Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 11, 1908, Page 16, Image 16

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Wallowa Extension Part of
Water Haul to Portland
Along Snake River.
Extensions Have Been Made With
Excuses for Local Traffic Can
Compete With North Bank on
Road Costing Much Less.
Behind the Invitation of the citizens
of Enterprise to the general officers
of the H.irrlman lines to attend a ban
quet In honor of the completion and
dedication of the road to Wallowa
tomorrow lies a story of quiet rail
roading that would dazzle even Jim
While Hill has been constructing the
North Bank road and thus attaining
an easy grade to the Pacific, the Har
rlman people have, at the same time,
and unknown to the public, been get
ting a water grade to Portland, -and
they will be In a position, when their
lines are completed, to handle the
"down-the-Columbia traffic Just as
easllv as the Hill line will. They will
have a down-grade route to the city.
The lines of the Harrlman system
which will form a part of the "down
grade" route have been under con
struction for some time, and it Is un
derstood that work upon them will be
continued throughout the Winter
wherever possible.
More Than Was Made Known.
To the public these lines have been
known as the Wallowa & Snake
River extensions." On paper they ap
peared to be an outlet only for local
traffic. The Wallowa extension meant
slmnly the displacing by the railroad
of the stage line to Enterprise, the
nrlnclpal city In the county. Of course
the company would continue the line
to Joseph as a temporary terminus.
' There construction might stop. No
promises were made. The Snake River
line was moving ahead from Hunting
ton north. Its terminus was supposed
to be Homestead, the nearest outlet on
the Oregon side for the product of the
copper mines In the Seven Devils dis
trict of Idaho. The supposition was
easy of belief. A great number of
claims have been staked In the dls
trlct. many are working and a smelter
Is in operation. Nothing, it was
thought was more reasonable than to
believe that the Harrlman company
was building a freight line for the
transportation of copper.
Rut Harrlman was really doing no
such thing. He was and Is. according
to the most authentic Information
building the Snake River line from
Huntington to a connection at Lewis
ton and thus getting the benefit of the
down-river grade to Portland, giving
him an opportunity to compete win
the North Bank road on equal terms.
The Joseph terminal is an Illusion to
the neonle of Joseph. The line will
run right through that town to a
connection with the Snake River line
at a point northeast of Homestead. It
will, when completed, be equipped for
both freight and passenger service,
but Indications are that on through
service only freight will be handled.
Over the new road the grade will he
practically level. Leaving from the
point near Homestead, the trains will
pass by way of Joseph nnd Enterprise
into Lh Grande, and thus avoid the
unnecessary rlimh of the Blue moun
tains. The road will be longer, but the
handling of freight will be easier. In
passenger traffic there will be no
change In the system. The line from
Huntington to La Grande, although
having heavy grades, is the shortest
route for passenger service.
Costs Less Than North Bank.
The outwitting of Hill, credit for
which Is given to Oregon officers of
the Harrlman company, was the theme
of discussion on railroad row yester
day afternoon.
The North Rank road cost Hill
about ;5.000.A0. or about 1100.000 a
mile, and a great part of the sum was
spent for right-of-way." said a rail
road man. "The Harrlman people built
and are butldtng without saying a
word, and the cost of all their river
grade line and feeders will not approxi
mate one fourth of that amount."
Just when the Pnake River and Jo
seph lines will be completed is not
known, but It Is said that they will be
ready for traffic early In the Spring.
At the Harrlman offices Information
about the lines was refused.
The banquet at Enterprise, from
which "the story of the river-grade
road emanated, will be given by the
citizens of that town to the Harrlman
officials of the Northwest tomorrow
right. It will be attended by General
Manager O'Brien. General Passenger
Agent McMurray. Assistant General
Tassenger Agent Scott. R. B. Miller,
general freight agent, and a number
of other officers of the company. They
will leave Portland this morning and
will return about Friday.
i:xrene of Slaking Ylllriurg Cut
off Will Be $911,314.37.
