell. Fred
Gumpert, Grant's Pass. Or.
FOR SALH First-class transient rooa ting
house clearing over $400 per month; ; price
148uo' cash 2250, balance ,150 per mc'ath.
FRARY & FB1TZ. 1H2 ftth St.
LARGE, private boarding and roorrttng
bouse, large dining-room and 22 rooms
fully occupied: rent reasonable, wltrt 2
year lease. Sigel & Co., 335 "Morrison, eft
$""5 BUYS furniture of R-room house, close
In. new range, cost 1721 new heater, 2O0
cans fruit; rent $22.50. Call 178 Maddion
KOB HILL FLAT One of the best furnipo ed
4-room flats: heat and water; janitor set v-l.-e
free: price $55o or term; $200 dow n.
027 Corbett bldg.
WANTED Flrst-clase office manager vy
large corporation, to take charge of Port
land office; must Invest $.WH; salary $130
monthly. O 401. Oregonlan.
1100 CASH nd service will put yountl
man into business making $4 to $0 y
day. German-American Realty Co., S43
Wasltlngton st. Room 3.
FOR SALE Corner grocery, long lease,
low rent, doing business of from $3000 tq
3.o0 monthly: see owner.. Address N
3M. Oregonian.
8-ROOM strictly modern flat, well fur-1
nished: 10 desirable boarders; will sell'
reasonable. 5471, Yamhill. Phone A4100.'
HOTEU workingmen's place. Portland; 30
rooms: 30 good-paying boarders; clearing
over $150 a month. Phone A 3S44.
MILLINERY business in Portland: rare and
honest opportunity; gocd location. O 404,
AMERICAN Bank & Trust CP. stock for
sale or exchange. Apply A. K. Bent
ley, 517 Chamber of Commerce.
OFFICE managers Kansas. City and St.
' Louis; liberal salary; $5u0 required. T 391,
STEADY, sober, honest man as partner In
well established business; $050 required.
102 Second st.
Telephone and other 'bond bought and
old. The Fletcher Co., 125 Abington.
A GOOD rooming-house to trade for a ' good
lot or lots and pay difference; also one to
eell on terms to right party. 272 Stark m.
A CONFECTIONERY in the heart of the city
that is doing a big businew: will be sold 20
per cent below Invoice. 272 Stark at.
A GOOD tvlng restaurant in a good location
will be sold below invoice if taken soon. 272
Stark St.
A GROCERY enap to trade for good lots or
any good property. 272 Stark st.
lAIXiON for sale, a bargain, other business
demands my attention, ."all 3iil 1st st.
RF.STAl'KAXT for sale cheap. Inquire 292 -J
Rurnside st.
FOR best printing cheap, see Dixon, 215
Oregonian bldg. Phone A 37K.
A coes.
ROOMING-HOUSE, 10 rooms, nice modern
house. West Side, close in; rent only .)0;
price $050; all first-class golden oak fur
niture, iron beds, brussels carpets and
clean, nice place for widow woman or
some one who wants a sure and safe bus
iness.; rooms all rented; clears $3o a
month and 3 rooms for yourself.
13 rooms, strictly a first-class modern
house, by Itself; nice residence district,
close In: furnishings all new. axmmster
carpets. Iron and brass beds, tolden oaK
dnd iirtple furniture, vory large rooms;
price ,075. We have other.
191 Fourth St.
$830 14 rooms, $50 month, rent, In good
$3000 40-room apartment, modem ana
.up-to-date, nearly new; will take prop
erty is trade.
23 rooms, elegantly furnished, with
dining-room, clearing $150 per month;
'this won't be on the market lung.
417 Board of Trade Bldg. -
ELEGANTLY furnished flat, a rooms, on
14th, near Morrison; mahogany furniture,
Wilton carpets and rugs; 2 rooms rented
pays rent; bargain. '
$550 8 well-furnished rooms, choice loca
tion; rent $25; owner ill: must eU.
$075 buys 13 new furnished rooma, choice
location; rent $55. See quick.
