THE OREGONTAX, TTEDXESPAT, HYK.UBElt 11, 1W8. 12 CLUB TAKES LEAD AGAINST GOVERNOR Sellwood Voters Well Support ed in Move to Elect Re publican Senator. PETITIONS ARE PREPARED President t'ph"n GItcs1 Grounds Tp on Which It Will Be Asked That legislators Be Kelleved of Statement Fledge. Initial steps to defeat the election of Governor Chamberlain as United States Senator by the Legislature next Winter have been taken by the Sellwood Re publican Club. This organization has appointed a committee that Is Instruct ed to circulate petitions among the voters relieving the Republican Legislators-elect of Multnomah County, who subscribed to statement "o. 1. from discharging that obligation.- Before many weeks elapse similar petltlona will probably be circulated In various other counties of the state from which Republican members of the Legislature were elected as statement men. Hearty Support Is Given. "In taking the Initiative In the fight for a Republican Senator irom tnia state, we are receiving much encour agement." said Harry S. Upham. chair man of the committee of the Sellwood Club. In dlseussing the plans of the organization yesterday. "We are con vinced that a stilte which gave Taft a plurality of nearly S5.000 does not want a Democratic United States Sena tor. Although V'e have scarcely be gun our work we have assurances of - general support among the voters and they are not all" Republicans either. Right in Sellwood there are Democrats who propose to sign oi(r petition ab solving Republican members of the legislature from all obligation under the statement pledge. 'These Democrats prefer to have a Republican in the Senate to Governor Chamberlain, whom they repudiate as a non-partisan. They bear a feeling of keen disappointment and displeasure with the Governor because of his re fusal to come to their aid In the recent Presidential election and for the fur ther reason that Ue has studiously avoided announcing himself as a Dem ocrat or posing as anything other than non-partisan since he nrst became a candidate for the Seil torshlp. Position Taken by Club. "We maintain that Republican mem bers of the coming Legislature, re gardless of the question of the consti tutionality of the statement, cannot live up to their oath of office and at the same time support for Senator a Democrat. This contention is alto gether apart from the further objection that a Senator elected under statement pledges would not be according to the Federal constitution and. being In con flict therewith, would be Illegal. The duties of Legislators In the election of Senator are specifically prescribed In the state and Federal constitutions. The committee from the Sellwood Club first consulted with prominent constitutional lawyers in hopes that some means might be presented by which the constitutionality of the statement and whether or not it is binding could be tested In the courts without further delay and before the state Legislature convenes in January. On this subject the committee was uni formly advised that 'the only time the state courts have Intervened and de termined the legal status of the state ment was prior to the June election. At that time, or rather when the Sec retary of State was preparing the balot, a proceeding could have been brought restraining that official from having printed on the official ballot the de signation of whether or not the various candidates were statement men. to gether with the text of that pledge. Jn that event it would have been possi ble to thrash the whole thing out in the courts and determine its constitu tionality. But the election having .been held and the Legislature elected, lawyers agree that" the courts now have no jurisdiction over that body. Refer to the Constitution. The Sellwood Republicans are pro ceeding on the theory that the course of the Republican Legislator, who took the statement pledge, should be gov erned by an Interpretation of his oath under the state constitution as It re lates to the election of Senators as prescribed In the Federal constitution. Before entering on their duties as members of the state Legislature, each legislator-elect in this state Is required to subscribe to the following oath: "1 do solemnly swear (or affirm, as the case may be that I will support the constitution of the United States and the constitution of the Jitate of Oregon, and that I will faithfully dis charge the duties of Senator (Or Rep resentative, as the case may be ac cording to the best of my ahillty." Regarding the election of Senators from the different states, the constitu tion of the United States