Trr AinnvTVfi nRFfinvt'iV TT'ESnAY. OVE3IBEK lO. 1UOS. ROOT IS CHOSEN FOR PUTT'S SEAT Roosevelt Confers With New York Leaders on Sen atorship. WILLING TO ACCEPT JOB Wadtworth and Ward Consult Pres ident. Who Favor Root, bat Will Kep Hands Off Root Is Noncommittal as Yet. WASHINGTON. Nov. . It la the opinion in Waalilng-ion that as a result of a Ion conference at the White Houae today between President Roosevelt. James Wadsworth. Jr.. Speaker of the w York Ptate Assembly, and Wffilara I ' Ward. .Republican National commit teeman, the man who will be supported v them next January to Succeed Thomas C Piatt on March 4. IS.- as Vnlted States Senator will be Blhu Root, of Clinton. N. Y.. the present Sec retary of State. Neither Mr. Ward nor Mr.- Wadawortlt would dtscues the matti-r. but It Is known that the Secretary Is not averse to accepting tlie candidacy providing he Is assured there Is no opposition to him. Mr. Roosevelt personally favors Mr. Root, but Mr. WaJsworth said today he Had. received assurances from tie Presi dent that he would not Interfere in the selection of th next Senator. ' When Sec retarv Loeb was asked whether the President had alven this assurance ha declared that It was no use for the President to Interfere, leaving- the In ference that the matter already had been settled. , Mr. Root declared today that he had made no announcement that he would he a candidate and that he could not discuss the matter. Ho had Just come from the President's office. Mr. Root said that he had written several letters on the subject of the Senatorship. but In nona of them had he said he would be a candidate. ' GOMPERS STILL DEFIANT fConttnud from First Pae referred to the recent panic and said It was an Indictment against our civiliza tion that such a paralysis of industry should be possible and that those respon sible "for the unnecessary and wanton misery of so large a mass of workless workers" should be held accountable. He reported the chartering during the rear of 'J34 new unions and that on Sep tember 30 there were affiliated with the Federation 116 international unions hav ing :8.70i local unions: two industrial de partments In the building and metal trades: 3S state federations; 6f6 city cen tral bodies: 683 local trade and federated labor unions. The unions had resisted a wholesale cutting of wages during the depression and had praotlcally averted It. He urged that thev continue this policy. He reported great progress In the labor movement in Canada, where efforts were made to send labor members to the leg islature. The labor movement was also advancing In Porto Rico, where 11 imlons had been organised and several remedial laws secured. He also told or steps taken by the National Farmers Vnlon for co-operation with the Federa tion. He told of closer relations with foreign unions. W ill ?ot Give Cp Free Speech. Mr. Gompers made a detailed report on the Buck Stove Range Company boy cott case. In which he and other officers of the Federation were enjoined from publishing any allusion to the dispute with that company and were afterwards summoned for contempt of court In vio lating the Injunction. He then says: A a eltln and a mn I cannot and will not surrender my nsht of free speech and freedom of the prrss. t Is Impossible to .,, how we cn comply fully with the .ourl's injunction. hll we le d-n.e.l the of free speech and free prew simply bec.u.e e are workm-nT Is It th.nkahle that, we shall be compelled to supprru. re fuse to distribute, and kil! for all come the official transactions of one of the arrant conventions of our Federation? j PNown"V Is the American Fedcrstlon of and tn Amerl.-an Pvdermtionlst which sre enjoined from the esercifO of the rlKht of fre speech and the liberty, of the. press In th future It may be snmhrr l'"b1"" tlon. an.l then IMi injunction will u-ic.d s a sacrrd precedent fhr fu.ilra encroachments upon the rixhts and liberties of our people. I vsnture to assert that toe bkferrst an tagonist to labor in lonsress would nH have the temerity to present to that budr a bill which would deny l" the tollers of our counirv the rlrht of free expression throuah speech or the presa. and yet this v.rv denial and invasion are attempted by this Injunction. If slut 's published i wrens, or false, or sedltl.'ua. or treasonable. It is within the power of the courts to punish him by applvln the ordinary process of U. If what Is published is libelous, the civil and criminal laws may be Invoked. Objections to Injunctions. Injunctions as Issued against