Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 11, 1908, Image 1

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VOL. XLYIIL NO. 14,962
Reichstag Leaders De
nounce Meddling.
Remind Sovereign He Must
Obey Constitution.
Chancellor Denies German Hostility
to Britain, but Promises Kaiser
Will Behare On Speaker
Says Be Is Incurable.
BSRLJX. Nov. 10. Emperor William
naver "has been so severely judged by his
Parliament as he was today during the
debate tn the Reichstag on the Interpel
lations concerning the conversations pub
lished with the permission of the Km per or
In the London Daily Telegraph, October
2, The criticisms of his majesty's court,
h!s tllnteters and his majesty's treatment
of men, as well as of his freedom of
speech, went to lengths -that astonished
observers acquainted with the traditional
caution of the Chamber In dealing with
the personality of the sovereign. And the
Kmperor seemed to have no defenders.
Chancellor Scolds Kaiser.
Chancellor von Buelow made an address
lasting 15 minutes, but he lacked his
usual spirit, and a person high In his
confidence is authority for the statement
that he also had told. the Emperor that
neither himself nor his successors could
remain tn office unless his majesty was
more reserved. Prince von Buelow spoke
solemnly and without making use of any
dramatic efforts. The House received his
explanation In Icy silence. Instead of giv
ing It that cordial applause which, as a
general thing, follows the Chancellor's
floe parliamentary declarations.
May Begin Long Content.
The Conservatives, representing largely
tle landed nobility, were almost as re
lentless as the Socialists, the radicals and
the National Liberals, and today's pro
ceedings are regarded by the extreme
Liberals as the beginning of a long con
test between the crown and Parliament
that may end In Germany's having a
ministry responsible to Parliament and
not to the crown alone.
When Herr Bassermann, the National
Liberal leader, a friend of Chancellor von
Buelow, began discussion of the Incident,
the galleries were brilliant with the uni
forms of officers and the costumes of
women. In the royal box were Prince
Christian of Schleswlg-Holsteln. Duke
Ernest Ounther, a brother of the Em
press; General Jacoby, the Imperial Ad
jutant; and General von Moftke, chief of
the general staff, white on the raised
platforms, facing the Chamber, were the
resident envoys of all the German Fed
erated States.
Herr Bassermann was followed by Herr
Wleroer, Radical, and he in turn gave
way to Herr Singer. Socialist, who de
clared that. If any one servant of the
state had done such a thing as had Em
peror William, he would have been
brought before an Imperial court for triaL
Chancellor Defends Kaiser.
Prince von Buelow spoke earnestly In
reply to the criticism of the government
and the Emperor. His address was devoid
of gesture. He said:
I moit welsh mr wordi because f the
effect ther will havt abroad. I do not
ih to add fresh prejudice to the diiMK
ilretdr caused by the publication in the
1'atly llirraph. I assume that the de
tails given therein are not all correct and
I am certain that the story of a detailed
plan of campaign to and the Boer War Is
not rtsht. Th plan consisted merely of
soma academic Ideas concerning the con
duct of war in general, which the Emperor
tonveyed to Queen Victoria in the course of
their correspondence, and it was without
practtral sinlncan-e for the operation!
thea g"lng on or for the end of the war.
We must dfend our policy during the
Boer War agalnet accusation and equivoca
tion. Wa gave timely warning to the Boer
that they would be alone against England
and that there was no doubt regarding the
Germans Friendly to Britons.
The facts with reference to the questions
of Intervention long have been public prop
erty and whether tha communication of
These to Queen Victoria constituted a viola
tion of diplomatic rulea depends upon cir
cumstance unknown to tha public.
Concern Ins; the statement attributed to
Emperor WlIMam that a majority of the
t;erman people la hostile to Great Britain,
the expression used by the Telesraph. Is
too strong. Serious and resretta-fele mis
understand have existed between Great
Britain and Ciermany. but the German peo
pTe desire peaceful and friendly relations
ith that empire. Joined with mutual respect-No
Adventure In Parffle.
Too great strews also la laid upon the
potot in the Interview- dealing with our in
terests tn the pacific Ocean, which are In
correctly presented aa Inimical to Japan.
