Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 11, 1908, Page 17, Image 17

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Prices Always Advance With
Bryan's Defeat.
hwurlty Values Before and After the
Election of 1896, 1900 and
1908 Excitement in the
Oregon Hop Market.
Bryan's defeats nave always had a stim
ulating effect on the bueinea of tbe coun
try. Tna movement of pricea In the stock,
market has been the first Indication of
the Improvement In general eondltlona that
fo'!owed h!a turning- down at the poiia in
and !n lf00 the speculative response
was prompt on the announcement of the
election of McKinley. This year Wall
street was so sure of Taft'a success that
It discounted the event several weeks be
fore It happened, though since tha election
the advance has been rapid.
Stocks roae sharply on the announce
ment of the ballot In both 1M and 1900,
although later mora or less Irregularity
.developed. In JSM the country was In a
state of great unrest over Bnin'i advo
cacy of free silver, and security values
were seriously depressed during tha cam
paign. Thera was a partial recovery be
fore the election, so the declaration of tha
result had less effect on stocks than If
the outcome had been In grave doubt up to
the last moment. The following table gives
the quotation of a number of leading stocks
the day before election, tha day after and
one week later:
lflM Election.
Irv Day Week
before, after, a'i-r.
At-h:n 1 I IT
Jtaltimore &. Ohio 17i 18 '
Ti. R. T 22 als as
Krle I.Vi 1"S
New Trk Central....
Northern Pacific H 5ll
rtedinr -!" 31
evtuthern Pacific 14 144
Union Pacirtc 1 12
Par Day Week
before, after. after.
American FuRr 1H JL'I1
Amerl. an Coiion Oil.. 1R4 17 ITS
ron-toHlaied Js 1-V JM 3JW.1
National Lad 27 'i "S
Ttin'sse .oal A Iron 27 32 .12 4
f'niT?l Stat Ruhber. 21 2:t
nnral E-trtc
Western Union M Si
1KM Election.
Ft r fore th votes were cast In IfK-O Bry-
nim had lost some of Its terrors for the
security market and McKlnley'a election did
inn cajse great excitement in tha ex
chanffs; yet prices made gains ranging
from a fraction to T points. Part of the
rise was Inst before a week had passed,
although without exception the quotation
for active Issuea waa higher on November
13 than It was Just prior to the election.
The course of prices was as follows:
ry Day Wk
before, after. after.
Atchison -US r s
liaitirr.ore Ohio.... 7'.1 77,
R IC. T 2
Krie 12 IIS 134
New York Central.....:. isrt'i I..?
Northern Pacific H 3
Pennsylvania 133 IS'1, 144)
Readme US . 1 S
tJo-ithern Pacific .... -I S 4'' 41
Union Pacific M 63 6tl
Tay Day Week
before after. after.
American Smelting .. 43 44k 47H
American Kuaar 1.S l'-l) 12
Anaconda S 47 4
Cp. rado Fuel 4nS 45 44
-oneoh.lated Gaa ....373 1S 1S2H
National Lead 2 '21 22
People-a Gaa 14 4 17
Republic I. AV & 14i IT 17
Tennessee Coal Iron 1.7 I 9
United States Rubber. 32 33 lO
IMS Klectioa.
Prices ef securities were less affected
thanr was the general business of tha coun
try during tha 1W- campaign. There was
en!y ona Wall etreet "scare." two months
ago. Whether It waa brought about for tha
jmrpoee of arousing tha apathy of cam
Valgn contributors or to enable operators
to buy stocks at a decline, the effect at any
rata waa a mild ona. So certain was Wall
street that Taft would be elected that
valuea were pushed up vigorously through
out tha latter part of the campaign. Tha
general pub ha held aloof prior to tha elec
tion, and thle made It certain that tha
buying would be broad when the election
was over. Tha market, therefore, waa put
In trim for tha outside demand.
The course of prices since the election
lias been much the same as on the pre
vious occasions. Although values were at
a high level the day before the contest,
there waa a spirited rise as soon na the
result waa known. There the similarity
ends, however, for Instead of a check at
tha end of a week of buoyancy prices, ex
cept In a few Instances, ara still rising.
Tha following; table shorn a tha course of
prices ' on November 2. November 4 and
iay Day Week
before, af u r. after.
Atchtson i4 !(," 154
Baltimore A Ohio HU s imp
I. K. T ... . 4H S 4W-, 53
Krie r.iiTfc 31 S S1H
New Tork Central. ..H'.-.-, J07S 1 '
Northern Pacific ....14,-.-, 14 lTo
Pennsylvania K'T 131 H 3 20
Reading 134", 13:H
Southern Pacific I'll 111 117"-
t n:on Pacific 173", 17o ImiTb
Dav Day Week
before, ufter. after.
Amerlcsn Smelting .. Kt 14 "7 i
American tfugar irVJ'j 134 V 136
An.icon.ia 4;' 4T--4 X2
iLr:ul Fuel if.' XT V :i!V
Ciiit!Hl:Jatfil OAS 1 !d 14 S 144 4
National Lead M'Tt 4 1
!l!c Gas !h; , Ji7
Republic I. & S 14 lm 25 27
VnttrU St a tea Rubber. :,2 'JH
Three far Arrive- an a Waak Market.
ltullry linn.
Three cars of Eastern ckks were received
yeeterday. At Dm rate Kastern eggs ara
coming In all could be absorbed were It not
for the fact that the supply of Oregon ranch
rcfrs Is now beginning tJ ihuw an increase.
The result la an eaay market, thouich prices
a-a no lower. Some of th Eastern stock
crferlng la In weak hands and until It Is
disposed of the market Is likely to con
tinue In a depressed condition. When stocks
clean up again these may be Improvement
In d rices.
Thera waa a better tone in, the poultry
market, as receipts were not heavy and
the cVmand was fair. Hens sold at 1 2
cents and Springs at 11 S cents. Turkeys
moved slowly, the best that wera offered
rotng at 17 centa
The butler market waa Crm at taff34
cents for city creamery.
One f eat A d vance ta W heat Price, bat
Trade Is tight.
The rraln markets were all firm yester
day. Wheat prt,-ea wen advanced 1 cent
ail amund. but butng was light, owing; to
the firm views of holders.
Receipts for tha week to data and tha
total for last week are reported by the
Merchants' Exchange as follows:
7th-8th. 9th. Last Wk.
C3 rs. Cs rs. Cars.
Wheat . H7 53 225
Barley S3
oats .j. 3 19
Kay 8
Flour 3 C 47
Many Export Orders Are In the Market,
but Hard to Fill.
At no time this season has the undertone
of tha hop market been as firm as It Is
now. The presence of plenty of export
orders at R ir S W c for choice Is the cause
of (ts strength. The orders are not being
filled readily, as growers are holding out
for more money. It 'looks very much as If
a 9-cent export market would be a cer
tainty in the near future.
Soma Eastern orders are continually com
ing In, but the Eastern demand, as a
whole. Is backward. Brewers who last
month would not take h"i.s because the
election was so near now say they will
wait until the State Legislatures meet and
learn what will be done with the prohi
bition question. These brewers are supply
ing their present wants in a hand-to-mouth
way. Any material development in the ex
port trade, however, will completely altar
the face of things.
