THE MORNING OR EGO XI AN, AVEDNSDAT, XCTVK3IB EK 11, 1905. 7 FIRST FIGHT ON IN FEDERATION Unseating of Flint Glass Men Starts Stormy Session in Denver. BITTER WORDS SPOKEN Mitchell Favors Disbarment of As sociation, Which Action In Turn la Denounced as Govern ment by Injunction. DENVER. Nov. The first real fight In the JRth annual convention of the American Federation of Labor oc rurred this afternoon on the report of the credentials committee and resulted. in the unseating- of the oeiesrates or the Flint Glass Workers by a practi cally unanimous vote. The first day of the convention the credentials committee reported seating; all delegates except those of the Elec trlcal Workers, whose case waa re ferred to a special committee; the op eratlve plasterers' Association and the Flint Glass Workers. Fight Begins. The Operative Plasterers' case was referred to a special committee this afternoon. The reason for refusing them wall was the late arrival of their application for a charter. It having; r rived too late to be acted upon. The othar cases being; disposed of. the flsht over the seating; of the Flint ;inss Workers delegates waa begrun. For many years the Flint Glass Work ers wero members of the Federatlono, but they withdrew on account of a controversy growing; out of a question of Jurisdiction with the Glass Blowers" Association. Havlnar seceded from the Federation the Fllfct Glass Workers' Association cannot be restored to membership, ac cording; to the constitution, while It Is in controversy over Jurisdiction with an orgranixation belonging to the federation. T. H. Rowe. president of the Flint Glass Workers' Association, and elected as a delegate from the Ohio State Fed eratlon. led the fight for the admission of himself. J. F. Tobin, of Muncle. Ind.: W. W. Davles, of Belmont County, and Frederick Shane, of Toledo, O.. who are barred out by the report of the creden tials committee. Word War Started. Mr. Rowe protested In vehement lan- aruaga against the action of the com mlltee. He said that the enforcement of the letter of the constitution against himself and comrades waa equivalent to "government by Injunc tion. The other delegates whose seats were contested spoke along the same lines, one of them contending they were entitled to seats as representa tives of state bodies. John Mitchell spoke In support of the exclusion of the Flint Glass Workers. He said he stood firmly upon the con stitution and the law of the Federa tion. Dennis Hayes, of the Glass Bottle Blowers' Association. also took the fcjime stand, and declared that the flint glass men were not only seceders, but that they had waged an incessant war upon the glass blowers: a war even more bitter than contests with non union men. Several other delegates spoke against the admission of the flint glass men and President Gompers closed the discussion with a statement of his po sition, in which he expressed the hope that the difference between the warring unions would yet be adjusted Vote Again. -t Glass Men. The vote was then taken which un seated the flint glass men. A number of resolutions were sent to the secretary's desk Just before ad journment, one of them being Intro duced by the California delegation, de claring for an exclusion law for all Asiatic laborers. Before the convention met this after noon W. D. Haywood, former secretary of the Western Federation of Miners, held an informal reception In the lobby of the convention hall. He is not a member of the Federation and did not appear on the floor of the convention. The report of the executive council was a complete record of the actions taken and the decisions rendered by the council during the year. Fourteen disputes between different unions were considered during the year and the report explained what disposition the council made of these controversies. Regarding; the action of the council In injunction cases and - the labor cam paign made before Congress, the report practically Is a repetition of that of President Gompers. For attorney hire and other legal expenses the council announced thaX 919.474 had been ex pended. A large portion of the report was taken up with the details of the efforts made by the Federation to secure the passage of favorable legislation by Congress and the failures resulting. These matters also had been referred to by President Gompers GOMPERS