Wa never thought about Cast Asia except
for the purpose of obtaining; a portion of
the trade arising from economic de elop
ment and we have no idea of undertaking
a maritime adventure there. The extension
rf the Herman fleet is Just as little Intended
for a sr union In the Pactfle Ocean as in
Europe. The task In Germany's policy is
not to limit ttie development of Japan.
For 30 years the Kmperor has si riven to
Improve the relations with Great Britain,
often under difficult circumstances. The
peoples of both countries occasionally have
attacked each other without real Justifica
tion, and the Emperor considered this a
misfortune fr both and a danger to the
rlviltxed world. The Emperors ideallstlo
thoughts, purposes and efforts, often with
out reason, have caused doubts to arise.
fm have gone so far aa to Imply secret
destine against Great Britain In connec
tion with the fleet, but these are entirely
The recornltlon b His Majesty of the
unjustified jniaunderetandtng of his utter-
Shakes Began Three Weeks Ago and
Have Continued Almost With,
'out Interruption.
SAX BERNADINO. Cal., Nov. 10.
Death Valley and the surrounding coun
try are tn the throes of a series of earth,
quakes which began three weeks ago
and the most violent of which occurred
last Wednesday morning before day
light, carrying consternation among the
in fltnaVi'fl'rflM
W. n. Hnber. Vlee-Prmldent
American Federation of Labor.
mining campe and resulting In many
miners and prospectors fleeing from the
Samuel Lawrence, one of the first
miners to reach here with details of the
earthquake, said that for three weeks
past there have been one or two
tremblors dally. They have all been
light with the exception of that which
upheaved the district Wednesday.
Dismal cralgs of the Funeral range
seemed to fairly totter when the severe
shock cams last week. Miners were
tossed from the bunks, camp equipment
was scattered about, horses and mules
stmpeded and Immense boulders thrown
down. At daybreak the 'miners com
menced to leave.
Huge Surplus of X. P. Company to
Be-Paid Soon.
ST. PAUL, Nov. 1. Word has reached
the Northern Pacific directory that the
extra dividend of S11.2t which was re
cently declared by the Northwestern Im
provement Company for the benefit of the
Northern Pacific stockholders, will be
paid on December 3. The amount con
stitutes a K9 per cent dividend on the
stock of the Northwestern Investment
Company, which amounts to 12,775,000 and
Is to be paid to all Northern Pacific
stockholder on record November 19.
1908. The Improvement company was
formed soon after the reorganization
of the Northern Pacific in 1897 for the
purpose of looking after the land, lum
ber and coal Interests of tho Northern
Pacific The Immense surplus which It
has accumulated and which enables It
to pay a dividend of 117,543.000 to ihe
holders of $156,000,000 worth of North
ern Pacific common stock Is due large
ly to the rapid rise of land values in
the Pacific Northwest, from which tha
company derived large profits.
Has on Board Large Stock of Bibles
for South Seas.
SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 10. The gaso
line schooner Hiram Bingham, built and
equipped by the American Board of For.
eign Missions for service among the
Congregational missions In the South
Spas, sailed today for the Gilbert Islands,
by way of Honolulu. The 60-foot ves
sel has on board Captain Alfred Walkup,
bis son and daughter, a crew of four men,
provisions enough to last a year and a
large stock of Bibles and religious lit
Coroner's Jury Holds O'Donnell Re
sponsible for Girl's Death.
SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 10. The Cor
oner's Jury In the case of Vesta Van
Vlack. the 16-year-old girl who died at
the Hahnemann Hospital on Monday of
last week and whose death was at
tributed In the certificate Issued by Dr.
James W. Ward, to septicaemia, rendered
verdict this afternoon, finding that
death was the result of a criminal oper
ation, performed by Dr. George W.
Physicians Advise Him to Go to Eu
rope for Treatment.
CARACAS. Venesuela, Monday, Nov.
I. President Caatro has been advised
by his physicians to go to Europe for
treatment for a malady from which he
has been suffering recently. His friends,
however, do not believe that such a step
will be necessary.
Foreign Minister Paul has notified the
Diplomatic Corps of the . complete ex
tinction of bubonic Dlagu in Venesuela.
Taft Not Bound by Any
President-Elect Praises Work
of Hitchcock.
List of Contributors Public Soon.
National Chairman Refuses to
Discuss Probable Posi
tion in Cabinet.
