Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 10, 1908, Page 6, Image 6

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I urges prof. Lewis
Lane County Should Be Grow
: ing Carloads of Cabbage
State Now Imports.
Circuit Court and Schools Clo for
; Dcmonstrmlton Work In I-ane
Conntj- Train to Tour
Marlon County Today.
1 ALBA NT. Or.. Nov. . (Special.) Th
; Southern Parlflc's "school on wheels."
as th faxmtna: demonstration train la
i called, toured Lane County today. In no
section of the state traversed haa the
Interest been greater or the crowds bts;
" wer or more attentive. About 4000 people
listened to the - lecturea and demonsira-
ttons and witnessed the exhibits during
the day. and this Is about the average
attendance on the whole trip. Today the
- southernmost point of the trip. Cottage
Grove, was reached, and the pilot of the
'. locomotive turned north afraln. Tomorrow
- Marion County will be Invaded.
' Lne County, because of the large
acreage of foothill lands, is well adapted
to fruit culture, as well as dairying- and
- general agriculture. The rich river bot-
toms of the county are .especially fitted
I for vegetable growing. Professor C. I.
Iewls. horticulturist of the train, called
" attention to the field In this section of the
valley for a- great development of the
' fruit Industry. In his lectures today, he
i said:
Peaches Sure Crop In Lane.
"There is no section of the country
1 where peaches are such a sure crop as
here. In other fruit districts they are
I satisfied if they gt a peach crop once
-in several years. Here full peach crops
. are the rule, with a failure the rare ex
ception. On our river bottom lands peach
orchardlsta have told me they have
known a failure only once In over 20
years. x
"No section of this or any other state
- Is more adapted to the culture of aspar-
iin and cabbage than your river bottom
lands. California is sending out thou
sands of carloads every year of these two
vegetables, while Oregon is Importing
them Instead of marketing them In large
quantities. There should be a famiiy on
every 25 or 40-acre tract in this valley,
and that amount of land will keep these
families In comfort."
Court and School Stop Work.
So' great was the Interest in the demon
. strstlon train at Eugene today that Judge
I T. Harris dismissed the Orcuit Court
'. that the farmers in attendance might hear
- the lectures and view the exhibits.
At Cottage Grove schools were dismissed
Z and the children marched to the train and
" showed great interest In the demonstra
J tlons. Springfield turned out a large
crowd and Brownsville, the last atop to-
day. made a splendid, showing. At all
of these places the Interest waa genuine.
Farmers aaked questions freely and
." gained Information of great value to them.
As on the former days of the trip.
farmers and fruitgrowers brought specl-
mens of plants to the train to get tnfor-
matlon how to grow better ones. An odd
1 s'ght was a fruitgrower bringing a small
- apple tree to the train and asking what
t ailed It. The disease was diagnosed and
- the remedy prescribed. A man attended
I the demonstrations at Eugene today who
owns a dairy farm on Columbia Slough.
He has followed the train up the valley
and attended lectures at various points.
Spend Night at Albany.
Comment Is made everywhere upon the
, extremely practical nature of the exhibits
and the lectures. Those In attendance
J are told that the information they want
Is here and they are Invited to learn all
they can in the time the train halts at
m the various stations. Tfte farmers realize
the value of the exhibits and demonstra-
tions. and they are proving as profitable
as a short course at the Oregon Agrlcult
Z ural College. The only regret expressed
Is that the stops at the various stations
7 are necessarily so short. '
Tonight will be spent at Albany and
the stops for tomorrow are Jefferson.
&Alem. Gervaia and Woodburn.
I What "Educated" Kale Will Do.
Kale that has been given a college
1 education Is carried on board the train
to give dairymen an idea of what can
he done with this useful plant. Kale
- that has been through college Is better
bred than plants of the same species
. that have not had the advantages of an
education. One plant will grow tall, with
manv leaves, and will attain a weight
. of SO pounds, while the other remains
J down near the ground and does not
weigh more than one-third as much aa
Its more cultured cousin.
