15 THE MOKXIXG OKEGOXIAX, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3. 190S. E IS GREAT Argentine Surplus 40,000,000 Bushels Short. ESTIMATE BY BEERBOHM Anrtrlan Crop A.o Suffer Euro pean Markets Strengthened by the Npws and Increased Demand Expected Here. With the election on day off. there bi nfu rally nothing doing In the wheat mar- kt yesterday, and prices trere nominll unchanged, bat the Indication are for considerable degree of activity a soon a the political excitement ha subsided. Th bwi of th day waa bullish and tha mar net waa very Arm. Broom halt yesterday estimated the River Plata surplus for export will be moderate. about 2.300.000 ton. Thla la equal to 82. OOO.OOO bushela, which la 40.000.000 buahela less than waa exported by Argentina las year. The New South Wales crop waa re ported to be damaged. The European mar kets wera firmer with more money bid for cargoes. Beerboh-m'e report shows that " tha dam age to the Argentine crop la greater tha waa Indicated previously and thla can, hav no other effect than stiffening all the for etgn markets aa well aa prices on thla Coast. The total world's shipments last week, aa reported by the Portland Merchants' Ex change, were 9.031.O0O buahela. aa com pared with 11.300.000 buahela In the pre ted til? week. Tha Argentine shipments were 72.000 bushels against 044.000 bushels, tha week before. The quantity on pasaage also howa a decrease, amounting last week to ga.TW.OO0 bushela compared with 32. SO0, 000 bvahels In the week ending October M, wnlte tha shipments a year ago were SI, Soo.OflO bushels. Th Merchants Exchange cables from Liverpool quoted December wheat at 7a ftwd. a gain of d over Saturday's closing. TTaI a Walla cargoes were 3d higher 7s and California cargoes 3d higher at jS7s d. w Th American markets were dull on ae count of the approaching election. Th American visible showed th expected large to rease. No business of Importance was reported at tha local office. At tha Board of Trade there waa no change from Saturday's prices ss posted. Reports from the country were that farmers everywhere were holding firm ly In anticipation of a better demand after tha election. Aa only about 20 per cent of th export crop remains unsold. It Is con sidered that the surplus will be entirely wiped out long before the season ends. Local receipts Sunday and Monday wera A rare wheat, T cars oats, lA cars barley, roao aaks flour, 1 car rye. 1 car bran and XS cars hay. Tha weekly statistics of the Merchants K.change follow: American visible supply DAMAb Bushels. Increase. Xv. J. 1M. 4H0M.O0O 2.4 21.000 -Ho. 4, JT .43.67ti.00O 1.433.000 y.nv. J, i;v.. 87.S72.000 J,(nu Nov. , !ft3 2J.Jor.000 . 1.5HH.0O0 N-tv. 7, it4 47.8.vono l.:irt".ooo Xcv. 2, 1'S .. .22. Ht(.000 ?twVO0 Nor. J. S2.20o.000 2.2i.0OO N-.v. 4, 1T01 ; . . .41. ll.rtt 4 ft A. Of 0 Nov. 3. 1900 ui.04,iix 2Mi.0 Nor. . 18&U 51.001.QO0 Week Week Week ending ending ending Oct. St. Oct. 24 Not. 2, 07. FVr Punheli. Bushels Bushels. U. King. . . 16.M2i.ooo i 9x.ooo ir.ooo.ooo Continent .14.472.000 15.S40.000 15..W0.0O0 Tal . . ..10.7P2.OOO 32 SOO.OOA RI.ROOOOO Worlds shipments principal exporting countries. fkur included Week Week Week ending ending ending Oct. Sl. Oct. 24. Not. 2, o7. From Bushels. Bushela, Bushels. IT. F. A Can 6.43.000 .12.OOrt 4.TU2.OO0 Argentina.. 72.0w 644. ono 4S.ooo Australia . . nm.ow v.ono 224.000 Tnd'a 224.000 Slft.OOO 612.0O0 Danube, Pts 712.0OO 1.34.0OO 632.000 Russia .... 1.O66.000 2,04. f0 2.544.000 Total .... 6.031.000 11.200.000 6.692.000 HOP MARKET IS QV DET. Only Ioc4 Baabseeia Reported Yeetorday Was Dose by McNetr Bros. Tha only hop business that came to light yesterday was tha purchase of 185 bales by McNeff Bros.. Including the Hyer at Hayes crop at Eugene and lots secured from Bents and Meehler, at Aurora. Th prices ranged from 6 to T cents. Trade was quiet at Salem. A California letter reported markets quiet there with some sales of Sonomas and Russian Rrrers at T and cents. Conditions in New York ar reported by the WaterTllle Times of October 27. aa follows: The long looked for rain has come at last and growers ar using every facility at hand to g their hops Into the hale. I,ast week mora nuelnese waa done at from 11 to 12 cents than at any time thla sea son, but this week the market la rather dull again. Fr the better grade of hops there is a good demand and whenever these are offered they nnd ready takera For th most part holders of the larger crops ara not In the market at present rates and even when tha baling has been com pleted they d not contemplate rushtng them onto a I2H-cent market. They are re garded as decidedly firm holders. The present dull tone of tha market Is wnat Is usually expected just previous to election and many Interested In the hop bnslnesa took for a livelier market after November . although thera is not much surety expressed of an advance In price. BANANAS REACH FRONT STREET Contrary to Expectation, tha Shipment Is tat Fine Condition. Tour cars of bananaa arrived y est erd a y and considering they were so long In tran sit, they were In Bne condition. Three cars wera ripe and one was green. They sold at the new price of 6 eenta. Four cars ara due Saturday. Graoea