THE MORMXU OKEGOXIAX, FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 6, 1908. PROSPERITY WAVE FLOODS COUNTRY Huge Boom in Wall Street Stocks and Revival Ail Over Country. NOTICE OF WAGE INCREASE rittsburg Glass Company Calls for 20,000 Workmen Pennsylvania Road and Many Factories Start Operations Full Blast. XBTV YORK. Nov. 5. (Special.) "Wall street gave eipre'sslon to Its pinion of the election results yesterday ty the great buoyant and enthusiastio advance In prices of securities. With the uncertainty attending the election removed a general rash to buy stocks and bonds ensued... Participating In the movement were persons from all parts of the United States, who gave expression to their "confidence in the future by buying. Wire houses and commission bouses which have com plained for months that they had no business said this evening that they had more orders to HU today than since the days of 1901. A shout of approval went up when ateel common sold up to BO. It crossed that point and closed at 50k,. Steel preferred also made a new high record, selling at the highest price in Its his tory. Union Pacific sold at the highest price since Its memorable slump and Its allied stock. Southern Pad tic. sold at 1114. the highest point at which it has ever sold. EW ENGLAND MILLS RESUME 'otton Plants Increase Working Op erations to Normal Figure. BOSTON". Nov. 5. (Special.) New Eng land Cotton Tarn Company announces that Its operations will be immediately In creased to a normal full capacity. During the depth of the depression the company was running at only 30 per cent of normal and even up to September, the last month of Its fiscal year, operations were not better than 75 per cent of full capacity. Improvement In cotton yarns has been accompanied by a general betterment in the entire cotton goods situation, iur tailment hu passed and many of the largest Fall River, Lowell and Lawrence mills are bending their energies to get under way at full capacity at the earliest possible date. THOUSANDS OF MEN WANTED Missouri Companies Start Factories and Create Demand for Labor. PT. LOUIS. Mo., Nov. 5. (Special.) Manufacture, commerce and finance re sponded vigorously today to the results In the National election. The Pittsburg Plate Glass Company today notified Its depot at Crystal City, a suburb of St. Louis, that 20, 0(C men will be re-employed Immediately in all Its plants. Orders were given to recall BOO men to work at Crystal City. Manufacturing and mining corporations in the St. Louis district In ; Missouri and Illinois are arranging to Increase their forces and output. Western and Southern railroads report a large gain in freight traffic. WAGES GO UP 20 PER CENT Not and Bolt Factory Also Gives Privilege of Overtime. PITTSBURG. Nov. Orders were re ceived today by the Pennsylvania Rail road at Pittsburg to place every man and boy possible in the repair shops of the road here In order to rush out cars which have for months been on side tracks In different stages of repair. As a result, the railroad shops tomorrow morning will for the first time in a year l.ave a full quota of men. MAY GIVE TAFJ 50,000 Washington Plurality Exceeds Es timates by 20,000. SEATTLE Wash.. Nov. S. Special.) Further returns from the counties of the state confirm the results of the election printed yesterday, but show that the estimate of 45.0f0 as Taffs plurality