Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 10, 1908, Page 3, Image 3

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Nemo, W. B. and C. B. a la Spirite
CORSETS Are Fitted Here by the
ONLY Expert Corsetier in Portland
Demonstration of Nemo Self-Reducing
and W. B. Reduso Corsets by the
ONLY Expert Corsetier in Portland
51.50 "CU T7:i 4- OC
$1.75 ri ci lci i v uiics ai oz?l
Choice of any quality imported French Voiles, In colors only,
44 inches to 47 inches wide, including novelty stripe voilesoQ
in all colors OJC
Reg. 50c All-Wool Albatross 39c
38-inch Crepe Albatross, in black, cream and all colors.
Reg. $1.50 Heavy Suitings 59c Yd.
54-inch heavy Suitings, odd pieces, all wool, in invisible plaids,
checks and mixtures; several pieces of good jloaking RCQji,
this lot suitable for misses' cloaks OJC
Reg. $1.75 English Worsteds 98c
52-inch imported Tailor Suitings, this season's best styles, qq
all colors for coat suits and tailored costumes; $1.75 vals.JOC
Reg. $2.00 Stripe Broadcloths 98c
52-icch all-wool Broadcloths, in two-toned stripes.
a few stylish checks in new Fall colors.
Reg. $5 Persian Lamb $3.95 Yard
50-inch English Persian Lamb Cloaking in black and brown; best
made cannot be told from fur. Regular $5.00 o QC
values, for only pO. J70
$2.50 Plain Broadcloths at $1.69
52-inch imported German Chiffon Broadcloth, good weight and
high luster, in black, navy, new blue, olive, brown, d q
black, cardinal, wine, etc.; regular $2.50 value pl.DJ
$2.50 Fancy Broadcloths at $1.69
50-inch imported French Broadcloths, high finish, in two-toned
novelty weaves, stripes and invisible plaids; colors di q
navy, brown, green and electric P1.DJ
Reg. $2.25 Novelty Suitings $1.48
50-inch new self-colored side-bordered diagonals, 48-inch wale
herringbone diagonals, in new blues, browns, stoned AQ
reen, olive and electric blues. Regular $2.25 values. V ."O
Great Sale in Cloak Section
While the quantities for today are somewhat rednced by yesterday's great sales,
we've added new garments to these sale lots, making extraordinary valnes today
Women's Highest-Class
Novelty Tailored Suits
Values Up to $65.00
Women's Tailorm'de Suits
30-inch and 36-inch
Values Up to $30.00
Novelty Even'g and Opera
Goats and Capes
Values Up to $50.00
Women's Rubberized
Moreen Raincoats
Values to $10.00
Hydegrade Heatherbloom
Taffeta Petticoats
Regular $3.50 Values
White Plaited Tailormade
Regular $1.75 Values
Valeska Surratt, the original Gibson Girl, posing: for VOGUE
magazine in a Paris Model Hat. This hat is now on display at
Llpman, Wolfe & Company.
If you have read VOGUE, the smart fashion magazine, this
year, you have seen the beautiful Paris Hats pictured in its
pages as posed by stage celebrities. These Hats are now on
display at Lipman. Wolfe & Co. Although many have
been sold, none will be sent out until Wednesday evening
The Vogue Hats, which were not sold at our great ex
hibition yesterday, will be on sale today. (.
Values up to $85.00 each, your choice &J
In addition to this exhibit, we'll place on sale SO beau
tiful Trimmed Hats, many of them from & tZf
Robinson & Wells, London; $16.50 vals. P 0J
Taft Goes Into .Training for
Strenuous Work.
Will nisouss Cabinet Scat for Cam
palgn Manager Plays Golf,
Though Forest Fires Obscure
Air and Champions Game.
HOT SPRINGS. Vt., Nov. 8. The tay
nf Prenident-eloct Taft at the Virginia
Mot fprinir will be prolonged until the
first week of December, if the ordinary
season of mild weather here prevails.
