PORTLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER . 13, 1908. PRICE FIVE , CENTS. VOI XLVIII XO. 14,964. RUNAWAY WIFE I HOODOO CASE IS BADLY HOODOOED BUZZ OF POLITICS VONBUELOW'SHEAD YOUNG HUSBAND TURNED SAVAGE PUTS LAMPHERE'S THIRST US GREAT, DESPITE DRY LIS Liquor Sales Not Hurt WON'T COME HOME ATKAISER'S MERCY NECK IN AT HOT SPRINGS WEALTHY PASADENA MAN FACES SERIOUS CHARGES. CHECK 13 CALLS FOB SIS, TRI SKT FOR FRIDAT, 1STH. AL CHARLES BRESXA5 HAS ALMOST FUTILE TRIP TO IOWA. by Prohibition. NO EFFECT ON CONSUMPTION Facts Come Out During Tariff Hearing. LIVELY TILT AT SESSION Morgan and Boutell Indulge in Whisky Persiflage Jolin Sharp Williams Says Three Drinks Dull Critical Tastes. WASHINGTON". Nov. 12. The wave of prohibition which has spread over the country apparently has had little effect on the consumption of alcoholic liquors and spirituous drinks, accord ing; to evidence brought out at today's hearing on the proposed tariff revision before tne House committee on ways and means. It was apparent, too, that the liquor Interests are. on the whole, well satisfied with the present tariff on spirits, wines and other beverages aa the winegrowers and Importers were practically the only Interests represent ed at today's hearing. Doesn't Vse Whisky. The morning session was enlivened by a sharp but good-natured colloquy between Percy T. Morgan, representing; the wlnLgrowers Interests of Califor nia, and Representative Boutell, of Illinois. Mr. Morgan was telling the committee why the regulations of the Dlngley tariff covering the importa tions of still wines should also extend to these wines Imported from other countries with which the United States has reciprocity treaties. Addressing Mr. Boutell. Mr. Morgan said: "My contention Is that wines can be Imported under the present reciprocity arrangements up to 24 per cent, which Is 4S proof, while the mfclnhs jvm your self drink Is only S3 proof." "The whisky I drink Is not any proof." was Mr. Uoutell's quick re Joinder. You may take some occasionally for medicinal purposes." said Mr. Morgan. "I never take any." replied Mr. Boutell. Mr. Morgan maintained that' under the present reciprocity treaties with the prlnrlpal producing countries alco hol alluted with wine could be Im ported Instead of wine diluted with alcohol. American Wines Most Cosily. In any revision of the tariff on wlncs. there should be established a difference betaeen wines containing only alcohol produced by natural fermentation and those which have been fortified by the addition of distilled spirits." he said, "so that the condition may not continue to be presented of tlie possibility of im porting alcohol Into the United States at a less rate of dnty than Is exacted on domestic spirits by the revenue laws, or of such a handicap being placed on tSe domestic wine producer, as the possibility of Importing a wine of such alcoholic strength, that after arrival In the Unit ed States the addition of water may affect the cutting in half of the establish ed Import duty." W. E. Hlldreth. of New York, a cham pagne expert, declared that the cost of making American wlnea was much great er than was that of producing French wines and champagnes. He waa telling the commttt.-. that Americana only pay for the French labels, when Champ Clark remarked: 'There are not 10w men In the United States who, after they have had three drinks, can tell what they are drinking." Tobacco Comes Next. L. J. Vance, of New fork, secretary of tle American Winegrowers' Association, declared that the reciprocity treaties gave the Importers of foreign champagne a reduction of per case In the duty and tl;at th importers used the dollars thus saved for the purpose of advertising and keeping a trade which the American wlnemakers possibly could get If they had a simitar amount to spend for that pur pose. He- also asked for an Increase of the duties on mineral waters to meet the Mgh tariffs of foreign countries. He de clared that KYam-e practically prohibits the Importation of American waters. At the afternoon session. C. H. King and John H. Wheeler, of New York, argued for a decrease In the duties on ale. porter and beer and declared that as a result Imported ale and stout would be clieaper to the consumer. Saying that Irish gtnge- ale could not possibly be sold cheaper than the domestic article even If put on the free list. Mr. Klr.g asked for a reduction In the tariff on that bever age. Tomorrow