were In light supply and very Arm. th bet Tkays and Verdela selling at SI 23. Other fruits wera dull. .While the city business was rather quiet tha country business was very active. It is not expect ed t hat much Interest w ill be displayed In the trade today. Top Grade af Butter garc. The butter market continued firm with th beat grade of city creamery In small supply. Cheese was firm with an active shipping demand. Very Irttle poultry came In and there was soma difficulty In working off Saturday's carry-over stock. Prices wer weak. The egg market was barely steady, owing to tha large supply of Eastern eggs on hand DerUnea In Prosisiooa. A few rhangea wera made In local pro vision prices yesterday. Including half-cent declines In small hams, skinned hams, cot tage roll and shoulders and one-cent de clines la heavy short clear backs and strips. RorHpte af Produce. Produt receipts as reported by the Board of Trade: Apples. 15M boxes; huckleberries, IO boxes: grapes, 437 crates: eras berries. 1 W barrels ; pears. 1 0 boxes ; quinces, 1 box; peaches, 16 boxes; celery, g crates; onions, 43 sacks; potatoes, T5 sacks and 2 cars; tomatoes. 6 crates; btrtter. 121 cases; eggs. 63 cases. I car Eastern; cheese. 100 cases: milk. 1790 gallons: cream. 4909 gallons; clams. 46 boxes; crabs, 6 boxes; crawfish. 2 boxes; fteh. Tl boxes: oysters. n2 boxes; shrimps. 4 boxes; lobsters, 4 boxes; meat, 5 cars; hogs, 61; veal. 60; chickens. 22 cnopa; dreeaed poultry, 1225 Mirarii! ducks. 9 coops: geese. 1 coop; let- ) tuce. 6 boxes; cheat seed. 44 sacks; hope. 7 bales; coffee, 2 cars; molasses, 1 car. Bank Clearing. . Clearings of the Northwestern elites yes terday were as follower Clearings. Balances. Portland $1,256,271 $ 8 571 Feattl 1.657.246 144.42H T acorn a 077.27 51.610 Spokane 1.213.VU7 164,6i0 PORTLAND MARUTt Grain. Flow, Feed. Etc WHEAT Bluestem, 94c: club. 6c; fife. 86c; red Russian, 64c; 40-fold, 6O0; valley. so. BARLEY Feed. 2t$K.& per ton; rolled. 27.&0$ 28.60; brewing. 827. OATS No. 1 whits. $31931.60 per ton; gray, 1304? 30 &0. FLOUR Patents. $4.80 per barrel; ttialr. ta. 82. So: exnorta. S1.70: Valler. 64.46, fe-sack graham. $4.40; whole wheat. $4 65; rye $3 50. MILL.STUFFS Bran, $26-60 pr ton; mid dlings. $33; shorts, country. $31: city, $30; i:. S mill rhon. S2a HAT Timothy. Wlll.mett. V.ll.y. p.r ton: WtU.m.tt. V.jiey. ordinary. Eastern Oregon. $16.6017.50; mixed, clover. $: a, air a. Ill; alfalfa meal. :a $14 111: .3; Vegetable, anil Frail. FRESH FRUIT Apples. 60c2 per box: Daches. BacUll per uox; pears. 7ac'0 11.25 per box; crapes. 7ac&$1.25 per crate; loci concords. uv per nan . DMnei; Eastern Concords. 3Sjr40c per basket; huckleberries. 0'olOc lb.: quinces. $11.21 per box; cranberries, $10.50 per barrel; nut meg melons. $1.25 per bux; caaabas, 2n0 per pound. TROPICAL FRUIT3 Oranges, Valencia, latea. $4.CCQ4.50 per box; lemons, finrr. $4.&i'" fi.ou nar box: choice. $3.6034.00: standard. 12 75 per box; grapefruit. $404.76 per box; bananas. 5c per pound: pome granates. $l..iut2 per box; pineapples, i'ltp 2.3M Der dozen. FOTATOtS Buying price. 0cS$100 per nundrd; sweet ptatoes. lso per id. 0'"IONS Oregon. $1.25 per loO pounds ROOT VEGliTABIJCa Turnip.. $1.25 per sack; carroua, S6c; parsnips. $1.25; beets $1.25. VEGETABLES Artichokes. $1 per dos : beans. 10c per pound : cabbage. 1 V 2c per pound; caullllower. 50ct$l per doxen: cel ery, 4(IQ7ac per dozen; cucumbers, $i per box: egg plant. $2 per crate; lettuce, 75--g?$l per box; pansley. 15c pur dozen: peas. 10c per pound: peppers. $1.763 per box; pumpkins. lllic per pound; radishes, 12Se per dosen; spinach, 2o per pound; sprouts. loc per pound; squash, lio per pound; tomatoes, 50c 9 $1. Dairy, and Country Produce. BUTTER City creamery, extras, 14 015c; fancy outside creamer. 2Vjl035c per aguud; store, 17 9 20c. KOGS Oregon selects, 27ttG40c; Eastern H tyil'lc per dozen. POULTRY Hens. UHCI-'c per pound; Spring. llVt12c: ducks, old, 12iyl3bc; oung. 141 15c; geese, old, 6S9c; young. fjlnc; turkeys. I06 ISc. CHEESK Fancy cream twin; 15o per ?und: full cream tiiptetA, 15c; full cream our.g America, lAc. VEAL Kxira, Sflar- per pound; ordi nary. 797 So; heavy. So. punk ancy. tc per pouna; large. i n 6 so. FreelsloaJL BACON Fancy, 22c per pound; standard, 20c: choice, 10c; feaglish. 17 loc; strips. 13c. DRY SALT CURED Regular short clears, dry salt, 12c; smoked, 13c; short clesr bscki, heavy, dry sr.ltcd. 11c; smoked. 12c; Oregon expwrtat dry salt. 13c; smuKea, i,c HAMS 10 to 13 lbs. 15'-jc; 14 to 14 lba, 15uc: IS to 20 Ibs.i 15Wc: hams, skinned. lAHc; picnics. 10c; cottage roll, 11c; shoul ders, 11c; boiled ham, 22c; boiled picnic lc. LARD Kettle-rendered: Tlercea, 18?4e; tubs. 13c; 50s, 13Mic; 20s. 13He; 10s. 14c; 6s. 14(c; 3s. 14HC. Standard pure: Tierces, 124c; tubs. I2r,c; 50s. 12 4c; 20a. 12Sc; 10s. 13c; 5s. 13i,c; as. iaic com pound: Tierces, be; tubs. Sc; 50s. 8!ac; Sue. SSc: 10s. 8Vc; 6s. 8c EMUktu rJlcs csei tongues, emca, (ue; dried beef sets, 14c; dried beef outsides. 15c; dn?d beer inslo.s, isc: ansa Deex knuckles. 