HOT SPRINGS, Va., Nov. 10. President-elect
Taft and his National chair
man, Frank H. Hitchcock, had a long
and pleasant chat today over the many
phases of the last campaign. It was
the first opportunity for such an ex
tended and cordial exchange of views
and at its conclusion both the President-elect
and the National Chairman
expressed their pleasure at the inter
view. ' .
"We chucked each other under the
chin and enjoyed many things in-the
campaign that were decidedly serious
before." said Judge Taft.
Xo Promises Made.
He added that Mr. Hitchcock had
told him many interesting things that
he had not known respecting the pre
election work and Chairman Hitchcock
said that he had had the pleasure of
informing- Mr. Taft that the campaign
had been conducted, so far as he was
concerned, without the giving of a sin
gle promise or pledge which would
bind Judge Taft as President, either in
exchange for personal service in the
campaign or for contributions to the
"I had known all this before," com
mented Judge Taft, "but It was grati
fying to have the statement come di
rect from the National Chairman at
the conclusion."
Mr. Taft was told about the cam
paign fund which Mr. Hitchcock Is to
make public In detail In a few days.
The National Chairman said that this
fund was smaller in Its aggregate than j
any similar xuna since me recora oi
such funds had been kept, and that it
was collected from every state In the
(Concluded on PaiceS.)
. t
.......... ........ ...........................
Rashes Wildly Into House at Night
With Weird Tale of Things
Which Didn't Happen.
CLEVELAND, O., Nov. 10. (Special.)
John Earle Smith, an Adelbert College
freshman. Is seriously ill, mentally and
physically, at his home in Youngstown,
a victim of his own Imagination. In
September Smith left bis boarding-house
early. He rushed Into the house again
f It
, 1
T j " t if
i , " - It
" j li
t ft
il It
jL . j I
t D. A. Hayes, Vice-President I
It. A. Hayes, Vice-President
American Federation of Labor.
at midnight, haggard and bedraggled. He
said he had been forced to dig a hole
on the campus by the sophomores: that
a junior felled a sophomore with a blow
and told the freshman to run for his life;
that he was pursued for hours, finally
reaching the boarding-house with the as
sistance of a strange woman in an auto
mobile. After an investigation by President
Thwing. It was declared that the ooy"3
story was a fabric of his imagination.
Rev. Dr. Harding to Succeed Rev.
Mr. Satterlee at St. Paul's.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 10. Rev. Dr. Al
fred H. Harding, who for 22 years past
has been Rector of St. Paul's Episcopal
Church here, was elected bishop of
Washington to succeed the late Rev.
Henry Y. Satterlee late today. Dr.
Harding was chosen on the fourth bal
lot, up to which Dr. McGill, also of this
city, had led In the balloting.
Hits Train Full Speed
in California.
Wealthy Octogenarian's Fam
ily Almost Extinct.
George K. Willard Tries to Cross
Track In Front of Swift Train.
Whole Party Tossed as
If by Bull.
RED BLUFF, Cal., Nov. 10. Four per
sons were Instantly killed and a young
girl was Injured near here today when a
special train bearing division officials of
the Southern Pacific Railroad crashed
into an automobile at the crossing of
the county road and the railway while
running at a high rate of speed. The
victims were ail occupants of the tour
ing car and were hurled 200 feet through
the air when the engine of the special
struck the machine as It was half way
across the track.
The dead: George K. Willard, his wife,
his daughter. Miss Olive Willard, and
Mrs. Irene Hayes, of Wallace, San
Joaquin County.
Imogene Willard, the 14-year-old daugh
ter of the Wlllards, was found clinging
to the cowcatcher of the engine, badly
bruised and cut, but otherwise unhurt.
Due to Old Man's Folly.
Mr. Willard, who 80 years of age
and a retired merchant vt this city, was
slightly deaf, and, as he was at the
wheel of the wrecked machine, which
belonged to him. the accident is at
tributed to his affliction. The party had
been out for a spin down the county
road and was returning shortly after
dark. Mr. Willard no doubt saw the
special train approaching, but endea
vored to dash across In front of it. The
engineer saw the danger at once, but It
was too late to stop and the locomotive
struck the automobile in the center, lift
ing It with the force of the blow and
strewing It, a scattered mass of wreck
age, along the right-of-way. while the
(Concluded on Page 3.)