One Is blue-blooded Kale, the other Is
not. One hns had good ancestors; the
J other, like Topsy. "just g rowed." With
T Kale, as with people. It is essential to
choose one's antecedents.
In the exhibit er under the super-
vision of Professor H. D. Scudder. sgron
J omlst. there are two Kale plants, placed
k al'le by side. One Is tall, with fine, suc-
culent leaves and stalks, while the other
T Is coarse, with thick, heavy, coarse
leaves and stems that do not attain
more than one-half the height of the
better bred plant.
These two plants were grown side by
side In the same row in the same field.
They had equal care and attention. The
leaves of the coarser plant are so heavy
that they break off of their own weight.
while the other is thick, with finer
lesves of better fiber and growth.
The difference In the two plants Is In
their ancestry. One had bhie-blooded
parentage, the other sprang from scrub
progenitors. Professor Scudder explain!
that while good children cannot be ex
k pected from criminal or unfit parents.
J neither will good Kale grow from scrub
; "All that the farmer needs to do to
r secure the Ideal dairy food for his herd
of milk producers.' Professor Scudder la
I telling the farmers who throng his ex
hihtt car. "Is to choose the seed from
his best plants and sow It the following
year. The seed he buys is mixed, the
good with the bad. S.nib plants have
I contributed their seed together with good
plants, and the result is any number of
types of varying excellence. Some are
coarse and grow so near the ground that
the lower leaves turn yellow while other.
proud of their parentage and better
ancestry, grow tall and have finer, better
1 fiber, with many times the number of
leaves that the underbred plants have.
I Select Only Best Plants.
; "The farmer should ma?-, bis best
" plants and save the seed from them. The
seed from two plants will be sufficient
Z to seed six acres, which will yield enough
to give 5" cows their green feed through-
out the year. This is the most Important
jart of the cow s feed, about 4f pounds
f green feed and 10 pounds of drv being
' the normal dally ration for a dairy cow.
. "Kale should be planted in March.
transplanted In June, and by October It
will he practically matured. However,
frosts do not affect It and It will thrive
all Winter, giving green feed for the six
Winter months of the year."
Kale la a plant that originated in Scot
land and was taken from there to Eng
land and thence to this country. It Is a
relative of the cabbage and cauliflower
but promises to be even more important
to the development of this state than
either because of its value to the dairy
industry. It should be' planted in soil
enriched by barn-yard compost and under
the right conditions it makes a remark
able growth.
Scudder's Chart Interests.
Professor Scudder has a chart that at
tracts no little attention from the farm
ers and dairymen, showing how eight
acres of Kale will yield SH tons of feed.
This, with rye or oats and vetch, clover
and corn, which are called soiling crops,
will yield 447 tons of continuous green
feed for dairy herds the year around.
By using these crops for dairy herds. oO
cows can be kept on 25 acres of W illani
ette Vall-y land. - - - -.
Farmers are showing great Interest In
Professor jcudder's demonstrations along
this line snd his talks are bound to re
sult In grentlv Improved methods of dairy
rtork feeding -and consequently greater
If Salem Re-elects Rodgers He
Will Enforce Laws.
If Identity Is Proven, Gardiner
Preacher Must Go to Texas
to Stand Trial.
SAI-EM, Or.. Nov 9. (Special.)
What la either a remarkable case of
mistaken Identity or a Tank instance
of hypocrisy was called to the atten
tion "of Governor Chamberlain today,
when Rev. George C. Clark, of Gar
dined. Douglas County, appealed to
the Governor for protection against
extradition. Clark has been arrested
upon the theory that he is Rev. George
C. Summers, who la wanted at Throck
morton. Tex., to answer a charge of
embezzlement. Though the circum
stances point almost conclusively to
the identity of Clark and Summers, yet
Mr. Clark has a letter from Rev. T. B.
Ford in which the latter declares that
he knows both men and that they are
not one and the aame.
Rev. George C. Summers left his
wife and family at Throckmorton In
1904 and eloped with Elizabeth Massey.
a young girl. He embezzled money at
the same time. Since then his where
abouts have been unknown;
Rev. George C. Clark saya that he
formerly lived in Throckmorton, Tex.,
but that he left there In 1900. In which
vear. at Dallas, Tex., he married Eliz
abeth Massey. who, however, is not
the same Elizabeth Massey who was
married by Rev. George C. Summers.
