Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 09, 1908, Image 1

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    tmmmKMrtiT lilllilfc fffl
II 11 1 II il .Ml M I
VOL. XLVIII XO. 14,960.
Opposition Develops
in Federation.
Daniel Keefe Leading Attack
on Labor Leader.
Langh at Idea of Deposing Federa
- tkm Head on Charge of Perni
cious Activity in Politics."
Say Keefe Will Be Ousted.
' DENVER. Colo., Nov. S- At 10 o'clock
tomorrow morning in the Auditorium, the
2th annual convention of the American
Federation of Labor will, it Is predicted,
begin the most important gathering of
delegate to a convention of that oouy
in Us history.
The all Important question to be decided
is the indorsement of the political pro
mmma carried- out by the executive.
council during the recent political cam
paign and which has generally been re
ferred to as -"Gompers' plan."
Opponents of Samuel Gompers. prvsi
dent of the Federation, of more or less
strength within the Federation, are work
ing together in an effort to outline a
plan of battle against his re-elect'.on.
hay Gompers' Standing Lost.
They are charging him with pernic.ous
political activity and are using other ar
guments to convince delegates that Gomp
ers has lost his standing as a leader cf
workingmcn and that the working classes
need expect nothing from Congress in the
way of legislation if Gompers con'.tnues
at the head of the Federation.
Among those who are expected to lead
tlie fight on the Federation's president Is
Daniel Keefe, of the Longshoremen's
Union, who was charged with deserting
the Federation's executive committee and
coming out for Taft in consideration of
the promise of political office.
Has Many Adherents.
Although it is difficult to get the temper
of the delegates at this time. local leaders
who will participate In the sessions of
the convention ' laugh at the idea of
Gompers being turned down. They declare
their certainty of opinion that not only
will he be upheld, but that Keefe will
b? removed from the Federation and all
Ms followers Will suffer like defeat for
whatever office or preferment they may
They point to the fact of the defeat
of certain candidates for office known
as enemies of labor as a distinct victory
for the cause and one to be joyful over
n spite of the Federation's unfrtiitful
support of the Democratic National ticket.
In addition to this leading Question there
are a number of matters up for decision,
mostly relating to internal dissensions of
affiliated bodies, quarrels over Jurisdiction,
Half a doxen cities are after the con
vention for 159.
Secretary Straus Issues Report on
Immigration Cases.
WASHINGTON", Nov. 8. Since Secre
tary Straus became the executive head
of the Department of Commerce and
Labor, he has paid particular attention
to the case Involving violations of the
alien contract labor laws. The records
of the Bureau of Immigration and Nat
uralisation for the fiscal year ended
June 30. l!os. show that there were re
jected at the ports of this country 1933
alien seeking admission to the United
Stages pursuant to offers or promises of
employment made prior to emigration.
There were arrested and deported from
the. United States 140 aliens found to be
here In violation of the contract labor
In 2$ instances of apparent violation of
the alien contract labor law by corpora
tions or other employers, evidence was
transmitted to the Department of Jus
lice or to local United Stats attorneys
with a request for the institution of
suits to punish the persons shown Dy
ihe evidence to be guilty.
Former Justice Denies That He Got
Great Northern Money.
SEATTLE. Wash.. Nov. 8. (Special.
M. J. Gordon, former Justice on the State
Supreme bench, and later division counsel
for the Great Northern Railroad. ta a
guest at the Donnelly Hotel in Tacoma.
Apprised of the charges brought against
Justice M:lo Root and his own connection
wtttj them. -Mr. Gordon declined to make
any comment.
"A tew days ago a statement appeared
in the press to the effect that my resig
nation from the service with the railroad
company was due to a shortage in my
accounts." said Mr. Gordon. "I feel that
there la no actual shortage arising from
my transactions with the company, and
that the report results from a misunder
standing. 1 do not desire to comment upon
the Investigation which Is reported to
have been ordered by the Supreme Court,
and have nothing to say in relation there-
Content to Be Wife Only in
Name. Provided Husband Stays
Away Writing Tlay Now.
DENVER. Colo., Nov. 8. (Special.)
