Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 06, 1908, Page 16, Image 16

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Tart U elected and now la the time to
get in before the prices go up. bearing
orchards or rmw land: ynunjc or .-hards
planted to Kewt9n pippins and bpitieo
pergs that are growing; fine; an electric
road to ba built soon, right pant our land
connecting- with tha North Bank Road at
Lyle. We will ell you from ten acres up
and will plant your orchard and care for
It until It cornea Into bearing. A few
furmi that will double In price Inside of
t o years. Bur now before ail of this
land double In value.
50s Wells-Fargo Bldg.
' AO acre 25 la crop, ail fine land, good
oil; 1H ml lea to Tlgard-ville Station, 14
miles from Portiaed. on fcalem E.ectrlc
line; $1 per acre; easy terms, long time,
6 per cent.
18 acres, all la crop, near Reedvllle, cn
R. R. ; level land, rich soil; a snap at 1 1-0
per acre: part casta, bai. time.
30 acres at Tuailattn, near electric Hoe;
level land, rich soil: $75 per acre; a;so 4'
acre near Tual latin Station; 2o act un
der plow, bai. timber; good house and
barne, hay and all Implement: price $5ocj;
will take up to 93' In Portland property.
ffi-10 Buchanan bidg.. 2b6S Wash. at.
One of the beet farm and stock ranches
in the state; 4 acres In cultivation; all
, fenced and cross-fenced : running water In
t every pasture, field and lot; large house
1 and all kinds of outbuildings; good family
orchard : a large portion of thw land ran
be Irrigated by the gravity system; this
tract of land can be subdivided and
will make everal nit farms-; a good
buy fr two or more parties; the price 1
W.y $26 per acre and good terms can be
For further Information see Turner. 41B
1 Rothchild bldg.. 2h7- Washington W.
4 miles from Estacada. RO acres In cul
tivation. 30 acres more easily cleared. Us
ance open pasture and timber, new -ru"m
house, good barn, well and wind mill,
water In house and burn, near church and
school, good road. Mix soil; price $1S00.
20 acre SH miles from Oregon Cltv.
large fir timber. good soil, wood will pay
for land: price $li00; easy terms.
Tacoma Home Telephone bonds to ex
change for lots near St. John carline.
:6g Stark St.. Room 14 Mallory Bldg.
21 ACRES the best of soil, lays good; no
wate land, nice creek. 7 acres in crop,
ba ranee pasture and some good timber,
rood well, barn and root h-use; material
on the ground for a dwelling-house, good
family orchard; Is A-mile from nlRh
high school and poatoffice. boat landing,
mod town. 3l miles up the valley from
Portland; thla la a snap for a few day a.
Price. $195.
W. H. LA NO. 340 Chamber of Commerce.
58 acres. 51 acres under cultivation. S3
acres bottom land eaiily Irrigated. 3
acres timber, house, tarn, water piped
to house and barn, on good road; phone
in house: :i milea from Barton Station,
right on. the Clackamas Klver; $32t-0 will
handle this. balance terms.
2K Stark St. Room IT.
In tracts from 40 to looo acres, near
to R. R. ; price $1- per acre; 1-J cash.
rst In 5 vearlv payments.
C24-628 Corbett Bldg.. Portland Or.
Investigate the wheat proposition; If you
want to make money, rale wheat ; J. J.
Hiil says that the day of cheap wheat has
leased; Mr. Hill is right; and remember
tnat Turner has a few choice wheat farms
for sale Don't forget the number. 415-16
Rothchlid bldg.. 287', Washington SI.A
Portland. Or.
Will locate parties on two homesteads
lvlng side by side and containing 160
acres each. S miles south of Mosler;
40 acres level land on each, all of which
can be set out to orchard; fee $1S0. Call
tOS Swelland Bldg.. Cor. lh and Wash.
A BARGAIN 107 S acres on new exten
sion of Salem electric line; 6-roi.m houe.
large barn and other outbuildings; '
mile from station; 25 a. In cultivation;
O a. creek bottom; lays well for rutting
Up In small tracts. Price only $110 per
acre. Western Land Co.. 417 Board of
Trade bldg.
DO you want to buy some acreage at a bar
gain price? A residence cash grocery
store? A general mdse. store? A confec
tionery store ? A rooming-house 7 A
farm? If you want any of these
or anything else in the realty line, come
to the Golden West Realtv Co. room 318
Allsky bldg.. cor. :td and Morrison sts.
11500 20 acrs of fine land; 5 acres un
der cultivation ; bai. timber; on Salem
electric line. 14 miles south of Fort id nd.
See this.
509-10 Buchanan Bldg..
2VI1 Wash. St.
85 ACRES. 5 mlies from McMinnville, on
gnod road, cloa to avhool and church; well
adapted to fruit and dairy; good water. H
room house, barn and outbuildings, good
orchard of about 60 bearing trees of all
varieties; flne soil for English walnuts;
$21oO, half cash. 325 Lumber ' Exchange.
FOR SALE FIrstcIass dairy farm. 720
acres. 25 miles from Portland, railroad
and steamboat connection, fully Improved
for dairy purposes; bona fide purchasers
only considered. Owner, G 374, Orego
n ia n.
Nice level land, improved and unim
proved: positively no rocks or gravel;
handy to car and near city; suitable for
fruits, vegetables and poultry: will aell
for less than market value If taken at
once. S06 McKay bldg.
16 ACRES 4 ml!e from Shanlko; 23 acres
In cultivation, balance good paw are. all
fenced; good 3-rvom house and otith-Jild-lng:
be.t of water; $13( In.-JuJlng 4
horses. 325 Lumber Exchange.
FOR SALE 110 acres land with good or
chard. 4 horses, iw head rattle, new 8
r"om house, new barn, near R. R. and
jrood rreamery; price $7HH). Chas. Hoedle,
Mill City, or
You can alwaye get a g d farm, a good
fruit ranch, a god atotk ranch or dalry
ranch, large or small, hv calling on Geo.
W. Turner. 415-16 Rothchild bldg.
I F YOU want to buy a nice home In the
country for a little money write to Forest
Grove Real Estate Co., Foreet Grove, Or.,
for list; land very productive.
s.nO.OOO FEET of timber. H mile of the
feint lam River and Corvaliis A Eastern
Railroad: price $20,000.
a,0."on feet of timber near the same;
price $3XXV
Also 0 quarter sections near Mill City, for
aale cheap.