Evangelists Spread Gospel In Chi
cago While Pigs Squeal and
Cleavers Sink Into Flesh.
CHICAGO, Nov. 10. (Special.) Minis
ters from a dozen of the largest
churches of Chicago today invaded the
stockyards at the noon hour and con
ducted evangelistic services. In the
steaming, odorous atmosphere, with
blood all about them, they addressed
- ;
Frank Morrlwn, Secretary of the
American Federation of Labor.
the giant butchers and Bang gospel
hymi?, "which mingled with the squeals
and bellowing of animals being slaugh
tered. Rising above the earnest prayers of
the missionaries was the "mooing' of
panic-stricken cattle and the thud of
cleavers as the butchers speedily re
duced warm carcasses to meat of com
merce.' Burly giants, their clothes wet
wfth blood and grease, squatted about
the floor, while the evangelists, standing
on upturned wooden buckets and tubs,
conducted the services.
Dainty girls, employed In the la
beling and other departments, joined
in the song service. The car shops, beer
killing decks, soap factories, hog houses
and glue works were all "converted" Into
tabernacles and the ministers - were so
much encouraged by the respectful at
tention given them that they propose to
continue the services at least once a
South Carolina Takes Steps to Save
Lives of Xegroes.
SPARTANBURG, 9. C, Nov. 10. The
Hampton Guards have been ordered out
by the Governor to guard the jail tonight
upon the arrival from Columbia of John
Irby and Clarence Agnew, negroes. Irby
Is charged with attempting to assault a
young white woman, and Agnew Is ac
cused of wrecking a railroad passenger
, Goodwin to Sell Mines to Gates.
RENO. Nev.. Nov. 10. A deal by which
Kat Goodwin will sell his interest in
the Rawhide Coalition and Kean Wonder
mines, at Rawhide, to John W. ' Gates,
who will erect a smelter and build a
railroad at Walker Lake, is pending.
Th Weather.
YESTERDAY Maximum temperature, 60.8
degrees; .minimum, 39.8 degrees.
TODAY'S Fair; easterly winds.
Abruzzi and Miss Elkins will marry next
year in Italy. Page 5.
Kaiser decorates Zeppelin after witnessing
. airship's flight. Page 5.
Storm of criticism of Kaiser's interview
breaks out in Reichstag, rage l.
. National.
Battleship North Dakota launched;, greatest
warship anoai. rage a.
House committee begins tariff revision in
aulry. Page 1.
Court of Appeals denies rehearing In Stand-
.ard.Oil case; Government win . appeal.
Page 3.
Cannon's re-election as Speaker assured,
page 5.
Taft learns from Hitchcock no pledges
have been made lor mm. rage l.
Earthquake drives miners out of Death
Valley. Page 1.
Committee of San Francisco citizens to in
quire into delay of grart trials, rage o.
Chicago evangelists evade stockyards dis
trict. Pagu l.
Appeal Court orders M"orse to stay in Jail.
Page 2.
Automobile collides with train in California
and four persons are kinea. rage l.
College student driven Insane by Imagined
hazing. Page 1-
Portland Rowing Club elects H. E. Judge
president. Page T-
Commercial and Marine.
Course of stock prices before and after
election. Page 17.
Big advance in wheat on export buying.
Page it.
Boom in Harrlman Pacifies In stock mar
ket. Page li.
Spokane citizen Jumps from steamer Nome
City ana arowns. rage in.
Portland and Vicinity.
Council will probably sustain Mayor's veto
of Rushlight amenameni. rage 11.
Service on North Bank road will begin
next Tuesday. Page ie.
Sell wood Republicans head movement
against election or cnamoenaw. rage iu
Oregon riflemen may compete in great
international meet. Page 11.
H C King, lawyer, a-Baults Deputy City
Attorney Grant, on street. Page 10.
Harrlman has built water haul road to
Coast- Page 16.
prosecution in La Rose case thinks It has
Imprssed Jury. Page 10.
Committee will prepare ordinance asking
X2.UVU.UVU lor new uuutfa. iragv ax.
Interests Affected Ask
Higher Duty.
Manufacturers Apparently All
Satisfied at Present.
