J - - ao ' ' TIIE 3I0RXIXG OREGOXIAy, TUESDAY. O TE31BER 10, 19Q8. . . i ' . SGRIBER RELEASED Friends and Relatives Come to Succor of La Grande Bank-Wrecker. MAY MAKE SHORTAGE GOOD IRgmor That Plan Is on Foot to Pay Losses of Depositors Scriber Goes to Salem to Remain Tntll Hearing Xext January. X W. Bcrtber. the ex-cashier of the wrecked Farmer A Traders Bank of La Grande, was released from custody yes terday afternoon upon furnishing; bonds In the sum of $40,000. Two bonds, one for the sum of J15.000. and the other for JJS.no were provided by six of his friends and relatives, who qualified for sums ranging from JSOOO to 10.v00. In connection with his release It was aiven out on what is regarded as reliable authority that several conferences have been held by his relatives and friends with the view of making good the entire .Indebtedness of the ex-banker. It is also rumored that Scriber and his friends have agreed that he shall plead guilty when arraigned. The plea, together with the fact that arrangements have been made to prevent loss on the part of depositors in the wrecked bank will have consider able weight. It is believed. In mitigating his punishment. Scriber' s bail on the first count of forgery was fixed at $13,000. Bonds in that sum were provided by W. J. Furnish, of Pendleton, at one time Republican candidate for Governor of Oregon, and Julius Rush, a wealthy brewer of La Grande. Ball on the second count on a similar charge was fixed at 5.000. Bonds In that sum were provided by Frank D. Mc Culley. of Grande, who qualified in tlw sum of $5000; Phil Metschan. of Port land. $f; A. L. Coolldge. a wealthy banket1 of Spokane, a brother-in-law of Scriber. $10,000, and Charles B. Moo res, of Portland, ex-register of the land office. $. Scribe r"s release from the County Jail, where he has been held as a Federal prisoner since his arrest at La Grande, was. accomplished at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon. The order for his release was delivered to Jailer Hunter by Attorney I.. H. McMahon. of Salem, a cousin of the banker. Scriber was not visibly af , fected by the news of his release for . It was not unexpected by him. However, lie grasped the hand of the attorney warmly as soon as he was brought Into the office and in leaving shook hands with- the Jailer, bidding him a polite and cordial farewell. Immediately the ex-prlsoner and his at torney left the building and. by some-m-hal devious route, chosen evidently for the purpose of avoiding either acquaint ances or neftpaper men. hurried to a railway station, where they boarded the train for Salem. It is said that the Grande banker will remain there until Ma hearing In the Federal Court in Jan uary. At the time of Scriber- arrest It was threatened by depositors of the wrecked bank that they would cause his Im mediate re-arrest In case he or his friends succeeded in securing his release from custody. Such threats, however. If they were really made, are of no avail, for the Government alone, through District At torney McCourt. may cause his reincar ceration. The Government Yesterday fixed his bonds and Mr. McCourt la satisfied that the amount IS sufficient to guarantee the appearance of the banker when his case is called. "I am quite satisfied that the amount la aufflcient to cause his appearance In court." said Mr. McCourt. -although I do not mean even to suggest that he has any other Idea than of appearing. It is likely thst he will appear in January-" Mr. McCourt disavowed any knowledge, of the alleged plans of Striber's relatives and friends to make good the banker's shortage. He also declare'd that he had received no Information as to what plea would be entered by Scriber. However, about the Federal building yesterdav there was a persistent rumor that conferences had already been held and others are planned by the banker's friends and relatives for the purpose of making good his shortage. The amount, according to Scriber. will not exceed JTfl but the Government officials de clare that the bank Is short $123,000 as the result of the ex-cashier's operations. Friends of the banker, who were In terviewed with rtference to the reported efforts to mak good his shortage, de cline to discua the matter, declaring that they had heard of no such efforts. How ever, it Is known that the matter has been discussed by them