Officials of the Harrlman line have
figured the total cost of the Beaverton
Willsburg cutoff and changes in the
Yamhill division at 311.J14.37. Of this
sum 214.e4.37 has already been expended
In the purchase of the right of way and
or bridge materials and for the grad
ing of the new lines. The total length
of the cutoff will be about 10.17 miles.
Including the high bridge over the Wil
lamette at Oswego. The, cutoff Involves
a change of 5.3 miles In the Yamhill di
. vieion.
The new line, when completed, will be
of gret h-nefit to the South Portland
lumber mills. At present these mills
have to make their Eastern shipments
by way of Lafayette. 47 miles south, and
thence back to Portland In order to reacn
their markets. While their rate do not
differ materially from those of the Port
land mills, their cars are subjected to a
'great many delays. On the projected
Toad there will be only a 12-mlle haul
to Oswego and back.
Commence Road January 1.
From reports received from surveyors.
General Manager O'Brien, of the Har
rlman lines In the Northm-est. believes
that the work of construction on the
extension Into Central Oregon will he
begun by January 1. The total length
of the nem line will be about 110 or 115
xr.llrs. The cost will be about H.OnX
S. P. Assessment Is Cut.
OREWO.V CTTT. Or.. Nov. 10. Ppe
;!. The County Board of Equallza-
tlon has reduced the assessed valuation
of the Southern Pacific Company's road
bed in Clackamas County from $36,000 to
30.000 per mile. Thia was done upon
a showing by the company that the valu
ation in other valley counties did not
exceed 130.000 per mile.
Water Board, However, Overrules
Protests of Cltlzens.-
Strong opposition to the establishing
of a stable. In the projected water-office
at East Seventh and East Alder
streets, developed yesterday afternoon
at a meeting of the Water Board. A
delegation from Orient Lodge. I. O. O.
F.. accompanied by Councilman Rush
light, appeared and entered a vigorous
protest. After considering the matter
an hour the Board -oted to install the
barn, but agreed to remove it if I,
proves objectionable to the community.
Mr. Rushlight and tne members of the
delegation argued that It Is unwise to
put the stable in the new bundling,
and that it will be a nuisance to the
patrons and to 'the entire community.
The Odd Fellows' 130.000 building' ad
Joins the site and. It was upon this
that they based their objection.
T. L. Adams appeared and asked the
Board to consider the removal of the
office from Lower Alblna to some place
The plans for the new passenger depot of the Southern Pacific Kallroad Company, to be erected at East Firs --"
East Morrison streets, have been completed. It will be of concrete construction, the foundation will rest on piling,
and there will be reinforced concrete floors and imitation tile roof. The main building will be 124 by 30 feet, with
porches at both ends, each 20 by 30 feet The Interior arrangement will be strictly up-to-date, and divided into
waiting-room 28 by 4! feet, ticket office 12 by 15 feet, and smoking-room 10 by 10 feet. There will also be a rest
room for women. 10 by 10 feet. For the Interior finish of the waiting-room there will be tile wainscoting 5 feet
6 Inches high, with plastered walls and ceiling. The casing, doors and windows will be of fir. with antique oak
stain and- varnish. The floor will be of concrete, with cement finish. The building will be heated with hot air. elec
trically lighted throughout, and thoroughly modem. Authority for the work has been given, and specifications are
now betng prepared. The total cost of the structure, ready for acceptance, including cement walks, filling, etc., will
be about $18,000.
The Importance of this depot is Increased by the fact that the Southern Pacific Company has given orders to
resume work on the rroposed railroad bridge across the Willamette River at Milwaukle and Oswego. This will
bring both the West Side and East Side lines into Portland through the East Side.