in the aiate is entirely too low. His plurality Is probably ap proximately 50.000. or 20.000 more than the Republican state chairman had es timated. Only one county In the state. Whitman, failed to give Cos grove. Republican nominee for Gov ernor, a majority. Whitman is the borne of John PatUson. Democratic candidate. Returns Indicate that both the two proposed constitutional amendments have failed of passage, the tax amend ment being overwhelmingly defeated and the eminent domain amendment being defeated by a smaller majority. Cosrrove Makes Great Race. Cosgrove ran well up beside the electoral ticket. In fact, in Skagit County he received more votes than Taft. In the First and Second Con gressional districts, respectively. Hum phrey and Cushman had a walkaway. The contest was somewhat closer in the Third district, where Miles C. Poln hxter. Republican, was elected over William Goodyear. Iemocrat. but nevertheless I'oindexter got in by a majority that would be considered big in an Eastern state. Socialists Poll 12.000. The Hlsgen vote In the state was practically negligible, but Chafiin. the Prohibitionist, polled a respectable vole. As indicated, the Socialist vote approximates 13.000. Only one "sticker" candidate, or candidate running on a nonpartisan platform, in the entire state got In. He was on the county ticket In Skamania County. Three Democratic county officers were elected in Kittitas County, three in Skamania, two in Clallam and four in Ferry. Hall. Democrat, defeated Halteman, Republican, for the Legisla ture In Ferry County. D. Paul, Demo crat, is reported elected to the Senate from the district Including Okanogan, Ferry and Douglas counties. It Is possible that five or six other Demo crats will reach the Legislature to Join .Will Graves and George F. Cot teriU. holdover Democratic State Senators, but no more than that. Poindexter Gets Big Vote. The total mebershlp of the Senate Is 42 and of the House 95. The Demo cratic successes enumerated include all they have secured in the entire atace. In Spokane County Poindexter, Rep, will have a majority over Goodyear. Dem., of nearly 11.000. Taffs lead" in Spokane County Is 449". Cosgrove has a lead over PatUson of S9S3. The Socialists polled a heavy .vote in Spo kane. Debs receiving 912 votes. Hls gen's vote is not over 200. Taffs lead outside of King. Pierce and Spokane counties, at midnight, stood at 15.114. King. Pierce and Spo kane gave together a majority for the Republican candidate of about 20,000. rOFCLAR PLURALITIES FOR PR EST. Following are the pluralities by states given In the popular vote for President, in comparison with the figures of 1904 Where round numbers are used the vote Is still Incomplete. Where exact figures are given the returns are complete: 1904. 1008. i h a Stats. c? ej cZ' 5 11 - ? V 7 m m m A '.a. 5T .".'n' nn.ono Ark ! 17 574 1I5.OU0 Cal 113. S2i0 I 60.000 Crtlo. ... :i-. .-.; ' " . 6.000 Conn. ..; 39.10' ( 3R.0H0' lel 4.3.Ys' . 3,om Fla ! is.7.:: I 1.V0O0 (; ! ! su.4',9 30.000 litrthO III. ... Ind ... I"a .. Kan. Ken. .. La- ... Maine . Md. ... Mass. . Mich. . Minn. . Mlu. .. Mo. . . . Mont . Neb. ... Ne. ... New H. N.w J.. N. Y. .. N. Car. N. Dak. Ohl. . . okla .. Or.son . Penn. R. Id. . 2!l 300. . . 3t'..o:iw . . . l.'s.!44 . . . 2.-.S.7.;.; . . . lliH.OWj. . . 20,000;. 173. 0""' . . 3.SO(l . ;.i! r2 . 11. Silt . 42.o0.ll. S2.0il0, l.tlii . 