on several oc casions snd thst plans are on foot where by the depositors may be paid In full. SEED SCRIBER AT L.V GRANDE Depositors Will Not Try to Cause Hl Arrest on New Charges. T.A GRANDE. Or.. Nov. 9. (Special.) S'one'of the depositors of the wrecked bank -In this city are anxious to see Bcrlher re-arrested on new charges or eimtlar ones to those on which he has tiveady been srraigned. O. F. Coolldge. who appears on the original bond of $16,0i)0 and who caused Scriber s re-arrest, fearing lie might Jump his bond, stated tonight that there waa nothing for Scriber to fear from him now. Several other heavy de positors In the defunct Institution were seen and all agree that no more arrests l be made at this time. There are two reasons -for the changed attitude of the depositors, that Scrlber's bond is now three times as heavy as It tas. and that 9rrlber'a presence is needed here-lp La Grande to help straighten out tlte sadly tangled books of the wrecked bank. Yesterdav afternoon five prominent local business men aided Receiver Neidner In fixing a valuation of the paper and bank property. It was announced today that as a result of this appraisement It has been found the banks asarsts have In creased, though the shortage remains In the neighborhood of HS.OnO. Depositors now hope they will realise .V cents on te $1. .It Is stated that wealthy rela tive of Scriber will make good a large bulk of the bad paper In the bank. f-ETS CASES FOR TRIAL Judge Wolverton Makes Disposition of Federal Business. On recommendation of United States Attorney McCourt In the Federal Court yesterday Judge Wolverton dismissed and set for trial various cases on the dockets of both the District and Cir cuit Courts. No disposition waa made of equity case, but criminal and civil cases at law were called. Among the case passed were sev eral of the old Heney cases. In the IHstrtct Court 11 criminal cases were dismissed, passed or set for trial, but civil rases In this court In which the United States doe not figure will not be called not 11 disposition baa been Ofj S4D,D0Q BONDS msde of the Jury. Sixteen criminal cases In the Circuit Court were passed and the charge against Herman K. Finch dismissed.- He was Indicted for false statements before the United States Grand Jury. The rf-lminal rases passed in the Circuit Court Include those against the following: Horace G. MrKlnler. Guy Huff. ? A- D; Puter. F. P. Mava, George Sor-naon. Ear! Benson. S. B. Ormsby el al; W W. li,elr Blnrer H'rminn snd ex-0nrresman v. lll Umson. John H.' Hall. Frank E. Alley et at.. James Benson. C. fam Smith and Dr. an Gnrr and Charles A. Graves at al. . The following criminal cases In the District Court were dismissed: Jimti ft ( lark. Clarence Ertaards. Fred erick W. Root and Charles Thomas Dortmn. Alfred Orel. Otto !ehaet er. H. W. Wilson ijud"' a to uu A. I.owlt previously!. R Montgomery. Dean Blanchard. N. J Morrlon and F don. The last four men were rr""fh'" bench warrants for Tallin to make their appearance hen Impanelled as JurJ Trials were set In the United States District Court as follows: United State, v.. Jam.. H. Parker '. No vember 2--.; Jame. M. Haaelwood. November 27: Joe Gilpin. December I: Lroy Shipley. December 2; J. B. Mead. November 2, : Albert-I'u.lck. December 3; I,ool Kohlhagen. November .TO: Frank B. Robert.. December 4: Charles W. Snenier. December 7. In the Circuit Court 13 civil ca.e. at lav In which the Government Bltures were passed for the present, the following be ns et for trial. 1'nlted States vs. the Corvallls Eastern Railway Company, January 27. 19oe- same vs. Barney Gohbl. January 29: same vs. Gobbl et al.. February 3; same vs. Charles Newell. February 1 As to civil cases at law In which the T-nired suites has no Interest, 1 were passed. Including a few continued for the term, while that of Ralph W. Neer axainst the White Swan Mines Company waa dis missed. Others were variously set for trial as follows or otherwise disposed of: Mary Reese et al. vs. Jacob Kamm, De cember 22; Lauren Pease vs. St. Paul Fire Marine Insurance Company. January 4. 