An evidence of tha strength of the mar
ket la found In the demand for the lower
grades and the prices being paid for them.
The E. C. Horst Company yesterday bought
860 balea of ordinary primes at Eugene
at 1V centa A short time ago there waa
no Inquiry at all for such quality.
Weekly Grain Statistic.
The weekly grain statistics of the Mer
chants Exchange follow:
American visible supply
Bushels. Increase.
November 0. IfS 41.4 Iti.tMM) 1.94S.0O0
November 11. liMiT 43.750.000 fi7.K)0
November 12, l!0i. . . .3N.447.0OO 473.000
November Li. l!oA. .31.721.000 1.82H.0O0
November 14. 1'.h4. .. .31,:i02.000 3.437.000
November U, irm.t 25.04.YOOO 2. 939.0O0
November 10, llti'2. . . .3tl.Of8.0O0 3.808. OoO
November 1 1, lool ... .41 ,150.000 . 77.0OO
November 12, ltO0 .00. 703.000 660.000
November 13, iSjtfl 52.562.000 1, 501,000
Quantities on passage
Week Week Week
endins ending ending
No'. 7 Oct. 31 Nov. 9. '07
For Punhels Rushela Bushels
f. K 16.720 000 1S.320.OO0 16.00.000
Continent .. 13,S4O.0o0 14. 472.000 12.560.0O0
Totals .. .30.540,000 30.702.000 28.640.000
World's shipments, flour Included
Week Week Week
ending ending ending
Nov. 7 Oct. 31 Nov. 0. "07
From Bushels Bushels Bushels
U. S . Can...4.! 5.463.000 5.45. 000
Argentina .. AS4.onn 072.O00 4 SO. (KM)
Australia ... 4SA.OO0 l.0oti 13 6. OOO
India 22.oOO 77S.O0
Dan. porta... S4.0oo 736.0oo
Russia 1.920.000 1,0'Jti.OOO 2.554,000
Totals 8,836.000 9.03 l.OOO 10.173,000
Steamer Grapes Sell Lower.
Th-e steamer yesterday brought up a
supply of grapes in only fair condition. Tha
best Tokays In the lot were h.-ld at ll.a-i.
A quantity of oranges and grapa fruit waa
also on the steamer. A atraight car of
oranges and a car of sweet potatoea ar
rived In the forenoon and a mixed car of
oranges and grapa fruit Is due tday.
Bank Clearings.
Clearings of the Northwestern cities yes
terday were aa follows:
Clearings. Balances.
Portlnnd fl, 16. 994 $135,699
Seattle 1.69J.i?S 135.804
Tacoma . 7tS.79:i 31.216
Spokane 1.219.902 133,074
Grain. Flour. Feed. Eta.
WHEAT Bluestem. 95c; club. lc;
fife. 90c; red Russian, asc; 40-fold, 91c;
valley. 91c.
BARLEY Producers prices: Feed. $23.50
26 per ton; brewing, $27.
OATS Producers prices: Na 1 white, $30
31 pr ton: gray. $2J30.
FLOUR Patents. (4. SO per barrel;
straights, 13.&5; exports, S3 70; Valley, $4.46;
4 -sack graham. $4.40; whole wheat. $4 05;
rye. $530.
MILLSTUFFS Bran. $26 50 per ton; mid
dlings. 433; shorts, country. $S1; city. $30;
U. H. mill chop, $22; rolled barley, $27. 009
2$ 50.
HAT Timothy. Willamette Valley. $14
per ton; Willamette Valley, ordinary. $11 ;
Eastern Oregon. $16.5017.60; mixed. $13;
clever. $9; alfalfa. $14; alfalfa meal. $19.
Yeg-etablea and Fruit.
FRESH FRUIT Apples, 6Oc0$2 per
box: peaches, feScigtl pur box; pears, 75c&
$1.25 per box; grapes, 41.261.0 per crate;
local Concords. 12 V 15o per half basket;
huckleberries. 12 J c lb. ; quinces, $1 1.25
per box; cranberries, $9. 30j: 12.50 per barrel;
casahae, 2c per pound; Spanish Malaga
grapes. $7' 7.S0 per barrel.
POTATOES Buying price, 90c 9$ LOO Pr
hundred : meet potatoes, 1 (1 2 4c per lb.
TROPICA L FRUITS Oranges. navels.
$3.&o box; Valencia, latea, $4 4 6 box; lemons,
fancy, $4.B0ti$3.u0 per box: choice, $3.&o&4.CO:
standard, $2.75 per box; grapefruit. $4 ft Y 50
per box; bananas, 5c per pound; pome
granates, $l.uOy2 per box; pineapples, $20
2.50 per dozn.
ONIONS Oregon. $1.1091.25 per 100 lbs.
ROOT VEGETABLES Turnips. $1.25 pes
sack: carrots, $t; parsnips. $1.25; beets,
$1.25 hnr!eradlsh, f4t 12c per pound.
VEGETABLES Artichokes, $1 per dox. ;
beens. 10c per pound cabbage. 1 iff 2c per
pound: cauliflower, SOc6$l per dozen; cel
ery. 407&c per dozen; cucumbers. S3 per
box: egg plant, $2 per crate; lettuce,
75c$l per box; pareley. loo per dozen; peas.
ltc per pound; peppers, lOc per pound;
pumpkins, l -1 4 c per pound; radishes.
12 So per dosen; spinach. 2c per pound;
sprouts. 10c per pound : squash, lists
per pound; tomatoes, 60c 9 $L
Dairy and Country Produce.
fancy outside creamery, &2ft63oc per
aouna: store, uuzuc.
EGGS Oregon selects, $7 Ho; Eastern
$7 o 32 Ljc per dozen.
POULTRY Hens. 11H012C per pound,
Spring. 11 tf 11 4c: ducks, old. 12Q13ic;
young. 14V 15c; geese, old. VtflOc; young,
$fe l'c: turkeys, I7vlc
LMr.b.'K fancy cream iwina, j oc per
r,..r A ,,11 i.nm i-trtit IFtfi full rrMm
l'ourf America. 1 6c.
VEAL Extra, xc per pouna; orai
lary. 7 7 Vic; heavy. So,
PORK Fancv. 7c per pound: larva.
Pro vts I ona.
BACON Fancy, 22c per pound; standard.
20c; choice, ltfc; Koglish, I7a ISc; strips.
DRT SALT CURED Reguiar short clears,
dry salt. 12c; smoked. 13c; short clear
baks. heavy, dry anlted. 11c; smoked, 12c;
uron exports, dry salt. 13c; smoked, 14c
HAMS 10 to IS lbs.. 15fcc; 34 to 16 lbs.,
134t; 13 to 20 lbs., 15Vc; bams, skinned,
154c; plcnica 10c; cottage roll, 11c; shoul
ders, lie; boiled ham, 22c; boiled vlcnic,
LARD Kettle-rendered: Tierces. 13o;
tubs. 13"c; 50s. 13Sjc; 20s. lac; 10s. 14c;
Gs. 14 Sc; 3a 14 Standard pure:
Tiercea 12-c; tuba 12c; Sus, 12c; 2oe.
