,t,tt xtt rn?T?nrw TTrmfsnlv: NOVEMBER 12. 1908. - PRICE FIVE CENTS. VOL. XLYIII. XO. 14,96a. - 1 uullja-'"' - . . . 'TIPS" VIEWED AS PUBLIC NECESSITY SISTER DIGS UP FAMOUS MODISTE CHANCELLOR IS RIDGELY-WOMEN '5 NOT GOOD MIXERS DIES IN GOTHAM T PLUNGES 10 DEATH VGREASE IN DUTY 'S WOMAN WHO MADE GOWNS FOR "400" DIES. THEREFOBE HUSBANDS MUST LEAVE KANSAS CITY.' ROME CONFERENCE DECIDES TO REGULATE SYSTEM. . I WATTERSOH MADE SGAPEGUA BROTHER BODY Parties Reverse Posi tions on Tariff. REPUBLICANS FOR REDUCTION Southern Product Causes Strange Situation. PAINT MEN PLEAD HARD Aril for Increase, !Cot Decrease, at House Committee Hearing Some Paints Alleged to Be Con trolled by Monopoly. -WASHINGTON. Nor. 11. The Demo cratic members of the House ways and 'means committee favoring an Increase In the rate of duty, and the Republican members assuming; an attitude against a protective rate on barytes, an article listed In schedule A of the tariff, was the unusual situation which developed at today's hearing before the committee. Ex-Representative M. E. Rhoades. A. G. Nelson. 8. M. Evans, of North, Carolina, and Charles J. Staples, of Buffalo, spoke In favor of Increasing the duty on crude barytes. and when Mr. Evans took up the argument, speaking of the barytes deposits In North Carolina. Alabama. Georgia and Tennessee, the members of the ways and means committee became Interested. Republicans for Reduction. Representative Pou. of North Carolina, a Democrat, told Mr. Evans that. If he rould show that the mining of barytes was made profitable because of the pre vailing tariff, he would have the support Df the minority members from the com mittee In the recommendation for an In crease In the duties. Despite the asser tion by Mr. Rhoades that Missouri was carried in the last election for Taft be cause of the belief that a higher pro tective tariff would be enacted, the Re publican members of the- committee, led ny Chairman Payne and Representatives I-nngwurth and BoutelU apparently de Hred to bring out the fact that no Higher duty was necessary on barytes. The hearing on the proposed revision is affecting the schedule on rhemicals. oils nd paints was completed at 9 o'clock and tomorrow the hearing on schedule H of the tariff, covering spirits, wines and' other beverages, will be be gun. The arguments presented today were In the main technical and In favor of the retention of the present rates of duty. Monopoly In Some Faints. There were Indications of conflicting vtewa regarding the present duties on paints and colors. It being stated by .-me that certain of these articles are In the hands of a monopoly and that the tariff on these articles should be reduced. On the other hand. E, If. Dyer, of St. Louis, representing the Paint Manufac turers' Association of the I'nited Slates, stated yesterday that the 0 or more paint manufacturers belonging to that association believed that the duties now levied are not too high considering the high price of labor and material. Manufacturers Interested In the coal tar products and dyes and colors were first to be heard by tha committee to day. Asks Increase of Duty. Frank Schrellkopf and Isaac F. Stone, of Buffalo, asked for an Increase of 10 per cent over the present ad valorem J per cent rate on colors and dyes. They also advocated the putting on the free list of certain raw materials used by them, on which there Is now a duty of 50 per cent. They maintained that this duty and the higher cost of labor had rendered It Impossible to compete with the German, product. Representative Alexander, of New Tork. supported their view. Speaking, aa he said, for a majority of the dry color" manufacturers of the country. Arthur Somers, of Brooklyn, N. T.. said: "The less the committee does with the dry color schedule, the better pleased we will be. The conditions today are practically the same aa those which pre vailed when the Dlngley tariff was framed. WAST LEATHER OX FREK LIST Shoe Manufacturers Will Demand Hearing Beofre Commission. NEW TORK. Nov. 11. Believing that the recent call for hearings on tariff revision now going on at Washington, does not mention hides. Interests rep resented by the National Shoe Manufac turers' Association and Importers of hides and leather have Joined forces with