says: "The Senate of the United States hal be composed of two Senators from each state, chosen by tlTa f-eKlslature thereof, for six years; and each Senator , shall have one vote." The members of the committee ap pointed by the Sellwood Republican Club to conduct the pro-Republican Senator campaign are: Harry S. Up ham. chairman; J. V. Campbell. Peter Hume. J. K. Kertchem. W. M. La Force. W. If. Golden. A. N. Wills. A. It. Rich mond and Walter Adams. The club will hold meetings every Thursday night during the Winter and proposes to make Its influence an Important fac tor In securing for Oregon a Republi can Senator at the hands of the State legislature, which meets in January. WHO M ILL CARRY STATE VOTE? At Ixat Two Oregon Electors Hope to Go East. Who will carry Oregon's four votes for Taft and Sherman to the Electoral Col lege? At least two of the four electors would appreciate the honor. R. R. Butler would like to be the messenger and his friends are urging that he Is entitled to the priv ilege by reason of his effective three weeks' campaigning for the Republican ticket during the recent campaign. J. D. Lee. of this city, another of the electors, is an active aspirant for the place. Mr. lee also did serviceable work for the Republican ticket and toured Eastern Oregon for Its nominees. The wishes of State Senator F. J. Miller, of Albany, end A. C Marsters. of Roseburg. the other two electors, have not been learned. The four successful electors are required to assemble at Salem early In January and select one of their number to deliver the vote at the Electoral College, which meets In ' Washington the second Monday in January. Congress canvasses the vote of the Electoral College on the second Wednesday in February. Vnlon Republican Club Meeting. A call will be Issued today for a meet ing of the Union Republican Club for Friday night, when, it Is reported, reso lutions will be adopted declaring for the election of a Republican Senator at the coming session of the legislature. Ar rannmniitii also are being made for meetings of the South Portland and the ON TOUR OF STATES President's Commission Will Start West Soon. fSE-Vpu CONFER WITH FARMERS lar resolutions will b presented for In- dorsement. IS FIRST SESSION IX NEW QUAR TERS IS HELD. Xo Buslnct.9 Transacted, but Mem bers Meet for Social Greetings and to Make Plans. The Portland Merchants Eiange be gan operations as a cash grain market yesterday. The first session was held In Its new quarters on the ground floor of the Board of Trade building, and was attended by almost every grain man In the city. Several months ago the Portland Board of Trade established a grain department at which there was trading In both cash grains and futures. The Board of Trade venture, however, proved to be a failure, and the grain dealers, one by one, with drew their support from It. The export ers left It when it was decided to per mit dealing In futures, and the others dropped out for various reasons. All are now united In the Merchants' Exchange, and the Intention to make It a successful grain market was plainly evinced by the remarks of those present yesterday. While nearly all the sample tables pro vided have heen engaged, there waa no attempt made to do any business at the opening session, the members meeting for the purpose of exchanging greetings and arranging for tne future. In response to a vigorous demand for a "speech." E. W. Wright, for the past 11 years manager of the Exchange, gave a brief review or the work or tne ex change since Its organisation in 1879. Reading from the original articles of In corporation of the Exchange, dated De cember 6. 1879. he showed that its pur pose was to "promote the Interests and convenience of the mercantile community of the State of Oregon and Washington Territory." and to "acquire and preserve and disseminate dally, for hire, to stock holders and subscribers, valuable business information and the latest and most reli able market quotations and shipping In telligence from the Important business centers of the world." He stated that while nearly 30 years had elapsed since the policy of the Exchange had been thus outlined, there had been no change In the policy. He expressed a desire to turn the organisation over to the grain and shipping men at any time they were dissatisfied with the manner In which it was conducted, and announced his Inten tion of adhering at all times to the sug gestions of the people who had been sup porting the Exchange since its organiza tion. George Taylor, of Taylor. Toung Co.. followed in a brief speech urging the members to make it a point to get to gether at least once a day. as Is the cus tom In all of the prominent seaports and shipping centers of the world.