SAYS IT IS AX HONOR Feels Flattered Roosevelt Ild Not Invite Him to Conference. DENVER. Nov. 10. Considerable com ment waa caused by that portion of the annual report of President Samuel Gom pers. read to the convention of the Amer ican Federation of Labor yesterday after noon. In which Mr. Gompers said that President Roosevelt bad Issued Invita tions to a number of labor leaders to meet with prominent lawyers and jurists at a dinner at the White House a week from today for the purpose of discussing labor legislation.' President Roosevelt, said the report of Mr. Gompers, had ex cluded from the list of Invited guests the officers of the American Federation of Labor. Including Its president. Mr. Gompers. in an Interview on the subject, refused to discuss the question from a political standpoint, but contented himself with a statement to the effect that he deemed himself honored by the exclusion and considered the President's act a tribute to his honesty. He said: "I am honored by the President when be excluded me from his guest list. It is high tribute to the manner In which 1 have represented the interests of the millions of worklngmen and women banded together in the federation, both In the matter of pressing the Administra tion for fair labor legislation and In the campaign Just ended. "This Is the first affair that I know of at the White House to which I have not been invited, but despite the fact t-at I have frequently been asked to meet the President and his friends, socially, I have never availed myself of such an invita tion. "My dealings with the President have been on a strictly business basis. I have frequently requested an audience with hlra regarding matters of import to the" federation and its membership, and have always been well received and treated courteously. There, however, my relations with the President ended. X by virtue of the trust Imposed upon me by the federation, represent the mil lions of people of the country who toll with their hands the hired men and women, so to speak. If the President or any other person carea to say that I don't represent the membership of the American Federation of Labor, so be it. I don't care to become Involved in a con troversy or criticise such a stand. "When the need presents. I shall meet President Roosevelt or any other Presi dent or public man as the representative of the workers of the Nation, if they re elect me and care to have me represent them." The other Federation officials decline to discuss the matter, but many labor lead' era in Denver declare that the action of the President Is simply a part of a plan to divide the forces of organized labor so they would not be effective in future con tests. John Mitchell, James Duncan and Dan iel J. Keefe. who were Invited by the President, said they expected to be in Denver at the convention session nex Tuesday, but would decide whether or not to reject the invitation when they received the President's letter. WIFE-BEATER SHOT DEAD HOTEL- DISHWASHER INTER CEDES ON WOMAN'S BEHALF. Walter Cordova Then Turns on E. K. Smith, Who Shoots Trag edy at Tekoa. COLFAX. Wash.. Nov. 10. (Special. ) Walter Cordova was shot to death by E. R. Smith tonight during a quarrel at the Calvert Hotel, in Tekoa. Cordova, who waa a cook at the Calvert Hotel, quarreled with bis wife in Uw hotel kitchen and was beating her to' death when Smith, who Is employed aa dish washer. Interceded for Mrs. Cordova. At the Cordova turned his attention to Smith, who took a beating for a short time, then pulled a 32-callber revolver, shooting Cordova through the breast. This failed to stop him and a second shot between the eyes lulled Cordova In stantly, Smith was arrested by City Marshal Canutt. Coroner Crawford left Colfax for Tekoa at once. SLAUGHTER FIFTY COYOTES Half-Thousand Hunters Participate in Wenatchee Round-np. SPOKANE Wash.. Nov. 10. (Speclal.)