THE MORNING OREGONIAN. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1908. 16 Merchandise Purchased on Credit Today Will Go on November Account Portland Agents for Butterick Patterns and Publications Portland Agents for "Nemo" Corsets, Trefousse Gloves, Estelle. Corsets, Gossard Lace Front Corsets, Mme. Irene Corsets, EtcJStc. -uirflr "Tag Bay " at The Meier, ? Frank Store Open Tonight Until 9:30 v Greatest Values in Saturday Sole of Tod unf ths attar fof?-. 1000 Boxes of Fine Stationery 50c Values at2?c In the Stationery Department, all day today, a great advance sale of fancy Christmas Stationery, in pretty "floral boxes, linen hem stitched paper; best 00c 07 values, on sale at, the box. Flannel Gowns 1000 women 's outinjj flannel Night gowns in fancv stripes, made extra full ; resrular $1.00 and $1.25 val uer, on sale at, special. ea..75 Sale of Halloween Paper Table Sets Dennison's Halloween Paper Napkins, on sale at, the dozen.. Dennison's Pnper Lunch Sets, 1 dozen napkins. 1 dozen doilies and 1 table cloth; great special value at, set.l9 Crepe Paper, pumpkin color, 0 special value., on sale an, rolL.O Halloween Novelties for dinner fa vors. Toys, etc., on the Third Floor. Repular 3oc Postcard Albums.. 18 Women's Mixed Wool Underwear Women's mixed wool Union Suits, in p-ay and white; high neck, long sleeves, ankle length; in all yQ sizes; $1.25 values, garment. 500 garments of women's gray mixed vcoi ests; high neck, long sleeves, well made and finished; 7oc A O values, on sale at, garment."'' Women's Cashmere wool ankle-length Fants. gray and white, all sizes; best regular $1.23 values, on sale yft at this special price, garm't. Chi'dren's mixed wool gray CQ. Union Suits, best $1 values. J7v TAGDA MELP'THt BffBY HOff-. Toy Department On Third Floor. I-et us show you. Architectural Building Blocks, reg ular 'Joe values, at, the set..l8 Regular 6Vc values, the set.".50 $1.25 values, at. the set.. $1.05 Bell and Hammer Game; regular $1.30 value, on sale at. ea.1.15 The Zillograph (fame, each..39J The Came of Whirl, reg- OQ ular 50c values, at. each. aja7i 18-inch Toy Doll Trunk, regular $1.2-i value, on sale tor. .JjSl.UiJ White t-.iiameled Tea Set. $1.73 value, t-et Children's Soldier Sets, the regu lar $1.45 values, on sale at. $1.05 Complete line of Halloween Novel-' tics on sale at the lowest prices. New Toys and Novelties arriving daily. Toy Department. 3d Floor. $1.40 Child Vs Apparel 1, i -T S JX t Children's Long Coats, made of heavy flannel; colors bright red and blue, trimmed with black braid ; lined throughout ; ages 2 to 6 years; excep- CO '7tl tional vals. earm 't. .?' Misses' and children's full length Box Coat6, of fancy striped material; sleeves and collar piped with velvet; brown and red and every garment lined throughout; ages 6 to 14 years; wonderful value at SlA this price, garment. Misses' and children's Sailor Suits, made of heavy serge ma terial; blue, red and brown; the collar and cuffs trimmed with white braid: full pleated skirt; ages 6 to 14 years; marvelous values at this very Cfl low price, garment. ,PJJvJ Misses' and children's Craven ette Coats, made in plain tan, black and gray; ages 6 to 16 .years. All new, practical gar ments, well, made and finished and absolutely waterproof. A complete stock for your choos ing at, each, $5.50 to $12.00 Little children's Bearskin Coats, made in plain and curly materi als: blue and red. tan and white. Lined throughout; ages 2 to 6 years. Unusual values, on sale at, garment, $3.00 to $4.00 Misses' and children's Bath Robes on sale at very low prices. Misses' and children's Furs at lowest prices. Let us show you. 