Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 06, 1908, Page 9, Image 9

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Trus Store Noted for Bert Goods at Lowest Price fc
Miss Wsa
Hi' I
Last Wednesday
placed on sale
T n m 1 an assorted line of
lyictLCA ldlo mixed Suitings, in
cluding popular checks, stripes and com
plete line of plain weaves; our regular $1.UU
and $1.25 values, at the following low price.
Don't miss this great offer. Spe- CQp
eial only, per yard
this sweeping clearance. Don't let the golden opportunity pass you by without sup
plying needs, even for months to come. Absolutely no reserve. Doors open at 9:30
A. M. Salespeople, men and women, wanted. Must be experienced.
Board of Directors Order Present
Women's SyI
Umbrellas Cte,
in this city. Women's pure silk umbrellas
with Paragon steel frame and rod, gold, sil
ver and pearl handles, in very latest novelty
designs. Standard $5 values. 0 A3
Special for only, each.. !.P,J
1 1 vv
Winter Underwear
All Misses' and Boys' Underwear 20 PER
Women's $2.00 and $1.75 Underwear. .88
$1.25 Fleece-lined Union Suits!.. J&C
$1.65 Fleece-lined Union Suits
85c Fleece-lined Union Suits.. Xtia
$2.25 Wool Underwear, special. ... -J J-J J
$2.75 Wool Underwear, special ....
$3.00 out sizes Underwear, garment
$1.75 All-Wool Garments, special
35c Fleece-lined Vests and Pants lf
Entire Change of Management
Muslin Underwear
50c Corset Covers, special, each.... 21
75c Cambric Drawers, special, pair 39
$1.25 and $1.50 Skirts and Gowns 88
50c Muslin Drawers, special, pair. . .23
$2.00 Forest Mills Underwear... .$1.19
$1.75 Forest Mills Underwear. .....
$2.00 Muslin Skirts, special $1.29
Women's Hosiery
50c Cotton Hosiery, fast -black .33$
Biy2e White Foot Hose, pair. r-.23
98c Fancy Lace and Plaid Hose... .40
25c Ribbed Hose, double knee., . .11
35c Ribbed and Plain Wool .23
75c Outing Flannel Gowns. . 43tf
$1.25 OutiDg Flannel Gowns 69
Men's Furnishings
Mn' $im Mt. Hood Shirts, special .,.47
Men's $1.50 Stiff-Front Shirts, special 23
Bos' 75c Dress Shirts, special, each .13
Mens'' $3.00 Silk and Wool Shirts at $1.59
Mens' $1.00 Madras Shirts, special, ea. 47
Men's $1.50 White Dress Shirts, special 93
Men's $2,50 Blue Flannel Shirts, ea. $1.29
Men's 35c All-Wool Socks, special. 23
25c Pure Linen Handkerchiefs .11
Men's 35c All-Wool Socks, special. .23
85c Cotton Batts, at, ech..49
6V4e American Prints, yr.4
12V2 Indis Linon, th yard.. 7
30o India Linon, the yard.. 16
10 Outing Flannels, the yd.6Vi
12Vic Flannelettes, the yd..6V
12V2C Daisy Cloth, the yard.. 8
120 Outing Flannels, yard. 74
12o Dress Ginghams, yd.. 10
8c Apron Ginghams, the yard .4
29c brown 9 1 Sheeting for. .20
31e Bleaehed 9-4 Sheeting. .22
26o brown 8-4 Sheeting, for.. 18
30e brown 10-4 Sheeting at. .21
75 Sheets, 72x90, for, each.. 41
8"c Sheets. SUM, at, each.. 44
55c Sheets, 72x90, for, each.. 37
12Vic Cases, 42x36, at, ea..7V2
$1.00 Dice Napkin, doen..49
$1.75 Napkins, 18 inch, at.. 98
$2.00 Napkins, 20-in., at.. 91.19
15c Linen Crash, on sale for.. 8
13x32 Cotton Towels, at, ea..4
14x31 Cotton Towels, at, ea. .5
30c Fringed Linens for 17
40c Fringed Linena for 19
40c Turkish Towels, each.. 21
25c Turkish Towels, each.. 11
25c Turkish Towels, at, ea..l3
Table Linens, 35 PER CENT OFF
Suit Department
il0.00.tl2.00. $15.00 SoiU. 83.98
$7.00, $8.00, $9.00 Suits, at. 8 2.98
$21.00 to $25.00 Suits for. . 88.88
$26.00 to $35.00 Suits at.. 8 14.98
$7.00, $8.00, $9.00 Coats at. 83.88
$16.00, $18.00, $20.00 Coats. 89.88
$21.00 to $25.00 CoaU at. .812.98
$3.25 to $5.00 Skirts, each.. 82.19
$6.00 to $10.00 Skirts, each. $4.19
$11.00 to $15.00 Skirts at. $6.98
$22.00 to $28.00 Skirts at. 812.98 tn 400 Waists, each. 81.98
$6.00 to $10.00 Waists, ea.$3.98
Opera Coats, 36 per cent off regular.