1 8c PICKLED GOODS Barrels: Purr fe.c $13; regulsr tripe. $10; honeycomb trloe, ilJ; pigs tongues. $18.50: lambs' tongues, ir.ss MEAT-? Beef. sDecials. Ill ner barrel; plate. $14 per barrel; family, $14 per barrel: pork, $21 per barrel: -brisket. $24 ner barrel: B P. beer tongues. g2W: nil snouts, $12 60; pig ears. $12.50. Bops, Wool, Hide. Etc HOPS Oregon, 1908, 7V4jViC per pound; lo7. sttc: lvtou. ltil'ic WOOL LSKItTQ ureion, average oesr, IV frl4c per pound, according to shrinkage; Valley. 15ti lc. MOHAIK Choice, lso per pouna. HIDE'S Dry hides. No. 1. lJftloc pound; Arv kin No. 1. 13c Dound: dry calfskins ifa nound: salted hides. o1.'u8c pound: salted calfskins, 120 13c pounu; green, to less. FLRa r.o. 1 Skins: star sains, aa to slxe. No. 1, each. ."10; cum, each. $ly a' badger, prime, eacn. wiuc, i, wuu, a lth bead perfect, 30 50c: house. 5920c; fox, common gray, large prime, each, 40 gj 60c; red. each. $3V5; cross, each. $5915; silver and black, each. $100 0:100; flsbera. each. $:&S; lynx, eacn, 9,.50tt mink, trlctlv No. 1. each, accordlna to sixe. $10 8; marten, dark northern, according to size and color, each, $10 15; marten, pale, ac cording to size and color, each. I2.50O4; muskrat, large, each, 129150; skunk, each, 80640c; civet or polecat, each, 50 15c; otter, for large, prime skin, each, -$6910; panther. with neaa ana ciaws peneci. iko. -w. raccoon, for prime large, eacn. auytdc; wolf, mountain, wltn beaa periect, eacn. $2 5095: prairies (coyote), (0c9$1.10; wolverine, escn, tows. CASCARA It AK 1 bniaii lota. 00; car iota. 8c per pound. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK MARKET. Prior Current I vocally on Cattle, Rherp and Hogs. tVTille local livestock prices were not rhanred yesterday, the undertone of the market was weak, particularly in cattle nnd hogs, owing principally to the rather heavy an- va s of u.rerior suck recently. 1 ne re ceipts yesterday were 195 cattle. 540 hogs and 125 lambs. The following prices were current on live stock In the local market yesterday: CATTLE Best steers. $.1.7594: medium. f8.tMT8.60; common. $3fi3.I5; cows, best. $2 758; medium. $2 Bv&2.75: common. $29 2.60: calves. $8.50C4.!W. SHEEP Feet wethers, S.tV; . mixed, $8; ewes. $2.50f2.75; lamba, beat trimmed, $49 4.25; untiimmed. $.1.50-83. 75. HOGS Best. $rVg.2A; medium, $5.2595.75; feeders, not wanted. Eastern IJveetock Price. OMAHA. Nov. 3. Cattle Receipts 3n0: market strong to 10'dM5c higher. Western teers, s:iv..ll: Texas steers. ..t7.,o; range cows and heifers. $2.5093.00: can nsrs. $1.75 9 2.60; stockers and feeders. $2 75R: calves. $3B5.T5; bulls and stage. 2 2,tt 3.2.V Hogs Receipts 3Sn: market 5 to 100 higher. Heavy. $5 7S?5.J3: mixed. $5,709 .17.-.: light. $.V.10 (i 5 75: pigs, $3.2595.25; bulk of sales. $."..2 iS R.7.V 8heep Receipts, estimated. IS.OOO; mar Itet slow to 10c lower. Yearlings, 14.25 9 : wethers. 83. 7594. 25; ewes, $3,259 ; lambs. $o'4t5.50. Dried. Fruit at New York. NEW YORK. Nov. 2 No further change ljt reported In the market for evaporated ap ples. New fancy are quoted at 8 He choice t 7H67r, prime at fit 97c. old crop at 9 6c. according to grade. Coast advices Indicate a hardening market for prunes, but the spot situation Is un changed, with quotations, ranging from 4U to ISc for California and from i to THc for Oregon fruit. Anrleots ar firm, with choice Quoted at MiSc. extra choice at 8i91c and fancy at 10Sc. Peaches remain quiet, wits choice quoted 6 9 7c. extra choice at 7Vi9 8c and fancy it flbfiHc Fupplle. of epot ralstns are comparatively light and F-astern Jobbers ans said to be sending more Inquiries to the Cosst. Loose Muscatel are quoted at 54C.-c, choice to fancy seeded at 97c. seedless at 4r6c and London laj-ers at fI.2.".ffl.o. Coffee and Sugar. 1 NEW YORK. Nov. 2. Coffee Futures at net advance of 5 to 10 points. Sale, were reported of 57.750 bsgs. Including November. December and January at 5.45. March at 4c. May at 5.S5tt.40c. June and July at 40c. September at 5.4095. 45c and October at 40 9 5 45c. ttpot coffee, steady; No. 7 Rio. v,c: No. 4 Santos. S'aC Mild coffee, dull; Cordova. 9 912f. Sugar Raw. steady: fair refinllng, f.4oc; centrifugal. On test. 1.05c; molasses sugar. 20c Kenned, quiet: crushed. $5.80; pow dered. $ 5-0. granulated, $0.10. HIGHEST OF YEAR Stock Prices Steadily Ad vanced at New York. LIQUIDATION AT AN END Traders Prepare for a Sharp Re vival of the Outside Invest ment Demand After the Election. NEW YORK. Nov. 2. The tone of 'the stock market today was reAectlve of the determination to meet the situation ater the election from the greatest possible vantage point. Prlcea were quietly and per sistently lifted during the session, some of the leading stocks selling at the highest level far the year and the average level of the active list coming to the election period not far below that. Union Pacific rose above 174. compared with 173 on Friday, when the extraordinary net earn ings Xor September were made public. The clearing up of speculative accounts on the art of the operators timid about carrying over the election, which was in evidence on Friday and Saturday, seemed to be completed, and the way was opened to an easy advance. The professional ele ment about the stock exchange Is conn dent that a further demonstration for higher prices will be made after the elec tion as an attraction to an outside specu lation and