- A Wenatchee special to the Spokesman' Review says: Fifty coyotes were slaughtered In the great roundup pulled off today over Hells' Half Acre and Beaver Creek in Douglas County. Over 600 participants mounted on horses and about 100 on foot took part In the chase. Half a dozen members of the Elks Lodge, at Everett, besides sev eral parties from Seattle and Tacoma took part. After crossing the Columbia River bridge at this place the party was met by a large crowd of ranchers. Large parties from Ephrata, Waterville and other Douglas County towns Joined In. About 3 o'clock in the afternoon the steamer North Star left the C. & O. docks with a large crowd of onlookers bound for the scene of the final slaughter, which was about two miles above Wenatchee on the Douglaa County side. There the victims of the hunt were running around looking for an avenue of escape, not daring to stem the waters of the Columbia. When wKhln shooting distance, the command was given to nre and then the hunt was over. This evening a coyote banquet was given at the Great Northern Hotel by the local Elks to visitors who participated In the hunt. EXPLOSION SPREADS DEATH Five Killed, Others Blown Into Water In Steamer Disaster. NORTH BAT, Ont., Nov. 10. The steamer Temiskamlng was approaching the landing at Temiskamlng tonight when the boiler exploded, wrecking the steamer and causing the death of at least five persons. Several passengers and members of the crew were hurled into the water and many are injured. Details of the tragedy are lacking. A man named McBride. a hunter from the United States. Is missing and there Is little doubt of his fate. J. M. Bnard and R Bergouham. firemen, and two men whose names are unknown are dead. Six are badly burned and several may die. A special train was dispatched from Mattawa to bring the Injured to that town. FIRE FOUGHT BY 1500 MEN Virginia Town in Grave Danger From Fierce Forest Blase. MARLINTON. W. Va.. Nov. 10. Un confirmed reports received here at a late hour tonight indicate that while the for est fires which have - been raging near he property of the West Virginia Pulp Paper Company's tlmberlands on Cheat Mountain have been checked consider ably the danger point Is now regarded as past, but 15(0 men have been enlisted as volunteer fire fighters. The strong wind, which blew from the northwest last night and which drove the fire nearer to the property of the Spruce Company, has died down and the prospect for rain tonight Is fair. Several hundred acres of rock oak ana hemlock are on fire within a mile of town and grave fears are entertained for the safety of outlying buildings and the town itself. Retain Governing Board. EUGENE. Or.. Nov. 10. (Special.) The subscribers to the 115.000 promotion fund met at the Commercial Club rooms last evening and unanimously decided to con tinue the present board of governors for another year. The members are: Dr. W. W. Whltson. president: D. E. Toran, treasurer: P. L. Campbell. W. M. Green. A. C. Dixon. S. H. Friendly. O. W. Grif fin, E. O. Potter and D. A. Paine. Lost Hunter Turns Tp. SALEM. Or.. Nov. 10. (Special.) Charles Claggett. who was yesterday reported as having mysteriously dis appeared while hunting near his home at Chemawa. has been found. He had gone to visit a friend some distance away. Scores of men and boys were out hunting for him last night. Cold Storage Plants at Eugene. EUGENE. Or.. Nov. 10. (Special.) Eugene will have two cold-storage and refrigerating plants, one to be erected by R. McMurphy, of Eugene, and the other by F. J Carter, of Med fori BOTH HOPE TO 111 Whitman and 0. A. C. Play a Corvallis Today. TEAMS IN FINE FETTLE Farmer Lads Eager for Fray, Rousing Rally on College Cam pus With Parade, Bonfire and Speeches Lasts Till Late. OREGON A GRICL" LTURAL OOTJ.rattm Corvallis, Or., Nov. 10. (Special.) On th ev of the hlg football game between wnitman College and Oregon Agrictu- tural College the city is in a state of wild excitement. The students paraded the streets led by the college band and then returned to the college campus, "where a big bonfire was started, which waa followed bv speeches, songs and col lege yells. The demonstration lasted until a late hour. The two teams are in perfect con dition for the big battle. Coach Blan chard and his men arrived here a short time before noon today and rested until 40 o'clock, when they did some light practice work on the college athletio field. The men showed snap and speed and came from their work in high spirits. The local team reported for practice and worked Tor an hour at signal work and practice formations. Every man is In perfect physical condition and all seem anxious to get into tlTte fray. Nor cross gave the men their final instructions and sent them to their quarters at an early hour. Both teams seem equally confident of victory. Coach