the committee will take up the schedule on tobacco with the manu facturers. Captors Think Besemer Insane. SEATTLE, Wash.. Nov. 12. Leo Bese mer. the alleged blackmailer, who cap tured and tied to a tree the wealthy loager. E. P. English, and held him for ransom, was taken to Mount Ver non this morning for trial. The arrest ing officers believe that Bexuier Is crazy. Man's Birthday ' ISth; Lawyer's, Too Judge's Name 13 Letters. Who Will Hoodoo Do? SEATTLE. ' Wash.. -Nov. 1!. (Spe cial.) R. Albright Is suing bis former employers, to recover on his time check which he claims was not paid. The check No. IS., and it calls for 113. Albright's birthday la on the 13th day of the month. So Is that of his lawyer F. A. Gilman. and to cap It all the case Is set for trial tomorrow. Friday, thee 13th of November. pefore Justice 'of the Peace John K. Carroll, and if you want to count them there are Just 13 letters In the .words Judge Carroll. Albright worked for the Western Washington Fair Association and earned 113 before ho quit He was given time check No. 13, and claims that the association refused to pay It. He placed the case in the hands of Gilman. When Gilman found the case had been set for tomorrow he waa startled. "I don't know about this." he said "I was born on the 13th of the month and so was 'my client. We are suing for $13. on time check No. 13, And the case is to be tried on Friday, the 13th. This does not look good to me." However, he will try the case In spite of the ill-omen- No matter how Judge Carroll decides the cane' he Is sure to visit bad luck on one party or thee other. BIND PRIS0NE RIN COURT Drastic Action Follows Sensational Encounter With Witness. NEW YORK. Nov. 12. An exciting and Interesting court scene followed the arraignment of William Pesky, Frank Marquette and Minnie Marquette to day in connection with a fur robbery In this city some time ago. When the prisoners were arraigned, Samuel J. Hahn Identified Pesky as a man whom he had seen In his store In Boeton. At this the prisoner sprang toward him. "You're a . liar." shouted Pesky. "You are all trying to Job me." Two court officers threw themselves on the prisoner, but he fought like a maniac to reach Hahn. Tables were overturned and the whole courtroom was In a turmolL Finally Pesky was overpowered. Mrs. MaTquette added to the excitement by screaming until she waa carried from the courtroom and placed In a cell. Pesky was tied hand and foot and left sitting on the floor when the court continued busi ness. The case was finally adjourned till Monday, the prisoners being held n heavy bail. INDIAN GETS PARDON Kedskln Who Killed Squaw Has Death Sentence Commuted.' RENO. Nev.. Nov. It. The State Board of Pardons In special session at Carson this afternoon, commuted the sentence of Buckaroo Jack. Indian, to life Imprisonment. The Indian was sentenced, to hang at the State Prison tomorrow morning, He was convicted of killing his wife whom he accused of infidelity, and twice sentenced to be hanged, an appeal to the Supreme Court saving him from death once before. Sentence was commuted on the ground that the Indian acted in ac cordance with Indian laws, which Jus tifies killing of the squaws when guilty of Infidelity.. PREPARES FOR BIG INFLUX Northern Pacific Orders 93 Passen ger Cars for Northwest. BUTTS, Mont.', Nov. li-That the Northern Pacific expects the travel Into the Northwest next year to exceed that of any previous year Is Indicated by the statement of President Elliott today that the company has ordered 93 new pas senger coaches, which will be placed In the trans-continental service next year. An Increase In the service throughout the Northwest will be made. ROOT IS NOT CANDIDATE Secretary Says Ambition for Senat- orslilp All Kumor. i BOSTON. Nov. 13. In an . interview published in an afternoon paper. Secre tary of State Hoot said to day that he was not a candidate for the'Unlted States Senate. He said: "I am not a candidate for the Senate. There haa been a lot of talk about that, but it is all rumor." Mr. Root came to Boston to 'attend the funeral of his cousin. Colonel E. L. Butterick. Duke of Luxemburg Dying. TREVIS. Prussia. Nov. 13. Grand Puke William Alexander of Luxembourg today Is sinking rapidly, and the Cham bers have decided to request his wife, the Grand Duchess, permanently to accept the regency which she took over tempo rarily last April. Trie Grand Duke Is completely paralysed on one side, his power of soeech Is gone and he is men tally Incapable. He has been 111 for several years. The Grand Duchess was an Infante of Portugal. Marie Anna, a daughter of the late Dora Miguel. She haa been described as an extremely bril liant and handsome woman. The heiress to the throne is Princess Marie, her eld est daughter, who was born In ISSi. Sherman Joins Taft in Virginia Hills. BURTON ALSO IS ON SCENE Discussion of Yearning for Senatorship Likely.