Clark came to Oregon in 1904. soon
after the time of Summer's disappear
ance. He occupied the Methodist Epis
copal pulpit ' at Wlldervllle and was
later transferred to Gardiner, where
he is now preaching.
Clark admits that he looks like
Summers and that the circumstances
are strongly against him. but he pro
tests his Innocence. At his urgent' re
quest he waa brought to Salem today
by the Sheriff of Douglas County In
order that he might tell his story and
protest against the granting of ex
tradition. A number of Methodist
ministers called upon the Oovernor to
day, but as they knew nothing about
the facta . In the case, they merely J
asked that the Governor make a thor
ough Investigation before granting ei-i
tradition, ao that no Injustice shall be
"Doc". Raymond. Mlnlng-Camp Fol
lower, Arretted at Baker City.
BAKER CITT, Or.. Nov. 9. (Spe
cial.) "Doc" Raymond, a celebrated
character, known to all followers of
mining camps throughout the North
west, is In Jail here for obtaining 153
from Eugene DeFreese, proprietor of
the Resort saloon, on a "phony" dia
mond. Raymond came to the city and. after
meeting DeFreese, told a hard-luck
story full of incidents that would have
a tendency to enlist pity and sympathy,
closing his remarks by offering to give
up his last diamond If he could only
raise $50 on It.
The money was produced, and after
the diamond had been turned over, ex
amination was made, only to find that
It was worthless. Raymond was ar
rested and starched, but only $24 of the
money was recovered. He had a 120
bill concealed in his pocket.
Declares He Will Resign if He Can't
Have Police Force Behind Him.
' WIH Perm! Ko Violation
of Any City Statute.
SALEM. Or.. Nov. (Special.)
Mayor Georire F. Rodgers. who was last
Saturday renominated without effort on
his part and without his name having
been printed upon the ballot, issued an
address to the people of Salem today, in
which he declare that, if re-elected, he
must have a police force with which he
ran enforce all the laws and that he
Will favor spending plenty of money for
public improvements.
.. Since candidates for city offices gen
rally promise retrenchment and do not
aggressively antagonise any class of
voters, the address Is quite novel In city
politics. It is as follows:
To the People of Ralera: To be Mayor of
Falem I s personal sacrifice and public
service which people generally do not ap
preciate. I do not seek the place, but If
the people desire me to continue in office
it is but fair that they know what course
I Intend to pursue so that my election will
mount to an Indorsement or my defeat a
rejection of my policies.
In the nrst place it is not for an executive
to say which laws on the statute books are
good and which .are not, good. It Is for
htm to enforce all laws alike. This I pro
pose to do to the utmost limit.
If I am not given a police force that will
carry out my orders I will hire one of my
own at the expense of the city. Tf the city
refuses to back me up I will resign. If you
give me the reins I must Insist upon driv
ing. If we have unwise laws the people should
Insist upon their repeal. "Wise laws and un
wise laws wiil be enforced. The people
have no right to exact an oath from an
executive to the effect that he will enforce
the law and then scout him as a crank
when he endeavors to live up to the letter
of his pledge. I do not believe in bow
knot oath. Mine must be of the square
knot variety with no loose ends to pull free.
Merchants and property-owners must com
ply with laws governing private property,
public thoroughfares and sanitation. Gam
bling joints must close. I will not have a
lot of tin-horn gamblers fattening off the
community and sneering at the law, nor
will I raid them again single-banded. It is
the business of the police. Law-defying
saloons will get no protection. A man who
sells an Intoxicated man a drink is ten
times worse than the drunk,, who. in such a
case, is the victim and the aaloonman the
I shall continue to be for spending plenty
of money for public improvements ana tax
payers who want retrenchment will not find
a responsive servant In me. If I could not
boast of spending more money than any
previous administration has spent I would
consider mine a failure. The country is
forging ahead and Salem must keep awake.