ROYAL REALTY CO. 85 5th. near Oak.
ONE-HALF Interest in factory; no experi
ence necessary; $200 salary and profits
of 100 per cent; stcck Invoices $4.K-0.
if taken at once. $2500; will accept part
security. Address W 3S6. Oregonlan. fcay
where you can be seen. Best of
for selling and satisfactory with present
Invest with us and get results; don l
howl your head off about the rich get
ting richer and the poor poorer one dol
lar a week will get you an income, ask
tha man." Butterworth Stephenson Co.,
Inc.. 35 Lafayette bldg.. 6th and Wash.
M. 8529.
GOOD general store In suburbs, carries a
staple stock of about $..000 and does a
business of $40,000 to $50,000 per year,
steadily increasing: good opportunity for
a business man to acquire a first-class
business. The Ames Mercantile Agencj-,
4(3 Swetland bldg.
$.-,() spot casii takes it. restaurant es
tablished, doing a nice business, centrally
located; fixtures cost $1200; must sell
quick, it. W. Lemcke. 210-211 Corbett
bldg. '
MAN of good executive ability with frc$n
$2000 to $5000 capital wanted as factory
superintendent by corporation; factory
here, ready to suirt within a week; sal
ary and very large dividends. Address
for Interview X 382, Oregonian.
FOR 84LE Partly cash, a 5-roomed house,
with suitable attic for 2 rooms; wired and
fixtures for electric lights, and 5 lots in
fruit' 2 blocks south from Mt- Scott
carline. Gray's Crossing. O. Benson.
RESTAURANT Owner cook, wants partner
to oversee help. be cashier, etc.; pay
active man $5 day; experk-nce unneces
sary; little money required. Call 24SVx
stark st.
HOTEL, worklngman's place, 30 rooms, full
most of the time: good; $S0o will
handle this, balance on installments; can
be run as a rooming-house if desired.
Particular call 417 Board of Trade bldg.
We can give you a special prlow on any
mining stock or bond? F. J. Caaerlln &
Co.. room 3 Chamber of Commerce.
PARTNER wanted: experience not neces
sary bevond ability to show lan(i. etc. :
will pay ativ man $2uu month: little
money required. Particulars 2 4 S Vic Stark.
SACRIFICE First-class -restaurant; will
invoice $000. Owner lcavins. Will take
$400 cash. German-American Realty
Co., 343 V4 Washington st. Room 3
GROCERY I have a grocery store at In
voice, less 10 per cent, as owner is in
poor health and must change climate.
Call 417 Board of Trade bldg.
PARTNER Can't depend on hired help;
will sell 4 interest In good business; no
. experience "and little money required. Call
417 Board of Trade bldg.
PHYSICIAN of 15 years experience wants
location in Oregon or partnership, not
Afraid of drives or -night work. R 382,
OVER $45,000 produced; Oregon Gold Mine.
Stock salesman wanted. Liberal commission.
M 406. Oregonian.
MANUFACTURING Partner wanted: will
pay energetic man $5 day: $500 required;
fully secured: duties quickly learned.
Particulars 24S1 Stark t.
RESTAUR A NT Verv fine location, on promi
nent street.; seats .TO: very fine range; will
sell below cost; It is an opportunity; come
and see. 513 Chamber Commerce.
ELECTRICAL supply store for sale; good
atock on hand and paying well; good lo
cation. Particulars 523 Lumber Exchange
EEST 4.URANTS One for $550, one for $850;
also" small boarding and rooming-house;
a snap; modern in every respwet. See
Young, 513 Gerlinger bldg.
ct-rxITUE business doing good business
for sale cheap; long lease; cheap rent:
best location. , The Dollar,
lot, near
STANDS rigid investigation: 28-room boarding-house.
$900; clearing $150; saloon,
$475, clearing $200. 921 Board of Trade.
iREKTAURANU owner leaving city; must
'seli I and will acriflce. Call 417 Board
of Trade bldg.
ft'OOD PAYING grocery at Invoice in a
growing suburb: $2700 will handle it; in
vestigate. X 385, Oregonian.
jnna. SALE Complete grocery, milk and
.ream produce, everything new; cheap
jsent, long lease. 332 3d st.