Norcross, when Inter viewed tonight, said: "I have nothing to offer except that we expect a ha.'d game. Coach Blanchard said: "We have great respect for O. A. C. Our team Is suf fering some from injuries sustained in the Idaho game, but will be In condition to play a good game. I think we are somewhat lighter than our opponents, but we hope for victory." The teams will line up as follows: O. A. C. Position. Whitman Kelley C Clement WmJlate -R.O.... i Matthew Jamison ......... .R.T. .......... Basset t Dobbins , ..R.E..... Oldrlgnt Evtndon ......... I. G. .......... Morrow PenderjrraM! ......L.T... Wilson Cady. Brodle. .. . . .1. E Lie wis G.jtnon QQ Bralnara Wolfe (Oap4 R. H . . .Borleske (Capt. Cooper, Hastings. . L. H Cuahman Keck F Belt SEWELL WINNER OF HANDICAP 20 to 1 Shot Leads Until Well Along In Stretch. OAKLAND. CaL, Nov. 10. Sewell, the 7-to-10 favorite, scored a victory over a field of clever sprinters in the Field wick handicap at the Oakland track: to day. The event was at six furlongs, and was the feature of a good card. Native Son, at 20-to-l, set & merry pace, and led until well In the stretch when Sewell closed fast and beat htm In a drive. Roalta was third. Wap, played from 12-to-l to 7-40-1, took the second race from Boas and Billy Pull man. Barney Schrelber and Frank Weir were among today's arrivals. A carload of horses, including Roseben, consigned to Weir, will arrive at Emeryville tomorrow. LAD OF 15 TRIES GUNPLAY Arrested for Threats Against lAte of His Stepfather. VANCOUVER, Wash.. Nov. 10. (Spe- eial.) Oomwell Dauforth. 16 years old, was arrested this afternoon at Fishers STAR TACKLE OS ALBANY COLLECB TEAM. 'Victor Yates. ALBA.ST, Oi. Nov. 10. (Spe cial.) There Is probably no bet ter tackle on the Oregon grid Iron this year than Victor Tates, blur right tackle of the Albany College football team. He has been playing a remarkable game and has been the terror of Al bany's opponents this season. He was easily the star when Al bany defeated Pacific University, and also played a strong game against Willamette University and the Chemawa Indians. In the latter game he opposed and outplayed Smith, physical direc tor at Chemawa. and former center on the Carlisle Indian eleven. He Is a son of C. W. Tates, a prominent farmer living near Oakville. and comes from one of L.lnn County's oldest and best known pioneer families. I i N Tf y " ' 1 " ' I Landing on complaint of A. D, Cole, the lad's stepfather, who' alleges the boy has made frequent threats against his life. The lad Is In the County Jail to night and will be given a hearing to morrow morning. Dauforth repeatedly threatened to Shoot Cole and the threats became so serious yesterday and today that the father ae cided that his own safety demanded that the bov be taken Into custody, uau forth is 15 years old and Is the son of the former husband of the present Mrs. Cole. Though young, he weighs over 200 pounds. nairforth was in the Fishers school. In which he Is a pupil when Deputy Sheriff Johnson arrested him. He started to draw his revolver, but Johnson was too quick for him and himself took the gun. which was loaded, from the boy's pocket. The bov eomnlains that his adopted father k "cranky" and that he Insisted on his not staying out at nights, Toung Dauforth has the reputation In the neighborhood of an ungovernable temper. It is reported that tie has been able oftentimes to secure liquor. CALL IN 300 WITNESSES Morrow County Probing Liquor Law Violations. " HEPP.N'ER, Or., Nov. 30. (Special.) Circuit Court was convened here yester day morning by Judge Bean and will probably hold sessions the most of the week. The docket in equity, civil and criminal cases Is light so far and unless the grand jury, now In session, is suc cessful In finding more indictments, this term of court will be far less eventful than the one of last May. . Ralph Jones and Ralph Cecil pleaded guilty to assault and battery and will be sentenced by Judge Bean on November 12. Dr. C. C. Chick, of lone, a physician and druggist, pleaded guilty to violating the local option law and was fined 150. The grand Jury returned eight true counts awainst the doctor, but seven were suspended upon good behavior. Ed West, a local blacksmith, pleaded guilty to giving liquor to a minor and violating the local option law. He will be sentenced at 10 o'clock