Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 04, 1908, Page 7, Image 7

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Carries Entire North and
West, With Exception
. of Nebraska.
Has Over 200,000 Plurality and
Wins Metropolis Captures All
Doubtful States Republican
House Backs Him.
fOntlnued From First W
larier cities. In these precincts the count
it M ""lock showed Taft 10.340; Bryan.
San Francisco partial returns from
K precinct, out of 300 give Taft 120.
Bryan 8Cs. Debs 144-
oiv FRANCISCO. Not. S. Theodore A.
Belt wneen at Democratic headquar
ters at 8:30 P. M. said:
"It look, as though California has gone
Repugn. Owing u the meager Return.,
however. It Is Impossible to give figure..
Fight on Guggenheim Cause Much
Scratching of Ballots.
DENVER, Nov. l-Return. T1
at Republican state headquarter, from
TO out of a total of 14S Precinct, In
this city give the Republican ?"al
nd state tickets 610 on falsht ba
lots: Democratic, 5770; scratched bal-
The1 ''Scratching In Denver was
largely on county and legislative tick
ets due to the Republican factional
fight against United States Senator
fi.mon Guggenheim. It is J
at least two-thirds of the scratched
ballots will go for Taft and that he
will carry this city.
PUEBLO. Colo.. Nov. . Thirty-one
..recincts out of 3 In the city of
Pueblo, with seven out of 29 country
precincts In Pueblo County, give
Straight Republican. 2965; -t'8ht
Democratic 3M6; scratched. 4685.
Bryan Carries Own State and City
by Decisive Vote.
LINCOLN. Neb., Nov. S. Nebraska
probably has gone Democratic by i de
cisive plurality, with not enough nrtuna
on Governor on which to make an esti
mate. Bryan has made slight gains in
country precincts and in the cities the
Democratic gain is heavy. Bryan carried
Lincoln by 600. overturning a normal Re
publican plurality of li00.
OM HA. Nov. 3. Omaha complete
gives "Bryan 10.732. Taft 10.609. S hellen
berger. Dem.. for Governor, 10.913. Shel
don. Rep., 9S76. .
FAIRVIEW. Lincoln. Nov. 3. Bryan
carried his precinct. 10 to 62 for Taft.
Taft Runs Ahead of State Ticket,
According to Dunont.
WILMINGTON, Del.. Nov. S. General
T. Colman Dupont, Rep, state chair
man, claims Delaware for Taft by 3500
plurality. He also claims the election
of Pennewell, Rep., for Governor, by
inoo. and the remainder or tne itepuo-
00. and the remainaer or ine xtctmu- i
Crowds in Front of Oregonian Building Watching
i : t , T - . i . . " -.- - .
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lion state ticket by the m fig
ures, with the possible exception of
Davis for Attorney -General, whose
election he claims by 1500.
Plurality of 120,000 Eleven Con-
gresnien Are Republican.
BOSTON. Nov. 3. The Republican Na
tional and state candidates swept the
state today and all eleven Republican
Congressmen were re-elected. Both
branches of the Legislature will be Re
publican by heavy margins. Early esti
mates Indicate a plurality for Taft of
12O.0HX The plurality of Lieutenant Gov
ernor Eben 8. Draper, Republican, for
Governor is estimated at 6O.O0O.
Republicans Carry Complete State
Ticket, Electing Five to Congress.
NEW HAVEN. Nov. 3. Taft's plurality
In Connecticut will exceed 25.000.
Lillev. Rep., for Governor, will have
over 15.0") plurality over Robertson, Dem.
Republicans carry complete stale ticket
and probably hold their usual majority
in the Legislature.
All five Republican Congressmen are re
elected. UTAH FOR TAFT . BT 20,000
Incomplete Returns Give Ohioan
Big Lead Over Bryan.
SALT LAKE CITY. Nov. $. Forty-five
election districts in Salt Lake City and
County and In Ogden give Taft 12.224;
Bryan, 8.720. Taft has probably carried
the state by 20.000 plurality. Returns so
far Indicate that the American party
tlcket was defeated in Salt Lake County
by small pluralities.