also for the advantage of the higher range for purposes of realizing. The comment of those operating on the market concerned Itself almost entirely with con siderations of this kind. The Union Pacific September earnings waa made the nominal reason for the re covery in that stock to the highest price of the year. T'tere was more or less dis cussion, however, of the effect of this favor able showing on the plans of the railroads to effect an advance in freight rates after election. Further reports for September showed gains in gross earnings of the West ern grain carrlera The heavy and early grain movement was given credit for this showing. The case of the great Eastern trunk lines waa different. The New York Central and the Pennsylvania statements for September were both given out today and both showed heavy decllnea in gross earnings and the cut In operating cost suf ficient only partly to offset this loss. The same thing waa apparent In less degree with the minor trunk lines. Copper rose again at the local metal tx change. A stock- market holiday abroad subtracted something from the day's deal ings. Bonds were Irregular. Total sales, nar value. $4,714,000. United Statea bonds were unchanged on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing Low. Bid. Sales. 21.AO0 1.8O0 loO 18,0. n 4O0 100 High. Hot, lost, 37 1, 241, 25 Amal Copper .... Am Car Foun. 42 42 103 35 23 25 10 61 10614 93 105 1.12 83 23 48 94 97 92 98 89 49 174 24 97 2l do preferred 10314 M 24 25 '50" loai, Am Cotton OH... Am Hd A Lt Df. Am Ice Securl Am Linseed OH. . Am Locomotive 5.4.0 51 u. do preferred ... 3'io loflu. Am Smelt 4 Rf ie..1oo 931- 91 44 HW 132 94 24 . 4S 9.1 14 98 T4 9.1 8 '48(i 174 24 97 208 42 7V4 l2ii 14.1 54 , MV4 42 8714 59 1, 144 irvi 29 71 3" SO', 43! 4 144"' 1.13 83 1.1i 10 'in" 63(4 24 "si 108 Vj do preferred 50O 1051 Am Sugar Ref... 1.300 13.114 Am Tobocco pf.. 2.4"4) 04 Am Woolen 200 24 Anaconda Mln Co. 1.7oo 4A14 1.7.-0 13 900 61O 500 a. 100 ' 2! 86 a. 900 4,000 200 200 4.400 1.800 Atchison ,. 13.0)10 f4t4 do pteferred ... 5 f7 Atl Coast Line... 500 93V4 Bait A Ohio 1.100 Wt4 do preferred Brook Rao Tran.. 4B, 174 7, 2.M4 874 207 43 Ts 10.1 14,1 54 3, 421, 74 .194 14714 IBS'" 29 72 .1054 31 "-4 44 i 148 14 I.1414 B 140V, 10 "io" 5.1 '4 244 'oi" 110 Canadian Pacific. . Central leather.. do preferred . . . Central of N J.. Ches A Ohio Chicago Gt West. Chicago A N W.. 42 . T 182 14.1 53 .16 V, 42 87 58 148 17 167 28 72 .10 30 43 .16 142 1.1.1 84 13 10 , 29 10 5.1 28 24 2R 61 109 39 12.1 58 81 65 82 105 40 75 85 145 26 127 85 81 34 1.1O0 C. M A St Paul. 14.1O0 C. C A St I... 1i t o!o Fuel A Iron. Colo A Southren.. 2..1O0 1.8f .100 500 8.400 ""400 100 40O 200 7,1oo 700 'soo 9 400 3.900 l.loo 700 fioo 900 4.000 100 do lt preferred, do 2d preferred. Consolidated Gas.. torn Product. Del A Hurtw-.n.... D A R Grande... do preferred . . . Distillers' Securl.. Erie . do 1st preferred. do 2d preferred . General Electric. . Gt Northern pf . . . Gt Northern Ore. . Illinois Central .. Interborough Met. do preferred . . . Int Paper do preferred ... Int Pump Iowa Central .... K C Southern ... do preferred . . . 4Art Louis A Nsshvllle 9O0 Minn A St L M. St P A S S M. 400 Aiiseourl Pacific... 2.4'tO Mo, Kan A Texas 3.ftO0 do preferred ... l.OOO National Lead ... 2.4' N Y Central 2.200 N Y. Ont A West. 1.800 Norfolk A West.. 400 North American.. h) Northern Pacific ."."O Pacific Mall .... 1.2O0 123 14 58 '4 31 851, 83 '4 lOBSi 41 7514 85 '4 148 2814 12714 95 H 81 .11 122, 66 30 85 82 lOft I4 40 74 85 145 28 126 95 81 18 4014 1.11 24 81 19 45 Pennsylvania 11. ion People s Gas 8AO P. C C St I... 1O0 Pressed S'eel Car BOO Rv Steel Spring. . 600 41V, Reading 59.900 183 132 24 81 19 48 J 29 lfi 49 73 109 118 su 44 28 .10 67 173 94 82 9fl 48 111 42 32 lin 12 28 83 69 9 Republic Steel ... 900 24 do preferred ... Rock Wand Co.. 1.700 do preferred ... 4.8O0 St L A S F 2 pf St L Southwestern loo do preferred ... IOO Sloes-Sheffield S.400 81 ti 194 48-T4 19 49 72 107 118 22 54 28 " 811 87 172 94 32 99 4T 110 42 32 'l2 28 82 M 4HS 7S ' 10914 1184 28 4 55L4 45 2814 30 174 95 33 994 48(4 111 43 8314 Southern Pacific. 82.400 do preferred .... .loo Southern Rsllway. 11. 400 r do preferred ... 8.500 Tenn Copper s.nou Texas A Pacific, l.loo Tol. St I. A West 400 do preferred . . . 0O0 Union Paclrtc O8.600 do preferred ... BOO U S Rubber 900 do 1st preferred. 200 U S Steel 4.70O do preferred ... 5.40O Utah Copper 1.700 Va-Caro Chemical. 2. 900 do preferred Wahash 200 do preferred . . . 1.500 Westlnghous Blec 8.400 Western Union ... . 400 Wheel A I. Erie.. 200 Wisconsin Central 12 28 85 69 ; 26 Total sales for the day. 648,000 share, BONDS. NETW YORK. Nov. 2. Closing quotations: r. S. ref. 2s reg.l03'N Y C G 8a... 93 do coupon. .. .104 iNorth Pacific 3s. 74 U. S. 3s reg lO0:North Pacific 4s. 102 do coupon .... 100 Isouth Psclflc 4s. 91 TJ 8 new 4s reg. 120 Union Pacific 4s. 102 do coupon. ... 121 iWlscon Cent 4s. 86 1 D Atcnison aaj es. hi 'japaneae 48 80 4 R G 4S 96; Money Exctiange, Etc. NEW YORK. Nov. 2. Money' on call steady at 191 per cent; ruling rate, 1 per cent: closing bid and offered at 1 per cent. Time loans dull and slightly firmer; 80 day. 8 per cent: 90 day. 893 per cent; six months. 