1909: Martin Pederson vs. Dean Lumber Company. December S; T. R. Sheridan vs. Southern Pacific Company. January 8, 190-.1-. George W Light vs. same. December l: Eastern Oregon Land Company vs. C. J Simpson, and same vs. T. J. Brosnan, mo tions for new trial denied; Chares S. Van Auker vs. National Surety Company. Jan uary 12. lftott; c. W. Maynard vs. Vmpqua River Steam Navigation Company, hearing November lit; Kee Lane et al. vs. Carl Grltsmacher las Chief of Police) et al., hearing November 13; Gllman Auction & Commission Company vs. F. S. Harmon et al.. January 14. lo; Tillamook Lumbering Company vs. Liverpool. London A Globe In surance Company. December 11; Julia J. Roe vs. the Oregon Company. December 14: C. H. Callendar vs. the Old Oregon Mills. January IS. 1B0O; Leander Lasllla vs. the Beaver Hill Coal Company. January 20. 109: II. C. Rhodes vs. the Twin Falls Logging Company. December 10: Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Company vs. H. T. Booth. January 22. 1909: H. T. Booth vs. Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Company, same date; Pacific Postal Telegraph-Cable Company vs. Oregon California Railroad Company et al.. January 8. 1809; Eastern Oregon Land Company vs. F. P. O'Neill. December In: in the matter of the pro posed extension of B street In the City of Marshfield. Or., the Dean Lumbar Company, petitioners for removal to this court, Feb ruary 6. 1909: Walter Crosby vs. the Wil lamette Construction Company. December Arguments Are Lengthy. Arguments on a motion for a new trial of the "Los Angeles" conspiracy case were heard by Judge Wolverton In the Federal Court yesterday after noon. Attorneys for the defense filed a motion for a new trial and argu ments consumed the entire afternoon session yesterday. The motion was vigorously opposed by the Government. TRAINS TO BON BY SUNDAY NORTH BANK ANNOUNCES IT WILL BEGIN SERVICE. Exact Day of Schedule Depends on Arrival of Equipment Or dered From East. Positive Information was received in Portland yesterday afternoon that trains on the North Bank road 'from Portland to Spokane will be placed In operation between Friday and Sunday morning next. The only question In time will be in the arrival of the Pull man equipment. The company has or dered the cars rushed West as fast as possible, and as soon as they arrive a time card will be announced and a ervlce established. If the cars arrive Thursday the card will take effect Friday: If not. Sunday. The cars will be of the latest pattern aent out from the Pullman works. The refusal of James J. Hill, chair man of the board of directors of the Great Northern, and Howard Elliott, president of the Northerln Pacific, to announce the time for the opening of the road to traffic when they were in Portland Friday, was said by men on railroad row yesterday, to be due to the delay In the arrival of the equip ment and the establishment of a time card. The new road, owned Jointly by the transcontinental lines, will meet the Northern Pacific at Pacific, and from there on a new card to Spokane must be arranged so as not to conflict with the through card of the North ern Pacific. As to equipment. Hill and Elliott promised Portland an entirely new set of cars, the finest In the coun try, and they want these cars to fol low the first locomotive that rolls Into the city. . SPLENDID FARM. Near Portland on Base Line Road, near electric carline, 43 acres, all in cultiva tion. 5 acre good 10-year-old orchard, running water. Good 8-room house. 2 Aim barns, water piped to house, cheaper than adjoining land. cash. hat. 4 years at per cent. 111 & Kbner, 431 Lumber Exchange. Portland. Or. Earth Trembles in Kansas. SABETHA. Kan.. Nov. 9. Reports are coming from all directions within a ra dius of 12 miles of Sabetha of a supposed earthquake shock felt at midnight Sat urday night. Scores of farmers report the shock, but a far as known no dam age, waa done. BRUTALLY BEATEN BY HUSBAND. WOMAN REFUSES TO PROSECUTE Saves Him From Punishment by Dropping Out of Sight Before Case Is Called for Trial. EXTREME! tolerance on the part of Robert ilson's wife was the one thing that prevented his be ing sent to the rockpile yesterday, for a substantial term. Wilson, a sales agent, beat Mrs. Wilson Into Insensibility a week ago because she walked down Washington street with a mutual friend of the Wilsons, of whom the husband sud denly became Jealous. The police say they have no record of any woman ever having been beaten in such brutal fashion. Her faoe was pummeled out of human semblance and she was then brutally kicked about the body, the police "declare. Acting detective B. F. Smith heard the woman's screams and broke Into their apartment In a Clay-street boarding-house. But Wilson left by a rear door as the officer entered. Mrs. Wil son was Insensible for several minute. When she recovered consciousness she admitted It waa her husband who had beaten her. but declined to swear to a warrant for his arrest. The officer, rather than let such an offense pass unpunished, swore to the necessary complaint -himself. Wilson was arrested last week and his case set for trial. Detective Smith went to I . . . -...mm 1 NEW WM SUHUUL TO COST S507, Bids for Albina Structure Are Over Double Estimate or Appropriation. PLANS MAY BE CHANGED Not Enough Money in Sight to Begin Wort According to Plans Adopt - ed Special Meeting of the Board Tomorrow. According to the tabulation of the bids made at the meeting of the Board of Ed ucation yesterday atternoon. the cost of the proposed Albina High School will be 507,000. or 257,000 in excess of the estimate of Whitehouse & Honeyman. the archi tects, arfd of the appropriation voted by the school taxpayers for the construction of the building. Consideration of the bids was deferred until Wednesday evening when a special meeting will be held. Immediately after the adjournment of the Board, Chairman Herman Witten berg was asked if any action would be taken upon the bids at tile adjourned meeting. "We may return the checks to the high est bidders," he said. "With the appro priation voted we cannot begin work on the High School-. All we can do is to have the plans changed so as to provide for a building entirely different In plan." Before the meeting of the Board was called To order, the rooms were crowded with bidders for work upon different parts of the building. None bid for the building as a whole. When Mr. Wittenberg took the chair lie made rather a startling an nouncement. "We shall hold every man to his bid," he said. In the tone that has often caused the incandesoent lights to glare with re newed ferocity. "If any of you men want to withdraw your bids, get out now. We don't want to hear you say afterward that you have made a jnistake and want lo take down your hid.' for we shall hold each man to his offer." "Go ahead." said a voiee. "Are you speaking for- yourself or for all?" Inquired the chairman. "For myself." said the voice. '"Then proceed," said tha chairman to Assistant Clerk Thomas, who read the bids, as follows: Tile and concrete work. Northwest Bridge Company, foor bids ranging from 161,000 to 2T6.000. according to different provision in the specification; Ferro Concrete Construc tion Company, four bids of from 130,000 to 204.430: M. E. Freeman, 322,000. Carpenter work Mclnnls & Beach, three bids, running from 80.337 to $103,290; J. M. Wallace, foar bids, running from 74,405 to 104.4S3; Peter Hobklrk, four bids, 58,000 to J102.OCO. Beating and ventilation The W. G. Mc pherson Company, bide for two systems. 40.145 and 44.000; Hassalo Engineering Company. 39.500; J. F. Shea. 30.849. Plastering John O Hare, bids from 19,9n0 to 24.990, and for concrete lining, 7100; O. Mathlson. 29.997. Including cement plaster ing; J. D. Treshma. from 22.332 to 25.376. Brick work and concrete H. Relmer & Co.. from $72,700 to S77.50U; James McBrlde, I7H.50O; Brlgham t McCleJlan, 80.888 to 83. 997. ; Plumbing Thomas A. Hulme & Co., from 31.7 to 30.300; H. L. Bruce, from 29.33 to 32.32; Robert Glllam. 3f.641; William Miiirhead, 3B.223: A. L. Howard. 28.000 to 28.100; J. F. Shea, 37.453; Mulrhead & Murhard, 35.800: Fox Co.. 31.K98; the Jacobsen-De Temple Company. 35.002; Has salo Engineering Company, 28,300 to 29, S55. For electric lights and equipment Stand ard Electric Company. 7000 for lights. 1050 for service and 2350 for clocks: Hassalo En gineering Company. I852 for lights. 700 for equipment and X2260 for clocks. Glass Fuller a Co.. 4711. Sashes and doors Central Lumber Com pany. 4719. Painting Doyle Knowell, I00; Sheeny Bros.. 7941. Ornamental Iron work Portland WIra Iron Works. 3719; I. H. Tuerck, 4082. Sheet metal work Moore Myer Com pany. 4525: J. H. Wyncoop. 0524; J. C. Bayer. 