12sc; 10. 13c; 5s, 13"c; Ss. lihc Com
pound: Tiercea So; tubs. 8 Wc; 5vs. HV10;
l:o eSc; loa S-c; &s. 8T4&
SMuKKD ItEEF Beef tongues, each, 70c;
dried beef sets. 16c; dried beef outsldea
15c; dri?d beef tnsiaes, 15c; ansa oeei
knuckles. 1 Sc.
PICKLED GOODS Barrels: PUrs" feet,
413; regular tripe. $10: honeycomb trlDe.
$IJ- pigs tonguea S 19.50: lambs' tonguea
MEiS MEATS Beef, speclais. $11 per
barrel; plate. $14 per barrel; family. $14 per
barrel ; pork. $2 1 per barrel; brisket. $24
per barrel; S P. beef tonguea 420; pig
snouts. $12 SO; pig aara $12 50.
Hope, Wool, Hides. Etc,
HOPis ltus. choR-e, $tfyc; prime, 7
7Vc; medium, Jiic ptr puaud. IWt. 8 H
4c" 111":. 1 u t io.
WOOL Eastern Oregon, average best, 1$
14c per pound, according to shrinkage ;
Valley. 10 10c
MOHAIK choice ISo per pound-
UlDhd Dry i:iU.-s. No. i, 13 y 15o pound;
dry kip No. 1. lc pound; dry calfskins
Itic pound; salted hiuea 6i-(ic pound; saited
calfskins. 12tflJc pound; green, lc lesa
FL'Kd Na I skins: Bear skin, aa ta
alze. No 1. each, 5tflO. cuds, cJcb, $1
8 badser. prima each. 25 50c; cat. wild,
with head perfect, 30tf50o; nous. fi20c;
fox common gray. Urge prime, each. 40
60c- red. each. $3 5; cross, each. $.1 15;
silver and black, each. $lo0oo: fisher
each $5 w 8; lynx. each. S.5O0; mink,
strictlv No. 1. each, according to sise, $1
a- marten, dark northern, according to sise
and color, each. $10 15: marten, pale, ac
cording to size and color, eacn. 125094;
mufkrat, large, each. 12, 15c; skunk, each.
80840c; civet or polecat, each. 515c: otter,
for large, prima skin, each. $6 10; panther,
with head and claws perfect, each. 42 3;
rarrocn. for prime large, each. 50 75c;
wolf, mountain, with had perfect, each.
$2 50 5: rrairlea coot). 40c$i.l0;
wolv-Ttne. each. 6S.
CASCARA BARK Small lota. 6c; car lots.
9c per pound.
Hoa at lxndnn.
LIVFRF'"L. Nr. !v Hopa In London,
Pactflo Coast, steady. 23.
room in HICS
Harrimans Carry Entire Stock
List Upward.
Sensational Advances Made tn ome
of the Specialties Final Real
izing Movement Wipes Out
Part of the Gains.
NEW TORK, Nov. 10. A powerful tonic
was administered to the stock market to
day in the volatile rise In the Harrlman
Pacifies. This movement, for violence and
volume of deallna. recalled the days of the
speculative excesses of 1906 preceding tha
advance In the Union Pacific dividend from
6 per cent to 10 per cent and the initiation
of dividends on Southern pacific at the rate
of G per cent.
The meeting of the directors of these
companies to act on the dividends was set
for today, but was postponed until tomor
row to give opportunity for attendance
upon the funeral of Vice-President Cornish,
or the Southern Paclnc Railway. A flood
of rumor Is converged upon the supposed
intention of this meeting in regard to divi
dends and other financial projects. Such
rumors have been advanced many times in
tha past without confirmation In the event
Last week'a extra distribution on Northern
Pacific, which was as often rumored and as
often lacking, hss served to stir up anew
the hopes of realisation of other similar
The enormous absorption of the two Har
rlman stocks today was taken to corrobor
ate tha reports of Important pending de
velopments. Tha most clearly defined of
the many rumors circulated alleged an in
tended issue of 4 V, per cent Southern Pa
cific bonds to retire the 7 per cent pre
ferred stock, which Is subject to redemption
at 115 or to exchange into common stock.
An advance In the dividend rate on the
common etock to 7 per cent was an alleged
accompaniment of this proposed financing.
Tha large holdings of Southern Pacific by
the Union Pacific make clear the advantage
that would accrue to that treasury from
Increased dividends on Southern Pacific and
enlarged dividends for Union Pacific were
hastily assumed from this possibility.
Thera was no authoritative confirmation
obtainable for any of these rumors, but
they were made tha basis for many further
conclusions affecting stock tn which Union
Pacific Is a holder. Stocks In which the
Harrlman Interest has been demonstrated
moved up strongly from the forenoon de
pression when the Harrlman Pacifies bean
to boom.
The early depression was explained by
many untoward developments, such as the
decision of the violation of the anti-trust
law by the American Tobacco Company was
assumed to be yesterday. Tha purpose to
turn profits Into cash was very apparent In
the rush to take advantage of the high
opening of prices to sell, which carried
prices backward to tha neighborhood of
last, night's prices. Then It was that the
movement In the Harrimans came to the
relief of the supporters of prices. Although
the response was strong In the stocks with
Harrlman aff lliatlona tha sympathetic
movement In the general list was con
strained by steady offerings to realize.
A feature of the trading waa a number of
sensational advances In specialties. Inter
national 'Harvester, for Instance, shot up
1014 points over yesterday's closing price, to
6. The shocks of this company were first
listed on the stock exchange In June last,
tha common starting at 52 and rising tn
the course of a month to 52 i. Delaware,
Lackawanna St Western, by its rise to 575,
exceeded Its record of 560 touched In May,
IftOtL Some Influence on tha buying was as
cribed to the denial of the Government pe
tition for a rehearing of the decision
against the $20,000,000 fine against the
Standard Oil Company. Another rise in the
price of copper at the local metal exchange
and reports of excited buying among con
sumers were a factor to some extent. The
expected Harrlman development was tha
dominant Influence, however. Foreigners
turned buyers again with the favorable turn
In International relations abroad.
The day's conflicting movements. Includ
ing a final realizing movement, left some
substantial net gains, but the small net
change In soma of tha most important
stocks la notable.
Bonds were Irregular. Total sales, par
value. $6,440,000, United eltates 4s advanced
4 per cent on call.
CI 09 ins:
taie. Hign.
Amal Copper 60.200 " 67 i
25 14
56 ii
1 Ta
28 Vi
106 ',4
05 H
Am Car & Foun. o.floO
46 U
do preferred
40O 107 U
Am Cotton Oil...
Am U1 A Lt pf.
Am Ice Secori..
z. u 40
Am Linked Oil.. .
Am dxcmotlv
do preferred
6.500 57 Si
Am Smelt Ref. So.ft'O
do preferred ... oo 1084j
Am Sugar Ref... 7.70 i:H
Am 1 00a ceo pr.. i,rnv
Am Woolen 20O
Anaconda Mln Co 17.20
Atchtson 14700
2S 4
do preferred ... . .ton
At! Coast Line... Hft
Bait Ohio.