wrkmen sr, never applied to or Issued analust any other citlaen of our country. These injunctions are an attempt to deprive .111 xene of our country when they are workmen of the rlKhl of trial by Jury. They are an effort to fasten an oiTenae upon workmen who ara Innocent of any illegal act. They ara Issued In trade disputes to make outlaws of men who are not even charged with doing thlnas In violation of anv law of state or Nation These injunc tions Issued In labor disputes are an indi rect assertion of a property right in men. when these men -are workmen crssed In a legitimate effort to protect or to advance their natural rights and interesls. The writ of Injunction, beneticent in Its original purpose, has been pcrverteii from the prote.-llnn of property and property rights and extended to the inva-lon of per eocdl tishts and human freedom. The Injunction must never be used to curtail or Invade personal rights ! must never be used ill an effort to punish crime. It must never be used as a means to set aside trial by Jury. Yet injunctions as Issued against work men are ued for all these purposes and are never used or Ivsued against any other citizen of our country for such purposes, and not even -axalnst workmen unless tiiey a-e engsged In a labor dispute. Such In junctions have no wttrrant in law. and are the result of Juriirtdl usurpation and Ju dicial leaHslation. which usurp the place of I'oiigreestonat legislation and are repugnant to constitutional guarantees. Ir all things In vhl. lt workmen are- en Joined bv trm process of an injtinrtit.-n dur ing labor disputes If those acts are crim inal or unlawful there are already atnpia law and remedy provided. Labor aska for no Immunity for any of ls men who may b guilty of violence or crime. It has nc desire to become a privi leged class, much less a privileged class of wrong-doers. Labor r-rotests against the discrimination against w.vrkmen which denies Lhera equal Justice with every other cltixen of our countrv- If any man of labor be guilty of a violation of any law. we content! that he should be apprehended, confronted with his accuser, and trlwd by a Jury of his peers; that he. like all other citlxena. ba pre sumed to be Innocent until proven guilty. Dealest Istbor t nioo la Trust. He. then recited the Supreme Court decision In the Danbury Hatters Union ens, wherein the union was declared a trust and to have violated the anti-trust law. He denied that this decision neces sarily constituted a labor union a trust. H dilated on the difference between a ,niQiiQ30ly . in the. production f a -material commodity and a labor union which controls the labor power of its members.. He said that IS workmen in Missouri had also been Indicted for vio lating the Sherman law by aiding their fellow-workers to obtain the prevailing rate of wages denied by a shipowner. Shot at Supreme Conrt. The existence of the labor organisations now depends upon the point of view of an administration, or upon Its sufferance Tnat this point of view of the law. as Interpre ted by the court, or this sufferance or toler ation of the erganlxatlona. may be changed at the whim or fancy of a change In this or another administration of the affairs or our country, no one will deny. I have already pointed out that the llfe- - - mav nervert their long e ii v 1 1 . ... ii ii . . - judgment, and that the environment of the , respected gentlemen who sven compose the . Justices of the Supreme Bench has been such th.t they have not been brought Into practical and personal contact with Indus- trial problems: tnat on me ----- .asocial ions have largely been with busi ness and financial men: th.t naturally a man .bsorbs most of hi. point of view from hi. environment: th.t it la. therefore quit, understandable that the Justice, of the Su preme Court should have little knowledge of modern Indu-trl.t conditions. nd les. vmpathy with the effort, of the wage workers to adapt themselves to ttio marvel ous revolution which has tsken In in dustry In the psat Quarter of a century. " The attitude nd the language of tha court In the batters- case make It clear that ths Supreme Court la not Informed on modern economics. No one dispute, the real right, of property, but surely th. rlgnt. of property ara aot greater than th. right, of m.n. v He proceeded to discuss ths subject at length, saying that no corporation has a vested Interest in the patronage of a free man: that therefore tree men may bestow or withhold their patron age, that an act lawful for an Indi vidual