Regular $2.50 Fur Scarfs, ea. -78
$5.00 Black Coney, for, ea.. 81.39
$1.75 and $2.00 Petticoats at. .98
$2.50 and $3.00 Fettiooats. .
$7.50 and $10 Silk Skirts.
$3.00 to $5.00 Child's Coats.
$4 to So Misses' Skirts at.!
10 to $15 Misses' Suits at.i
Reg. 85o Cotton Blankets. -59
$3.75 Wool Blanket for.. 81.98
$2.00 large Comforts, ea.. .$1.19
$1.50 large Comforts, each.. 88
$1.00 Feather Pillows, each. .49
$1.75 Bedspreads, at, each.. 98
$2.25 Bedspreads, at, ea, .81.39
36-inoh Lonsdale Muslin at.8Vi
36-inch Hope Muslin for, yd-SVi
Kid Gloves
$1.00 Kid Glores, the pair.. 39
$1.25 Kid Gloves, the pair.. 59
$1.50 Kid Gloves, the pair.. 79
50e Gloves, on sale at, pair.. 21
Dress Goods
$2.00 and $2.50 Oavenettes, all
colors, on sale at, the yd. 31.29
Regular 75o pure Taffeta Silks, all
colors, on sale at, the yard.. 49
$1.50 and $2.00 striped Velvets, at
this special price, the yard. 29
$2.00 Winter Cloaking and Suit
ings, special for, the yard.. 98
Odd Things
$100 to $5.80 Purses at, ea..T9
Regular 50c Pad Supporter. 37
5c and 10c Handkerchiefs at. .2
25c Handkerchiefs at, each.. 11
25c linen Handkerchiefs, ea..9
50o Lace Collars for, each.. 23
15c Lace Collars on sale for. . 6
Boys' 35c Waists for, each. 17
75c and $1.00 Caps for, ea. .23
15c, 26c and 35c Ribbons at.. 7
5e and 10c Velvet Ribbons for.l
"IL & W." Waists, each.. 21
75c Wrappers on sale for. .39
$10 Children's Jackets at. 84.98
$2.50 Children's Dresses. .$1.39
All Notions.. 25 PER OBNT OFF
All Trimmings, Veilings, Laces,
Embroideries, Perfumes. Leather
Goods, etc., at 25 PER CENT OFF
V zZ .
: ; : i
JOregon Will Return Handsome
Republican Plurality.
fc)ntide of Mnltnoniah, Marlon
tounty Gives I-arest Vote, l-'lnal
Count Showing Lead of
1383 Over Bryan.
As official returns come In from the
eyarlous counties of the state. Taft's
plurality continues to grow, and It Is
sdmoit certain that the first night's esti
mate of J6.0Oj will be verified.
Bryan's vote in each county exceeds
that for Parker four years ago. and
ven Taft has In many Instances re
ceived a bigxer vote than that accorded
Roosevelt- The November vote was not
o heavy as that cast at the Jone
The minor parties will likely show a
decrease when the final return are all
ionipleted. In Lake County. Chafln re
reived but one vote. Hisgen's vote In
U countiea Is but a trifle. The Socialist
wote la not what had been expected.
ffaft Also Gets More Titan Roosevelt
Ild In Washington County.
HILXSBORO. Or.. Nov. 6. (Special.)