In Upper Alblna. near Williams avenue
and Russell street. The matter was
referred to the superintendent and en
gineer for a report. It Is said the dis
trict served by this substation has
grown to such proportions that the lo
cation is very Inconvenient to the lines
of travel and Is therefore unsatisfac
tory to those who have to pay their
bills there.
Threaten to Kill Member of Posse
for Hunting Leo Bezemer.
SEATTLE. Wash., Nov. 10. (Specials
Acting on the theory that Leo Bexemer,
alias "Whistling Rufus." wanted In
Mount Vernon for attempting to black
mall B- P. English, Is In hiding In a
small deserted cabin located in the dense
forests between Stlvana and Marysvllle.
where friends are daily providing him
with food and keeping him Informed of
the mode of procedure of the hunters, a
posse headed by SherifT -elect C. W.
Stevenson, of Skagit County, will start
out tomorrow to try to capture him.
Sin determined to prevent the capture
of Bexemer have his friends become that
they have gone to the length of threat
nlng to kill Harry McDermott. owner of
the Cuban bloodhounds, Sam and Brady,
which were shipped to Skagit County to
run down the kidnaper.
This is the story which McDermott
brought back to Seattle with him. Mc
Dermott charged that a citixen of Skagit
County, who was elected a Justice of the
Peace at the late election, met him at
Lakewood last Thursday. The man
waved a 45-callher revolver under his
nose and threatened to blow ils head off
If he did not take his hounds back to
Seattle on the first train.
McDermott and the hounds engaged in
the hunt, despite the sanguinary threats
of the Justice of the Peace-elect. Mc
Dermott reached Seattle last night, but
expects to leave to resume the man-hunt
at any time.
Youth Struck Friendly Tap With
Boxing Glove des.
NEW YORK. Nov. 10. A friendly bout
with boxing gloves between Joe Vander
beck and Edward Lynch in the room of
a friend, William Kearney, in East 104th
street, resulted In Vanderbeck s death
from heart failure. He was 20 years of
age. The three youths were close friends.
Kearney and Lynch had often engaged in
boxing, betng fond of the sport, but Van
derbeck had never boxed because his
physicians had prohibited violent exer
cise by him.
The chums met by appointment at
Kearney's boarding-house and Kearney
and Lynch began boxing. Vanderbeck
watched them for a time and then said
he wished to box with Lynch. Kearney
and Lynch protested it would be risky,
but Vanderbeck Instated.
After sparring a few m.lnutes Lynch
struck Vanderbeck what seemed to be a
light blow on the chin. Vanderbeck
staggered back and then sank to the floor.
The other two youths ran for a doctor,
but when he reached the place Vander
beck was dead.
Five Eastern Systems Lay Plans for
CHICAGO. Not. 10. A dispatch to
th Tribune from St. Ixuls says: Ten
tative negotiations for merging the
Toledo. St. L-ouls & Western, Chicago
A Alton. Minneapolis A St. Louis, Iowa
Central, and Missouri, Kansas & Texas
Railways are said to be in progress.
Although none of the higher officials
of any of the roads will admit that a
consolidation of these lines Into one
great system Is planned, there appears
to be foundation for the report, ema
nating from reliable sources, that it
ha been considered and Is a proba
bility. Capture Marked Sookeye.
ASTORIA. Or., Nov. 10. One of the
f!sh marked last July by the Government
experts was caught yesterday by Chris
Hansen. It was a sock eye weighing a
little over six pounds. The number on
the tag was 95. This fteh was caught
only one-quarter of a mile from where
It was turned adrift.
Nome City Pasenger Commits
Suicide Near Rainier.
E. L. Butler Leaps From First
Cabin Deck and Browns. Despite
Efforts of Rescuing Party
Immediately Formed.
E. L. Butler, of Spokane, a saloon pas
senger on the Nome City, who was evi
dently demented, sprang overboard from
the cabin deck about 8 o'clock last night,
and drowned before he could be reached
by a rescuing party that was Immediately
called for action. The vessel, which was
on Its way to Portland from San Fran
cisco, was passing Rainier at the time.