70.0OO . ll.OtN . 6O.OO0, . IS. 000 4O.W0 S. Car.. R Dak... Term. .., Texas ., Vtah .. Vl V V'uh. . W Vs. . Wis. . . Wyo. ... 25IS71 1.1. 1.-.-J J 8-..S2! 2fi '. i vi '. !!..;" "i so.s-n1 1 175.6;J 41.87K MX..,. 2-w.42.ij....::.. "42.9S4 .'.'::::::j BOKM 1 10.7tW. uo.oon' 50.114) I J 20.2K4J I llJ.l'.iS I.03t I S0.0b2 1 ! 34.18s S1.7-.S l.'..-.s:ui ll.itisi 23 ono' . 70.0O0 . 2u3.4;.oi. 30.000 so.oooj 27,000 . S50.000 . -.OOOi. 50.000 07 10.000 3.000 30.000 as.666 25.0OO' 31.000 . so. boo', lo.oooj. . 10.000 . .(' ' 2. 666 40.000 Total !3.l,2j 823.784 l.a71.73l 438.971 Maj. for i I Taft .1 ! ll.232.7S0l Accuses Filipinos of Libel. MANILA, Nov. S. The manager and managing editor and other editors of El Remacimlento. the leading Filipino dally newspaper of this city, were today placed under arrest on charges of crim inal libel preferred by Commissioner Dean C. Worcester, of the Philippine Commis sion. Worcester affirms In his complaint that he has been assailed politically and professionally by articles appearing In the paper and that his personal charac ter has also been the object of libelous utterances. MULTNOMAH GIVES PLURALITY OF 7849 Official Count Completed and McArthur's Predictions Are Justified. GETS MANY TELEGRAMS Secretary Keceives Message of Con gratulation From Hitchcock, Also From Senator Beverldge, Com plimenting on His Guess. Multnomah County gave Taft a plu rality of 7949. County Clerk Fields yesterday completed the official count, which shows the following vote: Taft, 17.819; Bryan, 9870; Chafin, 630; Debs. 1455; Hlsgen. 45. The total number of votes cast, against Taft in the county was 12,000, giving him a majority of 5819. Taft carried the East and West sides and the country precincts by substan tial pluralities, averaging nearly two to one over the Democratic nominee. Bryan, however, carried three pre cincts In the county, as follows: Pre cinct 74. 170 to 114; precinct 75. 130 to 124; precinct 107, 17 to 16. Distributed among the three sets of precincts Taffs plurality was distributed as fol lows: West Side, 3333; East Side, 3717; country. 900. J. D. Lee, of this city, was the high man on the Republican ticket for Presidential elector. On the Demo cratic ticket E. S. J. McAllister, also of this city, had the greatest number of votes. It was from the vote of these two rival nominees that the plu- rallty for Taft in the county was com puted. On the other three tickets Gould led for the Prohibitionists. Gil bert for the Socialists and Malley for the Independence party. The high vote for each party in the subdivision of precincts was as follows: West. Basl Side. tilde. 2K53 878 12 Country. Total. 2341 1441 IBS 2T7 a 17.819 9.870 a?,n 4S Elector. la. Ren 6.125 McAllister. Deal. 3113 Gould. Iro 102 Gilbert. Soc. ... 64 Malley, lnd. ... 24 The Republican registration In the county was 29.106, but Taft received only 17.819 votes. While the Demo cratic registration was only 7053, Bry an polled 9870. There was a heavy falling off in the vote cast by the Prohibitionists and the Socialists. The supporters of Chafin expected their vote would reach at least 5000, as compared with 8860 four years ago. Disappointment also confronted the Socialists when the final count was made, showing a total . of only 1455. They had predicted a vote in the coun ty of 15.000. In 1904 they cast 7651. The total vote of 46 cast for Hlsgen, the