'Divorce proceedings are a horror to me,
and to my father and mother, and all the
family are utterly opposed to divorce on
This was the substance of a letter
written by Mrs. Ruth Bryan Leavltt to
Ituth' Bryan l.eavitt, Who Op.
pones Divorce and Is Writing
I'lay fur Mary Slannerlng.
an Tntlmate friend In Denver. It Is said
Mrs. Leavltt will seek absolute separation
from her artist husband. Homer Leavltt,
who Is reported to be in Paris. Mrs.
Leavttt. it Is further stated. will
never live with her husband again, but
is content to be his wife In name so
long as her husband remains away.
During the past two years she has been
engaged in 'literary work, writing little
plays and short stories, many of which
have been accepted. She is now writing
a play for Mary Mannering.
Last Member Mikkelssen Expedition
Back From the North.
SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 8. Ernest Lef
fingwell, geologist and explorer, who was
with Ejnar Mikkelssen on the expedition
to the Arctic in the schooner Duchess of
Bedford, which was wrecked in 1907, ar
rived here yesterday from Point Barrow
on the whaling vessel Narwhal.
Lefflngwell Is the last man of the ex
pedition to return, the others having
returned some time ago.
Lefflngwell claims to have discovered
and mapped three rivers in the extreme
northern part of Alaska emptying Into the
Arctic Ocean.
Portugal's Ring Warmly Welcomed
by Oporto Republicans.
OPORTO. Nov. 8. King Manuel made
a. Htale visit today to this city, which
Is the center of republicanism. Vast
crowds in the streets awaited tne ap
pearance of the 'King, despite a drlv-
1 ...l.....r.n anH ffave him a t TP -
mendous ovation, ladies In the balcon
ies showering him wltn riowers ana
letting loose flocks or aoves.
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Big Factories Calling
for Workmen.
Labor Famine Threatened
With Coming of Good Times.
Rush Orders in Railroad Shops
Necessitate Night and Tay
Work Steel Companies
Resume at Allquippa.
PITTSBURG, Pa.. Nov. 8. (Special.)
It was announced here today that ten
glass plants in Pennsylvania, Ohio. West
Virginia. Maryland and Indiana will be
put In operation within two weeks. They
are property of the National Glass Com
pany, now in the hands of a receiver.
All have been idle for months and the
bondholders will endeavor to purchase
the plants at trustees' sale next Tuesday.
Big Plants Ready to Open.
National Glass, Company was the en
terprise owned by Whitney Stephenson
Co.. a brokerage firm which failed
several months ago. While the firm
owned glass plants, they did not operate
them, leasing them instead to underly
ing concerns. The company has out
standing bonds of $2,600,000. of which
$600,000 are first mortgage and the rest
general. Three of the plants are up to
date and ready for .Immediate operation.
They are located at Cambridge. O.; Dun
kirk, Ind., and Jeanette, Pa. Others
which need only few repairs are located
at Cumberlandi Md., Fairmont, W. Va.;
Rochester, Pa Wellsburg. W. Va.; Lan
caster, O. (two), and Bridgeport.
A remarkable scarcity of laborers Is
reported in the Connellsville coke dis
trict, and an appeal has been made for
1000 laborers. According to the ' oper-.
atom, the foreign workmen Vho went
home last Fall when financial stringency
came on have not returned. Thousands
who did return to America., fearing that
the Connellsville coke region would not
be as good as before, continued on their
way to the Far West. A famine of coke
workers is threatened. '
Time and a Half for Employes.
The Jones & Laughlin Steel Company,
which last Fall quit work on the new
model town at Allquippa, where a new
$16,000,000 steel plant will be erected,
issued orderes to have the town building
Beginning tomorrow many employes of
the Verona 'shops of the Pennsylvania
Railroad will be placed on time and a
half .In order to hurry repairing cars.
An official report issued today shows
last, week many of the men worked six
full days and three full nights.
W. H. Tappan, Suicide.
NEW YORK. Nov. 8. Walworth H.
Tappan. of Louisville. Ky., well-known
In the iron and steel trade of the South
and the Middle West, blew his brains
out tonight in the washroom of the Ho
tel Savoy on Fifth avenue. Despondency
over a nervous affliction, which was con
stantly getting worse. Is given by his
wife as the cause of Tappan's act.