Butler seemed to be In good health
when he took passage at San Francisco,
but before coming into the river devel
oped symptoms of insanity. Monday
night he requested the steward to lock
the door of his room, explaining that he
feared he would walk overboard in his
Steward John Brose saw Butler In the
act of climbing over the rail and rushed
forward to catch him, but failed to reach
him in time. Wrhen the man went over
board the steward immediately gave the
alarm and a boat manned by the second
mate, steward and two sailors put off to
the drowning man, but their effort was
The body was brought to this city and
taken In charge by the Coroner. Upon
examination of his clothing the Coroner
found several dollars In coin and two
letters, one from his mother, Mrs.- Mary
Butler, Inclosing 150 and a request that
her son should return home. The other
was from Bert Butler. Spokane, presumed
to be his brother, with address given at
23 Ash street.
The dead man was about 38 yearn of
age. Tuesday morning he hacked at his
throat with a knife, but was evidently
deterred from accomplishing his purpose
Due to Arrive.
Nam. From.
Alexia .Honnkong-
Breakwater. . Coos Bay. . . . . .
State of Cat. Pan FrancIro.
Nebraskan. . .Salinas Cruz. .
Geo. W. Elder Ban Pedro.....
Alitanc Coos Bay
Arabia H on jrk on
Roie Cltv.... San FrancUco.
Roanoke Los Angeles...
Nevadan Salinas Cms...
Nuinamia. . . . HonckotiE
Ntcomdla. . . Hongkong
In port
2 J
1 5
Scheduled to Depart.
Name For. Date.
Nebraskan. . .Salinas Crui..Nov. 10
Breakwater. . Coos Bay Nov. 11
. Geo W. Elder San Pedro Nov. 12
State of Cal. . San Francisco. Nov. 13
Alliance Coos Bay Nov. 14
Roanoke Los Angeles. . .Nov. 1ft.
Hose Cit y . . . . San Francisco. Nov. 20
Neva dan Puget Sound. ..Nov. 24
Alesta Honitkoiiff Nov. 22
Numantla. .. .Hongkong Dec. 10
Entered Tuesday.
Stat of California, American
steamer (Nopander), from 6an
Francisco, general cargo.
Northland. American steamship
(Erlckenn). ' from San Francisco,
general cargo.
Breakwater (Macgenn), from Coos
Bay, general cargo.
Cleared Tuesday.
Breakwater Macgenn). for Coos
Bay. general cargo.
Haxel Dollar iRldley), for Chi
nese porta.'.
State of California (Nopander),
for San Francisco, general cargo.
by the pain Inflicted. He appeared at
the breakfast table with a handkerchief
tied around his throat. At Astoria he
went ashore and was seen by some of the
passengers to buy something at a drug
store, afterward supposed to be poison,
which he took before Jumping overboard.
Health Authorities Withdraw Strin
gent Rules Regarding Vessels.
Portland harbor Is now considered free
from danger of spread of contagious dis
ease from coastwise vessels touching at
thts port. Harbormaster Speier and
Health-Officer Pohl will recommend to the
Executive Board today that the restric
tions now imposed on vessels, coastwise,
be rescinded, and that they be allowed
to dock without the ten-foot standoff
and without rat funnels on lines.
This change in existing rules will not
apply to deep water vessels, but will ap
ply to ships entering this port from har
bors along the Pacific Coast. There is
still danger of communication of disease
from Oriental ports through rats that
come ashore from vessels, and these will
be required to moor at the ten-foot limit
and have their lines protected with rat
funnels, as heretofore.
Vendee at Punta Arenas.
SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 10. The Mer
chants Exchange has reecived a mes
sage from London stating that the
French bark Vendee, bound from Ore
gon to the United Kingdom and prc-
viously reported ashore on Wollastin
Island, has been towed into Punta
Arenas with her cargo of 2000 tons of
wheat wet.