Independence party nominee, was fully as many as was predicted In some quarters, although some expected it to reach 250. Republican and Democratic headouar ters were abandoned yesterday and "For Rent" placards replaced the familiar lith ographs of the nominees of the respective parties. Worn out physically from the ardous exactions of secretary and acting chairman of the Republican state central committee. C. N. McArthur will today go to his farm In Polk County to recuperate for a few days. Yesterday Secretary Mc Arthur received many telegrams con gratulating him on the result in this state. Among the messages received was one from National Chairman Hitchcock and another from Senator Beveridge, of Indiana, who addressed the largest Re publican rally that was held in Portland during the campaign. Secretary McArthur also was the re cipient yesterday of congratulations for the exactness with which he predicted the result in this state. He estimated that Taffs plurality would reach 22.975 and the fact that the Republican nominee will have a margin of 25.000 Justifies that prediction. In many of the counties of the state Mr. McArthur missed guessing the actus vote by less than 60. Major J. P. Kennedy, chairman of the Multnomah County Republican central committee, is proceeding with arrange ments for a monster ratification, to be held, probably at the Armory, next Sat urday night. Chairman Kennedy and C. E. Lockwood, chairman of the committee on arrangements, expect today to be able to announce the various committees that will have charge of the demonstration. A list of the speakers probably will be announced at the same time. PAPER OF CORNSTALKS Forests Will Be Spared If Expecta tions Are Realized. New York Times. That paper can be made of cornstalks is not news, since it has long been known that all woody fiber Is essentially alike and that one form of it is prefer able to another to the papermaker only because Its treatment for his purpose Is more convenient or less expensive. What is news, however, and possibly as great news, in some ways, as has come for many a day. is the confident announcement from Washington, D.C, by the chemists of the Bureau of For estry and the Plant Industry Bureau of the Department of Agriculture that they have discovered a commercially practicable method of turning corn stalks Into the product for which civ ilized man has so many and such im portant uses. Final and decisive test of manufac ture on a large scale la yet to be made, and expectations should not be unduly high, since the possibilities of the laboratory often turn out to be the Impossibilities of business. Several utilizations of cornstalk already exist, including the 'cellulose" with which the space between the inner and outer plates of warshis is packed, with the effect that shot holes. If not too large, at least tend to stop themselves through the tendency of that curious material to expand and become Arm when wet. This and other previous uses for cornstalks took only a minute frac tion of the enormous amount supplied by the greatest of our crops, and the discovery of a new and immeasurably greater utility is of moment, not only to the farmers by ' turning a huge waste into a valuable by-product, but to all those whose interests are in- 0FFICIAL RETURNS OF MULTNOMAH COUNTY'S VOTE FOR PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS. PRECINCT. 