Korlv-two Yardmen Demand Ad
vance and Are Discharged.
HOQL'IAM. Wash.. Nov. 8. (Special.)
Forty-two yardmen and teamsters of
the Hoqulam Lumber & Shingle Com
pany went on atrlke this afternoon for
a 23-rent raise from J2 a day. They
made the claim that aa Taft waa elect
ed It waa time for the company to raise
waa-es. The management simply re
plied: "It looks as If you men have quit:
go to the offloe for your time."
The mill la one of the largest on the
harbor and employs ahout 175 men on
a shift. The entire plant is running
and it Is claimed a full crew will be
at work tomorrow morning.
City Election Today.
VANCOUVER. Wash.. Nov. 9. (Spe
cial.) A lively campaign has been
wafted all aay between J. P. Keg-gins
and J. H. Elwell. candidates for Mayor.
The election takes place tomorrow.
Both aspirants are Republicans, and
both are In favor of a new water sys
tem for Vancouver. A large vote is
expected tomorrow.
Visits Clark County Corps.
VANCOUVER. Wash.. Nov. 9. (Spe
cial.) Mrs. Lydla McKerker, assistant
department instructor. W. R. c.. In
spected the corps at Vancouver and
Orchard today and will leave tomorrow
for White Salmon. Mrs. McKerker
complimented the Clark County Corps
for their good work.
"I have had seven years of proof
that Dr. King's New Discovery Is the
best medicine to take for couehs and
colds and for every diseased condition
of throat,, chest or lunsfs," writes W.
V Henry, of Panama. Mo. The world
has had thlrty-eljrht years of proof
that Dr. King's New Discovery is the
best remedv for coughs and colds, la
grippe, asthma, hay fever, bronchitis,
hemorrhage of the lungs and the
earlv stages of consumption. Its
timelv use always prevents the devel
opment of pneumonia. Sold under
guarantee at Woortard. Clarke drug
store. 50c and tl.OQ. Trial bottle free.
TV LAXATIVE PROMO Quinine Tablet!.
PrurstMn refund money if It fall 'o cur.
E- W. GROVE'S aifnatur la on each box. 25c,
Handsome' SIx-Ftaoter Named Row
land Becomes Too Attentive to
Xobleman's Actress Wife.
VICTORIA. B. C. Nov. 9. (Special.)
lord Sholto Douglas, brother of the ninth
Marquis of Queensherry and son of the
compiler of the fistic rules, is again In
trouble, this time charged with attempted
murder of an ex-Army man named Row
land, and is now in the provincial jail at
Nelson committed to stand his trial on
this charge.
Some four years. ago, his Lordship mar
ried a handsome .variety actress named
Loretta Mooney, and after the usual
family row on such occasions the couple
decided to seek their fortunes, or rather
add to hla lardshlp "allowance," on the
vaudeville stage.
Lord and Lady Douglas were up to a
year or so ago the "top liners" on bills
of the vaudeville houses in the Northwest
circuit, and did a double turn with more
or less acceptance. Finally growing tired
of this not too remunerative work. Lord
Sholto, who It will be remembered was
arrested some years ago In England at
the instance, It is alleged, of his own
father, on the charge of insanity, bought
a ranch In the interior of British Co
lumbia. Here for the past few years they have
resided, but always a man named Row
land, who Is a handsome six-footer, waa
very much In evidence. Last Friday.
Lord Sholto on returning home unex
pectedly found the man Rowland In pos
session. Lord Douglas ordered the man
out of the house and on his refusal to
do so selxed a shotgun and opened fire,
the charge taking effect In the man's
back and neck. .
Molalla Farmer Is Killed by Fall
From His Horse.
OREGON CITT. Or., Nov. 9. (Spe
cial.) The body of Louis Turner, who
disappeared from his home, 12 miles
from Molalla Comers, last Thursday
morning, was found yesterday about
1 Vi miles from Tom Scott's cabin on
Pine Creek. His head waa badly
crushed on one side. Indicating that his
horse had fallen with him, and Turner
was probably Instantly killed.