the intention of demanding a hearing before the ways and means committee of the House of Representa tives. These interests further assert that the removal of the duty on hides has been a live Issue for a long time and that they are being discriminated against through Western meat packers. Several conferences have Just been held here and In Boston with the result that a committer will be sent to Washing ton ' to appear before the committee. Data has been prepared which will be furnished the committee showing that shoe dealers and makers are compelled to pay -a high prica for the finished product. Hotelkeepers Look Cpon Custom as Time-Honored One Which Cannot Be Eliminated. NEW TORK. Nov. 11. A dispatch from Rome to the Times says that tips" en gaged the attention of the Hotelkeepers' Congress, which has Just closed its ses sions there and that the Congress ap proved of a suggestion looking to the partial regulation of such gratuities. Herr Hoyer. of Cologne, president of the Inter national Association of Hotelkeepers, de scribed the numerous vain efforts made In Germany to end the practice of "tip ping." and added: "A tip Is one of the time-honored customs which has taken a hold of pub lic life. It can't be eliminated, but let us try to regulate It." Acting upon Heir Hover's suggestion, the Congress rolled that when a traveler desrea so. a hotelkeeper shall distribute "tips" which shall be charged up In the bill at the rate of six per cent on amounts up to 110 and 10 per cent on large amounts. LOSES LIFE BY BRAVADO Desperado Puts Constable's Gun In Mouth anfi Is Killed. . DILLON. Mont.. Nov. 11. (Special.) Tony Innes. one of the bad men of this section, was killed at Lima yes terday afternoon about 4 o'clock, while resisting arrest. W. H. Boul. the con stable at Lima, did the shooting, and Is now in Jail In this city. Complaint had been made to Boul regarding Innes. who had gone to Lima from Dillon, where he had been run out of town several times. The officer notified Innes 'that he would be arrest ed If he did not leave town. Innes defied the officer, who later decided to arrest him on the spot. Innes threatened to fight and Boul drew his gun. Innes approached and said: "I am not afraid of you. you rube, nor of your gun." and with that grabbed the gun and stuck the muzzle of it In his mouth, denting It with his teeth. This act of bravado of Innes was followed by his slapping the gun about In Boui's hands. He then tried to wrest the gun away and the weapon went off or was discharged by BouL Innes was almost instantly killed. Boul Is well known in Lima and here and la a prominent Republican in the Lima district. DUKE FINDS CONSOLATION Comfort in Adverse Decision on To bacco Trust Case. NEW TORK. Nov. 11. James B. Duke, president of the American Tobacco Com pany, issued a letter today to the-stockholders and bondholders, calling attention to the recent decision of the United States Circuit Court that the company was a combination In restraint of trade. Mr. Duke announces that the business of the company will proceed as usual, pending an appeal to the Supreme Court. t. 4. -rarifvlnv. he declares, that the court found that "our methods and suc- ceea have not Injured the consumers ot inhn hare greatly benefited the pro ducers of leaf tobacco by giving a larger market and higher prices, ana inai e have not resorted to unfair or oppressive competition." DIES TO AVOID EXPOSURE Victim of Blackmailers Commits Su icide Through Dread. CHICAGO. Nov. lL T. J. Stein, the supposed victim of blackmailers, who were arrested yesterday, committed suicide today In a room at a prominent South Side hotel. The deceased was 25 years of age and a son of David A. Stein, of the wholesale clothing firm of Ederheimeler. Stein & Co. The men arrested in the alleged blackmailing plot were Charles Ger baum. Jacob Marooney and Joseph Rankin. Their plan, according to 11a rooney's story to the police, was to "gather information" about young Stein and then" to demand 50.000 of the young man's father on pain of having scandalous stories spread. Young Stein's suicide came aa an un expected and tragic sequel .to the ar rests. He is said to have been pro foundly depressed by the attempt to extort money from his father. PLEADS CASE; ACQUITTED Prisoner