It la Mr. Taft". determination to nt
himself by ridinfr and itolf for the
strenuous duties which await mm in
lln has accepted the request o
Miss Boardman. of Washinftton, prcsl
ilent of the National Red Cross, to at
tend the annual meetinir of the society
in Washington. December 9. lie ex
pects to remain here .until then. Al
though hla plar.s have not been deter
mined, it is his intention to gro then
to Augusta. Ga.. to take a cottage and
remain durtnc the Winter. The Taft
family plrysietan In Cincinnati has rec
ommended the Georgia city as the ideal
place for outdoor exercise during the
Winter. The air Is said to have enough
of the sting of cold to thicken the blood
rnd to be mild enough to make It pleas
ant in the open.
Cabinet Seat for Hitt-hcock.
There will be a general post-election
conference tomorrow between Mr. Taft
and National Chairman Hitchcock, who
has given notice that he will be here.
Mr. Hitchcock has been freqtiently
mentioned as the probable Postmaster-
general in the Taft Cabinet, and, while
Mr. Taft has so far dc-ferred taking up
matters of state since the election, it
.is not unlikely that an understanding
will be reached between the chairman
and his chief.
The long drouth and continued for.
est fires in the mountains adjacent to
the Homestead Hotel made It expedient
today to start backfires In the hills
surrounding the hotel. These have pro
duced a pall of smoke over the place.
The weather is mild and pleasant. Mr.
Taft played his morning game of golf
with Governor-elect Draper, of Mas
sachusetts. and went riding on his fa
vorlto sadd!c-horse this afternoon.
Why Taft riajs Golf.
Playing golf Is a serious work with
Mr. Taft. as he has explained.
"A man of my build requires exer
else in the open air." he said, "and
exercise to be beneficial must be enter
taining. of course. 1 can ride, but one
cannot maintain a keen interest In rid
ing a horse. In golf there is just
ennurh skiM required to get up a keen
interest in the game and take up your
thoughts while you are getting a five
or six-mile walk.
Mr. Txft maintains golf is not a rich
man's game. In Scotland, he said, it is
jtlayed by all the population.
Jt was golf. Mr. Taft said, that put
him In the splendid physical condition
he was In when he took up the strenu
ous woric of the campaign and enabled
Mm to get through without a break-down.
After Arguments. Pate of Trial It
Set Jor Ieeemler 4.
NEW TORK, Nov. . Opt am Peter C.
Jenkins Hatns. under indictment charged
Mains. Jr.. and his brother. Thornton
ith the murder of William EI Annla at
the Bayside Yacht Club on August 15.
wre taken from the jail in Ing Island
Oty today to court at Flushing. I., to
appear before Judge Asptnwall. by w.iom
a date for their trial was to he set.
Today's hearing was postponed from
last Monday, at which time couneel for
the defense submitted affidavits of ex
pert alienists, in which it was declared
that Captain Hains was not in a fit men
tal condition to take part in a trial, and
that three witnesses whose testimony
was desired by the defense were on a
United State transport at Honolulu, and
could not reach here for several weeks.
Judge Aspinwall said that so far as he
could see the mental condition of Captain
Hains bad no bearing on the case, so far
as a postponement of the trial of hi
brother was concerned, but postponed
his decision to afford District Attorney
Darrln an opportunity to go over the affi
Counsel for the . Hains brothers In
formed the court that the transport brln
ing their witnesses woufd not arrive until
January l. and askea tnat tne trial oi i.
Jenkins Hains be postponed until that
month. The District Attorney objected
and stated that the transport would ar
rive on November 20. After some ar
gument the court set the trial of Hains
for December 14. so that it would take
place wittiin the term of office of the
present District Attorney. No date was
fixed for the trial of Captain Hains. Cap
tain Hains sat with bowed head during
the proceeding, but his brother was In an
animated conversation witn nis counsel.
Wild Break of Trust's Common
Starts Scramble on Stock
NEW YORK. Nov. 9. A sensational
break of 32 points In the price of th
common stock of the American Tobacco
Company on the curb today resulted In
a sharp reaction in prices of leading ac
tiym stocks during the first hour's bid
ding on the New York Stock Exchange.