The official count was completed' today
nd the figures give Taft S2. Bryan 1165,
iCharin 133. Debs Its. Hlsgen IS. Tart s
plurality Is 1174 as against Roosevelt's
plurality above Parker, of 1S04. Bryan's
Tiet gain above Parker's vote 673. and
B"art ran 43 votes ahead of Roosevelt. The
I'rohibltlon vote shows a loss of 21 com
pared with the 1S"4 vote, and t,he Socialist
Vote Is one less than In that year.
The net rain of Bryan, compared to
barker's figures, and giving Taft the 43
sf a gain on Roosevelt. Is 630.
Jllngen 17, Chafln 17 In Josephine.
GRANTS PASS, Or.. Nov. 5. (Special.)
-Fifteen out of 1 precincts' In the
eounty give Taft RW. Bryan-701, Debs 27S.
Clmfin 17. Hlsgen 17. Taft now haa a
Plurality of 237. The last precirt to be
heard from is Placer, which will raise
the Republican figures slightly.
Douglas Vote Falls Off.
RuSKBl"RU. Or.. Nov. 5. (Special.)
Complete unofficial returns from Doug
Ins County show Taft 2092. Bryan 1S72.
Jehs 378. Chafln 63. Hlsgen 7. A total
r.f 3S.MI votes was cast, about 109 less
than in the June election.
One Prohl In Lake County.
I.AKEV1EW. Or.. Nov. . (Special.)
ICuaipioie unoIidal return from all pr-J
clncts In Lake County gives Taft 4S4.
Bryan 223, Debs , Chafin 1. Hlsgen X
Plurality In Umatilla 767.
PENDLETON. Or.. Nov. 5. (Special.)
The official count of the vote In Uma
tilla County was completed this evening
and Is as follows: Taft 2336. Bryan 1569,
Debs 180, Chafln 110, Hlsgen 8.
Official Count In Yamhill.
M'MI.NNVILLE. Or.. Nov. 6. (Spe
cial.) The official count In Yamhill
County gives Tart 1980. Bryan 1247,
Chafin 245. Debs 169. Hlsgen 4.
Certain or Victory Over Willamette
University Saturday.
LEGE, Corvallls. Or., Nov. 5. (Special.)
The local college team Is In good
condition for the game with Willamette
University Saturday. The men finished
the laat hard practice of the week to
night and all came through without a
scratch. The rooters are confident of
winning from the Capital City college
Coach Norcross has given out the
following line-up for the game: Kelley,
center: Wallace, right guard: Jamison,
right tackle; Enburg. right end; Loos
ley, Parker and Smith, loft guards;
Pendergrass. left tackle; Brodle, left
end; Gagnon. quarter; Cooper and
Hastings, right half Kecli, fullback;
Wolfe, left half.
At Cincinnati.
CINCINNATI. Nov. 5. Latonla results:
Fire and a half furlonn Mrs. Bw.ll
won: Almena second. Zerac third. Ttm
1:08 1-3.
Five furlonra Sea Shell won; Jolly sec
ond. Romp third. Time, 1 :0o 1-S.
Six furlongs 3eora-o Batley won; Ctn
oplan second, Tom McAfee third. Time,
l:OU 1-5.
Mile and a sixteenth Mlas Sain won;
Rh1 Gauntlet second. Cilidtng Belle third.
Time. 1:4 1-5.
Six furlonir Jioneit won; Merrick sec
ond. Topsy Riblnson third. Time. 1:S4.
Six furlonas Monart won: Rexaj:s seo
ood. Greaham third. Time. 1:14 3-5.
Pullman Team Leaves for Seattle.
6TATB COLLEGE. Pullman. Wash.,
Nov. 6. (Special.) The State College
football team left today over the North
em Pacific for Seattle, where It will play
its first intercollegiate game of the sea
son with the University of Washington.
The Waldorf. 7th and Washington.
Hay Famine In California.
SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. &. According
to the annual report of the San Fran
cisco Hay Dealers' Association, there is
a prospect of a hay shortage in the state
this Winter, an absolute absence of sup
ply In March next and a raise In price
that may this week attain 126 per ton.
The hay crop this year falls short of the
1907 crop by about 100,000 tons, and there
Is no prospect of relief from Nevada or
Utah, as was then afforded. Dealers
have' ceaaed to quote prices upon hay,
and the prospect of a continued dry
spell renders the situation all the mora
MtlGua, ,
Plurality for Cosgrove Is Fig
ured at 47,166.