Majority of Committee Wants Re
vision, Giving This Country Ben
efit of European rowers' "Fa
vored Nation" Clause.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 10. With few ex
ceptions the interests affected by sched
ule A, of the Dingley tariff, which in
cludes over 100 articles under the head
ing of chemicals, oils and paints, do not
desire any changes in the rates of duty
now operative. This was Indicated today
at the first hearing: for consideration for
revision of the tariff, held before the
House committee on ways and means.
The hearings are preliminary to the tak
ing up of the question at the extra ses
sion ' of Congress. The chemical pro
ducts, coal tar products, chemicals,
paints, oils, varnishes, medicinal prepara
tions and extracts for dyeing or tanning
were tlie principal subjects on which the
committee obtained information from
those who appeared before It today.
Few .Requests for Increase.
There were few requests for increase!
in the present rates of duty. A Btrong
advocate of lower tariff rates was Al
bert Plaut. who drafted the schedule for
medicinal chemicals for the NVIIson bill.
"The duties on medicinal chemicals,"
he said, "are mostly prohibitive, being in
most, cases 25 per cent, which is a pro
hibitive rate. The duties are practically
the same as the tariff of 18S3. What was
good for the trade then is not good now."
In addition Jo recommending that
medicinal chemicals now scheduled at 25
per cent ad valorem should be reduced to
15 per cent, Mr. Plaut said that certain
articles of a similar nature should be
taken off the free list, naming quinine
as an example, and recommending for
it 15 per cent ad valorem rate.
Varnish-Makers Satisfied.
N". D. Arnold, representing the Varnish
Manufacturers' National Association, de
clared that varnish manufacturers of .the
country are satisfied with present con
ditions. ' Replying to Mr. Underwood, of
Alabama, Democratic member of the
committee, Mr. Arnold admitted that his
trade did not need any protection with
regard to alcohol varnish. He said in
view of the availlbllity of denatured
alcohol for manufactured varnish an ad
valorem rate of 25 per cent for alcohol
varnishes instead of the present rate of
35 per cent would be fair.
He created much amusement by his
frank statements with regard to the oft-
repeated assertion that surplus production
is offered on foreign markets by American
manufacturers at a less price than is
demanded in the home markets, declaring
that this was not true.
John F. Queeny, of St. Ixuls, and repre
sentatives of the Semet-Solvey Company,
of Syracuse, t. Y.. favored higher duties
on coal tar products, the former request
ing that a duty be imposed on salain, now
on the free list.
Ask for Higher Rate.
Dr. Springer, representing a chemical
firm of Cincinnati, asked that 3 and 1-S
cents a pound be put on prussa soda In
stead of the ad valorem rate of 26 per
cent, which now applies, under para
graph three for chemical compounds. Ha
said that the low price of this article
abroad made it impossible to manufacture
at a profit in this country. He asked for
a 30 per cent ad valorem rate on tetrach
loride of tin. but admitted that this
would be a prohibitive rate of duty
which would permit him to Increase his
H. S. Wiredner, of New York, repre
senting zinc interests of New Jersey; Al
fred M. Isaacs, who favored a reduction
on low grade of glue, and Iarry Mohun,
of tills city, who suggested a duty of
one-half cent per pound on cocoanut oil.
also addressed the committee. Charlea
Evans, manufacturing chemist of Phila
delphia; W. W. Sklddy. representing the
manufacturers of extracts for dyeing
and tanning, and E. H. Dyer, represent
ing the Paint Manufacturers' Association
of the United States, advocated the re
tention of the duties imposed by the
present law. The committee held two
sessions and will resume tomorrow.
Work for "Favored Nation."
The majority of the ways and means
committee claim that it is necessary for
this country to adopt a tariff with a
maxlmim and minimum rate of duty in
order to conform with the tariffs adopted
by France, Germany and Russia. In this
way the United States could get the
benefit of the "favored nation" clause of
those countries in return for the minimum
rate of duty of our tariff. In foreign
countries which have adopted such a
tariff there is a reduction of about M
per cent in the minimum rate. The man
ufacturers who were advocating a pro
tective tariff want the committee on
ways and means to make the present
rate of duty the minimum rates in the
new tariff, but which would result in a
considerable increase in the rates of duty
for countries which have no "favored
nation" clause to offer the United State
Jehu 107.0