- SCOTT TALKS ON TARIFF West Virginia Senator Wants He Tislon at Coming Session Bur- kett Will Push Postal Savings Bank Bill. HOT SPRINGS, Va., Nov. 12. Presi dent-elect W. H. Taft was Joined here today by Vice-President-elect Sherman, who said he had come to xhe Virginia mountains to rest and play for a week. He met Mr. Taft on the veranda of the Homestead Hotel and the two ex changed cordial greetings. He was accompanied by William I Ward, Re publican National committeeman from New York, and by his son and daugh ter. "Come up to the cottage and see me any time." said Mr. Taft, after the two had chatted a while. "I will do it and be glad to," re sponded Mr. Sherman. But the Vice-President-elect occu pied the day In a game of golf, and the call was not made today. While no definite engagement has been made tor a game on the links between the two men who head the next administration, each has expressed a desire to play the other, and the interesting event may take place-tomorrow. Burton May Talk of Senatorship. Speaking seriously, Mr. Sherman said no matters of state had brought him here. He was taking a week's rest and came at the suggestion of Mr. Ward. The son and daughter of the Vlce-PrPsldentaccompanied him. """Representative Theodore E. Burton, of Ohio, arrived last night and will remain here ten days. While the can didacy of Burton for the Senatorship to succeed Mr. Foraker has been understood for some time, Mr. Burton also let It be understood during the recent camralgn that he would make no effort in that direction until after the election. In his conference with the President-elect, the matter doubt less will be thoroughly discussed. He expressed the opinion that a river and harbor bill would be passed 'this Win ter. 'Burkett for Postal Banks. Senator Burkett, of Nebraska, spent the day here. He came to discuss com ing legislation. Mr. Burkett said he found Mr. Taft In favor of pushing the postal' savings bank bill at the next session of Congress. He laid before the President-elect a .plan for legislation authorizing the issuance of bonds to (Concluded on Page 7.) S WE IMAGINE HIM, BEFORc ( TO BE V'iO jjrS?1 . A m u tn 'I . V -u.v M i r-AI. I U 3 tr - '..--. '1 " y pipMJfl i iff) I v, ; j11 Secures Child end 1T5 With Aid of Police, but Spouse Refuses to Return to Portland. CEDAR RAPIDS, la., Nov. .-(Special.) Charles Brennan, of- Portland, ar rived here this morning In search of his wife, who deserted him some weeks' ago, appropriating $175 of his money and their little daughter. With the aid of detec tives Mrs. Brennan was found among friends, and after a very stormy inter view she agreed - to give up - both the money and the child. Brennan will leave for his home tonight. Mrs. Brennan was formerly the wife of William Breen, of this city, who died in Panama while working on the canal. She married Brennan about two years ago, and everything was lovely until recent ly domestic trouble comlncr to a climax, she suddenly disappeared. Vier husband traced her through several cities to her former home. She refused to see him until the police threatened her with ar rest. Brennan was very much disap pointed, as he had hoped she would be come reconciled and return home with him. SCHWAB DEFINES REAL JOY Not In Palaces, but Among Ham mers and Whistles. BERKELEY, Kov. 12. "Wealth does not mean happiness," declared Charles M. Schwab, ex-presldent of the United States Steel Corporation, In a lecture be fore the students of the University of California this afternoon. During the address he defended the principle of the trust and said It had come to stay. "I have occupied palatial residences In New York and Boston," said Mr. Schwab, "and thought at the time that I was enjoying myself, but I know now only the clang of the steam hammers and the blowing of factory whistles mean real happiness. "I believe in high wages, but I de mand hard work In return. The United States Steel Corporation always paid Its men high wages. This la possible only with