Deceased was about 5 years of age
and is survived by a son at Hlllsboro.
but who was formerly a member of the
Portland police force, and a grand
daughter, who lived with hlra. Turner
came to Molalla two years aga and his
son stayed there about a year, but left
last Spring.
The unfortunate man left Thursday
morning on horseback for his cattle
pasture, about four miles distant from
his farm, and his failure to return
caused his neighbors to make search
for him. His horse wandered back home
Captain John , Graham Cox, Well
Known in Marine Circles.
VICTORIA, B. C, Nov. 9. Captain
John Graham Cox, Lloyds' agent, and
one of the best-known shipping men
of the Northwest, died this morning at
St. Joseph's Hospital, following- an op
eration for appendicitis. He was a
member of the ship chandlery firm of
E. B. Marvin Co.
He was born In Nova Scotia in 1843.
and went to sea on his father's shlpsiat
10 years of age. and was master and
owner of many vessels In his younger
days, when for a time he was a trader
In South America Of late years he
There is no better evidence
of prosperity than to possess
fine jewelry, and wear it ap
' propriately.
It is seldom that fine jew-
elry is ever worn, unbecom
ingly; people who appreciate
its true value wear it mod
estly. Most people can be pretty
accurately sized up by the
character of the jewelry they
A neat, exclusive design in
jewelry will . almost always
attract attention; something
out of the ordinary is what
people of discerning tastes
My stock of exclusive pieces
in jewelry is the most ejrten- .
sive shown in Portland I
have seen to it that every
piece is up to a standard that
would meet the requirements
of the most intelligent
There is a jewelry store in
every city of any size that is
known to bea little more ex
clusive than others, and trav
elers seek these places in
. their search for souvenirs.
From all I can learn
through the many travelers
who visit my store on their
way through Portland, my'
store is booked ahead for a
visit by those who make the
trip to the Pacific Coast.
You are cordially invited
to come in and see the beau
tiful exclusive jewelry that I
am showing, at any time.
Cteweler aria vJilverjroitrT
.23- WasKivcrtoiv street
was engaged In sealing, and owned a
number of schooners
He was considered one of the best
posted men on marine law and busi
ness matters on the Pacific Coast.
Friends of Traveling Man Preparing
Petition to Governor.
SALEM, ;Or., Nov. 9. (Special.) Pe
titions were put In circulation today ask
ing Governor Chamberlain to grant a
pardon lh favor of P. N Lathrop, a
well-known business and traveling man
who was recently convicted of. perjury
and sentenced to servo four years in the
penitentiary. Lathrop's case has. boon
appealed to the Supreme Court. Some
of the trial Jurors who convicted him
have signed the petition upon the the
ory that he has already been punished
enough. '
The alleged false swearing occurred in
the Savage divorce suit in which it was
alleged that Lathrop and Mrs. A. T.
Savage registered at a hotel In Shelburn
as man and wife.
Harry Murphy and Robert Harvey
Guilty of Assault.
EUGENE, Or.. Nov. 9. (Special.)
Harry Murphy and Robert Harvey, who
were tried for assaulting with intent
to rob M. V. DeWald, of Cottage Grove,
several weeks ago, were today found
guilty after the Jury had been out only
a few minutes.
Harvey Jones and Fred Craig, charged
with contributing to the delinquency of
a' minor, were Indicted by the grand
Jury. Bert Kelsey. charged with per
jury, also was Indicted.
Loses (1000 Log Raft.
MARSHFIELD. Or.. Nov. 9. (Special.)
On account of the breaking of a boom
on South Slough yesterday the Smith
Powers' Logging Company lost 2SO.O0O feet
of logs. A big raft was caught in a
strong tide and carried over the bar.
The raft broke and the logs were scat
tered and lost. The value of the raft was
about Jionn.
For three days only we will sell the famous "Likly" Bag-gage-Smasher
Trunks at one-fourth off. The line includes
wardrobe, dresser, hat, steamer and ordinary trunks in all
grades. These goods are known the world over as the best that
has been produced in trunks. For quality you can't beat them.