Riddles Testimony and Wins Over Jury. WALLA WALLA. Wash.. Nov. 11. (Special.) Charged in the Superior Court with larceny from the person. James McQuade pleaded his own case before Judge T. H. Brents and a Jury here today, riddling the testimony cf the state and holding up to ridicule the wit ness In the case. When the Jury went out. McQuade confidently asserted that they would re turn a verdict of acquittal, which was done after deliberating for more than two hours. McQuade was charged with hav ing taken money from the pockets of A. J. Wallace In one of the city streetcars here during Fair week. VOTES TO KILL INDUSTRY Home of South Dakota Divorce Busi ness Favors 'eir Law. SIOUX FALLS, a D.. Nov. 11. Con trary to evfry expectation, the voters of Minnehaha County last week re turned a majority of 74" for the new law which will cripple the South Da kota divorce industry centered in this county. The official count waa made today. Presentiment Leads to Horrible Discovery. FAINTS AS SHOVEL STRIKES Remains Found Buried in Chickenyard. GIRL CRAZED WITH FEAR Premonition Leads Young Woman to Exact Spot Bet ford Farm Believed Scene of Many Other Murders. MARENGO. I1L, Is believed to be the location of another farm des tined to gain as much grewsome notoriety as the Gunness place at La Porte. Ind. With the discovery of the body of a man buried in the Betford poultry yard evidence comes to light of other men and women who visited the) place) and who have never since been seen alive. A force of men was put to work today dig ging up every suspicious looking spot on the Betford farm, and It is the belief of the authorities that many bodies of murdered persons will be exhumed. Betford has been tr rested In Nebraska. MARENGO, 111., Nov. 1L (Special.) Haunted night and day by a presentiment that her brother had been brutally mur dered and-then buried a fear that robbed her of sleep for two weeks, and during her waking hours drove her to the verge of Insanity, Arvllha. Hoganson, thels-year-old sister of Oscar Hoganson, took a shovel and frantically threw up the earth In a spot where her premonition had taken her and Anally, .exhausted, drove the blade Into the body of her brother. . . The girl made her grewsome discovery in the poultry yard on the John Betford farm. Which adjoins the Hoganson place. Hoganson disappeared two weeks ago. His sister immediately began making In quiries regarding his whereabouts, but no trace of him could be found. Then It was a strange foreboding took possession of her. Night and day the vision of tier brother lying cold in death beneath the earth haunted her. Makes Horrible Discovery. After three days of anxiety and fruit less worry, the girl's unaccountable presentiment took tangible shape and with a garden spade she hurried to the Betford chicken yard. Alone, and working with feverish haste, the girl dug into the soft earth. Three feet below the surface the sharp blade struck into the brother's body and the girl, screaming with terror, dropped unconscious beside the grave. Here the neighbors found her. Officers were ,rv.,iM,i:u1 nn Pare B.l J Mrs. Josef Osborn, Noted as Fash- ronable Dressmaker, Was Grand daughter Revolutionary Hero. NEW YORK, Nov. 11. Mrs. Josef Nilsen Osborn, once prominent In New Tork society, but more widely known as the modiste of the fashionable wo men of New York's "400," died today. Before her marriage Mrs. Osborn was Miss Josefa Nielsen, a grand daughter of Colonel James Nielsen, of Revolutionary fame. She married Robert Osborn, a prominent New Yorker, and for some years was count ed among the social leaders. After her divorce 'from Mr. Osborn she opened a dressmaking establishment and thla, through ,the designing of gowns for a number of well-known stage favorites, led her Into a theatri cal venture of her own. With the financial assistance of Miss Norma Munro, daughter of the late George Munro, the publisher, she opened the Berkeley , Theater, which was renamed Mrs. Osborn's Playhouse. It was her idea to maintain a fash ionable theater, where one-act plays alone would be given, the evening's en tertainment not beginning until 9 o'clock, in order to give the theater's prospective society patrons time to dine leisurely. The venture proved disastrous, FALSE ELECTION