a corporation of the form of the organizations which you call trusts. The trust has come to stay. It means high wages, economic lack of waste and is, hence. Industrially solid." , "HOODOO" PURSUES BANK Failure , and Suicide tit President " Followed by Examiner's Death. CARROLL, Iowa, Nov. 12. A second tragedy in the affairs of the First Na tional-Bank of Carroll, which failed some time ago and whose president, W. L. Culbertson, shot himself recently, oc curred here today in the death of the National examiner in charge, B. B. Shaw, of West Union, la. Although in apparently good health last night, ha waa found dying at 8 o'clock this morning when the clerk' at' his hotel sought to arouse him for breakfast. He had been stricken the night before while undress ing to retire, and had lain unconscious across the foot of the bed all night. He was removed to the hospital and died at 10 o'clock of hemorrhage of the brain. Mr. Shaw's wife and children arrived at noon today, not knowing of his death. Mr. Shaw was ready to make his first report to the Controller et Washington, and his death will complicate the failure further. THE COLLEGE STUDENT. . AHO AFTER W6t ' , " t L ....... -r, - i r - i I I Sovereign May Reject His Muzzle. CHANCELLOR TIRES OF JOB Telegram : From Emperor In creases Desire to Quit. WILL REPORT ON DEBATE Unless Kaiser Accepts Pledge to Re strain His Tongue, Resignation Is Probable Other Candidates Are Under Discussion. BERLIN, Nov. 12. Germany now is alive1 with suspense as to whether the Reichstag debate on the Kaiser's in terview in the London Daily Telegraph will culminate In the downfall of Chancellor von Buelow. All depends on how the Kaiser will receive him and how far the . Kaiser, will agree to be bound by the pledge which the Chan cellor made, practically on his sov ereign's behalf to the Reichstag. The Chancellor said, almost in' so many words, that unless the Emperor would agree to cease interfering directly in public affairs, he would- resign. This is the only inference to be drawn from the following passage of his speech in the Reichstag last Tuesday: Chancellor's Significant Words. "The recognition by his majesty of the unjustified misunderstanding of his utterances with reference to - Great Britain and tfie excitement and regret aroused thereby in Germany will, I am convinced, lead the" Emperor in future private conversations to exercise that reserve which, In the interest of a uni form policy and the authority of the crown Is Indispensable. ' "If this proves not to be so, neither I nor any of my successors could take the responsibility." .''..( Kaiser Probably Balks. '. According to the Lokal Anzelger, the Chancellor intends to go to Donaueschln gen, where the Emperor is hunting, to report on the Reichstag debate, but that he is waiting to learn whether or not his speech is satisfactory to his majesty. intimating that he will remain in office if the Emperor indorses his statements in the Reichstag. In other words, the Emperor must agree to exercise the reserve of which the Chancellor spoke or Von Buelow will resign. It is believed, however, that the Kaiser has already Intimated to Von Buelow his displeasure at the latter's undertaking to bridle his imperial tongue. This is the inference to be drawn from a state ment of the Tageblatt that Prince- von Buelow's resignation Is Impending and that the Chancellor has received a tele gram from the Emperor which has in creased his desire to retire. One element of hope for the avoidance (Concluded on Page ft.) READ THE &P0FW1& PAfc. ! Wife Asks Divorce Declares Thai Xelmes Made Her Drink and Struck Her in Mouth. LOS ANGELES. Cal., Nov. 12. Sued for divorce by his wife, the daughter of a wealthy family, Thomas H. Nelmea, a young and rich business man, of Passa dena, waa charged in the Superior Court today with many acts of cruelty, prin cipal of which was the allegation that he struck his wife In the mouth with a telephone receiver when she was trying to communicate with friends, advising them of his savage treatment. Habitual Intemperance and extreme cruelty are the grounds set forth in the complaint. The charges are a surprise to the friends of Nelmes who always has been extremely popular. "My husband often urged me to drink," testified Mrs. Nelmea. "On one occasion when I declined he Insisted that I should. Finally I yielded and drank just one glass of wine. Then he accused me of being drunk. When we reached