Full leather Snitcases, 24 inches Ions,
with inside shirtfold, riveted frame, well
strapped and fitted with strong locks;
regular $8.00 values, spe-
All our $150 Handbaps, in black and col
ors, with' Venetian handles and 7Q
inside coin purses; special
Traveling Cases and Rollups, containing
manicure and toilet articles complete;
values from $1.00 to $50.00
Just in a new shipment Cross Imported English Gloves, in
' all styles, shades and prices.
$15.00 VALUES $5 00
fit plff S pi
till feik-'
43 original Qil Paintings, no two
alike; values up to $15; beautifully
framed in latest designs of moldings,
each encased in a shadow box; every
one a work of art and an imported
Don't fail to see our new line of bun
galow and den pictures in Washington-street
Corset Ankle Supporters, for weak or sprained ankles; fits
inside the shoe, and laces up like a corset; the CI 25
Artificial eyes, made in Germany, and the colors so blended
as to make it almost impossible to distinguish them from the
natural eye. ....
Elastic Hosiery and Bandages of all kinds and descriptions,
guaranteed to last and give satisfaction.
Trusses that will hold any rupture that can be held by a truss.
Eureka Hand Vibrator, has Swedish massage movement;
works with a crank instead of an electric current, and is
the most complete artificial exerciser on the 1J1 Q QQ
market - tirice p M.JJJ
Foot Arch Supporters, guaranteed to give
the proper arch to a low instep and make
afrr.T $1.50 to $3.00
We are constantly adding new goods
to our Optical department; just now
we are showing some very neat styles
of Rimless Eyeglass Mounts, made o
solid gold, elegant but not expensive.
or Double Glasses enable the wearer
to use one pair of glasses for both
near and far vision
Open a
Kobert Miles, Desperate Outlaw,
Heads for Mountains With Sher
iff in Hot Pursuit.
GOLDENDALB, Wash., Nov. 9.
(Special.) Robert Miles, charged with
cattle rustling:, broke jail Sunday
morning by diRgrintr through the brick
wall. It is supposed the mortar had
been removed some days before. Par
ties from the outside aided Miles to
escape, and supplied him with a horse,
Tna mil blankets. Warrants are now
now out for the arrest of the two men
who assisted him.
Miles has taken to the mountains
and Is evidently headed toward Ellens
bura; or Cowlita. Sheriff Warwick and
a posse of citizens are hot on his trail
and a fight Is expected when they
overtake him. as Miles Is heavily
armed and a desperate character. ,
He was -under a suspended sentence
for burglary and was recently arrested
for cattle stealing.
Miles Is 20 years old. five feet, eight
inches high, of light complexion,
smooth shaved, -brown hair and has
narrow features. He left here riding
a cream-colored one-eyed horse. The
saddle stirrups are heavy iron rings.
Sheriff Warwick has offered ?50 re
ward for Miles' capture.
JanclgaJ Pleads Guilty to Murder.
OB.BGON CITT, Or., Nov. 9. (Spe
cial.) Math Jancigaj, charged with the
murder of 16-year-old Mary. Smrekar in
this city last July, this afternoon en
tered a plea of guilty and will be sen
tenced next Thursday.
Infantile Enema Quirk ry Relieved br
External Use of Oil of Wnter
BTeen Compound.
6o Years
We thoroughly belieoe in our remedies.
We want you to Believe in them, too.
Suppose you let your doctor decide.
Ayer s Cherry Pectoral
Sixty, years of experience with Ayer's Cherry Pec
toral make us have great confidence in it for coughs,
colds on the chest; bronchitis, hoarseness, weak
throats, weak lungs. Ask your : doctor to tell yqu
his experience with it. If satisfactory, then you
will certainly have every confidence in it.
We have no secrets! We publish
the formulas of all our medicines.
J. C. AYER CO.y Manufactqripg Chemists, Lowell, Mass.
It Is your fault if your mouth resembles
this In any way. This mouth, juat aa you
ee It, we can supply with bridges without
plaes that will be perfectly firm, look as
well as the natural teeth and chew your
food perfectly.
perfected during 21 years' active practice
In Portland, guarantees you unrivaled re
sults In all branches of the dental pro
fession. Plates that fit perfectly and. that
won't come loose, absolutely painless extrac
tions, scientific porcelain and Inlay work,
all performed by specialists of standing in
the profession. Tour work done in a day
If deslrwd.