Republican Forecasts Have Been
Exceeded in Every Instance.
Legislature Will Have Majority
of 7 7 on Joint Ballot.
SEATTL& Nov. 6. Returns from every
countv In the state place Taft's plurality
over W. J. Bryan at 46.5SS. The Presi
dential vote on the Socialist. Prohibition
and Independence party tickets was in
considerable and fell far behind the pre
dictions made by their leading support
ers. Cosgrove's plurality over John Pat
tison Is figured at 47.106.
The Republicans have .1? State Senators
and 51 State Representatives, giving them
a majority of 77 on Joint ballot, which
insures the election of Congressman
Wesley L. Jones to the United States
Senate to succeed Levi Ankeny.
Vancouver Elects Thompson as Con
stable, All Other Republicans.
VANCOUVER, Wash.. Nov. 5. Spe
cial.) Returns from 26 out of 27 pre
cincts In Clark. County show the fol
lowing figures: Taft 2310. Bryan 1145,
Debs 316. Chafln 72. Hlsgen 9. Con
gress. Cushman 2358, Brown 1082;
Governor, ' Cosgrove 1440, Pattison
10f; Lieutenant-Governor. Hay 2420,
Edwards 1087; State, Nichols 2419,
Johnson 1073; Auditor. Clausen 2426,
Carson 1079; Treasurer. Lewis 2443,
Schram 1069: Attorney. Bell 2534, Ho
benhelmer 1006; Lands, Ross 5j470,
Pchooley 1097: Schools. Dewey 2478,
Wheeler 1069: Insurance. Sohlvely
2460. Masterson 1084; Judges. Chad
wick S448. Crow 3406. Root 3454; Sen
ator. 17th district, Kastham. Rep.,
2376: H1ddn. Dem.. 12S1: Representa
tives. 23d district. Sparks, Rep., 2313;
French. Rep., 2307; Coffey Dem., 1178;
Axtel, Dem.. 1188; Judge of Superior
Court. McCredle. 3312; Sheriff. Sapping
ton 2684; Clerk, Williamson 2557; Au
ditor, Kies. Rep.. 2519: Abbott. Dem.,
1005: Treasurer. Eichenlaub 2646: At
torney. Stapleton, Rep.. 1888: Green,
Dem.. 1736; Assessor Superintendent,
McBrlde 2615: Eagineer. Bailey 2463;
Coroner. Knapp 2582: Commissioner,
first district. Smith. Rep.. 2303; Mar
ble. Iem.. 143: third district. Blaker
Rep.. 2270: Wentworth 1U3.
Al! officials are Republicans, many
having no opposition. The only Dem
ocrat in the county was Constable
Thompson In Vancouver.
Klickitat Safely Republican.
GOLDETNDALB. Wash.. Nov. S. The
full vote for Klickitat County la now in.
Taft got 893. Bryan 344. Cosgrove W0,
Pattison 847. The county ucjeet: .eyser.
BepraaMitaUvat W8, SJwtnp.aon. inii
dltor. Dunning. 1160, Hartley, 410; Sheriff,
Warner, 975, Van Vactor. 890; Clerk,
Hornlbrook. 1098. Tefft. 563; Assessor,
Bunnell. 1096, Barnes, 592; Commissioner,
C. O. Barnea. 865, Cahlll, 560: Engineer,
Richardson, 726. Borden. 771. The full Ro
publican ticket was elected.
Balllnger In Cabinet, Maybe.
TACOMA, Wash., Nov. 6. A strong
movement was started in Tacoma and
other Northwestern cities today for
the appointment as Secretary of the In
terior in Taft's Cabinet of Judge R. A.
Balllnger, of Seattle.
Olympia Malt Extract, good for grand
ma or baby. Only 15-100 of 1 por cent
alcohol. Phones Main "i
Has Mnch Heavier Team and Shows
Better Coaching ind Teamwork
Than Opponents.
The Holladay Grammar School had
no trouble in defeating the eleven from
:ffi!tf- piili ft
The E5-m.aVim of the Multnomah Amateur Athletic Club promises to be
crowded to the doors tonight, for a great deal of Interest Is being manifested in
the interclub boxing and wrestling championships scheduled to take place.