Republicans Carry One Precinct In
Fulton County, Georgia.
ATLANTA. Ga., Nov. 3. For the first
time since 187B the Republicans have car
ried a precinct in Fulton County. Bryan's
majority In Fulton County, outside the
city of Atlanta, is 160. Pickens County
gives Taft a majority of 360. ,
Senator Penrose Claims 250,000
Plurality for Republican.
PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 8. Republican
leaders claim Pennsylvania for Taft by
more than 300.000 plurality. Senator Pen
rose claims a plurality over 250,000 for
Taft In Pennsylvania.
Plurality Probably 35,000 Hadley
Beaten for Governor.
ST. LOUIS. Nov. 3. Scattered returns
indicate that Bryan has carried Mis
souri by 35.000 plurality, and that Cow
herd. Dem.. has defeated Hadley, Rep.,
for Governor by 20,000.
Democrats Carry Both Tickets.
NASHVILLE. Tenn., Nov. 3. Incom
plete returns indicate Bryan will carry
the state by the usual Democratic major
ity. The State Democratic ticket Is also
elected by a larg vote. The Congres
sional representation will be unchanged.
Taft Carries Wyoming Capital.
CHETENNE, Wyo.. Nov. S. Chey
enne, on the count of straight ballots,
has gone Democratic on Legislative
and county tickets by 200 majority.
Taft will probably have a small ma
jority In this city.
New Hampshire by 20,000.
CONCORD. N. H., Nov. 3. The Republi
can State Committee claim New Hamp
shire for Taft by 20,000.
Malne-for Taft by S 1.1 00.
PORTLAND, Me.. Nov. 3. Maine today
gave Taft an estimated plurality oi at
100. John P. 8whxt and Frank E. Gurn
sey. Rep., were chosen in the Second and
Fourth Congressional Districts, respect
ively, to fill short-term vacancies.
Bryan Sweeps Louisiana.
NEW ORLEANS. Nov: 3. Bryan
swept Louisiana today and the re
turns Indicate a majority of 40.000. All
seven Democratic nominees for Con
gress were elected.
Bryan by 00.000 in South Carolina-
COLUMBIA. S. C. Nov. 3. South
Carolina will give Bryan about 60.000
majority, while the state and Congres
sional tickets are
'Taft Gains In Mississippi.
JACKSON. Miss.. Nov. 3. Bryan carried
Mississippi by a majority of over 50.000.
The vote for Taft showed slight increase
over the Republican vote in the last Presi
dential election.
Democrats Carry North Carolina.
CHARLOTTE. N. C. Nov. 3. The
complete Democratic tcket will carry
by a majority of at 'least 30,000. The
Republican ticket made gains through
out the state.
Lose Grip In North Carolina.
RALEIGH. N. C. Nov. 3. There will
probably be a small reduction from the
Democratic majority of two years ago In
the state. The majority will probably be
about 4000.
Bryan Carries Virginia.
NORFOLK. Va., Nov. 3. The Republi
can State Committee concedes Virginia to
Bryan by 15.000 but claim a gain of one
Republican Congressman.
Usual Result In Florida.
JACKSONVILLE. Fla.. Nov. 3. The
election In Florida resulted in the us
ual Democratic majority of from 18.000
to 20,000.
Cub Leader Goes to California After
Row With Murphy.
CHICAGO. Nov. 3. Frank Chance and
his wife departed for the manager's
Winter home in California last n:ght,
leaving the breach between the Cub
leader and President Murphy unhealed.
So far as can be ascertained, no effort
has been made by either side to heal it.
The manager did not call at the club's
offices to say good-bye, and if he had
done so would not have found President
Murphy there; the" latter remaining at
his home in Oak Park on account of
Chance appeared to believe that an ef
fort would De made during the Winter
to trade him to the Cincinnati club, and
declared he would be glad to go there.