5642: Northwest Cornice 4b Roofing Company, 0447. The bids were referred to Building Su perintendent Jones for tabulation, with In structions to report at a special meeting to be held Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock. The rioard will then decide upon the question of having new plans drawn for the school to cost within the limit of the appropriation. WANT LICENSE REVOKED Committee Thinks bailors' Shipping Commission Illegal. The license committee of the City Council yesterday afternoon recommend ed to the Council the revocation of the license of Charles Jones and G. H. "Wls chusen. who conduct the) Sailors Ship ping Commission, at 191 Burnside street Members of the committee, of which Councilman Kellaher Is chairman, had been told previously by "Jack Grant, keeper of a licensed boarding-house for sailors, that the two men from the other establishment were operating in violation of the state law. Mr. Wlss chusen admitted that his company would furnish sailors to ships, if any Jailors could be secured, tut declared he had not furnished any up to this time. How- escort the victim of assault Into court but found ber under the care of a doc tor who said she was not able to stand up. Two davs were allowed for her par tial recovery and then a subpena was taken to the woman's apartment to insure her appearance. She had dis appeared in the meantime. The law requires that a complaining witness must either appear In court or must be subpenaed. Had the sub pen been served the officer would have been able to prosecute the case unaided bv the woman. But the wo man must have left the city to avoid service. An earnest search was made for her but to no purpose. Wilson's trial was set for yesterday morning. He said he was ready for trial, but evidently knew there would be no trial, for he dtdn't bother him self about hiring a lawyer. In ac cordance with the technical law he had to be released. "Just why any woman would want to save such a brute as this from the rockpile is too deep for my under standing," said Deputy City Attorney Sullivan as he reluctantly submitted to dismissal, "but I suppose there's no accounting for the iwaya of women." ever, the committee voted to revoke the license. Wisschusen and Jones have operated under a regular employment o.iice li cense, granted them by the city, and they allege that because they do not conduct a boarding-house In connection with their establishment it is unneces sary for them to take out a state license such as "Jack" Grant operates under. It is understood that the state commis sion, composed of three members, has been Investigating the Burnside street place, and that it Is regarded as a, det riment to the port. The City Council will have to act on the recommendation of the committee, and will probably do so tomorrow, when the regular session is scheduled. The case has created much interest in snip ping circles. MAY GRANT EXTENSION Council May Reach Agreement Re garding Engines on Fourth Street. The present attitude of the members of the City Council seems favorable to an extension of time for the Southern Pacific to operate as at present on its Fourth street line, and it would not be surprising If the Council should enter into an agreement with the officers of the corporation to that effect. At the meeting of the committee on judiciary yesterday afternoon City Attorney Kav anaugh's opinion, holding that the Coun cil has power to oust the company and stop it from operating steam locomotives on Fourth street, was read, but was not acted upon. The time limit, as fixed by ordinance, expires Friday, November 13. and It is thought the Council will not take any action until after that date. A statement by a high official of the Harrlman lines is to the effect that the company will be able to take its steam locomotives from Fourth street In 18 months. It is Just 18 months since the Council passed an ord lance giving the company that period of time In which to abandon the use of the Fourth street track for steam engines and freight. It now appears that the Council will wait to see what action the company will take relative to obeying the terms of the ordinance, and that some negotiations will then be entered Into to reach a mutual understanding in the matter. TO KNOCK OUT .STATEMENT Sellwood Club Begins Campaign to Test Constitutionality. The committee from the Sellwood Republican Club has taken up the mat ter of testing the -constitutionality of Statement No. 1 with the state central committee, and there will be a report submitted at the meeting next Thursday night in