RC tOMING house 18 rooms, all flrst-ctoss fur
jlltnre. close In; house always full Call
3 5-16 LaJayette bidg.
wit .TED A partner for a half interest in a
a jod real estate business-: will stand thej
closest investigation. 272 Stark st.
PRC iDUCE STORE Active man with $1500
n clear $150 to $200 month as pari
ng?: bank reference. 248 V, Stark st.
hAI'VESS SHOP for sale; good locality;
4 ii sell stock arone. or building. Adores
. ctlvo. T,ake Or.
J. : a. -'""
ari i n STORE Groceries, hay, feed, hard
w -1 -4 etc in suburbs: $100 daily sales;
will sell cheap. Call 248 a Stark st.
C-, gtl.E Very fine transient house,
spa ;ndid location. I. 411. Oregonlan.
gAg R7 for sale, good store trade. Ap
ply 55( Umatilla ave.. city.
BAKK RY for sale, good store trade, no
vtagi n. 340 Front -
CASH STORE business; owner can't ttapend
on hired help and wants steady, so.ber
partner: will pay active, energetic man at
least $125 a montli; ftiuO required. Call
IMSVs Stark st.
354 Montgomery st. All mental and nerv
oh. disease treated; the whisky, morphine,
opium and cocaine habits cured in 48
hours;- we guarantee no pain or suffering;
no monev until cured and thoroughly sat
isfied. Call and Investigate our method
of treatment, the fundamental principle
of which is the destruction of that crav
ing which prompts the deplre for the drug
or stimulant. Phone A 302y.
maternity bospltai. where ladies can have
the beet care at reasonable rates ana any
physician they chouee. 0-e 508 Merchaat.
Trust bidg.. 326V, Wasfcjigton st. Phone
Main 7743- Dr. Isabelie Mackle.
SWEDISH trained nurse, Helilngion gradu
ate, cures rheumatism, stomach trouble
and nervous disorders by hand ruoblng;
team sweat and tub baths: both .exes.
7 East llth St.. one door from Last An
keny car. PHones East 200. Horn B 1S03.
SWEDISH hospital. 433 Market, cor. 1-th,
general hospital for all nervou. and
chronic diseases and maternity cases,
Swedish massage, hydropathic and iec
tric treatment, all modem appliances. I.
A. Xisbeth, Supt. Main 7033, A 21o(.
klrk, electrical institute, cure all curable
diseases; even the deaf and dumb are cur
able with the Fowler system of applying
electricity. No cure, no pay. 3i)0a Mor
rison St., room 30. Phone M. 2011.
SUITS pressed while you wait. 600. To vis
itor of Portland hotels and to public at
large. Suits pressed at 6uo at Gilbert, the
tailor's 66 6th .. next to Oxford Hotel.
Ladies'" skirt pressed. 50c. Feathers and
. boas cleaned and curled. Phone Alain 4U64.
AZA HOLMES RIBBECKE, reliable skin
specialist; blemishes, wrinkles and small
pox pits removed; hairdresslng. manicur
ing and dermatology taught; largest stock
or hair goods in the West at cut prices.
Parlors, urano. i.e e. -
YOU can't work when you don't sleep
well- Paltno Tablets make you sleep and
give you steady nerves; 60c a. box, 6
boxes $2.50. All druggist, or addree. the
j a. Clemenson Drug Co.. Portland.
LADIES Ask your druggist for Chichester
Diamond Brand Pills. For 25 years known
ss the best, safest. Reliable. Take no other.
Chichester Diamond Brand Pills) ars sold
by druggists everywhere.
Treated and cured of all acute and
chronic diseases, lady physician assistant.
Columbia Sanitarium. Raleigh bldg.. cor.