He made It plain that the next move
In the -matter would have to be made
by President Murphy.
"I would go to the Cincinnati team If
they traded me." said the Cub leader Just
before boarding his train, "but I would
not go to any other club 1n the league.
I would rather stay in California than
do that. I am going to buy an orange
grove out there right away, anyway, and
won't have to come back."
Arrested fort Counterfeiting.
NEW YORK, Nov. 3. Four men are
locked up here following a raid on a
house in Fifty-sixth street, in which the
police claim to have found a complete
counterfeit outfit and a quantity of spu
rious coins, most of them 60-cent pieces.
The men arrested give their names as
William Farlow, Henry Clark. Thomas
Ray and William Sweeney. Farlow is
said to have made a confession, taking
upon himself all the responsibility, but
the other men being found In the house,
were also arrested.
Buy Big Island Tidelands.
ASTORIA. Or.. Nov. 3. (Special.)
This morning W. F. McGregor sold
240 acres of tideland on Big Island,
at Blind Slough, to the Astoria Ab
stract Title & Trust Company for a
consideration of J5000. It Is under
stood the entire island is being pur
chased for parties whi will dike it
and thus create a valuable tract of
farming land
Notables Gather at Republican
Secretary McArthnr Informs Nation
al Committee of Oregon's Hand
some Majority Added to Taffs
Overwhelming Victory.
' There were smiles and plenty of red fire
last night at Republican headquarters:
in fact there was so much red fire that It
interfered with the flashing of bulletins
and C. N. McArthur, secretary of the
Republican State Central Committee, or
dered tills part of the Taft victory cele
bration stopped so as to give the large
crowd on the street below a chance to
read Taft is snowing Bryan under. Be
cause there were so many places over
the city that were flashing the returns
and because the weather was so perfect
outside, the crowd was small inside.
Shortly after 5 o'clock. Secretary McAr
thur received a telegram from Chairman
Hitchcock, announcing that Taft would
carry New York State and making anx
ious Inquiry about the results in Oregon.
The news that Taft had carried New York
State was received with great satisfac
tion by Secretary McArthur and he wired
Hitchcock that Oregon would give Taft
at least 20.000 and he explained that the
polls in the state did not close until 7
Only a few of the Republican leaders
stayed at the headquarters to near the
returns as they were flashed over the tele
graph instrument and by telephone. Con
gressman Ellis was among the early call
ers. Mr. Ellis was deeply Interested in
the outcome in Ohio and in New York and
when Taft bci-an to roll up his majority
in New York and throughout the state,
he expressed deep satisfaction. The vote
In Ohio, although Taft's election had been
assured by the telegraphic advices, Mr.
Ellis was anxious to see how far the state
would go. Wallace McCamant was an
other Republican who arrived at head
quarters early and stayed until all of the
excitement was over.
Out in the main room of the headquar
ters chairs were provided and among the
men seated around were a number of
women who seemed to take as much in
terest in the returns as the men. Secre
tary McArthur's voice was in fine condi
tion and during the early part of the
night he was kept busy reading aloud the
returns as they came over the wire. At
9 o'clock when the returns from the state
began to come in, he sent Hitchcock a
telegram, confirming his earlier prediction
and sent another at 10 o'clock.
E. L. Bancroft Kills Mrs. Minnie
Goodman, Then Takes Own Life.
SEATTLE; Wash., Nov. 3. (Special.)
Filled with jealous hate and rage because
she spurned his love, E. L. Bancroft,
local manager of the Amos News Com
pany,' fired two shots into the back of
Mrs. Minnie Goodman, killing her almost
instantly, and then sent a bullet crash
ing into his own brain in room No. 9
of a lodging house at 1422V4 Seventh ave
nue shortly after 10 o'clock this morning.