Arrivals and Departures.
Astoria. Nov. 10. Arrived at 7:15 and V?ft
up at 6:30 A. M. Steamer Nebraskan, from
Salinas Cru. Arrived down at 8 A. M
British ship Wvnnstay. Arrived at 8 and
left up at 10:30 A. M. Steamer Nome
Cltv. from San Francisco. Arrived at 11:30
A. M. and left up at -1:30 P. M. Steamer
F. S. Loop, from San Francisco. Left up
at 1:40 A. M. British barge Quatsino and
French bark Marechal oail!es. Sailed at
3 30 P. M. Steamer Melville Dollar, for San
Francisco. Arrived at S:30 P. M. Steamers
Geo. W. Elder and Shoshone, from San
San Francisco. Nov. 10. Arrived at 7 A
M. Steam-sr Johan Poulsen and steamer
Roanoke, from Portland. Sailed at 7 last
nigrht Steamer J. Marhoffer. for Portland.
Left up at 4:40 P. M. Steamer Shoshon.
Shields. Nov. 7. Arrived Norwegian
bark Urania, from Portland.
London. Nov. 10. French bark Vendee
towed Into Punta Arenas, 2000 tons wheat
St. Vincent. Nov. 10. Arrived prior
British sioamer Braemount. from Portland.
port t'rescent. Nov. 10. Passed In
British ship Arranmoore, from Acapulco ;
ship Hale wood, from Panama.
Hongkong. Nov. 9. Sailed yesterday
German steamer Numantla. for Portland.
Coos Bay. Nov. 10. Sailed Steamer Al
liance, for Portland.
Teneriffe. Nov. 10. Sailed November 9
Steamer Princes Charlotte (from Clyde) for
Hongkong. Nov.! 10. Sailed November 8
Steamer Empress of Japan, for Vancouver.
S n Francisco, Nov. 10. Arrived Steamer
Jot-ann, Pou'.sen. from Tillaps; steamer Tiv
erton, from Wil!apa; steamer Svea, from
Grays Harbor; steamer Santa Barbara, from
Grays Harbor: steamer Roanoke, from Port
hind; steamer Daley Mitchell, from Grays
Harbor; steamer Lurllne. from Honolulu;
steamer Explorer, from Seattle; schooner Ad
vent, .from Coo Bay; aohooner A. M. Bax
ter, from Gamble; bark R, P. Rlthet, from
Honolulu. Sa lied Steamer Manchuria, for
Honolulu, etc.; eteamer Qulnault, for Wil
ls pa ; steamer South Bay, for Aberdeen;
schooner Hiram Bingham, for Honolulu.
Suva, Nov. 10. Arrived Den of Ruthven.
from Vancouver, for Auckland.
Liverpool, Nov. 10. Arrived Admiral Ha-gr-n.
from San Francisco, etc., via Punta
Armas and Montevideo.
Chin "Wang Tao. Nov. 10. Sailed Admiral
Oley, for San Francisco, via Yokohama.
Tides at Astoria Wednesday.
High. Low.
I:S5 P. M g. fet'8. 2T P. M 0.4 foot
1:03 A. M 6.9 feet 8:42 A. M....3.0 feet
Condition of the Bar.
Astoria. Nov. 10. Condition of the bar at
6 P. M., smooth ; wind, east ; weather,
O'Connell Takes Training Easy,
Willie Strangler Smith Is Work
ing Hard to Get in Shape.
Interest In the 0'Connell-"Strangler'
Smith wrestling bout Is at fever heat
around the sporting headquarters.
Everyone who has a bunch of the long
green to put on his favorite Is keeping
It hid while he feels out the situation
to see who Is betting on the other fel
low and how strong he wants to go.
The match is based on an even bet
or tJoO a side. Up to Friday, only
Smith money was In sight and sev
eral wagers were laid at 6 to 4. Since
then a considerable wad of O Con
nell money wus uncorked, so that the
betting is now virtually at. evens.