RETURNS St. Louis Official Sent to Prison for Perpetrating Fraud. . ST. LOUIS, Nov. 1L Thomas McGrath, who waa an election official In the Sec ond precinct of the Third ward at the August primaries, was convicted late this afternoon of having made false re turns and was sentenced to four years in the penitentiary. Evidence was Introduced to show that W. S. Cowherd, candidate for nomination for Governor on the Democratic ticket, was given 189 votes in the official returns, while his opponents were given none. Witnesses then testified that they had voted for candidates other than Cow herd. Similar evidence was introduced fn regard to the other candidates. CHOPS OFF SISTER'S JAW Gets In Way of Descending Ax and ... I Badly Hurt- ... . . VANCOUVER, Wash., Nov. 11. tSpe clal.) The Uttle son of Al. Gerber, liv ing near Yacolt, chopped his 3-year-old elster's Jaw nearly oft with an ax to day.' The boy waa cutting kindling and it Is thought the little girl got in the way of the descending tool. She was brought here and 11 stlches were taken in her chin. While the Injury will not prove fatal, she Is disfigured for life. FIRST WINTER WEATHER Thermometer Below Zero In Wyo ming and Yellowstone Park. ST. PAUL, Nov. 11. The first sub aero temperature of the season was shown on the weather map today when Lander, Wyo., reported a minimum of S degrees below and Yellowstone Park, which Is also at a high elevation. be low. . ' CONGEESS "THIS LOOKS LIKE A HARD OTTP' j Reichstag Votes Not to Rebuke Kaiser. TURNS WRATH ON VON BUELOW Does Not Tell Emperor Consti tutional Duties.' NO GUARANTY OF SILENCE Chancellor Has Not Pledged Sover eign Not to Offend Again An other Outburst May Involve Empire in War. BERLIN. Nov. 11. An exciting debate In the Reichstag was concluded this evening with the rejection by a major ity of a proposition to send an address to the Emperor, calling attention to the danger ot His Majesty's personal inter vention in foreign politics. The discussion brought forth expres sions from the representatives of most of the parties. The displeasure of the House was concentrated principally upon Chancellor von Buelow. Members of sev eral of the groups refused to accept the Chancellor's explanation with regard to the Emperor's Interview In the London Dally Telegraph aa satisfactory or as offering guarantees for the future, but when the proposition of addressing the Emperor formally on the subject was put to the house, the government ma jority did not hesitate in voting against it. Chancellor Listens Calmly. The Chancellor listened virtually un moved throughout the afternoon to per sonal attacks upon him, leaving the House for only a short time to attend the sitting of the Prussian Cabinet.' It was generally expected that he would speak again today, but he refrained from doing so. Baron von Klderlin Waehter -defense of the Foreign Office, which was so close ly identified with the "Interview," was received with loudly-expressed derision by the Socialists. It waa said today that the Emperor was receiving a full stenographic report of the proceedings at Donaueschingen. where he is the guest of Prince von Fuerstenberg. Could Not Tell Kaiser Duties. Baron Gamp. Conservative, said he thought the anger and bitterness shown yesterday by Herr Lleberrhan von Schoenenberg, the Agrarian and anti-Semite, was no way to treat such a sorrowful , subject. It was tragic, he said, that a sovereign with so many admirable qualities, should find him self in such a plight. His Majesty's trouble ought rather to be ascribed to his responsible advisers, who, since the time of Bismarck, never have been able to tell His Majesty plainly his constitutional duties. Caprlvi was a Bank Loses Business Because Bank ers' Wives Hold Aloof at Social Functions. , KANSAS CITY, Mo., Nov. 11. (Spe cial.) The result of a financial . war within the directorate of the National Bank of Commerce is that the Ridgelys will retire from the active management of that Institution shortly, after January L This la not because the bank has not prospered under the management of Will iam B. Rldgely, who was Controller of the Currency. It has prospered. But the financial struggle, made fiercer by a social war In which Mrs, W. B. Rldgely and Mrs. Edward Rldgely played an