398 per cent. Prime mercantile paper. 494 per cent. Sterling exchange, steady, with actual busi ness in bankers' bills at $4.4894.4810 for 60 day bills and at 14.8810 for demsnd. Commercial bill. $4.8394.83. Bar Silver 60c. Mexican dollar. 45c. Government bonds, steady; railroad bonds, irregular. PAN FRANCISCO, Nov. . Silver bar, 50c. Mexican dollars, nominal. Drafts Sight. 6c: telegraph. 7c Sterling exchange. 80 days, $4.84; sight, $488. Pally Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON, Nov. 2. Today's it- ment of the Treasury bslances in the general fund, exclusive of the $150,000,000 gold re serve, shows: Available cash balance ls?-w'2 ??? Gold coin and bullion Gold certificates 3S.4S0.313 43.571.480 Treasury Buys Silver. WASHINGTON. Nov. 2. Tie Treasury to day purchased 100,000 ounces of sliver for delivery at New York at 30,239 cents per line ounce. Dairy Produce In the Eaat. CHICAGO. Nov. 2. On the Produce Ex ehsnge - today th butter market wag steady Cresmerles 20ifi27c: dairies. 18923c. Eggs Steady: at mark, cases Included. 19 22c; firsts. 28c; prime Bret. 2.C. Cheese Steady at 12913c. NEW YORK. Nov. 2. Butter Firm. Creamery specials. 2Sc: extrse. 27927c thirds to flrsta 19926c: Western factory firsts, 19e; Western Imitation creamery firsts, 20 930c. Cheese Quiet. State full creamery spe cial. 13914c; September, small colored or white fancy. 13c; large. 12c: octooer. 12c; good to prime, 11911c; common to fair. 104rilc: skims. 2910e. Eggei Strong. Western firsts, 27529c; sec onds, 2526 POTATO RECEIPTS LARGER BUT PRICES HOLD UP WELL- AT SEATTLE. Oregon Grapes Meet With Favor in the Sound Market Move Better. -Eggs SEATTLE. Wash., Nov. 2. (Special.) The frst new navel oranges were expected In Seattle the last of the week. One car li reported shipped. Potato receipts were heavier today, re llevtng the somewhat strained condition the market. Selling prices, however, were unchanged. Dealers look for no change in quotations this week. Eggs were in oversupply In some quar ters. The demand for fresh eggs Is ported to be slowly picking up. New grapefruit is In the market, selling from f4.50 to $6. Grapes are well cleaneij up. A shipment of Oregon stock Is ex pected this evening. Oregon Concords And favor, owing to the fact that shipments have Invariably come through in good con dltion this season. The last Eastern Con cords are In. The poultry market was nearly bare all day and receipts were not sufficient to meet requirements. Heavy shipments of turkey- are expected this week. Wheat wss dull and unchanged ou the exchange today. QUOTATIONS AT SAX FRANCISCO Prices Paid for Produce In the Bay City Markets. SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 2. The following prlcea were quoted in the produce market to day: MUlstuffs Bran. $29.50931: . middlings. $33.50935.50. Vegetables Cucumbens. . 75c9-$l ; garlic. f: green pears. 698c; string beans. 699c; to matoes, .50tf?75c; egg plant, 8585c. Butter Fancy creamery, ,10c; ereamerv sec onds. '27c; fancy dairy. 28c: dairy second. 20c. Cheese New. 12912Ci Young America 14 915c: Eastern. 17c. Eggs Store, 47c; fancy ranch, 52c; Eastern. 26c. Poultry Roosters, old. $3.5094.50; young. $598: broilers, small. $39: broiler, large, $494.60.: fryers. $596.60; hen. $.1 5099; ducks, old. $495: young. $097. Wool Spring. Humboldt and Mendoclna. 15 918e; Mountain. 497c; South Plains and San Joaquin. 7fi0c; Nevada. 9fl2e. Hay Wheat, $16922: wheat and oat. $1619 20; alfalfa. $11914; stock. $14915; straw, per bale. 50-975C. Potatoes Salinas Burbanks, $1.2591.80 Oregon Burbanks. $1. 2591. 35; sweets, $1,509 1.66. Fruits Apples, choice, $1; common. 40c banana. $193; limes, $495; lemons, choice, $3.50: common. $1: . pineapples. $1.5093. Receipt Flour. &400 quarter aacks; wheat 100 cental: barley. 2.170 cental; oat. 1640 centals; beans, 26.510 sacks: potatoes, 7830 sacks; hay, 449 tons; wool, 59 bales; hides, 22O0. ' Eastern Mining Stocks. BOSTON. Nov. 2. Closing quotations; Adventure . .$ 8.87lQulncy 93 00 Allouec 37.00 .shannon 16.00 Amalgamated 80.12 Tamarack ... 78.00 Atlantic 18 00 Trinity 17.17 Cal A Hecla.66o.00 united Copper 14 .17 Centennial .. .1.'t.7T U. S. Mining. 39.00 Copper Range 77.2.". V. S. Oil 29.50 Daly West... 9.O0 Utah 38.2S Franklin 13.50 Victoria 4 75 Granby 100.00 Iwlnona 8.12 Isle Rovale.. 23 00 Iwolverlne ...140.00 Mass Mining. 6.75 fNorth Butte. . 84.25 Michigan ... 13.50 IButte Coal... 27.00 Mohawk 67 00 Nevada 18 00 Mont C A C. .40 !cal A Arlx. . . 122 75 Old Dominion 52 75 I Ariz Com 34.00 Osceola llrt.oo iGreene Can.. 10.62 Parrot 27.00 NETW YORK, Nov. 2. Closing quotations: Alice 275 iLeadvllle Con... 5 Breece 5 Little Chief 8 Brunswick Con. S I Mexican 55 Com Tun stock. 23 Ontario 3.10 do bonds 12 lOphlr 180 CCA Va 50 Istandard 180 Horn Silver SO lYellow Jacket... 