.. 17,400 106Ta
do pref.rred
Frrok Rp Trnn. 13.200
Canadian Pacific.. 1.1. 2oO
63 4
28 V
Central leather .. 1,-VK
do preferred . . .
Central cf N J...
10 100
400 210
Cbes H C-lo 10.700
rhl Gt Western. 1.0O0
rhlro aV N W.. .2i0 1R914
C. M, & St Paul. 88.500 148
J46 WS
( , C. C ft St L... 1.4(o
Colo Fuel A Iron. 9, poo
Colo ft Southern.. 13.20O
an 54
47 i
143 1',
do l.t rrferred.
do 2d preferred.
Consolidated Gaa..
Com Products
Del AV Hudson....
r A R Grande...
do preferred . . .
1.900 64 24
1.400 14.114 144
4,100 -J
2.3io nr.
30 J
73 1
83 4
47 ia
71 't
B8 14
32 H
PlaUHera" Securl
do l"t preferred. S.1O0
do 2d preferred. 9"0
General Electric.
Gt Northern pf..
Gt Northern Ore,
1.2H JMV
24. D00 140
4..IOO 13
6.700 144 J
Illinois Central . .
InterborouKh Met.
do preferred . . .
Int Paper
do preferred
Int Pump ........
Iowa Central ....
K C Southern ...
do referred . . .
113 H
Lotila ft Na.hvllle 3.300 lit)
114H 17.1V,
Minn ft St I....
M. St P ft S S M.
800 40 i
I.2'i0 12(114
Missouri Pacific.. 13.40O
-' i
S3 14
67 14
8(1 "i
' 32;
43 4
fil U
43 S
Mo. Kan A Texa 11.3O0
do preferred 4"0
National Lead ... B.300
N Y Central
24.500 IIO14
V. Ont ft Wert.
Norfolk ft West .
84 t
North American.
Northern Pacific.
Pacific Mall
Pnn9ylvun!a ....
48.1' lSK-i
1.300 29
42.800 129h
144 J.I1H4
2H 28
12ss; U.-9
9714 9754
8 87
3.8 U 39
People a oaa .
P. C C St I-..
Pressed Steel Oar.
Pullman Pal Car
Ry Stel Spring.,
39 '4
3(V 173li
173 1724
0"O 45S 45 45
7.30O 140V4 IMSVJ 139S
Republic Steel ... B.WIO
do preferred ... Lion
Rock Island Co.. 14.6"0
do preferred ... S&.B'O
St I. ft S F 2 pf. o
St L. Southwestern 5tl
do preferred ... 6oi
Sio..-Sheffleld 1.9"
27 a
48 S
32 4
23 '4
57 '4
2h m
94 '4
. o
' 24V,
57 X
44 V,
94 14
38 14
Southern Pacific. .201. 6oO 111H4
do preferred ... 5.O0O l.i
Southern Rallwaj-. 8. BOO
do preferred ... 4.90O
Tenn Copper .... 9.1oO
Trial Pacific. 2.20O
Tol. Et L ft H'Mt. ft'-O
do preferred ... 1.O0O
l-r.lon Pacific ...24.loO
do preferred ... 1.20
r S Rubber H
24 S
44 V
95 U.
do 1st preferred. 700 1"
T 3 Stel fl.ftoO 113
I'tah CopT-cr
Va-Caro Chemical.
Co preferred . . .
tVa hash
do preferred . . .
51 m
10O 113
S.OOO 14
II. 700
TTeettnahouse Elee l'o
"WeMern I'nion loo
Wheel ft I. Erie.. 31
Wisconsin Central. 4.100
2" '4
. 284
Total sales f"r the dsv, 1.656.4O0 shares.
NEW YORK. Nov. lO. "!o.!nir quotations:
JJ. S. ref. Ss regin-,IN Y C 3 3Hs... 94
do coupon. ... 104 North Paclflo 3s.lH
C S 3s reir. . . .lOOU'North pacific 4s. 73
do coupon. .. .100 4 South Pacific 4s. 92'
V S new 4s reg.l.-0!l'nlon Pacific 4s. 10.!1,
do coupon. .. .121 JWIscon Cent 4s. 8t
Atchison adj 4s. 91 14 Japanese 4s
D A R G- 4 96 i
Stork, at I-ondoo.
IXJNDON. Nov. 10. Consols for money.
84; do for account. 84 7-ltt.
Anaconda ... 10.87 'i IN. Y. Central. 118.00
Atchison .... 99.75 jNorflk ft Wes 8tS 00
do pref I01.0O do pref SH OO
Bait Ohio. 109.73 Ont A West.. 4.1. 1214
Can pacific. .180.3714 Pennsylvania. 67 75
Ches A Ohio 47.73 'Rand Mines.. 6 8. s
Chi Grt West 7 71 IReadlns; 71 8. 14
C. M. A S. P. 151.511 'southern Ry. . 23.00
De Beers 1:1.7.1 do pref 00.30
D A R G.... 31. 87 14 'South Pacific. ll(V3i 14
do pref.... 7'i.oO Union pacific. 183.73
Erie 34.S7141 do pref 98.00
do 1st pf.. 4H.00 U. 8. Steel... 5H.1214
do 2d pf.. 39 00 I do pref 117.73
Grand Trunk 22 2.1 Wabash 15.23
111 Central. .. 147.00 do pref 31.25
1. A N 118. .10 Spanish 4s ... 93 00
Mo. K. A T.. 34.12iAmal Copper. 89 30
Money Exchange, Etc. -
NEW YORK. Nov. 10. Money on call
easy, 1 (tr ; per cent: ruling rate. 2 per
cent: closing: bid and offered at 1 per cent.
Time loans firm: 60 days. 3 per oent: 9(1
days 314 4i 3 per cent: six months. 4 per
cent. Prime merchantile papier, 4$ 414 per
Sterling- exchange stesdy with actual busi
ness In bankers' bills at $4 830O 4.8370 for
fiO-day bills and at 14.8470 for demand.
Commercial bills. $4.84 14 f 4.S4 .
Bar sliver 49 c.
Mexican dollars 46c.
Government bonds steady; railroads Ir
regular. LONDON. Nov. 10. Bar sliver Steady.
23 l-16d per ounce.
Money 1 per cent.
The rate of discount In the open market
for short bills Is 214 2 per cent. The
rate of discount in the open market for
three months bill. Is 3 14 & 2 14 per cent.
SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 10. Sliver bars,
49 o.
Mexican dollars Nominal.
Drafts Sight. 4c: telegraph, 314c.
Sterling-, 60 days. (4.83; sight, 14.(5.
Dally Treasury Statement
WASHINGTON. Nov. 10. Today's state
ment of the Treasury bslsnces In the general
fund, exclusive of the (150.000,000 gold re
serve, stiows:
Available cash balance (IHO.4O0.629
Gold coin and bullion 34.fii1S.08i
Gold certificates 48,077,570
Montana Hay M aires Its Appearance
on Pnfret Sonnd Overripe
Grapes RecelYed.