6th and Washington sts
MEN whatever your dlseaee or innrmltle
may be. our specialist for men will glv.
you the pioper treatment. Impondero
Therapy -o.. 60S Merchants Trust blug.,
J26V, -V.-.S1. st.
DRESS .lit for rent, all Jlze.: $1 50 month
keep our clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons
Jewed on, rip. wit-J,?
liveries, unique
LADIES no difference what your ailments
may be. se. our lady physician. Pclali
fcromen. Impondero-Tnerapy Co.. 6
Merchants a run, .m... ,-
DR SANDERSON CO. Savin and Cotton
Root Pill, sure remedy for delayed pe
riods. $2 per box or 3 boxes for $j T. J.
Pierce. 211 Alisky bldg.. 265 Morrison.
DE-IRA.BLE company found for lonely
people, either sex; 500 to- select from:
photos on file; register 10c Po'i
Introducing Bureau. 211 Alisky bldg.
LADIES Whatever your aliment, call on
IT. Ketcnum, grauua.c,
170 '4 3d st. Main 8770.
Mme Courtwrlght. skin and scalp treat-
merts. facial deformities corrected; plastic
surgeVy. 220 Flledner bldg. M. 6042. A 2069.
LOST powers restored by Dr. Loreiur Nerv
Tonic Tablets. 250 cox. uysseu s i-nar-roacy,
289 Morrison St.. bet. 4th and 5tn.
GERMAN French, Spaniel-, and other for
eign textbooks and literature a specialty.
A. W. Schinale Co.. 229 1st t.
LADIES for a good skln-cleanser amd facial
treatment, call at 245 ii Washington St..
room 21-
MRS SOPHIA B. SEIP, mental scientist,
to Alisky bldg., hours 10 to 8. Public leo
tu7eWednesday. S P. M. Main 2835.
JUST opened, ladies' barber shop. 68 4th
St., Dei. uaft
250 PRINTED business cards. $1; 100 visit
ing cara. owe wu
A PERMANENT cure for piles. "Hemlock
salve. WOOUlu, V, . ,w o at .
BALM OF FIGS for all female disease. 560
(iltsan st. mu
HIGHEST price paid for combings and cut
. , ij K.'lll Mnrriuin
PACIFIC Introducing Club for lonely singli
people; circular loc. -w- lai tn-
MOL. wrinkles, superfluous hair removed.
Mrs. M. D. Kill. 330 Flledner bldg. M. 3473.
ixsx and loxmu.
FOUND Where hair mattresses are reno
vated, returned same day. 228 , Front.
Main 474, A 1374. Portland Curied Hair
Factory, tl. metzger.
RED Jersev cow, dark around head, de
horned, rope and halter; reward. 440
East Lincoln, pnone c-si
LOST Plain gold bracelet, between 13th and
Clay and otn ana ioriii?oii. j-num, .aIU
81i;5. Reward.
FOUND Gold watch and club fob. Describe
ana appi on,, , ...
FOUND A bunch of stray turkeys. J. D
Pearson, Portland Route. No. 2.
LOST Sunday evening on East side, black
learner oen. .c.u. . .
Losr At Grand Theater, long brown fur
collar. Leave at coriienuo " "
LOST Gold buckle worn as a brooch, with
pin. Rewarq --.. -q at.
Accoun rants.
Commercial, County and Municipal.
Auditing, Investigating and Systematizing.
3-.4 Worcester Block. Phone Main 6567.
ADOLF SCHULZ, public accountant, 502
Commercial bldg., 2d and Washington ata.
Phones. Mam lSlli, A 4:i4j.
Accordion Plaiting.
MISS O. GOULD. 335 Morrison, cor. Tth. Ac
cordion and Knlto pleating auu pintting.
Architects and Builder.
H. C. MORRIS, architect. Plana, speciflca-
403 Lorwu uius.
SEE Johnson about bungalows,
hawk bldg. A 432L
204 Mo-
Assayers susd Analyst.
Well ft Proebstel, mining eoglneera. chem
ists and assayers- 24Vi Washington st.