'HPIR TH BfBY A0tfz Boys'School Suits Regular $5.00 Values at $2.69 Great Saturday sale boys' School Suits, ages 7 to lb' years; all-wool materials, in dark brown, grays, fancy tweeds;' neat stripes, checks and overplaids; also plain blue cheviots ; coats made double-breasted and straight knee pants; all good school suits for boys 7 to 16 years of age. The best $5.00 val ues, your choice for today only at this remarkably low lJO (1Q price, suit see them. .P..Vi7 50c Hosiery at 1 9c Great Saturday sale of 3000 pairs of women's Hose, including gauze lisles, lace lisles, embroidered lisles; light and' heavy-weight cottons; in black, white, tan, pink, light blues, etc.; all sizes; regular values up to 1 Qj 50c a pair; on sale at, pair. Men's Underwear Unusual Saturday values in men's Winter Underwear of the best style and grades Econom ' ical men can supply their needs atajig savingTake advantage ofsale Remember the adver tised list below is Saturday only Men's heavy Cashmere Wool Underwear in natural color; nonshrinkable; all sizes in shirts and drawers; best tfcl AQk $2 values, at, the garment. .V Men 's worsted ribbed Underwear, nicely made and finished; colors blue, gray and pink; all sizes in shirts and drawers; best $1.25 values, on QC, sale at this low price, garment. 7Jl Men's natural wool heavy-weight Un derwear; all sizes, in-shirts and draw ers; $1.50 values, the garment. .$1.23 Men's natural wool heavy-weight Under wear: all sizes in shirts and drawers; the best $1.00 values, on sale at this CQg exceptionally low price, garm't. vliVC. Broken lines of men's Winter Underwear, superweight, natural and vicuna; best $1.50 values; buy all' you want of ytjc them at this low price, the garment take advantage. . Broken lines of men's Underwear in natural wool, vicuna and camelshair; best styles and grades; regular $1.50 val- yC. ues, on sale at this special low price, the garment. Men's Flannel Overshirts, light and dark patterns, all QCft sizes; regular $1.25 values, on sale at this low price, ea.. 500 boys' snake-neck Sweaters, plain and fancy j1 1 Q colorings; large assortment; $1.50 values at each. . V 1 Men'sSiiit 19 s and uvercoats $28-$30 Values at $18.85 Continuation of the Great Surprise Sale of men's I al T fc. high-class custom-made Suits and Overcoats for Saturday The greatest values in fine ready-to-wear apparel Portland men have ever had the op portunity to share in Beautiful materials, latest fashions, hand-tailored, perfect fitting suits and overcoats Take advantage of this unusual sale Men's fine custom-tailored Suits in single or double-breasted styles, hand some worsteds, cheviots and cassi meres; strictly all-wool materials in browns, olives, slate, shadow stripes, invisible plaids and checks; every gar ment perfectly tailored; best linings and findings; all sizes; $28 vals., will go today at $ 1 3.S5 Men's high-grade Overcoats in regu lar or military collar, three-quarter or 52-inch length garments; blacks, grays, checks, in worsteds and cassimeres; all new, this season's most dressy coats; handsomely tailored throughout; best linings and findings; overcoats that are equal to the best custom-made gar ments; $28 and $30 values on sale today at,ea. 1 8.S5 Men's $3.00 Hats $ 1 .95 at Each CS. Boys' Caps at 25c fear St0'8! lot of men's soft re,t Hats f j!Sr; jf all new shapes and shades; this sea- 44,1. g" - son's blocks, in black, green brown "i"7Sf: W t nd tans; all sizes; the best regular Vnalif:'' $2-5 a"d $3- V8lUeS' 1 Q1? . at this very low price, ea. .P 'w -a&lSSy 'r" Great special offering of men's and VV"- boys' Caps, Golf Caps, Etons," Yacht I ci 'W Caps, Milfords, etc., all good styles; Ifii y values up to $1.50 each, on QC. ,V sale at this special price, ea. ?C 6 to 9:30 Specials 35c BUCKLES 10c EA. RUCH1NGS AT 5c EA. Tonight, from 6 to 9:30, spe- Tonight. 