tomorrow. Ray Judy, a young man of lone, pleaded guilty to giving liquor to a minor and was fined $80.50. The grand Jury is still at work and nearly every man in Heppner who im bibes in the flowing bowl is subpenaed to appear before it. There are nearly too subpenas Issued on liquor counts alone and there seems to be no letup by the prosecuting officers. PLOT WORRIES PERSIA Efforts to Abolish Parliament Said to . Be Cnder Way. ST. PETERSBURG. Nov. 10. Official confirmation has been received from Te heran of a reactionary plot to abolish the Persian Parliament. Russia, which in conjunction with Great Britain, has repeatedly warned the Shah of the dan gers of such a course, has decided to re new her energetic representations against the contemplated coup d'etat. The situation In Northern Persia Is the source of great anxiety to the Russian foreign office. Revolutionists from the Caucasus who have flocked to Satar Khan's standard, are manifesting a hos tile spirit toward the Russian officials and commercial representatives which may force foreign Intervention. The foreign office, however, is most reluctant to act, since the dispatch of troops to Tabria at this Juncture might be construed Into en couragement of the reactionary party at Teheran and prbbably would necessitate more extensive operations in Aserbaljan province, a heavy expense and no per manent advantage to Russia Negotiations to bring Austria-Hungary and Turkey Into line for the proposed Balkan conference were begun in earnest this week. Austria's reply to sugges tions with reference to the conference programme allows a wide latitude In the discussion. CHARGE OF ARSON IS MADE Arleta Baker Is Suspected of Burn ing His Shop. A. E. Winders, proprietor of the Star Bakery, at Arleta. was locked in the County Jail early yesterday morning, upon the advice of District Attorney Cameron. He is suspected of having set the fire which destroyed his bakery Sunday night. Witnesses questioned by the District Attorney said that winders visited the bakery after 6 o'clock Sunday night. It waa found that two candles had been placed in boxes, and kerosene poured about in such a manner as to ignite when the candles burned down. Winders is said to have taken his wife and children to a theater on the night in question, something he had not done before for a year. Following the fire Winders Is said to have made out a bill of sale of the bakery to his wife's uncle, dating it back to May 4. He Is also said to have written a note for $300 In favor of the uncle, which was marked paid In full, and also dated back to May 4. The insurance on the bakery is said to have been $1200 at one time, but It is as serted that this has been reduced by cancellation to J 7 00. WHEELS SEVER RIGHT HAND Logging Train Brakeman Meets Bad Accident at. St. Helens. ST. HELENS, Or., Nov. 30. (Special.) Fred Watkins. of this place, lost his light hand today while at work for the Masten Logging Company. He was brakeman on the logglig train and while coming around a curve, ' attempted to Jump from one car to another to set the brake. It seems that he did not allow for the curve and a projecting log struck him. knocking him off the train, his arm falling across the track and the wheels severing his hand. i He was taken to the station at Houiton and. after temporary treatment, sent on the next train to the hospital in Portland. Watkins is a married man. DEATH ROLL IN NORTHWEST Mrs. Julia Bisbee, Morrow County Pioneer, Drops Dead. HEPPNER, Or.. Nov. 10. (Special.) Mrs. Julia Bisbee dropped dead at her home In this city yesterday morning at 10 o'clock. Mrs. Bisbee is the widow of the late T. H. Bisbee, who succumbed to heart disease In the same manner a few vears ago, and Mrs. Bisbee Is one of Morrow County's oldest pioneers, being the daughter of the late Silas Wright. She leaves a son, Lewis, who- Is the Junior partner of the firm of Gilliam & Bisbee, hardware and Implement mer chants in this city. The remains were laid to rest in the Masonic Cemetery this afternoon. Morris Bros, to Secure Bonds. EUGENE. Or.. Nov. 10. (Special.) City council is unanimously agreea unnn h nrnniMirlnn of ellirtsr to Mor ris, Bros., of Portland, the water bonds recently held up by the test case, U I-V. nvnn,nnAi4 th. hnnil, vnlM The hnmiK will he sold at nar. and will bear 5 per cent Interest. ELECTS H. E. JUDGE