40 Iron Silver 95 I Metal Markets. NEW YORK," Nov. 2. The London tin market wa higher, with spot quoted at 137 10s and futures at 1.19. The local market wa firm but quiet at 309.10.50c. Copper advanced to f62 6s for spot and 63 for future in the London market. The local market was firm and a shade higher, with Lake quoted at 18.87914c. electrolytic at 13.6291S.76c and casting at I3.37913.50c. Lead advanced to 13 10 in London. The local market was firmer and higher aleo. at 4.3594.40c. pelter was unchanged at 20 In London. Locally the market was firm and higher at 4.8594.90c. Iron was higher In the London market. No change was reported locally. New Tork Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Nov. 2. Cotton futures closed steady. November, 9.12c; December. 9.12c; January. 8.94c: February. 8.90c; March, 8.89c: May, 8.85c; June, 8.80c; July. 8.79c; August, 8.69c. Wool at St. Louie. ST. LOUIS. Nov. 2. Wool, unchanged. Territory and Western mediums, 17920c; fine mediums, 15917c; line, 12914c. Elgin Butter Market. ELGIN, III.. Nov. 2. Butter Firm at 28c. Sales for the week. 608,100 pound. Hops at London. LIVERPOOL. Nov. 2. Hope st London: Pacific Coast steady at f292 ls. Marriage License. PETERSON-WEST Adolph W. Peterson, 23. city: May West, over 18. city. DODD-MAYS William IT. Uodd. wer 21. elty: Genevieve G. Mays, over 18, city. WALKER-beknhaklit Jacob Walker. 11, city; Anna Bernhardt. 18. city. HUTCHINSON-DCNCA.N Robert A Hutchinson, 38, city; Mrs. George C. .Duncan, 40. city. ADAMS-DEMPSEY A. U. Adam. 28. city: Mary V. Dempsey. 20, city. GIGGER-UIMLtK uan Ulgger. 34. city; Katie Winner. .15. city. CLAYTON-EM MITT 1. Harvey Clayton. 68. city: Rosalia Emmltt. over 18, elty. BIDDINGS-HOLCOMB E. M. Biddings, 88, city: Je!e Mae Holcomb. 26. city. BENNETT-Jt L SUHUV , tinntous Edward Bennett. 32. city; Wlnono Belle Musgrove, 82. city. GRECNtt bum jona vutney Greenwell. 23, city: Flora McDonald. 24, city. DARLING-pilchek fean uariing. 22, Bt. John: Ethel Pllcher, over 18, city. MLNN-H AR VE 1 inoma K. ilunn. 14, city: Bessie R. Harvey. 18. city. WAI.br.N-Ll flot. tuisnuei anen, in. eitv- Wllhelmlna S'gne Lunden, 21, city. MONTGOMERY-FISHER Curtis Mont gomery. 33. city; Mary France Fisher, 22, city. HUDSON-VAUGHN James m. Hudson, 40. Chicago; Ida H. Vaughn, 40, city. Weddl.ig and visiting cards. W. O. Stnlt Co, Washington bldg., 4th and Wasa. J LISTLESS AND WEAK Traders Not Disposed to Carry Wheat Over Holiday. MARKET . LACKS SUPPORT Favorable American Weather News Offsets the Bullish Effect of Foreign Advices In the Chicago Pit. CHICAGO. Nov. 2. The wheat market was a listless affair all day and with the exception of a little firmness at the open ing, sentiment waa bearish the entire day. At the start, prices were He lower to He 14c higher. During the first few mnlutes of trading all of the opening gain was lost on selling by some holders who did not wish to hold tnelr lines over the holi day tomorrow. The market lacked any good support and prices failed to rally to any great extent from this early decline. At the close, prices were unohanged to a shade lower compared with Saturday's final quotations, with December at 99 3c& fl.00 and May at fl.OSS,. Absence of ex port demand, liberal primary receipts and continued excellent weather in thla country offset bullish advices from Argentina and Australia and discouraged new buying for long account. Favorable weather for the new crop in duced considerable selling of corn, which resulted in slight weakness, but prices at the close were unchanged for all deliveries compared with the previous close. Oa.ts displayed moderate firmness at the start, but soon eased off and continued weak the remainder of the day. Trade in the cash market was dull but prices were steady to ic higher. Cash Interests were the principal buyers throughout the day. At the close prices were HttHc lower with December at 4f?4Sc. and May at SOVsC. Provisions were rather weak at the open ing, but the market soon rallied sharply and continued firm the remainder of the day. At the close prlcea were 3ty7c to 15c higher. The business of the butter and egg ex change, will be closed tomorrow. The leading futures ranged aa follows: WHEAT. Open. High. ..1.0S 11.00 4 .. 1.0314 1.03V Low. f 9s l.OS1 .874 Close. 11.00 1.03S .97 .63i .62H .621. 4H .son 4614 Dec. May July Dee. May July Dec. May July .. .95 CORN. .. .S4 .63 H .. .24 .2S .. .62 Vs .82 OATS. .. ,4J, .454 .. .60S, .50 .. .451 .45 H MESS PORK. .S3 .its .62 .4t, 497, Jan. May . ..16.00 . ..15.63 IB 22 16.10 15.971, 15.80 18.1214 1H.0U LARD. Jan, . 9 40 . 9. ST!, 52!. 9.56 9 35 93714 9 45 May 9.521. SHORT RIBS. . 8 37!i 8.5214 8.97H . 8.50 8.6214. 8. 47U Jan. 8 56 8.60 Mav rain quotations were as louows: Flour St-eady. Wheat No. 2 Spring.' 1.03 1.05 No. 2, 92c0fl.O3: No. 2 red. fl.OOa. trl.01 Corn No. 2. 6666814c: No. 2 yellow. 7014 671c. Oats No. 2 white. 49460c: No. 1 white. 461rt;60e. Rye No. 4. 74 75c. Barley Good feeding, 62 S 52 14c; fair to choice malting. 60c. Flax seed No. 1 Northwestern, f 1.28 14. Timothy seed Prime, 63.75. Short ribs Sides tloose). I8.509.12!4- Pork Mess, per bbl.. 614.37 14 Q 14.60. Lard Per 100 lbs., 99.4214. Sides Short, clear (boxed). f. 2.198.50. Whisky Basis of high wines, $1.37. Receipts. Shipments. Flour. bbl. "Wheat, bu. Corn, bu. . Oats, bu.- . Rye. bu. . Barley, bu. .. 23.600 31,200 .. 76.000 13.500 . . 87.600 20.300 ..241,500 203.800 . . 6.000 6.500 .. (8.000 16.000 Grain and Produce at New York. VEW TORK, Nov. 2. Flour Receipt. 0992 barrels: export!, &554 barrel; market qutet and about steady. Wheat Receipts, 333,800 bushels; exports. 