- There was some discussion ss to the most convenient time of meeting, and It was decided, by a vote, to hold the ses sions In the future from 1:30 to 2 P. M. Those present at the opening session were: Peter Kerr. Thomas Kerr. W. J. Burns. D. A. Pattullo. John Latta, J. W. Oanong. C. E. Curry. Frank L. Shull, Thomas MeKee. Robert Kennedy, Robert J. Patterson. Edward L. Smith. M. H. Houser. Julius Llppett. I. C. Sanford, Frank Ford. R. P. Knight. Gay Lombard, B. Stetler. J. H. Klosterman, J. C. Robin son. B. E. McAvlnney and A. Berg, all representing the grain trade; George Taylor, of Taylor, Toung Co.; W. H. Little. - manager of the Loop line of steamers; W. A. Baker, manager of the Oak-street dock; F. H. Fogatry. general freight agent of the Northern Pacific; R. B. Miller, general freight agent of the Harrlman lines: H. M. Adams, trafflc manager of the North Bank line; B. Cta, of Mitsui Co.; F. Allen, of Hind. Rolph Co.: Frank Woolsey. of the Frank Woolsey Company, and John Reld, of Frank Waterhouse Co. STUDENTS CLASH,! 00 HURT Scores Injured When Balcony Falls Daring Warring Factions' Fight. VIENNA, Nov. 10. An encounter be tween two warring factions of students attending the University of Vienna re sulted this morning in injury to about 100 of the young men. The cause or the conflict is to be found in the smol dering antagonism between the pan German and the Jewish students. This bitter feeling broke out today, and led to a sanguinary encounter, which cul minated in the collapse of a balcony in the university and the precipitation of many of the combatants to the floor below. The Hebrew students body turned up at the university at an early hour, determined to keep the pan-Ger mans out Three hundred of the Hebrews block aded one of the main staircases. Ap prised of the situation, the pan-Ger mans gathered In force and atormed the staircase which leads to a balcony. The fighting for a few moments was fierce, but in the midst of it a portion of the balcony collapsed and over 100 students crashed to the ground. Most of them were injured, and some seriously. PACIFIC STOCKS ON JUMP Union and Southern Advance Sev eral Points on Big Buying. NEW YORK. Nov. 10. Enormous buy ing of stocks of the Southern Pacific and Union Pacific roads excited the stock market today and pulled the general range of prices up two points or more from a depression Into which It had been forced by heavy profit-taking sales. Southern Pacific advanced six points above last night's close to 118H. Union Pacific went up 34 points to 181. Ru mors of an Intention to Increase the divi dend of the Southern Pacific to 7 per cent tomorrow were circulated. There were also reports tnat tsoutnern racuic contemplated an Issue of $100,000,000 m bonds to retire its 7 per cent preferred stock. After Southern Paclfle had touched 11"4 the weight of the sales to realise sent price, downward aaln. A reaction of about a toint In the active stock resulted. The market steadied alexin before the closing and a mora .van tone resulted. Kaiser Fooled Newspapers. BERLIN. Nov. 10. It was 'erroneously reported here today that Emperor Will iam had made a successful ascension In the Zeppelin alrahlp this afternoon, and the evening editions of the local papers carried detailed descrlptiona of the re sortad flight of His jiajeaty. Professor Bailer, of Cornell, With Other Eminent Educators, Will Reach Portland December 1. Will Cover Vast Stretch. OREGOXIAN NEWS BUREAU. Wash ington. Nov. 10. The President's Com mission on Country Life will, within a few days, start on a tour of the country for the express purpose of gathering first-hand data bearing upon the conditions which prevail In the rural districts. In order that it may intelligently begin the study of the subject and formulate practical recommendations in conformity with the wish of Mr. Roosevelt. The com mlsion will start In the South, cross the continent, and after a stop at San Francisco, go north to Portland, ar riving about December 1. thence to Spokane. Salt Lake City, f ort tjomns, Colo., and back across the northern tier of states. Try to Improve Conditions. In each or the cities where they stop the commissioners expect to confer with representative cltlsens Interested in improving conditions among farm ers; they will Invite conferences with farmers themselves, with officials of state agricultural colleges, with rep resentative citizens of all walks of life who are familiar