la not unlawful for a number of persons acting together. j Labor Bills In Congress. j He then reviewed ths bill Introduced in Congress ta exempt labor unions from the provisions of the Sherman law. and the Pearce bill to restrict the use of injunctions. H declared that what they asked was already law In Great Britain, and recommended re newed efforts to secure the passage of these bills. Mr. Oompers reviewed the bills for the benefit of labor passed at the last session of Congress. Then he renewed Ms attack on the Supreme Court with this review of laws which It had de clared unconstitutional: The law of th. State of New York limit ing the hour, of workmen In bake shop, to ten per day. The law prohibiting common carriers en gaged In Interstate commerce from dt charglng employe, because of membership In a labor organisation, or discharging them for any reason. The law limiting the hours of telegraphers and other railway employes of common car riers engaged In Interstate commerce. Th. eight-hour law so far as It applies to dredge men In Government employ. The Supreme Court has decided in the Arago case. Robertson va Barry Baldwin, that seamen may be forcibly brought to their vessel, and forced to work again.t their will, notwithstanding the vessel, may be In safe harbor, thereby Imposing In voluntary servitude upon them. Entangled in Litigation. He told of several suits against the Federation now pending, and said It was the evident purpose to entangle the Federation In constant litigation at enormous expense of time and money. The assessment for litigation was already almost exhausted, and the Injunction cases were still pending. He would not recommend addltlonaj as sessments or appeals for voluntary contributions for such expenses. He opposed "assuming to do the Impossible that is, to be represented by compe tent legal counsel" but proposed that they should personally, as best they could, defend their rights before the courts and take the consequence!. He could see no remedy, "unless there shall be a quickening -of "the con sciences of our Judge or the relief which Congress can and should afford." Bitter Attack on Cannon. He then reviewed the proceedings leading up to the recent political action of the Federation, saying, among other things: The campaign Inaugurated by labor In li0 being the nrst conspicuous effort to punish labor', enemies at the polls. In creased their anger and aggtavated their antagonism. The Speaker. who had "packed" committees not only against labor but against any other real reform legisla tion, wa. braxenly re-elected, and to ac centuate his bitter and relentless determin ation to block effective legislation, he .o appointed his committees as to make abso lutely sure of the Impossibility of having bill, objectionable to him and the inter est." he represents from even being reported fo- the consideration of Congress. He accused Mr. Cannon of punishing Mr. pearce for introducing the antl injunctlcn law by refusing to appoint him on the Judiciary committee. He told of the rejection of the measures demanded and said: " Congress adjourned with the defiant dec laration of on. of the Republican leaders In Congress, and recent candidate of that party for the Vice-Presidency. James s. Sher man, that "the Republican party is re sponsible for legislation or for the failure of legislation." and that he and his party were willing to assume the responsibility. The report or our legislative committee reveals a tale of perfidy to the "common weal and In telling the truth perforce be smirches the name and history of a political party that found Its embodiment and- ideal Ism In the martyred Lincoln. The Republican party adopted declara tions for the enactment of a law that would legalise the worst abuse and perversion of the injunction writ, this In direct opposition to what we have asked. Demand on Conventions. Then lie told of the presentation of identical demands to the National Con ventions of the Republican and Demo cratic parties, and of the adoption of those demands by the Democrats. He denied having attempted to dictate how members should vote, and said he had always stood up for the right of a member to uphold his individual opin ion. He told of the progress of the In itiative and referendum movement. He said labor conditions on the Panama Cana! had improved but that the eight hour law was a dead letter there. He told of conflicts among the electrical workers and carworkers. He said the organ of the Federation, the American Federatlonist. had