Proposes to Take Rest, but Declares
Wedding Will Not Affect Her
Stage Ambitions.
BOSTON. Nov. 8. Nat C. Goodwin,
the comedian, and Edna Goodrich, who
formerly starred with Mr. Goodwin, were
married at 1 o'clock today at the home
of Mr. Goodwin's mother. The cere
mony was performed by a Justice of
the peace who has been a friend of Mr.
Nat C. Goodwin, Who Married
Edna Goodrich Yesterday.
Goodwin since boyhood, but whose name
was not made public.
The wedding party, which arrived here
from New York early, comprised Mrs.
Nellie Stevens, mother of the bride;
Miss Goodrich, Mr. Goodwin and George
O. Weeden. Mr. Goodwin's manager.
These, with Mr. Goodwin's mother, were
the' only ones present at the -ceremony.
The house was decorated with . roses,
lilies of the valley and fems. A wed
ding breakfast was served after the
The-couple remained in Boston until
late this afternoon.-taking a midnight
tiain for New York.
The wedding today la the fourth mar
riasi of Mr. Goodwin and the aecond of
Miss Goodrich. The ceremony was held
iii Boston, said Mr. Goodwin, that he
might have an opportunity of seeing his
mother before he entered on engage
ments .which would prevent his again
coming to Boston for some months.
"No. my marriage will not In the least
affect my stage ambitions," declared
Mrs. Goodwin. "I hope it will materially
aid them. On account of my health.. 1
shall not return to the stage this Win
ter, but shall take a good, long rest."
Aspires to Represent Indiana in
Upper House of Congress.
Kern, defeated candidate for Vice
President, announced toiiight that he la
a candidate for United States Senator
to succeed James A. Hemenway. The
Indiana Legislature Is . Democratic on
Joint ballot by a majority of 12. . Others
mentioned as probable candidates are
John E. Lamb, of Terre Haute, who
was in charge of , Democratic National
headquarters lnChicago during the last
compalgn; Thomas Taggart. ex-Natlonti'.
chairman; Benjamin E. Shively. and Ed
ward Hoffman, '"of Fort Wayne.
After declaring that it has been his
life-long ambition to represent ' Indiana
In the X'nlted States Senate, Mr. Kern
tonight . sajd :. . "
"I 'do not want ths place unless the
Democrats of Indiana so desire. If a
majority want my election I feel that I
am entitled to it."
The WeaUber. ,
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, 61
degrees; minimum. 44 degrees.
fonAVS Portland . and vicinity, fair;
northerly winds.
Vlctorlen Bardou, dead of French drama
tuts, is dead. Page 1.
Revolt anainst Samoel oGmpr threatened
In Federation of Labor convention today.
Page 1.
Rjth Brvan Leavltt says whole Bryan fam
.Jly abhors divorce. She is writing play.
Page 1.
Buritlcrs keep ramlly In bed with gun and
loot home of $10,000 In Jewelry. Pago 1.
Glass factories to resume in East; other
evidence of prosperity. Page 1.
Edna-Goodrich and Nat C. Goodwin mar
ried In Boston. Page 1.
Tafr religious views bring forth letter
from President Roosevelt. Page .
Cannon may lose out as speaker if "In
surgents" control next Congress. Page i-
Faft enjovs Sunday reat after turmoil of
Campaign. Page 4.
Eugene's defeat at football comes as sur
prise. Page 9.
Paclfle Coast.
Br Jordan checks hostilities at Stanford
by ratling oft address. Page 1.
Linn County Grange opposes building high
way through state. Page 5.
Two motnrmen killed and score of passen
gers Injured in trolley car collision at
Vancouver. B. C. Page 5.
Portland and Vicinity.
Oregon snd Washington may combine on
new flsh laws. Page 13.
George H. Thomas' letter on non-partisans
Is bombshell to Democrats. Page IS.
Electlrn returns plainly show fraud In
registration. Page 9.
Active campaign for Rose Festival funds
will begin today. Page 14.
Rer Andrew Morissey presents ideals of
true clOsenship. Page 8.
Larman speaks on "Prayer" .at T. M.-C. A.