with country life and every opportunity will be seised upon to gather data that "will be of practical value in the solution of the problem laid before the commission by the President. The commission will be headed by Professor L. H. Bailey, of Cornell Uni versity. The other members who will make thla trip are Henry Wallace, of Iowa; K. L. Butterfleld and W. H. Fage, of New York City. Gifford Plnchot, National Forester, though a member of the commission, will be unable to make the trip as his work on the National Conservation Com mission will detain him in Washing ton. The party will be accompanied by C J. Blanchard, statistician of the Reclamation Service, through whom local arrangements are being per fected. Xo Long, Set Speeches. In a letter discussing the coming trip. Professor Bailey said: "This commission Is not appointed to Investigate the farm or to inquire into technical agricultural processes. Its function Is to give attention to the larger economic, social and sani tary questions of the open country. To this end, the commission would like to hear the opinions of representative farmers, teachers, business men, min isters, physicians and others who live In the open country, or who have di rect relations with it. So far as possi ble we should like to meet accredited delegates from granges, farmers' clubs, and similar organizations, as well as farmers and others who come on their own responsibility." Professor Bailey explains that ow ing to the shortness of time, the com mission will spend but one day In each large city visited, but will devote the entire time to discussion with persons competent to talk upon the subject of proposed Improvement of the home and social condition of the American farm er. These meetings will not be char acterized by ' long;, set. speeches, but rather by Informal discussion; the commission itself Is going out to lis ten and learn and not to instruct or advise. PACIFIC & EASTERN MAKES AX- XOTJXCEMEXT. Idne From South Bend Will Tap Fine Body or Timber Means Work for Many Men. 60UTH BEND, Wash., Nov. 10. (Spe cial.) Almost immediately following the election the directors of the Pacific & Eastern Railroad announced that con struction work on that road would be resumed about January 1. The P. & E. Is, thus far, a local concern, having been promoted, and financed by the following mill companies: Wlllapa Lumber Com pany. Siler Mill Company and Clerln Hamllton Lumber Company, of Raymond, and the Columbia Box. & Lumber Com pany, of this place. The road Is standard gauge with Its western terminus on tidewater on the Wlllapa River, about one mile above the village of Wlllapa and about seven miles above this city. It follows the bank of the Wlllapa about one mile up to the mouth of Mill Creek. Here It branches off to the northeast and runs three miles up the Mill Creek Valley, and here con struction work was abandoned a little more than a year ago. About one mile more will bring the road to a large body of as fine timber as can be found on the Pacific Coast- Its eastern terminus has not yet been named and promoters of the road declare that no thought has been 'given that subject. The road will, of course, be continued on through this body of timber and probably to another on, and, as it Is In line with an excellent pass through the hills. It may eventually be taken in by some of the transcontinental roads that are head ing for this harbor. Construction work on this road will mean the employment of hundreds of men and, when completed to the timber, hundreds of men will be required to fur nish logs for the four big lumber com panies above mentioned, which, com bined, cut fully 600.000 feet of lumber per day. The announcement that work would be at once begun on this road and that It will be in operation early to the coming season, has done more to restore con fidence and promote business In all lines, in this part of the country, than almost anything else that could have occurred. It will provide profitable employment for every Idle man In Pacific County and many more besides. ERICKSONS GIVEN LIMIT Father and Son Plead- Guilty and Are Fined $200 Each. ORBGOX CTTT. Or., Nov. 10. (Special.) August Erickson and his son, Arthur Erickson, this afternoon pleaded guilty to a charge of selling liquor without a license at Clackamas Tavern, and Judge This is the month for good dressing. Our .store is head quarters for good taste. Fine feathers make the -world go round. Here are styles that were designed for young men and men who feel young. The colors are young, and so are the models. -.