6 to 9:30. .500 neck cial lot of women's Belt Buckles lengths Ruching, 13 ins. long; in pretty designs; gilt finish; white, black, blue, pink, C 2oc and 35c values, each. .10 brown and red; for, each. . HANDBAGS 39c EACH 45c RIBBON FOR 33c For tonight, .6 to 9:30, women's 2000 yards best heavy Taffeta leather Handbags, moire silk- Ribbon for hair bows, etc.; 6 lined; fitted with coin OQ inches wide; complete line of purse; best 65c values. colors; 45c values, yard.. 33 $1 .75 CORSETS AT 39c 10c 'KERCHIEFS AT 4c For tonight, 6 to 9:30, women's Tonght,-6 to 9:30, 1000 wom- white Batiste Corsets, sizes 25 en's kimono Handkerchiefs, all to 36; all good models; QQi. styles and-patterns, grand as- $1.50 and $1.75 values.'' sortment ; 10c values, each. .4 UNDERMUSL1NS AT 35c BOYS' WAISTS 18c EA. Tonight, 6 to 9:30, children's Boys' Blouse "Waists, in black Drawers, made of white Canton sateens, blue and gray cham- flannel, trimmed in a neat tor- brays; light and dark figured chon edging; 50c value.. 35 percales; ages 5 to 14 yrs.. 1S $1.50 CURTAINS 95c TROUSERS FOR $1.38 1000 pairs white and ecru Not- Men's fancy striped worsted tingham Lace Curtains, plain Trousers, neat dark patterns, in and figured centers; .50 ins. by black and white, gray and white. 3 yards; $1.50 vals., pr..9o Good styles; $2.50 vals. $1.38 REG. $1.25 SILKS 78c PICTURES 15c EACH 1500 yards of Shikii Silks, in Great special lot of new Matted gray, blue, brown and rose; 30 Pictures in large assortment; a inches wide; beautiful silks for variety of subjects; wonderful drapery purposes, fancy work, values at this price, each. .15 etc.; $1.23 values, yard..78 Picture Department, 4th Floor. Picture Bargains Special lot of Panel Pictures in colors; white mats and 2-inch gilt moldings; size 10x20 inches; $1.50 values, at this low price. ea..69 Special lot of small 10xl2-inch car bons in assorted subjects; framed in 2-inch brown molding:;; AQ great special value, each. Large lot of beautifully colored pictures, framed in 3-in. ornamen tal gilt frames; size 20x25 inches; great special values, (SI rtC at this low price, each. .P lJJ Artistic picture framing to your order at the very lowest prices. A great variety of new moldings. Our prices always the lowest. On sale in Picture Dept., 4th Floor. Men's Shoes $2.95 500 pairs of men 's box calf, gun metnl and vici Kid Blucher Shoes; double soles, wide or narrow toes; to $5 the pair; on sale. fcO QC at this low price, pair . . Roys' box calf and glazed kid Blucher Shoes; double soles and round toes; strong, serviceable shoes, well made and finished, at the following prices: 'SizesJO to 13'2. at, the pair..$l;69 Sizes 1 to iy2, for, the pair.. $1.99 EMBROIDERIES 89c A STRIP Great Saturday sale of manufactur ers' lengths of Swiss and nainsook Embroidery, Edges and Insertion, 4V2 and 5-yard" strips; very best patterns for all purposes; values in the lot up to $1.75 a strip; your choice for Sat urday only at this low price, OQ. strip take advantage of sale. -''' 20c Ribbon 12c 35c Stocks 21c 5000 yards of fine all-silk Taffeta Ribbon, full 31 2 inches wide; a full line of the leading shades; best 20c value, on sale at this 1 O special low price, the yard. 100 dozen women's Croat Stocks, white and colors; all new, pretty styles ; regular 35c values, O 1 at this very low price, ea.. 500 dozen women's and children's all pure linen Handkerchiefs, Vi inch hemstitching; full sizes; best 10c values, on sale at, each.. 5 Playing Cards at Reduced Prices Picquet Playing Cards, package. 