The murderer fired four shots in all,
thpee of which took effect. The fourth
bullet lodged In the wall at the head of
a bed. Mrs. Goodman was landlady of
the house and Bancroft was one of her
lodgers. For months he had been an
ardent and persistent suitor for her hand,
but she had spurned his advances, and
about two months ago had him arrested
for threatening to kill her. He was ta
ken before Police Judge Gordon, who
put him under heavy bonds to keep the
peace. At the time he moved away from
Mrs. Goodman's house, but several weeks
ago he went to her, begged her forgive
ness and asked to be taken back as a
pt? I 'P
m mr
ODD LACES One and Two-Pr. Lots
l-pair lot Mission Arabian Laces, at the spe-
cial, pair : V " '"S-nn
l-pair lot Irish Point Laces at special, pair.fco.UU
1- pair lot Brussels Laces at the special, pair.go.OO
2- pair lot Irish Point Laces at special, pair.$7.5J
2-pair lot Arabian Filet Laces at the so
cial, pair $10.00
Blankets, Etc
Sixth Floor
lodger again. Mrs. Goodman consented,
though against the advice of friends, who
told her that Bancroft would attempt to
make good his threat.
It was learned today that Mrs. Good
man's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Mc
Fadden. lived in Portland. They were
notified of the death of their daughter.
Gives Deputy Tip and Murder Plot
Is Frustrated.
WALLA WALLA. Wash., Nov. 3. (Spe
cial.) Through a tip given Deputy Sher
iff Claude Berry by one of the prisoners
in the County Jail here today, a plot was
discovered which it is thought had for its
culmination the murder of both Deputy
Sheriffs Berry and Floyd Haviland and
the liberty of at least 20 oX the 30-odd
prisoners now confined in the county
prison. ,
On Investigation this afternoon It de
veloped that one of the three iron chains
used to suspend the eating tabl for the
prisoners had been secretly secured and
wrapped in a cloth and placed in the cell
of J. McQuade, held on a charge of pick
pocketing. MM o the Sherlfrs office
that McQuade Intended to strike Depu
ties Berry and Haviland tonight with the
iron chain when the office would likely
have been in charge of the two, turn
most of the prisoners loose and make a
complete and safe getaway for himself.
This is the second attempt which has
been planned during the past two weeks,
both of which have been frustrated by
the "tip" from one of the inmates.
Settled in McMinmville in 1858 and
Was Prominent in City's Affairs.
M'MINiNVILLE. Or.. Nov. 3. (Special.)
William Camobell, who came to Yamhill
County In 1858, died at his home in this
city this morning, from a complication
of ailments. Mr. Campbell was a native
of the state of New York, and came by
way of the isthmus to California during
the years of the early gold excitement.
For 50 years he has been Identified with
the growth of iMcMlnnville, beginning
business here as a blacksmith and car
riagemaker. He was one of the first board of direc
tors of the McMinnville National Bank at
Its organization in 1888, and was still on
the board at the time of his death, being
one of the two surviving members of the
f I C J 1 1
Returns Which Told of Taf t s hiection
An assortment of fine window hangings comprised
of odd lots of one and two
a stocK of medium-priced
larger quantities of each pattern. Last day of sale
today in the Drapery Department Sixth Floor.
Arabian Tint Laces at the
special, pair S5
Arabian Tint Laces at the
special, pair SjSl.OO
Ivory Tint Laces at the
special, pair ?1.25
Ivory Tint Laces at the
special, pair $1.40
White Laces at the special,
pair. 1.75
1- pair lot Ivory Duchesse Laces at the spe
cial, pair 10.00
2- pair lot Art Arabian Laces at special, pr. $10.00
2-pair lot Brussels Laces at the special, pr. $12.50
l-pair lot Brussels Laces at the special, pr. $15.00
l-pair lot Thread Arabian Iaces, at the spe
cial, pair $15. OO
l-pair lot Duchesse Laces at special, pair. $15.00
Complete JHouefurrihers
first board of directors of that institution.
He owned much property in and about
this city, and served for 15 years as a
member of the City Council. He has been
a Republican since the organization of
the party, and was a man strong in his
likes and dislikes.
In 1880 Mr. Campbell was married in this
city to Miss Hattie L. Laughary, who,
.in, v,o1t. rfanirhter Pearl, and their son.