Also 2 quarter sections cruising from
1 fMo00 to 2.t00.0 fet of pine each, la
Grar-t Countv. price l70o.
626-627 -828 Corbett bldg.
Chicago. New Orleans. Seattle.
2tf Chamber of Commerce
ACRES. 2.523.000 feet Of fir timber. Sec.
la. lowneMp 21. range west. Douglas
County; will log to the south fork of Smlttr
River; good old growth; price $1900; have
JOHN ANDERSON. Sll Worcester bldg.
Four flrst-c!aa timber claims, with 8
to million each, on rlTer. near R. R.
price $20 and upwards. Call Pacific
Business Exchange. 303'- Washington at-.
suite 4.
A FINK proposition in timber, with saw
mill and shingle mill on the ground;
stream for running logs to the mill; easily
logged, all down slope: must be sold.
Vrary A Kelts. 132 Sth st.
are headquarters for timber and lum
ber enterprises of all kinds Kinney A
Stampher. 531-32 Lumber Exchange bldg.
DO YOl want a good homestead? Agents
need not reply. Locator. K SJ.r., Oregonlan.
THREE homesteads, good fruit land, near
columb.a River. Honan, AlUky bids-
1 acres, all level land, with good rich
black soil, lying right at station; all fenced:
eo acres under cultivation, 3 acres slanel
off. 10 acres good timber; plenty of living
water. 6 or 6 acres orchard, good i-room
houee. two bam a all stock and implement
go with the place, including good team
with wagon and harness. 5 fine cows, iv
head of hogs. 5 head of sheep. 24 chickens.
16 tons of hay and about 75 bushels ol po
tatoes and plenty of fruit and vegetables
about 20 acre, of this land is extra good
river bottom land; only about 12 miles out
of the city; this Is an i-2L wVw
better than represented; price $.fiOO, will
trade for city property.
RALPH ACKLEY, 03 Corbett bldg.
MODERN bungalow of aix rooms in fine
loVftfon. Seriooklng the river, very mod
ern conveniences, including CYPU. etc
on V?.&JrSZ ?Z
4GW or" receive difference in value in
708 and 0 Corbett Bldg.
S20 ACRES near Falls City. 180 In cultivation-
fine stream through place, enough
oak to pay for land; this would make a
nn dairy ranch; 3 barns, old house,
good wells and spring; 2 mites to rail,
road- a genuine snap at $45 per acre;
will make good terma and take some
good city property. City Realty & Bldg.
Co , 430 Worcester Bldg
IF YOU want to exchange your farm or
acreage for good city property, list it
with us. as we have customers waiting
for it. We are exchange brokers,
5o:i-10 Buchanan Bldg.,
liStt Washington St.
WANTED To exchange for acreage on car
line, or city property. 5Ou0, a 13-room
hoteL all furnished, with restaurant and
pool table, soft-drink bar. etc.. located
in Eastern Oregon live town, on railroad.
Making $200 month. National Realty A
Trust Co., 326 J Wash. St., room 516.
60 ACHES, half In cultivation; some beaver
dam ; good plastered large hue. family
orchard, good well and creek; 25 miles
south of cltv. right on S. P. R. R-: fW"0:
will take house and lot in city up to S
as part payment, balance cash or mort
gage. 325 Lumber Exchange.
WILL aell or exchange for choice realty, in
good location. up-to-date apartment
house, with all modern improvements. In
center of city; leased for $425 per month.
Correspondence solicited; principals only.
T 2."0. Oregonian.
7-ROOM strictly modern bouse, one block
from car. $4500, to exchange for Valley
farm of 60 acres or more, well improved,
with stock and implements. 325 Lumber
10 ACRES, alt in cultivation; g od 6 :iom
plastered house and barn ; c!oe i , S. P.
jt. R., about 10 miles south of cltv; t-451'O;
ill exchange for houe and ot tn Port
land. 325 Lumber Exchange.
40 ACRES near Graham, SO In cultivation,
good buildings, 2 wells, oid orchard; also
some lota at Mt. Tbor and a building at
Estacada bringing $45 per month, to ex
change for fiats. City Realty & Building
Co.. 430 Worcester Bldg.
I-ROOM modern house, lot 160 by 1MO. well
improved with fruit, etc.. close to car.
South Portland, $4000; will exchange for
Improved farm of 30 acres or more near
Hillsboro or Forest Grove. 323 Lumber
40 ACRES of flnet fruit land. nr:h of
White Salmon; $.0 per acre; will tra I for
real estate in city or livestock or n;nin--;-bouse;
might pay small difference. 315
Lumber Exchange.
OF COURSE! CERTAINLY! If you want ts
biV. sell or trade business or property fol
low the crowd to Stevenson A Taylor,
room 310 and 311 Buchanan bldg.
WILL exchange Montavilla lots for larse
stock ranch; what have you? City
Realty A Building Co., 430 Worcester
CONFECTIONERY store, well located. South
Portland, to exchange for real wtate. 325
Lumber Exchange.
IF you want to buy. sell or trade anything.
See Kauffmann it Moore. 325 LuaiCer Ex
change. WHAT have you to exchange for desirable
vacant lots, value up to $2000. N 378,
Oregonian. .
ANYTHING TO exchange? We can match
it. See us about It. Goldschmldt's
Agency. 253 Washington, cor. 3d.
12 I'NENCVMRERKD vacant lots. Buffalo.
N. Y., to exchange for Portland property
J W. Wiedrlck, 110 2d st.
FOR EXCHANGE S00O shares live bank
stock for real esta'e. Inquire A. K.
Benttey, 517 Chamber of Commerce.
I HAVE a good home, will trade for vacant
property or farm land partly Improved,
t all 411 Couch bldg.
$1200 4 lots near KUHngswortn ave., will
trade small house. AC 3 J 6. Oregonlan.
WILL trade for what you have. Gua Smith,
404 Buchanan bldg.
A-l APARTMENT SITE, quarter block, for
lease for term of years, cn 13th at., near
Taylor. Address J SIS, Oregonian.
64 ACRES, near Estacada carline; running
water; 1 acrea In orchard; good soil;
$2000; ha If ash. Western Oregon Trust
Co.. 14 Chamber of Commerce bldg.