The two men are training in rad
ically different ways. Smith is work
ing day and night on the road and in
the ' gymnasium In Sunnyside. while
O'Connell is attending only to his reg
ular classes at the club and enjoying
life the rest of the time. The
"Strangler" did not even tear himself
away from his . training long enough
to attend the bouts Friday night, so
O'Connell had the ovation all to him
self, although Smith was called for
"I believe in the simple of training,"
said O'Connell. "I think more people
are hurt by training too much than by
training too little.. Consequently I
keep myself at Just a certain stage
all the time and never go at 'it hard.
I am playing handball to improve my
footwork and am working out with the
O'Connell is only 23 years old. While
he is a professional, most of his work
has been done with amateurs. He Is a
graduate of Tale and during his sanlor
year he conditioned the . university
wrestling team. He continued as in
structor one year after finishing and
last year taught the grappling art at
Cornell University.
Smith is preparing himself to go the
route. The match is to be the best
three out of five falls, so the contest
ants will have to be prepared for a
couple of hours of wrestling and that
takes a lot of wind. Smith is doing
everything but eat nails to make him
self tough. He runs miles on the road
every morning and works out three
hours a day with his trainer. Newman.
Newman, who was the big fellow in
the preliminary of the Hart-O'Connell
bout and the only one who showed
class, and Strauss, of Seattle, will go
on in the preliminary at Merrill's
Hall Thursday night. Strauss claims
he came down to get a match with
O'Connell and says he will show the
fans that he has something when he
tackles Newman.
Merrill's Hall will be fitted up with
circus seats for the contest. The ad
vance sale of tickets was opened yes
terday afternoon with the hope of get
ting a line on the attendance, so that
ample seating capacity can be provided
for all.
for th jugnature of B. v.. uhuvs. used the
World ever to Cur a Cold in On. Day. 21c
North Bank Road Schedule to
Go Into Effect Tuesday.
Definite Announcements Are Made
by Hill Officials and Temporary
Passenger Depot Fitted Up
in Freight Sheds.
The date when the Spokane, Portland
& Seattle Company will run its first reg
ular passenger train service to and from
Portland has been announced as next
Tuesday, instead of Sunday. On that
date the present service being main
tained between Vancouver and Pasco
will be extended over its new bridges
across the Columbia and Willamette
rivers to Portland, and until the follow
ing Sunday, when a more elaborate
service will be established, The S. P. &
S. passenger train will leave the depot
at Eleventh and Hoyt streets at 8:15 A.
M.. arriving at Pasco at 5 P. M. In
the- alternate direction the train will
leave Pasco at 7:30 A. M.. and arrive in
Portland at 4:30 P. M. daily.
This service will be maintained until
Sunday, November 22, when the regular
two trains a day schedule will go into
effect.. This latter service will commence
with the installation of the new equip
ment of the road, which has been con
structed by the Pullman Company and
will be first run. over the road when the
entire rolling stock has arrived. General
Freight and Passenger Agent H. 51.
Adams announces that this train will be
the. handsomest and most uniform from
a constructive point of view that has
ever been run In the West.
When the two-train daily service is
installed the' trains will be made up of
sleeping cars, both standard and tourist,
day coaches, dining cars, buffet cars
and the regulation baggage and United
States mail cars. An observation car
service will also be inaugurated shortly
after the opening.
With the Installation of the two-train
service the schedule will include through
solid trains to and from Walla Walla,
each of which will connect for Spokane
and Eastern points at Pasco.
On November 22 the through train serv
ice will be operated on the following
Bchedule; Leaves Portland, depot at
Eleventh and Hoyt streets, at 9 A. M.
and will connect at Pasco with North
ern Pacific train No! 4 at 5:S0 P. M.. and
leave there at 6:10 P. M. In the opposite
direction the train will leave Walla
Walla at a time not yet specified, but
will leave Pasco for Portland at 11 A.