Strahlman's Hall as to progress made. Harry Upham, member of the com mittee, said yesterday that the Sell wood Republican Club started in an effort to see hat a Republican be elected to the United States Senate, and will not ceaje as long as there is pros pect of success. The club, he said, proposes to circulate petitions among Republicans asking the Republican members of the Legislature to vote for a member of their own party, besides taking steps to have Statement No. 1 declared unconstitutional. Since the meeting of the club last Thursday night, when the matter was first considered, the decision of the South Dakota case has been published in The Sunday Oregonian, and the members feel that they are fully Justi fied in the steps they have taken to secure a decision on the Oregon law. PREPARE FOR PILGRIMAGE Special Rate for Shrlners Who Go to Ashland Convention. Shriners are making ready fox the pil grimage to Ashland on Saturday next, when the new temple is to be organized and put in working order. An extra special rate has been obtained from the Southern Pacific. Company, which rate holds good not only for all active Shriners but also for members of their families, so that on this pilgrimage the members of the Arabic order need not leave their wives and- daughters behind the caravan. That enough of the faithful may gather for next Saturday's event a special meeting has been called for tomorrow, "Wednesday evening, and all Shriners within the oasis of Portland are invited to come and near the glad tidings to be announced from the official sources of information. It Is generally understood that items of much Interest axe In store for every pilgrim, and the faithful at Ashland propose to make this the most memorable event in the annals of South ern Oregon. WANTS TO CARRY TRAILERS Car Company Petitions Court for TTse of Madison Bridge., The officials of the Portland Railway, Light & Power Company have made ap plication to the County Commissioners to permit the Mount Scott cars to carry trailers across the Madison-street bridge. "But we do not think that this should be permitted." said County Com- -.Wniw T.lcrhtnr vesterrdav. "One Of the officials of the company admitted himself that when two of these neavy cars with thoir trailem meet on the bridge it places a weight of 120 tons In one spot. That Is too much for the bridge in its present condition. "A new bent Is being placed under the bridge to strengthen it, as we found that there Is a strain on one of the spans. - The bridge foreman makes a personal Inspection of the structure every morning, but the only thorough way is to place a boat with a float under the structure and make an exam ination from below. This is difficult to do." SUITTER TO PAY LAWYERS Committee Disallows Claim for $750 by Ex-Policeman. 'If I shot a man In his own home, as Policeman Suittcr rTid. I would be mighty glad to get off with my life and to pay my own attorney's fees," declared Coun cilman Vaughn at the session of the com mittee on Judiciary of the City Council yesterday afternoon. The members were considering a request by the ex-officer for 750 to pay Lawyers John F. Logan and Dan J. Malarkey. who defended him when he was on trial for killing Harry Shaffer, a Russian. The'clalm was dis allowed. Councilmen Cellars and Bennett, the other members of the committee, were inclined to favor granting a portion of the amount, but not sufficiently strong to vote for the allowance of 750. City Attorney Kavanaugh, who had been asked for an opinion, held that the Coun cil could legally pay all or any pari of the amount. Hurt by Streetcar, Sues. ' The suit of A. Bobleter against the Portland Railway Company to obtain $5000 damages, went to trial before a Jury In Judge Cleland's department of the Circuit Court yesterday afternoon. They say " Hair is the crowning glory of women," but to men, it's certainly the hat; that is, if the right man gets the right hat. Here it's sure to be right because we study the shape of the head and tifi form of the face more than the size of the pocket book. Our specialty is The Beaver Hat None better CJQ ff at the price. ... p3vlv New arrivals of the popu lar greens, in soft and stiff Hats.' You should see them. 166-170 Third Street. The plaintiff charges that on Novem ber 16, last year, he attempted to board a car at East Davis and East