Important part, has been waging since the week of the Ridgelys" stay In Kansas City, and the Ridgelys have been defeated. t It Is said that, as a result of the social war, the bank has lost some business among the Kansas City merchants and capitalists, who say that their wives were snubbed by the two Mrs. Ridgelys. They say that at each of the social functions which have been attended by the wives of Eastern financiers they have held aloof from the . major portion of the guests and have shown' no tendency to "mix." ROOT PLANS EW TREATY American Representatives Arrange . Agreement With Japan. NEW YORK, Nov. 11. The Herald gives prominence to a dispatch from Tokio that a report is prevalent in high financial circles close to the.Kat sura ministry that Secretary Root and Baron Takahira are negotiating a new rmtv htwMn . the United States and Japan, the chief terms of which are that the high contracting parties snaa re spect the Integrity and independence of the Chinese empire; shall preserve the "open door" and shall agree that in de fault of a special arrangement the passage of laborers of either nation ality from one territory to the other shall be Interdicted, after it has been recognized in the treaty that the presence of large numbers of laborers of each nation within the territory of the other la calculated to impair the friendly relations between the two states. The dispatch adds that official circles do not confirm the report but that it has atimulated the stock mar ket. NO WEDDING BELLS NOW Clarkson-Maloney Nuptials Post poned for Indefinite Period. ". PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 11. Announce ment that Helen Malo'ney has put aside all Idea of matrimony for the present at least came last night following the publication of an advertisement which simply said that there would be no marriage between her and Samuel Clarkson. It Is said by relatives here that the abandonment of the proposed marriage was on account of the pro ceedings which Marquis Maloney has lrstltuted to have the Roman Catholic Church sanction the annulment of the marriage with Osborne. " . It was pointed out that if Miss Ma loney should become a wife, while the case is In the hands of the ecclesiasti cal authorities at Rome, it would be sure to prejudice her case. Some days ago an advertisement similar to that printed today was published in a Lon don paper. CHINA SAVES HER FACE Circulates Plausible Explanation of Supposed Slight by, America. PEKIN, Nov. 11. In order to satisfy the pride of the" Chinese people, the offi cial newspaper controlled by Grand Coun cillor Yuan Shi Kai, explains the fact that -only half the American battleship fleet that is to say, eight vessels vis ited Amoy aa the guests of the Chinese Government, by declaring that the fleet was dispersed by a storm on Its way to the Chinese coast and that the fate of the other eight vessels is unknown. The Foreign Board accepts this statement with complacency. The American Lega tion was not consulted prior to Its publi cation. JUDGE-TRUSTS IN PEOPLE Dismisses Troops at Negro's Trial and Is Cheered. SPARTANBURG. S. C, Nov. 11. John t t-w a neerro. was convicted today of having attacked Miss Leila Dempsey, and was sentenced to serve su years in the penitentiary. When court con vened two companies of militia were on duty In the Courthouse. Judge Schumpert dismissed the troops and made an appeal to the people to aid him In preserving order and enforcing the law. The Judge was cheered. . - "THAT OLD BRASS CANNON" Antl-Saloonlsfs New Name for "Uncle Joe." DES MOINES. 'la.. Nov. 11. At the conferencee of the Anti-Saloon League superintendents here today. General Superintendent Baker, of Washington, referred to Speaker Cannon as "that old brass Cannon now holdllng down the Speaker's chair." Believing that -too much humor and lack of dignity on the part of the league speakers Is an . obstacle -to the work, a movement was started today urging all speakers to be very digni fied when speaking against the saloon. Falls From Window in : Lofty Building. CRUSHED BODY FOUND ON ROOF Believed to Have Stumbled in Lowering Sash. NO WITNESS OF ACCIDENT Promising Career at Bar of Great Editor's Son Suddenly Cut Short All Suggestions Suicide Precluded. KEW.TORK, Nov. 11. Harvey