Portland Rowing Club Selects Him for President. ANNUAL MEETING IS HELD Reports Show That Local Organiza tion Is In Good Condition and la Third In Country In Point of Members. H. E. Judge was chosen president of the Portland Rowing Club at the an nual meeting at the auditorium of the Y. M. C. A. last night. C. F. Swigert was elected vice-president; R. C Hart, treasurer; John F. Cahalin, secretary; Rex Connan, captain; B. K. Loom la and Vivian Dent directors. In addition to being selected as director. Dr. Loom is was also named as chairman of the house committee. The meeting had a large attendance and considerable enthusiasm was mani fested at suggestions offered for improve ments in the club and its equipment. The handsome new quarters of the club are to be the scene of numerous Winter festivi ties in the way of socials and dances, to be given under the auspices of the or ganization and its members, and it Is also proposed to commence laying plans for the big regattas of next season at once. The retiring president, Percy. W. StowelU while declining to serve as a member of the board of directors, gave the members some good advice. In a short talk, wherein he pointed out the needs of the club. R. W. Wilbur, ex-president of the club and president of the North Pacific Row ing Association, also made a few re marks for the benefit of the club. He pledged himself to assist the club In any manner possible and suggested various means of solving problems now confront ing the organization. President Wilbur also took occasion to call attention to the fact that next year will witness a number of big regattas to be held in the Northwest, especially those under the auspices of the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific ex position at Seattle, and urged the mem bers of the Portland Rowing Club to do all in their power to assist In develop ing crews that will make a showing dur ing those contests. The Portland Rowing Club enjoys the distinction of ranking third1 In point of members among the rowing organiza tions of the United States. It is in a splendid condition financially and posses ses one of the finest club sites in the world. Each member present last night pledged himself to endeavor to enlist at least one new member during the Winter and to assist the work of the organiza tion In every possible manner. CLUB IX BASKETBALL LEAGUE Multnomah Will Have Strong Team for Indoor Sport. With the exception 'of football, basket ball Is now the chief topic of conversa tion at the Multnomah Club. Six teams have been formed and are now playing for the club championship. Last night Captain Bellinger issued the first call for first team players and a large num ber responded. Prospects for a cham pionship team look bright, aa all last year's players are on hand again this year, as well as a number or new men. The club has Joined the Oregon State league, which consists of Dallas College, last year's state champions; Pacific Col lege. Willamette University, McMlnn ville College, Portland Y. M. C. A, and the Multnomah Club. Morris at center Is faster and stronger than ever: Bellinger, Dent and Fisher at forwards will, be a hard combination to beat, and with Allen, Hathaway and Barton at guards the club will have one of the best teams it has ever turned out. Hathaway Is an old player, having played for three years on the crack University of Oregon team. The first Oregon State League game will be with Newberg in this city on November 28. School Teams Fall to Meet. No game was played yesterday In the Grammar-School League, on account of a misunderstanding of the schedule. The Thompson eleven waa on the field, but the Montavllla boys failed to ap pear. A practice game was held for the benefit of the Thompson team, their opponents being a team picked up from the crowd of spectators. Most of the scrubs were ex-Grammar-School play ers, and after a fierce struggle, they SAVINGS ACCOUNTS Savings Accounts can be opened by deposit of $1.00 or more, for which a pass book will issue to depositor. Subsequent deposits can be made at any time, and a substantial bank account thus built up. No one can succeed in business who has not first acquired habits of methodi cal saving. Merchants Savings S Trust Company 247 Washington Street Portland, Oregon ' TEA People think spices and extracts are always dis honest No; they