Twenty eighth street, which was apparently slowing down, when his foot slipped, and his knee was wrenched and perma nently Injured. He says it was the conductor's fault, in giving the motor man the bell before Bobleter was aboard. MAYOR NAMES COMMITTEES One to Select "Portland Day" at Se attle Fair, One for Pure Milk. 1 Mayor Lane named two special commit tees yesterday afternoon. Both were au thorized by the City Council, and are composed of its members. Councilman Baker, Vaughn and Kellaher were named to arrange a date for "Portland Day" at the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition, to be held in Seattle next year. Councilmen PURITY AND MATURITY HELP GIVE TO ITS FINE FLAVOR MELLOW RICHNESS AND SUPERIOR QUALITY THE AMERICAN GENTLEMAN'S WHISKEY Bold at n flrtt clfl emfes ftnd br JebtMrs. WM. LANAHA.S A SON, B<imora, Md. Golf All Winter at DEL MONTE CALIFORNIA The Paradise of the Pacific. 125 miles' south of San Franeiseo. Affords every facility for golf, tennis, riding, driving, motoring, and all other sports, tinder ideal conditions. Superb climate; beau tiful scenery. Every luxury and convenience of the best city ho tels. Stopover privileges on all through railroad tickets. Illustrated literature on request. Chester W. Kelley, special Northwestern representative, Sa voy Hotel, Seattle, until October 20. Rates and reservations made. H. R. WAENZR, Manager. Woman a Specialty Mrs. S. K. Chan The well-known Chinese phy sician, with her wonderful Chinese medicines, the herbs and roots, has cured many sufferers when all other rem .tAa hair fallpil fihf, riirefl female chronic private diseases, nervous ness, blood poison. rheumatism. asthma, throat. ' lunp troubles, stomach. bladder, kidney consumption and diseases of all kinds. Remedies harmless. No operation. Honest treatment. - EXAMINATION FREE. Morrison bU. Bet. first and Second. BALTIMORE "Why," that is the real thing you can't tell it from the actual human voice!" That's what people say every day, upon hearing the Victor ior the first time. And when their amaze ment is over they further exclaim, "I never knew the Victor was like that!" Do you know what the Victor is like? Why not hear it? Any , Victor dealer will gladly play any; Victor music you want to hear. ' A Victor for every pur e: $io to $300. Victor Talking Machine Co., Camden, N. Berllacr Gnmophone Co., Men etl. Canadian Distributors' . To get best results use only Victor Needles on Victor Records r .r!!T!T"'"j :x?.-'a' . j.. i Cottel, Ooncannon. Menefee. Wallace, Baker, Kellaher and Driscoll were named to assist the Board of Health In prepar ing a pure milk ordinance. Given Time to Ask Xew Trial. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Eppler have been granted by Judge Gantenbein. In the Circuit Court, 30 days' time in which to apply for a new trial in the suit brought against them by Mary A. D" r.csr THERE. areT three kinds of clothes, t machine work, hand work and head-work. You can see . the head-; work in - Michaels-Stern Clothes by the way they are fashioned and finished. They are thought out, and you spa i Mi can see the difference in their shapeliness :-some thing more than just style. The snuon's nw est mod Is shouid be cm sale tn ytw r Ov. If not, Tvr'llti lt vou u-herctot b am ik- m and will a.'C for ward yon mttof onr handsome 'trt folios of sUl-i if ycn'llsmd tfi ynnr local dealer - l name. rharfe-lStern& c A'our money when'you buy shoes; if you buy helz Royal Blue' shoes here, you will. We believe in a fair profit for both sides in a shoe bargain; we make one when we sell Selz Royal Blue shoes; but it's not a larger profit than you make when you buy them. ; They're profitable shoes; give' you more real value for the price than you're used to. Selz Royal Blue shoes, $3.50,. $4, $5. Stark. A Jury recently awarded Mrs. Stark $4500 damages, because the Ep plers beat her. It Is said, while at tempting to eject her from a Front street rooming-house. Dan Malarkey represented Mrs. Stark. PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS. PAZO OINTMENT Is guaranteed to cure anj- case of Itching. Blind, Bleeding or Pro truding Piles In 6 to 14 days or money re funded. 300. ' r :3r',.,'. P V 'I ' -JO- irSw. 1! In y"- v r' ( ' ; Profit on shoe money paid for SELZ ROYAL BLUE You ought to make a profit on Cor. 7th and Washington Sts. t