The violent decline in tobacco stocks was
attributed to the decision of the United
States District Court declaring that the
American Tobacco Company was a com
bination In restraint of trade which was
given after the close of the stock market
on Saturday. The last price for Tobacco
common on Saturday was 3 5, and its
high price for last wek was 390, but dur
ng the first hour of trading on the curb
market today it sold down to 343. The
price of American Tobacco preferred on
the Stock Kx change fell 31. the 4 per
cnt bonds 2Vs, and the 6 per cent bonds
3 points. Not only did the decision of
the court cause grave anxiety as to the
scope of the Sherman law. but the un
favorable situation was aggravated by a
pmfit-taking movement by last week's
buyers, who flooded the market with sell
ing orders.
A majority of the leading active stocks
sold 1 to IV lower than Saturday In the
course of the first hour. These included
U. S. Steel. Amalgamated Copper, Ameri
ran Smelting and the railroads, except
Great Northern preferred and several of
the Eastern trunk lines, coalers and
Southern railway stocks.
A vigorous rally followed during the
second hour, when new points of strength
developed and established handsome net
gains in those stocks over Saturday s
Missouri Pacific was conspicuous with
a rise of 2V.
The later stock market showed a sub
sidence of the acute apprehension man!
fested earlier over the scope of the Amer
ican Tobacco decision. Operations were
resumed on the long side of tTie market
and prices were marked up aggressively
here and there with the effect of restor-
ng the general level to Saturday's clos
ing or above, heading and a group of
coalers, the Rock Island stocks and
American Sugar were amongst the con
splruous stocks besides the Gould group
men helped to sustain the market.
Whalers Return W ithout Spoils.
SAX FRANCISCO. Nov. 9. Close to
the land of the midnight sun, but with
never a ray of sunlight in over three
months, officers and men of the steam
whaler Narwhal, which returned to thla
port yesterday, ajrree In declaring the
season the worst In the history of Pa
cific Coast whaling. A series of blis
aards kept the vessel wrapped In ice for
weeks at a time, and the men worked
knee deep in snow while icebergs towered
langslde at frequent intervals. The
storms prevented the lookouts cstohing
ight of whales, and but two were taken
during the cruise.
The whaling bark John and W inthron
nd the steamer whaler Thresher arrived
st night. The John and Winthrop
brought lf0 barrels of sperm oil and the
Tnresber 6000 pounds of bone.
Asquith Speaks on British
Foreign Relations.
Agreement Prevented Intervention
In Persia All Powers Must Sign
Balkan Treat j Germany
Not to Be Isolated.
LONDON, Nov. 9. Prime Minister Her
bert H. Asquith was the principal
speaker at the Guildhall banquet tonight
which marked the inauguration of the
new Lord Mayor of London, Sir George
Wyatt Truscott, and brought to a fitting
close the celebration of the King's 67th
The Prime Minister devoted his ob
servations mainly to the European situa
tion. After congratulating Turkey, in
the person of Turkish Ambassador Mur
sus Pasha, on the success of the most
amazing revolution In history, he de
clared that, subject to the principle that
international treaties could not be al
tered except by the consent of all the
signatories, the British government had
no prejudice or preference in favor. ;of
any particular settlement.
All Powers Mast Sign.
It had never objected to direct negotia
tions between Austria and Bulgaria and
Turkey, always providing that Turkey,
as the most prejudiced, should have a
settlement consistent with her honor and
interests and that the agreement -must
be countersigned by ail parties to the
Berlin treaty.
.One of the happiest results of the An
glo-Ruseian convention, he said, was
that both countris had been able to ap
proach the Near Eastern question on the
same viewpoint and discuss frankly and
sympathetically the sudden crisis that
had arisen. His Majesty's government
considered that Russia had behaved with
the greatest restraint under exceedingly
trying circumstances In following a policy
of non-intervention in Persia.
On Good Terms With Germany.
Just a year ago the German Emperor,
while on a visit to England, emphatically
declared himself animated by a desire
for friendship with Great Britain and the
maintenance of the peace of Europe.