PAUL 3AUMEL, aesayer ana analyst. Gold
dUSC DOUgUt, .ui Aiuer
j and ore-testing worn, i-o -unwuu ,t.
DR E. O. SMITH, mining engineer, 40 years'
experience. . 268 Stark st.
ti2 Worcester mug., l ana oaa. M iiuao.
DAVE m! DONOUGH. 28-28 Washington
bldg., 4th and Washington. Main 17:.. -j
LEROY LOMAX. attorney at law, 615-1$
Swetland bldg. Phone Main BTXS.
EMMONS & EMMONS have removed law
offices to 909-913 Board of Trade bldg.
Bicycle and Electrical Repairing.
ELAM SHAW Bicycle, gasoline, engine and
electrical repairing. 326 Stark st.
Commission Merchants.
TAYLOR. YOUNG & CO.. ship brokers, com
mission merchants. Sherlock bldg.. Portland.
Carpet Cleaning.
THE IONE Steam Carpet-Cleaning Works;
"iroets cleaned, refitted and laid. R. F.
Shepard. manager. B 2233. East 360.
CARPETS refitted, sewed and laid, first
class work guaranteed. Phone Tabor 123.
Carpet Cleaning.
TRUGS made from old carpet: also colonial
t-iius woven. Northwest Rug Works. 153
Union ave. East 35S0. B 1280.
DR T P. WISE, removed to 326V& Wash,
cor. '6th. Main bv68.
Wif. DEVEXT and Estellt, De,eny. th
Jora 302 Gerlinger bids.. S. W. cor. 2d and
Aider. . "
Chiropody and Pedicuring. Mra M. D. HIIU
vitn trliMHnr hldu. Phone Main 341.
CHIROPODY, manicuring. Mrs. F. E. Dun.
ton, room A, ii.a ati.i I., - ... -
Detective Agencies.
THE Thlel Detective Service Co. We ar
especially equipped wltn experiencea men.
2.-0 Chamber of Commerce bldg. M. 936, A
2-193. D. L. Ciouee, manager.
Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat Specialist.
DR. F. F. CASSEDAY. glasses Btted, lung
treated. Main 5813. 313 Dekum bldg.
Edurat ional."
YOU are a stenographer. It will pay you
to investigate the auvantagts ui cii
service training under a civil service ex
aininer. Call or telephone the Holnit4
Business College, Washington and 10th.
PRIVATE tutoring, either preparatory o$
col.ege aotk. ...u iciuu .. i
PRIVATE pupils wanted; -grammar and prfr.
n try grades. 211 Park st.
Eeed Stores.
1AY, grain, feed, cement, shingles anil
plaster. East 4b2. 2D4 Grand av.
Harness and Saddlery.
THE George Lawrence Co., wholeeals sad-
i. anu u.'ii.,. m- --- -
R. M. PRICE HARNESS CO.. 331 Anksn
Junk. Hide and Pelt.
L. SHANK ft CO.. purchasers of hide. Pl'j
lacks. 312 Front
Leather and i lndingm.
t.Kitshed 1K5H- Leather and Sndlnes:-
Stockton vole leather and cut stooki tuui
line Eastern Jumbos. 189 Front at.
CHAS. I MASTICK CO.. 74 Front. leate
ox very (iwivuu m- ......
Mugazlne Agencies.
GAGE'S MAGAZINE Agency for the b$
clubbing offers. Room 28 Raleigh bldg.
'Mechanical Draughtsmen.
HAVE an Idea? A. Straub develop In
ventions and makes models; consult him.
Phones: A 333i aud Main 6340. . Res,
DdO Powell st.
A GRADUATE In music from Europe will
give music lessons, residence, 305 North,
'J!t t.),,,na A y'irL
EMIL THIELHOKN. violin teschor. pupil ol
Sevclk. A 410u. Pins 334. Main 3045.
t C. SMITH, teacher of piano. 452 SaimasI
t. Main 7340. Beginner a specialty.