suffered financially from recent attacks and appealed for enlarged support. The exercises at this morning's ses sion included addresses of welcome by Governor Henry A. Buchtel. of Colo rado, and Mayor Robert W. Speer. of Depver. Response to the addresses was made bv Mr. Gompers. A snecial committee of five was ap pointed to hear the Electrical Workers' contest. GOMPERS CASE IS POSTPONED Contempt Proceedings Delayed on Account of Parker's Engagement. WASHINGTON. Nov. . The hearing in the contempt proceedings against Presi dent Gompers. Vice-President Xlitchell and Secretary Morrison of the American Fed eration of Labor, growing out of publi cations following the injunction issued against them In the Buck Stove Range Company case, has oeen postponed from tomorrow until next Thursday. . f aiton R Parker. an riinitiriii.ii. v. - - ' - counsel for the labor leaders, before the Court of Appeals in ew tors. as signed as the reason for the delay. FEW CHS II TARIFF ARE LIKELY Change Wording Only Now, Rate Revision Comes Later. EXTRA SESSION NECESSARY Senator Scott and Others Vrge Im mediate Action, but Committee Members Will Successfully Forestall Any Such More. j WASHINGTON. Nov. 9. The pro posed revision of the tariff was dis cussed at & conference today by Repre sentatives Payne of New York. Dalzell of Pennsylvania. Hill of Connecticut, and Gaines of West Virginia, leading Republican members of the House com mittee on ways and means. The con ference was preliminary to the series of public hearings on the tariff which the committee will hold during the month, beginning tomorrow morning. Shelve Dlnglcy Law. That the committee will draw up a tariff law. and which will carry out the policy advocated In the Chicago platform, was today admitted by one of the majority members, but it is un derstood that the committee has con fined Its efforts to the consideration of necessary changes In the wording of the law. In "order to secure its proper interpretation, rather than to the ques tion of any changes In rates of duty, which has been left for consideration after the hearings have been held. The hearing tomorrow will be devot ed to chemicals, oils and paints. Ths National Wholesale Druggists will have no representative at the hearing. This is taken to Indicate that the wholesale druggists do not desire any changes in the present tariffs. Make Few Changes. Indications are that adjustments In the wording of various paragraphs of schedules A and N. a more explicit classification of certain articles will be all that the committee will be asked to do with regard to this schedule. As Judge Taft. Speaker Cannon and the majority of the ways and means committee favor a protection policy in the framing of the new tariff, it is hardly likely that the free llst will be material' Increased or that any very essential r ductions will be made In ttie tariffs on manufactured goods. Representatives of the manufacturers, producers and import ers of the country will be g-ven an op portunity to present their views to the committee at the numerous hearings ar ranged for. The President Is being urged by some leglslatora to recommend in his mes sage to Congress that tariff revision be taken up at the coming short session, while on the other hand there are those who say It cannot be considered at this session. Senator Scott, of West Virginia, ad vised the President today that ha thought tariff legislation should be taken up at the coming session. He told the President that he believed a meas ure could be got through at this ses sion and that It should be done as soon as possible. Congressman Dalzell, of Pennsylvania, also conferred with the President, and told him that the tariff could not be re vised at this session. He said the Re publican platform had declared for re vision at an extra session, and that they Bhould stand by the platform. MEX TIED TO HORSES, THEN DRAGGED FACE DOWNWARDS. Barbarous Acts of Russian Soldiers Told at Pouren's Extradi tion Proceedings. NEW YORK. Nov. 9. Stories of bat tles between Russian government troops and the militia organized among the Russian people were today told on the witness stand by Jan L.lcit, a former neighbor of Jan Pouren, whom the Rus sian government Is seeking to extradite. Asked why the militia had attacked the government soldiers the witness re plied: "Because they had taken two of our comrades, tied them to horses and dragged them face downward over the ground." One of these, he said, was Otto Frie berg. The witness described the mutilation of Frieberg's body. He told of five ot.ier bodies that he had seen at the same time. One, he said, had been broken to pieces. The witness then told of the election of Pouren as an officer of the militia. In relating the Incidents In connection with his own flicht from Russia. Jan Licit told of having hidden In forests In the deep snow In his efforts to escape the government authorities. 