"It was the spirit," said Mr. Asquith,
"that guided all the negotiations between
the two countries concerning the present
differences, and if. as I believe, the other
powers are animated by a similar spirit,
the clouds that are now darkening Eu
rope will soon disappear without a storm
'There ought to be no talk of isola
tion." continued the Premier, "or of hos
tile grouping among the powers, who are
the joint trustees of civilization and
Maintain Naval Supremacy.
Mr. Asquith referred briefly to the com
mercial outlook and thought that, if peace
were made, there was no reason why the
present depression should be of long
Both the Premier and Reginald Mc-
Kenna. First Lord of the Admiralty,
dealt with the question of national de
fense, especially with reference to the
navy. They declined to anticipate the
next naval estimates, but the Premier
hinted that the cost of the navy was not
likely to diminish, since, having attained
supremacy, the government was firmly
determined to maintain it-
President Roosevelt, October 28, King
Edward sent a congratulatory cablegram
conveying an expression of his good
wishes both for the President, and the
American people. The President was
greatly pleased with this message.
At the British Embassy In Washington
the King's birthday wilt be celebrated
with a dinner, which Ambassador Bryce
will give at the Embassy this evening.
Roosevelt Wires Congratulations to
Ruler of Great Britain.
WASHINGTON. Nov. . One of the
first things President Roosevelt did when
be reached his office today was to dictate
to his secretary a characteristic message
of congratulation and good wishes to
King Edward VII of Great Britain and
reland. who today celebrated the ff7th
nniversary of his birth. The message
was cabled to London, but was not made
public here.
On the 60th anniversary of tne blrtli or
Xegro Caught Tries to Hang Him
self With Suspenders.
LOS ANGELES. Nov. 9. After hefng
shot at by Mrs. M. E. Stout, of 1605 West
Twenty-first street, who discovered him
coming through a window; and after be
ng captured by two neighbors, who
chased him several blocks, Ben Fisher,
negro, attempted to hang himself with his
suspenders in a cell at the University
Police Station last night. Sergeant Jack
son discovered him and cut him down.
He was unconscious but was taken to the
receiving hospital and revived.
Mrs,' Stout was reading in bed when she
heard a noise on the back porch. Dress
Ing quickly, she armed herself with
revolver and slipped downstairs. When
she went Into the kitchen she saw a man
raising the window. She fired and the
bullet lodged in the sill about six inches
above his head. The negro ran but Mrs,
Stout shot at him again as he was vault
ing a fence In the rear of the house,
(Continued from First Page.)
corporate from private schools, Justice
Harlan, In his dissenting opinion, said the
court should meet the entire question
squarely and decide whether it were a
crime, under any conditions, to educ- te
white children and negro children at the
same institution. He did not concede
that it should be so regarded.
Aims at Penal Provision.
"Have we." he asked, "become so In
noculated with prejudice of race that an
American Government, professedly based
on the principles of freedom and charged
with the protection of all citizens alike,
can make distinctions between such citi
zens in the matter of their voluntary
association for innocent purposes, simply
because of their respective races?
"Further, if the lower court be right-
then a state may make it a crime for
while and colored persons to frequent the
same market places at the same time, or
appear In an assemblage of citizens con
vened to consider questions of a public
or a political nature in which all citizens,
without regard to race, are equally Interested."
Justice Harlan added that he did not
want to be understood as criticising the
system of separate public schools for the
races, but that his censure was directed
at the penal provision of the Kentucky
law involved in this case.
Sir Joseph J. Duveen.
LONDON", Nov. 9. The death Is an
nounced at Hyeres, France, of Sir Jo
seph J. Duveen, the art connoisseur. Mr.
Duveen was made a ivnignt last summer,
principally on account of his gift to the
nation of the Turner gallery.
Webfoot Oil Blacking keens feet drv.
Makes shoes last. All dealers.
Natural Flavors
Rose, eta
are natural flavors, obtained by
a new process, which cHves the
most delicate and grateful taste.
Dr. rnces ravonnes can be
conscientiously commended as
being just as represented, per
fection in every possible respect.
,One trial proves their excellence.