12 Bicycle and Bee Playing 1 Qc Cards; special, the package..'' Congress Playing Cards, gilt edge, fancy backs; regular 50c values. 37? 500 and Whis.t Tally Cards, doz..8 1 1 WILL DEAL IN FUTURES rOLlCY TO BE COYriMEJ) BY BOARD OF TRADE. Only One Vo In CM Again! Mar Let in Options at Meeting ot Grain firms. The Bn.rd of Trade will continue to drml In itraln future.". The member nf the itraln department held a meet ing In the rooms of the Board yester day afternoon and decided upon this Mep. There has been some agitation lately a to whether or not the best policy would be the elimination of future trading:. The Iare araln export firms were opposed to this feature of the boards work and when. several months aa-o. tt was decided to tak. up the speculative end. the exporters ( withdrew their support from th. hoard. Sine, then the attendance has not been la rare and Interest in the board has waned. With the recent announcement that the Merchants' fcTTchanre would soon provide a sam ple market. crisis In the affalra of the Board of Trade seemed imminent and It waa decided to put the question plainly up to the members whether they wanted a future or only a cash market. Twenty-two firms were represented at the meeiliut yeaUxiU, Thfr -naj a thorough discussion of the question as to whether the trading In futures should be continued or not. and when it was put to a vote, the resolution to continue operations as in the past was carried with but one dissenting vote. Letters from 20 country mem bers on the subject were submitted at the meeting:, only three of which were opposed to a continuation of trading in time qjmtraets. While there was not much said on the subject, the Inference was .plain that the grain men present objected to being dictated to by the large ex port houses of this city. They ex pressed themselves as determined to stand by the Board and support both the cash and the future functions of the Institution. In the meantime the Merchants' Ex change is going ahead in its prepara tions and early In November will begin operations as a cash grain market. As most of the grain dealers are members of both exchanges. there Is some curiosity to see which institution they will support. The one that gets the better attendance naturally will be come the grain center of the local trade. Two grain markets cannot very well exist In one city. SATURDAY LOVE SALE. Best tl.Ti grade French kid glores, all colors, today II. JS a pair: fl. SO quality. 9nc a pair: all new 19 stock. Gloves fitted at counter. McAUen A McDonnell, Third and Morrison. Eterlr on Ezex-utive Board. H. M. Esterly. formerly prosecutor Attorney Manning, was appointed a member of the City Executive Board last Tuesday, but as he did not appear at the City Hall and take oath of of fice until yesterday afternoon, no an nouncement of the appointment was made by Mayor Lane. Mr. Esterly was In attendance at the session of the Board yesterday afternoon. ROYAL PUMPKIN PIES. The golden heart of Halloween, wholly good. Try them tonight two for two Vnions to Talk Politics. Matters of a political nature will be difcussed by the members of organized labor in this city at a meeting to be held in the Bartenders' Hall on First street at 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. This meet ing will be held under the auspices of the Central Labor Council, which decided last night that a final conference should he held by the trades unionists before election next Tuesday. Representatives of every labor