. 1 ' . cr g
Many improvement are made mjCtty fara.
I ?
Victorien Sardou Dies,
Aged 77.
Universal Regret That He Left
No Memoirs.
First Play Hissed; Second Made
Hit, and His-Last. Is Still Run
ning, With Crowded Houses.
Man of Great Character.
PARIS, Nov. 8. Victorien Sardou,
who 'has been ill for a long time, died
today from pulmonary congestion. He
was the dean of French dramatists and
a member of the French Academy.
The man whose first play was hissed
and. who then wanted to go to America
to seek his fortune, died rich and hon
ored, with the proud title of France's
greatest and most prolific contemporary
Victorien Sardou was a man possessed
of singular character and was1 greatly
beloved. There is universal regret that
he left no memoirs.
Born in Paris.
He was born in Paris. September 7,
1831, the son of Leandre Sardou, an ed
ucationalist and the compiler of sev
eral publications. At first he studied
medicine, but was obliged,'' in conse
quence of the .embarrassment of his
family, to give private lessons in his
tory, philosophy and mathematics. He
also made attempts in literature, writ
ing articles for several reviews and for
the minor Journals.
His first comedy, "La Taverne des
Etudients," was produced in 1854 In the
Odeon, then the second state theater,
but- 11 proved- a complete failure..
i Last Play Still Banning..
He then wrote the ( comedy, "Les
Pattes de Mouche," which was produced
with great success1' in I860 and was sub
sequently adapted for the Eiglteh' stage
under the title of "A Scrap of Paper."
At the age of 75 Sardou witnessed the
production of his latest drama, "L'Af
falre des Persons," at Porte St. Martin
Theater. This play, which has to do
with -the infamous poisoning camarilla
existing under the reign of Louis XIV,
and which was presented for the first
time in December last, is still running
to crowded houses.
Sardou was i nursed through a fever by
IHe- de Precourt. afterwards his wife,
who introduced him to the noted actress
and theatrical manager, Mile. Dejazet.
for whom he wrote plays of ephemeral
popularity, among them "Monsieur" Ga
rat," (1860).
When he had once achieved notoriety,
Sardou produced comedies with aston
ishing rapidity, four in 1S61. "Les Pattes
de Mouche," from Poe's "Purloined Let
ter," "Plccolino," "Les Femmes Fortes,"
"Nos In times"; three in 1882, 'Les Ga
naches." a satire on the Republican agl-
(Ooncl-aneA on Page 2.)
1 - '
Stanford Students Cp in Arms Over
Suspension or "Plug Ugly
Committee" Members.
SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 8. (Special.)
By calling off his address on "Student
Control," Dr. . Jordan, president of Stan
ford University, undoubtedly helped to
check any display of indignation by the
students over the suspension of seven
members of the junior "Plug Ugly'com-
Edna Goodrich. Who Was Mar
ried to Nat Goodwill Yester
day. mittee,' for daring to poke fun at the
For a time It seemed that some precipi
tate action might be taken, but Dr. Jor
dan's announcement calling off his ad
dress dispersed the gathering.
There is no . mistaking, however, the
attitude of a majority of the undergradu
ates and that this resentment does not
crystalize, into positive steps is due to
the recognition -of the futility of any
effort to change the position of the stu
dent affairs committee.
Dr. Jordan has already unequivocally
sustained the committee in its suspen
sion and Porfessor Clark speaks freely In
supporting the committee on the ground
that the poster was sufficiently objection
able to warrant the dismissal of the stu
dents while the risque dancing In the
farce was added justification.
The suspended students have been given
two days in which to leave the campus.
Goldfield Saloon Man Can Give TCo
Coherent Account of Tragedy.
GOLDFIELD, Nev., Nov. 8. John
Sheridan, formerly of San Francisco,
in jail here and will probably be charged
tomorrow with the murder ol his wire
Mrs. Sheridan rushed out of the house
on Broadway, occupied by the couple,
today, screaming for help, and dropped
dead in the street. She had been stabbed
In the back, the knife penetrating the
heart. Sheridan was found in the house
by Deputy Sheriff Sage and placed under
arrest. He denied the stabbing, but could
give no coherent account of the tragedy.