100 ACRES, by owner; 7 milea from North
Yamhill; fair buildings; 50 acres cleared
and fenced. 15 cultivated, tilt a Guild ave.
Phone Main 1174.
WE sell all hlnda of" properties, farms, tim
ber land, homesteads, fruit orchards.
31 1 Worcester bids.
FOR Willamette Valler lands aee Olmstsd
Land Comcany. Salem. Or.
Hones, Vehicles and Harness.
2 bav 6-year-old horses, weight 3450.
S bay 4 to 6-year-old horses, weight
1400 to 1500.
2 black 8 and 10-year-old horses, wetgnt
l gray 7 and $-year-oId horses, weight
These horses were taken on mortgages
and will be sold cheap
4:0 Hawthorne Ave.
MUST sell; going East; express wagon and
horse $50: 1 good 2-horse express wag m
and good 1 "00- lb. horse very cheap. S.18
East 2Sth St.; Woodstock car to Gladstone
ONE 6-year-old driving mare, sound and
gentle; one 1150-pound delivery mare, one
driving horse, gentle for women. Phone
East 404 or C 1477.
FOR SALF Double set surrey, coupe har
ness strictlv hand-sewed and first-class
In every particular, new. Inquire 426
WANT to rent or buy good covered single
business buggy: give price and telephone
number. L 371. Oregonian.
UNION STOCKYARDS One carload young
horses for your use or speculation. These
are cheap and good.
WANTED Horses to board: rate $2.50 per
week- good care, good pasturage. Call or
write, A. P- Langenberg, Clackamas, Or.
6 WELL-BROKE young horses, weighing
from 1050 lbs. to 1350 lba 671 East 17th
HORSE, buggv and harness. horse city
broke. Phone A 2613, or call 212 West
Park st
4 GOOD delivery horses, 8 goxi liht spring
delivery wapons. 2 secaad-hand buggici.
Nobby feiables, I2tn and F land ere.
LARGE horse, suitable for farm work. O.
W. Lum Co. s
HORSES, mares. rL?s and harness of alt
kinds for aale. 2i4 Montgomery.
FIP-ST-CLASS lot of horses Tor sale Tha
Madison-Street Sale Stable
FOR GALE Young team draft horses. Ap
ply 80S Davis at.
HUBERT A HALL. 380 Front, buy. sell, rent
horses, vehicles, low rates on bueines rigs.
HORSES boarded and exercised. 78th and
E Stark sta.. Montavilla L A. Godard.
. Automobiles.
IF YOU are looking for bargains In new
and slightly used automobiles call on
Portland Auto Commission House, 534 -3
Alder, cor. 17th, both phones, A and
Main 4455.
AUTOMOBILES $150 and up for
trade. Hart man. 46 2d at.
A BETTER piano for less than we are
selling cannot be obtained. Ours is a
general music business so we are not de
pendent upon th pront or our piano de
partment. See the nice new piano we
ell for $200. Pay $6 a month. Pianos
for rent; used pianos. $85 and up, at 111
4th st. Hallet A Davis Agency, second
oldest and best make In America.
WE buy and sell tU kinds of new and good
furniture, stoves, ranges; we are agents
for the celebrated Wedgewood range,
which is fully guaranteed. Perfect bakers
and fuel savers STOVE DOCTOR
Stoves taken In exchange, repaired, re
lined regulated, water colls and sick
stoves made well. The Dollar Furniture
Co.. 2"2 1st. corner Main.
$$$$$8$$$$$ 8 9 I
Edison's and Power's motion picture
machines: dissolving stereoptlcons: cal
cium and gas outfits; new films. 8000
subjects, guaranteed no repeaters; largest
buvers of new films in United States;
slides .f ordtr and stocked. We teach
you to operate.
214-216 Wells-Fargo bldg.. Portland
GET our prices and save money on all kinds
Yes. we sell to all.
Plumbing goods installed If desired.
110 N. $d st., near Gllsan.
Now ready for business. Pacific Film
Co.. 303-7 Rothchild bldg., Portland. Or.
We Install new theaters and furnish
everything. Phone Main S083.
WE BUY. sell and exchange all kinds of
household furnishings: largest dealem tn
the city. f27 to 635 Washington at., corner
of 2tHh. Main 1108 or A 8793. Western
Salvage Co. McGrath A Girvan, proprie
tors. FEATURE FILM SERVICE Don't run pic
tures after your competitors. We guaran
tee no repeaters. W buy fourteen reels
of new association films every week.
Phone Main 7429. Edison Display Co.,
16rH 4th st.
FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard
and pool tables; easy payments; we rent
tables with privilege of buying; modern
bar fixtures ; cheap prices. Brunswlck-Balke-Collender,
49 Third st.
TYPEWRITERS, all makes, $20 to $U,
fully guaranteed. eay payments; rentals
$:t per month. Pacific Stationery & Ptg.
Co., 203 Second at.
WELL built tenthouse with housekeeping
outfit; everything new; chance for newly
marrled couple. AD S34, Oregonlan.
NEW. golden oak dining-room set; also a
birdseye maple bedroom set; cost $300,
will sell for $175 cash. Call at 170 12th at.
MUST be sold quick : house on norxheist
cor. 10th and Hall. Apply Gross, care
Madison Park Apartments.
FOR SALE! Best ary 4-ft. fir and oak wood
at lowest market prices. Hoover. 3i3 Water
at. Phone Main 761.
OLD violins bought and sold ; expert re
pairing L Winters, 318 Tilford bldg..
loth and Morrison
FEW pieces furniture, good as new. for sale
ihnan rU'l JohnSOtl St.
FINE country slabwood delivered resl-
, A Dhnnm (aln 1 -,
uences, e...j
TWO good cows for sale, fresh. Mrs.
K earns. Lents.
WHITE RATS, state number and where can
be seen. Phone Sell. 737.
NEW Tuxedo suit, coat size 33- X 360, Ore
gonlan. PHYSICIAN'S office and furuiture lor sale.
Phone East 35.",2.
BROWN" fur coat worn one season, size 36;
good condition; bargain. P. O. box 317.
SMALL printing plant for ftale; great bar
gain. D 338. Oregonian.
supplies, elides, films for rent. 165H th
LEARN watchmaking, engraving and optics-
easy terms; positions secured; money
earned while learing. Watchmaking. En
graving ScLoal. cor. 4th and Pike. Seattle.