W. Wat terson, a lawyer and younger son of Henry Watterson, editor of the Louis ville Courier-Journal, plunged to his death from the 19th floor of his office building at 37 Wall street late this af ternoon. His body shot downward from a height of 110 feet and landed on the roof of a 10-story building adjoining. Al most every bone was broken and the head waa crushed. While there were no witnesses to the tragedy, evidently it was entirely acci dental. Mr. Watterson's hat and coat were on his closed desk. Presumably he had attempted to lower the window and. either stumbling over the radiator, which was in front of the low sill, or losing his footing In some other manner, pitched forward and down to death on the roof of the building below. Mr. Watterson was 30 years old and married. He was Junior member of the law firm of Wing, Russell & Watterson. No Witnesses of Fall. After. having discussed business mat ters with a clerk, shortly before i o'clock, Mr. Watterson remarked that he was going home, and passed from the library through the room of F. R. Bagg. the managing clerk, into his own private of fice, the door of which closed and locked automatically as he 'entered. . Mr. Bagg was the last person to see the young lawyer alive. 'A few minutes later the superintend ent of the building rushed In and in formed Thomas Wing, senior member of the firm, that he believed Mr. Wat terson had fallen from the window. He looked down from the window and the mangled form was seen, lying on the roof below. .The body was removed to the Watter son home, after the Coroner had declared that death was due entirely to accident. A peculiar feature of the case was that Mr. Watterson's watch and cigar ette case in one pocket and a pipe In another pocket were not damaged by (Continued on Page 5.) INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS The Weather. YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, 53.8 degrees; minimum, 34.8 degrees. TODAY'S Fair; winds mostly easterly. Portland Bad VfcHnltr. Enemies seek to depose George H Th"m" as Democratic county chairman. Page 12. . Warrants Isssued for 47 doctors and M dentists for failure ,to par occupation tax. Fasfe 10. Testimony all In and La Rose murder trial will reach Jury by tomorrow. Page 11. Convicted Los Angeles land-fraud operators lose motion tor arrested Judgment. Flrst"'etltlons for election of Republican Senator will be circulated tonight. Page Council refuses to extend Southern franchise on Fourth street. Page ltt. Board of Education warn, agents to keep away from city schools. Page 10. Foreign. Hotelkeepers propose percentage system of. tips. Page 1. , Reichstag continues to denounce KUr. but votes down address of protest. Pag. 1. Sardou burled amid public mourning In France. Page 3. Sea captain says he discovered grave of Andre In Labrador. ,Page 3. Novel sun-rage law proposed In Hungary. Page 3. National. Democrats propose Increase of duty, Re publicans oppose it. Page 1. f politics. Woodruff blocks Roofs way to New York Senatorshlp. Page 1. Domestic. Eleven killed In train wreck in Louisiana, nine in Wyoming. Page 3. Woman wins and loses millions In stock speculation. Page 3. Wiley denounces exaggeration In advertis ing. Page ft. Henry Watterson's son killed by fall from window of high building In New York. Page 1. Tennessee factions adopt contrary versions of carmack killing. Page 2. More evidence of Father Young's peculiar life. Page 2. Glrl-s premonition leads to discovery of Wholesale murders at Marengo. III. Page ? Rldgelvs must leave Kansas City banks Be cause wives won't mix. Page 1. Mrs. Reed believed to be woman who stola bonds In Chicago. Page 5. Sport. Threatened secession from National Base-. ball Association. Page 7. Hill MiUtarr beats Portland Academy at football. 22 to 0. Page 7 . . Commercial and Marine. Klaber buys big Rose hop crop. Pags 17. New high record prices . In Chicago wheat market. Page 17. Furious speculation In stock market is checked. Page 17. November grain shipment, fall below the mark Three cargoes out this month. Page 16 PaHflc Coast. Demonstration train completes trip through Willamette Valley. Page 6. prtees awarded at Albany Appl. Fair. w,f,!Val!a valley farmers plan electria line to Paaco. Page 1 fETI 1 04.0