Sheridan came here several years ago
and opened a saloon. In ' the last six
months he had been employed as a bar
tender. He had been drinking for several
weeks. .
IK ' ?
Brooklyn Thugs Get
. $10,000 in Jewels.
Man, Wife and Children Kept
Huddled in Bed for Hour.
Unable to Give Alarm for Hour Be
cause Telephone Wires Are Cut.
Plight of C. E. Taynton, Rich,
Resident of Brooklyn.
NEW YORK, Nov. 8. With the ray
of a burglar's lantern shining in their
eyes and two revolvers held by masked
men covering them, the five members
of the family of Charles E. Tayntor, a
wealthy granite dealer, lay in bed in
the Tayntor home" at Borough Park.
Brooklyn, for more than an hour this
morning while a third masked burglar
piled up 10.000 worth of Jewelry and
silverware. Then the burglars bound
Mr. Tayntor hand and foot and escaped
.with their booty.
Knew He Is Crack Shot.
The burglary was most daring and
Mr. Tayntor Is convinced that the rob
bers spent many days in planning it.
Mr. Tayntor, who has a number of rich
ganltc quarries in New England. Is
known as a crack shot, being a mem
ber of the New York State Rifle Asso
ciation and having been a contestant.
It is said, in the recent Olympic pistol
tournament at Bisley, England. It is
believed that the burglars knew this
and took no chances with him.
Head Battered as He Sleps.
The three men, when they gained
entTance'To the house, went immedi
.i.iv tn a hedvnom on the second floor
Occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Tayntor, and
one of the burglars struck Mr. Tayn
tor a crushing blow on the head with
a blackjack as he lay asleep. The blow
stunned him, and a few minutes later,
when Mr. Tayntor recovered his senses
he found three revolvers leveled at
Made to Sit Up in Bed.
Mr. and Mrs. Tayntor were made to
sit up in bed, and two of the burglars
held them while a third began
a search of the roemt.' The noise
awakened Miss Tayntor, the 15-year-old
daughter of the granite dealer, and
she came into the room, crying. The
burglars ordered her into bed with her
parents, and the child obeyed. A mo
ment later Charles Tayntor, aged 8
years, and Harold, 12, came Into the
room. They were made to" sit on tne
side of the bed.
Burglar Shows Sentiment.
The burglar who was ransacking the
room found a Jewel-case with two wed
ding rings in it, on a bureau, and was
about to take them when Mr. Tayntor
asked him not to. The burglar replied
that he would take everything of valua
that he could find. Then one of the
men standing guard over the family
spoke up:
"Don't take those wedding rings. I
am a married man myself and have
some sentiments about wedding rings'
he said.
Toy Bank Smashed.
Tk. rinsrsi were left, hut two toy
banks belonging to Charles and Harold,
the Tayntor boys, were broken ouen
and rifled of 17. The toys cried and
were ordered to be quiet. When the
. m Via, hn searched the third rob
ber went downstairs and packed up the
silverware. He later returned to the
bedroom and commanded Mr. Tayntor
to give up a $500 diamond ring he wore.
The ring wouia not cume un, nnu
nf tit hiirfflnr erlmlv drew a Jack-
knife and was about to cut Mr. Tayn-
tor's finger off when Mr. layntor pro
tested .and asked permission to go to
the bathroom and get the ring off with
soap and water.
"We will do that ourselves." said the
man, who appeared to be the leader of
the trio, and they did. Then the three
men produced a rope and bound Mr.
Tayntor s hands ana reet. J ney caerea
him not to make an outcry for 15 min
utes, saying one of their number would
remain on guard that length of time.
They then hurried away..
It was an hour before Mr. Tayntor
could notify the police, as the telephone
wires were cut. He was able to give a
description of the three men, but this
will hardly be of any assistance, as tne
burglars were all dressed alike and -Are
masks. They wore blfrck suits, black
derby hats, kid gloves and white masks
and had woolen sneaks over their shoes-
European Express Train Is De
railed Near Grisels.
MAUXTEBAN, France, Nov. 8. An ex
press train was derailed today neat
Grisels. Ten persons were killed and
many Injured.
A. If