MEN under H5 to prepare for railway mall
clerk examination: good salary and ad
vancement; vou should see us at once.
Pacific States School. McKay bldg.
WANTED live man to demonstrate a high
class proposition of merit; small capital
required. fully aecurod. N 378. Ore?
MAN to keep up heat and do light Janitor
work will give splendid 4-room apart
ment' for same. W. L. Morgan. 322 Fall
ing bldg.
W NTED A Urst-clasa candy maker to
take charge of retail shop; must have
references. Address W. W. P. & S. Co
Walla Walla, Wash.
WANTED Honest partner with small cap
ital for motion-picture theater; big prop
osition. Heller bldg.. room 17. cor. Grand
and Hawthorne, East Side.
WANTED Real estate salesmen, exper
ienced men only need apply; highest com
mission paid salesmen in city. 205-200
Rothchild bldg. Main 1011, A 13I.
IF YOU are a hustler and want to make
money. 1 have a money-making proposi
tion for you. J. D. Sherman, 8H Grand
WANTED Competent city salesman who
will invest some capital and services on
salary in new manufacturing business.
Address for Interview. Y 371, Oregonlun.
STUDY LAW Two years courst with de
gree; enter now, Portland Law School,
ti30 Worcester block.
WANTED Bright man with small capital
to show property and learn the real es
tate business. Room 320 Swetland bldg.
WANTED Two gang trlmmermen for
larg9 sawmill, wages $3.50. Inquire 12
North 2d st. Phones Main 657U. A 1406.
WANTED Salesmen, all lines, bookkeepers
and stenographers. Commercial Abstract
Co., suite 408 Commercial Club bldg.
CHINESE boy to do general housework and
cooking. Burton, till Board of Trade
WANTED Boy over 16 years old to work
around print shop. Independent Printing
Co.. 243 Ash st. .
WANTED A good solicitor, bjr business
college; good held; liberal commission. A
281, Oregonlan.
WANTED A man who can speak German
for Job In Portland. Address AB 60,
GOOD barber. $16 per week, to start In
Monday morning. 8. Chamber of Com
merce. SALESMEN Dry goods, clothing, furnish
ing goods; bookeeper and stenographer,
323 H Wash. st. Rooms 39-4 1.
TO solicit and deliver In grocery, under
stand care of horses, experienced, speak
Swedish preferred. O 374, Oregonian.
BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, state
references and wages expected. X 365,
For Men 250 Burnslde Street,
Phone Main 5694.
GOOD salesman wanted to sell best sub
division lots In Portland. The Spanton Co.,
270 Stark st.
12 North 2d st. Both phones.
OFFICE BOY wanted at RefflinaTa, 231
Washington st.
CANDYMAKER with some money to man
age factory. 323 Morrison st.
COOK wanted, 73 Russell st. Must be all
Headquarters cook a helpers. California Wine
Depot. P. Loratl. 148 4th. Main 0500,
STRONG BOY to help on cake, night work.
Royal Bakery, 11th and Everett.
WANTED Man with $75. half Interest In a
good thing. 28 North 6th st.
WANTED Boy to work in grocery. Call at
502, Washington st.
ALASKA work, season 1900. $5 and board;
$100 required. G 376, Oregonian.
A GOOD frame-maker. $76 Stark.
SUNSET MAGAZINE wants a good general
agent to handle biggest magazine combina
tion offer of the season in the Puget Sound
territory. To a man who is a good per
sonal producer and capable of handling
agents a big Income Is assured. A-l refer
ences or bond necessary. See R. H. Mad
dan. 5u2 Swetland bidg.
For banquet ; only flrst-clas. clean-shaven
men need apply to head waiter. Commer
cial Club, before 10 o'clock.
OFFICE manager of agents wanted. One
ho could take a small Interest in a
well-paying business; it will pay large
.returns on money invested; salary $100
monthly and commission. The business
has a great future. . Box AE 322. Ore
gonlan. 10.000 POSITIONS foi graduates last year;
men and women to learn baroer trad a in
eight weeks; help to secure positions;
graduates earn from $16 to $25 weekly;
expert Instructor; tools free; write for
catalogue. Mohler System of Colleges. 35
N. 4th St., Portland. Or.
WANTED Reliable man for office work;
permanent right party (.no partnership),
no experience. $25 weekly straight, also
liberal commission ; references and $-00
cash required. particulars Northwest
Timber Co., 303 Si Washington st., call
FIRST-CLASS movlng-plcture operator, must
be steady and careful. 2 hours work night,
write or wire at once; best house on the
Coast; good time. Bijou Theater, Elma,
Wash. .
WANTED A baker with family to Investi
gate opening for branch bakery and con
fectionery store; low rent; fixtures in
stalled ; living rooms; full basement;
good opening for right party. Apply I.
Uevurtz, 173-5 First st.
WANTED Combination clerical man and
stenographer; must be good at figures and
write legible hand. Apply in own hand
writing, stating salary expected. Good
chance for promotion. F 289. Oregonlan-
TWO smart solicitors for biggest magazine
combination offer of the season; $18
weekly and free transportation; Al refer
ences necessary. Call before 10 A. M.
R. H. Maddan, S02 Swetland bldg.
MEN to learn electricity, plumbing, brick
laying, plastering, day and night classes,
no books, positions secured, free cata
logue. Coyne National Trade School. 230
40 6th st., San Francisco.
YOUNG man over 17 to put up orders and
work In store; one experienced in te.-.B
and coffees or groceries; salary $8 to
start ; good chance to advance. Ad
dress AB 359, Oregonlan.
WANTED A few men to travel and solicit
accounts for collection, from business and
professional men. no collecting, no fake,
good pay to hustlers. Address American
Federal Co. Paris. III.
The Eagle Bath and Shaving Parlors; shav
ing 10c. Ed Dennison, prop., 64 Sixth st.
1 cook, country hotel, $40; 1 at $35;
1 cook, city, $10 per week; 1 cook, family,
country, $30; city. $26 to $30; 2 chamber
maids, $35. no room; housekeepers and
house girls; dishwashers, $25. 826 W
Washington st.
First and second cook, out of the city,
$60; waitresses, chambermaids, girls for
general housework, kitchen helpers,
housekeepers, etc.