union in the city are ex pected to attend the meeting, which will not be open to the public. Where Bullets Frew. David Parker, of Fayette. N. T., a veteran of the Civil War. who lost a foot at Gettysburg, says: "The. good Electric Bitters have done is worth more than lioo to me. I spent much monev doctoring for a bad case of stomach trouble, to little purpose. I then tried Electric Bitters, and they cured me. I now take them as a tonic ana thev keep me strong and welL" 50c at Wociard. Clarke & Co. drug store. - rTniir .Ptotn Ttir Bn Fa May the hobgoblins get yon and give yon the same wild ride as Tarn o'Shanter. if yon should be so foolish as to put your foot insaoe : a "x today! The good fairies will be working overtime bringing all the good people to Smith's market Keep good luck with you by passing h"r kets and corning to Smiths! Don't forget the babies today. Buy a tag, aU you grown-up folks who used to be toddlers yourselves, once upon a time. FRANK L. SMITH ME. AT CO SPECIALS At Smith's markets for the next 24 hours. Plenty for everybody up to the last minute; no running short. Halibut, fresh and fine, 4 lbs...25f All the Soup Meat you can pack home, per pound 3 5000 pounds of excellent cuts of Beef for, per pound.- - 5J All deliriously fresh and wholesome. It includes cuts suitable for brais ing, pot roasts, stewing, potpie, etc. Every Loin Steak in any of Smith's market for, per pound 10 Ths includes flatbone, tenderloin, sir loin and all such fine cuts. Milk-fed Oregon Chickens, all abso- lutely fresh, selected stock, hens and Springs the same price. .16S18 Smith's Pig Fork Sausage, not adul terated like beef trust sausage; it's made from fresh pig pork meat and mixed every hour; per lb. . .121;? Smith's masterful Veal Sausage, made from chopped veal, milk and flavor-io-g, per pound.... 121, i SIX MARKETS 44 FIGHTING THE BEEF TRUST" 226 Alder Street, between First and Second When you come to Alder street you must pas3 up the markets our opponents have opened on both sides of us. 512 Williams Avenue. 791 Mississippi Avenue. Corner Fifth and Main Streets, Oregon City. 12th St., bet. Commercial and Bond, Astoria. 253 Taylor Street, Astoria. Liver 5i Porterhouse Steaks, small and dainty, per lb 12V2 Extra large, family style Porterhouse Steaks, per lb 15 Sirloin Koast Beef, lb 10 Prime Eib Boast Beef . .10-12y2 Columbia Biver Salmon, caught fresh, three pounds for .....25 At Smith's take your choice of seven different brands fine Creamery But ter, all full weight, per square.. 65J Eggs, at, Smith's, dozen 30 Pot Boast Beef 6-7-8 Shoulder Boast Beef 8 Shoulder Beefsteak ............ ...8 Hamburg Steak, fresh each hour.lO Brisket Corned Beef Plate Corned Beef... Gd Rump Corned Beef... 8 Round Steak -. 10 Tripe 10 Beef Tongues 10 Legs of Mutton 12V2& Legs of Lamb ..15 Shoulder of Mutton and Lamb. .10i Mutton and Lamb Loin Chops.. 15 Mutton and Lamb Rib Chops... 15 Pigs' Heads 5 Pgs' Feet Pigs' Hocks 8 Shoulder Roast Pork 10 Whole Shoulder Pork. .-. isr Center Cuts Shoulder Roast Pork ,12&t Shoulder Pork Chops 12l2 Fresh Side Pork 12Vi4 Corned Side Pork 12V2 Dry Salt Pork 12Vs Spare Ribs 5J-10-12V Leaf Lard, fresh .12Va? Loin Roast Pork. 15 Loin Pork Chops 15 ... . m 1 -T ud rors venous i. Hams 17jWi Breakfast-Bacon lV;ff I Smith's pure Lard in 5-lh. pails 6o? t e tr.t "I Krf 1,'UIU Ul V CCU . .... o .4. - ri ' Breasts ot veai oj-j.wtj Veal Stew 8M0 .Shanks of Veal 6 Shoulder Roast Veal. . . . . 10 Better cuts of Shoulder Roast Veal 12V:i Loin Veal Cutlets 15 Rib Veal Cutlets 12l-i Best Rib Veal Cutlets 15 Shoulder Veal Cutlets 121 Necks of Veal ...... . . ....... . 8-10