1 3 S 4 S 6 T 8 10 11 12 13 14 lft 1 17 18 22 J 2:1 24 2.1 2H - 2s :::::::::::::::: 28 3 31 . 32 S3 34 35 . -17 38 39 Total West SHe. 43 44 4.1 SI 52 Ml .17 SS IM 1 62 6,1 71 72 73 734 74 75 7 SO 4 . . 81 82 S3 i 84 8.1 S 87 88 8 Toial East JSide o fl 92 93 M M M 07 f8 99 HO 102 1(1 14 1"S loa 107 108 1- HO 111 112 113 114 Total noun try T-vtal EaM Ftfe.. Total W est Eld. 1011 181 1 1MO 1SSI 144! 144' 1211 122 sal . 91 1 1. wi 131 i lfw ISO 372; 374 lf.2! 1.13 1 3241 .12.11 114 US1 170! () 214 214 J3ll 137 130i 13i 1321 1.12 1 13! 216 12S' 130 2111 214 149 143 11 IKi 150 1791 190 1H1 lh2 1K2 1.10 1.1SI 154 lM 1141 11.11 lS4j MS 2. -.41 24 8 84 1481 14S 1171 119! 155 I40i 1S4I 1S.1I iii urn: 121 122) 117 120 1'4I 1"! IHfll W 141 1411 4oj 52.l! 2H.1 242 1S1! 1S4I rt! 70 2ol 240 234 ! 2371 108' 17.11 1121 1131 1V.I ISTj 1ST 1S7 I"3 93 2"d 2"rt' 21- .1l 24 21 2til 2;i 2121 22- 1; 2271 lvl! 1871 01 1 02 122i 123 12S, 1271 J 2l 128 1.17 l.Mt 210 21.1 2S1 2M 1.1(1 1.18 131 131 1 l9i 28 28 1 W-2 Sr-2I 181 1 1MI 24S; 240 174j 17.1 2331 23.1 10' IO US1 114! 124 1 1S.V 1.18 l.'-8 l!l 19.1 ly. 172 28 238! 2' 2) 212 1S.V W4, 17.1) 17.1' 82Sl 8271 183 13 223 ! 22.11 2'M! 2"W 111 113 225 224! 1 1- S!X 80531 2"8I 2111 141 143 3S 4.1 pol 91 1 18l 1R3 1 88 1 SO, 28ft( 271 i 2301 2.10! 1!3 1121 70 701 84 84 1.18' 15i Pil 971 971 P' f.S! flOl 681 67 131 13! IS is: 28' 2Sj 81 1 m! 44! 4.11 ! S2 331 33 24! S4l so s-v 1 182 141 121 88 128 1,10 S73 163 S25 114 188 214 13rt 130 isi 2131 129 212 4 ll 1791 ISO 159 1.18 1.1 113, 1S4 2114 1 84 147 118, 139 1S1 1 20 119 104 1411 1.19 180 139 120 87 128 149 371 1.12 321 115 185 214 13 ISO 95 130 211 127 211 149 160 179 18' 1.1' 1.14 154 115 1.15 203 84 147 117 137 184 108 120 114 1O0 164 141 Prohibition. 64 239 ISO IKS I 114 1SHI 1ST! 91 , 2oRi 23I 284 2To 2-rt 184 91 122 128 127 1571 210 2M 1.18 131 1J 1.12 246 175 2S2 lot 11 5l 1241 157 li 109! 236 210 134 1 3: l' 222 2o5 111 224 ssosl 2--61 143 401 162 184; 2B8 231 !1o 1S 99 6437 2.18 ISO 6 240 233 18.1 114 181 187 92 2-4 233 281 1 290 226 179 91 T22 126 126 15.8 2ol 280 1.1.1 131 169 S03 151 246 1 232 10 114 126 155 194 1 231 226 133 1 345 163 220 2' 110 225 S99 i! ssps! 4S0 (16251 64781 CraaA- lotaj ,....tl1jm. M..WJ H.Ma 8868 206 142 38 90 160 183 266 229 lo9 70 33 158 97 8 58 64 13 15 2S 80 42 30 33 8866 4S7 57! 6S 59: R7 105! 106! 1061 106 921 9.11. 93 92! 69 69 691 69 77 80 79 791 101 100 lull 99 70 72 721 70 91 91 91 90 120 123 1 22 12o 86 85 851 86 M S3 S3 1 82 ' 9! 94 96 90 9o 90! 90 90 26! 26 27 26 641 64 64! 64 47 47 4S! 48 82! 84 87j 8." 81 1 86 RSl 83 58 58 69 66 122! 122, 12.11 121 10! 101 loll 101 28 29 29 29 111 111 111 111 103 lo6 108 106 52 52 54 52 OS 89 88 87 83 82 82 8" 65! 66 67 61 47,' 4S 48 48 101 IOO 100 10O .l 85! 65 65 79! 8" 80 79 681 7o 66 60 511 R3 53 511 79 79 8' 78 3.1 5 3.1 SS 57 58 .181 56 65 7o 71 1 06 I 71 71 71 71 I l!o 112 1121 111 73 73 J 73 73 3143 S181 8191' 3144 1291 1S3 ISO! 1291 791 891 2! 87 .181 88 40I 39 141 141 141 141 1 172 175 1741 171 1 1141 116 1141 114 70j 69 70 69) 126 127 1281 127 108i 108 lo8 1081 211 24 24! 24 1771 179 18,11 1781 97l 98 loll 97 79! 81 7i 781 1.19! 142 1..9; 141 ( 1171 121 122! 116 1251 128 1281 126 24 24 2.11 241 82' 8.1 8.1 82 721 741 7.1! 71 105 j 1I4! 108! 105I 97' 101! ol 9S 1361 1.14 1.161 133 1241 124 1241 124 70 691 70I 70 tCV 6T KS, 63 54l 561 561 53 18' 181 IS; 181 124 1251 12S 121 35 , 34 351 ' 34 1ST 160 15S 1571 53! 