Large list of new places.
Ladles department. 205 W Morrison St.
WANTED Lady stenographer with $500 to
act as stenographer and treasurer of pub
lishing company; salary $100 per month
and 20 per cent on your investment, guar
anteed and secured. Open Sunday. Phone
for Interview. Main 1812.
843 Vj Waeb. st.. cor. 7th. upstairs.
Phones Main and A 2692.
Help Supplied Free to Employer.
HATS remodeled like new, half price; we
dve. clean, curl, remake plumes. Model
Millinery. 204 Merchante Trust bldg.. 6th
and Washington.
WANTED capable lady to manage and
demonstrate a high-class proposition for
an established mar ufacturing firm; small
capital required. N 377. Oregonian.
WANTED Good canvassers, neatly dressed
women, cltv and state; good money. Call
room 508 Merchants Trust bldg., 6th and
Washington st.
8434 Washington St.. cor. 7th. upstairs.
Phone Main 2602.
WANTED Cook for girls clubhouse at Eu
gene. Or. Address Beta Epsilon, Eugene,
Or., and state wages wanted.
GIRL for cooking and general housework ;
three in family. 734 Main, between Ford
and King streets.
WANTED Olrl for general housework;
call mornings. 1069 Thurman at., cor.
32d. Willamette Helghta.
320 Washington st.. room 307.
Main 88116 or A 3366.
Ladles Department. 2u6 Morrison st.
Phones Main 1062. A 264.
COUPLE to care for Invalid lady for small
pav; use of an acre of ground. Mrs.
Gray. Archer Place. Mt. Scott.
WANTED Nice appearing girl to help In
doctor's office. Apply between 8 and 8
P. M. 806 Oregonian bldg.
A GIRL for general housework and cooking,
no washing nor lunches; must sleep home.
212 11th st.
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
siwnalble position. Vlavl Co.. 609 Roth
child bidg., 4th and Washington.
WANTED Young woman to assist In smalt
laundry and iron. 123 16th St., south of
WANTED Competent, reliable girl for gen
eral housework; small family. Call 607 E.
Taylor or phone East or B 1028.
WANTED Woman for dishwashing and
chamber work In private boarding-house, 81
North 14th st.
EXPERIENCED woman alteration depart
ment, women's garments; good wages. Ap
ply 9 to 10 o'clock. 171 3d sf.
WANTED A bright schoolgirl to act as
companion to lady in exchange for room
and board. Phone B 2530.
WANTED Housekeeper for man with two
girls, out of city. Call this forenoon at
room L 205 Morrison st.
SCHOOL GIRL to assist in light housework;
two in family; residence in- Irvington.
T 373. Orsgonian.
LIPMAN. WOLFE A CO. require exper
ienced wrappers at once. Apply to Miss
Christ ianson. wrapping desk.
W ANTED Girl to assist with housework
and do washing; small family. Tabor
BOOK KEEPING Private lessons, 4 nights In
week; $4 per month. A 4948. Main 7862.
LADIES to make pillow tops at home; good
pay; instruction free. Call 452 Wash.
WANTED Experienced woman baker at the
WANTED Girl to assist well with general
housework. 821 6th st.
WANTED Girl to-- assist with housework.
Apply "06 Flanders st.
WANTED Cook and second girl; refer
ences. 714 Everett.
TEACHERS for Chinese mission. Apply
2tl6Vi 2d st., from 7 to 8 o'clock P. M.
GIRL to assist in housework. 681 Schuyler.
Phone East 4111.
LADIES to work for manufacturing firm;
salary and commission. N 375, Oregonian.
WANTED Experienced apprentice girl
to set type. E 368. Oregonlan.
GIRL with references for housework and
cooking; good wages, 586 Marshall st.
WANTED Girl for light general house
work. Phone Sellwood 881.
WANTED Chocolate dipper at Coffman's,
350 Washington st.
LADIES for artists mod'els work. Give
phone and address. T 870, Oregonian.
GIRL to do light housework. Phone Tabor
120 Woman for general housework. Phone
C 1259.
WANTED A second girl at 163 12th st.
ing, shorthand, arithmetic, English, any
branch. Business University, 6119 Worces
ter block, phone Main 4504.
WANTED To exchange vocal instruction for
typewriting, to be done in evenings. Phone
A 5092.
GOOD wages made by soliciting for Bon
ville's Western Monthly: references - re
quired. 415 Marquam bldg.
FIFK Teachers' Agency. Register now, $L
202 Swetland bldg. Phone Main 2410.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
ACCOUNTANT, office manager, thorough,
rapid, reliable; best local references; long
experience on credits; open for position;
would go on road part time if desired.
T 369, Oregonlan.
YOUNG man. bookkeeper and stenographer,
wishes position In any office. Phone
Woodlawn 2106, or address AC 321, Ore
gonian. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper wishes perma
nent position; knows city and can furnish
best of references. M 5170. 151 Lowna
dale st.
THOROUGHLY experienced office man de
sires a situation; no objection to leaving
city; best of references. M 367, Ore
gonlan. Miscellaneous.
AN experienced fruit tree primer who also
doee all kinds of pruning and trimming of
rose would like to do such work In Wash
ington and Multnomah counties. Address
N. B. Moulton, .Forest Grove. Or.
WANTED Situation by experienced wood
patternmaker on general machine pat
terns, in or out of city. AD 3S3, Orego
nian. m
BULGARIAN boy, 16 years old, wishes light
work in family where he can go to school,
has been 18 months In school, talks Eng
lish well. 35 N. 2d.
YOUNG man with horse and buggy desires
position, well acquainted with city. wM
work whole or half day; rates reasonable.
Phone Sellwood 737.
HOUSE and window cleaning a specialty.
Main 6573, evenings 8 to 10. Thomas
WANTED To clear 5 acres land. $50 acre;
slashed, burned, trees felled and sawed.
Phone Main 3709.
YOUNO .MAN experienced in general mer
chandise store wishes position; best ref
erences. N 380. Oregonian.
JAPANESE, younir boy. wants a position in
family to attend public school, city or
country. O. M.. 93 N. 3d.
WANTED by man and wife light Janitor
work or care of apart men ts. Phcne
Main 8280.