SEATTLE. Wash., Nor. 10. (Special.)
California hay and grain dealers are entering
the Northwest market for forage supplies.
Considerable quantities' of oats bave already
been shipped south. Dealers here state that
the indications are that California dealers
will require more hay and oats from the
North than ever before. Hay and oats are
firm. Alfalfa Is scare, selling at (12 In car
lota. Montana bay has made Its appearance
here. The Government will call for bids on
900 ton of hay on November 10.
On a bare market this morning was thrown
a small shipment of overripe grapes that ar
rived last night. In spite of the bad condi
tion of the fruit, dealers disposed of the atock
at pricea ranging from 75c to (1. Another
small shipment la due tonight.
IDfrz receipts were much lighter than ex
pected and several dealers were caught short.
No good stock sold at less than 45c. There
were EO new development In the turkey sit
uation today, although .dealers are nearly all
Inclined to be on the bear side of the mar
ket. The presence in the market of large
numbers of wild ducka Is hurting the demand
for turkeys and hena
Pricea Paid for Produce In the Bay City
SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 10. The follow
ing prices were quoted in the produce mar
ket todav:
Mlllstuffs Bran. (29.50631; middlings,
(33.50a 35.50.
Vegetables Cucumbers, (1&1.25; garlic, 7
t?4Sc: green peas. 6fi8c; string beans, &8c;
tomatoes, 25fc50c; eggplant, 7085c.
Butter Fancy creamery. 32ac; creamery
seconds. 271c; fancy dairy. 28c; dairy sec
onds. 20c.
Cheese New, 12013c; Young America, 14
G15c; Eastern, 17c.
Eggs Store, 50c; fancy ranch, 55c,- East
ern. 2814c.
Poultry Roosters, old. (3.501T4.60; young,
3 50S: broilers, small, 34; broilers,
large. (44.JO; fryers, (5.1.30; hens, (3.50
fc: ducks, old, 144J5: young, (I57.
Wool Spring, Humboldt and Mendoclna. 15
f?18e- Mountain, 47c; South Plains and San
Joaquin, 7j)Bc; Nevada, 8912c.
Hav Wheat (18621: wheat and oata.
(1BS20: alfalfa. (IfSIS; stock. (14S15;
straw, per bale. 5585c.
Potatoes Salinas Burbanks, $1.2591.00.
Oregon Burbanks, (l!l51.30; sweets. $1.25
ft 1.50.
Frults Applee, choice, (1.25: common,
40r-- bananas, HS: Uraes, S4'&5: lemons,
choice, (8.50; common, (1 : oranges, navela.
22.75; pineapples, $1.50 3.
Receipts Flour, 4500 quarter sacks: wheat.
185 centals; barley. 11,160 centals: oats. 450
centals: beans. 11.331 sacks: potatoes. 3710
sacks: bran. 935 sacks: middlings, 170 sacks;
hay, 512 tous: wool, 311 bales; bldea. 665.
prices Cm-rent Locally on Cattle. Sheep and
The livestock market was generally steady
yesterday, because of the light arrivals so
far this week. Tha only weakness was in
hogs, which were easier in sympathy with
the decline in the East. Local hog prices
have not been changed yet, but may have to
come down before the week is over. Good
cattle and sheep moved rapidly at full prices
and there waa the usual dragging tendency
In off-grade stock. Receipts for the day
were 270 hogs.
The following prices were current on live
stock in the local market yesterday:
CATTLE Beet steers. (8.7u4; medium.
3 254 3.50; common. $303.26; cows, best.
$2'753; medium. $2.502.75; common. $2
2.50; calves. (3.50S4.50.
SHEEP Best wethers, (3.50; mixed. (3,
ewes. (2.50W2.75; lambs, best trimmed, (4
24 25; untrlmmed, (3.503.75.
HOGS Best, 66.25; medium, $5.25
5.75; feeders, not wanted.
Eastern Livestock Markets.
OMAilA. Nov. 10. Cattle Receipts. 4900;
market, steady to strong. Western steers,
(3.233.30; Texas steers. 3iLS":
and heifers. $2.73(84; canners, $ l-J- "i
stockers and feeders. $2.1of6-. calves, $33
5.75; bulls and stags. (2.25r3 i3.
Hogs Receipts. 7700: market S10e
lower Heavy. $5.50 5.70: mixed. $5.50
5.35; light. $.1.35W5.55; pigs. (3.2?3; bulk
of sales. (I.SOG S BO- ,
Sheep Receipts. i0.000: market, steady to
easier. Yearlinss. 4.405; wethers. $41
4.50; ewes, $; lambs. $.404l'8.
CH1CAOO, Nov. 10. Cattle Receipts.
9000: market. 510c lower. Beeves, 3.33
fc7 50; Texans. $1.504.6.1; Westerns. $3o
tfr.1 80' stot-kers and feeders. $2.604..j;:
cows and heifers. $1.60)5.25; calves. $5.75
6l 7 7.1.
Hogs Receipts, about 32 000: market,
weak to 5c lower. Light. 3.lni5a0;
mixed, J5.30ti10; heavy. $5.3u610;
rouith. (5-305.50: good to choice heavy.
(5.5u6.10; pigs. $3.75c5.10; bulk of sales,
(5.65$ 5.95.
Sheet! Receipts, about 20.000: market,
weak to 10c lower. Native. $2.50 4.50;
We-tern. (2.5094.50; yearlings. $1255;
lambs, (3.736; Western, $3.755?6.
KANSAS CITY. Nov. 10. Receipts. 16.000:
market, steadv to 10c lower. Stockers and
feeders, (2.754.50: bulls. (2.2.1a 3.76;
calves. $3.506 7: Western steers. $3.40$ 5;
Western cows. $2.504i 4.10.
Hogs Receipts, 3U.00O; market. 5ft 10c
lower. Bulk of sales. $5.S55.75; heavy
t.1.705.85; packers and butchers. $3.50
t.83; light, IS4S.63; pigs, (3.505.
Sheep Receipts, 7000; market. steady.
Muttons. $3.90 8 4.60; lamb. $4.7.15.KO:
range jrethers, $3.304.75; fed ewes, $2.50
Dairy Prodnre In the East.
CHICAGO. Nov. lo. On the Troduce Ex
chanse todav the butter market was atrong;
cream-Ties. 2229c: dalrlen 19H2.1c.
Ksss Steady: at mark cases Included, firsts.
27c: prime ftrsus, 27c.
Cheese Strong. 12HSI3o. . ;
Foreigners Taking Everything
That Is Offered.
Market Opens With a Jump and
Keeps on Advancing Foreign
and Domestic News
Is Bullish.