Dr. W. A. Wise, Mgr., 21 years in Port
land. Second floor Failing bldg.. Third and
"Washington streets. Office hours, 8 A. M.
to 8 P- M. Sundays, 9 to 1 P. M. Painless
extracting, 60c ; plates, ?5 up. Phones A
and Main 2020.
Fingers roughened ij needlework
eatch every stain and look hope
lessly dirty. Hand Sapolio re
moves not only the dirt, but ale.
the loosened, injured cuticle, and
restores the fingers to their nat
ural beauty.
Infantile eczema, which has baffled
the skill of the beBt physicians for so
many years at last seems to be curable
and curable with great ease.
Results of the last two years Indi
cate conclusively that baby's Itch. In
fantile eczema and other skin diseases
of children can be very simply cured
by the application of a compound com
posed of oil of wlmergreen, thymol and
glycerine, as In D. D. D. Prescription.
The Rev. Lewis Steeley, of Weather
ly. Pa., writes:
"Our baby boy's little face was so
dreadfully covered with eczema that
blood and1 water ran from the sores
nearly all the time. After using- 3
bottles of D. D. D. Prescription we are
so happy to tell you he Is entirely
cured and the disease has never broken
out again. If this letter Is In any
way a help to other sufferers, you may
publish It."
Tf you have a child which Is suffer
ing with this terrible Itch, we are sure
you. will not neglect one hour to give
your baby the right kind of relief. We
have seen too often how quickly the
remedy mentioned above takes the Itch
away at once and how all the cures
seem to be permanent; we have seen
this too often to hesitate at all In
recommending the remedy for your
Woodard, Clarke Co., Skldmore
Drug Co.
These special agents indorse D. D. H.
Prescription; 6t. John Pharmacy. St.
John; J. C. Wyatt. Vancouver; Howell
& Jones, Oregon City.
LoxAhgele j Cal
i Mm ,i a ! .
and up
$1.50 up
Dr. Sanderson's Compound Sav
in and Cotton Boot Pills, the
best and only reliable remedy
mnet ntiKtlnatft rases In A to 10
days. Price $2 per box, or S boxes 5. Bold
by druggists everywhere.
Address T. J. FIERCE, SU AIlsKy Bid.
265 M or r la on Bt, Portland, Oregon.
to plnt ani coltivate Ulip. Hyacinths,
Dahlias. Rhododendrons, Peonies; how to stow
in rlawu-a and window gardens aswfill aaln
Hower bedi BtTLB TaaLM. howingnumherof
bulbs required for different ala of flower
hKl compendium of Information eonoerntns
Planting shade, not snd ornamental tree
Our expert will visit your premises
upon request, wit bo at otl 1 gat In you.
KONES-(only catalomie llluatratins; und d
scrtbin Oil the staple and dw Tanetlea . lor
x.-At..rk anil Mnti climate.) r til IT
TREES Burhank'a Novelties. STRAW
BERRY PLANTS. Twenty years experu
enceinPsciflcNorthwent speaks to jou throush
this catalogue ana rmaes jou to
write rone, luiamtniv vix
(salesroom Front and Yamhill SU.
A Skin cf Beauty is a Joy Forevs'
f-rvlM- Moth Pat-heaV.
Rii, sad tkin Die sops.
sua every DiemiMi
on beauty, and da
lle, detection. It
hits stood tb test
of years, snd
is so birmlets w
taste it to be -tire It
Is properly mad. '
Accept no counter
(tit of aUaUar
name. Dr. J. A.
Sarre said to a
lady of tfa s haul
ton (a patleot):
" As you ladles
wilt use them,
I recommend
Goarnod's Cream at ths leant harmful of all th
Wd crepsTation- rr ale by all dratxists and Fasry.
odVDealers in ths United States, Canada aad Europe,
rIlT.H0?KHS,PropH37ereiaJimii StoctK-wYoi