M., after having made connections with
Northern Pacific No. 5, and will arrive
at Portland at 7 P. M. The night train
leaves Portland at 5 P. M., arriving at
Paeco at 1 A. M., connecting with North
ern Pacific No. 16. This train will carry
standard and tourist sleepers and a din
ing car service out of Portland, and will
also carry through standard and tourist
sleepers to Spokane. It will arrive at
Spokane via Northern Pacific at 6:65
A. M. In the opposite direction "the
sleeping car service attached to the
Northern Pacific train No. 15 leaving
Spokane at 4:45 P. M. will connect with
the S. P. & B. at Pasco at 10:20 P. M..
arriving in Portland at 7:30 A. M. The
exact leaving, time out of Walla Walla
is not yet announced, but will be deter
mined within a few days.
There will also be some changes in the
Goldendale branch service as soon as the
two-train service Is Inaugurated, and this
will be announced soon.
Owing to the fact that arrangements
have not yet been made for entrance
and departure from the Union Depot, the
Spokane. Portland & Seattle Railway
Company has fitted up a depot in one
of the freight sheds 'at Eleventh nnd
Plmplea, Rash, Eruptions, Etc, Quick
ly Eradicated by New Skin Remedy.
Since its discovery one year ago,
poslam, the new skin remedy, has. In
its extraordinary accomplishments, ex
ceeded the most sanguine expectations
of the eminent specialist who gave it
to the world. It has cured thousands of
cases of eczema and eradicated facial
and other disfigurements of years'
standing. The terrible itthing attend
ing eczema Is stopped with the first ap
plication, giving proof of its curative
properties at the very outset.
In less serious skin affections, such
as pimples, rash, herpes, blackheads,
acne, barber'3 itch, etc., results show
after an overnight application, only a
small quantity being required to effect
a cure. Those who ase poslam for these
minor skin troubles can now avail
themselves of the special 50-cent pack
age recently adopted to meet such
needs. Both the 50-cent package and
th regular (2 Jar may now be ob
tained in Portland at the Skidmore
Drug Co., and other leading drugstores.
Samples for experimental purposes
may be had free of charge by writing
direct ti the Emergency Laboratories,
82 West Twenty-fifth Street. New York
C. Gee Wo
This great Chinese
physician Is well
known throughout
the Northwest be
cause of his wonder
ful and marvelous
a cures, and Is today
M heralded by all his
patients as tne
greatest of his kind. He treats
any and all dleeases with powerful
Chinese roots, herbs and barks that are
entirely unknown to the medical science
of this country. With thee harmless
remedies he guarantees to cure catarrh,
asthma, lung troubles, rheumatism,
nervousness, stomach, liver and kidney
troubles, also private diseases of men
and women.
patients outside of city write for
blanks and circulars. Inclose 4c stamp.
Tbe C. Gee Wo Medicine Co.
XKiy, Funt St.. Near Morrison.,
Portland, Or.
"makes life's
To need to hire a taxi cab to get
there in a hurry if you wear
CROSSETT Shoe. You will pre
fer to go with the power of your
own muscles.
$4 and 5$
North Abington, Mass.
270 Morrison Street, Between 3d and 4th
When contemplating a trip abroad the matter of a convenient
afe way of carrying money for traveling expenses is important.
This bank issues Travelers' Cheques and Letters of Credit,
which are payable in any commercial center in the world and
are perfectly" safe and convenient. Drafts on Foreign Coun
ties are also issued for any amount.
Hoyt streets, and until arrangements
can be made with the Northern Pacific
Terminal Company the trains will leave
from this depot. Mr. Adams announces
that the temporary decot at Eleventh
and Hoyt is being fitted up with all mod
ern conveniences and will afford passen
gers all the comforts to be found at the
larger depot.