03,886 bushels. Spot easy. "No. 2 red. S1.08Hl-06 elevator and 91.00 f. o. b. float; No. 1 Northern Duluth, JJl.lSH f. o. b. afloat: No. 2 har5 winter, $1.10 t o. b. afloat. Owing to the holiday sentiment In wheat, the market was extremely dull all day, with a narrow ranffe of prices. At first, easier on large Northwest rebel pu, the mar ket finally rallied on covering and closed net unchanged. December closed at 91.0ft, May at 91.10H- Hops Quiet. Hides Quiet. Wool Steady. Domestic fleece, 9n32c. Petroleum Steady. Grain at San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 2. Wheat Steady. Barley Firm. Spot quotations: Wheat Shipping. $1.62 167 H per cental; milling, $1.67 3-1.70 per cental. Barley Feed. $1.401.42 per cental; brewing, fl. 40421. 45 per Cental. Oats Red, $1.50d?2 per cental; white. $1.60 1.72H per cental; block, 92.2562.00 per cen tal. Call board sales: Barley December. $1.43 (P1.44 per cental; May. 91.44 per cental asked. $1 44 bid. Corn Large yellow. $1.&1. 90 per cental. Visible Supply of Grain. NEW TORK. 4 Nov. 2. The visible supply of grain Saturday, October 31, as compiled by the New York Produce Exchange, waa as follows; Bushels. Inrreaffe. Corn - 1.221fOOO 191.O00 Oats 287.000 P2.0O0 421,000 Rye - 9S7.0OO Barley 3,W6,ouu Decrea European Grain Markets. LONDON. Nov. t. Cargoes, dull and In active buyers reserved. Walla Wlla, prompt shipment, 3d. higher, at 81m; California prompt hipment, 8d higher, at 87 tld. English country market, Cd dearer; xrrencn country markets qtriet. LIVERPOOL. Nov. 2. Wheat December, 7 Sd; March. 7s 7d; May. Ts 7a. weatner fins. Wheat at Tacoma. TACOM A. Wash., Nov. 2. Wheat Steady. MUHng Bluestem, tWc; club, lc; red, 90c Export Bluestem, P2c; club. 7c; red, 85c. ALL MAKES FOR BIG CITY One Reason for Annexation of Mount Scott District. tm-.itt.vi3. Nov. S. (To the Editor.) As a loyal portlanfler I wish to maks a ......ittoBi relative to th annexation of th. Mount Scott district. Several rea sons hav. oeen orj. .uui. o. nolle protection. Bull Run water, etc., but it seems to me that a very Important rea son has bn overlooked. 1. ., the prestlae which th publicity of large llg-ures of population stve to a city. The Federal census ot lO0 gave Portland 90.000 and Seattle 80.U00. In the meantime Seattle largely lncreasea ner area wane r-oi l .a his at least 35,000 people directly outside her limits who have the advantage of city employment and should be Included. The next Federal census will be taken In JB10 and If this outside territory is not annexed, we shall be compelled to suffer the humiliation of seeing- our position of leading city of the Northwest transferred to Seattle and our prestige as such gone. The effect cannot but work us serl.us in- ury since many persons in planning w come to tne rsorcnwesi win e dibhto iy the censna ngures ana caoose rvalue n preference to Portland by reason of the large advantage and Indicate to the in r.nillnc newcomer that Seattle is ad vancing at a .much greater rate and la iVsr1 Tf 11111 VJ-ilV1 JLAllft VVf ESTABLISHED lfSf BROKERS STOCKS - -BONDS- - GRAIN Btxocht and sold tor auh and a narKlm. private wires Rooms 201 to Investment B DURING the past twenty-six years the officers and directors of this bank 'se lected and purchased over $850,000,000 of bonds issued by governments, municipali ties, railroads and public-service corporations. 9 This bank buys such bonds for its own ac count, and at all times will consider the pur chase of original issues of bonds made by municipalities, railroads (including equip ment bonds), street railway, electric light and power, gas and water companies. 9 Pur chases of railroad and public-service corpora tion bonds are restricted to those secured by mortgage upon property having a demonstrat ed value well in excess of the bonded debt. THE trust department of the bank acts as trustee under approved mortgages of established corporations, and as trans fer agent and registrar in respect to standard issues of stocks. QThe bank also acts as fiscal, agent for municipalities and corporations. Correspondence or personal interviews invited Harris Trust & Savings Bank Organized as N. W. HARRIS & CO. 1882 Incorporated 1907 MARQUETTE BUILDING, CHICAGO, therefore more progressive and a better place to locate. I am one who believes that Portland Is the best located city on tha Coast, and that if we all work together for a Oreater Port land we shall have the pleasure .of. seeing it attain to the proud - position of the largest city of the Coast and in time. lt us nope, to be the "london of the West." E. H. COL LIS. WHAT MAD E COON CRATER? Not a Meteorite, but Explosion Un der Earth's Crust. PORTLAND, Nov. 2. To the Editor.) In Sunday's Oregonian. on page .5. section 1, there appeared under a Los Angeles dateline a story about the Coon Butte crater, near Canyon Diablo, in Arisona. which refers to this depression in the earth-' a crunt as Meteor Crater, and pays that it was f ormed " by a meteor Vhich struck the earth with such force ae to penetrate over 1W0 feet. It is a fart that this theory as to the origin of the Coon i?utte crater once held way, ut H ts also true that practically- all- the