CHICAGO. Nov. 10. Th wheat market
opened strons. ,with prices up l'4c to c
compared with the previous close, and after
teadily advancing throughout the day
closed excited and strong, with December
at $1-02 and May at SI. 074 01.07. The
market was builishly affected at the start
by an advance of Id at Liverpool, and later
In the session fresh impetus was given the
upward movement of prices by advices
from the Northwest claiming that exporters
at Winnipeg and Duluth were taking all
wheat that was offered tnem. une report
asserted that the total sales today in the
Northwest would agyregtite between 1)
and 200 boatloads, but the exact figures,
it was said, were not available. A premium
of 5 cents on the price of November wheat
at Wlnnioer over the December delivery
seemed to furnish proof of the claims of a
big export business. Minneapolis aiso re
ported an excellent demand Xor flour. The
market was further strengthened by nu
merous reports from the Winter wheat belt
telling of the stunted growth of the Fall
sown crop, owing to drouth. The 'fact
that the drouth had been partially broken
in the Ohio Valley during the last 24 hours
seemed to be given scant consideration.
The corn market responded to the
strength of wheat and raUied sharply late
In the day, prices advancing nearly lc from
the low point of the session. The close
was strong, with prices at the top notch
and at net gains of c to Tfcc, final quo
tations on December being at and
May at 01' c.
Active buying by cash houses caused
strength In the oats market. The market
closed strong, with prices up c to c
with December at 4&Vic and May at S1H$
51 Sc.
Provisions were weak. Total arrivals at
the principal points were estimated at 116.
000 head of hogs, compared with 62,000 the
corresponding day last ye.r. At the close
prices were 7(&'30c to 15c lower.
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Open. High. Low. Close.
Dec fl.01-i $1.03 $1.01 l.0-2
May 1.05 1.07H 1.054 1.07
July 1.0074 102 1-OOfe 1.01
Dec 61 -6-M4 61 .6214
May fil .621 .61 .62
July 61A .624 -614 .624
Dec 484 -496 -S .494
May 50 .51 .50 i .51
July 461 .47 .464 .47
Jan 15.924 15.9714 15.85 15.92 4
May 1&.8& 15.85 15.80 15.82 V4
Jan 9.274 274 9.20 t-2214
May 9.35 9.35 9.25 9.35
Jan 8.424 8.42H 8-35 8.37
May B-sZfe S.aVh 8.45 8.50
Flour Firm.
Wheat No. 2 Spring, SI. 031. 05; No. 3,
9c9-$1.05; No. 2 red. $1.01 H 1.0S.
Com No. 2, 6S64J4; No. 2 yellow,
Oatsi No. 2 white, 614 52c; No. 3 white,
Rye No. 2, 53c.
Barley Good feeding, B860c; fair ' to
choice malting. 62 & 66c.
Flax seed No. 1, $1.27 1.32 ; No. 1
Northwestern, $1.37.
Timothy seed Prime. $3.25.
Clover Contract grades, $9.
Short ribs tildes (loose), $3.25$ 9.
Pork Mess, per bbl., $14. 50)14. 024.
Lard Per 100 lbs., $9.35.
Sides Short, clear (voxed), $9.259.50.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls 33.000 31,000
Wheat, bu 47.000 5,000
Corn, bu. 206.000 138,000
Oats, bu 210.000 426.000
Rye. bu 4.000 3.000
Barley, bu 56,000 27,000
Grain and Produce at New Tork.
NEW YORK, Nov. 10 Flour Receipts.
36.100 barrels; exports, 7100. Firm with a
fair demand. Minnesota patents, $5.25
5.65; . Winter straights, $5.505.70; Minne
sota baker's, $4.04.60; Winter extras.
$3.604; Winter patents. $4.705.10; Win
ter low grades, $3.503.90.
Wheat Receipts. 260,000 bushels; exports,
15.100 bushels. Spot strong. No. 2 red.
$1.134 elevator and $1.15 afloat. No. 1
Northern Duluth, $1.15 f. o. b. afloat;
No. 2 hard Winter, $1.13 f. o. b. afloat.
The wheat market advanced again todav,
making new high records and last prices
showed 1 c to 2 c net rise. The jump
waa inspired by strength In cables, a tre
mendous export trade and reduced esti
mates of -the Winter wheat arrivals, be
sides active commission-house support. De
cember closed' $1.13; May, $1.12 &6
1.14V, closed $1.14.
Wool and hops Quiet.
Hldes Firm.
Petroleum Steady.
Grain at Ban Francisco.
SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 10. Wheat Firm.
Barey Firm.
. Spot quotations: "Wheat Shipping $1.62
1.67 Mi per cental; milling, $1.67fe1.70
per cental.
Barley Feed. $1 .43 1.4r per cental;
brewing, $1.45tfl.47' per cental.
Oats Red. $1.50$f2 per cental; white. $1.60
1.75 per cental; black, $2.2oi2.60 per cen
tal. Call board sales : Wheat May. $1.71 y,
1.72 per cental; December, $1.65 per cen
tal. Barley December, $1.40 per cental; May,
$1.46 per cental.
Corn Large yellow, $1.85(1.90 per cental.
Principal American Crops.
WASHINGTON", Nov. 10. The Department
of Agriculture today iwued a preliminary es
timate of the production of the principal crops
of the United States, showing that corn,
wheat, oata and eight other crops, represent
ing approximately 70 per cent of the valtre
of all farm crops this year, aggregate about
3 per cent greater than a year a?o and 2.4
per cent greater than the average for the
past five years.
For the other crope, the following figures
are given for 1906 and 1107, respectively:
Production Percentage of apples. 23.4 and
S2 1 per cent; grapes. 82.2 and 7S.4; pear.
73 3 and 43.3: cranberries. 55.4 and 78.2.
Condition Percentage of orangex, and
44 lemons, 92.9 and 93.3; sutfar beets, 86
and 90.4; sugar cane. 90.8 and 92.1.
European Grain Markets.
LONDON, Nov. 10. Cargoes, steady.
Walla Walla, prompt shipment. 3d higher,
at 37 6d; California, prompt shipment, -3d
higher, at 2S. ,
Knglish country markets, firm; French
country markets, quiet. ,
LIVERPOOL. Nov. 10. Wheat Decem
ber, 7s lUdd; March, 7s 9d; May, 7s 8d.
Weather, cold.
Visible Supply of Grain.
NEW YORK, Xov. 10. The visible sup
ply of grain Haturday. November 7. as com
piled by the New York Produce .Exchange,
ui as follows:
Bushels. Increase.
Wheat 49.376.000 1,323.000
P "n 1.274.000 53.000
Oats 10,135.000 444,000
ve " 1.113.000 126.000
Barley 6,369.000 137,000
Wheat at Tacoma.
TACOMA, Nov. 10. Wheat Milling, blue
stem, 94'4c; export, bluestem, 92c; club,
87c; red. 85c.
Coffee and Sugar.
NEW YORK, Nov. 10. Coffee futures
closed steady net unchanged to five points
lower. Sales were reported of 11.500 bags,
Including December at 5.40c; March, May
and September, 5. 3 Sc. Spot quiet. No. 7
Rio. f 14c: No. 4 Santos, 8 !4c. Mild coffee
dull: Cordova. 9!4l0c-
Sugar Raw, quiet; fair refining. 3.42c;
centrifugal 9 test, 3.92c : molasses sugar,
8.17e. Refined, steady; crushed, 5.60c; pow
dered, $.00c; granulated, 4.90c.
CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $1,000,000.00
J. C. ATNSW0ETH, President E. W. SCHMEER, Cashier.
E. LEA BARNES, Vice-President.
A. M. WRIGHT. Assistant Cashier. W. A. HOLT, Assistant Cashier.
Issued for ilse on the AMERICAN CONTINENT
or in any FOREIGN COUNTRY, cashable without charge
or identification. ,
But Activity Has Been Checked
Somewhat by the Advance in
Prices Throughout List.
. BOSTON, Nov. 10. The advancement of
prices throughout the list haj served to cur
tail somewhat the activity in the local wool
market. The demand, however, continues to
run to almost all grades: Quotations:
California Northern, 4.Sft4Sc; middle, coun
ty. 3840c; Southern, 37 '18 ; Fall free. 35
Oregon Eastern No. 1 staple, 5SV)c; East
ern No. 1 clothing, 48i 50c; Valley No. 1,
Territory Fine staple. 57f60c; fine medium
etaple. &0$fl7c: fine clothing, B0o6c; fine
medium clothing. 47i&50c; half-blood. o-VfTftfc;
three-eighths blood, 50g32c; quarter-blood,
Pulled Extra, 50G0c; fine A, 5053c; A
wipers. 4348c.
Wool at St. IouIs.
ST. LOUIS. Nov. 10. Wool unchanged;
territory and Western mediums, 17&2uc;
tine medium. 17c; fine. 1-1) 14c
Eastern Mining Stocks.
BOSTON, Nov. 10 Closing quotat
Adventure . .$ 9.50 jQutncy ..
Allouez 41.00 iShannon .
Amalgamated S7 15 -iTamarack
Atlantic 18.25 Trfntty ..
Cal Hecla.6!."i.)M) , United Copper
Centennial . . .....0
Copper Range 82.25
Daly West... lO.r,0
Franklin 15.25
Oranby 105.00
Isle Koyate.. 2X75
Maw Mining, (i.75
Michigan . . .152.00
Mohawk 71.00
Mont C & C. -SO
Old Domin. . 57.50
Osceola 124.O0
Parrot 29.00
IU. S. Mining.
l. a.
. . . 154
1 Wolverine . . . .
I North Butte..
(Butte Coal...
jcal A Aria...
Ariz Com. . . .
IGreene Can. .
NEW YORK', Nov. 10. Closing quotations:
Alice 225 Ibeadville Con... 3
Breece 5 I.ittle Chief 8
Brunswick Con. 2 Mexican Oil
Com Tun stock. 25 Ontario 4(H)
do bonds 1.1 lOphir 175
C C 4 Va 55 'Standard ISO
Horn Silver 70 (Yellow Jacket... 47
Iron Silver 135 :
Metal Markets.
NEJW TORK, Nov. 10. There was quite a
sharp reaction In the London tin market,
prices being about 1 lower at 140 15s for
spot and 142 5 for futures. The local mar
ket was easier in sympathy, with, spot quoted
at ao.jVTH'S.ll.Coc.
The London copper market was also reac
tionary, clceing at f04 5s for pot and H5 2s 61
for futures. Locally, however, copper was
firm and a shade higher, with Lake quoted at
14.50i514.K2He, electrolytic at 14.37 14. 50c
and casting at 14.12U.14.37e.
Lead declined to 13 17s 6d In the London
market. The local market was Arm, but
unchanged at 4.,17!ff4.40c.
Spelter was unohanged In both markets,
with spot quoted at 2o 17e 6d in Londonaud
at 3.40(ft5..Vc locally.
Iron was unchanged locally.
Dried Fruit nt New York.
NEW YORK, Nov. 10. A moderate de
mand Is reported for evaporated apples,
with fancy quoted at 8'.4c; choice. 7lS
7c; .prime. 6?b7c; old crop apples are
quoted at 4('6c, according to grade.
A better demand is reported for prunes
for shipment from the .coast, and tha mar
ket is firm, with spot quotations ranging
from 4c to 13c for California and from
6&c to 74c for Oregon fruit.
Apricots are firm, with choice at K$j84e;
extra choice, 89c; fancy. 0 f 10 i c.
Peaches are steadier, although demand
continues light, with choice quoted at 0-!4
7c; extra choice, 7H"S8c; fancy, 8';iA9c.
Raisins are a little more active and
steady. Loose muscatel are quoted at 5i&
Oc; choice to fancy seeded at tt7 c;
seed lesa at 4T66c; London layers at $1.-0
Jennie Hoyt to F. A. Hoyt, GOxlOO
feet beginning at stake 110 feet
south and 520 feet east of northweet
corner of the A. D. Dunbar D. L. C.$ 1
Jennie Hoyt to May Shea, Iota 1, 2
and 3, block 20, Fairview 1
Portland Realty & Trust Co. to C.
R. and Fannie Seeley, lot 28. block
8. Laurel wood Park 110
G. H. Ekstrom and wife to S. V.
Leedy. lots 5 and 6, block 3, Ta
basco Add .' 875
District School Board No. 14 to Jacob
Zweifel, hind in the J. B. Talbot
D. L. C .- 800
E. H. Jeter and wife to John Kirch
enman. lots 16 and 17. block 7, Ar
leta Park No. 2 309
John Adair and wife to H. R. Burke,
lots 5 and 8. block 91, Couch Add.. 24,000
Title Guarantee &. Trust Co. to Robert
Brooke, lot 8. block 3. Bel wood 1,000
P. A. Marquam to V. V. Smith, lots
8 and 4, block 101. city 1
H. L. Tabke and wife to L. R. El
liott lors 8 and . block 7, Colum
bia Heights ; 10
Union Trust & Investment Co. to
Duncan and William McDonald. lot
ltl, 17 and 18, block 4. Ivanhoe 375
Albert Hunt to K. H. Hunt, lot 20,
bl'rck 5, Elberta 1
L. W. Knoa'des and wife to Louis G.
Davfs et al., lot 7, block 1, Mayor
tJates' Add 700
Union Trurt & Investment Co. to
Sarah Jane Garside, lota 8 and 9.
block ft, Ivanhoe .125
Eautern Investment Co., Ltd., to Otto .
J. Kra-m-r. lot 4. block 31, M.
Pat ton'? S;fond Add 1
Otto J. Kraemer to Felix FrleJlander.
lot 4, block 31, M. Patton's Second
Add 1
Felix Friedlandfr and wife to Frieda
Iwis. lot 4, block 31, M. Patton s
Second Add BOO
H. S. Howe and wife to Allan D.
Chase, lota oU, 61, 52, 53 and 54,
Verdant 850
Rose t :i ty Pa rk A ssoc la 1 1 on to C. J.
Cook, lota 17 and 18, block 84. Rose
City Park 1.023
Fred Meinhold to Clark M. Wilson et
al lota 3 and 4, biock 6, Webb's
Add 1.050
Patrick Hart to Nellie Parker, lot 1,
block 2. Graeeland Add 1
Sunnyslde Land A Improvement Co. to
P. E. Gerould, lots 10 and 11, block
1. Sunnvside "50
Mary Parker to Earl H. Parker, lot
13. block 17, Overlook 1
Jamee Judge and wife to Fannie .