The new road also announces that it
will commence the handling of all freight
to and from Portland on November 17.
iMei imniimninniiniiiiMiiminiimiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiii
"A merry heart doeth good like a
medicine, but a broken spirit drieth
the bones." Proverbs 17-22.
The above quotation from the Old
Testament is worth thinking over. If
you aie older physically than you are
in years, "spirit broken," despondent,
run down and discouraged, take a hint
from the above text and act accord
ingly. Don t make up your mind to
look after your health bye-and-bye, for
that leads to never Action corrects
mistakes, despair and neglect increase
them. There is one little epigram that
if adhered to will make a man all that
he can ever hope to be in this world in
health and wealth it Is to "not put off
until tomorrow that which should bo
done today."
I take broken-down wrecks of hu
manity whether from past indiscre
tions or whatever cause, and build
them up as strong as their fellows.
I Make Men Strong
Enoucrh to succeed in the battles of life, because skill and experience
have "taught ine how. Don't fool your time or money away on body 3
batteries or electric belts. Men have- written me that their testimonials
were used without their consent and were not true. I keep them on sa
file to protect this statement. You can get more electricity for a a
penny in a penny amusement parlor than is contained in the biggest
body battery fake on the market. There are failure in all walks of g
life. When a preacher goes wrong he s.iys the church Is composed of g
hypocrites; when a lawyer Is a failure he attributes it to anything but g
a lack o' brains. When some doctors are no good electricity streams g
from every Anger tip and every pore from the effects of a 75c tin but- s
ton girth (In pictures only) at so much per. Gentlemen, be sensible g
ana serious. If you get cured of an ailment you want it to be a real g
cu-c and a lasting cure. If a doctor is able to do this he is willing to g
wait for his pay until you are cured. That is our plan, but it is not the m
plan of any electric belt agency in this country and the reason is plain, g
Our entire time and practice are devoted to the cure of Bl.oon
DISEASES COMMON" TO MEN, andth.j fee for any SIO.OO
uncomplicated ailment is g
patient desiring treatment can pay cash and get discount, or in g
pa"ments to suit circumstances, and as the benefit is plainly apparent g
or.' if desired. CCMDu
If vou have made mistakes In the past correct the mistakes. Con- g
sultalion and advice free. If you cannot call at office, write for self- g
examination blank. many cases cured at home. Medicines $l.oD to $6.50 g
per course. g
Hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays, 10 A, M. to 12. g
i ' . m
For $10
My Fee in
Any Uncom
plicated Case
What better proof or more sincere assur
ance can I offer than that I am willing to wait
for my fee until I effect a cure? Could I af
ford to make such an offer if I was not abso
lutely certain of curing every case I take?
My practice has demonstrated that no ail
ment peculiar to men is incurable. Failure to
cure is usually aue 10 mc ui hiivj.icusc auu
improper treatment. You may consult me free
of charge and learn your exact condition. I
will not urge mv services, nor will I accept
your case unless I am positive or my
cure you.
I accept no Incurable cases at all, and if I treat you, you can feel
assured of a radical cure, and I am always willing to wait for my lea
until a cure is effected.
I offer not only FREE Consultation and Advice, but of every case
that comes to me I will make a careful Examination and Diagnosis
without charge. No ailing man should neglect this opportunity to get
expert opinion about his trouble.
If vou cannot call, write for Diagnosis Chart. My offices are open
all day trom 9 A. M. to 9 P. M., and Sundays from 10 to 1.
The Dr. Taylor Co.
walk easy
The Portland freight office will be In
charge of VV. C. Wilkes, agent, and O.
M. Glines-. clerk, both of whom are now
engaged in making up schedules and ar
ranging for the opening of their offices.
Catches Message From Japan.
HONOLULU, Nov. 10. The JCahuku
wireless station Intercepted today a
message sent by a wireless station In
ability to
The Leading Specialist.
Entrance -34fe Morrison ht.
Portland, Oregon.