home, I endeavored to telephone to a girl friend and he struck me in the mouth with the telephone receiver." TRY DESERTER MAGNESS Man Who Wed Ml&s Gorman Is Be . fore Court-Martial. " PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 12. Charged with desertion from the Navy, Charles J. Magneee, husband of Ada Gorman, daugh ter of the late United States Senator Gorman, of Maryland, was placed on trial today by a court-martial tribunal at the Philadelphia Navy-Yard. following tne alleged desertion he mar ried iMUss .Gorman. He was. arrested later at the instance of the Government, and brought back to this city. Since his imprisonment at the Navy-Yard Magness has been visited several times by his wife. Magness, or Hartlove. as he was known In the Navy, was , taken to the trial room handcuffed and under guard. ' He pleaded guilty to overstaying a leaver of absence, but not guilty to desertion. The defendant testified that after he had obtained a leave of absence on June 15, he had gone to Louisville accompanied by Miss Gorman and others to attend a Sunday School convention. He told of a trip he took alone to Atlantic City, after which he said he returned to Wash ington. On August 12, he added, he went to the Long Inland home of Miss Gor man. He said that he had been mar ried ton September 5.. and that he had been' engaged to Miss Gorman for two weeks. He intended going into business In Louisville, and continued: "The money I had when arrested was given to me by my wife." He stated that he ltad not tried to run away from the Government authori ties, nor had he endeavored to conceal his identity. The accused was .repre sented by an attorney of this city, for mally engaged by Mrs. Magness. Mrs. Magness was not at tne trial. BUILD MORE DREADNAUGHT Six More Warriors to Be Added to England's List. LONDON, Nov. 12.Premler Asquith set .forth .In. the House of Commons to day what was meant by the two-power standard of naval strength of Great Britain, and his announcement brought out hearty cheers from all sides. Up to the present time Mr. Asquith has been noncommittal concerning a radical defi nition of this-standard, which the Gov ernment is pledged to maintain. The Premier informed Arthur Lee, Conserva tive member, that the Government ac cepted the two-power standard as mean ing a preponderance of 10 per cent over the combined strength in ships of the two next strongest naval powers. This statement is taken to confirm the belief held in naval circles that at least six and perhaps seven additional battle ships of the Dreadnaught type will be provided for in the next naval estimates. 'ARMERS MEET PRESIDENT Roosevelt Greets 50 0 Attending Na tional Grange Convention. WASHINGTON, Nov. 12. President Roosevelt today received at the White House about 600 farmers and their wives who are here attending the convention of the National Grange, Patrons of Hus bandry. The President refrained from making a speech. Chief Forester Gltlord Plnchot s ad dress was the feature of tody's pro ceedings of the convention. The keynote of the speech was the farmer's duty in co-operating with the Government fur thering the objects of the natural con servation commission which seeks to aid the Individual citizen of the country in controlling water power, rather tnan per mit that power to be monopolized by. a few. WITHDRAW MARINE CORPS President Issues Order Regarding Future Duties on Shore. WASHINGTON. Nov. 12. The United States marine corps is to be withdrawn gradually from the ships of the Navy, the duties of the corps in the future to be In accordance with an order issued by the President today. These duties will be to garrison Navy-yards and naval sta tions, both within and beyond the con tinental limits of the United States; to furnish the first line of the mobile defense of naval bases and naval stations beyond the continental limits of the United states; to garrison the Isthmian Canal Zone and to join such garrisons and ex peditionary forces for duties beyond the seas, as may be necessary in time of peace. Russians Shot Only Six Poachers. VICTORIA, B. C. Nov. 12. Further advices were received by the Shinano Maru regarding the -seal raiding trag edy at Copper Island. According to later advices the Russian gunners shot six men of the raiding schooner Boso Maru and the ther three, previously re ported shot, were drowned when at tempting to escape. State Shows Hand in Gunness Case STRONG EVIDENCE OUTLINED Opening