Chester, survives him. He was a member
of the I. O. O. F. and its auxiliary
branches, under direction of which order
the funeral will be held at the home to
Receipts at Corvallls Show Steady
Growth of Business.
CORVALLIS. Or.. Nov. 3. (Special.)
Postal receipts, a never-failing barometer
of the business conditions, show that Cor
vallls is on the upgrade, very decidedly.
For the month of October., 1907, the pos
tal receipts at the local office amounted
to $938. The receipts for the same month
this year total Jl.288.58, an increase of
about 37 per cent. The postal receipts
for the quarter ending September 30,
1908, show an increase of 28 per cent
over the receipts of the corresponding
quarter last year. This showing in in
line with the growth indicated in the
erection of 150 residences since January
1, 1908.
Free mail delivery will be installed here
November 15. Three carriers have been
appointed, houses are being numbered,
boxes are being placed and everything is
in readiness for the new system. Free
delivery, with a new city charter under
which much street and sidewalk paving
is to be done shortly, will place Corvallls
in the smaller city class.
Death of Chehalis. County Pioneer.
MONTESANO. Wash., Nov. 3. (Special.)
Mrs. H. Zeebuyth, a pioneer of Chehalis
County, died at her home here Sunday
morning. Mrs. Zeebuyth was born in New
York 60 years ago, going from there to
Michigan. Mr. and Mrs., Zeebuyth came
to Montesano about 25 years ago. She
leaves a husband and four children; two
daughters and two sons, three of whom
are married.
Seattle Marine Xews.
SEATTLE, Nov. 3. The steamer
Pennsylvania arrived from Valdez early
this morning with 121 passengers. The
steamer Watson arrived from San Fran
cisco this morning with a large number
- pair lots including also
laces of which there are
White Laces at the special,
Ivory Cable Net Laces at
the special, pair
Ivory Cable Net Laces at
the special, pair. . . . S2.75
Ivory Tint Laces at the
special, pair $3.50
Corded Arabian . Laces at
the special, pair 4.T5
Wood and Coal
In the Basement
of passengers and full cargo. The new
steamer Princess Charlotte, to ply be
tween Seattle and British Columbia,
left the Clyde yesterday for this Coast.
The steamer Portland shifted to Ta
coma today to discharge ore. TIih
American steamer Missourian, bringing
coal from the Atlantic Coast, is due at
Puget Sound Navy-Yard next week. Tlio
schooner ilalolo sails tomorrow for the
Alaskan halibut banks to spend tho
Winter. The freighter Meteor has
sailed from San Francisco for this port
with general cargo.
Tacoma Man Starts Fight That
Ladds Both in Jail.
TACOMA, Wash., Nov. 3. (Special.)
"You're the man who broke up my
home." With these words a email, middle-aged
man grabbed a younger man
by the collar in front of a cigar store
this afternoon and began to administer
punishment. Bystanders were unable
to separate the men, and when the po
lice arrived both were covered with
At the police station the men gave the
names of Harry Frago and F. C. Spen
cer. Frago was going down the street
with Spencer's wife when the latter at
tacked him. -
Catholic Methods Changed.
BALTIMORE. Nov.' 3 The change in
the business procedure of the Catholic
Church of this country by which it
passes from the jurisdiction of the pro
paganda fide and its bishops are placed
on the same basis as those of other im
portant countries, goes into effect today.
In future every Catholic archbishop nad
archbishop In the United States will ap
point a personal representative of his
diocese in Rome and all business to he
transacted directly with the' Vatican will
pass through his hands. The great ad
vantage of the new condition of things
will be that the business of the church
in America will be hastened.
Astoria Elks Secure Idleman. "
ASTORIA, Or., Nov., 3. (Special.)
The committee having charge of the
Elks' annual memorial services to be
held In this city on Sunday, Decem
ber 6, has perfected arrangements
with C. M. Idleman, the Portland at
torney, to -deliver the memorial address.