emi nent geologists of the country are of the opinion that the crater is of volcanic origin, though this fact is not even referred to by the Los Angeles correspondent, who has re vived the old theory of the meteor. By the way, he probably means a meteorite, for meteors do not hit the earth. In Salisbury's Physiography, pages 3S0 and S81. Is a description of Coon Butie crater, to gether with a picture, and it is the opinion of Professor Salisbury that the depression and the rim about it were caused by a great explosion beneath the surface, though, since there was no subsequent lava flow, it was not what might properly be called a volcano. It eeems to have been the preliminary step to a volcano, however. Mention, is also made of the matter in Chamberlain & Salisbury's Geology, and LeConte, on page &9 of his geology, eeema to favor the explosion theory. Gilbert originally advanced the meteorite the ory, but himself abandoned It after full in vestigation. One of the reasons was that it was highly Improbable that any extraterres trial body could Vpenetrate the earth'e crus over 10MV feet, for it would not be sufficiently harder than the earth to preserve its- pene trating ability. LEWIS A. M' ARTHUR. PROHIS ON JjUGHES' SIDE Candidate for Governor Asked to Throw Support to Republican. CLEVELAND. Nov. 2. Rev. A. C. GreeiBT. corresponding: secretary of the International Reform Bureau this af ternoon sent the following telegram to George E. Stockwell, Prohibition nominee for Governor of New York: "If you will throw your strength by newspaper announcement in favor of Charles E. Hughes for Governor of New York, the International Reform Bureau will, if necessary, stand ex pense to petition to replace Prohibi tion party on official ballot next year." The International Reform Bureau has been active in support of Governor Hughes in his fight against racetrack gambling. TRAVELERS GUIDE. .. a VS . . , Pt tyj .oris y-,, ,t-. . - AN IDEAL TRIP - 3N et IU.U5- so0"- ViH .Market St, San Franc.Mco, nnd R. R. Of fieri.. A vents In Portland, .or Any .Local Affenta. 204, Couch BuMng Talepho AXZSIs TRAVELERS' CCIDB. TALYi nn1 rnvnl ! I and Egypt Travelers on these tfi.OO ton Steam ships will enjoy cruises that for Comfort and Luxury are unsurpasaesl ""Caronla," Nov. 28 Calling Axeres, Madeira. OtkrUtmr, anltar, Cnm, A Feb. liWt 21, Mar. 4 VJ ,"Caronia," JaH. 7, 'fCarmama, Jan. Cal Hue at Arena, Madeira, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, Alexandria and Flua. (Fium omit ted Ftb. tl and Mar. 4.) New Twin Sciw 4 tLai-f est TrlpltswSctew Turbine afloat Fr mccmmmtdatUn and pmrticuimr ttf A TEE CUNASB STEAMSHQ CO., Ltd. New Tork, loston, Chlcss.JMljiaeae.tls. ralla.el.al, St. Lana-, Saa Francises, Tarsal ss. Msatreal. ar Laeal A tents POB1XAMJ BY., IJUHT POWER CO. CABS LEAVJC Ticket Office and Waltlng-Roooa. First axtd Alder Street FOR OTeron City 4. 6:30 A. M.. and .serf 80 minute, to and Including 0 P. M.. then 10. 11 P M. ; last car 12 mldnlgnt. Graham. Boring. Eagle Creek, Eeta eada. Caxadero, Fail-view and Trout dale 7:15. 8:13. 11:16 A. at.. 1:1. !:. 6:15. T:25 P. M. FOB VANCOUVER.' Ticket office and waiting-room Seooad and Washington street A M. 6:15-. 6:50. 7:25. 8:00. 8:80. B'10. 0:50. 10:30. 11:10. 11:50. P. M. 12:30. 1:10. 1:50. 2:30. 8:16. 8:50. 4:30, 6:10. 6:50, 8:b0. 7:06. 7:.. 8:15. 8:25. 10:85", 11:5". On Third Monday In Every afaaUj the Last Car Leave at 7 :06 P. M "Daily except Sunday- Dallr except Monday. ffamburg-Jimerican. London Paris Ilumburs;. Pretoria Nov. 7! Bluacher Nov. 14 Keteerln A.V.Nov. 12 Amerika fnew),Nor. 2. Gibraltar NaplesGenoa. S. S. Hamburg Nov. 8, Jan. 5, Feb. 16 S. S. Pres. Lincoln (via Asores) Nov. 24 S. 13. Moltke Dec. 8. Jan. 2S CSpI. cruisa) S 8 Deutprhland to Italy in 7 days.. Feb. 4 HAMBURG-AMERICAN LINE. 908 Market St., ttan Francisco and R. R, Agents in Portland. REGULATOR LINE to Tba Dalles dl! except Sunday. "Bailey Gatserf leaves Portland Monday. Wednesday and Friday at 7 A. 3d-, stopping t the principal landings. "Dalles City" leaves Portland Tuesday. Thursday and. Saturday it T A. M-. making all landings. Returning, both steamers leavt Tbe Dalles on alternate days at T A. H Phone Main 01-. or A 6112. Alder-sL doc It COOS BAY LINE Tbe steamer BREAKWATER leaves port end every Wednesday at 9 P. H. from Oak street dock, for North Bend. Marsh Odd an 4 Coos Bar points Freight received till 4 P M on day of sailing. Passenger fare, flrst olasa. 910; second-class. $7, Including berta end meals Inaulre city ticket office. Third end Washington streets, or Oak-street dock. North Pacific S.S. Ca'x. Steamililp koanoie and Geo. W. Elder sail tor Eureka, San .Francisco and Los Angeles direct every Thursdaj at 8 P. M. Ticket office 132 Third St., near Alder. Both phones, U, 1314. H. Young, Agent. SAX FRANCISCO PORTLAND S.S. CQ Onlv Direct steamer and daylight sailings From Alnsworth Dork, Portland, 4 P. M. S.S. Rose City. Nov. 6. SO. etc. S S State of California Nov. 13. From Lombard St., San Francisco, 11 A. It S.S. Slate of California, Nov. 7. S.S. Rose City. Nov. 14. 28. etc. 1. W. RANSOM. Dock Agent. Main iiHS Alnsworth Dock. M J. ROCHE. City Ticket Agent, H2 3d St Phone Main 402. A 1402. lIorcs!adeu!ibraZ