Statement Made in Murder Trial. ONLY ONE POINT TO SHOW Prosecuting Attorney Declares Dx fendant Vnder Law Is Guilty of Murder If It Is Proven Ho Set Fire to House. LAPORTE, Ind.. Nov. 12. TI.e Intro, ductlon of evidence In the trial of Ray Lamphere for the murder of Mrs. Bell. Gunness and her three children by set ting fire to the house, will be begun tomorrow, a Jury having been secured late this afternoon and State's Attorney Smith having made his opening state ment to the jury. Prosecutor Smith went into much de tail as to what he could prove. After reading the Indiana statute which pro vides that where a person or persons lose their lives In a fire wilfully start ed by another, even though he may. not have Intended to cause the death of the pers.n or persons. It becomes murder In the. first degree and Is punishable by death or life Imprisonment, Prose cutor Smith stated: One Point Only to Show. "All we are required to show Is that the defendant set fire to the house and that the occupants lost their lives by reason of tills act." Mr. Smith said that the evidence will show that Lamphere made remarks to various persons indicating his hatred for Mrs. Gunness and his intention to do her harm, including statements that h knew how to get money from her. The fear that Mrs. Gunness felt . foe Lam phere" was touched on and then the pros ecutor took up the story of the night of the fire and what the state would prpve. He said that by Lamphere's own state ment it would be proven that he set the alarm clock at Mr. 8mlth's house, where he spent the night, for 3 o'clock !n the morning, of April IS, and that 15 or 20 minutes later he left there. "We will also prove," continued the States's Attorney, "by Lamphere's own statement, that he took the road going (Concluded on Page 7.) INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS The Weather. .YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature. 51. degrees: minimum, 42.2. TODAY'S Generally fair; easterly winds. Foreign. Emperor of China hear death. Page 4. Fate ot Chancellor von Buelow depends on Kaiser'a acceptance ot pledge to keep quiet.. Page 1. Explosion In German coal mine kills 330 men. Page 7. ' German military balloor hits tree and falla In Baltic Sea. Page 7. National. Evidence at tariff Inquiry that prohibition wave has not reduced lluuor aalee. Page 1. Politics. Several Republican leaders go to Hot . Springs to confer with Taft Page 1. Domett Ic . Debate on night riders almost causes riot at Cotton Conference. Page 4. Prisoner in New York Ccurt. attacks wit ness and is bound after struggle. Pago 1. Man who spots repeaters murdered and witnesses terrorized. Page 7. New transcontinental freight tariffs Issued Page 7. Runaway wife of Portland man refuses to come home. Page 6. Six Chinese drowned In Niagara River whll. trying to smuggle into United States. Page 6. Tale of hardship and death to American - - prospectors In Panama. Page 6. State open case against Lamphere for Gunness murders. Page 1. San Francisco votes for muntclD.1 water works. Page 9. Sport. Baseball meeting adjourns with split wider than ever. Page 7. Bast Side pigh School defeats Salem High School. M to 0. Page Vi. Pacific Coast. Validity of Oregon laws of two legislative sessions will be affected by an adverse decision In Initiative case In Suprem. Court. Page S. Mining suit at Wallace Involves claims for ct imio. Pase 9. Three hundred Salem people attend Albany Apple Fair. Page 8 R. D. Hume. Rogue River salmon king, se riously 111 Page 9. O. H. & N. officials banquetted at Enter prise. Page 9. Honore Palmer pays .17.0W1 for tract, of land at Medford; Hr. Plchel's orchard sells for $100,000. Page 9. Commercial and Marine. Sugar prices lower because of cutting In East. Page 19. Chicago wheat market weakened by sell ing. Page 19. Tone of stock market besltatlng. Psge )9. Kerr. Gifford 4 Co. charter two large steam ships for grain loading from Portland. Page 18. Portland and Vicinity. Ordinance prohibiting steam locomotives on Fourth street in effect today. Page 13 Bowerman will probably be elected presi dent of Senate, and McArthur Steaker of House. Page 14 Time between Portland and Salem on Oregon Electric cut to 1 hour 3o minutes. . Page 18. La Rose murder case will go Jury this morn ing, Page 33 Council will sell 500,000 worth of park bonds. Pag. 11. Herman Klaber will represent Coa-t hi.p- men before Congressional committee. page 13. . 1 , ft