521 R4 53 681 69' 69 6S 19! 170 1S-)I 16s! 124! 129 1301 124! 12.1 1 123 121 9I 91 931' 91 143' 144 1441 144 189! 19l! 1901 88 47 148 1471 147 91 9l! 91! 91 124 124 1 12.1! 12.1 194 19S 198! 106 118 118! 11S US 135 lSSl 137 1.15! 135 13.11 136' 1351 91 91 921 90 184 1831 1831 184! 6!s! 62241 5236! 6163! 13SI 1411 1391 138 87! 91 8l SSl 9 9 8! l 1 2 4 1 1 10 1 102 27 14 3 11 6! 10I 19! S! ' 8! "i lo s II 'i 10 7 61 ,sl 10! 4! S 10 81 71 8 51 23 102 29 13 4 11 8731 16 121 lo 19 SI 6 8 9 10 6! 1 4' 4 1 2 4 101 7, 7 1 13 8' 101 Independence. 8761 151 11 63 61 61 63 21 2 1241 12.11 125 124 7 6 13.11 1.161 137 13.1 18 19 1921 194 193 192 17 18 1221 121 122 21 21 79j 781 79' 79' IS 16 29' 8o 291 29! 2 2 25i 35! 26! 24 !7 97 97 97 13 14 6-1 6.1! 6.1 6o 4 4 481 4S 47 471 8 9 36 37 86 84 31 83 34 32 2 17 171 17 171 231 24l 25 2.1! 4 4 32 321 32! 32 5 6 21 191 21 i IS 2 2 IO! Ill 111 IO 1 1 S2l 22! 22! 22 6 6 6 6 1 1 IS) 1S 131 12 2 2 14271 146! 14411 1419 ' 152 152 B168 52241! 8216' 616S 876 878 8142 Sl&l! 81931 S144 102 1Q2 87ali tetlOi S704 872451 2l ? s 1 f ? g 5 I & isi-: : : f t : : : ': : 2 1 HI HI HI 1' 6 6 . 27f 26 26! ' 2 6 8 341 32 32 34 8 S 17 17 17 17 19! Ill 17 18 1 1 221 211 21 21 2 2 6 6 6 61 4 4 41 4 4 4 15 15 IS! lft 1 1 2 2 2! 2 2 8 46 46 46 471 6 6 2o( 20 19' 191 11 ft! B 9! 91 2 2 2! 2 2 2 5 S 161 16 16 16( 6: 6 6! 6 5' 5 . 61 5 1 .. 131 1S 13 " 2 1 IO 101 lo 10 2 2 7 7 7 7 1 1 9 9 9 9 8 2 3 3 S 3 4 4 18 18 18 18 2 2 34 Srll 87 32 1,1 3 3 3 .2 11 ' 10 36 87 36 86 1 1 18 18! 17 17 4 4 111 111 11 11 4 4 4! 4! 4 4 3 8 Bi 51 5 5 2 2 7 7 7 7 5 4 101 1"! IO 10 2 2 2l 2o 201 20 1 1 2 2 2! 2 4 6 6 6' 6 8 1 1 5 5 5 5 11 IO 10l 1,1 9 ' 10 101 9 7! 71 717 8 8 17 18! 17j 17 104 100 643 5401 538! 6.14 2S 27 21 1 211 22 22 13 14 8! 81 8 9 4 8 9! 9 9 9 11 11 21 21 21 21 6 6 51 50 49 49 8 6 34 34 34 33 11 11 1.1 12 12 12 10 IO 19 18 18 19 13 13 6 6 6 6 2 2 5 5 5 5 5 8 28 2S( 29 28 8 8 4 4 .1 8 9 8 16! 161 16 IS S 8 51 5 5 6 10 10 31 3 .1 3 7 7 8' 7 7 7 11 IO II 1 2 1 19 IB 12 12l 12 12 8 8 121 121 12 12 2 2 10I 10 10 10 5 e S 2 20 20 6 7 13l 13 13 14 8 8 61 8 6 6 9 9 6 6 .6 6 10 10 2l 2 2 2 5 6 6 6 61 6 -1 1 .. 4 4 15 16 14 14 ..1 4 4 4 4 6 6 16 16 16 16 2 2 4 4 41 4 4 4 61 6 6 5 .1 1 .. 2 2 28 28 27 27 4 4 ' 20' 2n 20 20 10 10 22I 22 22 22 7 7 8! 8 8 8 6 6 17! 16! 16 16 1 1 91 9 . 9 13 13 71 271 27! 2S ' IO 10 281 28 28 . 28 4 4 8 8 81 S .1 8 in 10 IO IO 10 10 2-l 24 24 24 8 8 29 29 29 28 7 7 16 16 16 16 8 8 24 24 24 24 4 8 12 12 12 12 22 22 151 15 1S 16 872 874 6S2I 878 6751 674 15 15 25 27 26 36 11 10 19 19 19 19 .. -..1 1 11 2 2 8 8 8 8 6 S 10 in 10! 10 18 18 221 22 221 21 19 18 44 44 44 44 22 23 22 23 21 1 20 15 14 16 17 161 16 2 2 2 2 2! 2 2 2 2 2 14 13 7! 7 7 7 4 4 81 7 8 8 9 8 4 4 4 4 .... 8 2 8 3 2 1 8 111 "i 8 's 8 's 3 6 5 6 6 6 6 1 1 2 2 2 2 .... 5 5 6 Si 14 14 14 14 11 1111 2 2 2 2 2 2 152 148 229 237 2271 226 872 874 6821 78 e76 674 104 100 643 54 531 634 aaoi .ess I 231 i6i 14644 1 "i "Tf 'i 14 "i 'i 'i 2 Jv v V '111" 'Yi i I 1' ' ! ? - lIV - it- ' ' " -lf B0YS, RAINCOATS AND BOYS' REEFERS New arrivals by Express on display this week at our usual modest prices FOOTBALLS and E00TBALL PANTS With all Boys' Suits and Overcoats NG LEADING CLOTHIER jurlously affected by ' the rapid de struction of our forests. And that means everybody In the. country. The papermaker has ranked