1 DENY SETTLERS MORE TIME Delinquent Minidoka Applicants to Forfoit Lands December 1. OREGON'IAN NEWS BUREAU. Wash ington,. Nov. 9. Secretary Garfield to day announced that he would grant no extension of time to settlers on the Minidoka irrigation project in Idaho, who have been backward . in making their first annual payment to the Gov ernment. Many settlers who should have paid $2.60 per acre on December 1 last have not yet paid up, and unless such payment is made before December 1 next, such settlers will become delin quent and their entries will be can celled and all moneys they may have paid thereon will be forfeited. Settlers under the law have one year grace, but the Secretary is unwilling to grant more time than the law allows. AX FOR RIDGELY'S HEAD Deposed Kansas City Bank Presi - dent to Succeed Him. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Nov. 9. It was announced here today that W. B. Ridge lv. president of the reorganized Na tional Bank of Commerce, ir to be re placed by Dr. W. S. Woods, the de posed president of the bank, bis friends Weak Little Boys may become fine strong' men. Some of the strong men of to-day were sickly boys years ago Many of them received Scott's Emulsion at their mother's knee. This had a power in it that changed them from weak, delicate boys into strong, robust boys. It has the same power to-day. Rnvc anrl oirk who are nale and weak get food and energy out of Scott's Emulsion. It makes i children grow. j Send this advertisement, together with name of paper in which it appears, your address and four cents to cover postage, and we will send you a "Complete Handy Atlas of the World" :i " SCOTT & BOWNE, 409 Pearl Street, New York I having succeeded in buying up a ma jority of the bank's stock and thus secured control. Mr. Ridgely last Winter resigned the position of Con troller of Currency to become head of the bank. Who is to succeed Mr. Ridgely as president and Edward Ridgely as cash ier has not been determined. Mr. Ridgely declined to dtscuss the situa tion. The National Bank of Commerce, the largest financial institution in this part of the Southwest, failed during the panic last year with J36.OO0.00O of deposits. It was reorganized after several months and W. B. Rldgely .was asked to become Its president. He accepted the offer and the bank opened its new $1,500,000 building that was' in the course of construction when the bank failed. Mr. Ridgelys brother was made cashier and Fred T. Cutts, formerly of New York and St. Louis, was made vice-president. Since then Dr. Woods, who in the reorganisation had become merely one of the directors of the bank, went quietly to work buying up the bank's stock. Today It was announced he had secured a ma jority of the bank's stock and would direct the appointment of a new presi dent to succeed Mr. Ridgely. NEW YORK CITY'S POSTMASTER SHOT DOWN IX STREET. Postal Official Fired Fpon While Accompanied by Little Daughter. Assaulter Kills Himself. NEW YORK, Nov. 9. Postmaster Ed ward W. Morgan, of this city, was shot down In the street as he was leaving his house In 146th street for the Post off ite this morning by Krlc H. Sli :key, a stenographer employed by a down town law firm, who then shot and killed himself. The single bullet which struck Mr. Morgan entered at the tight side of the abdomen and passed ouc at the lef side without penetrating the wal:s. There Is no internal trouble, and there is every likelihood that the wounded man will recover. The only excuse known for the shoot ing was that Mackey had complained to the authorities at the Postoffice at Washington that his mail had been tam pered with. Besides a revolver, it was found that Mackey carried a dag get and a slungshot. Mackey was an Englishman. SI years old and he formerly was employed In Boston. I The shooting took place In the pres ence of Miss Dorothy Morgan, the 11-year-oli daughter of the Po itmaster, who was accompanying him to the sub way station on her way :o school. Mackey had been pacing up and down the sidewalk near the corner of Broad way and 14th street for two hours be fore the shooting. Evidently he had never seen