Miner Burned to Death in Wal
lace, Idaho, Blaze.,
Proprietor Received Warning From
Alleged Members or 'Western Fed
eration Watef Gates Pulled
Out to Reduce Supply. (
WALLACE, Idaho, Nov. 9. (Special.)
This afternoon an investigation was neld
by Fire Chief Fred Kelly, as to the cause
of the fire in the "Western Hotel early
this morning, in which a young miner
named CurtiB lost his .life, and which
caused damages to the extent of $6000.
Evidence points to the fact that the
blaze was the result of a well-conceived
plan by an incendiary.
At the inquest it was shown beyond
dispute that no fire was visible In the
building at the time the alarm was
rung in to the department, from an en
tirely different section of the town, and
about a half mile distant from the hotel.
At the same time It was shown that the
gates of the flumes supplying the city
with water had been pulled open and
thrown about 24 feet away Into the brush,
thereby reducing the water supply of the
town to a minimum. '
George Black, proprietor of the hotel.
Is a Constitutional Disease
It originates in Impure Dlooa ana
Hnnina rtraifr.nfirTiftl l.rpatmfint. actinir
through and purifying the blood, for its
radical and permanent cure. The
greatest constitutional remedy is
Hood's Sarsaparilla
In usual liquid form or in chocolated tab
lets known as Sarsatabs. 100 doses $1.
Nasal and other local forms of catarra
are nromritlv relieved by Antiseplets or
Catarrlets, 50c, druggists or mail.
C. I. Mood uo., ixiweii, Mass.
The finest of all white roses,
given with every dozen purchased.
J. B.
YamhiU-St. Dock, N. Side.
had been receiving threats of one sort
and another from alleged members and
sympathizers of the Western Federation
of Miners, owing to the fact that he was
one of the members of the Jury which
acquitted C. Chicks in Wallace last year.
Police are Investigating, but no ar
rests have been made.
Ijong-Drawii-Out Will Controversy
in St. Paul Settled.
ST. PAUL, Nov. 9. Dr. T. V. E.
Appleby was today paid $175,000 in gold,
less a small amount that had been prev
iously drawn by him, in settlement of all
claims by him against the estate of his
late wife. Cornelia Day Wilder Appleby,
thus ending a long-drawn out controversy. t
i n wimer .Tnani y was i firmed (inner
the will of Mr. and Mrs. Wilder and Mrs,
Appleby, their daughter, and the funds
available were about J3.00O.OO0 to be used
for the benefit of the worthy poor of Sc.
Paul. Dr. Appleby had signed an ante
nuptial agreement with Miss Wilder, pro
viding that as long as he should remain
unmarried after the death of his wife, he
should receive an annuity of $10,000 and
the xise of the Wilder mansion. Mrs.
Appleby died before ler parents. After
the deaths of the parents. Dr. Appleby
attempted to have the ante-nuptial
agreement set aside and to secure his por
tion of his wife's estate. There are sev
eral so-called California heirs yet to be
reckoned with.
Bernard Leases Astoria Theater.
ASTORIA. Or., Nov. 9. The Haner
Theater has been leased to K. L. Bernard,
who will take possession tomorrow, after
which he will close the place for a thor
ough renovation and hold a reopening
in a few days.
CAPITAL $4,000,000 - SURPLUS $10,746,004.02
A general banking business transacted.
Letters of Credit issued for travelers
and importation of merchandise.
Interest paid on Savings and Time De
posits. Rates on application.
AstUtant Manager
Cooking and Heating
Fuel and Trouble
If your dealer tries to talk ran into the
mistake of buj-iajr another make, write to us
G. P. Rummelin & Sons
I if 5?W
Establlsbed 1870.
126 Second Street
Bet. Washington and Alder Sts.
We are Showing New
Creations in
Ermine Neckwear and Muffs,
White Fox Scarfs and Muffs.
Black Lynx Stoles and Muffs.
Alaska Mink Neckwear and Muffs.
Fur Coats in all the fashionable furs.
Fur Rugs and
Send for Catalogue.
Store Open Saturday Evenings.