The principal bouts will be the matches between V. Venabies. of Seattle, and
E. D Smith of M A A. C who ate scheduled to wrestle at 135 pounds, and the
125-pound boxing bout between Willie Speck, of Seattle, and Harry Neicken. of
Multnomah. Two preliminary and four regular wrestling matches and four
lhn Montavllla School yesterday on the
field at East Thirteenth and East
Davis streets. The final score was 30
to 0; five touchdowns and a safety
being scored.
Holladay was several pounds heavier
to the man -than the Montavllla. eleven
and showed better team work through
out the, game. The boys from Monta
vllla school were poorly coached and
sadly showed the need of practice. No
runs of any consequence were made
by them and at no time were they
dangerously near the Holladay goal.
Although quarter-back Teed, of the
Montavllla's was slow in starting
plays on the offensive, which was
probably due to a poor understanding
of the signals, yet he was the only
player on his team who seemed able
to stop the advances of the Holladay
backs. A possible exception was Lewis,
who was next to Teed, the best de
fensive player on his team. On the
offensive Montavllla was woefully
weak and unable to get more than two
or three first downs during the game.
The lineup was a follows:
Holladay looked to be one of the
best grammar school teams seen in the
games this year and should be a dan
gerous opponent for any of the schools.
It showed a variety of well-executed
plays, which would be a credit to a
high school team, and It will be In
teresting to see this eleven matched
against a team which can make It go
its utmost. The forward pass was used
repeatedly with success yesterday and
also a fake tandem formation on which
the guard carries the ball around the
Holladay (SO).
lngton Water Power Company's Hill-
yard carline and tne ureal iioimci,
tracks last night The well-groomed,
shining black hair of the corpse was
clotted with blood and loosened earth.
Shortly afterward Ferdinand Orlando,
an Italian. 21 years old. was arrested
between this city and Hlllyard. A re
volver was found on him and he was
locked up in the City Jail on suspicion.
Winners Will Probably Not Be Known
Until Early Next Week.
VV. Hastings
McMurray .
Z. Hastings
Jarkson ...
Williams .
Position. Montavllla (0)
LT.R. ..
R. B.L...
. Baxter
... Blade
. . . . Teed
. . WYlKht
S'vrrr... Abbou
Dies With 21 Stilleto Wounds.
SPOKANE, Wash., Nov. 6. (Special.)
With 21 stiletto woun4s about his
neck breast and back, the body of Er
nesto Cataro was found about 400 yards
north of the' Intersection of the Wash-
Upwards of six thousand replies were
received up to the official closing time
in the great Counting Contest launched
by Ellers Piano House in co-operation
with a group of the largest and
wealthiest Eastern piano manufactur
ers. Although actually swamped with re
plies, through the systematic and care
ful method of sorting which has been
adopted, much headway is being made.
This work will be rushed as much as
possible and the fortunate winners an
nounced at the earliest moment. How
ever, It is doubtful whether the Judges
will be able to reaech a decision be
fore the first of next week. The esti
mates submitted vary all the way from
10 up to 297,000, neither one of which
is anywhere near the correct number.
The awarding of the prises will be
entirely in the hands of a board of
three disinterested Judges, consisting
of the fallowing well-known gentle
men: Rev. Father H. J. McDevitt.
Prof. Frank Rigler, City Supt of
Schools, and Mr. Tom Richardson, Man
ager of the Commercial Club.
The Filers House is to be congratu
lated, not only on the great success of
this notable contest, and the bona fide
and straightforward method of award
ing the prizes by a group of three
otallv disinterested individuals, but
the further fact that they have been
able to feecure such eminent and well
known cltlsens to act as Judges. It
Insures a square deal to everybody.
Nothing is so exasperating as a poorly- made,
worthless shade. Our shades are made by hand,
from the finest materials, and are hung by ex
pert workmen. They wear well, run straight
and exclude the light. Our prices are the very
lowest, quality considered. We carry large
stocks of Royal Opaque Shading and John
King's Imported Scotch Hollands.
Katlmatea Gladly Sub
mitted. Phone uu. Main
21, A 4552.
J. G. MACK 8 CO.
Fifth and Stark Streets