high, perhaps higher, among the ruth less enemies of the woods, for no tree of the kinds he liked and he would take almost any in a pinch is too small for him to cut down and grind Into pulp, and his maohlnes are threat ening even themselves with starva tion. For some purposes there are no satisfactory substitutes for wood. The manufacture of paper In several of its most used varieties has till now been among them, but If the promises made be fulfilled, thousands and thousands of acres of young trees upon which a speedy doom .has been pronounced will be spared to grow up. This would mean cheaper lumber, and at least a restraint upon the steadily advancing cost of living. Cures Bone Tuberculosis. trnCAGO, Nov. 5. Remarkable results In curing tuberculosis of the bones, dem onstrated in a five weeks' trial at the Home for Destitute Oippled Children to day turned the attention to a treatment discovered by Dr. Emil Beck, of this city. The treatment, which promises to bring relief to a large percentage of sufferers from this form of the great white plague, is simplicity Itself and consists for the most part In filling the cavity caused by the disease with a metallic salt, bismuth sub-nitrate, combined with a basis of vaseline. Dr. Beck- told his discovery to Drs.-John Rldlen and Wallace Blanchard. at the Home for Destitute Crippled Children, and In a five weeks' trial 20 out of 40 crippled children were cured by the treat ment. The formula contains 30 grains of bismuth sub-nitrate, combined with 60 grams of vaseline. Woman Sleeps Five Days. LOWELL, Mass., Nov. 5. (Miss Louisi ana Fletta, who has at various times as tonished physicians by her long slumbers. Is again asleep. She has not been awake for five days. Her last long sleep was from June 5 to June 9, and on various other occasions she had slept from one to three weeks without waking. Physi cians are at a loss to explain the causo of the peculiar malady. Miss Pietta seems to suffer no ill effects from her long sleeps, and when she awakes is un der the Impression that she has slept but a single night. Move to Stop School Strikes. MANILA. Nov. o. In order to dis courage the continuance of the many strikes In the public schools whicn have been marring the work of the Institutions for some time past, the director of the Educational Boardi has issued an order that In future no leniency will be shown to culprits end they will be promptly expelled from the schools. Commissioner W. Morgan Schuster, Secretary of Instruction, was today operated on for appendicitis, and Is progressing favorably, 14 IT 8S SPECIAL Beginning FRIDAY DRAKE w AND MSW4AK CO. 1 SPECIAL 811101118 WASHINGTON, CORNER ELEVENTH Making-Room Sale We show the biggest saving in Ladies' Suits of fered this season The latest styles, new arrivals, but must have room for more. Making-Room Sale Having bought larger stocks than we have room for, we must reduce same within a few days. Plain tailors, slightly braided, fancy braided, fancy "vests in broadcloths, fancy weaves and stripes, in blues, black, brown, green, smoke, taupe, etc. SUITS Values to $35.iD0, only $18.45 Values to $50.00, only Values to $75.00, only The above cut shows one of the $18.45 suits. The better suits are no two alike. No reservations and no exchanges. 26.45 $36.45 COAT SPECIALS Reg. $13 to $30, only $7.45 - $23.45 SILK PETTICOATS Regular $7.50, only . . $4.45