are not Yoor irocBT retanw rr aonr If r fea't IQu SckiUiaj't Bait; w par turn- Cookiogf EbsMbit In the Basement 'The Malleable" Ee is in tion an event that is of in terest to the woman who cooKs demonstrating the perfect baKing and cooKing quality and the economy of this great range. . Nothing is more convincing than to par taKe of the delicious cof fee and biscuits which we are serving free to all who visitus during this exhibit A cooK booK and souvenir are being presented to the la dies who attend this demon stration. Plan to spend a few minutes with us and see the pleasing quicKly and easily obtained by using "The Malleable" TULL GIBBS COMPLETE HOUSEFURNISHERS emerged victors by a 10-0 score. Daly, for the scrubs, made both touchdowns on runs nearly the length of the field. 'At Cincinnati. CrNCINXATI, Nov. 10. Latonia re sults: Five end ne-Jialf furlonse Dr. Mayer won. Killlngton second, MJque O'Brien third; time, 1:11. BIX furlongs Marmortfln won. Miss Felix second, Europa third; time., 1:18 15. Six furlongs Snake Mary won, Sorrel Top second. Dainty Belle third: time. 1:17 3-5. Blx furlongs Merrick won, Cloisteress sec ond, Bonart third. Time, 1:16 4-6. Mile and furlong Gold Treasure won. Bit ter Hand second, Leonard Joe Hayman thtrd; time. 1:50 2-5. At Emeryville. OAKLAND, Cal., Nov. 10. Results at Emeryville: - Six furlongs, selling Nebulosus won. Cap tain Kennedy second, Adena third; time, 1:14 2-6. Six furlongs, selling Wap won. Boas sec ond, Billy Pullman third: time. 1:13 4-5. One mile, selling Phalanx won. Iady Ali cia second, Charley Paine third; trme, 1:41 2-5. Six furlongs, Fieldwlek handicap) Seaweil won. Native Son second. Roaila thtrd; time. 1:18. Mile and sixteenth, selling Sir Brtilar won. Remember second. Cloverlaod third; time, 1:47 1-5. One mile and 70 yards, purw Montgom ery won. Neva Lee second, Don Ertrlque third; time. 1:43. Hill Military to Play Academy. Multnomah Field this afternoon will FREE COOKING SCHOOL This is the last week of our Free Cooking School, and we are particularly anxious that all our patrons attend, as Mrs. Wheelock will demonstrate some very interesting novelties, as well as staple dishes, which she has not as yet shown. We are selling Cook Books this week at half price (25c), in order to reduce the stock which Mrs. Wheelock has with her. Be sure and attend and we will promise you an interesting and instructive lesson. Sessions every day at 10:30 and CD G) W IE "l If r V?C have in stock a full and complete line of the best Fireplace Goods to be seen in the city, consisting of Andirons, Fire Sets, Fire Screens, Coal Hods, etc., both in solid brass and Berlin black. Prices range from 1.25 to $75.00 on Andirons, and from $1.50 to $25.00 on Kire SAN FRANCISCO & PORTLAND STEAMSHIP CO. FIRST-CLASS Berth ' and Meals FARE Included J UPPER DECK $15 SECOND-CLASS S STATE OF CALIFORNIA SAILS FROM AISSWORTH DOCK, 4 P. M FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18. J W RANSOM, Dock Agent, Ainsworth Dock. Phone Main 268. M. J. EOCHE. C. T. A, 142 Third St. Phones Main 402, A 1402. being shown actual opera . Ik results so be the the scene of another Tnterscholas tic League battle. Hill Military Aead mey will play Portland Academy. The cadets have so far remained undefeated at the head of the league, while the Academy lads have yet to win a game. Coach Blanchard has switched the team around and has worked it out in several hard practices. The change in the line up is believed to have benefited the team in no small degree. Captain Gra ham, of Hill, is confident that his team Is not going to suiter a reversal and says that Hill will play its hardest to win to day. Salem to Play East Side High. Multnomah Field will be the scene to morrow afternoon of another Intcr-clty High School football game, which should prove a most interesting contest. The teams matched for this game are the Sa lem High School and the East Side High School, of Portland. Last season the East Side boys were defeated at Salem . by the score of 29 to 0, but as they are much stronger this year and the game is being played In Portland, they expect to have revenge on the Capital City eleven. Tomorrow's game will be called at S o'clock. Three Cushion At the Waldorf Billiard Parlors, cor ner 7th and Washington sts., last eve ning Lanvener and Rollesl played a classy game. 2:30. Wets. $10