WANTED Position in clothing store; five
years' experience; best reference. W 371,
PRINTER Two-third man, wants position,
had experience on ada. and job work. E.
Mercer. Phone Main 9145.
EXPERIENCED shipping clerk, marker or
packer, desires position. V 372, Orego
nlan. GARDENER wants work, city or country
place; has first-class references. T 374.
YOUNG German, honest and sober, wishes
position as JanltoY,- night watchman or
night clerk. Address O SOS, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED photographer wishes posi
tion inside or outside worn. W 363, Ore-
W ANTED Contract cutting cordwood, from
5uO to 3O00 cords. 380 2d st. Phone
Main 5642.
PRINTER Experienced Job compositor, non
union, wishes employment at reasonable
wages. X 369. Oregonian
WANTED position as pony band sawyer by
experienced man. Y 352. Oregonlan.
JAPANESE employment office. 249 Couch
et. Main 652L A 4358.
YOUNG man wants position as Janitor or
any kind of work. T 367. Oregonlan.
JAPANESE and Chlaese employment agency.
310 Davis st. Main 8309, A 2997.
CHINESE boy wants to cook in family or
housecleanlng. Call bet. 12 and 3. A 5005.
JAPANESE boy wants position in morning
or evening. V 374, Oregonian.
YOUNG man wiBhes acquaintance of an in
telligent hypnotist. L 363, Oregonlan.
JAPANESE boy wishes situation as a school
boy; wages no object. X 370. Oregonian.
Bookkeeper and Stenographers.
WANTED By young lady,, position as
bookkeeper and cashier; best references.
. N 382, Oregonian.
EXCELLENT bookkeeper, fine references,
desires care small set of books, or few
hours daily work. AD 330, Oregonlan.
FOR a good stenographer, experienced or
beginner, phone Business University, Main
' 4504. Tested and certified.
THE famous Relator's Ladies' Tailoring
College Ladles, save dressmakers' bills,
make your own gowns here. We teach
Kelster's drafting aystem. 306 Stearns big.
CHILDREN'S clothes, dressmaking and mil
linery work; prices reasonable. Phones,
B 1108. E 4611. 624 E. Morrison.
GOOD seamstress would like sewing by the
day. children's outside garments a spe
cialty. Home Phone A 2993.
DRESSMAKING and plain sewing by day;
experienced. Phone Tabor 4 83.
FIRST-CLASS dressmaking at lowest prlcea
Mrs. Angeles. 242 5th and Main.
FINE hand sewing done, baby outfits.
dresses and waists. Phone c lo4.
STRANGER In city wishes to go out sewing
by day. Inquire phone 1938 Main.
RESPECTABLE, middle-aged woman, with
references, wants position to assist with
general housework; private family. N
379, Oregonlan.
HOUSEKEEPER ior two or three young
men. T 372. Oregonian.
TRAINED nurse from the East wishes en
gagements, maternity preferred; terms
reasonable. Main 5460, A 3039.
POSITION by practical nurse or housekeep
ing; can give good references. Call C. A.
S.. Tabor 78.
EXPERIENCED nurse solicits care Invalid
or sick; can leave city. Main 385.
FOR chronic Invalid or convalescent; terms
moderate. 348 Mill st. Phone Main 4931.
EXPERIENCED girl wishes position to do
second work, not less than $25. S 385,
SCANDINAVIAN girl wishes position to do
general housework In small family. H
249, Oregonian.
WANTED Position as cook by woman with
v ears' of experience in camps and hotels.
Phone A 4057.
GOOD, experienced girl wishes general
housework or second work, plain cook, $25
to $30. 208 17th, near Taylor.
GERMAN lady wishes position as cook. Ad
dress S 378, Oregonian.
GIRL wants situation, cooking or doing
general housework. 767 Savier st.
TWO Swedish girls wish work in good fam
ily. Call 450 2 2d St., mornings.
LADY wants any kind of all day work.
Call after 6 o'clock, 395 21st St., Portland
ELDERLY lady would stay with children
afternoons or evenings; references. AC
320, Oregonian.
TAILORS' buttonholes and pockets of su
perior workmanship. Phone A 1303.
WANTED Day work; references. Mrs.
Post, 51 E. 23d. Pacific E. 342.
FANCY washing and laundry done at home.
Phone Main 2660.
YOUNG woman with extensive experience
desires position as companion to care foe
invalid or child. Phone Tabor 903.
YOUNG lady from East. A-l contralto
singer, pi an 1st e. church soloist and other
engagements. K 860. Oregonlan.
COLORED woman wants day work, phone
Main 8137.
WANTED 2 good, conscientious aolicitors
to solicit subscriptions for a hospital;
must be honest and reliable and give
good bond. Address O 373. Oregonian.
TWO modern furnished housekeeping rooms
from Nov. 15 ; walking distance. West
Sicks; young couple; no children; gie
price and full particulars in first letter;
best city references given. L 369, Ore
gonlan. WANTED To rent houses, cottages, flats,
stores, offices, rooming-houses, etc. Land
lords will do well to call on Portland
Trust Company of Oregon. S. E. cor. 3d
and Oak. Phone Exchange 72
WANTED A home in the country for a boy
14 years of . age, where he can make hlm
wlf useful and go to school part of the
time: everything furnished and no salary
required. AE 323. Oregonlan.
MODERN furnished house. West Side pre
ferred, four adults; must be in good con
dition; give full particulars. M S70. Ore
gonian. HARTMAN A THOMPSON, Chamber of Com
merce, can rent your house. They have
many applications and no good house listed
with them remains long vacant.
"WANTED Room and board In private fam
ily, by young lady, walking distance of
5th and Davis; state terms. Address L. E.
care Oregonian.
WANTED Modern unfurnished house at
once. West Side. Apply 712 Marshall St.,
or phone Main 2002.
WANTED Two or three unfurnished rooms
with bath and gas, north of Broadway ;
references. W R67. Oregonlan.
WANTED A small sleeping-room with
Swedish family, by gentleman. N 383,
WANTED 3 or 4 furnished rooms or small
cottage; 8 adults, permanent; references.
AC 318. Oregonian.
WANTED A furnished room with bath
connected, ctose to Park and Washington.
S 364. Oregonian. '
WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and
shoes; we also buy household furnishings,
highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair
Deal," 62 3d st. North. Phone Main 9272.