the Postmaster before, for as he met Mr. Morgan he asked: "Are you Postmaster Morgan?" At Mr Morgan's affirmative reply. Mackey drew his revolver and fired. The Woulid ed man fell to the sidewalk and. aj two witnesses of the shooting came run ning up. Mackey lay down on the side walk, opened his vest and sent one bui lt t Into his head and another entiired his heart. He was dead when ths first man reached him. Mr. Morgan declared that he did not know Mackey and never saw him before the shooting. Mackev left a letter in his room in which he declared that his act was "the last protest of a poor man against the custom of never enforcing laws against prominent or wealthy people." Mackey stated also that revenge was one of the motives which animated him and that he knew he was not morally Justified in killing the postmaster, and that most men would consider his act that of an Insane man. He asserted that the postmaster had withheld a registered letter addressed to Mackey under a trade name and had insisted that he produce a certificate showing his right to receive such mail. Mackey declared that he was reconciled to killing himself because of his failing sight, which, he said, would leave him only a bare existence for the rest of his life, and that he chose the postmaster as his victim because he was the most prominent man who had antagonized him. DINNER TO LABOR LEADERS ROOSEVELT WILL, DISCUSS LEG ISLATION W ITH THEM. Judges and Officials Also Invited, but Gompers and His Lieuten nants Are Left Out. WASHINGTON, Nov. 9. President Roosevelt has issued invitations for a notable "Labor Legislation" dinner, to be held at the White ' House Tuesday, November 17. The gueste will include many National organization members and several prominent judges and execu tive officials, but it is understood that President Gompers, Secretary Morrison, Vice-President O'Connell and Treasurer Lennon. of the American Federation of Labor, are not included. Labor legisla tion will be discussed. The guests invited include Ex-President John Mitchell, of the United Mine Workers of America, now one of the vice-presidents of the American Feder ation of Labor: President Keefe, of the Longshoremen's Union; President Mor rissey. of the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen:- Vice-President Duncan, of the Federation of Labor: Grand Chief Stone, of the Brotherhood of Locomo tive . Engineers: Secretary-Treasurer Dolan, of the International Association of Steam Shovel Dredgemen: President Faulkner, of the Amalgamated Window Glass Workers of America: T. V. Pow derly, former head of the Knights of ALBANY APPLE FAIR TODAY November lOth "PORTLAND DAY" Albany's congenial and enterprising citizens have made preparations to give their neighbors a royal welcome ar.d a Jolly good time. The event is the Albany Apple Fair and the dedication- of the new South ern Pacific Depot. The Ladles' Auxiliary. Albany Commercial Club, will serve a banquet to visitors. Don't Mlsa It ! - The Southern Pacific Co. Lines in Oregon Will Make a Very Low Excursion Rate JJ O I C PORTLAND TO ALBANY AND RETURN f - Train leaves Union Depot at S:15 A. M. : returning leaves Albany S:18 P. M. Tickets at Third and Washington streets and Union Depot. WM. McMURRAY, General Passenger Labor, and Edward J. Gavegan, attor ney for the Central Building Trades Association of New York. SCHEME TO MOVE COLLEGE Sacramento Lays' Plans to Secure University of California. SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 9. An inter esting sequel Is promised to the effort made recently by the residents of Berke ley to carry the constitutional amend ment providing for the removal of the State Capital from Sacramento, which was defeated at last Tuesday's election by a vote that remained some time In doubt. Having recovered from the fright of the sudden and vigorous campaign, the residents of the northern city are now said to be wrathful, and it is reported that Assemblyman Grove L. Johnson is to prepare and introduce a bill providing for submission to the people a measure providing for the removal of the State University from Berkeley to Sacramento. Real estate dealers are talking of a free site and. the cost of the futile fight just made by the people of Berkeley is likely to be increased by the expenses :f an other Campaign to retain the university. Holland Has Castro's Answer. THE HAGUE. Nov. 9. The reply of President Castro of Venezuela to the sec ond note of the Netherlands government has been received here. There will be