$15.00. mm CLOTHIERS 166-170 Third Street. McBrlde imposed a sentence of $200 on each of them. This Is the minimum sen tence. Erickson was Indicted on four counts and his son on two. They pleaded guilty to the charge of selling liquor to John Douthit on July 1 last. SEATTLE MAN IS OUSTED POSTMASTER STEWART ACTIVE IX POLITICS, IS CHARGE. Senator Piles Will Name Successor, Conditions In Seattle Office in Bad Muddle. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU. Wash ington, Nov. 10. George M. Stewart, Postmaster at Seattle, was today re moved from' office "for soliciting cam paign contributions, among employes of his office." Information as to when this offense was committed, from whom funds were solicited. In what campaign funds were solicited, and in fact all pertinent de tails, are suppressed by the Postofflce Department and by the Civil Sen-ice Commission, on whose complaint Stewart was dismissed. Stewart's successor will be selected by Senator Piles, but it is probable no ap pointment will be made until Congress convenes. Stewart was last reappointed on the recommendation of Representative Humphrey, and over the protest of Piles, then newly elected but not sworn. WILLIAM TELL BAD ACTOR Conduct Forces Oregon City Coun cil to Repeal His Saloon License. OREGON CITY, Nov. 10. (Special.) Goaded into desperation by the continued disturbing of the peace by John Goura, proprietor of the Wllhelm Tell saloon, the City Council, at noon today, held a special session and summarily revok'i Clothing Needed? If so, read what follows: J. U. Bowman & Co., who have rim the only wholesale cloth ing house in Portland for several years past, have quit and gone entirely out of the wholesale business. The balance of their wholesale 'stock of Men's and Boys' Clothing-J-$20,000.00 worth has been turned over to me for quick disposal. The Clothing is first-class in materials, fit and tailoring, but the styles are not up to date, being those of last year. So don't come expecting to find fancy flaps, cuff pants and the like. But to the man who will be content to wear clothes a little out of style will be given an opportunity to buT substantial and serviceable clothing at about the cost of the cloth at the mill. In order to do business cheaply, I have taken a room in the center of the wholesale district, at the corner of Oak and Front streets. The prices asked are so low that everything is almost sure to be sold in thirty days. I therefore advise you to come early if you would have best selection. A few of the many bar gains are : Men's Odd Coats worth up to $6.00 at $1.00 Men's Odd Vests worth up to $3.50 at 50c Men's All-Wool and Worsted Suits worth to $15 at $5 Men's Through and Through Worsted Suits worth to $20 at $8.50 Men's Extra Fine Silk Mixed Worsted Suits , worth to $25 at $10.00 Boys' Knee Pants, cost wholesale 50c, 75c at pr 25c Men's Pants worth to $2.50 at pair $1.00 John Fellermann Location of Sale Corner Front and Oak Look for the Big Signs Sale Begins This Morning at 9 o'Clock Gouras license, which had six weeks to run. During the Council meeting. Goura languished In a cell at the city jail and later paid a fine of 20 for being drunk and disorderly. Last night, about midnight, while in an intoxicated condition, he staggered up the stairs to a lodging-house above his saloon and insulted the wife of his bar keeper, Isam Hutchinson. The latter promptly kicked him into the street and gave him the beating he deserved. DAMAGE SUIT DRAGS ON George Joggl Seeks $20,450 for In juries In Paper Mill. OREGON CITY, Or., Xov. 10. (Special.) The damage suit of George Joggt against the Willamette Pulp & Paper Company for J20.4S0 is still on trial, hav ing commenced last Friday afternoon. The plaintiff has not yet rested his case, but will probably conclude his testimony sometime tomorrow, when it Is expected the company's attorneys will move for a nonsuit. If this is denied, the case will run well Into the last of the week and may cause the postponement of several criminal cases. The suit Is being stubbornly fought step by step. Joggi'a limb was in jured while he was working in the mill and he has been a cripple ever since. JWrKlnley Carried New York In 1806. SOUTH BEND. Wash., Nov. 9. To the Editor.) Please Inform me if any Repub lican President, except Mr. Taft, carried Greater New York or city in any election. A friend of mine stated that Mr. Mc Klnley carried the city against Mr. Bryan. A. W. DODWELL. McKinley carried New York City (Man hattan) in 1896 over Bryan by 20.935. There was then no Greater New ' York. YVhy the Vote 'Waa Divided. PORTLAND. Nov. 10. (To the Editor.) Would you kindly state how and accord ing to what legal provision or provisions NO STUDENTS NO GAS NO COCAINE BIG REDUCTION ON ALL DENTAL WORK UNTIL OCTOBER 15TH HIGH-GRADE WORK DONE POSITIVELY WITHOUT PAIN WV re tboroTigb. dwtwta rf many years' practical work. The dental trork we turn out is strictly of the highest grade, and we back np every bit of it with our well-known reputation for doing HONXST DENTISTRY. Our success is due to uniform high-grade work at reasonable prices. EXTRACTING AND CLEANING TEETH FREE FOR A LIMITED TIME PAINLESS EXTRACTION ..........,.