Conklln, lot 3. block 4. Walnut Park 3.750
Hans Laraen and wife to William
Doelllng et al.. lnts 41. 44. 45. 48,
49 70. 71 and 72. Verdanta 1,000
Tftl Guarantee & Trust Co. to Marie
Graldine Brooke, lot 11. block 18,
Rossmere WK
O H Calkin? and wife to Mary Red
'mond. lot 1". block 1ft. Terrace Trk T.500
Thorn a f U. PIrtle and wife to Fred
Luftche". lot 9. block fl. replat of
blocks 5. ft and 7, Parkview . I
Portland Trust Co. of Oregon to Alon-
zo K. Bourne et al., lots 10 and 11.
biock 0. Henry's Add
James Harry McCall and wife to
Frank F. Harndon, kt 5, block 1,
Montgomery Park
Irvlngton investment Co. to W. Har
vey Well, south 45 feet of lot 18.
block (W. Xrvington
W. Harvey Wells to Daisy C. Wells,
south 45 feet of lot 18. block 64,
Fred Luscher and wife to Thomas I.
Pirtle et al., sou t west 7 of sec
tion 33, T. 1 N., R. 5 E
A. H. Hildebrand to Samuel Jasper
son, lot 12, block 1, Ina Park. . . .
Merchants Loan & Tr. Co. to T. M.
Word north half of lot 13. block
10. Willamette
E A. Baldwin to T. O. Sands, lot
11. and east 10 feet of lot 14, block
2ltS, Couch Addition
B. H. Bowman and wife to William
H. Hosmer. lot 1, block 1, Tabor
slde C. P Jordan et al to Charles B. Page
lots 1. 2. block 1. Garbade
Richard Knoll to Paul Wlederhold et
al, lot 7. block 152. Couch Addition
E. B. Holmes to Bengt A. gwanson.
lot 14. block 8. Murlark Addition
Moore Investment Company to A. J.
Lee, lot 13. block 41. Vernon
Jacob Schulti and wife to Mrs.
Charles Johnson. 14 acre In John
p Powell donation land claim in
section 10. T. 1 S.. R. S B
Mrs. L. T. Lusted to Emma Schulta,
same as above
Investment Company to Orson J. Gil
let, lots 34, 3. block 40. Irvlngton
Alova Hnrlod to George G. Chute, lot
2. block 20; lot 0, block 9, West
Ernest Descamps to A. Flechelle.
part of lot 1. block 34, Caruthers
Addition to Caruthers Addition....
Securltv Savings & Tr. Co.. Tr., to
Anna G. BUchell, south V, of lot 7,
and lot &. block S. Irvlngton
Frank V. Johnson and wife to Mary
Rasmussen, lot 6, block 27, Ross
mere j
O. B. Hathaway and wife to J.
Emerv Lester, lot 27, block 3.
North Villa
W. K. Smith and wife et al to City
of Portland, land tn Council Crest
Franklin Realtv Company to J. F.
Gonde, lot 5, block 2, Clemson Ad
dition Robert Andrews and wife to James
Lnwry. south half of lots 8. 9. 10
and southeast H of lot 11, block 1.
Orpha Park Addition
Southern Portlnnd Improvement
Company to Maggie Mason et al.
lot 3. block 13. Terwllllger Home
stead Irvlngton Investment Company to A.
B. Manley. lots 9, 10. block 18: lots
9. 10. block 67. Irvington
Total $
Room 9. Board of Trade bldg
Abstracts a specialty.
Have your abstracts made by the Titla 9m
Trust Co.. 7 Chamber of Commerce.
Wants Ships at Mare Island.
VALL.EJO, Cal., Nov. 10. The com
mercial organizationa of tliia city re
endeavoring to have the ships of the Pa
cific fleet ordered to Mare Island on the
completion of target practice at Mada
dena Bay, instead of proceeding directly
couth on a six months' cruiBe. It Is de
sired to have them participate in the big
celebrations planned In; connection with
the launching; of the collier Prometheus
on December 5.
Regular Through Trip to
The wonderlands of the Pacific. Se
MUford Sound, the Wanffanui River
and the Hot Laki-8 and Geysers sur
passing the Yellowstone. New Zealand
is now at its best. The S. S. Mariposa
sails from San Francisco November 2J.
Only $267.63. round trip, to Auckland,
Now Zealand, first class; single, third
class, $77.50.
Grand Summer Cruise to West Coast
Sounds of New Zealand. Including Mil
ford Sound, etc., 400.00.
Send for Itinerary. Oceanic Line. 673
Market St., San Francisco.
Ticket Office snd Waltlnr-Booc
first rnrnH Alder blrscU
Oresjon City 4. 6:80 A. M.. snd esSTT
80 mlnutss to sad Inoludiuc 9 P.. M-.
thsn 10. 11 P M.i last car 12 midnight.
Gresbam. Boring-. Eaele Creek. Ksla
catla. laiadcro. t'alrrtew and Trout
dale 7:18. :lo. 11:14 A. H 1:".
6:15, 1:25 P. M.
Tlekst office and waluns-room Second
ttid Washington uresis.
A. M. 6:in. :B0, i:0. Hi.
a. 10. 00. 10:S0, 11:10. 11 50.
p U. 12:30. 1:10, 1:60, 2:t0. 1:1a,
:B0'. 4:80. 8:10. 8:00. 6:0. J:0S, 1:4.
:15. :23. 10:S5". 11:45".
On Third Mondar In Ererr Month
tbe Last Car Leaves at 7:05 P. M.
Dally axcapt auadar. Daily except
The steamer BREAKWATER leavea Port
land every Wedncwdar it 8 P. M. from Gak
treet dock, far Korth Bend, lamhlleld and
Cooe Bar points Freight received till 4 P
11 os day of sail inc. p&ssenrer rare, first 910; aeoond-elaea, 97. Including berth
and roi inquire city ticket office. Tnird
and Wasntncton streets, or Oak-street deck.
North Pacific S.3. Cd'j. Steimhlp
koano&a and Geo. VV. Eidar
Sail lor Eureka, Sao. i'rauciico and
Los Angeles direct every Thursday
at 8 P. 11. Ticket office 132 Third
St., near Alder. Both phones, M.
T314. H. Young, Agent.
Only Direct steamer and dayulit sailings
. From Alnsworth Dock. Portland. . P. it.
8. S. State of California. Nov. 13.
B. 8. Rose City, Nov. 20, etc. ,
From Lombard St., San Franrlsco, 11 A. 1L
8. 8. Rose Cllr, Nov. 14. 2.
ti 8. Stale of California. Nor. 21.
J. V. K NMU. Dock Aajrat.
Main 2t;S Ainsworth. Dock.
SI J ROCHE, City Ticket Agent. 142 8d St
phone Main 02. A 1402.
- Empress Line of tbe Atlantio
Low rates, fast time, excellent service. Ask
any tkket agent for particulars or write.
V. R. Johnson, p. A, 142 Third Street,
Portland. Oreaoa.