And anything else you have to selL
Main 5655. A 4121.
WANTED to buy 2000 feet 4 or 6-lnch second-handed
wrought Iron pipe. Address
308 Davis st.
WANTED To buy good automobile run
about. Phone Main 8468 or call 293 Burn
side st.
"Pays the price" for second-hand furni
ture East 988. B 2811.
WANTED Land to clear by two experienced
young men. Write at once, G 363, Ore
gonlan. SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt
attention always given. Phone East 1067.
CLOTHING Phone M. 185183 N. 8L
Highest price paid: prompt attention.
GOOD second-hand office furniture. B 371,
Furnished Rooms.
Cor. 10th and Washington Sta.
Elegantly furnished rooms, single or
en suite; steam heat, hot and cold water
in all rooms; private baths; special rates
to permanent people. Rooms by the day,
week or month.
THE BARTON, 13th and Alder; new man
agement; newly renovated throughout; 70
outside rooms; steam heat, electric lights,
etc.; rooms $10 month up; suites with run
ning water, $22.50 to $30; elegant public
parlor; phones and baths free.
First and Morrison; steam heat, electric
lights, hot and oold water, baths free; $3
per week up; transients solicited. Phones
A 4408. Main 4861.
THE- GOODNOUGH, cor. 6th and Yamhill,
opp. P. O. ; roome by day, week or month;
elevator service, steam heat, etc. ; singles
and au i tes; $3 weekly up. Mrs. Aillson
Sc. Snyder.
293 10TH ST.
Newly furnished roome; furnace heat,
hot and cold water in rooms; plenty of
hot water all the time : free phone and
bath; popular prices; very homelike and
GAYOSA HOTEL. 892 East Stark, cor.
Grand ave.; modern, new, elevator, "team
heat; hot, cold water, private baths; $-.50
per week up; a few select houseketping
suites, furnished; gas stoves. Phone East
Seventh. Ankeny and Burnslde; in the
heart or tne city; everyunuit '-u "
finest rooms in town; an ideal Winter
home; rates reasonable; free bus to ail
Nicely furnished rooms, $2 per week up:
steam heat, hot and cold water, free baths
and phone; transients 50c, 75c and $1 per
day open all night; office and reading
room ground floor. 488-492 Washington st.
HOTEL FRANKLIN, cor. 18th and Wash
ington sta. Newly furnished throughout:
new buildings, suites with baths, hot and
cold water in every room. Phone Main
7195. Long-distance phones In all rooms.
HOTEL KENYON, 18th and Washington
Modern rooms, single and en suite; also
housekeeping; running water, private and
free baths ; rates reasonable. Pacific 496.
Washington and 17th, first-class furnished
rooms, single or en suite; all modern con
veniences; $3 weekly up. A 2647, Main 6647.
3254 13TH Elegantly furnished front room,
well heated, with bath; will board.
Phone M 6634.
THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new
furniture, telephone and baths free. 327 Vfc
Stark, corner 6th Mrs. Maud J. Eetea.
3251X 13TH Elegantly furnished front room,
well heated. with bath; will board.
Phone M. 6634.
2564 13TH ST. Nicely furnished rooms; pri
vate family; new house; every convenience;
gentlemen only.
THE COZY, 193 7th, furnished rooms, with
or without home cooking, block south
Hotel Portland.
THE ELWOOD Newly furnished; $2 to IS
wk.; also transient rooms. 343 V4 Morrison.
DOUBLE parlors and single rooms, furnace
heat, bath and phone. 226 12th.
THE RANDOLPH. 3d and Columbia, rooms;
heat, bath; 50c to $1 day, $2 to $4 week.
Hotel Royal, 108 4th, steam heated rooms,
$1.50 to $5 per week. 50c to $1 per night.
Furnished Rooms, Private Families.
WOMAN home alone nights, would give free
room to respectable lady, modern. East
Side home. Address G 3TO, uregonian.
LIGHT room, modern home. Call East 6042.
Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday or Sunday
ROOM or suite, with private family; no
other roomers; all conveniences; walk
ing distance. Main 9002.
FINELY furnished rooms, steam heated
apartment, electricity, central, cheap.
Phone A 4970,
FRONT room for gentleman, $8 month. 3S9
Alder,- near 10th.
NICELY furnished front room, 104 11th at.,
near Washington. Phone A 47S6.
NICE light room; gas, bath and phone; walk
ing distance. 107 North 17th St.
StTNNY corner room; furnace heat. bath.
542 Morrison.
GOOD room for gentleman, $10 per month;
modern residence. 528 Morrison st.
NICELY furnished rooms; steam heat and
bath; private family. 825 12th at.
FOR RENT One furnished front bedroom,
walking distance, $1.50 per week. 431 6th.
Furnished Rooms. Private Families.
FINE, large room with closet, fronts south
on street, private house, large grounds,
splendid view of heights, modern, pnone.
splendid neighborhood, easy walking dis
tance, convenient to cars, cheap (.$10 to
right party. Phone B 2537.
ROOMS private family, with use bath and
phone; would board two who could room
together. 500 Gllsan St., cor. 17th. Phone
Main 9215.
FRONT ROOM, newly furnished, to gen
tleman or two. West Park at., bet.
Burnslde and Stark sta ; reasonable.
Phone A
FURNISHED room in private home; all mod
ern conveniences; break faet given If de
sired. 20 1 Irtth. cor. Taylor.
$6 COMFORTABLE basement room, js,
bath, phone, residence district. Main 3312,
PLEASANT furnished room in new, modern
house. 188 N. 21st st.
Rooms with Board.
1 36 5 rooms. 18th and Lovejoy, modern
in everv respect, gas range, gas water
heater, linoleum, fireplace, furnace, large
rooms and closets, sleeping porch, tinted
walls, gas. electric lights, beamed ceil
ings, sunlight and ventilation ; key next
door at No. 23(K
Board and room only $30 per month.
Investigation will be a mutual advantage.
The Vallamont. West Park and YamhllL
WHEN In Portland stay at the Hill Hotel,
cor. 23d and Washington; under new man-BK-emeni;
an elegant family and transient
hotel; beautifully situated, near the City
1'ark; every modern Improvement; excel
lent table; " rafcaa reasonable.