-..50 The Beet Dentistry k None Too Good For Yon 22-ELARJlT CKOWNS ...$5.00 BRIDGE "WORK $5 XX) OUR BEST PLAIN PLATE .$8.00 GOOD PLATE .$5.00 A PROTECTED GUARANTEE FOR XS YEARS WITH ALL DENTAL WORK i-JStal TEETH WITHOUT y PLATES NERVOUS people and those afflicted with heart weakness need have no f our whatever. Our method of filling teeth robs dentistry of all its terrors and makes the filling of a tooth absolutely painless. Any of the patients whom we have served in the past years will vouch for oar fair and reliable dealings. Our office is the most complete. MISSING teeth restored without plates and equal to those that Nature gave you. Work absolutely painless. M AKTTfq ARTIFICIAL TEETH is a leading feature of our business, and we believe it cannot be sur passed in the point of completeness. W operate our own laboratory, and as making Artificial Teeth is a specialty in dentistry, we are in a position to make this offer and guarantee satisfaction. DO YOU WEAB. ARTIPIOIAL TEETH? If you dofhave us make them over and reset the teeth on a new plate, that will give your mouth and face natural expression. , , . . I hava had M teeth extracted, tmion Deotlet extracted two The TTirfoo Pataleaa Danttats made aoroevof them very eompltoaUd taeka. worthless teeth for me and replaced five Itk sold orowna for mi and I an(1 two plates made by the Union them by bridg-ework. which waa suffered no inconvenience whatever. Dents, and I oan heartily recom done to my entire aatlsfactlon and I am pleaaed to recommend them mend them to any one desiring-Ilnrt-withont any pain whatever. for all kinds of dental work. oi., work at a moderate coat Mrs. L. A. Ware. 33 N. th at. Mrs. Nollie Haolln, l 16th St. Donald Carter. Linton. Or. Be sure you are in J TTWTYsOkTVT T" 17 TUTTI CT CI 2J-V(2 Morii-on St the right office. N J-X-sl M A m. kJ LorJttandM Two lady assistants Office Hours 8 A. Id. till 7 P. BL; Sundays, 9 so 1 o'clock. Maryland divided her electoral votes In the last Presidential election? A CHINESE SUBSCRIBER. Eight Republican Presidential electors were candidates against eight electors for each of the other parties. There were eight to be elected. Of these, six Demo crats and two Republicans received the highest vote and were successful. EDUCATIONAL. INSTRUCTION enables each student to advance In dependently of all others, and avoids the embarrassment of class work and recitations. Our large teaching force makes this plan possible. Let us tell you all about .our school the most complete and best equipped In the Northwest. Call, telephone or write for catalogue free for the asking. PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE The School of Quality," Tenth and Morrison, Portland, Oregon. A. P. Armstrong, LL.B.. Principal. A Graduate of the ROSE CITY BUSINESS COLLEGE Used as a Standard of Quality. A Young lady applied for a steno graphic position with a business man in Portland, llie nrst question ne asked her was: Are you as good as my former stenofrrapher, who is a graduate of the Rose City Business, College t Write for information or call at the office. We will tell you why we are doing such good work. Complete business courses. W. W. WILLIAMS, 148 Fifth St. YOUR LAWN IS HUNGRY MOW IS THE TIME TO FEED IT Next Snrtnar will Gladden 7 oar Heart Hollies and roses also kkspond to proper fertilization at this bkason o need to litter with Stable Refuae THIS is the time of year to apply bone meal. Tt takes several months for it to dissolve in the soil, so the nutriment goes into your grass next Spring, when needed, if you apply the bone meal NOW. No other fertilizer is qnite so cheap and clean. No weeds in it. Just the thing, applied rifjht now, for roses, holly trees and other shrubs. To meet the Fall demand forthiseffective fertilizer we have on hand an immense Stock. Prices astonishingly low. We furnish com plete information aa to how to eet best re sults for turf and shrubs. Salcn room. Front and Yanthllr Ma. ASK FOR FERTILIZER BOOKLET 21? 1 ..r PI