several, meetings of the Cabinet to dis cuss the communication before any defi nite decision is reached regarding a fu ture course of action. Thousands of American women In our homes are daily sacrificing their lives to duty. In order to keep the home neat and pretty, the children well dressed and tidy, women overdo. A female weakness or displacement is often brought on and they suffer in silence, drifting along from bad ' to worse, knowing well that they ought to have help to overcome the pains and aches which daily make life a burden. It is to these faithful women that LYDIA E. P.M.CHAF.I'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND comes as a boon and a blessing, as it did to Mrs. F. Ellsworth, of Mayville, X. and to Mrs. W. P. Boyd, of Beaver Falls, Pa., -who say : "I was not able to do my own work, owing- to the female trouble from which I suffered. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound helped me wonderfully, and I am so well that I can do as big a day's work as I ever did. I wish every eick woman would try it. FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female ills, and has positively cured t housands oi women who have been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulcera tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that bearing-down feeling, flatulency, indiges tion,dizziness,or nervous prostration. Why don't you try it ? Mrs. Pinkham Invites all sick women to write her for advice. She has jruidert thousands to health. 'i i Tynn, Mass. , Sam Whooping-Cough, Croup, ".. rinlrtm. Catarrh, Bronchitis. Diphtheria. Cresolen la a Boon to """ . ... HrABthf; In t Does it not seem more eiiec..- . - remedy for diseases oi mo ora.-o . t.. '.remedy intone om"i. sritn small cnuaren. For unlaw! w there is noihiiilt better than CresoleneAnuaeptie Tlu-ost Tablets. Send Be m postage, for sample bottle. ALL DRUGGISTS. Bend postal for de scriptive Booklet. Vapo-Oresolene Cfls let) Fulton Stress, KcwYoit l nan ins uivnids-v & e A strong man is strong all over. No man can be . 1. -ff7rin- frnm v,a b stomach with its consequent indigestion, or Irom some other disease of the stomach and its osociated organs, which im pairs digestion and nutrition. For when the stomach is weak or diseased there is a loss o the nutrition contained in food, which is the source of all physical . a.U WkM a man " doesn't feel iust ritfht." when he doesn't sleep well, has an uncomfortable .... , . . feeling in the stomach after eating, is languid, nervous, irritable and despond ent, he is losing the nutrition needed to make strength. Such m man should use Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It cures diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition. It enrichej the blood. Invigorates the liver, strengthens the kldneis. nourishes the nerves, and so GIVES HEALTH AND STRENGTH TO THE WHOLE BODY. You can't afford to accept a tecret nostrum as a substitute for this non alcoholic medicine of known composition, not even though the urgent dealer may thereby make a little bigger profit. Ingredients printed on wrapper. jill!!!II(!ll!!IIIIii!!l!l!llllli!S The thai Doesn't go up tie Flue You receive intense, direct heat from" every tunce ol fuel burned .here are no damp chimneys or lonn nipes to waste the heat from PERFECTION OH Heater (Equipped with Smokeless Device) Carry it from room to room. Turn the wick high or low no bother no smoke no smell automatic smokeless device prevents. Brass font holds 4 quarts, burns 9 hours. Beautilully finished in nickel or japan. Every heater warranted. i&ybUmp giro's. ' just what you want lor the long evenings. Made ol brass, nickel plated latest im proved central draft burner. Every lamp warranted. If your dealer cannot supply the Perfection Oil Heater or Rayo Lamp write our nearest agency. STANDARD Oil. COMPANY (Incorporated) That Tip-Top Feeling rThat Tip-Top Feeling in the morning comes from starting the breakfast with H-O, the Oat meal that is steam-cooked for 'ill imm :', .-, 4: Jt ' M -- I 1 I I your Agent, Portland . 0 - a CBS h Va- JZVST three hours at the mill be fore you get it, making it I1UI1VUU11IV) nourishing and easily digested. It's the ' only cooked oatmeal sold as different from ordinary "rolled oats" as cream is differ ent from white-wash. Physi cians prescribe it for delicate patients, and it's the delight of hearty folk who like a hot, wholesome, filling breakfast. Fifteen minutes' boiling pre pares it for the table. Ask grocer tor li-U. want some more." Oliver Twist.