THE GLENDORA HOTEL, 19th and Couch,
1 00m and board. $25 per month, large
grounds, baths, pool and billiard tables;
large parlor with piano all free; easy
walking distance
PORTLAND Women's Union, SOth year; rooms
with board, use of sewing -room and li
brary; Women's Exchange. Mrs. KUa Raw
llngs, 6upL. 510 Flanders st.
BOARD and room. $24 per month; bath,
phone, heat. 828 Clay, near 7th. Phone
Main 5'.63.
ROOM with hoard, suitable tor one or two,
walking distance. 41 Ella. bet. aoth and
21st st.. near Washington.
THE LIN DELL, 269 Market. Nicely fur
nished front rooms, steam heat, bath
and phcne; $2 week up; meals if desired.
THH MORRISON, 533 Morrison St., family
hotel. modern, new management, board
optional; best table board; prices moderate.
THE MARLYN, Washington and 17th, well
furnished rooms, hot and cold water
home cooking, permanent or transient.
FRONT suite and single rooms; hot and cold
water, stea m heat. Phone Main 21 1ft or
call 147 13th. .
VERY' large, comfortable room, all modern
conveniences. lth board. 459 Morrison
St., cor. 13th.
FURNISHED rooms, with board. The Oserk,
225 11th st.
ROOM 3 with first-class board at 636 Couch St.
The Sterling.
Rooms with Board, Private Families.
NEW private residence, good plain cooking,
pleasant rooms. modern convenience ;
,also two nice housekeeping roomi 6b2
East 6th st. Phone Sellwood 133.
LARGE and nicely furnished, suitable for
two. $25 eac; home cooking. 653 Wash
ington st.
FOR one or two gentlemen in private fam
ily; very desirable; choice location, close
in. Phone B 1716.
ROOM with board for two. modem, reason
able. 89 East Sth st. North. Phone East
FRONT and Hide room with board; home
cooking. Phone A 3622. 328 6th.
HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th. Columbia. 5
blocks south of Morrison, 100 feet from
Jefferson or 13th-et. carline; easy walking
distance, new, handsome brick building,
in 2. 3, 4-room family apartments; private
reception hall, steam heat, hot water,
elevator, free phone. compressed air
cleaning. Janitor service, maximum of
convenience, elegance, equipment; com
pletely furnished, ready for housekeeping;
some unfurnished; rent reasonable; ready
for inspection and to rent apartments.
IONIAN COURT Elegant 4-room residence
apartments, each having private vesti
bule and bath, steam heat, hot and cold
water, gas range, refrigerators, window
shades and screens, telephone and Jani
tor service. Apply Janitor. 18th and Couch.
W L. MORGAN, 822 Failing bldg., brand
new, beautiful 5-room, steam-heated
apartments at 2lst and Kearney; also
same at 15th and Everett; very reason
able rent. Why not have steam heat and
modern conveniences for the Winter?
Sixth and Madison.
Under new management; suites of four
and single roome, with every convenience,
furnished or unfurnished.
mon Three and four rooms furnished and
unfurnished, modern conveniences; private
phone, elevator; no children.
NICELY furniBhed 6-room apartment!
steam heat, water, Janitor service. 65.
Flanders st. References
HARRISON COURT, 5th and Harrison; un
furnished apartments of 2 and 8 room!
with bath. Phone Main 6148.
FURNISHED 4-room apartment for rent o
furniture for eale. Apartment F, 18th an
BEAUTIFUL 7-room corner apartment; everj
modern convenience; excellent location. 71(.
Johnson. A 1678.
THE MARLBOROUGH 21st and Flandergj
beautiful 5-room apartment, steam heat
janitor, tc t
BEAUTIFUL B-room apartment for rent,
12th and Columbia. "The Bralntree.
COLONIAL 6-room upper apartment, thor.
oughty modern. 660 Flanders.
THE ELMS Furnished 2 and S-room apart
ments; heat; phones, bath. 191 14th at.
7-ROOM upper flat, strictly modern; dressen.
sideboard built In. furnace, fireplace, etc
restricted district; $35 to desirable tenant
Charles Adler, 226 Lumber Exchange.
MODERN flats. H sizes, tor Tent, East and
West Sides. Portland Trust Company of
Oregon; S. E. cor. 8d and Oak. Fhon
Exchange 72.
FOR RENT 5-room flat, first J
East 8th. near Burnside; rent. $20. Kef
at D. G. Woodworth, 104 2d St.
ROOMY Strictly modern 5-room flat new.
ly tinted, very reasonable. 2U0 McMillan St.,
near Steel bridge.
FOR RENT 3-room modern flat; welkins
distanoe. West Side. M. E. Lee, 411 Cor
bett blda .
TWO strictly modern B-room new flats
magnificent view; large porches, lawns,
etc.; $25. Key next door, 427 14tb st.
FOR RENT New. modern 5-room uppei
flat, heat and shades furnished, $20 per
month. 190 Knott st.
ELEGANT 4-room flats, walking distance,
cheap for good permanent tenant. H,
H. Prouty, B 1395, 9 to 11 A. M.
MODERN 6 and 7-room upper flats. Bth and
Grant ; reasonable rent to good tenant
Wakefield. Fries A Co.. 229 Stark at.
LOWER five rooms' strictly modern; yard,
porch. 6it3 Everett, near 21st. SheehJ
Bros. Main 3072.
NEW 6-room modern flat, sleeping porch
and attic; choice location, .West Side. In
quire 175 16th st., cor. YamhllL
NEW 5-room flat, Missouri ave., near FTe
, mont, $15. Farrlngton. 416 Commercial
Club Bldg.
NEW FLATS of 6 rooms and bath, 731 to
733 Hoyt st. Apply Harris Trunk Co.,
132 6th st
B-ROOM flat, 627 Ovorton st. : rent very rea
sonable. M. E. Lee. 411 Corbett bldg.
NICE 6-room corner flat, well located. In
quire rear cottage. 230 Hall st.
328 PARK ST. Central, choice location,
good - 5-room flat. $23.
NEW 6-room flat, 739H Overton, near 23d;
choice neighborhood; porchea, yard.
Housekeeping Rooms.
2, 8 OR 4 furnished or unfurnished house
keeping rooms in modern brick, cor. 17th
and Irving ste.
41 EAST MORRISON ST. Completely
furnished housekeeping rooms, modern.