BAND instruments, room 204 Tourney bld-i
2d and Taylor. L. Selberllng,
GUITAR, banjo, mandolin school; violin and
piano. 437 Columbia st.
Osteopathic Fnysiclan.
413-16-17, Dekum Bldg..
Third and Washington St.
Phone, office. Main 349. re., g. 1038.
Paints. Oils and Ola.
RASMUSSEN 4 CO.. jobDera, paint, oils,
glass, sash and doors Cor. 2d and Taylor.
Portland office. 402-3-4 Worcester block.
WARREN Construction Co.. street paving,
sidewalks and crossings. 314 Lumber Ex.
Patent and Pension Attorneys.
R. C WRIGHT, domestic aud foreign pat
enu; Infringement cases 604 Dekum.
j. J. HiRSHHEIMER, pension and patent
attorney, rooms 20-21 Labb bldg.
l'hoto Engravers.
PERFECT printing plates. Hicks-Chatte
Engraving Co., corner 2d and Alder ta.
Public Stenographers.
H C EDWARDS, 615 Swetland. Main 8788,
Rapid, accurate. K-gal. medical, mining,,
engineering, commercial stenugraphic woiM
DOCIA V. WILL1TS, 506 Swetland bldg..
5th and Wash. Phone Main 3148.
. I
MISS IDA CONANT, room 602 Lumber Ex
change bidg. Phone Main 4977.
AGNES PARSONS, 612 Couch bidg.. 4th.
between Wash, and stark. Main 7355.
Rooting, Cornices and Skylights.
lith. P. J- McMahon, E. M. Sharkey. M 1243
Rubber Stamp.
at KO trade checks and all office goods. P.
ft a Co?. 231 Stark L Both phones 1407.
San Francisco Hotels.
wl,.n in San Francinco. top at th WIN.
CHESTER HOTEL. 3d St.. near Mark.t.
i "onS. Free 'bus. Ire bath. Slngla
?oSm's aSc a day; lamlly. 1 up. Rolkm
Sharp, proprietors.
" Safes.
nAVIS SAFE LOCK. CO.. Dlebold safes,
64 3d st Bargains In 2d-hand safe.
THE MOSLjER SAFE CO.. 108 2d St. Safes
at factory prlcea Second-hand safes.
" The largest sign-makers In the North-,
west 3lh and Everett sts. Phone Prlvan
Exchange 55, Home A 1155.
Bank and Store Fixture-.
.1 nines I. Marshall Mfg. Co.. showcases.
T cabin? store and office fixtures. 28 Concis
St. Main 2703.
Storage and Transfer.
Z 7 PICK. Transfer and Storage Co., office
and commodious four-stury brick ware
house separate iron rooms and nreproof
S for valuables. N. W. cor. 2d and
-pine sts. Pianos and furniture moved and
picked for shipping. Main 696. A mat.
neneral trasferring and .storage, safes.
-m and furniture moved and packed
lor shipment. 209 Oak. at., bet Front and
. Telephone Main 647 or A 2247.
,iv:v express, all kinds baggage trans,
f erred to any part of city; quick service,
phone M. 7514. "
F?ontstPhone Main 62. A 1162.
1N?j l. itorago- 324 Sta.k. Main 407.
KADDERLY Transfer ft Storage Co.. Ill N,
6th. Main 16S5, A 1685.
STOVES connected and repaired. Mala
ui, tvoewriter exchange, 401-J Buchanan
? swu , agents for Royal Standard
currlAL price, all make rented, old, r.
paired . P. C. Co.. 231 Stark. Main 1407.
Veterinary Surgeon.
v r THOMPSON. D. V. S., 420 Hawthorne,
pKones East 597, B 1369
t-TANDARD Wood CO., 347 tn starKl
hTst place to buy wood; dry oak and aide
a specialty. Phones E. 2315 and B 1095.
Wholesale Jobber.
winHAMS ft CO.. wholesale grocer, man
WnVacturera. commission merchants. 4ttt
and Oak. .
Portland. Oregon.
No interest paid on accounts.